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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1940)
ROSEBURG NEWS.REVIEW, R0SEBUR6, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940. U.S. Capital Wars On Horde of Rats WASHINGTON WnnlPd: A riwi Plppr. The mil Ion's capital la having rat trouble . . . not the Uiwl that eunwneii during prohibition and In the rackets, either . . . just old fashioned gray ratR thnt grow big What visitors say about Stokely canneries: SO CHAN you Let T)eoul0 tAT crF thc hook! j and fat raiding the hen houses and garbage cans. Sn;o wVTcrmm entitles run as high aa 400,1100 for Wash Inglnn'B rat pnpnlallnn, hut the ai'lentlflo fellowa pooh-pooh that figure, guess that there are not nioro limn 1110,000 to 200,000. No matter what the number, the rapllal has declared a blitz krieg on the rodents. Platoons of rat-hunters are being organized In several sections of the city anil, umlergulilance of men who know their rat poison, starling a light ning war of extermination that should hy early summer make tho city completely ratless. neason for rise of the rats Is simply that Washington Is an old city. Scattered between the islands of new housing developments and new buildings are thousands of old hniiRes that dato back 40 to 70 years. SEVEN Enjoy canned foods put up in r kitchens spotless as your own Clean? Sanitary? You should see these canneries! After each batch of vegetables and fruits goes through, the machin ery is bathed with live steam. Every day, thefloors, tables andbenchesget a vigorous scrubbing. Everything's kept spotless. Just one more reason why it pays to look for the Stokely label when buying canned foods. Alt ofSlektly'i Tiitttt Feed htar this ttal tf appnvtd t ra ittmt including: ttgrtablet fruitt MftwJ tbilitauct tomato juite grapifruil jttict Around the County SUTtlETtMN, Mny 8. Mr. nnl Mtft. Goebel Fisher ami children Kpent Saturday at Curtin with Mrs. Fisher's parents. Mrs. Alice McCormack shopped and attended to business In Rose- burg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Applewhite and small daughter, Mary Hold, of Aiimirn, California, nre spending a wenk or ten days with Mrs. Apple' white's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murk Jordan. Miss Colleen McCormack, dangli ter of Mr. and Mrs. Illaine McCor mack, was returned to her homo Saturday from Mercy hospital where she was taken because of an attack of appendicitis. Miss Colleen is recuperating very satis luctoriiy. Mrs. Dick Valentine, of Altadena, Calif., and Mr. mid Mrs. Arthur Austin of IZoseburg visited at the Alva Manning home east of town Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and Douglas Parazoo had a head-on collision on the corner of Central avenue and Calapooia street last Saturday afternoon. All occupants of the two cars received minor in juries. Mr. and Mrs. Hen Dick nnd son, of Portland, visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holgate. The two women are sisters. Several local business men al fended Hie turkey dinner given by re EUie'i right and Borden it proud of (lie responsibility of bringing audi good milk to Borden's plant. Borden's it happy to evaporate and to Irrutiiate it there. Quick to ship it to your grocer, each can Identified by the familiar Borden label. Do plan to stock up today several cans I For Elsie, for Borden' and for you the pleMiire will be moo-tual! IP IT'S iBoid&toi IT5 fll TO BE GOOD A Northwest Product the Oakland Development club at . Oakland Monday night. The pur-1 nosp of the dinner wnn to ilemrm- ' strate new ways of serving turkey I anil to assist In the campaign to reduce the surplus. 1 he Fair Oaks grange is spon soring a dance at the Community hall Saturday night. Dick Firman's orchestra furnishing the music. Will J. Ilayner, editor or the Sutherlln Sun, has been unable to be In his office the last few days uue to Illness. Mrs. Leslie Chapman of Drain I visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle French. Miss Helen Allen Is assisting In 'he post office during Postmastcr Frnnk O. voungji illness. Mrs. Ernest Archambeau nnd in fant son, Larry Lowden. returned ! home Sunday from Mercy hospital. ! W. II. Redhead of Portland, and I Mr. and Mrs. Vlrl Dennehoff of ' San Francisco, stopped for a short j visit nt the Kilgnr Shirley home , Tuesday while en route to Orantsi Pass. Mr. Itedhead is Mrs. Shirley's futher, while lira. Ilennehnff Is a sister. The many friends of Mrs. F. L. Young will be glad to hear she Is able to he up and on crutches after . several weeks In bed with a broken hip. Frank Florlnna was a business visitor in Roseburg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Horner have moved into the Holgate house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Les Heberly. Mrs. Hill Garslil of Gaston Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Wnhl, unil family. Tlertha Wash., Glide CLinn. May 8. Miss Finney loft for Orvllle, Sunday. She plans to visit with relatives for the summer. Mrs. fiene Puckett has been vis Ming with Mrs. Barbara Orr in Roseburg since Friday. Mrs. Puck ett plans to ntlend the barbecue to be hold nt the E. A. Rrltton home In honor of the 4-H club lend ers. She will return Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox, a for mer Dnptlst minister, visited Sim- lay at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. J. R. rienhnm. Rev. Cox gave a short devotional talk following the sermon nt the Ilaptlst church Sun day night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cox left for McMinnville early Monday morning. A baseball game between Myrile Creek nnd Olide was played Fri day afternoon. The score was 4 to 1 in Myrtlo Creek s favor. Dorothy Puckett was crowned Queen Dorothy the fourth by Da vid Asam, the student body presi dent, at a May day program on tho high school grounds last Friday. Her attendants were Wanda Moore. Hope Miles, Ilernlce Weav er, Leone Simpson, Thais Wood and Louise Boise. The flower girls were Jean Ann McCormick and .loan Tlllotson. The train bearers were Dolly West and Buddy Mill- Trie crown bearer was Billy ; Strnder. A proRram roiioweci tne coronation during which the flllde orchestra made its first : public appearance. It was just organiz ed this semester. Following the morning services next Kunnny at tne umie -nnsi- an church n potluck dinner will ho held In honor of Mothr's day. At two o'clock H. A. Cnnnday nt Roseburg will give a talk on tem pernnce. . II ! B.! Dredging Bids Sought PORTLAND. Ore., May 9. Bids will be opened nt tho United States district engineer's office June 4 for dredging of 1.600,000 yards of ma terial from the Umpqua river at and below Reedsport to provide turning basin 600 feet wide and 1000 feet long, and a channel 200 feet wide for a distance of eight miles. Channel and turning basin will he 22 feet deep. M-J-B WHY? "It was worth getting lost to find out..." I'm not one to get tost in the mounuins, but I wu lost Ibis time, all right. My wife kidded me about for getting my Boy Scout training, but it wu no joke to me. It wu getting duk and we were tired and hungry. Just then we Hw the light oft campfire through the trees. "Wre uvedl" I shouted. 2 As we approached, we could smell bacon cooking and the wonderful aroma of coffee. They turned out Co be swell people welcomed us with opea arms and poured us each a cup of hot coffee, the best I ever tasted. "How do you make such wonderful coffee?' asks the wife. (Imagine discussing tookhtg when you've just been rescued I But that's the way the is.) MJB'i RICHER ROAST gives you RICHER FLAVOR Drip or Regular Grind F tr drip tr Un nffit nalm 3 "H'i no trick," Ufl the lady who's doing the cook ing. Ton tee, I use M'J-B. la Richer Rout takes the gamble out of coffee-making his fine flavor no miner what method you use." Asd that's the ttofr of why we switched to M J-B. It wu worth getting lost to fad out. Cop;. l!HJkr M I BC-). PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, MAY 10 THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 11. CHOCOLATE DROPS OR MONSTER GUM DROPS Lb. 15c TOMATO JUICE STRICTLY FANCY Large 4 6-01. can , 15c WHITE MAGIC BLEACH Finest grade, Vj-gallon jugs 15c y4 We HAVI All THE MAKINGS I FOK ANY KIND rou CH00SE V I HAIN Q FANCY 1 WE RESERVE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Oregon's Own White Satin, 10 lb Tall Cans, Cherub...1 Powdered Sugar 3 .b 19C Vanilla 14C Wesrag Imir., 8 01. Softasilk Cake Flour kZ 25C Syrup v2ib 15 c Eggs Grade A Large iA 2 doi fl SUGAR MILK CHEESE RAISINS H Bft am aim mm m m 1 winn bniim Shredded 43c 5c 15c 17c No.l-2Tin . . . . .HV Wheats 15 AND , FRYING CAN 15C CAFl 39C WHITE KING TOILET SOAP Coos Maid, No. I Quality, lb. Thompson's Seedless, 41b For. 10c CAMAY TOILET SOAP, Bar 5c OXYDOL Larg PKg. 15c LIFEBUOY POTATOES Klamath No. 2, 50 lb. 55c NpWPEAS 10C NEW POTATOES 175 LETTUCE Cr Fancy large head mW CARROTS 1 AP 5c 5c SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS BACON ,bsT:"!: 15ic Beef Roast Fancy No. 1 steer i if A beef. 'lb 142C Pure Ground Beef 15C Lamb Chops 19C Bar . 5c SNOWDRIFT 3-lb. can 3 bunches . RADISHES or Green Onions, 2 bunches BANANAS Lb -. , STRAWBERRIES LuwtST PRICE IN TOWN Salad Dressing CASCADE, 4 4fc Quart far A1V Sandwich Spread LUNCH BOX, ffA I Quart jar JC Y Freshly ground, lb Tender and juicy, lb. Picnic cuts, lb Pork Roast 14!ic Minced Ham 19C Halibut 17!ic Bologna, Headcheese or Liver Sausage, lb Fresh ocean caught, lb NO DELIVERIES ' And we pan the laving on to you. Theie extremely low prices made possible through elimina tion of all unnecessary overhead expense such as delivery, cred it, etc. Over 600 prices reduced Come in and see these new low prices today. EDWARDS COFFEE Lb. Can 39C Lb. Can 21C AIRWAY COFFEE NOB HILL COFFEE , Lb. bag 12; 3-lb. bag ......35ti Lb. bag 18; 2-lb. bag .... .35 DDE AH Juli L" Wrlht' nerer y. 12-lb., 2 FOR . 25c KRAFT CHEESE K l8!:. 29c lie 12c No. 3 lint ..... ID A DEED HIT Qlenalre, n IkJ Country Home, Fancy No. 2 tin . TOMATO JUICE KTor 25c RIPPLED WHEAT 2pkgs 19c TOMATOES K1:.' Vor 29c SUNBRITE ccA.NS.ER: 4c SPAM 12oi. can DEVILED MEAT V, 3 FOR . HOT SAUCE 3 cans frT& CI AICC Albert, 3 PKGS. U A I UIITC Oregon Ungraded, 2 LB. . TAUr LUNCH MEAT, IAP1VJ 12-01. tin, 2 FOR HONEY Light Amber, S LB. SALAD OIL L. 19c 10c 10c 19c 19c 45c 39c 23c Mayonnaise PIEDMONT, 4t Quart iar 3M.K 11 ivy x i i i A t ti r l x va