TWO ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY I, 1940 Tex Carlton Hurls a U!a a .. r VHMf U'llUII UQfllC Triumph Over Cinclnnari Ninth In Row for Dodgers; Yonks Beaten in Rookie's Debut. ny jrnsox iiaiij:v A.sHoclutcd I'ithh Si'UtiH U'i It'.-r NIiii Kt iJii Mh t vieioih'H. flfinax! by a wi-lilt pilrlilim orlonmiurf (mil! it ;i:t yt'ui - tld 'i'cxafl cowhand who iillijOKt (lritf'(l to (illt hilMr luill liifll winter and stay at horn' on tin? range, hIiow that Hrouklyii Ih tuklnj: li.nMmll seriously and will him lo he hikcMi Heriouflly. Tex C'ni'lton'H uo-hlt, .H) ...unifi' if(-e aiilijhl ('Inclnnatl yeftteiday pointed up (he Hut that Iliooklyn liilcheiH liavf allnwr'd only (ill hlln and I t runs In iiiiip yanieH. The homer thai 'om-arart hit with two on In (ho firth to fti-nre u 1 1 tile rutin or vest ei day "h khuu: kept Indict th() Dodgei ' average of u homo run lor every name nine' the. Ktait of Hie kphh'iii. Tin HI. I-.oiiIh Canlinals were rained pat aivnltiHl I he (JiunlH yes ieiday. hut tin lJillnli.irf:h I'lmU'K were beaten lor the fourth Hlramht lime, ti j, by Ihf I'liillien, and the Chi (.. Cuba had an S-7 Hi'jeeze to win ltl llililllii from the Hi. I'litll tin reiMiim from t'lm-in- natl were jiihIimI yt Hlerday, the l-laudlll of Die! world were till fi'ilitK to a 2 .Vy ear-old HoulJuiaw of (In St. I.miiH IIidwiih. Kmil IlihllllJ. who tstopped the world rjianipimi New Yuri. Yan kees '2-1 on two hllri in lilt HikI mart in tiio maJorn. Tiic rookie li-iiii Sun Antonio vutw up a run on a triple and a .iik.i in Hi firm InnlUK d then proieeded lo hold tin? famoiiH elUf.m'in hill van the rest ol I hi way. The Cleveland liidfnuH rllmhed hack Into exehiHlve poHHeHcloii ol the lead in the American league with a 10-fi victory over the I'lillu ilelphla AlhletbH on lltidlin'H 1 hit pltchiiiK ami two Iioiimjih ciach by Tronl,y and Kellner. The IloHton IU'd Sox. who had rhared the lop Hpotit Tor a day. were II I victims )I the CliU-imo While Sox. ' Ttie WnHlil'.-gloi, Senators banned i the Uelrdl TIrcvh l 1 Oaks Knocked From Coast League Lead OUR BOARDING HOUSE with I KNOW IT... ri, II ' 1 f "X""Hf -Srs . HfcKt.wwKKv j I ou-.. O.VC MZ I ' , .'! I III V I WAKI'-VUU UOI 1 l-IVt -IVUINUtt t. ' r L 1 NO BUSINESS V-M START DOWN THE YlFTr ! I 11 RPIM' AITWIM I il Al 1 Ply PkPFORF Vni I I III MILE OF FRESH I 'A COMMENCE K. 1. Mai0,Hoop,0il Musical Festival Ta rtraw Cfnlantc W'm'K THE GENERAL SHQVAER 5-1 Tragedies Hit Kin Of Local Resident Ml'H. I.oiiIh Kiillc-rtiin of llow- blll'K In In Colfax. WiihIi.. IIiIh wrck at tilt lioim? of lifi- lirotlii'l'-in-law ami siwlur, .Mr. anil Mih. Ar lliui' HIi lianlKOii. ji f I ( i- liaui'ily Htnuk twice I in u tin- family wli ti- fn u pi.Tioil of 4H liom-H. ciiiihIiu IliM'i ileal lis ami out; st-vuri; In jury. Ml'H. l-'iillt'i-ton wiih cnlli-il to Piiltliiml Siimhiy by tin; nuililwi dwitli lioni heart failure of her jlirollier. Itoy l.jle. memher ol the I Porllnuil ioli-e ileartinent. ialteiiiJIiiK the Itinera servire.. j Monilny were Mr. anil Mrn. Ith-li- llv 'I'he Aimoil I 1'renB iinls"ll or Colfax, who reielvi-l One inlulitv rwat hv Snullniaw ' tlmt Hi"lr Inline hail hi le- Jnliniiv llurn'.lt linorlieil tlaliliiml l'J"il !V exiiluslon ol' a kiih eu rroin the I'aillle ( nasi llaneliilll wiiMim lilant. t-mixliiK the .Icalll leinue lieil.-Hlal mill lllteil Han nl ll'lf "". Itii halcliein. ami (ninclm'O out or the rellnr. I1'1" ''. ""'I "vero Injury to an- Thn haxea wire loiuleil In I he "I'kt mm. Million ItU'llill ilnoll. alxth liinlui: last nluht when the h". Iiowever, Is reiinrteil to he Kan Kranclsco leiileilii'ldi-r lei- n'i'oveijni!. ,eil iii l'i the plate, lie leaneil oul Mr. I'lilleiton ami .small ilaiiKh nlli; that soared Into the suhllrhw Mollle, who aiioliiliankil Mrs. lor a three-bai;!:er ami (laklaml Kiillerlon lo INirllaml Siimlay. re iii htlmlileil -1 to It. , , Iturneit lo Iheir home In Uoseliuij1, Mibv. Daldanil seeond has.'.inan.1 '"'' V''", ,'' l' '""mian maile 'llie Nun fllliK li o eomelia. U M W .1is. Hillelloii s slsler. li.KBlhle when he hooted UlLwm'n '" '"In. of ( iishman easy roller, ii.IshIiib i ut llial "" V1" n',""'1" l,!"n' 1 would have retlreil the side ''" 1'wllerlun ruliirns Irom Lol lore lllirrett's honuilmt hell. The vlelory elevalnl the ftealsj Into seventh plaie. leavliiK Porl j Arlirol Cainnt liind. whose itame with Seatlle was I AvllljCU JuVulll milieu out lar.i muni, hi me m m JilliKeon. San I'lefto moveil into the jiilofH chair with a lenlnnlliK j win over Sacramento. Tin Los AnurleH Ailfi'-ls diiused the llollywooil Slurs I) In .1 In Hie openliiB Kiime ot I heir Inlrailly p. tIi . Inst nlL'hl. dayi. did not have Die opportunity lor exnressioii that her In-other had. she was a slave. Wu liave inaile luiliroveini.'iils. . . . "The 'last word' has nut been Kpnlteii ahoiit anything, not even alioiit morality" In hiH ehiHHroiims. Ir. Itussell said lie teaches phitusophy and the hlslory ol philosophy never his Ideas on sex. Wealth Found on Man Who Dies of Malnutrition Defends Sex Views Baseball Standings NatieiMl League W lliooldyn :i (lliciiinall New tnk . I'hlcami . .. I'lltshiiruh SI. I. mils Philadelphia llosloli .. American League W Clevelallil S llost'lll T llctroll Waslifimtou i' SI. l.ouls -r' New Yotil . I'hlliidi'lphla Clilcaui. Pacific I I. I'd I .inn ; .lop I I. I'll :i .72 I .i;:i San hlfiitt . OaLliind . I .oh AnK'dcH aitM-ntu I lolly wood Sin Ki limit Pol tlaiiil . Coast Le.igue I. IS I. is l:t r. n it 1 1 11 IT HIT i:: if. ! li I .OS AN(!K1jKS, May 1 (API I ir. fli'itriind ItiissHI. tin llrldsh Kavnnl. today dHVmlfd his widely dtrtiHsncd viiMVs on sex wlih a dc Harm Ion dial "all my proposals in K'Hiiid to tlu r'latloiishi) be nt I'fjii mi'ii and women u en In tended In bolster up Hie institution ol marriage mil to abolish It." I r. Utissell, i'iresioiH i'liiniIl t reeenllv ff- sulled in the voiding of a learhltu eoniriM t with t'ity I'ollem- o New o)i. ha.n been named in now liti gation to have him ousted as a family member at the I'nheislty I in i iiiuiiiuiii al i -os Armeies. tl Ini U'ull. ho described him selt as a llaptlst miiiisiei' torimvly lol Fresno ami the fatliei' n two 'children, lust ilu led die pioceed im: which seek lo i eshala the anlversiiy hoard ot reneiits I rom coin iiuiitiK lii philosopher's con- irmt. ' I'leedoin is essential lo physi cal ell hcinu. mental advance ment and spiritual pi ouiess." 1 l . liiisscll saiil. "Victoria ii vii tti" was not the apotheosis of good ness. "The young woman id' Victoiiuti Two New Theaters Will Rise in Klamath Fall. SAN' KKANCISCO. Mav 1. (AP tieortie M. Mnnu. head or the lieil Woods Tiu-arers corporal inn here, announced yesit i day plans had been coiupletod for construc tion o hvi new theaters jn Ka. maih Tails. On;., at a wwt ol $mi.-nun. SAX FIIANCISCO. Mayl. (API A t'.amii. idderly man weffihini; hut ":i piiimds -collapsed on a park bench in I'n ion Squaro yt'stcrday and died later. Hospital attend anls said death was due to heart disease and maltiuli (lion. heputy (Vnoncr ltay Drooks Haid he was Krank Schlotl. ti:t. a retired ::ho worker ol Itkhinoml. Calif., and that In his pockets was .'t!(":t in cash and currency. Hank hooks showed deposits pxeeedim; Dillon. One liad a withdrawal entry 1 oi si tiii. elated last week, i Tiie man had no known relatives; here. Ho was a native of PIES FROZEN AND STORED A hundred pies were linked at a time by American eoloui.sts. who frozu and stored them in l In rue, jars. When wanted, a pb j was (hawed out In u pie cupboard ; In I ho chimney. Work on one. al 7th and Pine ' i'lreeis. will be s;art.e.I immulinlc ly, he said. This eoiislnietioii will include r.ijven stores on I lie site. Plans for the oilier, nl lit li ami Uashbtnn Way, are being cour ,,l",,,t- WHAT AN APPETITE! I'he tin ater cimpauv, oneratinu . I Mirinir his lileliine. I he river- show places in more a doen ; at;e human being eats lon.lnin northerii Calirorlua i itle:t. recently i pounds of bread, 12,'Iimi eggs. opened a ftiuu.miti theater. in Kure-j hiiiidredw eight of meat, ami ti'Hi .Students from all p'lrts of Doug, he! eouniy will participate Jirf Saturday. May 1, In the Douglas County MiimIc: festival, to be held at the Koneburg junior high arhool starting at 1:30 p. in. The Renoml public is invited to attend the pro gram. Parents and friends of the participating pupils are particul aily urged to he present, the .-om-niittee In charge reporin. There uill be no admission charge. Schools that have not yet regis tered for Ihe program but who de- I -ii'ir in Hfiuj represeniauve siu idenls are renilealed to notify Miss , Helene liobiiiHon al the Junior nign scriooi in jtouenurg as hood as possible. Students participating In the fes tival ar requested to meet at the junior high school at lu:3n a. in. for a rehearsal. In conjunction with the musical program there will be nti exhibit of student art work. The program as outlined to date is as follows; Chvthrn h a n d. "Pirouette." l'inck; director. Miss Cleora Kggi maun, FuMertoii school, Itosebtirg. Tyee school, song, director, .Miss Kvclyn Powell. Primary grades chorus: "Winds of Kvening," "Hrownies," "Toy- ;uid," "The Apple Tree"; director. Miss Helen Wetherell. Mvrtln (Creek, acccunpanisl, Miss Delia I Lamb. Kosehurg. Harmonica selections, Kullerton school, recorder band. Director, .Mr. Cillmnre. Action song, "The Farmer Knows His Onions." Nugget school. Itenson school, song, director, Miss Ina KariiKworth. Inlermedinte grades chorus, "Over the Heather," "Water Dance." "A Pledne." "Whirh Is the Way to Somewhere Town." Director, Miss Mildred Young. Drain : accompan ist. Miss Delia Lamb. lioselmrc Accordion solo, Hoi) Perry. Cam as Valley. Hoys' 7l!i tirade chorus. Junior high school, Kosehurg "The Last Iloundnp." solo. Don Klliott. Direc tor. Miss Heleiie Robinson, Hose burg. Tap dance. Nugget school. I'pper g rndcR chorus, "All Through the Night," "Condoliera," "Amaryllis," " .Merry Lire." Hi-; n'ctor. Miss Helen Uobinson. Hose lmrg ; accompanist. Miss Helen , Wetherell. Myrtle Creek. j lileiulale, operetta chorus. ! Diain, grade m-Iioo) orchestra. Director. Miss Voting. i Combined chorus, "Cod Hless j Aiuei ica." "Oregon State Song." j I ilrector. Miss Itobinson ; accom- panisl. Miss Lamb. j Harmonica band. "Hilly Hoy," j "Long, Long Ago." j Visitors Are honored ! at Meeting of Grange were honored guests at a Joint meeting of Klkhead and Klk Creek Home Economics clubs, at the Klk head community hall, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Norman gave a very Interesting talk on grange work. She also gave some very ood suggestions for the H. 11. cluba. leaving materials to be used. Mrs. AmleiHon also gave a lino talk. A pot luck dinner was serv ed at noon. Those present includ ed Mrs. Dora Tohnsoti and Mrs. Uattlo Zimmerman 0f Hoseburg, irs. i-rea Muse and Mrs. John Weber of Klk Creek grango. Mrs. Frank llradiord, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen. Mrs. Fred Reeves, Mrs. J. II. Wlttmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Record, Mis. Adams and Mr und Mrs. Walter Record, of Klkheud grange, and Mrs. Rust of California. Officers Nominated by Local Aerie of Eagles Rosehurg uerie of the Kagles lodge ut its regular meeting last night nominated officers for the forthcoming fiscal year. The elec tion will be held in connection with the regular meoting May 7. Nominations Included Martin Kelly, president; Paul Dusseau, vice-president; Ernest Fox. Art Evans, Eldon W'erber, Marshall Hunt, chaplain; Jr. H. U. Hcofield. secretary; Vernon Orr. treasurer; Herbert Maker, conductor; HIM Hlack. Inside guard; Tom Flnlay, outside guard; Oscar Hubbard, Ray Tannlunii, Floyd Whitlock, trus tee. Announcement was made thai (tie present membership of the Roseburg lodge entitles it to 2a delegates to the state convention to he held In Marshfield, and a mo tion prevailed that the delegates be appointed by the president. Mike Parazoo, Frank Sparks und fieorge Wright were voted into membership. ll a I. so was announced that spe cial Mother's day ceremonies will be held in connection . with the next regular meeting. CARD OF THANKS I, I wish lo express my gratitude mid ptoaauro to all Iboso who Bent lneSHUt;, cai'ilit. ItMLeiH ami ut-uu-I If ill lloiT8 while I was In Hie houpitul und to those who called on me. Thl a is to thank yon. one und all. Mra. (I. W. Ycnin:.'. Floor Sanding and Refinuhing CHAS. KEEVFR Phone 651-J Phon 128 Temporary addrese R. F. D Oakland, Oregon (TEDCXXltD rnmm Defeat: Opportunity Wll.'lt Is (h.' Vnll.Inr t.,.i education. Nothing but the first step to something belter. Wendell Phillips. When everything seems los1, noble souls find their opportunity. -Lacotdalro. The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for il, but what he becomes by it. Ruskin. Experience is victor, never the Vaiiotlisheil: and nut , comes the secret of victory. Mary Maker Kibly. The things which hurt, instruct. Whitsitl. There's no defeat, in truth, save from w ithin ; I'nless you're beaten there, you're bound to win. - Henry Austin. i wiii'i1 V I" e4 a4 Ti hm", LENIENT TERMS! Old range taken In as down payment. Come in! We'vt mtdt ft EASY tor you to Hv a MONT AC! Models tre priced ms low s '43.75 SEE... OWN this wonderful New Range! We are proud to feature this grand COLUMBIA EMPIRE PRODUCT. Its sensational beauty ... its amazing fea tures ... and today's low prices com b'me to let us offer it as an amazing VALUE! For more than 60 years Montag Ranges have been manufactured here, and have given complete satisfac tion in thousands of homes. SEE ... OWN . . , your favorite model. Judd's Furniture Store 321 No. Jackson St. Telephone 26 G. O. P. Committeeman - Aspirant Visits Roseburg Miliun 1J. Kb ppt r nl poitl.iml. candidate lot i cjnildii ;m national iiimuiil tt einaii at lai -i wa a litlciil visitor In Roseburg tmla Mr. Klcpper oinplcltm; a loin or the western pall ol the stair and Is vl.-diiuK ever ptiuupal com muntty on route. I'm lug his t.mi In- has been siting up an alte ergaiiUaMon to umk in hi.- behalt and has m i uied a i eji e-iitat w e in each i minty. He icpoils that Attorney U I.. Eddy vill erne as Ills icpieM'iiUtno lor I';-county. TIRE RECAPPING 6UU to 600 $5.00; 625 to 6!0 700 $6.00. O.K. TIRE SHOP Mosher and Stephen. Sts. Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Work Sheet Metal Work Tailored lo tbe Job (27 N. Jackioii bt. Phone 30 reprciiwiUitivt' the i KiiiriKc. of Uol.l Hill; ,Mr. i-if- j W M fi" M 1 1&rl litlt ini'l Mrs. An.lci-iHi (il K.'llii'.-u ft W M M B rP W ITSf C -7 1Q4Q GAS mj a sjSjH --x f NEW LOW PRICES! MM T X "!','ltt ' 1 TVTOW 1 rcfriScraor that combincj -3 f Mm Si MM e k" t S fbf JimS N the famous silence and savings of 3H M tAw SSS&I fm 'Sr Scrvcl's different freezing system with JjS J W Jff JV "1 tne l worcl modern convenience j .j"" i 'Y ( ' and adaptability! The 1940 ScrvelElec- & Jy' "X WJr 'fe '"i ?j trolux lets you store what you uant r ft. 7, T i ? If k-ftS 4 where you uant il. Lets you keep food H A C 1 m n ir " t . "OOT COlO. Dr COtO . . . Too gat IOTHI - ar v &r fm r miyii rr rwr fjr m r8 I " Wt S Mm W IH 1 Ml Aflfllvl iWmm'k Tho six-hottlc carton of 'I I i tm m mmA . w w swt . w I belongs in your refrigerator. - jOj wmm eif-vt 1 1 ", T Convntent Leution Colin Shop Bullet Tittra. Dining e Binquet Roomt Fimouilj Fine Food Modern Appolntmtnts luiuhout Oultidt Roor4 C Oppotiti A Welcome Awaitt You The sbc-bottlc carton of Coca-Cola is the ideal way to have refreshment at home. The carton is easy to buy and easy to carry. Pure, whole some, delicious, Coca-Cola belongs in your refrigerator. BonttU l.VDIR ACrilORITY OF Tilt CCK A.tOlA CO. BY ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS 0w-Actlon Fr..h.n.r Or, w NWtt MMt Sterafl., keeps vegetables ind whichever you desire, fmtu slwsrs moist sod simol. br sdiustios the tall oi ftirvr. cover. This week,' see the !eautiful new models at our showroom. Discover for yourself why more and more families every year are changing to the Gas Refrigerator. m 4m H YOU ENJOY ALL THESE ADVANTAGES Modarn Conwnlenco and Beauty . Permanent Silence No Moving Part to Wear Continued Low Operating Cost Fullest Food Protection Plenty of Ice Cube More Years of Service ' Servings That Pay for It TELEPHONE 1861 The Choke of, Expericncel CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES CO.