TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1940. IMJbvWS OF FARM T GRANGES COUNTY AGENTS REPORTS CROP NEWS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEWS Gladioli Adapted To Ordinary Soil Looseness, Q o o d Drainage Main Requirements for Best Blooms With Little Care. Supp'ied with plump. clean, high wow n, diffuse-free bulbs. Hit ! ateitr grit-dcner having ,t yiini-y Mpnt 111 Din garden will Hint it very vitsy grow exhibition blooms i f by planting then ithou' Six Ill'll'-S deep. The gladiolus Is not in the least fastidious uk to type or soil pro viding It In loose find well drained. Very heavy adobe and sliff Hay soils arc readily made friable and loom! by applying noil eorrecilves to them and organic iiiiilli'r In the form of peal or leaf mold, Steamed honemenl mixed with the soli directly under the Inilh in . I xvhlch Ihe roots iiiiihI drive for moisture ant) nourishment, will snf flee itnlll the swelling Mower buds are felt In the leaf sheaths. 'Top dressing nt the latter Hinge with ;i well iiHiuticeit. complete eoinui' r rlal fertilizer will supply the exr "push" necessary to produce ex hibition flowers. The planting season may he pro longed In order to supply flowoi Tor garden el feet find cutting oxer 11 long period, providing one is will ing to spray the lale pjjin: ln;n weekly, with 11 pyrethruui-roienoiie spray. Troin the time the tup growth Is about len to twelve in ches above the ground. Kaily plant ings whlell ciiltlfl Irilo bloom III early summer usually escape Ine Htimmer Infestation of gladiolus tlhlps. Cycle of Growth Any gardener having know led-re of the growth eyele of gladioli xxhl find them one of I he easiest of all garden f lowers to j-row. Hludloll niiiLlfply heely, making it posidbie lor the person with a linil'ed gani en budget to soon uerpilre a nlze aide planting within a or two. Tho planted hulh, prefeinhlv one with a high crown, under Hie 111II11 etiep of moisture 11 ml koII lie,.i, de velops a net of roots almost tin tnedlalely Those rools continue to grow while Hie eyes hi the hull) develop to the point whore I hey whirl pushing through the gionnd. This Is (hi? Hint slago of root de I'elopmenl. The second stage occurs wild Hie formation id 11 new hulh on lop of he planted hull). The new hull) forms Its own net of roots imli pendent from (hone of I he planted or Mother hull). These rootH grow by JOHN CLINTON e& I. ike sn many people I've ulwavs been . .i ftffl r!y;i!,"ViT It wasn't what you'd call an obsctMnn. If jtoint'oiic yelled "Clarmcn" real (iiitk, I'd he more apt to think of a street car conductor than some sultry dame in a ml dress singing on the slae in liih til ' And lhn Union Oil Company itarltd 111 braadtotti of "itrtamlinad epira." (NBC Rtd Nclwoik at 7 30 O'clock, Monday nfghlt, P5T). And now I am an authority on muiicl lliis Union Oil 1'roK'ain lias the nijlit idM, Vou don't to m( Ihroimli n lot of dull yodrliiig wail 4. y, intl tor Mime trnor to out a familiar tune one vou t an whistle on tho wax home! I Bocouio In thoto "llfoomlintd ptroi" IKoy'vo cut oil that ttgfl eul. Tho ncllon il alt In Englnh and you ftolly gl th tlory. By golly, II I pfotty iwotl iluft. Another thtnn lliat ni.iVe-. il cond it tlic t.u t that lliev don't ,as h.wv ur.uid ox-ra In f.nt. inauv ii( the nIiows air Victor llrtln it (mm- tluiieN lint iHie whistled all your lib - and iiimmciI (inn ethes, too-like "o No Nanette." So look, tonight al tvn-thirty. lit down by tho radio and tun in ysut nrarott NBC Rfd Nol work nation . , . ,D,1 9l an oar full. If you don't lifct il, thtn wrlfo mt a lollor and I'll a r tonally oat It on Iho llopf ot Iho NBC Station In Hollywoodl Rmtmbr, Union Oil "rgiam-tenflhl-;30 o'(lokt UNION OIL COMPANY mt OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoopla ! f ALL I KNOW IS ME WAS fefMlSSlM& TWO W LET'S WOT TE&R OUT UHE MlSS HIS j I READING THE PAPER AMD COMSECUTIVJE TOO MUCH HAil?ixVFie,KTN;& SP1R1T , THEM HE JUMPED UP ALL & NJOSEBA6S ISM'TjHE'S PROBABLY WwTME GRAW I ! OF A SUDDEKJ, GB.UMTED HOOPLE.' A TAKING A FLVER B BOAT NOT AMCM-J 60WETHlM& ABOUT "GOLDEMJ THAT'S AS OUT H IM THE "LIBERAL fef ORED AT HiS I HAMD OF OPPORTUMITV" -A OF CMARACTER x REWARD" GAME U PLATE. AuD MO Vl ( AND GALLOPED OUT f ', AS. ANTS IGNOR-) --MlS METHOD W A LEET PLRrtjy II ' ' ( IN& A PICNIC f) IS TO LEASE A J?DOlM6 PATROl s. ' rXPAR BENSCH ANDW DOTV ON THE ) ilY l'c- f VWAlT FOR LO&T VV BSCOITS' J ity I 'W 1 Ky h Does to bark ) rn-ir-J- ! Somethinq Nutty About This ""ly c""' "fli"! "'ini-MinK an ' iii'it'iKi'K. I'--T. A.'h, cluha. etc. to I llrl' t" Kt Ht llliUle IU I n y jFZig'm Hio rounly ili'li'Kniion may make &ai"VmiK tlu'lll. J hat isn t a peanut next lo Hie orb. it's ust j peanut-shaped otifl. product of a lien owned bv Mrs. V. T. Williams of San Diego, Cxi. Mrs. Williams insUls ' ! did . A -cr.' the ben --ili. outward uniil ttiey are long eitoiuh I In oiiMM iiii' lht fidi'ii nt' Hi.. ..i.i 1 hulh and dip dou ii at an aiiuie of m and coullnneH to tred I ahoul Of I'OOtH I levelopum and coullnneH to teed tile loluigo Willie tin new buit.'t i:; iiiaiuriim. When ihe hulh is ripe and ready lo dig alter Hov.rriiiK. iju'se tools will be almoKl dry and lice of uudKlute. In the meantime, ihe original set of roots will liae died and Hhliveled wilii llu Moth er hulh. Third Set of Roots Meloie the (tower spikes detvl'in, a third set of root, nitlrelv dif ferent from the other, will spread lout In a regular network neir itie j Mil lace ol the Ininut: this pe- i l iod. weedH must he held in eiieck ! hy Iretpietil ei y i-hallou culliv.i i Hun and muhiiliit;. Plant Accordtnq to Effect Desired ' Chtditdi grown lor cutlint; pi.l ! piisi-M only are liest pland-d in row i spared tar eiiotiuh apait to make ! cnlttvation and ditch trrit: u:.m ! easy. liladitdi' k row n toi garden eiir ( in the main, should be inh-rsp r.ut tu grmips ot an odd uuuihoi of one aitety lo eai h. Such mups an lal mole ellertixc in the ba i 'H.uihl ol the garden bed aimni; oilier iii'iiMiuials. Soldierly rows ot , gladioli in the uatitcii hcil are lar short ol in ntin an alt: active ! appearance. Potential Thrills Novelties ol Vesteiday. pnncil i gooil ihit-r.s. will delight the lovers i ot i mo i lo ei s who a i e Jn-t as well I sati.slir 111 Ml t y d to let nt'i s . ii iov the Hie iiovclins Consider the.-.' , lliue IV.UM. I blues W 111) t. Ii Hie Mile eep blot, h ' Hie lliH'l . CI eiitn l-'esliv.ll IJileen litii' sHl,es Ol yeiiMiluni piuK m.tike.l cailuine. ( Cidilen Clittne. i ultted im uni,-e V el low II,. hide iolet all III I.. Kiet hi it: Ii l orange i uuiikinus a M;ut ii n n -it 'i i ich vi ith t i earn I 'n t;it . w u h P K tniurue Sun bug i l;i : ii'O' Siuilltti- ,,u deep salmon 1 ine will) il.nK I!. ike Ii he.-,t d'"'p I II ll golilell t ilnw . I'it ai d -elt chi nnii pink flesh pllik Idoleh. .M 1 il II I - lK'-l ell i oloied dev. .Moroceo de p gh-lemng itewi lt)a kish lo d I'lniif atli.otixe xv it u IVIegrtna - deep Maid ill thle.i X lh cle.ttll j i a 'I. ) ! liOLlt t 1 1 ' it 1 1 1 X liloll blue Mold. 71 T f J W T News of4-H ab CLUBS Tuesday exeliing of this week Hie Itoseliuiu Kiwaiiis club will put on lis program at Kelom for Hie grange ol that conimunlly. T!ie Coca Cola entertainers will complete their program In the in terest of l-H cluli scholarships this week The gioup will mi Thursday tail on a program al tllide lor Ihe henetit nt Hie (ilide I'.-T A., and llien iitl Mi.. i- itill their progi'Hin at laton'lake betore noon for the k ran tie of that nun- luunity. A dinner will be nerved at noon. Then the group wilt be tree to go limit hit: or otherwise enjoy the trip as they wish. IIC. Seymour, state club leader. MiMlini: County Club Agent K. A. Mi it ton last xveek. expressed hun self as being exceptionally x oil pleased witli the program in houn las county. He plaits to eonie to Hie Icadeis' meeting next Monday evening and will probably biiiii: U I.. Keener, dub aj;enl in l.aiiccoun i ly. with him, j The plaining diM-s for the trae I lor coin pi. inter and leitilier di.--j triluitor owned by the Kai m I lit -lean will be ready lot Ue this week so that the boys included til Ihe jltfitilUer dials w 1 he able to get : their corn planted immediately. The Pouulas coiitity local load-M will meet tor their lat session ol the se.oon at the home tt County Club Agent Ibitton next Monday evening at T'lhi. As soon as Hie business session is over, there xvlll be a good speaker tor the occasion, and (otlovv ing that a bai becu lliileh will te served The "eats' will be cool.ed under gioimd. I'onntv Club Aent Itiltton noiim e.i that unite a number jreillesls have heel made to finli meuibeis under twelve yt lei aiicod 111 dub summer m ;io.l. Mi. llriiion states that t hi t P t s ohm may pick up Hie taivn ami does not come within his jni Isdh'- 1 ,01' apdlu to the com (ton. as a liai.l and lived nile set mission for a necessary permit, bv Hie state dub leaders lurs any- .iaim commission olflciais slate one under twelve veai.- of ate. in-! thai there me actually lew "lost it ever so little Ihe time. Ihe I Mug- I ns r reUently Ihe mothers la- count) leaders, al a meet iiu : hide Ihe xouiig xvlule they o to last year, made ii recommendation : te-d and know (heir xv hei enbouts. thai those selected Iti go to sum-j Inasmuch as Ihe law provides a uier school le feuileen years o 1 Hue tor po,ssessiou til lawns with agi However, "ns is a i e ommeii- ! out peruiil. all persons are wjiiu-d d (tent otdv I not io e.inoe t aw '!. ei touch A Utter lu gene out iioin the" them at any lime. Another letter has gone out from the county club 61 fire lo leaders requesting Information on the nuiib her of exhibition be shown at the various spring lairs. This informa tion must lie in by May I In ortl-r to have exhibiting spare reserved for each club. The fair ror the on th end of the county will be held In the Itod and Cun club building In Canyon vflle Tliursily eveniiiK. May !l. The exhibits are to be placed immediately titter school and hy six o'clock, so lhat the judges may have their work done hetore parents and friends ar rive at about 7:3u. The fair for the north end of the county, which includes all territory north of Oakland, will be held In the (train grade school nyiuriasiuin on Friday evening, .May 1. The ex hibits there are to be placed be tween Hie hours of I and (i p. in. on that day. The lair for (lie central section. Including Oakland and Millard, will he held all day 111 ttie Kosehurg armory Saturday. May 1 1. Kxhtbits must be placed before ten o'clock in the morning on that day. (Concluded louiorrowi Chain Store Tax Opposed by Grange WASIIINCTON. April i.Mi. iAP) The national giange declared op position last x eek to the I'attnan chain store ta hill, term in k it a pol"iti:tl "death sentence" tor an eflicieut sxslem of ilist rib'i t ion. Kred Itreckiiiau, Washington rcp reseulative ol the grange, was one of several farm xvi:nesses x tio cri- licizeil the committee bill belore a sub- The I'aiman measure would levy !a graduated lax on chain concerns, the rale to he haseir'on the mini her of stores in each chain and the 1 number of Mates in whuh it opcr ! ates j "Ve know of no general com .plaint (hat would in any xay Jus i lily t he desi nici ion ol the larger 1 chains as contemplated in the I'at- man lii 1 1," III eel. man said. "It seems lo us lhat if there are '.tpeeitie abuses in chain store ! methods or practices, they hoiild : he eliminated by specific legisla tion if possible." Let Fawns Alone, Commission Warns j I'osm'ssioii ol spotted di'er taxvns (Without pel nut is uiilaxvtul and iu- suottiu retrain troin ' touching the young deer except un 1 der unusual situations. J Tins is w a ruing issued by offi I rials nt the Oicgon state game com- . j uitssion. As a general rule a mother deer will refuse lo feed or care for a jfawn that carries human scent ami 1 the young Is left to die ol starxa- jtlotl or lo be killed by predators. I In cases xv here il is known that the mother deer has been kilted. Wheat Insurance Plan Expanding WASHINGTON. April 2. (AIM The federal crop insuruncu ror poiutioii reported ttis.nun wheat Krnwci'H IL'H per runt more than lattt year had taken out insurance on their 1!MM nop. Their federal polities guarantee I iliem l' hushel8. I l-ast year, the first In which fi-deral crop inmiiaiice was avail aide, llJfl.miO taiiil. is liiHtiied their v. Ii-at l.urveata. Tiiu IiiHiiraiiec protects tho crop aaiiiHt all una voidable, hazards Kuch :ih hail, drought and flood. The crop must be Kcedcrt and lendi'd -in a workmanlike, luun ner." I'reiniums .aid on 1!H0 insur ance amounted lo 1 1.TfiS.nuO bu shels, as against (1,771. nun bushels last ye:ir. They became u part or Hie ever-normal Kinnary reserves. The estimated insured aci-eaties and insured production, bv slates, in W. und t!M0. included: Ori'Ktiit Am-mge insureil. l!i 11MU. !n;.u:'i: (est.l 2ll.7l!t. Insur ed product ion (bushels. HCJlMiMu, l'2,.ES(; (eat. ::.:i(i:t.fi72. Good Growing Conditions Favor Oregon Sections I'Oim.AN-l). April 2!i. (AIM 1 -Moileia e einitei-iiiMi-eu lliUatioil of kimiuIiIm.. lion provided good growing roudi. iiHois in most Oregon sections last eeK. The Lrovcrnitienl u-n..ilw,.. i,..,., : reported soil In excellent shape for ! Held work, altliough souio drier lands called for irrigation. U inter whojit to : . n ui....u. i 1 growth. SpriiiK XVhent seediny i" I Iicarlv eoniidele :mrl o-iili- u. ..... sprhm wheat Is coming up well, i Kiuit conditioiM are favorable and j virtually all- apple trees in bloom. (ieneral pasture and range tin Ipro.emeiit rtulied In a livesiock turnout. Some potatoes have been ! planted and early planted sugar ! heels are nn und litin wi.ll Notes from counties included: I inn this eouniv Hijiv-m CriuA.- : Karly corn planted; meadows fair, livestock -ood. Poultry-Stock Rankings of Oregon Are Reported The rank xvhicn Oregon took In the IS slates in the inventories of various classes of livestock on I hand January . liUn. is rvportcd (as lollows by the state department ot agriculture: Tui keys. :inl: chickens, Sllh; horses. L' Ith ; mules. IH'ml; all cat tle, milch cows. iMlth; hogs, :!iith: sheep, nub. The number on Oregon farms the first day ol this year; Turkeys. 17;".. nun; chickens, XlLM.uitn; horses. l.'iL'.nno; mules. V.uUO; all cattle, l.eli'.ooii; milch rows and heifers, ; hojis. 174. ; sheep, l.UfiN.- iion. ' The total Inventory value of all livestock in ( Hegon on that date j was .SM.'Jn.nnn; und in Hie Tniled i States. -Sa.lM.iir.I.eiHi. The figures .are based on a survey made by the ! federal agricultural marketing serv I ice. Pruning Brings Reward in Improved Timber VK.ATC11KK. Wash. -(AIM I A shave mid a haircut lor some of the yellow pine in the Wenatehee ; national forest costs about Mi cents. i CCO crews xiinli there pruning : lower brandies off the trees, up to u height of IS feet. Trees picked tare the smaller ones, xvith a diain ' eter of from six to eight inches ami a height of e to ;'." feet. ! The timber (rimmed in this ! in; 1 1 tier eventually makes lumber ; free of knots. Korest Supervisor j Walter It. I -und explained. ( Ml i each of "iMi acres near !,ake f Wenatehee some I" trees xvere picked out for such special prim j ing and tor six feet around each tree ln'isli was also cut away, j The CCC workers average about bait an acre a man a day. Wool Sales Prices Range From 28 to 30 Cents Lb. I'OItTI.ANI). Ore, April ( Al1) - Portland inai ket sources have coufinio'd four large xvool sales in Idaho and eastern Oregon. Two lots, one of la. unit pounds, of Salmon rh er country. Idaho, xvool went to Itoston buyers, the Hist at :;o cents, the second at 2S cents a pound. The P'.initi to re, pound cross bred Memliola and Thayer lots in the Outario-Calilxvell section xvep sold lo Oregon xvorsted mills al slightly better than :in cents. Willamette x alley wools are firm er and the marked undertone Indi cates ;!:'( en tlnds may be resumed although nothing more than ;; cents is being ottered openly. Housemothers Will Take Special Course at O.S.C. I oui:t;o. STATK CtM.I.Ktii: I The modern house mother in a soiority or college dormitory muM be a combination of expert bouse ( keeper, economist in financial mat . ters. and tavtnsdor on personal problems lhat are constantly aris 1 oil- ainhng the coed. To help lium p't -cut nt pi ii.-iii . I tv e hiue 'mothci.s lor their poMiieus. u spe- Mammoth Eggs Put in Seasonal Appearance The season for oversized gbks lit at hand ! Kuril year, about this time, the News-Review begins to re ceive mammoth chicken ckk& Willi a resulting contest on odd sized and shaped "hen fruit." The open exhibit in this sea son's contest was shown today by .Mrs. .Moore Hatrield of Shady Nook farm near Cllde. The ckk weighs five ounces and measures hy fii,' Inches in Its two circumferences. cinl conference has been arrang ed here from June 24 to July 12, as one of only tinea such confer ences in the entire t'nited States. Already reservations have been re ceived from Oregon;. Washington, California, Montana und Nebraska, reports J)r. Kute W. Jameson, dean of women here, who fs heading up the arrangements. Funeral Services Set Here for Three Persons Kuneial services for .Mrs. Klla S. Anderson, till, widow of tho latc Cbarles J. Anderson and well known resident or .Melrose, who died at Hie Mercy hospital last Friday, will be held In the chapel of the I'.ouuias Funeral home Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. Hev. Charles A. Kd wards officiat ing. Interment will follow In (he Melrose cemetery. Harry A. Phillips .Military funeral services xvlll be held at the Veterans cemetery Tuesday morning at tea o'cloc k for Harry A. Phillips, III. world war veteran who passed away at the Veterans administration hospital I last Saturday moruiim. Arranue meats are in clmrce oT tho Doug-j las Funeral home. Mrs. Ada J. Orr .Funeral services for Mrs. Ada , J. Orr. il". former resident of Itose-1 biirv. died at Salem last 1-riday. will be held in the chapel of the Douulas Funeral home Wednesday alternoon. Ma v 1st, at - o'clock, ilev. Louis .Magin of the First Methodist rhurvh. of which Mrs. Orr xv as a member, will officiato. Fnloinbmeut will follow In the family vault in the I.O.O.F. ceme tery. Arratmements are in charge of the houglas Funeral home. Roseburg Orchestra Sets Fourth Annual Concert The members of the Kosebnrg Concert mi-heat r& will present their fourth annual concert al the Methodist church at S p. in. Mon day, May 11. II. A. Canaday. direc tor, announced today. The concert xvill be a pari of tho local obser vance of national music xveek. The orchestra is composed of 2" musicians of Itoseburg and vicin ity. In addition to the instrumen tal selections by -Ihe entire orches tra, there xvill be Bevernl special nuuibe-.s by assisting artists and by sex-era I members of the "Sing ing Strings" orchestra of Ueeds port. The program Is to be presented Iree of charge and Hie general public is Invited to attend. Camas Grange Honors Late Member's Memory CAMAS VAI.l.I'V April 2!l When (Vnas Valley munge met Tue.Mlay night at ;.!i" school house, the charter xv a draped in honor of Win. .M. Pnr'.er. a kilo member, of Ihe grange. The b c ture hour xv as given tix-rr to a short memorial service of sons and readings for the tiuceased. (irange members voel to make the clean up day at the cniei-'i KM an annual event, l-'inal nruiiige ments are to be made at (he next meeting. Several projei t. of ag ricultural interest to the roiu inuiiity are also being planned. Navy Recruiting Party Eyes Roseburg Prospects A navy recruiting parly arrived in llosehurg today to remain over toiuoiToxv eon tact ing young men interested in euli.s(ing in naval de partments. The group also is ap pearing in schools ami before local ilxic clubs xvith pictures and other information pertaining to the navy, Members of the party include ( It. Perkett. chief signalman ; K. It. Hibson. chief plmnnaelst mate, and .1. Sharpe. ehief xxater lender. The party is making headquarters at the chamber of commerce of fice. Developing and ?Ctft Printing roll of 8 IjK One 5x7 Enlargement FREE The Film Shop 222 No. Jackson St. Phone 0 V TIRE RECAPPING 500 to 600 15.00; 625 to 650 $5.50; 700 $6.00. O.K. TIRE SHOP Moshcr d"d Stephen fits. Oregon Has Huge Nitrate Deposit POIITLANI). Ore. f AIM Roy I). Johnson, Porlland hay dealer, mid he has an option on a newly discovered sodium nitrate deposit of commercial size in soii'heastern Oregon. The deposit, Johnson said, Is b cated on tho Owyhee river 'n .Mal heur county, near the Idaho-Oregon line. O. A. Davenport, chief chemist for a Portland chemical research corporation, said the deposit is cap able of yielding "billions of tons." Sodium nitrate, used for the manufacture of explosives and fer tilizer, is not plentiful in the Unit ed States, Iiavetiport said, lie es timated the Oregon deposit w: larger than any In Chile, one of ! the largest producers. j Johnson would not say what j plans have been made to develop : tin deposit. Cermany, according to a LT. S. department or mines report. Is tho largest producer, with 87n,uno tons 1 annually. The I'nlted States' an- j nual production Is approximate . IJis.niin tons. ' C. Anderson and S. S. Scojgln are owners of the Malheur county property. Itavenport said there is no n.ues- j Hon about the size of the deposit, i but explained the chief obstacle lo ! development for commercial use was the high freight rates. , Orchard Insects Can't Be Bluffed by Tiny Spray COItVALMS Vou can t scare ; orchard insect pests to death by i shooting a little spray in their di- ! red ion. warns O. T. .McWhorter. I extension horticulturist, in review- j Ing u lew significant failures last : year in pest control. In one cast! numerous codling moth larvae still i thrived when aged apple trees i xv ere given only six to seven gal lons of spray per tree, when is to 2 gallons are ordinarily recpiir- ', ed to give (borough coverage. In another orchard prune thrlps xvere sprayed at Ihe right time and xvith : the right material but xvith a small ' amount that they com pie ted their xvork of destruction. State Gives Away Calves to Solve Hay Problem SAMCM, April 2!). t AI) Coin ing to the rescue of Malheur coun ty hay groxvers who have huge sur plus crops, the state guv! the. coun ty several calves so it may start a dairy industry. Hoard of control members said federal grazing legislation has vir tually stopped Itinerant grazers and thus reduced the number of sheep In Malheur county by fin per I Wool and Mohair Buyer SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL GEO. KOHLHAGEN Dealer in Livestock phone 58 136 N.Jackson ROSEBURG TOMATO PLANTS! BEDDING PLANTS! Now is the time to plant tomatoes and bedding plants. We have a large stock of those plants at our greenhouse which is located one mile west of Roseburg on Melrose Road or stop at our retail shop located at 125 West Cass street. Umpqua Florists Telephone 630 ASK THIS QUESTION WHEN YOU BUY A TRACTOR" ? How much experience has the manufacturer? A The "Caterpillar" track-type Tractor is backed by a manufacturer with over 34 years' experience building track-type tractors. All this time Caterpillar Tractor Co. and its prede- solve their problems by furnishing them with sure-footed, dependable power. Drop in and we'll answer this question more fully. 'This is the eighth o1 a series discussing important points in selecting tractor power. DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG. OREGON , t cent. This also cut of( a large market for Ihe hay growers. County officials think that If they can start a dairy Industry, tho bay growers' troubles will be over. The calves came mostly from the state hospital herd. Neighbors Do Form Work When Owner Is Injured CYItrS. Minn. When Ingwald Kjera was disabled by a runaxvay horse, neighbors turned out en masse lo help xvith his spring, farm work. Twenty-three tractors plowed, disced and dragged 17U ueros in nine hours;' fifty acres xvere seed ed: xvomen of the neiyhborhooil fed "!l persons, and lion spectators gathered to xialch. H. C. STEARNS Funeral Director Licensed Lady Asiltant Phone 472 OAKLAND, ORB.VtK Any Distance, Any Tlm'. Our aervlce Is for ALL meets EVERY NEED- V . 12 Free Violin LesM r Our Music week special to you with tho purchase of a genuine Gibson Violin, com plete with Gibson bow and case at only $36.00. $6.00 down and $5.00 per month. OTTS On corner by the Depot Don't You Believe It! Reports that our truck has ceased to deliver are not true as we are on regular scheduled deliveries covering Douglas county. Just phone 176 and we will be at your service. Roseburg Grange Supply 122 Spruce Sr.