ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW,- ROSEBURG,- OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY II, 1940. FIVE t I ' Vizi I i Rtcri Estate FOR SAI.B OH TRADE 26J acres. Klgarose. Improvements, electri city. Want small acreage near, or bouse and lot in town. Clear for clear. Value 11.000.00. J. C. Foree, Melrose Star. ' FEDERAL land uauK rarms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available at tbe National Farm Loan Office, Perkins Build ing, Roseburg. FOR SALE 6-ioom. rustic borne on North Umpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. U W. Jordan, Ullde, Oro gon. FOR SALE .Modern remodeled 6 room house. 606 S. tMne street. Roseburg. FOR SALE 13 ncros, modern house. A. F. Morris, Ride Range road. Poultry IABY CHICKS and 6-wecks-old Leghorn pullets, Wutzig's. Phone BlV.E fat.fryers. Harry Collison, 4-uiUe Beet on LHxonvllle road. OR SALE N. H.-Red pullets. E. rMi HolauAmUm'ti. Sutherlln. Work Wanted YOIJNU women, .10, -wants steady work. Hood cook and hoiisekcep ur. No nbjoctlon motherless home. Melrose Route, Ilox 16S. CABINET WORK made to order 542 N. JuckBon, Roseburg. Fuel BURN WOOD OH 8AWDUST Safe-Convenient And It costs so little. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phono 282. ALLEY OOP BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES WVbNiT wie3.NfS. 0OE MEM OP WE. WASH TUBBS j :rr y7 11 ! ( . .o 5-U ' - HECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Necessity Is the Mother 'Y M'rfi" Blo"r e C5olly mister, that C what TMey f Au. T.,s V w, j F The, vw V s WOULD BE OPEN JX FORESTRY , WE DO IS THINKIN6 KETTLE OF GETTINO -I1PWIM 1 WIRE ? S TRONQ f ' . . r- DEPACTMENt' - OL1R ,1 IS FISH ! y LATe. X ) ' WmmmmnA. FISH -UNE .' -NJ lJ'''"'' 'f s m.mujomiii,il j PmJ!li,2k' mtm. - . : . ... miW rOOT bO i Vt. v ' f . f5BKl T t n 50U'TO I J HO. JUST LOOKIWS SJ, ' m I HUH T Y PROBABUy ' I I BABWARIA W AHOUMO. THERE'S AN V s. J VOU MOT. I'rA L JTk 1-6AV TO It lag OLO PLANTA1I0W PLACE 1 ft I KUOW JUST LOOK TaTI rtw FfSHf r R CALLED THE "BW5 HOUSE.". Qf$ FOLKS l 1M6 - , aA'Na ,Y lWV VOL) CAW CROP ME 1 KL": i 4 THERE " VL liIVsA. il'sJ5FF THE?LT I 4 ''tT ? "L:.:- Rtntali 11ELTONIA, modern apartment, rurnisbed, hardwood floors, tile sinks, opposite Umpqua hotel. Reasonable. Phone 12-L. 4-HOO.M house, sleeping porch. 10.00. Adults only. Inquire 1313 Uurrison street. West Roseburg. PARTLY furnished room, suitable for batching; also furnished sleeping room. 120 W. Lane. ' VOll RENT Nicely furnished 3- room apartment. 5n:l b. Stephens street. Phone 5C5-R or 40S. I1AILEY apartments 3 rooms, bath, garage. Adults only. 117 B. Kane. MODERN 5-room house, furnishod. 420 Vista avenue. Mrs. C. II. Da vles. FOR RENT Three-room house, partly furnished, $10.00. Phone 759-K. TWO.IHIOM r-ithins. SX.Oti month. I rieer rVppk Service Htutioll. Kohlhagen Apartments. Strictly modern. Pbone 550. FURNISHED apartments for rent. Douglas Hotel. FOI RENT 2 rooms furnished. 646 South Pine. MODERN furnished upurtment. 926 S. Main. For Sale Miscellaneous f'OR SALE "Gypsy Caravan" trailer house. Almost new. Ac commodates three. Every home convenience ice box, beds, etc. Must see to appreciate. Factory price $975.00. Sucrll'lco for quick sale. Telephono 621-J. FOR SALE Four-wheel trailer Price $25.00. George IleucioM, Hnthorltn. CTrVV TO6& KU V MENl vKiO &ScJ30 WiOOT HM FOR SALE 1 used davenport and chuir, needs cleaning, $11.88. I used studio couch, as is, RXti. 1 used leather duofold, us Is, J2.88. 1 used leather duofold, new condition, $5.88. 1 used kitchen rungo, swell for I he camp. (12.U8. 1 used electric range, excellent condition. $27.95. MONTGOMERY WARD, 315 N. Jackson St. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, g(ass, trailers and auto parts, go to SARFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 523 N. Main. Phone 663. A NEW modem storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor. age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. TRADE IN your old bathroom fix tures on Word's uew low priced I sets. MONTGOMERY WARD! Plumbing Dept., phone 95. I BIG trade-In allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery . Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. WATER LILIES, 0 varlotles for ule at llrand'B on tbe highway. Charles A. Brand. A WADE drag saw. Phone 23F5. Price $30.00. Wanted IF YOU have farm produce to sell, II will he to your advantage lo reti the ItOSEDIiltG POULTRY CO., 920 S. Stephens Streot. WANTED lltils for concrete job. Hob Johnson, Yoncalla, Oregon. tilDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market. Miscellaneous THE most money for your wool I ami mohair at the ROSEIIUHO I POULTRY CO.. 920 S. Stephens I St reel. Phone 279. From Oop to Hercules, With Love doctor! ICTL . 1- Island "vVVtrti EMWE, OSffi. , ViO fetitAi TO Easy Doesn't Mind Livestock FOR SALE Buttermilk for chick en and pig feed, 2c pci gallon. Umpquu Dairy Products Co. WBANER pigs for sale. Norman Ellis, Melrose. COCKER Spaniels. Phone 386-J. Dentistry J)U NERBAS Cub When Desired Masonic Ilblg. Pbone 48S nr n W Marshall, Med. 4. Hide. Music Week Proqrcm Held at Sutiierlin SUTIIEULIN, May 11. A pro gram In observance of Music week was hold at the I. O. O. V. hall Thursday evening. May !). A large and appreciative au dience enjoyed the program as fol lows: High school girls, medley; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Edwards, song; Hetty Jean Davis, violin solo; Mrs. Yern Hulgute, solo; Editli Bratton, vocal sulo; Ednu Ruth Real and lloltts Real, violin and piano duet; Patsy Wahl, tap dance; Donald Ro bertson, Jackie and Gene Culver, song; Venettu Frnser. trumpet solo; Joyce H'olgnte, song; Mr. Trick, tulk on "Music and Life"; all, "God Bless America." YOU KNOW ITI Everybody In Douglas County knows that u change should be math; in the county board ami no other man Is heller qualified for the Job than J. P. Smlck. Year nit er year have been electing him by unanimous vote and he has han dled matters most satisfactorily. Ho is experienced, a kind, honest man no orator, but his word can always be depended upon. Is there any reason why we shouldn't make his nomination unanimous? Let's make it so! (Puid Adv. by Can yonvllle Citizens' Committee.) Justice f WELL, ( 6USIWE JTU6' 1 or- course rr aiut 60S1WESS, MISTER, BUT IF I ' t ., . - """ fvw a strifw iSi 1 sssistTSSi s3 m-W m . OTVa.vAEl OCAi v f: ' I LOOKIU', AHO CO SOME PLACE - fliP Tr i nr ate i r Locali TWT I ll A tit o 1 W DM Yoncalla Visitor Here W. W. Castor, of Youcnlla, was a liilxl- j ness visitor In this clly yesterday, j Goes to Portland J, P. Dlllnrd, owner of SI Dillard's Motor com pany, left Friday for Portland on business. UtTA rrnm A.hlnnJ I.-.,..lll- 1 Van Dyke, Ashland attorney, was J In ltophurg unending to busiuess yesterday. ' . , Undergoes Minor Operation Mrs. A. It. Groentoy. ol this clly. had her louails removed yesterday by Dr. A. C. Seuly. Applier For Bounty Raymond j j.nim, ,i iiiiui, ,t,,ll,'u LU ilium.' Clerk Itoy Agee yesterday lor bocnty on u coyote. Viritlng In Lodl Delhert Par ker, son of Mrs. Charles llealy of this city. Is In I .oil I. Cnllf., until next .Monday visiting his brother, Edwiinl Parker. Myrtle Creek Visitors Hero V. 0.' Duiinavln, It. Fate, Mr. anil Mrs. 10. V. Weaver and ('. E. Htarbuek wero among the Myrtle Creek resi dents attending to business in this city yesterday. ' Taken to Portland Mr. Iloone. lather of Dan Iloone of this city, was taken lo Port land t-iiluy tq re ceive further medical treatment, following atteulion ut tho vuturuns hospital here. viome of mv WA VOU AM' ii: h Go to Portland L. R. Chambers and Farley Goodwin have gone to Portland to pick up International logging trucks for the Goodwin and llriggs Logging Co. Candidate For Office Ray Ward, a former residont of ltoso burg, is a candidate for the office of commissioner for the city of I'oruumi, wuero ho now Is residing. Leaves For Home Mrs. J. U. Hughes left yesterday for her homo In Weed. Culif., tallowing peveral days hero attending to business and visiting Iter .sister. Mrs. Ed Buyllss. Leave For Eugene Mrs. A, A. Wilder, Mrs. J. It. Wharton. Mis. William Pembeiion, Mrs. Hurry lllldehurn. Mrs. Edgar Lewie and Mrs. Roy Del lows havo left for Eu gene lo spend the mothers' week end visiting their respective sous, Carlton Wilder. Bill Wharton, Hol me Pembeiion, Harry Hlldeburn. Jr.. Edirnr Lewis and Bob Bellows who are students at University o! Oregon. Go to Corvallls Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wells, of this city, left today tor Eugene lo spend tho Mothers' week-end with their sous, Lee and Frunk, studonts at Oregon State college. They wore accompanied bv Mrs. Puuuska. of Coos Junction, who will visit her son, Joe Noslny, also a student at O.S.C. Others from lloseliurg going to Corvallls this morning for (lie week-end i na tivities and to visit their children Included: Mrs. Jack Hart, who will be Willi her daughter, Miss Gladys; Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Jr., who will visit her daughter, Jean; Mrs. W. II. Curler, who will visit her daugh ter. Thelnia. and also In Eugene wllh her son. llruce; Mrs. l.arl Wlniherlv. who will visit her daugh ter, Francos, at Corvallls, and her son, Carl, Jr., at Eugono; Mrs. u. W. Mill-shall, who will visit her son, Tom, and Mrs. L. A. Dlllnrd, who will visit her son. Louts, .ir By V. T. Hamlin By Edgar Martin By Roy Crane NOW, TAKE THE FELLA THAT BUILT fT, F'RIWfcTAWCE.... HE UIEMT CRAZy AM' KILT HIMSELF IN THE PARLOR. THEM LAFITTE.THE PIRATE, TOOK IT OUER. EVER SIUCE, IT'S 6EEM TH' HAM6 OUT OF SWU66LERS AMD RUM-RUMMERS, UNTIL TOOAV... WEU.THEV JUST COMT LIKE FOLKS SMOOPIM' EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Don - see AN IXPERT Th firms and Individuals listsd below eaeolalli In their werk. Sat them for sxpsrt service. You sheuld profit ky their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 S. Main SL AUTO REPAIRING Alba 8pau(h's Oarage, 128 S. Btepheus street. Phono 303. Knlghl 1'nrler, coiner Douglas & Main. Body, fender work. Painting. SHEET METAL WORK ainnlger s, 444 N. Jackson 8t, FLUE CLEANING ,1. C. Bew'ey. Phono 161. LOCKSMITH Pacifio Key fler. Phono S48. Concert at Church Given High Praise One of tho outstanding features of the Music week celebration in rtoschui'K wus tha concert at thu Methodist church Monday night by the liosohiii'g Concert orchestra, under tho dlroctlon of H. A. Cans day. The urogram was given high Iiraiso by the largo audience In at tendance. Special numbers by as sisting artists wore particularly enjoyed. Those includod soprano solos by Mis ICIeannr Hosemer; violin solos by Miss Marian Church and clarinet and horn duets by Stock and Bond Averages BONDS Compiled by Thu Associated Press. May 11: . . 20 10 ' 10 lO j Kit's Ind'ls Tit's Fga. 07.O 102.7 9i.G J.r 57.8 102.8 i 'u.t 5K.B 102.8-7,lA4ff.f Katurday I'rov. day Month ago Year ago S5.r, OBJ 0.l! 1940 high .... 011,9 J(I3.;.J,S :.B:i.5 iu4o low jSISH1: 40:7 w. rfA. - i, --I r. r an ,iA.jhW'fi.1in's Ut's St'ks :fjl.m!i,', 17.8 37.9 48.5 ,' !) 17.7 38.0 '. Saturday I'rov. day Month ago 7!f"1.l r.o.6 4n.s r.2.2 48.5 ear lino ago .... ti.t 'Hi.l 36.2 high .... 7S;''1r. 40.6 1!H0 low D.5'."7.7,;'Bf.8 -New low ')''s-,'nW'!S . &itm - IT", IV I r.. i . . '- 'ssm'f Hear him over KRNR Tuesday at 4:45 p. m. Read his ttatemtnt of policy in tho Voters' Pamphlet. ' (Paid Adv.) GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebotr, 441 S. Stephens. aiso lurmiure repairios. PAFERHANGING PAINTING Paperh'ng, painting, kalsom'g, fur a. refln. Free est. Phono 149YX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric. Phone 12S. RADIO SERVICING HnrglB Hsdlo Service. Phone 1W. Lund IUdlo Service. Phono 34. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-h. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Pbone 13S-L. Paul Mahoney of Portland und Harvey Mahoney of Oakland. A reviewer writing to the News Review comments on tho program, as follows: "It has been well suld that tha city of Hoseburg and the surround ing county can boast of more musi cians than ahnoBt any other city or territory of the same size, The various musical organizations and the music produced by Uie schools, as well us the Individual musicians, proves there Is u definite taste for the best In music. - "The program by tho Hoseburg concert orchestra Indicated great faithfulness and study on tho part of the members during tho past months In preparation for the eve -ning of excellent ontertalnment." , "Eat llarbucue Sandwiches and ' Llvo Forever," C. A. Brand's on the highway. (Adv.) .oTlt; to ilimiri'nll.s In tho County Court of tho Hlato of Oregon ,for tho County of Ijouk : lll'tfte Vatter of' the Hntnte of Clar. , enee' 10, IIIUIko. IJoni-iisod.-f'.Ntotlee la heri-liy Riven tlult. tnh jUndurMlgned hiifl tuon iiipnhited executrix of t)io estiito of i.:inrom.-Q H. IHIdgo, iloc-OKseil, hy tho County Crurt of thu- Hluto of Or-'Kon tor fjoualns tJounty, and has 'lU-illflod. All pnrHiins having- rliiltiiH itKiiinst said estati) sro hoi-coy notlflcil to iii-esoiit the Hiimo, duly vni-lf;ed, ul by law roijuli-eil, tn tho untl.ii-stHn-fil lit Olioiitule, fjrogon. wllnlll bil nielithH from tho dutij hcriMif. DHted uud first published April 13, ISIt). Dtifu of lust publication May 11, V , - MAUI 13 U. ll.LtDiir-!, , , . jx..uirlx M-f.'ainant, Thompson, King A Vi'iiimI Itnliert H. Miller- Aiuei'hiin iluiilc Building, Uprt luiul. oi-cmin, Altoi'lioys lor juxouiuuk. VOTE FOR Y B. COMPTOM for nSi$Wct Attorney m E:' AROUND, TnAT S ALL fLL RISK. T. S j.X'ihI"' "Nice pol for a soap ad, Joncs." H tv.,mMay . , . I