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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1940)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1940. FIVE WIIWJ&CSSW. ' V- I'l I 1111,111,1 I 'J111 I1 HJI HLNr & IILIII V V Real Estate WHY TAKE 3 INTBltEST When you can invest at home and get 12 by buying this busi ness property close in with a gross income of 1960,00, taxes and Insurance 1130.00, depre ciation $100.00, not Income 1780.00, and yon can buy it for IG.OO0.00. J1.000.W down and bal ance reasonable terms, 6 inter est. W. A. nOOARIJ, KEAL ES TATE. PHONE 833. FEDERAL land trnnk farms. Sea sonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available nt the National Farm Loan Office, Perkins Build ing, Roseburg. l'llICEIJ TO SELL an acreB, 13 miles from city, 6 miles from small town good road, power line, school bus anddally mall. 39 acres In cultivation, II acres In ulfHll'H, 23 acres In outs uud i vetch, 2 acres family orchard nnd ffnrden good woll water, creek through place. 6-room bouse, barn, other outbuildings. $3,750.00 Jl.500.00 cash, long time on balance nt 5 Interest. Wj A. UOUAltD, REAL ESTATE, PHONE. 233. TWENTY-ACRE ranch with mod ern flairy barn and outbuildings, fi-ro'Hii Iioufo, creek bottom land. Close to town. Cheap for Im mediate cash aule. Box 825, c-o News-Review. J'llltKE 2-acre tracts, ono mile K of courthouse, $175.00 per acre. Creek through tracts. F. A. IluycH, Route 1, Ilox 10, Rose burg. FOR SALE a-room rustic homo on North Umpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. FOR SALE Modern remodeled 6 room house. 60S S. fine street. Roseburg! ALLEY OOP WASH TUBBS 'OOP, VCXJVE LAID HANDS ON "V ALLRIGHT, FOLKS, STAND BACK ) . I . ( NOW COMES MV TURrO ( ' ME FOR THE LAST TIME THIS HERCULES MUG 13 ASKIN" ( HA! JUST) V-VOU BLASTED LITTLE . Jr I NOW I'M GOING TO MOP UP V FOR MORE... SO HE'S GONNA ) WHAT x--. RUNT . 'm jfflLrf2Li1 IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Wouldn't You Know It? ' fty Merrill Blosser Iff 1fu?'s W 7791 III go back 1 (ST Are bu tub " N 1 f Iaa -tub V if You're lf Yqy guessed 1. H ,2 I I AfCEPT I'M; ?3R- THAT I WO WHO HAD HIS ITHATB RIGHT SUV WHO 60NNA TELL. 1 IT TWO FIRST ( i ll oV- Ji iM If! C00 FELLAS CAM CAR. STALLED HERE? Jrf WHO ARE YOU ? V OPERATES ME YOU HAVE TIME, BUDDY J L A WL WHEEL- fS START ASSEMB- ' A . THAT ROAD J THAT BACK , 'Smrr4i llW7miitPr'u"&yHBCAK-! lilSjr r7r 7" scraper J roao open i-m fy-T77, 'S rli MmJf' P" f.,ow s-rr y AsJ.tS f 11 J gSKy" J v fiv rS fr-io y I H&LJ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 7 7 7 By Edgar Martin Jhi'S?' ! trVMvi. V NA TO e KMI6 TWM "W ASO-C TC.JliH A. c AMf OV Plr-fc J( WOWVOVA rVb V0 tEr- M WHO S WILO SOUTHERN ? C Htt NAME ISM'T IM THE PHOWE n?lr. LOCAL CUSTOMS OFFICIALS, HE'S Au!cM IP ( BACATARIA ) 900K. HIS OFFICE IS VACAUT, 1. 1 EITHER LOCATED ELSEWHERE, OR rfl e AVI M fwOMtt THA?E WASH SAVi AUO U0T EUEM THE CUSTOM ftlK.' H6 POESM'T BOTHE WITH ICtis- ",'AV Vur u? S W- 1 V J OFFICE HAS EVER HEARD Jgk VX SJ TOMS... PR08ABLV THE LATTER ""l jJlP &S - ' 7 AT ' . g FOR SALE 13 acres, modern house. A. F. Morris, Rifle Range road. Livestock WANTED To trade Hue grade Hereford cattle for Angora goats, tony Eiiehach, Tiller, Oregon. FOR SALE Iluttermllk for chick en find pig feed, 2c pci gallon. Umpqua Dairy Products Co. WBANER pigs for Ellis, Melrose. sale. Normau COCKER Spaniels. Pbone 386-J. Wanted IF YOU have farm pnducc to sell. It will be to your advantage to see the ROSEFIURO -POULTRY CO., 920 S. Stephens Street. WANTEDHorse, to cultivate. Fordson tractor for sale. IMIIard Oarage. Dlllurd. WANTED Bids for concrete Job. , iiob Johnson, Yoncalla, Oregon. IiIDKS. Highest cash prices. Leave cars on. Douglas Market Work Wanted YOUNG woman, .10, wants steady work. Good cook mid houaekeeu cr. No objection motherless home. Melrose Houte, Box 108. CABINET WORK made to order 512 N. Jackson, Roiteburg. Fuel BURN WOOD OR SAWDUST Safe-Convenient . . And It costs so little. ROSEBURO LUMBER CO. , Pbone 282. Poultry NICE fat fryers. Harry Colltson 4 J nillns east on IHxonville road. IF HE For Sale Miscellaneous WORLD bicycle cost $60.00, like new, $37.50 cash. Factory rebuilt vacuum cleaners from $10.00 up. One DeLaval 1300 pound cream separator, motor driven, large butter chnru, IS horsepower Fair-baukB-Morso enginu, electric washor, $12.50. 530 N. Jackson. FOR SALE I used davenport and chair, needs denning. $6.88. 1 used studio couch, na is, ILSS. 1 used leather duofold, as is, $2.88. 1 used ' leather duofold, new condition, $5.8$. 1 used kitchen range, swell for the camp. $12.8. 1 used electric range, excellent condition. $27.95. MONTGOMERY WARD, 315 N. Jackfon St. FOR SALE "fiypsy Caravan" trailer house. Almost new. Accommodates- three. Every home convenience Ice box, beds, etc. Must see to appreciate. Factory price $975.00. Sacrifice for quick sale. Telephone 621-J. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass, trailers and auto parts, go , to 8ARFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, S23 N. Main. Pbone 553. A NEW mortem storage locker syBtem at Douglas Ico and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. THAI K IN your old balhroom fix tures on Ward's new low priced sets. MONTGOMERY WARD Plumbing Dept., phone 95. BIO trade-In allowance givon on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 310 N. Jackson stroet. YOUNO, gentle, Jersey bull; milk ing machine, nearly new. dies, lioerner, Melrose Itoule. Up in the It's Worth AN "IMPORTER" IS UNKMO'AIM TO"1 10CAL CUSTOMS OFFICIAL, HE'S EITHER LOCATED ELSEWHERE, OR POESV1T BOTrfeR WITH CtlS- T0KA4... PR08ABLV THE LATTER FOR SALE SATURDAY ONLY Now davenport and chnlr. Du Rai'ry Rose volour regularly, S.9S, special, $38.95. Now bedroom Bet. modern de sign, Marge mirror, 0-drawor cheat, beautiful bed regularly, $89.95, special,. $64.95. New davenport and chair. This Is a large set, modified kidney j style, deep wine velvet cover reg- many. f;i:i.:i), iu-ciai, ji.9it. New davenport and chnlr, mod- .hair in the new honey shade 1 regularly. $99.1)5, special, $64.95. MONTGOMERY WARD, 315 N. Jackson St. WATER LILIES. 6 varieties for sale at Brand's on the highway. Charles A. Rrand. A WADE drag saw. Phono 23F5. Prlco $30.00. Rentals DELTONIA, modern apartment, furnished, hardwood floors, tile ainks, opposite Umpqua hotel. Reasonable. Phone 12-L. 4-ROOM house, sleeping porch. $10.00. Adults only. Inquire 1313 Hurrison street, West Roseburg. PARTLY furnished room, suitable for batching; also furnished sleeping room. 120 W. Lane. BAILEY apartments 3 rooms, Imlh, garage. Adults only. 117 S. Kane. MODERN 5-room house, furnished. 420 Vista avenue. Mrs. C. II, Da vies. FOR RENT Three-room house, partly furnished, $10.00. Phono 759 11. TWO-ROOM cabins, SS.00 mouth. Deer Creek Hcrvlco Station. CLEAN, furnished front apart menl. B2X Soulh Pine. Air "KSOOaVc IKi 6"tTKs6 lWW ?VOVW fVSt'T W "a'e.VKiCb fOU.OMcO 1 If 1 1 IB T . a Try Jf r WT2 J - M Apartment. Phone 650. . Strfctly FURNISHED apartments for rent. Douglas Hotel. FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished. 646 Soulh Pino. MODERN furnished 926 S. Main. npartuiont. Dentistry DH NGRBAU Gat When Desired Masonic Bldg. Phone 481 Dr. O. W. Marshall. Med. K. Bldg. MisceHaneoes THE most' money for your wool and mohair at the ROSEIIIiRO POULTRY CO.. 920 S. Stophons Street. Phono 279. Lost and Found LOST Man's gold wi'lstwntch. blue rock crystal. Howard. Farm Hurcuu. NOTICE Annual meeting of Civil nond Cemetery association will bo held on grounds. May 15, at 2 p. m. Election or officers und other busi ness will be transacted. Cleanup day will be settled luter. X. A. McCulloch, Pres. Mrs. John Winslon, Socy. (udv) NOTICE OF BIDS The DoughiH County Courl will, on or beloro 10:uo a. in. Wednes day, the 22pd day or May, 1940, ro coive bids Tor 100 cords or four loot rir wood delivered at Hie Coun ty Homo. (udv) The army air corps has found In tho country as a wholo that only 20 to 25 pur eut of thoso apply ing for training In the pilot train ing program puss tho physlclal examination. SOT SCA.ME VMM ? I- IT t i pine ITW BT HE Kohlhagen modern.. Canyonville CAliYONVILLB, May 9. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Palmer and daugh ter, Sandra, of Orants Pass, visit ed Monday nt the homo of Mr. aud Mrs. Ronald Loffor. Mrs. Susie Burnett, of Oakland, spent several days last week visit ing at the home of her mother, Mrs. Barbara Hopkins. " Mnrden Shaw accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Victor Shaw, and Mrs. fra Poole visited and shop ped in Roseburg Friday. Mrs. Einmott Moyor and daugh ter, Novene. Mr. and Mrs. Dago and daughter, Llla, and Jack OareV were in Roseburg on business Sat urday. , According to vovd received hero a soil, Allen Eugene was born to Mr. and Mrs. Quy Morrlman of Grants Pass Inst weok. Mrs. Mor rlman was formerly Miss Nola Jean Slvarls, and Is well known tn this community. Ira Poole returned from Tlflor to spend the week-end at his homo, Mrs. Victor Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Biglow were In Myrtle Creek on business Tucsdny. O. C. Welkcl, of Dunsmuir, Calif., visited frlcnda hero Sunday. Mardun Shaw and Karl Mauley attended the rodeo at Eagle Point Sunday. Earl participated in some or the rlillng stunts. Mrs. N. H. Ashcraft baa been quite ill during the past week, but is now feeling somewhat Improved. . Fred Cooper and son, Hewitt, wore in Roseburg (m business Tues day. Mrs. O. I, Lewis Is now employed nt tho Greenwltch tavern, Mrs. Dick Steele Is assisting Mrs. Cioorgo McClnne ut tho Urldgo tav ern. J. D. Edwards, of Redding, visit- By V. T. Hamlin am ?iOA.. A eMAVt riMWt AVbO 9oT OCT TO e,tA T ... scavict, By Roy Crane 'I ) d sl I K. T. M. CC. V. S. f fTWT" EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something Vou Want Dan SfiE AN EXPERT The firm nd Individuals listed below speclallie In their work. Sea them for expert service. Vou should profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange sfiop. 100 S. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Epaugh'a Oarage, 128 8. Stephens street Phone 803. knight Porter, , corner Dosglas & main, xiouy, innoer worn, rainung. SHEET METAL WORK Sronlger's. Hi N. Jackioe St. FLUE CLEANIMQ J. U. Bewley. Phone US. LOCKSMITH Pscifie Key Ref. Phone 4. od with friends here during tho weekend. Opal Barton has gone to Rose burg whore she recently secured employment. .'.. livorett Paulson returned to school Monday after being absent a week on account of a aovere cold. Mrs. IJellnda Kastorday. who was nlilo to bo up and about her homo last week after a long, Ill ness, fell and Injured her hip. She was tukon by ainhulnnco to Morcy hospital whoro x-rays provod tho in jury to bo a fractured hip Joint. I for sons, Floyd und Al Kasterday, Mrs. Paul Kcklund and Mrs. J. A. Vocum of Myrtle Creek visited Mrs. Kaaterday at the hospital Tuesday. They report hor condi tion to bo qullo fnvorablo and that sho Is sotting along as well as can bo expected. Elkton KI.KTON. ilay 10 Mra. J. W. Gorman has returned, from Wash ington where she has beoii visit ing. Mr. and Mrs. Kurl Griffith wero attending to husinesa mutters in rtosehurg Woduosilny. (juy Cutllp, who was In tho hos pital at Marshfleld, was taken Mon day to a hospital at Portland. At the last report Mr. Cutllp was much Improved. Ills was caused by infection in a cut on tho knee. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Adams and (rls Haines were looking after busi ness arfafrs In Roseburg Tuesday. J. U f'oolc was attending fo busl- AUCTION SALE Roseburg Auction Market, north Roseburg, on Highway 9$, Won- ' day, May 13th, starting 11 o'clock. 100 head of heavy feeder and weaner pigs, good ones. Cattle, cows, milking stock cows, fat heifers, veal calves, young calvee, yearling bulls. Toggenberg goatsf heavy milkers. 1 two-Bottom P. and Q. tractor plow, 1 2-bottom disc plow,. 1 Falrbanke Morse windmill. Tools, miscellaneous articles. Furniture, bed, dretsere, linoleum rug, and other articles too numereue ta men tion. Lots of fruit Jars. Consign with us what you hive to self. . ANDERSON AND 8CHRICKER, Managers ' , V. hi. Sohricker, Auctioneer Haiel Sohrlckor, Clerk YICK SO HERB CO. HOURS ft) A. M. TO 6 P. M, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY Chinese herb remedlee have alleviated for disorder of goitre, stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, gland, pile, eatarrh, asthma, blood pressure, dropsy, rheumatism, eotems, stomach ulcer, and hemorrhage all disap pear. Call or Write Roseburg, Oregon 132 N. JACKSON ST. BRANCH OFFICE MEDFORD, OREOuN I! I ITT" Hold Everything! pint no. a : 1 1 "I'm uivinft you Hie arid lest or a ') fio out H1 llnd a prospect w GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 443 8. Stephens. Also furniture repairing. PAPERHANGING A PAINTING Paperh'ng, painting, kalsotn'g, furo. refln. Free est. Phone 149YX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Kluctrio. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING Hargla Radio Service. Phone 198, Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-li. REFRIGERATION SERVICE B. C, Jones. Phone 139-L. noss matters In brain Tuesday. Clooigo Jones of Washington and and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ooraollne, . of Kugene, have been visiting the home of Mr. and. Mra, W, H., Jones. Mra. Paula Anderson, df Kel logg, and Mrs. Barbara Turnowskt wore Drain and Yoncalla visitors Monday. A movement to establish a hostel at Klkton has been atartod. Mrs. ' Ida Thomas, Mrs. S. A. Ken ley, Mrs. Lena Ilossnn, W. K. Bucll and F.rnest IJ. Wade are on tho com mittee to seo about It. Tho hostel will be on tho S. A. Fenley place With Mr. and Mrs. Fonlcy looking after It. Soveral things have been donated for tho house und the com mittee would like more. The first party to use tho hostel Is expected In Juno. This la new for this nart 1 of the country but In tho east anil Kuropo lias proven vory satis factory. PORTLAND'S MM DrtffMrJtt Hotel , INVITES YOU . . . Friendly 8ervlc Honte-Llkj Rooris e Wonderful Feed ' Sensible Rates HOTEL EL 1 EtMl Broadway at Oak Pertland snlcsman, Dinwiddle ith some nioney.'f j ft 'Jr m