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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1940)
SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY I, 1940. Allies Threatened With German Pineer Attack (Continued from poge 1 way, nit id iih llirn-H liml sunk a Itj-ltiHlt milKi-r, fi dst royfr ami flvn tnillsjorl mill hnd Imnvlly (Ihiiiiik(h1 another crulHer n ml five other transport. The Ilritlsh, without oomincnllns; ilirm-tly on this ri'ji'iit, mnri'ly Raid "dMillory liomhinR" was con tinuing in tho NatnHoH and Slclnk jor arena on tho Norwegian Atlan tic! ooiimi north of Trondheim. The Cormtin coiiiiniiliil mild the Ilritish hail lost nlmi wirtilunos eight In no attack on Kiiivunitor nnd one In raid on Koini'liu air port, near Oslo. British AI60 Score In 1mdon, tlio air ministry ack nowledged the Iohh of Beven IiliiiK'n, hut milil "heavy iliiiiiuup" had hoen Inrilcted In fiiiuyn liial night ot Slavanger and Fornehu and nl AUiihorK, llaniKh terminal of flermany'H aerial troop lorry system. . The Ccrmamt also repnrtiil the rapluro of conslderahle war ma terial ami more than 4,!IOO prison era. It wild 40 nrltoim and 2w officoiH and S.r.nri men of the Nor wegian Rewind division were seiz ed tit l.lllehaminer. Near )mmn. it said. 1,2nd tttlier enemy troops surrendered. Plane Crashes In City Kiililiinil siihcred her heaviest rlvllinn rasnnltles of the war, with Ihree killeil mid mora than Kill In jured, when n (lorninn homher, erllipled by lliltlsh lire, crashed Into the euHt coast resort of ('lac Ion and exploded. Tho crow of five was killed. The spot whore tho hnmhnr crashed Is ot the huslest Junction on the main street of clarion, less than 50 miles rrom London. The crush occurred shortly aft er threo enemy planes had been sighted Hying at a low altitude over the I lumber river estuary-a favored objective of Cerman mine laying aircraft. Apparently crippled by tlio anti aircraft batteries, one of tho planes headed Inland, circled fine ton for halt an hour, dropped a landing flare, and then other houses were damaged. The explosion blasted out a Clin which eye-wltnosBes said was :H Oil! UH 11 ilUUlrC." Y.'m.I" . neighboring homes collapsed, bury ing their occupants. Ily an Ironic colnclileiico, i me lon hole operators. sncKiug 10 asHtlrn (he public of the safety of the resort, announced onty yester day that their guests would be given a one third discount on their bills for any clay on wnicn n ooinn fell near the town or u mine ex ploded near the promenade pier. Hllsslu held a lypn-in elohi alion In Moscow's Hod sciliure, ullhougli sllgnuy iinoi.:i., Ibis year in that no caricatures of Adolf Hitler were runn-n Ihousiinds or marchers who throng eil past Lenlll B tomb with hanner.n attackitiK Ihe i-aplliillht world. U .S. Medal Presented to George Cohan for 2 Songs WASHINGTON. May 1. (AH -Actor Ceorgn .l. Cohan receiv eil from president ltoosevelt to'lay a gohl dal lor composing tie' patriotic songs "Over There" and "A (irund Old Klug." Conirress authorized the medal four years ago, but It had it In ii white bouse safe Cohan could he here to receive been until It. Probation Revoked at Convicted Man's Request Mont.), made what amounted to a definite uunouncement of Ills can didacy for the democratic presl- non-lnntlnn OofllwIllnV "if Mr. ltoosevelt is out of It." "I cun t conceive of his (House velt's) being a candidate," Wheeler added. Asked If that statement nut not make lllm a candidate now. ho smiled and answered, "Hints right." If Mr. Hoosevelt wanted the nomination, he said during the In lervlew, "be can get It and there'n no use kidding oneself about thai." Death Blow Delivered ' to Hatch Politics Bill Mrs. Chas. E. Cleveland of Camas Valley Dies Mrs. Charles E. (Anna l.yle) Cleveland, Gx. died l.t her home at Camas Valley late Tuesday, fol low ing a long Illness. Horn June l:l. I SHI, In Folk county. Wis., aim bad been a resident of Cumas Valley for the past lour years. Surviving are her husband and Iwo sous, Clyde Cleveland. lilod gett. Ore., uud Glenn Cleveland. Camas Valley. The body has been removed to the lioseburg Undertaking com pany parlors and will ho taken Friday morning to Newport, where graveside Bervlooa will be held at 'I p. in. Friday. POIlTI.ANn. .May 1. (AIM Federal Judge JameB A. Fee oblig ed Floyd Smith, 43, yesterday. Smith, nn electrician, said he wauled his probation rrom a sen tenco revoked so ho could bo cured of Ihe alcohol habit at one of Uncle Sam's prisons. Judge Feo vacated his probation and ordered him to tho pcnltenttnry for Ihree years. Pro-Dewey Slate Loses in Massachusetts Primary (Continued from page 1 n ( In the municipal election yes- suddenly terday iih John J. McDonallgn was plunged Into u row of houses which It demolished. seven Fifty MARKET REPORTS i - PRODUCE POHTI.ANn, . Mnv 1. (AIM nutter, llittlerlut, cheese, country meals, live poultry, dressed tur keys, onions, new potatoes, pota toes, hay, unchanged. WOOL HMO, easlorn Oregon, fine, medium, 2r,-2(ic: crossbred 27; Wlllnmelle valley 12 montlis, nom inal :illc Ib.i lamb 25c III. Cnsenru, hops, unchanged. LIVESTOCK l'OllTI.ANI), Ore., Mnv 1. (AH (It. 8. Dept. Agr.) IKKiS: Mar ket rather slow hut mostly steady: gonil-cholco 1115-215 Ih. drive-ins mostly 7.lin: few oulsiiuullng lots $7.10; medium grades Jii.sf. downs 2:10-205 lb. butchers 8(1.25-511; heav ier weights down to Ifli.nll; light lights lll.tiu-liii; packing sows $l.llll 75; few 55 122 lb. feeder pigs 15.50. 75. CATT1.K: Calves less active; most classes steady; fat dairy type cows weak to 25 lower for 2 days; load 11S9 lb. steei-B S.!)0, Bolted at $8.00-50; medium-good Inieked-ill steers $s. 75-11. 25: few common heifers Jli. 50-7.50; medlnmgood grades SK. 25-75; cutter-comiuon cows $5.00-75; dinners down to $1.25; rat dairy type cows mostly $11.25-50; good beef cows to $7.5(1; few Bulisnge bulls $11,011-50; heavy hulls ouolnble to $7.25; choice veal era $111,011-50: common-medium grades SII.5II-X.B0. SlIKI-M': Spring lambs scarce; few head good-choice kinds held above $10.25; sizeable lot com-iiiotl-tiiodltiiil shorn old crop lambs held around $li. 00-7. "0 or above; few shorn 2-yeur-old wethers $5.tltl; shorn ewes soluble $:l.Oor.O or above. named mayor and three Incumbent labor-endorsed coulicllnien were re turned to office, McDonough defeated Mayor Wil liam Fallon 411,214 to 45,792. Fallon defeated MiDonough two years ago by :I5!I votes. NF.W YOKK, May 1. (AH Senator llnlton K. U'l ler (l VITAL STATISTICS BORN Sf'OFIICI.n To Mr and Mrs. W .1. Scolleld. of 112:1 Harvard street. Hosehurg. Ill Mercy hospital, Tues day. April :io, a son: weight seven pounds, ten nnd a hair ounces. Sutherlin SI TlllOHI.IN, May 1. Mrs. Ag nes Carlisle and small daughter, Kay, visited over the week-end at the Vern llolgate home. F.dgnr Shirley spent Ihe week end with his Tamily here. Mr. Shirley l employed in Kugene. II. K. 11 lerson or Hosehurg was visiting friends and attending 10 business In Sutherlin Men duv A baby hoy weighing ten pounds and eight, ounces was horn 10 Mr. arid Mrs. Krnost Arehambeau at Mercy bosrilfal ill Jtn:ielmrg Satur day, April 27. A son was born to .Mr. nnd Mrs. Cene (lodlrey Thursday night at their home west of town. (Continued from page H law, not destroy It. She asked members also to leave her commit lee's legislation flee of extrane ous, matter so that It might he passed speedily. Mrs. Norton announced mat sue u.i.i ni-miesn lo strike from the couimlltee'B hill wage exemptions Hselt. yesterday by the British foreign of fice. There was no comment. The lliltlsh announcement, nifttlo last night, said tho move was neighbor was "frankly uneasy.'" Ho added that the mlnsltry'g ap prehension was bused on the, gon eral atmosphere In government 'necessary" because 01 the piu-iiiiu uipiumuuC Cermun attitude of the spokesman of the Italian regime. In some circles tho announce meat was Interpreted as a move lo draw some clearer, statement of Italy'3 intentions In the war, nnr lici larly Binco there was littl.l sign of tension In Ihe Mediterranean Tornadoes Lash Midwest and Dixie; Fourteen Killed (Continued from page 11 lor the processing or certain fresh fruits and vegetables. leaving those operations exempt only from Hie hour standards lor cer tain periods. Garden proposals siain Tho house yesterday rejected the Harden wage-hour amend ments arter they were changed provide exemptions ioi farm processors rrom ttie nouis provisions but not wage. The vote was la'i 10 no. Originally, the amendments by n-p. Harden (I)., N. '.) would have exempted 11 score 01 agri clillural processing operations rutin both the present 42-nour pel week work maximum nnd the 30 cents an hour wage minimum. Until proponents and some op ponents or these proposed change voled against them In their final form. I'roponenls were ungeieu by removal or the wage exeiiip lions and Harden was one or those who voted "no." Iletore the balloting Harden said bis amendments had been so "load ed up" with oilier proposals nm he could not accept uie ickisuumiu in that form. Rumania Orders Ouster of 200 Obnoxious Nazis .Meanwhile, however, there v.ns evidence of German propngamln no- llvily in Italy at a press confer ence for Italian newspapermen lit which the Cerman view of the war whs outlined by tho diplomatic cor 1 :hi undent of the Ilerllner Iloer sell eitting. Nazi "Success" Praised Morning iicwspuperH gave a maximum of attention to German news of the German occupation of Dombas, Norway, which 11 .Messag- gero termed "a great strategic suc cess." Otherwise thero was no new manifestation of hostility toward the allies after yesterday's bitter anti-French outburst In which vir tually the entire Italian press com mooted strongly on the French treatment of Italy. The occasion wan the 91st anniversary or Garl haldi's dereat or a French expedi tionary lorce sent against Italian republican troops in Home. The fact that the Italian liner Hex sailed yesterday for New York 011 schedule nnd that other Italian liners were departing regularly for North and South America and the far east was considered 0110 Indica tion that Italy Is planning no dras tic action in the near future. :it her thiin on specific facts. daughter or F.lijnh Hicks; and Mrs. Sophie Miller, 27. In southeastern Missouri. Lewis Campbell, III!, was killed on n farm north of Sikeston. A clillil at Her Hand lost his llfo. Max Schiller, 30. a Scott county. (Mo.) runner, wu.i killed while milking a cow. Hull dnniuged the ripening strawberry crop In the Ozurks ot northwest Arkansas, and trees in the apple and peach orchard le gion around lingers were uprooted by wind. Snow ana Forest nres Galoshes were In vogue tor May Pole dancers In several middle western states today as April's farewell showers turned lo wet, swirline snow. The May day snowstorm center, ed over extreme northern Illinois, extreme eastern Wisconsin nnd western upper .Michigan. Flurries were general over .Minnesota, Iowa and exl remit northern Wisconsin. Thero was a heavy rainfall nt Meridian. Miss., with 2.78 Inches hut ainounts exceeding an Inch al so were reported In Alabama, .Mis souri, Indiana. Washington und Oregon. The second heaviest rain or Ihe year In 11 21-hour period roll lit Se attle, ending soon niter daybreak. A total of 1.10 Inches was re corded. In the eaat warm weather con tinued rar tho fourth day. In New jersey, 33 utn-ot fli'Oo ,,c;',ti'r,ytw 2, 417 acres of woodland yesterday. Monday 15 fir burned 1,1 11 neroH. Developing and 1Ct Printing roll of 8 49 One 6x7 Enlargement FREE The Film Shop 222 No. Jackson St. Phone 9-Y lll'CIIAHKS' May 1. (AH The Huniiinln government was re ported today to have signed or ders for the expulsion of 20U Ger mans after a canvass of GOO homes in the oil field districts and other strategic ureas of llumnnia. Attitude of Italy Draws Inquiry From U. S. Envoy (Continued from page 1) version of shipping from the Medi terranean appeared in Ihe Italian papers In the form of a conimuni iliie Issued by the Italian govern ment under a London dateline. This was merely the verbatim report of an announcement issued PAHIS, liny 1. (AH Tho Ital ian altitude toward the allies "has become deHnitely alarming" In the hist two days, a roreign ministry spnpkcsmnn declared today. Tho spokesman said the roreign oMco's concern over ruttiro rela lions with France's .Mediterranean ORDER YOUR FUEL NOW! Dry 4-ft $3.00 eerd Dry 16-Inch S4.50 load Sawdust $2.50 unit Mill Ends ..$4.00 load Planer Ends $4.50 load We have green wood on hand SPECIAL BUY! 6-Ft. John Deere Combine $475 "SEE US FIRST-WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY" DOUGLAS COUNTY Fare Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG, OREGON WHEAT I'OUTI.ANH. Ore.. May 1. (AH) Open High Low Close Muv sr, K5 .M'l Sept Hi .XI .SI Stock ant? Bond Averages Compili May I: STOCKS d by The As:toi'lalcd I'le-.s. Wednesday l'lev. day .Miutll ago Ye'ir n co .. MHO high I'.ilo low .. WedllCF'lriy IMev. day . Month ago Year ngo .... HUH high . Ill ill low :iii IlKl'ls .. 71.2 . II I ti "12 '..! r. lilt's ivr. is.s i '.i. i 17. s 20..-, ISO 15 I'.n l i s St'ks Itvs :is ii :t:i.i :u i to a :;v:i in. r.o.2 :,n.s i:. it in. DON DS 20 HI HI 111 Hit's tin! Is I t's Fgn . r.Vlii:! I . ..r,s.2 i":i :i ....'i.Vti 102 ti r.r. o us H r,u r.iit; lin o i !I7 I !"7.1 ini. i 17 1 fill. I Ml r.:i m.3 New high. mt . -It tout (fiVfv ariatfajff May 3 ZMay 18 A o o 12 Free Violin Lessons Our Music week special lo you with Ihe purchase of a genuine Gibson Violin, com plete with Gibson bow and case at only $36.00. $6.00 down and $5.00 per month. OTTS On corner by the Depot K f THI l EARTH For exterior of your home able Beautiful, dur- SPECIAL SWP HOUSE PAINT S2.77 SPECIAL S2.77 Quarts Spec. 89c Gallons Spec. $2.87 Primes and surfaces all exterior wood SWP Undercoater 4?o Quirti Spec. 89c Gallons Spec. $2.87 Gal. in Ss For kitchen, bathroom, hall ingly washable wall finish . . Qr. Spec. 89c S-W amaz- SEMI-LUSTRE Spec, per Gal. In 5s $2.89 For fyrniture," woodwork,"" toys. The fa- SS3St EHAMELOID Gallons Special $3.99 Wear and weather resistant. Puts smile on Ce Porch & Deck Paint Gallons Special 3.19 For linoleum throughout the house. S-W Pes" Linoleum Varnish Gallons Special 3.19 $2.99" Regular $3.65 si. 15 Regular $1.48 97c Regular $1.20 93c Regular $1.21 CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. IRONMONGERS mmswmsm Get a Ovvnware China nefviyvralor Set AT NO EXTRA with the purchase oS this hiq 0.1 en. ft. NEW DELUXE REFRIGERATOR 159.95 S5 DOWN ?6 Monthly, Carrying Charge Year's greatest combination buy! Big new refrigerator with features that would cost you S30 more elsewherel Plus Hall china ovenware set . . . beverage pitcher, butter dish, and 3 baking or left-over dishes all covered! Refrigerator has 6.72 cubic foot capacity ... 2 sliding shelves . . . Jiffy tray with automatic released Mil Mllll S II UJJRW.MgW0SljlWWIISaW 1 rvfrifcralor niodvln tLA 2-4-v0,teli'X tW seoed mechan- H BIG FAST WASHER AIL PURPOSE VACUUM plus handy washer cover and 6 packages of Wards soap chips I Extra value offer for limited timet .00 A .. a Don't delay! See all you get with this w fflrl ffKIXf big white 7-8 sheet washer . . . packed with features! Has famed Swirlator washing action . . . Lovell adjustable wringer with roll stopl Hook on cover! Electric pump 50.05 Oat tnfllftt 78.1)5 S4 Monltity, Carrying Chorgm in an amazing combination offer with large size zip-fastening chintz wardrobe bag! Holds 8 garments 7 6tt5 Sensational ! You'd pay $20 more else where tor a comparable cleaner . . . without garment bag! Wards giveyou both! Cleaner has rug nozzle, floor brush, drape brush, upholstery brush, radiator nozzle, extension wands! M down $4 Monthly, Carrying Charge MONTGOMERY WARD 202 No. Jackson St. Telephone 73 31 S NO. JACKSON ST. TELEPHONE 95