ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG", OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 9, IV40. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER P. N. Q. CLUB HAS MEETING FRIDAY SITTIlKni.lN, Mny 0. Thfi Paul Nollu firiind oluli held tlltir re B"lr inonr h mpotliiK Krlilay, May 3 In tlie IndKR hall Willi Mid. Chul lotto Parker as Iiohu-ks iiHHlxterl by -Mm. MabM Rush. A delirious luncheon wan nerved at one o'clock after which May bankets were ex changed and the regular order of bUKlneKs whs taken care of. Those attending were: Mrs. Michelle Flannery. Mrs. Pearl Hand and Mrs. Margaret Medley of Oakland, Mrs. Until Manning, Mrs. Kiln W'egner. Mrs. Hell Cook. Mrs. Snvllla llamber. Mrs. Henry fiargft, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs. Min nie Hartshorn, Mrs. Serepta Sauc ernian and Mrs. Maude Vogeliohl a guest. Mrs. Parker, hostess, ami Mrs. Ross. MRS. RIGGS HOSTESS TO SEW AND SO CLUB SI'THi:ni.l., May n. Mrs. Richard KIkkh was a charming hostess Tuesday afternoon, May 7, when she entertained the Sew and So club at her home on Will ntnette street with a delicious 1:40 afclor-k dessert luncheon. Mrs. L. . Robertson and .Mrs. IJrittnin Slack each won a table prize of .a potted petunia plant. The members present were: Mrs. U. D. Robertson, Mrs. Lloyd Cameron, Mrs. Vern Holgate, Mrs. liritlain Slack. Mrs. Frank Sparks. Mrs. Jack Culver, Jr., .Mrs. Clifford Homer, and the guests: .Mrs. Mau rice Vogelpohl. Sutherlin, Mrs. J.eo Sparks, Oakland, and Mrs. Ole Hunch of W'endllng, and the hos tess, Mrs. Riggs. MRS. SMITH HOSTESS TO PINOCHLE CLUB AZAI.KA. May 9. Mrs. . Henry Smith entertained her pinochle club Tuesday with a lovely one o'clock dessert luncheon. Guests Included Mrs. Halbert Booth. Mrs. John Feldmlller. Mrs. Juke Fisher, Mrs. Warren Hazen, Mrs. Rodney Smith, Mrs. Frnnkle Schroeiler and the hostess, Mrs. Smith. During the pleasnnt afternoon of pinochle MrB. Iloolh received the high scoro prize, Mrs. Feld miller second prize and Mrs. Smith mid Mrs, Schroeiler each winning table prizes. MR. AND MRS. TROZELLE ENTERTAIN AT DINNER RUTIIERUN, May 9. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trozelle entertained ut their home Monthly evening. May 0, with a dinner in honor of Mrs. Harry Chenowelh's birthday. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chenoweth, and son, Tommy,-Mr. John Maloy, Miss Paul ine Trozelle, Hilly Trozelle and Mr. and Mrs. Trozelle. Parkinson's "Food For Sale" Right food plus right prices plus right service equals your ideal snapping piace THIS STORE. Prices Friday and Saturday May 10th and 11th PRODUCE PEAS I reckon they'll be advertised plenty low We'll meet advertised prices. LETTUCE Large, fresh, fancy heads, 2(t 2 heads - ORANGES Large, 4fkA 2 dozen 47 STRAWBERRIES Plenty of fancy locals (we hope). GOOD VALUES FLOUR Drifted Snow, tit: $1.69 FLOUR Kitchen 49-lb. bag .. $1.45 MILK Oregon fCft tall tins, 4 tins SUGAR AQ 10-lb. bag 4 7 (Regular price), CORNED BEEF Art Swift's 12-ox. tin ....All IE ROAST BEEF 41 A Swift's, 12-oz. tin .... CHEESE Hi qual- 4 tin ity, lb L It PEAS Merrimac, No. 2 tin, 15e value, 4Crt 2 for AH GREEN BEANS Festival, 2 tins X9V CRACKERS Cos- 4 frt cade, 2-lb. box X7 CLOROX- Vj -gallon jug AJv PUREX- 4 Vj -gallon jug 17V COFFEE Golden eA West, lb. tin 47 We Deliver 323 W. Cass Phone 24 DIXONVILLE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Dale Hatfield ant Mrs. Grov er C. TiHon entertained the Dixon vllle five hundred club ut the Uix ouvllle hall Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded for high scores to Joh'n Fox uml Carrie Dix on and consolation prizes were awarded' to Mrs. Hottsten and Mr. Carey. Today's Pattern A GAY YOUNG PRINCESS ORESS PATTERN 445,1 Tho "deb-age'' set has always given Its first vote to the neat, un cluttered' look o'r a princess style. You'll like the willowy lines of Fat tern 4453, by Anne Adams. The curve of the seams as they reach the top are not only Knurei'ul, but! they eliminate any darting through the buslline, doing all the neces sary fitting themselves. Bright buttons "strung" along the scums accent the lines. A crisp collar, perhaps in contrast with frilled edges, adds a becoming, fresh touch, though n equally attractive version shows a scalloped neckline and dainty flower or rlblion trim Let the Sewing Instructor speed ; your stitcheH. Pattern 4453 is available in jun ior miss sizes 11, 12, KJ. 14. 15, 10 and 17. Size 13 takes 33 yards 39 inch fabric and yard contrast. Send FIFTEKN CENTS (15c) in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME. AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Send your order to the News-Review, Pattern Department, Rose burg, Oregon. SYNOrPtft AN'SM'AT. PTATSMKNT Of th KAST ASI V1:ST INSCIIANCH COMPANY of Nw Hiivon. In Hi Slate of Conner! I cut. "n the tliirty-rirst il.iy or normbcr. 19:9. ma.lo to ibt Insur nnre CommffHuner of tho Stats of Oregon, pursuant to Ptw; CAPITAL Amount et capital Block pal J up J!,000.0"i0.00 I SCO SIB Net premiums receive J Jur- InR thfl enr $ fl0.723.92 Intercut, dividends nnj rent a reccivel during the ypar. 1!0.5C0.S2 Income fritn oclirr aourcei received Uurlns tho year. 3.58C.9l Tot a) lncomn S XJISHUnsKMENTS Net Ioims rld during the yr Including adjustment expenses $ Commlmloni and nalarlea paid durlnc the year Taxes. lcines and fees paid darin the year Dividend paid on capital stock dnrins; tho year.... Amount of all other expen ditures 6U.&71.05 29.482.11 140.106. SO TotaJ expenditures . t Cal.S44.27 AOMITTKD ASSETS Value of real estate- owned (market Valu?) Loans on jp or t gages and collateral, etc 124,475.00 Valus of bonds owned (amortised) 1.S08.204.62 Value of stocks owntd (convention) l,112.a:.lf Cash In banks and on hand 31,799.41 Premiums In courvn of col lection written sine Sep tember SO, 139 0t.SU.lS Interest and rents due and accrued 16.441. 9S Other assets (net) a,l40.6 Total admitted asset'. , . .Jl.136,113.81 LIABILITIES Ores claims for losses un- p.ild t Amount of unearned pre miiimi on all outstanding: risks f14.T0I.M Due for commission and brokerage 7.S00.O0 All other liabilities loo.ser.ii roixt llAbitltlM, ixtipt capital $, 7W,Stl.?; Capital paid up fl'.Ht.HO.M aurplo ovr all 1 llablllttc l.W.m 1 j pollcr- 17.604, M.rt t3,3S.H3.l2' BtwIiHwa l Orrm far tits Ymr, j tht yar II.UJ.I Nt losnoa paid durinir th yar 1,77.13 . Nt low tncurrtd during th i th ysar 1,J7.?t , Nam of Com pin t. Eairt and West XtiBtirane Comp-inr. Wam of Pfaident. rtf J- Drrr. Nam t flrfltarr, W, A. Thornton. Atautorp raaldnt ittnrn for r-nrvlee, Wilbur rhiliipt. Tin A Trust Bui id -pBfc fort land. Orrfon. , IrP jlllf I SIDE GLANCES k' I COM. tWO BY WEA SIBVICE. WC. T. M. BEG. U-1. WT. Of,. J "I'm hiking these Idlers lionic lt sliow my wife, Miss Oglesby lifter she met. you yesterday she bet mc 11 but you couldn't spell." Rhett Butler in 'Gone With the Wind' .tF'A Clark liable urf linutt Ilutlor In "(jone Jh tho Wind,'' which oimmih a road show ongni'mont Sunday at for the three &.y. ure now on sale to 5 p. m. MR. AND MRS. HAINES HONORED AT PARTY KLKTOW May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haines were the hnnor I guests at a surprise pot luck din- ner at their home TuoHiliiy eveninu in honor of their thirtieth wuddltiK anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Memo. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb, Mr. nnd Mrs. Merle God ding. Marilyn Joyce fioddlng, Miss Dona .lean Haines, Charles Smith. Alfred SchimelfeiilnK and Mr. and Mrs. Haines. J POLLYANNA CLUB HAS MEETING AZALEA. May !. The Polly anna Huh was delightfully enter tained Thursday alternoon at Devils Flat at the homo oi Mrs. Stanley Kaytor. At one o'clock refreshments were Men Admire Women With Shapely Figure ThoiiHunils of "Worw-n h-fp ih-'Ir fiKiiri- fllcnl'r nml fili.'ipflv & V wit limit Stiirvini; nr i;-ii'1 ! hit with l-AXHIlt tit") S-ntl.l- M I'll uh. Th.-y find I.AXtlll) picvontH thftn rmm nt-tllnir f.-it nml kt-tpn loiiltinK "iid fet'linw yoninr'T. fli.-tp-m;i n' 1 h jit Stun- r"-si nu i f I. A . II III fir inn hit n inline nnrin:' 1 u-PiKht. l.AYIlll I'm SAKK 'VO TAKK. It do.'M not fonlTilii ntnl- trophi'iml nr ThvroM. Try it oi r ! Mnin y-i:;irk Ciiiirntitcr. '",.-t l.A -;ltll) f'litv frfiin v.ur lriieint. Chapman's Drug Store HitnrlitirK, Ori-n RAINBOW SKATING RINK WINCHESTER GRAND RE-OPENING Saturday, May 11th, 8 P. M. Building remodelled, new and greatly enlarged floor, excellent music, the latest in sound equip ment. Skating every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday evening 8 p. m. ' Call Winchester Auto Perk for special party arrangements. by QsJbratth q,.rl:.ifi.' fv -,vlr IhMil'n Indian tliontro. lUwrvcd H(a( at Cliapniiiu'a l-rti Store from !) a. m. srrved to the following: Riiests: Mrs. Nadene Stadler, Mrs. Klora Wensenburjr, Mrs. Kthel Hunsaker, ! Mrs. Mav W'orlev, Mrs. Hernadlne Miller. Mrs. Cnhlie 1)111, Mrs. K'Me .lohuKtoti, Mi's. Allie Garrison. i.Ivs. Sara Xeiderheiser and the hostess Mrs. Kaylor. The afternoon was spent In visit ing and fancy work. MRS. HUME HOSTESS TO LADIES AID WlLItm, May 9. Mrs. A. Hume was a very charmiiiK hostess tn Wilbur Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Irene McMikle wtis In ebiiree nf the ' ?! If mretinir. Mrs. T. K. (irae led Ihe'i'in sri.r0-fl.25; packing sowh $-).00- devotionals. Mrs. McMikle led the i 7: fpiler pigs scarce, quotable urouu in sinjiins sacred hous, de- 00-7.V licious refreshments were served CATTLR: f'alves slow, mostly to the following guests: Mrs. f;. steady, vealers weak to r.Oe lower: W. Ayres, Mrs. .1. (i. Hunter, Mrs. ',PW f'' ,,fra unsold, strictlv mod K. W.' Ilartram. Mrs. I. H. HolVomb. I lickln- week's ton $10.00; Mrn. K. Dawson. Mrs. Ireno Mc I ft'w Blockers .(i.7r.-7 50; culter tiki. m, iirwiiin n.-M.r I rommon heifers .(10-7 25; culter- Kenneth Unrnebei jt, Mrs. L. A. Irv ins. Mrs. T. K. Crae. Mis. Joss Itns - si ll. .Mrs. Robert Irvine and Mrs, Ii , iintun 0 HOMEMAKERS CLASS TO MEET AT POTLUCK SUPPER FRIDAY NlGHT The Hnmemnkeiij class of Mie First Itaptist church will meet at a iv-tliiity o'clock pntlnck stipper Friday nlcht. Mny HUh, nt the church parlors. Mrs. Carson ami Mrs. French nre in eharpe of tho fmpper. MOTHERS' BANQUET FOR Pt'IC CCN'Cm C L AC 3 TO EE HELD FRIDAY NIGHT 'i'he Mothers' banquet honoring the senior high school graduating class of l!'40 will bo a very charm ill arid enjoyable, event of seven o'clock at the lintel Hutpnua Fri day evening. May 101 li. Tllo time has been changed from (i::lu to 7:(l'l o'clock. Hlieclal favors and corsages are being made for tho occasion and the banquet promises to be one nf the most' delightful to be held here In a number of years. The pronrnm Includes: Mothers' Welcome, Mrs. Frank I.. Norton. Kenpnnse, Class president, Iloh Norton. "Holiday." Itoehoe, piano solo by fiel to Owen. Vocal roln by Lerov lliatt. accom- iinnled by Mrs. Civile Heard. "Cnvailua." Iiobni. violin solo by Marian Church, accompanied by Hell? Owen. Musical selection bv Kldon ; Mc Laughlin and Nathan Stlewlg. guitars, and whistler, Jim Mo- nui. "Al'ce Hhle flown," Tieltley. HeltV Mnrsiert. vocal solo, nccompan led bv f!"tto Owen. "I liaie You." Principal Clyde Heard. School rong .'.....Class of 14I Marshall lvngrn. ninnngi'r of KRNll radio station, will art as toiHlmaster lit (he affair. Tickets lor the banquet may lie purchased at the senior high school or from Fdylh Cilinotir at the I'mnqua Savings and Loan association of fice. m e B.P.W.C. PUBLIC RELATIONS DINNER PLANNED FOR MONDAY The Hiisiness nnd Professional Women's clnh will bold Its Public Reunions program ut an interest ing seven o'clock' no-hostess for mal dinner at the Hotel V'nipqua Mondiiv evening with Mrs. Wil liam Hell, chairman, assisted by Nance rMtzsimmons. Special decora unce Fltzslmmons. Special decora tions will be arranged for the oc ension and the meeting promises to be of unusual interest anil enjoy ment. Various organizations will be renresented at the dinner and wlil take part on the program. BFNEFIT BISHOP PARTY W1I.L BE DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR NEXT TUESDAY A delightful benefit nffair. the Tiroceeds of which will go to the lliiihon fund, will be sponsored by St. Ccorge's Kniscopal Cuild next Tuesday evening at a seven thirty o'rlock dessert-supper nl the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Juild on South Jackson street. will be awarded for the contreet bridge piny. Keservntluns may bo made by telephoning 753-J. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE rOIiTLANI), Ore.. Mny 0. f A IJ) COPNTItV MEATS , Selling luiee tn retailers: eonnd-y-klMed Iho'iH. lnitchers, 1 2;-1 fit) lbs !i9V: veiilers. fancy. H-Mn lb. llirht, Ihln, Hl-llle; heavy 10-1 1c lb li'mbs. spring, KM7e: yearlinps 12 'Vtc. lb.; ewes r-7r. lb.; Kood eut- tier rows 1Mlr lb.: cnunnr rows i it-Hk lb.; bulls 12-12Ac lb. E(1CS lluyint," priros: extrna, birire ir-1(i; siandards larpe 14c extra medium 12e: do standards 12c doz. ONION'S Oreton No. 1. $2; Ya kima f 1 fiO lb. ban; sets, white fle: brown HJc lb.: new Texas wax. r3.ri-4.flO per 50 lb. has;. Other produce prices cteady. changed. LIVESTOCK POliTI.ANI). Ore., May . (API (I'. S. IJi-pt. Ari-.)--HOGS: I-V'irlv nctlvp. Blondv; cnoil-itlioicn l3-riS II). (llivolnn S8.7B; row oul slnnclinu' I'll a SH.SB-!H: 2:il-70 lb.. $1.25: IIkIU IlKhtn nnd KlaiiKlitpr ! foifMinn rows XA 7' CillllMTH ,'' : sheila Ofl: fat dairy tyno vtm nnei rows samoie i.:Mi. aim nnove; caesae onus t;.2ri-"5: cutters $"i.f,M: henvlpr Imlls S7.2n nml itlmvi: Rood-chnlrr vfjili-r 8sr,0-9.r,n; rnuunnn-incMl-mm i 10-S.oii; niiu $5.0". SHI-:KI: P'ow. tt'Xv pnlfS Z'c low f,ir two ilrivs. . s(vpml UitB nn- Fold: Koofl-clioicn Rrrincr himbK PS.T.Vft fid: few mfMlium Hhorn old froji nnih ?li."0; inclluin-oot ( v.-ps lo.on-2'i: foinnioii $2.00. WHEAT PORTLAND Oip.. Mny fl. (AIM ss sr R5 sr. r-Q ' pu f; IIIC Opi'ti Ililill I.W floan Areonllnir lo Kncllxh stutlwlirs nbont onp iiprfjon in pvpry IIitpp In Kpwfntimllnnd Is rPCclvliiK re lipf. BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN N ; Of Tired Kidney If bn"knr-lif ami Irj; pirw arc mnkltn yon tnUeral.ta, dun't jut eniiit.Jiirt nnd di nolliin t)Ut tlmm. Nature inay Im nariiinK you lljat your kidney twl mtfiitioii. '1'lie kidney are Nntiirp'i rhfrf way of takinr Cktm arid nml p'.mtnimn wmln out of Hi bl'Mxl. 'L hey bdp moal people paan about 3 pinU a day. If the IS tnilei of kidney tubes anl filten don't work wrli, poMonom wmI nmlter tnyi in the tiixxi. 'Ihr-"' jioumrw -.any ntiirt tiai-Kime Lai kafc', r)iuiiitir paina, ii pniM, of p-p and tiiTKy, RcttiuK up nu-fitu, nwHIinr, puffin- utidrr tin- cym, licadin-,.B n'i hr i rwie'i'. -r l': .. n tlli irnsrt ami burn in it o(1i..v.....J Bnona thrrr i s'.me Unix wronit tlli jour Vi-lr.rvi or hla-ider. IJtrti't wait! A-k vour drnidt for Uon rills, ud iircti fully by millions for nvtr 40 yer. j nv iivp imppy nutl nnd will hlp tut , l.i tr.iW of kidnt-y tuia Himh out piiaoDour I waste from Ui U'jod. (jet Uoau's IMU. Local News Here From Camas Valley Mri. Atia Ji Dcnn, of CuniaB Valley, spout yt'SUMday in this city on Sutherlin Visitor Here- Lutnurt'aux. of SmliPi'lin. yoHtirday in IUmebui'K 01 IK'HH. apeilt -Oakland Visitors Here Mi-, and Ml'U ' laman It II,... 1 1 rr t Mih. James H, IX'arlliip, of Oa!:- laud, wuro horn on bmiat1 yestor- day. ' , norry. of Ml. ld'hln, Calir., hits ar' IItl-14 llfMI (II (Illl'UM UI IIU.lllHTfiH and visit. Mr. Ronk In Town Orn V. liotik. of Myrtln Crei-k. waa In KoHi'hnttf yr'stt'idny attonditiK lo llUUllH'HS. Spend Day Hore Mr. and Mrs. flyilo Hydell, of KM;lon, were in Horn' hui'p yosterday attending to IniKlneHa nnd visiting frlt'iid. Returns to Salem V. T. Jack Ron lias returned to his work in Salom, following a few days at lila homo on South Main street. D. of U. V. to Meet Florence NlKhtiiiKuIn tent. No. 15, Daugh ters of rnfon VelcraiiH of the Civil War will meet Friday night at 7:3.) o'clock at the armory. Rummage Sale Planned A rum nmnc stile. Bponsored by St. .In scph'fl Altar aoi-lety. will Im hold Saturday, May II. In tho fnrmor Safeway Htoru liuildtns on Jackson street. H. E. C. to Meet Friday Tho HIverHtlale liome Economics club 1 be entertained Eriday at tho hall at a one o'clock luncheon Riv en bv Mrs. O. W. Cook, Mrs. E. ti. Cloake. Mrs. Harlan Moor and Mrs. Ilrisco. Attend Meetlna Here Mm. Frank Oiinlap and Mrs, II. A. rest , or KuKene. cume to Knaehui'R last j evenliiK to attend the meeting of; tho ladies auxiliary of the Broth erhood of Railway Trainmen. Carnation Sale Saturday 'Jeoro Stunner auxiliary to I'nited Span ish War Veterans will sponsor their annual Mothers' dav carna tion sale on the ntreets of Iloselmrt; ail-dav Saturday, May 11. Mrs. I A1. L'omplon is in charge or tho sale. Here From California Mrs, ,1. M. llUMheH, of Weed, Calif., Is here sneiidltiK a few days visiting rein tfves and attendiiiR lo business. She was formerly an employee or the local J. ('. Potiney store, be fore moviiiK last fall lo Weed, whero Mr. MuKhes is employed.. Expected Hero Friday Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hull, of Seattle, nro ex pected to arrive in Itosebui-ff to morrow in spend a week or ten days visiting at tho homo of their son-in-law and daughter, Air. nnd Mrs. .J. It. Ilennessy, on Winchest er street. Mr. Ilennessy, who has been spending tho past two weeks in Portland attending a school of instruction of his ass urn nee com pany, Ih expected to return hero Saturday. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES KRICKSONlllNNK William It. Krirksnn, North Bond, and Virginia Jean Itinnc, Marshflcld. MARCY - ItHIOWSTKU Louis Ma icy and Until Mai lit Rrowstur, both residonlH or Myrtle Creek, WILLIAMS Kay Williams Kan tern, lth bit I K. FKNTICIta (ilen and Knth Jnanlta residents or Hose- DIVORCE DECREES IIOVLK Ico !.. vh. Chnrlotlo II. Hoyfc; man led nt SnrlnKNi'M, (Jri.. (XI. H, liKl!; vcnllct for cU- ftmdimt on trharKn of rrm-lty; de Omlant to rosumo mnfilcn nnino, t'lmrlottti It. JnnoH. DIVORCE COMPLAINTS VOCT Klrtin iiKiiiiiHt Homer VoKt, mil tried at ItoHcbiirc, May 2S, V.)2i: kiomh ilrtinkmiiifss. New Undcr-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses, does not irritate skin. 2. Nowaitingtodry.Canbeustd right after shaving. 3 Instantly siopj peripiraiion for I to 3 days. Removes odor from perspiration, 4 Apure.whiie.greaieless, stain less vanishing cream. 6. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Sea! of the American Institute "f Laundering for being harmless to fa bins. 23 MILLION Jai oi Arrld have boemold. Try ajar today I At all iiwi fllln tnllrl (.., lit Of ). Attend to Business Mr. ami tu .. ivii iiOituiin, ui v.iuiian Vulluy,. wwo in HoauhiirK on Ijuni tU'.H ycHiorday. .MiTir OF Ktl.K (IF iti:.u, i'iiui'i:niA In pnrmmnr-w or it iIimtpo of fun t:losiir' ittiil onli'l- ut nalu inniU- unit 'nn-ifd in tin- t'lr-iitt Conit nf ;ltf Slriu of Ort-Knii, fur oim)ji ('nun ty, Uitli'tl Miiy 1. unit, in Uif fiiilt ir I HMiK Imk llilihlliiR nnd Limn .SMtuiria tion, a oKponitioii, plaintiff, vs. .1, 0. ( iMinnmlrmn it ml .ludltli U. (in. niumlsi.ti, hiiMlituid mul wf; 1), K H.'IIIH'W UDtl JuHcp)lhl liilltlMH. Ihih- 1. aml aii wlfi: Alurrln U AiI.hiik illnl A.hlltt A.ltillld l.uulmii.l atwl ....1'.. (iiinl U. I,. Whiiiph-, thfi'ijdHitin, for jllh rifi'ovorv "f tin- suii) of Ui;.Mi J with. int. -rest ihi-iHii it i f,'.i pt r .111 . i mini renin xaj.i ,1m,., ih.- fiirtlu r J. r Jkuiii of $;ii.imi uh iitioi ih'v'm 'Punimri rosin it iid (ItHiiirsciiit'til Mil tin- Hinn ut tK.'l, jiiul of an i-uilon upon mii UI !.'.(. ilulv iNi'i-il oui of b.tiil ui n rl on tin- l'imI iiiiv f May. l!HO. I will fxpi'.ii' for i ',,nd ff'n rhu,- r.w-u-n in t'o- lW iHrt'Cl.H, lit tilt C IMllt Mill (' lloo- f saitl comity. In tin ntv of uim-' i '"n k. DoiikIum i-mimv, ur.-Kon. on Satimlav Ho- St li iltv of .lui.-. Vim, jit H':iM o-. lo.k A. M , tho r'fl ir-.p- ' '"' i of Oii', jiimI il.-y ril. !( ami Ktvli't- of salo ; i- W it -l Iltt'Klnnliitf :tt u point marked hv .1 !v liy -j fni-M troti holt. wht h Im-:iI h Solllt, TH'"lll V-Illlli' lliMT-r. (J!i') foriv-rivo iniiuitcH ( tf.'l. West nun' Immli'fil foriy-Hiv aiol fiv. ituniliH l!lll.rt f-t Criilii the , ini-nl nt 1 ho f!it.i-'i-ihm T .Mill SH-h'I with SykoM Htifct in 1 lu ll 'il y of lEiisi-liilii;, DonuhiH Co mil v, Mii'''K'iii; Ihfii.c Koiiih twcntv-(.iu''it ' th-urtit'H (jsi thinv inhnHi'S w fdi H.'onty-ronr uml fiv-t nth.-' H.r.) ri'iM nhmu vhUI Mill tlioni'O Norlli forty-nix th-un-cs (III0! flfl.i-n iniiiiitiH il'.') 'tii fortv K (tit) fi-i-t to th.t iroprtv lino of tin' (rtif" nnd California Unilrot't: them-o North l.-n il.'mieH flu3) Ihirtv-flve tniniili-K Ct:. W h t. t'iUhly hihI tw-l.iith f-i. almiK" tli" propirlv lino of nnt Or.' iron uml Callfornln Itiiilrinul: tlun.-f Siuih nixty-0110 ilvk'r.-fs (iiti ttitr ty miniitf.i (Sd't V.nt ntmty-fiv.. (Uftl f.-i'.t 10 tliH plavo of hKiimfh. Saitl mi If will Itn mmlf fur ennh In hand and wilt l Mtil.Jcl to roii firniatlon by H.1I1I 1 mul. I atc(l u l J lose liu tk. Oct' won, M.iv !). 1911), V. A. WKim. Sheriff of DoiikIum Coiitiiv, ot-Kiron. ity A. t'OltliuN. J fl'JMlt y. xo'iifi: or i iwi, ni:ni(;s Not Iff Is lM'fchy Klven (lint the tirnlirxlKH'''l ad hi i nix t i ntrix nf the -Hlnlf of Jithn V. fJitKr.-r, .lecotiwfd. iiiiw flh-il lii-r l-'innl A mnt in lie t'mmtv Court of the Stjito of On iroii for I )iUKt;iM ( 'unit I y, Mul tn. I ton. Morr is ('. ttnwher, .linli of fit ill rou rt, li:is ii ppol nt i it W'i'iliii':! (lay. I he Uth diiv of .hiiif. li'M. (it tt'ii o't lork In tin fnn-iHMiii o fi'i 1 tav In tlit1 I'otintv fimrl foou) hi Hit' fnut-thout-'t' in Itofti'iitirtc. DoukIhk 'on my, (ll'l'Unn, ii k tllo ii'Hl plm tf for iM-iti iiiir oliji-t tloTn, if iiiiv. lo huUI Fhril Ai'i-otuit ,i ml Hit tut- llf lit tlll-lrof, All iht'ioiih iiitt-rt'Mtt'fl in "it t-y-Into urt' lit i.-liy nolirif)) to filo lliolr olijcrt Ioiih, If illiy, to Hiifil liltnl -rou nt at or ht'luri' tin- tlnn aopoliit-t-tl for riiiiil licurintf hn ufort-Hiiiil. I luted this Uth iluy of .Mny, lint). HKSSIK (l.lN(!Klt. AiliiilnlHtnitilx of the I'MuIo of John V. I'MnvttT. 1 H'ci'iiKiil. mitu t: to ciikimthun In Ihn County Court of tin Htnlo o.' Ui-t-Knti for I to iik In m ( 'on nt y. In tlie Mulli-r of tin' IsHtiilt- of .lo- Hcph W. l''OlilllM', Ill'CtJlHcd. Niitke Ih hen-hv Kiv.-n Unit by ordi-r of the ithovo oniltlcil court, tlulv inniit' iupI i-ntori'd of roi'tiril tho uadiTf KiHtl linn hfi'ii iinpfMiiU'il ail-1 tnliilHttiitor with tho Will miuojittl of tin- I'Htalf of .ltiorh W. l-'ordiw.', (U'i'ciiHf'il, iino' has qu;i)lf (oil uh mii ti. All piTfoiiH IhivIhk rlnlitin imaiiift nahl t'Htato tire luichy r' to u'oiit tho wimo to tin- uiuh'tsltcn fil, iH'operly -rtfii'H, ut IiIm ot'fi". in IEoni-lniif, Dnii trlns County, environ, within nit iiioniliH from the flrft plililicatioti of IhfH tiollr'f. Wlll'h )H tlx IMIi day ot .Mav, IHIH. A. N. (HtCI'TT. AilminlNtrator with lli Will .-.iiik'v- til or th .'ulalo of JciKcpli W. I'Niiiltii'y, I Kei'usot. PLUS TODAY FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY ; Is i i,b 1 j "Tcmtnqof the West" 10VB1X, UUCB. V h ABUKEWSCMPI 1 i..Orfc. ! Hi V Jf CiHt Buitctf ikcI nSpV1' k 3. rmiti6iiifmijt Aft'l Students' Matinee Frday, 4:1 5 p. m. I ; l Sun., Men., Tuos. v May 12-13-14 . ALL SEATS RESERVED Matinee 2:111 P. M. . Evening 0 P. M, Full 4 Hours! ' . ' OF THE NATION..? IMVIH O UUMtM ..-W y MOMHtl MIIUIIIU i CONE WITH THE WIND v fa TtrmwriLrw if CLARK GADl.R.aX' ! LhSLlR IIOWAKIUI.IVIA IklMVILLAND vWMM) VIVIHN I.EIGil.ko-M-, I i .iisitk ixiiiiMiTinvn rtrn'Bf Sunday Mat. 51.10, Inc. Tax Man., Tuo. Mat. 75c ' Evenings, $I.10V Inc. Tax v a. m. to a p. m. Chapman's Drug Storo Show 2-7-9 P. M. Mats, ilz Eves, 35c Kiddles 1Cc r., Knit VMutlti tin Wim.3