Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 26, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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society and Llubs
Junms Stevens, son of Mr. and
Mrs. I Vjiii Stevens. f Kdenbnwer.
and Mona Nungesser, daughter of
.Mr. and A! ib. L.iuls Nungussor, or
lloricon, Wisconsin, wore married
ai a very lovely quiet wedding
ceremony at six-thirty o'clock
Tiic-day evening at the home of
the bridegroom's -parents. Dr.
Morris H. Itoiii'h. pastor of the
First Presbyterian church of this
city, performed tho Impressive
ceremony in tho presence of the
ASCi: CO.VI'ANV of C.iti Antonio In
t'if Stnte nt T- filf. r.n tin- llili n--fir1
ili.y of n-'cmlti-f. lt;;9. tnn-l ! ' i
InMirmun ('iiiiilNili,iirr of I 111 Htn'.a uf
)r-;tin, n I In l:i w :
. Animtnl of r:itil;il MoHt
f.uM up ., ..(1.000.000. 00
i.wom i:
N.t itrctiihimn tocplvfd lur-
liiK tlii- yonr H,M.0iK.7l
;Iiiisi't"t. ilUiilciiiln nml rents
r--lvoi1 diiriiiK 11m yonr. S10.PS6 96
TiK'ditic from uMif-r iniurf-t
iriiv.l iluririi i ho year nr.C2.20
Tutal Income 14. lUl'.iU SO
Net tis fut 11 iliiilnti llit
i r:tr itirludihlf flilJUMmfnt
xjiensps H.K9M4C 10
rotiimii'HKinM ninl fjiIarJfH
Iialil dm iiitr tlm yenr. . . . 1.499. "CO. 33
Tiixf. lionises n n ! fees
fff paid iliflnir Urn ywr 17G.2&3 54
Tii Mentis inld on 'mpll.-il
sto.k tlurinK I'm yenr... 00.000 00
.Amount of &j oilier -
ijiti.1. lures 57fi,42 57
Total Kpenlltnrm tl-04f,;9 14
aimittj:i assists
Taluo nf real e "lain onnn.1
(market vnluel ( 394. HOC. 19
J.niiTiK on mortgages nnd
inltiternl, etc 44S.8SC 05
V.i hi.) of tin mis o w n e d
I market or nniorlircd I . . . 1. 655.069. 55
Valim of Mot Us owned (mar
ket value 1.79?. 119 00
rneh in ba-iks and on linii.l 215,SS8.:3
J'ie m I urn it tn (uro of ir..
lection writ ten nine Sep-
teinhnr 30. 1939 697.941 SS
Interest nnd rent duo ami
accrued 5(-.0119
Oilier asNlt (net) IHH.Mi. IIH
Total admitted nsnet. . . .(0,301,577.15
OroM claims fur lasses un
paid f1.21T.43C 32
Amount of tinenritr.l pre
miums on all oulntanitlnr
risks 2.314. ICS 07
Duo for commit Ion and
brokerage 2 CO
All olhor liabilities 2:'ft.4iN.14
Total liabilities, jiript
eniiital (3.B72,
Car-itnl paid up. (1.000. 000. 04)
(Surplus over all
liabilities .... 1.42fl,
Surplus na regard policy
holders (2,42. 9C. 9(1
I Tola! (.301.!77.1S
ItutdnpttN In Orinn for tlio Yii.r.
Ket jjrf-iniums received fliiFiiip
t'lo year (fi7.fi27 ?t
.Net Inters paid during the year 22.311 33
Net losses Incurred during the
W CB.7S6. 9
Nnnio of Company. Trinity Lnleridl
Insurant Company.
Nameof Prflsldent. Edw. T. Harrison.
Name of Serroinry, W. O. Jlanlel.
Slntutory resident attorney for se-rvlc.
commissioner of Insuninre, Ftate of
Strike out'mqrliet'' .or morticed."
r tiio wi:s'n:!tN asji iian-i-i-: r'-M
1 ' A N V ( V. H. H It A St" 1 1) , of 110 W i I
I .a m St., Ncv Vnrlt. In llio K-nle i.r
York, nil tli a I hit-1 y- fitM .lay of
l'l-rrii.'i.T, 1H I9. madii "i I ho Inwiiriinrft
t 'am ii 1 1 uxiini.-i- i1 1 lilt Main of I tirnli,
t 400. 00(1. 00
SI.HS Oil 31!
Net losses pa Id t urinit lint
year in.-! mil us adjust men t
epnsei ( Cir.TIC S1
1 Com m isjioTin n n d s:ilniies
Ia:d .hirlfiB ll.n yar 494.C12S3
Taxr. lk'ns and Tees pal-1
ihulnn die yrnr " 73. 092. IT
IMvidrmd paid on
stock durhiK the year 0
Amount of nil rtlier eip-n-
ditures 312.930 40
Total expenditures ( 1 . bZO, -S2.23
AiMi"i-ri:n ahskts
Y.ilu nf ri-nl oslnto on neil
market v.iliiet 0
l.oiim an inoriRancs and ele t
Value of bomln owned
I market or amort iv1 ) ... (2. 7 47.101.79 of KtfH'kn owned
(market value) 1 5 4. X 2 4. 01
Cask in hank i.n.l on hand 70,013.09
'I'reiniums in rr.urr of roi
led Ion written sinfo Kep-
I tembor 30. 1929
Interest ind rents due. and
Other assets (net)
ITT. 414. 87
Total admitted n (4.3(4,1:7.13
'Gross claims for losses un
paid ( 253.450.00
'Amount of unearned pre
miums on all outstanding
I risks 1,106.272. SI
Due for commission and
brok-rag 30.272 On
'All otiier Uabilitlea S'.MOt.t.l
Total liabilities, e I C e p t
rauital (1 paid Up f 400.000.00
tburplus over all
liabilities .... 2 440.123.09
(1.544,(01. 04
Surplus as regards policy
holders (2,40 121.09
Total 14.34 :'7 13
f Hunlnewi In Oregon for the Yrnr.
.Net premiums received durlnjr
the year $.B29.70
Nt louses paid durlnic the year G, 114. 40
Net losses incurred durlnjr the
the year 7.922.40
Name of Company. Western Assurance
Name of President. Trnert A. Tlrnwnelt.
Name of S"-r.Mary. C. It. Morrow,
lit a tut ory reuMmi attorney for service.
Insurance Commissioner.
Reach for
silS CAN.
WH il;llll in i:w-.
I 0iiil c:i il il
I .Ni l. 1 1:
NVt M.'iiil-.imt ifitd .litr-
Intf Hie y.-ir (1.351. 191i 99
IiiLmcsi. dividi-mlH mid rcniK
rerelved iliiritiK Hie year. 162.705 '.fi
IliP'tino from nllirr snuiies
reveivffd during: llio ear. 40 409. BH
Total Inriiine
llsYcf CI.CASM - i".
I Ymtm 1 I
pcrontn of the couplo.
1'iHcodiiiB the wedding eero
nion.', "Oh I'roniipp Mo" was play
ed for the occasion over KltN'U
radio station in Ios1)ii'k. Tim
bride wore an at tractive after
noon frock of navy blue with match
ing accessories.
The bride attended school in
Wisconsin and came with her par
ents to Itoseburg a week uxo to
visit at the Stevens homo. Mr.
ant! Mrs. XunKCSser plan to leave
tomorrow moriiliif; for their home
in Wisconsin. The bridegroom is
well known in this city, where he
has lived ids entire life and at
tended the local schools. lie is en
uaed In farmincr. At the present.
Mi, and Mrs. Stevens will make
theii' home in Kdenbowor.
CANYONVIM-Ri April 2fi The
Ladies Aid of tiie local Methodist
church w:e most graciously enter
tained by joint hostesses, .Miss
Clara Moore and Mrs. (). I. Lewis,
at the hitter's homo Thur;-day af
ternoon, April 1 st h.
After the regular business moot
ing a pleasant social afternoon
was enjoyed during which time
the ladies pieced quilt blocks to lie
ured in quilts for tho coming ba
zar, r.
A delicious luncheon was served
to the following: Mrs. Barbara
Hopkins, Mrs. Kuth Hopkins, Mrs.
firaee Cooper. Mrs. X. U. Ahhcraft.
Mrs. Jobv nushnell, Miv. Huth
Mctiee. Mrs. Margaret Kimmel.
M is. Ma rpn ret McGee, M is. If a r
i!et Pardee. Mrs. Ktla Shaw and
the hostesses, Mrs. O. I. Lewis
and Miss Clnra Moore. The ney.L
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Until Hopkins. j
GLKXDALK. April 2I. The
Busy Bees, Kebekah social club,
was entertained Wednesday after
noon by Mrs. L. A. rc,ote at tht
Glendale hotel. After a short busi
ness meeting, the afternoon was
spent in visiting and sewing. Re
freshments of ire cream, cake and
coffee were served to Mrs. A. J.
Haess, Mrs. W. It. Lesh, Mrs. I. II.
Smith. Mrs. Margaret Stevenson,
Mrs. Kma Humphrevs. Mrs. C. .1.
Kafer, .Mrs. Charles Mou". Mrs. Kl
sie Poole. Miss Stella linrke. Mrs.
Claude Humphreys. Mrs. Kddie
Caraway and daughter. Hetty Leo.,
Mrs. M. A. Hales and daughter.
Helen, and the hostess, Mrs. L. A.
4ft 4
AZALKA. April 2G.X lovely
bouquet of spring flowers graced
the attractively appointed table
iiised by Mrs. Hodney Smith, when
she entertained her pinochle club
at u delicious one-thirty dessert
luncheon Tuesday afternoon.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Henry Smith, Mrs. Halbert Booth.
M is. Jake l-'isher, Mrs. .lohn
Fold miller. Mrs. Henry (iaedecke,
Mrs. Frank ie Scliroeder. Mrs. War
ren Hazcii and Mrs. Smith.
High score for the afternoon's
pinochle play hwb won by Mrs.
Fisher, Mrs. Gnedecke received
see.ond prize and Mrs. Booth the
traveling prize.
GLRXPALK. April 2(1. A de
lightful birthday dinner was en-,
joyed Sunday at the Herman Ayde-i
lotte home, honoring the birthday (
anniversaries of Mrs. Aydelotte,
and F. N. Harrell. The table wasj
attractively decorated with lilacs i
and tulips. Covers were arranged
lor Mr. ami Mrs. Harrell. Mr. ami!
Mrs. C. B Austin, Mr. and Mrs.
IffiV W'ilsnti mill enn' 1 unv Miss
t Kay Glenn, Anna Lee and David.
Ayde'.itte and Mr. and Mrs. Ayde-.
lotte. j
GLKXHALIC. April 2fi. The
boys' Intermediate Sunday school
rlass of the Olivet Presbyterian
clunch and their teacher, Ira Le
wis, enjoynl an evening of base
ball and a wiener roast Friday
evenine. Harvard I-ewia wa.4 a
gurst if the class. Those present'
were Tommy Bates. Stanley Mit-j
(lit 11. L'lwin Patterson, Gene andj
Frank St. Clair, Klton Kiev, Hon;
Harbour, Jack Sparks. Bruce!
Y'Blood, Blllie Dobyns and Doug-I
las Ashman. j
Reservations for the Junior Wo
man's club public raid party to boj
bold at the Woman's clubhouse i
Tuesday evening, April '.UK at S;
o'clock, may be secured bv phoning
Mrs. Adrian Bowen. 72fi-It.
Contract bridr.e and piaochle will
be at play during the evening with
prizes awarded to holders of high
scores. At .tue- tiose of the eve
ning refreshments will be served.
HAYS CHEEK, April 25. MIsa
May Gross and Miss Marjorle
Church were hostesses at a very
charming buffet supper at their
home Wednesday evening. Those
enjoying the affair were Miss Com
Hutchinson. Miss Hildreth Mont
gomery, John Hutchinson. Myrl
Barkhurst, nnd the hostesses, Miss
Gross and Miss Church.
Build up rich red blood!
Lvdi E. Pmkham's Vepetablp Com
pound TABLETS help reilevs
monthly (mires with tu nenous
pells due to functional dlorder.
ALSO wondtrful to bfip bmtd red
blood which mean more enenrr.
rosier chefks, redder lip, brighter
f SIDE GLANCES caibrsw, j
; iSTp
COM. 1940 BY HU aCBVICt,
"Mother waiiis lo know if you've swiped any money out
of my rabbit bnnk in the past month.
Sunday at
Npencer Tracv nnd Hotly Lainnrr
theatre In "1 Take This Woman."
DAYS Ci:i'.'i:K, April 2H.
or of the popular no-host old time
dances was enjoyed Saturday eve
ning at the Lavadore hall. Music
was furnished by A. E. Moore and
George Rondeau. At a late hour a
pollock lunch was served. Among
those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Church and sou, John, of
Camas Valley. Miss Florence
Moore. Mrs. (ioorge McLane and
Phil Hart of Canyonvllle, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Moore. Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Al
lin. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Perdue and
son. Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark.
Mr. ami Mrs. Newell Wood. Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Cook. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perdue, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Van Norman. Mr. and
Mrs. Itov Duncan, Mrs. Manilla
Widrig. Mrs. J. L. Poole. Mrs.
Fisher, Miss Mary Ellen May, Miss
Evalyn Blonz, Miss Violet te Goin.
Miss Donna Sumner. Miss Elsie
Iavts. Miss Alice and Miss Hazel
Welch. Miss Susie Crlspen, Fred
Bigham, Jerald Rachor, Ira and
Johnny Sutton, Bud lllenz. Clint
Hawkins, Alec ami Leland Van
Norman. Cecil Connor, Ophir Per
due and son. Billy. George and
John Rondeau. Delhort Davis. Noel
and Melvin Welch, Harry Wooster
and John nnd Robert Wright.
SPTHKItLIN, April 22. Mrs.
rtrlttain Slack and Mrs. Wilson
Hartshorn were hostesses to the
members nf the Rebokah lodge
Thursdav evening, April IX. when
tbov mot In regular session at the
I. O. O. F. hall.
After the meeting a social time,
was enjoyed and later lovely re
freshments were served to the fol
lowing mesdainefj: Serepla Saucer
man. Maude Culver. Bertha Barge,
Bell Cook. Alma Anderson Leona
Slack Savllla Bamber Mabej Ross.
Ann Hankenson, Cora Allen. June
Shainp and the hostesses Mrs.
Slack and Mrs. Hartshorn.
GLENDALE. Apill 2fi. Mrs. P.
J. Miller whs hostess at a deilirht
ful shower parly at her home Sat
in day afternoon r.uiorinir Miss
lorraino Read, popular bride-elect,
whoso marriage to LaVern lltud
I ron of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
f cwis, will be an event of April
The afternoon hours were ploa
F.mtly ppont in visitinr. In onening
the many lovelv ami useful ejftt
rr -eh erl bv Mis Rnd, and In
st rrtlnt; tb r'ldenco recently
nmpMf-d bv Mr. LewK where
the couple will mal-o their "home.
Iato in i lie afternoon d:lnty re.
frohment were nerved to Miss
Irralne Reatt. euot of honor,
Mifs Ina .Tnhnfon. Mr. Lew Han -
sea. Mrs. Ed Hall, Mls Helen
IWC. T. M. IH6. 0. 8. PAT. Off.
The Indian
coming Kuntlay to Hunt s tntliun
Howard. Mrs. Frank House. Mrs.
Cla-.ide Humphreys. Mra. Odell Mil
ler, Mrs. Jack Lewis, Mrs. Clabo
Cr.oper. Mrs. Kma Humphreys,
M is. ,1 i mm y Johns. M rs. 1 1 a fry
Humphreys, Mips Kalhrvn Mont
gomery. Miss Stella llurke, Mrs.
Roy Gibbous. Mrs. Clifford Miller
;,ntl the hostess, Mrs. P. J. Miller.
TENMILE. Ore., April 25.- Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Larson and Mis-i
Alice Albro,of Teiimtlc, gave an
all-day picnic and pollack dinner
in lienor of Miss Ariel Muetzel'n
17th birthday anniversary Sunday.
:it the old picnic grounds tn upper
Olalla. The honored guest. Miss
Muotzel. is a sister of Mrs. Lar
son. Those to en loy t he u flai r
were Mrs. Edna Albro and vhreo
daughters. Alice Belli and Arbus
tis. Mr. and Mrs. Stace Ijiwroiii-o
and son. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. Vi
vian Holmsbee and daugh tor, Kf
fie. Mrs. Fayne Patrick and
daughter. Elaine, Vern Neuvall and
son, Wendell. Rosie Neuniter. Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Muotzel nnd sons,
Arwell and Courtney. Mr. and Mrs.
Kermit Muotzel and daughter.
Margaret, Miss Williamae Muotzel,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ware, Harvey
Northcraft anil three sons, John.
Martin and Wllliard. Ontndm t
Northcraft and sister, Mrs. Doues
berry. Mr. and Mrs. George Crouch
er and daughter, Marjorie and two
sons, Dick and Arthur, Sherman
McRee. Leroy Jenkins. Jack. Po
pireil. Miss Bonnie Olllvant and
nephew, Edward Nlckols. and
Dewey Iliinlly ami Bruce Dick of
Camas Valley.
Bud liuebuor of Tenmlle and the
honored guest. Miss Ariel Muetzol.
and the host and hostesses, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Larson and Mi
Alton Albro. Tho day was epent
in playing games and visiting.
RIDDLE. April 25. The Past
Matrons of the local Eastern Slar
lodge mot at the lodge parlors Fri
dav for their tint luck luncheon
which is hold every third Friday
nt tho Minnlh tra Ftl.i Mfinthiif
and Miss Ruth Mo-thaf wore tho
hostesses. The luncheon table was'
lovelv with soring flowers. Covers !
I v.-ere 1 si I.I for Mrs. ('. F Staul ter
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Mosllmf, Mrs.
(iracn Iteeker, Mr. nnd .Mrs. f. !'.
Loj-jmIoii. Mrs. Ah Maltltews. Mrs.
Kr-Jtik Matthews ami sister. I'enrl.
Mrs. Chun. Aeker. Mr.. .1. I.. Aik
Ins. Mrs. ;. I. Grant. Mrs. R. Hart.
Mrs. Unlet Ash tind the hostesses.
Mis. Klin Mosth.lf and Miss Kuth
HAYS f'HI-TIC. .-.prll 2.V -fNoree
rte;itv of Will, or was tiouore,! with
r. f-it;,t-Min'.' hirthilnv illnner nt the
II. A. M. o-f t'o-e S-itu -dry, rmeis
heine Htrtllmed lor the lienor iruesl.
Mr, fieaty. Miss Nettle Moore.
I Iyon ami Jimmfe Mooro and Mr.
'and Mrs. R. A. Moore.
KLKTOX. April JR. Tho Klkton
c'lnptor No. 14:1 O. K. S. met Tiles-1
day evening. The chapter had as j
"iiesls Nmih Star No. J21 of Jtrain,
Cottage Grove chapter No. -t uf
Collate Critve, Martha chapter No. j
IS of Gardiner, Oakland chapter i
No. ill of Oakland, the husbands
of Hie members of Klkton chapter,
tne .Mas-oii s and their wives ot too
Klkton lodge. ,
Introduced ami escorted to the
east were Mrs. Ada Kiddle, past
grand Martha of tho grand t-hap-
from Kiddle. The visiting ma
trons and worthy patrons were Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Light, of Drain.
Mrs. Corieii Dunn and Bill Burdlck
of Gardiner, Mrs. Plngston mid Jim
Bovlngton of Oakland, and Miss
Kunlce VaiiDcnburg and Mr. Wil
liams of Cottage Grove. Other
grand representatives were Mrs.
P'unithum, Mrs. Anna Graham,
Mrs, Pauline Brown and Mrs. Cor
Icn Dunn.
After the business meeting clos
ed ii, social evening was held,
which vas started with a commun
ity .slug. Cottage Grove chant-M"
uiixfl, a number, Ernest 1, Wade,
gave reading. Mrs. Edith Gales
and Mrs. La Port also gave read
ings. Tho visiting matrons and
patrons and visiting represent!!
iJv("4 wore called on for talks. I.
B. Kiddle gave n talK on Masonry
which ho told of their work when
this country was new. The program
closed with every one singing "God
Bless America."
There were 118 visitors' and
members present which were serv
ed refreshments in the lower
Miss Iris Haines, Mrs. Gladys
Griffith and Mrs. Leona Buell vw
on the entertainment committee
and Joseph Hudson, Ernest Wade,
and H. L. Itossen were on the ic-
frcsluneut committee.
m m
ELKTON, April 2i. The Dorcas
societv met at the church 4ilnes-
dav aflemoon. The ladies finished
quilling a quilt for Miss Mary
Wells. April zi. at ino gas compiiny uiut:u nnve Immmi made for several
The next silver tea will be at the on Cass street. i monlha to secure federal nltl for
church April :tn. Mrs. Mary Grubbo. F ' the local club.
Mrs. Catherine Fenlev and Mrs. Finds Black Widow Spiders Mr yillk ropor8 ho has been ad
Leona Buell will lie the hostesses. Mrs. Sylvia Johnston, ot KM S. vlf,(l(l Jfl wm retetve in houra or
Tho societv will tie out a quilt.-. Pine street, this morning brought niRlt Rlnictlon together with
the day of the tea nnd give It to'Foveral bhu k widow spiders to the many nmirH of Bl0,m,) WOrk. '
tho Hard famllv who lost their ; News-Review office, which aro Vie- To Follow U. S. Program -
homo by fire a few days ago. A box
will be placed at the store for do-
nations for tho family. I To Serve Noon Luncheon St.
Mrs. Thotma Kegele gave a road-j George's Episcopal guild has ail
ing and each member carrying a nounced a merchants' lunchi-on op
KlniMm ntmiit imiiiii to church was 1 en to the public Saturday, April 27,
given for the program.
Refreshments wore rorved by
Mi's. Lena Bosen nnd Miss Iris
There were present Mrs. Ella
Foplev. Miss Iris Haines, Mrs. Ma
hie Binder, Airs. Francos Hodden,
Mrs. Mildred DoGnath. Mrs. Mury
Grnbbe. Mrs. Etta Moore. Mrs.
Miiry Haines, Mrs. Evelyn Binder,
Mrs, Edith Adams, Mrs. Lean Hrs
pefi, Mrs. Thelma Regole. Mrs. Ka
tie' Emeilck and Mrs. (trace Saw-
I- O
YONCALLA, April 2fl. Word
has boon received here from Ciilp
creek of the marriage of Joel Jack
son, son or Mrs. Emma Jackson of
Scolls valley ami Jean Bollu of
Dorona. Judge ('Union Hurd per
formed the ceremony Fridav, April
IK, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will make
their home in Gulp creek wltem
Mr. Jackson Is employed. They
were cliarvarled by a group of their
friends Saturday evening.
Townsend Club Here to
Nominate Delegates
A. K. Rutter. president of Rose-
burg Townsend club, No. 1, is urg-
ing all members to arrange to at-
tend the club's next business meet -
In.- whi'-h will be held Tuesday,
April CO. at 8 p. in. in the Douglas
hot4'l club room. The principal
Item of business, Mr. Rutter re
ports, will be tho nomination of
delegates to the Townsend conven
tion. Mrs. Ada Orr, Roseburg
Resident, Dies in Salem
Word was received here this
morning of the death at Salem
early today of Mrs. Ada J. Orr or
Roseb.irg. The body Is being
broiigiit to Rosijburg this afternoon
by the Douglas Funeral home. Fu
neral arrangements have not been
GHNION To Mr. and Mrs. 1 1.
Giinlon. of Days Creek, Thursday,
April 2r, at Mercy hospital, a
daughter; weight seven pounds,
lour ounces.
Neavoll. Roseburg, and Mary Cath
erine Huffman, Brnckway.
LA CHANCE Helen Haley from1;0" be accompanied by her son
Harry D. IdChanrp; married July
7. MtV.t, at Vancouver. Wash.;
cruelty. Plaintiff to resume maid-
en nnine. Helen Haley.
Here From Umpqua Amos Case,
of I'lnpqiiH. spent yesterday in
Itosehurg attending to business.
developi your 8 ex
posure film, oive,
r niiiiw ufiw
Send your film. Prompt service. Sotii
foction guoranteed. Reprintj 3c iwch,
minimum order 25c. Send coin.
Htnd-madt pUturet, not macblnt-madt
PortW Boi 4322 Onf
Mr. Schudelske Here K, A.
Scliudeisko, of Oakland, was a busi
ness visitor In this city yester
Oakland Visitor Here Harry
Mahouey, of Oakland, was tn Hose-
burg for a short lime, yesterday
on bu:dnesss.
Here Short Time Silllo Nichols.
resident of Kiddle, spent a lew
hours hero yesterday attending to
business. .
Attends to Business Clifford
Hons, of Garden Valley, spent
Thursday in this city attending to
business, -
Hre Yesterday K. K. Lattlu.
of the Southern Pacific offices in
Portland, spent yesterday In this
city attending to IhibIiiosr.
Mr. Hopple Here O. M. Hopple,
owner of Hopple's tamp ground
and store at Coos Junction, spent
yesterday in this city attending to
D. of U. V. to Meet Florence
Nightingale tent, No. lft, Daugh-
tors of Cnlon Veterans of the Civil
War, will meet tonight at 7:30 o'-l bers are hopeful that this un ex
clock at the armory. pectetl summons means that (the
. I organization is to be recognUed by
Will Visit Sister Mrs. Elma the federal government an a part
K archer, of this city, ntans to leave of Its truinlng program for civilian
Saturday for 'Snringfleltl to spend I fliers and that aid In financing ln
a few days visiting hor'sister, Mrs. structlnii will bo given. '
Alma Harness, formerly of this' At present tho federal govern
city. , I merit Is sponsoring classes In r.u-
Plan Food Sale Members or the
Junior Woman's club have planned
a cooked food sate for Saturday,
jing (iispmyeo in a giasH jar.
i mm ii to ociock a l too pur-
ish hall on East Cass street.
Visiting Here Mrs. J. T. Brown,
of Lebanon, Ore., has arrived hern
to Hpend a few days visiting her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Brown, and her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Ford.
Expected Home Today Mrs.
Morris H. Ilonoh, Mm. Karl Ullrich
nnfl Mi's. W. M. Campbell nro ox
necfed lo return to their homes
bore this evening from Med ford,
where they spent two days attend
ing Proshylerinl.
1 Will Attend Medina--r- W.'-W.
Goodwin, manager of the Associat
ed Oil company station on South
Stonhens hI root, left today for Med
ford to attend a company meeting
this evening. He will return here
tomorrow morning.
Home From Hospital rdolh
ftose Richards, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. R. Richards, has been dis
charged from Mercy hospital and
is reported lo be convalescing sat
isfactorily from a recent emer
gency appendectomy.
Visiting Here Mrs. Dora Roller
and Miss Dokkcii, employes in
tho San Fernando, '"allf., veterans
i i-nspnin. aro spen.img a part oi
1 vaci.Hon hi Roseburg visiting
''lends. MIhh Roller was formerly
I'-mployed I as a nurse at the voter
tins hospital here.
Leave for McMlnnville Mr. and
Mrs. I. C. R'ley, of this city, have)
h'ft for McMinuvillc to spend ton
days vacationing ami visiting the
formers tin rents. Dr. and Mrs. L.
It (lev. M r. Riley is em ployed as
vim) clerk by the local Southern
Pacific office.
Rark Frnm Prtrt lanH A I tnrtirtv
,imi MrH i)pvt(.r uito hnve return-
( iholr home on South Kane
Klroet, following several davs in
Portland visiting the bitter's broth-
or-ln-law and sister,
Mr. nml Mrs.
attending to
George Bolter, and
Enjovinq Vacation Mr. anil Mrs.
X. H. Kanmiinl, of this city, have
loft on a 4 r-f la v vacation trip and
will visit in New York City and
Boston. Mr. Kannalrd Is Ihlrd
trick tclegriinhor a I the local
Southern Pacific office and during
his absence bis place Is being fill
ed iy L. M. HalverHon, of Collage
Vacationlnq Mrs. K. R. Walton,
employe at the. local telephone or
ficc, Is taking a vacation until May
7. and on Saturday will leave for
Portland to spend a few days with
her mother, Mrs. James Hulchlugs,
formerly of this oily. Mrs. Wal-
Lucille Hlbbs, Corvallls resident,
who formerly made her home here.
Eczema Itching,
Burning Distress
Gets Quicker Eaie and Comfort
No ftuf (Vrvr 'tin iiffor-l l iiimn tin
linii'-r'f nffi-r at HHiiHfiu tknii r
tHirlitu: thr. Mift
rir thoo1
i FriHTfil'l
Jilt p'i.!
I'lfi-.t iikln
f.r l...ttl. H t.f Moon
fill I..ITI xr.Pl for
t r'iiil'li-"iii.' t xti rim II y
t'.it In ntir ttr-ill'V'"! txl;iv
ri t ; uitinll nrMfln;l t'illl" of
. r;.ll Oil jmi.I "i".- ;i- llr" ! Yoh T
P4-t relief 'tiO -k r tluitl .'.il ovnr fx
li'd fil.lititr t:itlic, t i'-l'l pr
ni'itp f inter ln'ftllnir.
Aft t'.il-'iv on our o tmilit rnnr.
niit"'' f n;itlfii:tlon or mon'y ba'-k
Umpqua Club Adds
i iV'e juiu i liei a
Instructor Erasst Sink Called to
Startle by CAA For
Special Training Course. .
Tho Uinpqtta Flying club at
Roseburg, claimed to be tho IniR
est private and unspnnsnred flying
group la the Pnciflc northwest, to
day brought its list of solo filers to
32. New fledglings who experienc
ed their first solo flights this week
aro Warren Iebolt, Alfretl Kolen
and Wallace Robertson. Kosehurg;
Ross Brown, Camas Vulley and
Wlllard Cot: Ue ni ih Stitliciliu.
The t-liib. still la its first year,
now has about 60 members, and
has purchased a second training
plane, which will be put Into serv
fco lale in May after being flown
from the factory In Cincinnati, 1
Tho youngest person to rltlo In
the club's present training plane
was "Puddle" Sink, who was four
weeks old Thursday, She was tak
en for a ride by her father, Ernest
Sink, club Instructor. PoKgy Sink,
three-year-old daughter or the In
structor, who also made her first
flight at the age- of four weeks,
now has more than 0 hourn In the
air and can keep a plana In level
flight, her father reports.
Sink to Get Special Course
Mr. Sink left today Tor Seattle In
response to a call from the civil
' aeronautics authority that ho has
been selected for two weeks of
special training. Local club mem-
meroiiH colleges and universities
and has provided aid as well for a
limited number of privato clubs In
non-college communities. Efforts
i Aft(ip November 1 of this year,
Mr. Sink says he has been advised,
all Instructors will bo required to
give uniform Instruction and will
follow a teaching program laid
down by federal authorities. All in
structors will he re-rat otl and must
liavo received training which will
enable them to put the uniform
program Into practice. This will
mean, he states, that all hit tiro stu
dents will be taught by identical
methods by nil instructors, and tn
accordance with a federal pattern
fitting in with tho mora advanced
trnlning schedule of service
branches of the government.
; Mr. Sink will renew his Instruc
tor's rating while tn Seattle,, he re
ports. During his Hbsence there
will bo no instruction for students,
but arrangements have been made
whereby solo fllci-H will he per
mitted to use the club's training
Eagles Junior Drum Corps
Receives New Equipment
Determined tor win the state
junior drum corps contest, In
which they fell short of first place
last year by only throo-tentlm of a
point, the Junior drum corps of
Roseburg aerie or tile Eagles lodge
is making extensive preparations
j for the appearance at the stato
convtmllnn at Marshfleld, It was ro-
1 ported today.
Tin. hidirn nl tin r-oeoliir nieelilic
held Tuesday voted to equip the I
corps with new uniforms. New
bugles and other equipment recent
ly were secured. A committee has
been appointed to arrange trans-
portal Ion of the corps to Marsh-
field for the convention to bo held
Juno 27. 2S and 2!l.
At the regular mooting of the
lodge next Tuesday night, tt was
announced today, officers will be
nominated for the next fiscal year,'
i in i r
Rainbow Rink
Saturday and Sunday Evening
this coming week on account of enlarging skat
ing floor, remodoling and improving rink.
Watch this paper for reopening date.
storting June 1. Aa tho Australian
billot system will be used for nomi
nations, only one opportunity to
eel, Ilia IocIko niLMnbors are ioIvImkI.
Transient Man, Woman -Held
on Vagrancy Count :
Archie Alien Lenin, 21, nnd .
Velum CI. Jenkins, 23, reported to
he transients, were held In custody
here today on a charuo of vag
rancy, Snrfceont Paul Moreun of tho
stale police reported. They were
arrested lust night, Serjeant Mor
gan until, when the woman was
found tn an Intoxicated condition
at u camp ground.
Starrs Sunday
"Night of
'Double Alibi'
Preview Saturday
MM Ni. !"!
1 titWi0T
Shows 2-7-9 P. M.
in m..iiil
Quarts 1.75
IF TTytyS--""'M'1 CmiMv la
risSSSSMf in I I ' Mill
Hit mostnttufljki ttsionl
Pebble Spring, Straight Bourbon Whiikey i
til whi.key . . . iged lour year, lor mellow.
ne and mildneu. You'll like it and you'!!
like the low price. Pebble Spring! Straight
Bourbon Whitkey. Thi, whiikey ia lour
ycara old . . . 90 Proof,
27 and 28