EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1940. SdXCDETTW LOVELY PARTY GIVEN AT PETE ULAM HOME DAYS CKKKK, April to. TIip JVte lUani home was ih- pcpiio of u very lovely jmrty We-'nendHy utieruooii, wiien Mrs. Gordon (Murk. Mrs. (Veil Connor and Mrs. I in Hrock entertained at u chirm s tf ik shower honoring Mrs, Harry Nourse, a recent bride. VfsithiK and needlework were tho diver sions of tho afternoon. After the lionorep had unwrapped her num erous beautiful ami useful gitU, delicious refreshments of lee cream and cookies wore served. Those present were tho honor guest, Mrs. Nourse, Mih. Lewis Thnmason and son. Tootir, Mih. Klzer Hafnvllle, Mih Llbbie Hall, Mrs. Hubert Klmdillo, Mrs. Joe Italn vlllo, Mih. Walter Jlutelilnsun, M in. I telhert I'oole, M ik. i van Welch. Mrs. Irvin Mather, Mis. Ar chie Kerftu hod , M i'H, Alva Mat thews, Mrs. Kumnar, Mih. Guy Cook, Mi'R. Jod Allin, Mm. Henry llHchor, Mrs. J. D. Wrinh', Mrs. i Hete I'ln in, Mih. It. A. Moure. Mistf Kuslo dispell. Miss Nettie Mooi, MIhh May Gross, MIhk Murjnrle Church, Mrs. Alma Lange. Judith Ann Connor, Sharon Clark and the hostesses, Mrs. Hrock, Mih. Connor and Mrs. Clark. Mih. Nourse. nee Jitanlla Llsea, the daughter of Mr. and Mih. MIUg Lfseu of Mllo, bus many friends here having attended the local school since moving here from Sac ra in en to, t'allf., a number of year ago. She whh a member of tho cuiHH of the local blub scho l. She wan married at Reno, Nov., April 3 to Harry NourKO, the sou nf Mr. and Mrs. (Jlenii W. Nmirse of HoKiie Itiver. He Is a 'graduate of tire Rogue Hiver blub school and for the pant several inoiilhH has been employed at I ho South Umpqim CCC camp. LADIES CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING UAVK CRKKK. May 1. The re cently orKauled women's project club, "The South Cmpaua Ladies DANCING PARTY IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR YONCALLA, April 2!. Mr. and Mih. Krviu it Ice aud Mr. and Mih. Huiih Waruer entertained at n de lightful dancing party at the Jtfee 11111 Community hull, Friday eve ning. The hall wits (uninformed Into a bower of beauty. Larue ItrauchcH of dogwood and purple MbicH lllled each corner of the hall. laiKe baskets of purple and while Iris, purple hotieysuckleH and 11-lat-H banked the plullorm where a two-piece orchestra played old-time Waltzes and (piudrillH. A tleltcioiiH supper wuh served at n late hniir. The ladies nil won; little old-tush- By. LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER lotted HUiibouiiets and the men large yellow bow ties. Cuests In cluded Mrs. Irvte McCoid and Mrs. AdnbeJi Kingston of Jlulspy, Air. ami Mrs, lielimtr Rice of Ku Kene, Mr. uml Mrs. ViiKil Suillh of Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. I'lill Hunt-1 club," held their April meetiiiK at iiititon of Marshrield, Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mih. Joe Allin the att Carl Hi ohI, Mr. and Mi h. Iluch ernoon of April 37 with Mrs. (ior Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Krvin Me- don Clark. Mih. (Juy Cook and Cord, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chur- Mrn. Ira Hrock hh assisting hos chill, Mr. and Mm. I.eroy Churchill, I testtes. Following the buslneHs .Mr. and Mrs. v loyd Watson. Mr, aud Mih. Karl Strong. Mr. and Mih, Hoy Miller. Mr. and Mih. Charles Medley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slnarng. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd i'lnk- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cock eruni, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Worth en, .Mr and Mrs. Hoy Trull t. Mih. I:. Stevens, (ieoie McCulloch Kied McCord, of Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Slnuker. Mr. and Mrs. Kiic Stcn.-eth, .Mr. and Mrs tteoiKe Kdes. Mr. anil Mrs. Kdward .elHO. Mr. and Mrs. Vlnce Apple- fiiite, Mr. aud Mih. Kenneth Mill- key. Sumner Drawn of Yoncalla. and Mr. and Mih. Clarence Thomp son, of Oakland, Mr. and Mih. Kr vin Ulce. Mr. ami Mrs. Hugh Warner. SENIOR CLASS IS HONORED AT PARTY You Are As Old As Your Feet Why have tired out feeling paint in feet, ankle knee, legs caws caused by some form of foot troubles Dr. J. M. Inqalls REGISTERED CHIROPODIST who makes regular visits every other Saturday to your city, Is licensed by the state of Oregon Is a CHIROPODIST PODIA TRIST He gives complete foot service. Weak or flat feet, corns, calousas, Ingrowing nails, treat ed without pain and with little cost and trouble to you. Call for appointment or come In. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Umpqua Hotel. Rose burg Next visit Saturday, May 4th SUTIIKMLIN. May I. On Fri day eveniiiK, April 2H, the junior class was host lo the senior Hum and the teachers at a hampict held l the I'mpuua bote) in Hnxehurtf. Hill Adams, a junior, acted as toaKimasier. A program was iv- eu as loiiows: Toast or welcome Hill Adams Toant of reHponso .. Honnle Alco,n "What Are Dreams?" Audrey Ochs Souk. "Wishing," Junior Kills "Mreuinn Then uml Now" Arthur Webber. Your Dreams an Opportunity" Mr. Fisher. Sour. "Ileaiitiful Dreamer" Mlsa Hay. ClaHS prophecy Hubv Thornton ( l jihh will Dorothy Chamberlain Souk, "Memories" Hy all Following (he banquet the KToiip attended the show at the Indian I bent re. The seniors attending were: Hazel Coleman, Luellu I'leuard. Hoiinle Alcorn, Carol Hall, Hetty Ilarfte. Kverett Owens. Kiinlee Davis. Louise Allen, Holier) KeldiUKer, Arthur Webber, Harold Mi own ami Dorothy Chamberlain. The teachers: Mr. and Mrs. (Joe bel Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Clfrford Horner. Miss Marmuvt Hay and Minn Mildred Will. The Junior: Marion Chamberlaiu. Ted ('amp bell. Klmer I'leuard. Zola Webber. Hill Adams. Audrey Ochs, Itiliv Troelle. Robert Cpdlkn. Donna Ol- sen, Marie Shirley, norm Cnrr, j Thornton. Virginia Smith. Mar ; shall I'araoo, (junuvleve Harris, j Halph Anderson and Donald Mc- Kinney. FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF CHAPTER CELEBRATED C.I.L'XDALK. May I. A number of o. K, S. members front tho (ilcudnle chapter attended the for tieth a nut versa ry ndebrallon of the Med ford chapter Thursday eveuiiiB. The Med lord chapter en tertained at ii lovely (i::iti o'clock dinner. Dnrlnt; the evening the older members of the chapter were honored. Mrs. HniMe White receiv ing her pin for fifty years' mem bership. Mrs. Mollie Itritl of Jack sonville, who helped to institute Die Med I'oid organization, made the presental Ion. Mrs. I'ickte and Mih. Strang, aleo charier members. aud Mr. ami Mrs. McOowan, who meeting u social hour was enjoy ed at which time Mih. It. A. Moore whose birthday occurred later In I the ittntilh wnu iii'ttitiiuil u-Iih n ' beautifully decoralcd bin hday cuke and many lovely gifts. Deli clous refreshments were served at l be tea hour to Mrs. Karl Sumner, Mrs. T. I.. Weaver, Mrs. Karl Wood and daughter. Vera. Mrs. Walter Foole mid daughter, Arlene, Mrs Hruce Ferguson, Mrs. Pete Clam, M rn. I rv I n M a t her, Mrs. J . D. Wright, Mrs. Dora Hadger, Mrs. ' Kd Fence, Mrs. Ivan Welch, Mrs. Walter Hutchinson, Mih. J. h. Foole. Mrs. Hay Spencer. Mm. Del- hert Foole, Mrs. H. A. Moore, Mih. i Alma Lunge. Miss Nettle Moore, i MIsh (Jem Hutchinson. MIsh May : Cross, MiH Marjory Church, MIb: Sharon Clark and the hoHtesses, j Mrs. A tl In. Mrs. Chirk, Mrs. Hrock show nl rnititvn f:rn. n,i and Mrs. Cook. I returned to tho Orirnti. im..... he club has been invited to whoro iwCi-nuhmonu i hold tho May meoting at the home i of Mih .John KniKUHon Willi Mm. ,. MaiKHret KsBllnner, Bill Orlf M. Mi. Arehlo I.IMBU. irill,. Harry .Andeinon. Lawrencu noil. Ml Marjery Church anil i Thmm, i.., . ," MIsh May (iru. im aH8llnB ho. , oMl WeuvBr, Hill Sin'llh. CharlcK Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Karl FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia , A-1 cop tiwiiNuuiHbi.m.. J.M.tU.v.i.FT. err , i STANDLEY WHITNEY M ARRIE8 COLORADO GIRL ON TUESDAY -The "There. . Now you look as if some woman beside your .mother cared for you." will hu May 15 HlliH aihool stmluli (h .4 ...A MinhiM-R of Iho RoKobnr Kl u'UNls t'liih played liostH to a nuiu hor of boyft of Konior nail Junior high Nchool use ut their regular TuitKilay IuiiiiIk'Oii nifet!n. carh Kiw-ttiiian heltiK acconipaiitoil to thi luncheon hy one or more hoyn. The club uieiiiherH and their Kuesla wci-p utldrcsHPd briefly by the Hev. John hartley. Knlertain inent featurefi included piano hoIim hy Hetty Owen and cornet going by I.owel) Khodt'ii. BIRTHDAY PARTY 13 ENJOYABLE AFFAIR MKI.KOSK. April Sn. Mrs. .Iniiien K. Conn entertained Tues day arternoon with a party to honor the fourth birthday of her daiiKhtcr, Jeanine. A tiluk and Ki-een motif whh carried out in the lecorations and rufreshlneiita. .Icnntne received many preHents from her Utile frienda, and the rnooii was spent playing cull Iron's rallies. Those enJoyliiK the affair ivllii Jeanlno were Jackson ' StubbH. .Iiiciiuelyu .Matlliews, I) a r I o n e Kruse. ItoKer lieece. Hylvla tind lloliald I'enn, .Marvin and Cu- I Grlffltll. MRS. CHARLES ENCJLE IS HOSTESS TO CLUB OAKLAND. May 2. Mrs. Cbas. Knitle was hostess to the I'llnuhle club Tuesday nrteruoou al the home of Mis. Grace KiikIo. I )imi arrival each Kilest was luesenleil Willi n lovely corsnite to which was utliiched with pink anil blue tlhboiiH a scum card in the form of a May basket. Pinochle was enjoyed iliinna the arternoon Willi Mis. Alfred Maud linvlnc hlKh score, .Mrs. Arthur lOlledee i:onsolatloii and Mrs. II. Meyers I won the penny prize. i A delicious salad luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. tirace KiiKle. at the close of Ulie afternoon, to Mrs. Ksther Cope- luuil. .Mrs. Vera I'eterson. Mi-b. Ar lllllr Klleilau. .Mrs. I.ula MeMshsn Mrs. Kdmi Adams, Mrs. Capulohi ( opeland, Mrs. Sadie Ferber. Mrs (). Hader, Mrs. Kllcli .Miners, Mrs Oeo. JenuliiKs ami Mrs. Pearl Hand. DELIGHTFUL PARTY HELD BY YOUNGER SET mllle Hoberlsou. tiene Horn anil vovcaiia -vi,,.- Ttiniiiitii' Louise anil .li ly conn. evening, the youlh of Hie Hlkheiid i ne iiioiiieis pioseiu were: ..us. ; community club held a party In the Cbas. Stiiblm, Mrs. K. !.. .Matthew, j ,., ml, Oanies were enjoyed. Mis. waiter Muse. mm. .lonn Jin- alier which a delicious lunch was nerisoii, .ins. .loci r euu, .irs. .iciry served lo the follow iiiK. Pearlle Horn and Biiindinothers. Mrs. H. P. I t.allm, Kllt li and Kreda Jolie, Met Conn and .Mrs. K. fenn. ; ,y ,0 ii,adloiil. Olen and I MRS. CONN HOSTESS AT PARTY FOR DAUGHTER MICLKOSi:, May 2. Mrs. J. K, Cum entertained with a children's party a! her home Tuesday after noon lo honor the fourth birthday anniversary of her small duushter, jayncne. Gifts were presented Jayncne and the afternoon was enjoyed in playlni; names followed by iliiluly refreshments, anil nt which time a beautlliilly dec.oiuleil pink white cake Willi pink candles was cut and served to Jayncne. Kttost ot miliar, and to Jacklo Matthews. Sylvia ami Donald Kenn. tiene .Mar vin Jlohertsoll, lloKer lteeee, liar lene Kruse. Camilo llobcrtson and l.oulse Conn. The mothers present wore Mrs. Kllance Matthews, Mrs. Cbas. Smiths. Mrs. Jiel Fenn, Mrs. Jerry Horn. Mrs. John V. Robertson. Mrs. Walter Kruso and Jayneue's two itrandmolhers, Mrs. K. It. Fenn and .Mrs. II. P. Conn. ANNUAL SPRING PICNIC IS ENJOYED MYRTLR CUKKK, May inariiaKH of mm. Vci.i.t C-rry rf Fnrt Mninan, Colorado, to Slauil ley Whilaey, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Whitney, of Myrtle Creek, waH solemnized Tuesday at 11 a. Ill Ul tllM l.lr-iil rhpl.ll.n .h .1. Pastor Walter A. Haines readlm!! tho impressives ring service. Th bibie wore aji afternoon sown or white satin anil carried a bouiiuot of cerise snapdragons. Her bridesmaids were Anna Town- send and Hope Wynter, who wore wntto saiin blouses and black skirts. Hoe carried a nosegay of pink i-usebnils ami Anna carried lialf-blowii bride a rnaes. TIia brlileKronni's attemlunls were Winery Townyend and tiordim Patterson. C. C. March and A. .M. Dailey acted as ushers. A large crowd of friends and nelKhhors attended. Mr. ami Mrs. Karl. Hitchcock and small sou from Hoseburg. were out of town guests. Mrs. Hltchr.ock waa Vir ginia Whitney before hsr mar riage. Miss Tresa McMannis ulnyed the wedding march ajid acted as ac companist for Mrs. Winnie Clin, ney. who sans "I Lovo You Truly." After a short honeymoon trip to coast points, .Mr. and Mrs. Whit ney will be at home In Myrtle ! Creek. WADE WORTHINGTON IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY DAYS C1IKKK. .May 2. Wade Worlliiugton was complimented at h .cnnrming dinner at Ins home Saturday evening, tho occasion be ing his birthday anniversary. Cov ers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver, .Mr. anil .Mrs. Don Snyder nnd son, Warren, Mr, und Mrs. Alec WorlhliiKton and .Mr. anil .Mrs. Wade Wnrlhiimlon and chil dren, Ucverly and Junior. Ing to business matters In Camas The house was formerly occupied Valley Sunday. by Mr. nd Mrs. K. K. Robinson Miss Florence Allls, who bus who luueht tho Tenmlle schooi taught the school at Reslon fr j Ute past year. Hie oast two years, will teach the Mr. and Mih. J. M. Cabot ami-, primary room at Tenmiie me cum .-h!Wn leek, ami Mary Ann. m. Ing vear. Miss Allis has renleil the tended the Indian theater In Roao. siiiail house of Mrs. Frank Albro. 1 burg Thursday evening. Tenmiie SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY IS GIVEN S I "I'll Kit LI X. May 1. Ml'J. Attce McCnrmack was the reci pient of n lovely surprise birthday parly Saturday evening when a lirouii of friends and relatives drop lied Into her Inline east of town. ill s. McCormack received a host . FAMILY GATHERING of beautiful and useful gills. I-aler j is ENJOYED SUNDAY In the evening Ice cream, cake and ; often wnrii served to tile follow- DAS CHKM. May I. The Al- Inn- Mrs. McCormack. guest of j ch e Ferguson linnm was the scene were Initialed on the night of In-1 honor. .Mrs. Cecil llowniim, Mrs. inf a delightful family gathering and Helen Chellowetll. Merle Millkey. Hetty .to Ftilbright. Jack, t-'rllz und Ross Hradforil, Stanley Ltnlwig, Thelina Wheeler, Zara Potter. Henry Wheeler. Milton Hownian, tieorge Langdon. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lnngdiin. Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Will meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen. What's in the Air Goodbye! I'm going home to listen to TALK ON TUBERCULOSIS BY THOMAS HARTFIEL 8:55 P. M. We'll call the fire department right after this LEGION ROUNDUP 7:30 P. M. Did you hear anou: this program DEDICATION OF STEPHEN FOSTER STAMP 9:00 to 10:00 A. M. Friday OTHER HIGHLIGHTS ON TONIGHT'S PROGRAM Shatter Parker .. 5:30 p.m. Little Orphan Annie 5:45 p.m. News 6:05 p. m. John B. Hughes 6:30 p.m. Talk by Arthur M. 0rv 7:00 p.m. Jack Benny's Orch. . 8:00p.m. Ray Pearl'a Orch 8:30 p.m. Twilight Traila 8:45 p.m. Alk Seltier Nova . 9:00 p. m. Don't You Believe It .. 9:15 p. m. Fulton Lewis 9J0p. m. KRNR DIAL 1500 1 st It u( Inn. were also honored Tht (ilendub- n'oun cM-iiiidilied the rliuulistic wm U. iti'i'oiiliiiK to the milliner nt t"lN. wi'iirfiiK custumes it I bur iiM-lod. Those ntiendltm triitn (JlendiUi1 were Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. linbinsnii, Mr. nnd Mrs. .1 Selher, Mr. nnd Mis. ii. K. I'bice. Mr. slid Mrs. Trunk Woodb'y, Mr. ('. H Austin. Mrs Hernitm Aydel oiti'. Mrs. Ilelle llroukH. Mrs. K. J. MrMiilliii. Mrs. (i. II. Ashimtu. Mrs. Km mil Humphreys. Mrs. II. M. Niv (iu. Mis. . T. llnibour. Mrs. ). ;. Setlier. Mrs. Henry (luedeeke. Mrs. V;iHer Kemp, Mrs. -I. l-'lsher, Mrs. Hurry Ktnmho, Mis. V. N. Har rell. Mrs. IVi.y Wlllbims. Misk Ailren Williiims. Mrs. M. II. u'is uml Mrs. 11. Hopper. COMMUNITY CLUB HAS MEETING ON THURSDAY YdNCAI.I.A. April Ibi. -'lbe m (jului meelinu if the H:iyh'.i:nl etniiuiuiiity rlub wjis held Tlnirs iluy iilteriKHin ut the chili "omiii. with Mis. Sherman Clmpnu'i iiitd Mrs. Kvii Tost hostess. di's.-ei t lunrbi'on was served beron- Up.' )'! Kiilur meetitm. I'hins weru lmulr to hold ii parly Sulurduy eveiiii'L' tor the elub membei s ;:ud t hell liunUies. 1'liiiiN well' also made tu hold un invitiilidii dance on isery It i lit Salurduy nt tint nioiiih ihir tni; thy year. Those nres-nt vein. Mi. .Inlin Weber. Mrs. Kay Mn,-ln. Mrs. Kd Swiiiisou. Mrs. Kl Wil HiiullUKiou, Mis. I.ee Allen, Mi. Iinni. Mis. .let Morin. Ms. W b Mabel Nelson, MiKs Marijiii't N'd son. Mrs. A huh l,ovhic Mrs. Iletiiy Hubbt'lt and Mrs. Kunviiiu Krommiio. 3 MISSIONARY SOCIETY HAS MEETINQ THURSOAY Hl'TIIKKUV, May I. Tb MiH sluiiary Miritdy uf tint MotUodlst ehurch nipt in the thurcb parlor Thursday arteinoou, Tho meotliujr as in rlwi e of tht piutildent. Mis. Nellie I'mker. I'ollnwiug Ihu ineetlim a speahhiff rout est, suoti- i sored by the V. C. T. V. Hun held in wlm h Ml kb Ollie (irubb mm lliti silver medal. Tbu judRea lor the routoet weru Mrs Huel t)'ivi flvdi Hnlman, Mrs. J. F. Itrown. , Sunday, when Mr. and Mrs. J-er Mr. uml Mrs. Klmer Kent on and j fiuson en teitu tried at a delicious son. I.anny. Mr. und Mrs. Hud fried chl-k'n dinner. Covers wore Holmes and son. .Mr. ami Mrs. Iphired lor Mrs. Helen K. Ferguson. Itlulne McCormark und chtldreu. i and Aleck l-ernusoii or MarsbfnMd, DAYS ( ItKFK. May 2 The sev- entb and eii;btb grades uitioved their anmm spring picnic Friday eveuiim on the banks uf Days creek in the Y. II. Itaymoud pas ture. Alter the. picnic supper of winners, turns ami ice cream.) i!!iiii''H were pitiyeii until tntermil tent showers forced them t ad journ hi the home of their teacher. Klmer Avers. The diversion lor tho remainder or the evening was tin trlliuK of Khost stories, each nuiralor endeitvorin t' surpiiHS the pre-edini( talc. Those parlici patina In the affair wuro Maxine Wright, .c.lina and Thelina Imvis, Janet f'henoweth, Herdiue Perdue, Jean Mazie Mcllee, Henrietta Flam. Marshall Matthews. Xnrval Feru son. ('lit ford Yooster. Itobert Wrieht and Air. and .Mrs. Klmer Aye rs. MRS. POOLE ENTERTAINS PUPILS AT LOVELY PARTY YON'CAU.A. May 2. Mrs. Mabel Poole, teacher at the Hay hurst scho-il. eutertained her pupils at a dinner aud party at the school recently. Alter dinner names were enjoyed, with another lunch beiiiK served ul a bile hour. TKNMILK. May I. Mrs. !,enu Iluw-ttll and daughter, Mary Kath- Hi'fiif mid Mr uml Miu .lnnum Un. an1 molka, Jr., attended the Indian theater in Iioseburg 'Jhursday niwlit. Mr. aud Mrs. Joe Wilson have several hundred New Hampshire lted baby chicks. Mrs. Minnie I .oik wood has re ceived a flock of baby turkeys from ltoscbui'K. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cabot uud daughter, Mary Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. J,. M. McCaffrey attended KiaiirjB meeting at the Kversreen bull lust Friday evening. Mr. aud Mrs. H. It. Larson or Tenmiie were visiting aud attend- .Miss Marie Divine, of Olalla. spent the week-end with Miss Du reen Henry In Tenmiie. SPECIAL BUY! 6-Ft. John Deere Combine $475 "SEE US FIRST WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY" DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. kOSEBURG, OREGON 8th Annual SCHOOL BAND CONCERT All Schools will Contribute to the Evening's Program Solos, Duets, Quartets, Ensembles, Orchestras, Mass Band FRIDAY, MAY 3 8 P. M., Senior High Adults 25c, Students 1 5c PROCEEDS GO TO BAND FUND At Colleen and Larry. Mrs. ton and Flank Florlana. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Lilly Feu-; Miss Janet Landers of (Herniary, Mr. ami Mrs. llruee Ferguson, Mr. ami .Mrs. John Keimisnn, Lester and Norval Fuikusdii and the hosts ) Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ferguson. Sl.'l llKULIN, May 1. Miss .lac- BIRTHDAY DINNER quellim Klory was Ihe recipient of 13 GIVEN SUNDAY a lovely party tendered uer tty Hel mut her. Mrs. I". K. FI01 y on her eleventh birthday. April Hi, at (he Flory home east of town. Caiiies wre played aud an early DAYS CU KICK. April ltd--Lit 1 1. Alice Ward was honored 11 1 a very ciia rutin u birthday dinner at her heme here Sunday. Cover. vpj supper with Ice cream and cake placet! tor the honor Kiiesi. Ml' were served by tht hostess al a A lb- Mr. and Mis. Henry DeW'.'.d. table which carried out the sprhiK , M. i-.mma MeWaiil. Mr. ami .Mr". molif in decorations ,.f spriiiR Mow,,nl " 111,1 1,,tl' A,t an" (lowers and nut cups. ;J,m v urn. Miss .laciiueline received many if If Is from her guests who were (ilennii Maker, Ltda St owe, Joyce I lotgate, Lorraine Curler, Jean Kmeiy. Viian llaxllaud and Jau iieliiin Tliompson. PAUL ANDERSON IS HONORED AT PARTY KLKTON. May I.-Mrs. I'aulu Anderson ami Mrs. Cladys (Irifflth Kave a birthday party for Paul An- tlernon. Thiirsdav eveninir. 1 110 younif ieople went to a PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 Friends you've never met j Thanks to Ihesi men, you can bt surt I oj unijnrmly high quality in Stohely 's j Though you've never met them, theje I men are surely your friends. They seleit I lire iced, test the soil, see that these prod j utts are grown tight and harvested when Haver is at its peak. They oversee ill processing, examine enh day '1 packing from all the 'II mod ern, sanitary plants and reject any lot that falls short of Stokcly's standards. look fot the Stokely label when you buy canned foods. It is your guarantee of consistently uniform high quality. .liltfSuitlf'i Vintyt p.. '5 Jilll' H JUL Up ! mjr.T.i .TTnrm J2, I I'm curious!" greeted my nciglibor.. "They say this Airway coffee is die type of blend preferred by millions . . . pleasantly mild yet deep and hearty. But that price a too good to be true! Let ' ask about it!" Sure, it's possible!" said our grocer. "These rich beans are roasted in nearby ovens, packed in sensible bags, hurried straight to my store. Not a minute lost, no extra handling, so you save money!" That settled it. We each bought a pound, and never have I smcllcd fresher coffee than store-ground Airway. "Sample it to your hearts' content," said the grocer, "unless Airway pleases you completely, your money is refunded!" FEATURED BY SAFEWAY I Mm t.eebnl l her. uud Mlsa Mil- dm! WIU.