TWO ROSE6URG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON,-THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1940: U.K LET'S IALK PRICE! If you're buying that way this year- let s forget the fun you find in a Hash and just compare it dollar for dollar with cars in its class. Nash is bigger and better built the only car with the thrilling smoothness of that Arrow-Flight Ride . . . the Con vertible Bed . . . th terrific pick-up of a M;mifVld Scaled engine (yes a class winner in the 1940 Gil more -Yosemitc Run with 23.76 miles per gallon). The extra value Nash gives you in finer engineering ... in 300 pounds more weight than the small cars (for extra comfort and safety) means higher resale value years from now. Come in drive a !940 Nash today the biggest new car value in townl NASH BIG 6 PASSENGER SEDAN DELIVERED HERE $10(7 Lit Chambers Motor Co. 300 North Jackson St. Rowburg, Or. Commencement AIR H ; natal r a.. aMI Wm ' Graduating Class Totals 122 for Now High; Addrtss by Dr. Bruce R. Baxtor Slattd. Richfield Will Launch Story of New Gasoline PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 Hudson Six , Jffi Sedan frVy $917 rA mm ComplBto f"' In Roseburg Imhb. PERCY CROFT 332 N. Jackson St. Phone 333 Major Leaguers Have Swat Orgies Hy .ll'MSON HAILKY AHHfK'ialed f'i'Or SportH Write)' The world rbuiiilnti New York Yanlfoon ycnteriliiy uiileaHlieil thole hosm run barrage iimihiHt tho I'lill adclphiii Aililctii'H and wm 9-4 a iIiuiikIi their II hitH were only one more than HimI lEuffliiK uuve the A':i. Mut the YiijiI;h' lot Iih-IihIimI two homers by liolfe mid 1 wu (ithfif hy Iltftiiii'li ami (Innloii while tlin A's could muster only ono- hy Wally Aloses. The Clevelainl Indians lieat out tlu; St Louis llrowim hy Uie nun u lit of a two-run homer hy -Mark, ! I. ami took over first place fit tin American Ipjikim). The WuHhitiKlou SehittiM's nuthil the lloftun lied S')x 12-H and thus were able to chalk up their (lent Viftory nf the unison 9-U Keeti ptlchei-K, IncliidfiiR hefty (irove. parailed to and I mm the nimind. , Tigen, Giants Win Kvcti H-e uaiiD'H thai apjunxi- j mated pitching dueln were broken. L., . U 1.1.1 ' I.. !. li, ujt Mif uini:i. in inc i'rii"" TiKeiK 2-1 triumph over the Chi ( cafio White Sox the margin of vic tory wan a homer In the. sixth by York. This wbb Tommy BiidKen second decision of the youitK ea-. Hon and he made (I stick hy neat-1 tertim five hftK and sulking out seven. The New York (Hants scored fi; sfinllHi- sort of a victory over the' Philadelphia Phillies. 5-2, with (toohie YounK breakiui; up thu strtmle in the eighth hy means of. a thiHe-ruu homer. j The I'lltrihui'sth Plratew dropped ; out of the tie for first in the Nn-; tiomtl league as the Chicago ( ubs irhimphed il l. The I'lrates got II hits nil hill Lee and four I'll I. s I)U1'kIi pltchera alluwcul one less. Thn I l.-nnklvii llmlift'in took a wild, unruly Him iff is U from (he itos-j ton I lee a S-ii. torn inn ti'ttu behind: in the elKhth alter Wyatt had Kiveu up five runH In the iirrtt three innings In wiiiniiiltM the four! runs Ih'ooklyn Kave him in tin I Hint InnfOK. The Cincinnati Ued and St. l.ouls Cardinals were iillu. FLAVOR TO MOO ABOUT Baseball Standings SAYS ELSIE- harden t Glamour Cow Mem rave ubnut it in colTeo luetic Mclnlm over U in rooking hubirs BUi'ftlc Hi it in iHMllesl Wo mean fcvuparuteil Milk niacin liy Borden's. . I,ouk for the familiar Ilnrdni label fruhiml at your (troer'ii. 1 know what Fm mooin nboul when I moo . . . if it's 73mteH4 JT'5 G2I TO BE GOOD g , A Northtccit Product Sjjh National League W. Brooklyn 4 j Cincinnati : I'tiii'Miign : New York 2 Cltlcago 3 Philadelphia 1 SI. I .mi In 1 liOKion rt American League Cleveland I HoHtnn ! IMroft I New York It Philadelphia 3 SI. t .Oil 18 .. '& Chicano 1 WaHhlnulou 1 Pet. I.ouo 1 l)'H .7511 Pacific Coast League Oakland San Oieuo Scuttle I.o.i AiiHelea SiKTUIUtMllO .... Ibdlywood Port land San Kruncisco . 4 4 4 !l 10 11 11 i:: ii .:i:i:i .uuo .SIM) .I!li7 ,liii7 .t;mt .rt m .210 .'-Hill .; .r.s:t .r.i2 .rttn .4 Nil .110 .::: Comnieiieemeiit exercises it ItoKehua' hih Kcbool will be held Friday, May 31. The cIush Uiih year numbers 122, which break i ho former reeonl of 121 held by the class or ItCIS. Dr. Hmce i. liaxti-r, president of Willamette university, will be the speaker fur I ho eoiniiienceinent program. 'i'he baccalaureate services will bo held at the high sr-hool Sunday evening, May 2fi. This will be a union service of th churches, liev. II. I', Sconce of the Bapt ist church will give the sermon. Following Is the class list of sen ior for 1!H0: Doris Abeel, William Adair. Wayne Albertns, Carolyn Allen. Frances Andrews, Lowell Alter-bury. Joseph Ilailey. Dora Baker, Hen- kett Baker, lovell Kaker. An n I belle Mauuet, Kdwin Baquel. Krnertl Barker, Freda Marker, Mary Bel lows, Floyd Hjorklund, Allan Ulake, Nell Hroady. Tlielina Broady, fienr gia Briiuner, Merritl Burt, Betty Joan Byrd, Hersbel Byrd. I(alth Carnes, Krbert Carson. Willhim Chalmeis. Hally Clarke. Florence Jean Cloake, Marion Jean Cloake, Kdna Collins, John Craig. Veltna Crocker. Virginia Crouch, Dorothy Crummott. Itolieri Davis, Kmma Lou Dish man. May Doeruer, Marry Dunning. Pauline Klliott. Kermit Knander. LaYerne Knander. (lenild Fesslor. Hotly Find lay. Dora Mae 1'Ietche.r, Violet Franco. Ralph (uirhart, Melvin Cilham, Marilyn (;iae. Yirglnlu (HImour. Carolyn Harem, Donald Harmon, Waldeii llallfeld. Mildred De bard, Betty llelmhnldt. Cordon Helllwell. Kuiiice Horhisnn, Law rence Mill, Henry Hodges, Marvin ilnffmeister. Robert Iusly, Hose Mary Irving, Kose Lee Jennings. Monti Kelly, Bicbard Kinney, Mac Knapp. Julia Lun ranee. Ralph Loom in, Dorothy Lorek. Ruby Mallbewd. Ruth Matthews. Malcolm Melils. Bentife Mellon, Chnrles M('Danhd. Jean McDonald, Shirley .McLaughlin. Patricia Mill er, Carol Moore. Clarence Moore, Phyllis Morlau, Charles Mortimer, Alice Myers. Dorothy Nelson. Kdward Xelson, Fddle Ncirdyke. Robert Norton. I onald Perry. Cecil Pierc, Dwlght Pope. Nmniii Porter. Ku uene Powell, Carleton rreston, Raymond Puckett. Juanita iteding. William Reed. Richard Reynolds. Mary Nancy Roberts, Lowell Russell, Pete Rut- Beaver Pitcher Triumnhs in Debut According to W. T. Dlnkins. iibove. vice-president in charge of sales for the Richfield Oil corpora Hon, Ills company will introduce a new gasoline with one of the most spectacular advertising cam paigns ever released by Richfield. Dlnkins slates, "this new gaso line Is the finest ever refined by Richtlelil and this story will be told to the motorists of the entire west through newspaper advertise ments." Over 2i5 newspapers through out the Pacific coast will carry thii story of Rich field's performance. Mem i-: to niKiMToits In tin- iVmity 'ouil of t!ie StuU of Oi'i'K'iri for licKighiM Ciiiiiitv. In tin- Stutter of i Hut ule of Krt-d-ri. k Williiim lliiii-K. Jt rii d. N"l H " it 1 !'! hy H i V t'll t llilt I :H UHfll'1 Milled IlllH liy Klihr f lilt- tilioVf t'tniilfd tniii'l. dulv iriiuli- ,-iml l.-rt-il if r-i iinl, Ih i-ii iliily . i p in i ul -I cx.Miitrlx i.r ih- Ltixt Will :uid Test ii if ic III nf l-'ii'dei). k Will hi 111 I In n c, ili'tfiisi'd, mid linn Huly ((lliilif UN HU'll. All n rson.s h.ivlny rlulm a tin I nut mi id ih l tit i' ;i I .' hfivhv rc'iiii inl liti'XI-Ilt III'1 HillllV. illllv Vfllfltil its V In vv -fiiiii'i il, tu I he llinl-rrlUiM'i i-si-i-nlrlx lit Iht Mln f i.f luiMiinsf. Niiiuhcr NimIIi Jiu'ltMiiii Sin-d in Iht- iily of i.n-inir. tOi'Kitii. tvilli- lll NiX lllolltllH I'll. Ill llK'' of till llOtlic. I 'in.-. I ami fli.Ht piilillslu il Api il u:, l!Ha. ll. i:. U.WNKS. ICxi-'-nirix oT tin- Lust Will iiim! '1-s-lain.-nt f Fn-dcrlck WUliain i lit i in-B. I n-i-i-um-il. Uy The Associated Press The big league scouts are pro bably heading towards Portland today to Ibok over a voting fireball artist. Forrest Orroll, who mado ills debut in the Pacific Coast league last nlgnt by hurling the II avers to a .'(-2 victory over Lob Angeles. It was u mound duel at Its best between two rookies, Orrell and) Lolly lsekite. The Portland young-1 stei held the Angels to five hits! while bis teammates mauaged to 1 gel only six oft the Angels' south paw. j OrreH's entrv into the Coast' I. In u Tony 6 1 and league was made ull the more Im pressive by his hit In the eighth inning which drove In the winning run. Th 'Senilln RainieiB and Hun Francisco Seals divhiPd a double Header In Seattle. The Rainier came from behind tu take the open er 6-4. the visitors winning the nighicap 7-L The San Diego Pudres scored; five runs ,ou three, hits and three i cuors in ta- ninth inuing to ue leat the Oakland Oaks In Oakland ti l. The scow Was knotted at one nil until the ninth. . Kncrajftto MW'fo U two row ova JJallVwood 5-1 us Frcitaauf 4 aAven hit ball Portland 4l0 001 im 3 lsok wt'ftalm; Onell Kernaaf P K- ViM'A.'itJl'Mey l4.M,.oid f iJoet 0'""" KIBBLER'S PRIVATE BLEND.A BLENDED WMMREV. 75 Noulfof Spirit! diltilled from Grain. 90 Proof. Julius Ksttler Oiitilling Co., Inc., lawrtnceburg, fnd. MORGAN'S GROCERY PHONE 68 Specials for Friday and Saturday HAM Swift's Prtmium, half or wtiol ham, JJC HORENE POWDER Giant size package and a 4 A A bag of maroles free "J7 SMACKS That delicious Sunshine Butter Cracker. 2 large IAa packages A 1 TUNA FLAKES Packed from Oregon Alba- A core fish, 2 cans i3K OYSTERS Battle Rock Brand, tall ISVi-oi. can, 2 cons AV MANDARIN ORANGES Delicious for salads, iA 8-oi. cans, 2 cans .. X 9 V BANANAS All gj fancy fruit, pound 3 lb GRAPEFRUIT Large sixe Coachellas, 4 Et 6 for X J STRAWBERRIES We will have the finest ob tainable, 3 boxes .... 9Y You will always find a place to park your car at Morgan's. Use our new parking lot. SHinttM-. Shank lin. shoi'iimkcr, Dorothy Sutherlin Visitor Here KIhum1 .iiriiim. of SiiiIiimIIii. spt-iit a It'vv h'tiira in KoHflnii'r yi'slcrihiy on ler. Virell Morli-ain Smith. Chirenco Thomlison. M a I) e 1 Tliollllisoii, 1'nl I Ilia Tiiriwr. .Mni'hyn Wall-oil. 'loin Wmill. Sliiiiloi'il Walmmuil, tl e r n liline WatHiin. Kiani'is WulzlK. Lorraine Wcathi'iloi'il. (Ji'oi'iso WpImt. IIHty Mai- Vhtinl. Sllaa Whito, lioris Williams. Ilooalil Wilson. I ;i 1 Ulooilnif','. Ilonlvan Wvinht. Ilmre Yeam-r. Kiillll Youth, lias Yiiiiuk. Illcliaid Yoiiuk. CARD OF THANKS lino Wt wish to oxtiMiil our lu-artt'ell thanks lor the ails of kindness, nu'ssaixi's of syinpathy anil heau lillil floral offerhms from our many frii'tnls tu our sail heronve luent. We cspri'inlly thank the yelerans' orpani.allons ami auxil iaries. Mrs. T. ). Ketil. .Mr. Dliver Kent. Mr. anil .Mis. John .Mil ; hue anil family. MJ'B WHY? "I'm glacj my grocer made that mistake..." 1! We were hiving the Doss and his wife for dinner. I hid planned the meal for days, but when the big eve. ning finally arrived I found that like t, I'd forgotten to order coffee! (The Boss is a nut on coffee, too.) So I frantically called the store and asked them to send over a pound, quick. 2 The delivery boy must have broken a leg because the collee didn't artivc until we were sitting down to dinner. And that grocer hid sent mc M-J-l) instead of the kind I ordctcd! I was futious, but what could I do? I opened the can and I must admit my first sniff of M-J-B wjs encouraging. M-J-Bs RICHER ROAST gives you RICHER FLAVOR Drip or Regular Grind. Yn itid teffu mtktn I Started the cufl'cc and went hkk to the tabic, try ing my best to be culm. Now I'm iuid 1 owe the M J-B people in apology for ever hiving tuy doubi. 'ITut cUlcc wu a triumph! Hie Boas hid three cups tnd wuuld have had i fourth it' his ilc hidn't stopped linn, bo I'm glad my grower nude (hit iiUitikc. Oilier w up I d sic - ct hive Jutovcrcd M l B. oi ii ii tn- ki w. si:'iTi.i:iiK r at. aw aavaj rrm w. m t am m m . , - m.---r . .i-iwi-rw Housccleaning can be a genuine pleasure when you have a cleaning agent for every purpose. Long ago Red A White realized that it takes a soap and powder to do specific cleansing tasks. Look at the wide variety of houseclcaning needs we are offering this week-end, at prices that rrake cleaning an economical chore. SPECIAL FEATURES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 26 AND 27 CLEANSER Red & White 3 Cans For . . . 10c Crystal White N.Uif I ll.lrl.V Klv.-tl (liil 111" II II. IH II fl.llHilltMlMl.U ..f 111." siit ic of i i'i. A. nun hit: ti. i m. .ii-. .. h.lH fll.ll III.- Nil:. I . .Hint In llii- i.niiit i-t.uil .if ill.- Si;,- t.f i ir.-K.Mi fiT I). iot hi k t'ltitti.y. ji'hI th. Iloti. .MmitIk f. Ili.wlu-r. JhiIki' "( ii.tiirt. luis Ki'..tnt.'il I'Ufs l;iy. 'illy Till Uy .l .Miy. linn, t i .-ii o'f l in k hi Mm I'm 'incut in nl hi tin- I n t t'otirtruuni In ;ln- "niirt In.ii.- In Jti.N. u. ' i . i n ' ;t .f r.iiint . tri'Kun, im tin t nn.- ami pla Tor hi-iii inif .!(. ti"iis. if miv, In Mil Hi f I Milt at 'i nu nt .(II. I l.K- M-l- llinn-iit tlMTfi.f. All nt'l'suiis lllti-rrxlfil ill :ilil - I, it.- nit- lu'i.-liv inttifirti in nt.- tht'ir ..l., if linv. ! .-..hi find if r'MUlt III nl- li.fuit- ltn; tllll.- n iipulKl i'i fur fin ii I h.'-tiiimj1 us .it.. i-. (I.l. MiiUil Hum Mil tin) "I Ai-il. If 10. I ', tl. t'l'N Nl i J 1 1 A M, Alinhilstriilnr of Ih- --iiit. uf tivn. A. ( iinn i n (ill-nil. I ' ii.'.i. I; SUGAR So fine! i So putt! So whil! r PtIRE i I CANEV Laundry Soap BROOMS Reg. Size, " 5 Bars for JL 0 V Rod & Whito Each . . . 89c BROOMS Our Valuo Each . . . 65c SOAP Washo Granulated, 69-01. package 47c LYE WESSON OIL Quarts 39c Red A. White CAKE FLOUR ' L ISc SunSpun SALAD DRESSING P nts22c SunSpun SALAD DRESSING Quarls 33c Red & White LUNCHEON MEAT ,j0': ",;;! 45c Edgcmont CHEEZ-IT Xb 15c Sunshine Assortfld J CANDIES Ub:cC23c Red & While, 1 3-oi. tins, 3 for . 25c Red & White COFFEE Mb. tins 25c Red a White C0FFEE ' 73c Red 4 White Fancy Cut BEANS ".nriSc Red &. White Solid Pack TOMATOES No 2 V;:rs 29c Red & White ' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE a- 15c Playtair DOG FOOD 5 tins for 23C PlaSale Good Lighting MATCHES . 8 14c Wmi m