SIX ftOSSBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEbURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1940. rr, n ri'fi iniwrinrir thU Senator Guffey Wins in Pe!!!!;y!y!?, Primary (Continued on page C) Jhsiio of tlm caiiiimiKn, rciniltllcaitH, willt (l rrKlHinilhHi or 2,r7:',IOi) lo !h fli'mncralH1 2.O-MI.I20, worn poll JriK lifiivici- loiultt. Willi 4.92K of KlIiA lUslrlcU fount mI, rcfiiilillcmiH Imcl it total voto itf (ilfi.H In llio wnntorinl contt'Ht. llninornitH, in t hi hiuw ronh-Ht liml a lolnl of fil7,TG9 from fi(2il iliHlrlctH. 'i : Ki'imljllrati Irm-lmrkml namllilatcH won by whip marRins, UcadiiiK the slate, Ilillaiflphia City (.halrman Juy Cooke, name Kitko and moat grum.Hon of tin1 union financier of the civil war, addttd Htcadlly to his firHt lead over bin rlilf opimnnm for i-ppuht rail noinination for I'. H. m-nutnr, Albort II. l.ndnrM', I'liil.'ulHjtlifn at-fortify. , llnoITIf-Ial rr-tnniH from 7070 of KlOfi lilHliictH Kdvn; Oooku rs.K;? J'tfliifr J70,2!MJ - KRAniN'd. pn.. -1 1 1110 VCIIZK' April 21. (AP) whoso mime 1h biacketnd with Chuck Keimko and Olcnn CunninKhain anions tlm nn lion'H Ki'oat inllcrH, lout bin flint polliical men. 'i HcliiriiH from yoKlerday'H pri mary Hbownd tlm Connor 1'iilvi'rnlty of PniuiBylvniiia Rtar third In a field of nix for Iho democratic noinination to iho Btate IcftiHfaturo. Voiuko'H campaign Hpeccbofl dealt ell i efly with IiIh cxpnriencPH on Iho cinder track. - I'iTTSHtinfill, April 21. (AIM -r-A fourth ward election clerk tele phoned the election bureau Heek jiiK permlfiHlon to take a couple of houi-H orf to He the PIttflliunili CbicnKO hnflebull gamo "helnR that thliiRH are ho quiet." . i The ntiHwer was "no." TAFT EXPECTS TO LEAD j DEWEY AT CONVENTION WASHINGTON, April 21. (AIM Uimplto ThonuiB K. Dewey'H lead In primary-picked debKat(m, Kcnu tor Hohert A. Taft of Ohio wild to day that he expected to enter the republican national convention with morn voles than the New York district attorney. Taft did not mention a Hpeolflc flKuro in tulkiiiK to repot'tot-H, but IiIh nmiuiKHi'H have eHllumted that he would have between lino and 370 6t the 1,000 delcKaleH when Diet convention opens. ' HIh RtreiiKth will be largely lu tinluHtructed non thorn ktu.h, 52 from the forlheominn Ohio pri mary, mid an expected block from Rome of Oblo'a neighboring HtateH. The aelection of Peiiimylvania republican and democratic delega tionH with 72 voIoh did not formal ly affect the political picture, for the two groups were not pledged. Tho republicans have picked 411. of their 1,01)0 delegates; the demo crat .128 of their U) It 4. Six more republican delegates were to bo si lected today at a Uebtware conven tion. Roosevelt Lead Mounti President Hoosovolt's lead III delegate Ktrengtu, including (hose "pledged .and claimed for him as u; of unbinding primaries, was mined to 27C ns a rcfmlt of iho Pennsylvania voting. The chief executive was unopiHiHcd hi the democratic preference balloting. Even though tlie 72 delegates elected were not bound by that vote, (hey nre regarded by new deal leaders us the president's for the asking. Of Hit republican delegates chosen ho far, Dewey has 21 pledg ed from Wisconsin; fit claimed as a result of unbinding primaries In Illinois mid Nebraska, and bis managera also claim a large block of New York's 12. In next uioulh'H primaries Dewey is expected to pick up 10 delegates In Maryland uud 'A'i in New Jersey, He Is unopposed both stall's. 212 Negroes Perish in Mississippi Donee Holl (Continued on page 6) In Allied, German Armies Battle on Three Fronts (Continued on cage 6) ORDER YOUR FUEL NOW! Dry 4-ft $3.00 cord Dry 16 Inch .... 14.50 load Bawduit $2.50 unit Mill Ends $4.00 load Planer Ends $4.50 load We have green wood on hand mined effort to close the sea route by which (Jerinany has been pour lug reinforcements nlo Norway, Sweden Ousts Nazi Craft Determined to avoid involvement in the war, Sweden continued to take ncilvn steps to prevent tu ft iiiKfiin-nl on her neutral status. Five Ccrmun minesweepers, re ported active in Swedish waters in ihe Skuuerrak, were summarily nuked to leave and compiled 1m- medinlely. Whilo allied forces were report ed coujinuing their attempts to pinch off the (lennan-occupied ports of Trondhelm and Narvik, on Norway's west coasl, the bitterest fighting appeared to be raging in the vicinity of I.lllehammer and Hena, some SO miles north of Oslo. The two towns nre strategically important because they are situat ed at Ihe poulhern entrances to the parallel Otidbrandsdal and Oster dal valleys, gutewnvs for attack on Oslo from Ihe north. Mllehaminer also 1 Important because It is on the rallwav run ning northwest to the Hritish de barkation port of Andulsnes, Wile Kenn, HU miles east, is on the line connecting with Trondhelm. Bloody Battle Fought The Norwegians, reinforced hy Irltisl) troopH. were reported to he putting up ntirr resistance at both points. Dlspntches to the Swedish news paper Dagens Nvhetnr said the (iermauB were advancing slowlv at Itena. but only afler the bloodiest fighting. A hitler battle wnR fin Id to have been w ii tied fi miles east of Itena. where the nazis attacked twice without success before finally gain ing their objective nossession of a bridge over l.ako Osn. MCltMX, April 24. ( AIM Cer man authorities announced today that all southern Norway between Oslo and Stavanger was under con trol of the German army and that the relch's air and A-ti forces find taken heavy tall of the Itrltish navy in the Norwegian campaign. The M:h couunund reported that three Hritish planes had been shot flown southwest of Sluvunger in an attempt .to bomb that tort 2nu miles southwest of Oslo, German reconnaissance planes, (lie high command said, had dis covered large units of Ihe Hritish fleet approaching Narvik. Norway's far northern port, apparently plan ning more extensive troop landings I in that area. I The German Meet ami air force ' have put fill Hritish naval units out I of uctlon 20 of them sunk or set i afire since the beginning of the ! Scandinavian campaign, DNU, of ficial German news agency, report ' ed today. Hy The Associated Press Spokesman for the French war ministry said today German (mops : and arms were being embarked I abroad transport ships accompanied I by icebreakers at German Kirts on the Hall U- sen directly across from Sweden. j The oiuhnrknliou were Inter preted hy the spokesman ns nn '"evident menace" to Sweden lot I lowing Ihe German Invasions of Norway and Denmark. VITAL STATISTICS What's in the Air KRNR DIAL 1500 Don't Miss Thtst Programs! Enrifjht abandoned his experi ments to listen to THE EVENING NEWS 6.105 P. M. If! This recreation of John Paul Jones Is Interesting PAGING THE PAST 6:45 P. M. I never miit MUSIC BY FAITH 8:30 P. M. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS ON TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 8hafter Parker 5:15 p.m. Little Orphan Annie ....5:45 p.m. John B. Hughes 6:30 p.m. Raymond Gram 8wlng .. 7:00 p. m. Lone Ranger ...7:30 p. m. Griff Wllliame Oreh. .. 8: 15 p. m. Alka 8eltier Newt 8 00 p.m. Fulton LewH. Jr 8:30 p.m. Jlmmle Orler't Oreh 9:45 p.m. KRNR MARRIAGE LICENSES llt'TTl.KU - I.K lll.A.W Hail Normnn lint t l.-i nul llerttiu KlHlt: I.fltliinc. Nosi'lmci;. illnary-Hlpfl door at thf front. Tlm windowH had Ihwmi honi'drd up fo Uct'li out 'Kali'i'iaMli'MH. Fire Starts Near Ooor "All Ifidif-atimitt urn that llir fh-r HlarK'd near lhr dum anil Kjirna'l qnirkly In lh iiiohh. which hail liwn hanitiiiK fr wvithi yonn. A VRiiillatiiiK fan In Iho rreir may Iiiivh nairkcil ihe flni upon llm liclp li'HM (Ihik i'Ik who huddlHil fii-dr llio barulsiand In Ihu n:ar. "Vht.i I Kf't IhiT. iiinanH wmo huard umlcr tho iiuikh of flesh and wo diiK among tho hoilloa to brlnr lliotn out and tuko thonl til Iiom nltalK. It waa KruoHoino work. 'I horo uro about 2i allll In 1iohiI( ala und moro may ilio." It wax Rstimali'il that fow anions N'uti'lK'2' Hi-urn fainilli'H worn linaf r.i li l. This i lly has a pniiiilaiiim of ahont lli.iiiiii, of which approxi mately (10 per cent Is iieuru. Cigarette Blamed One. wllui'Ks atll'llmted Iho 'irn In n carelessly lltthtod clnarotlo. Krnest W'riliht. ail elevator op erulor who went to the chit, to meet his wife aTter KettillK off duty. ailvunceil tho ciKarolto Iheory. Ho told pollen lodav that ho aaw two Bills come out of Iho women 'h room near Iho rrout or Iho hall ami hoard nun of them Hay: "'Now you did it. Voil sol the place on flro.' " "I didn't sen unylhlne for n lain illo." U'rluht continued. "Then I saw a lilimliiiK sheet of flamo. lu a moment Ihe whole place was on fire." Inl service, majors to lloiitonunl colonelH uftor 2'i yoarH ond lieu-tonant-colonels to colouela after '.;.;. . . ;:c r.'j:r.1;cr nf coin' wnnlil he limited to 705. Tho compulsory i-otii-otncnt nee of brlKadior-gonoralH , would he lowortd from IM in (12 yo'irB of nili er nriicers from (II to (JO. Army Promotion Bill Given House's Approval Klamath County Wildlife Area Will Be Enlarged POIlTI.ANn. April 21 (API- The forest service Krantod prelim inary approval today for rcclassl ficallon of tho Mountain Lakes primitivo area of Hogue river na tlonal forest. Assistant Ileaional Korostor' V V. ilorlon said tho district between Wiper Klamath lake- and Iakn of the woods in Klumath county would he Increased to 2:t.071 acres and known as tho Mnunluln Lakes wild area. A number of uicturosnuo InWe-i no in ino iiukiii and many of them are slocked with run I y mi brook and rainbow tnnit, llorton v plalneil. "The ilau Ih til keep plenty of trout In. llio lakes thai, can support III. in. Itlui-ktall decl are common: hear, coyotes und small rarbi.-urers aro often noon, (leeso, ducks and occasionally peli cans use those lakes." MARKET REPORTS WASIIINOTON. April 24. AI) Hundreds of army officers receiv ed good news yesterday when the house passed and Kent to tho sen ate u hill to extend automatic pro motion and provide earlier retirement. The measure Ih designed to vital ize tho army's command with younger lieutenant-colonels and 'olonels and to climiint-t the hi alled "hump" l:l tie proiinlinn system caused by soino -l.2ii') nfl'l- s who enlered llio Horv;.'n dar ing the world war. The hill would prnvido the addi tional automatic promotion of cap tains lo majors after 17 years In- LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., April 24. (API (11. S. Dept. Agr.) IIOOS Market active, mostly 2.1c higher good-chnii-e li;ri-21ij lh, drive-ins mostly S7.00; few S7.10: early sales down to JUSri; 2:111-270 11). butchers $l!.2.ri.rill; light llghtH Sii.OO-riii: packing Hows mostly S-l. 50-5. oil: few Sii.iri: heavies down to $4. 25: lew lots feeder pigs S5.UU. CATTLK: Calves, active, fully steady; sevorul lots modlum-good led steers' common grades down to $7.50: medium-good liell'ei-M 25-75; comiuim grades 00-7. 511; cutler-common cows $4.7511110; fat dairy typo cows (i.25-7.0U; fairly good beef cows 87.00-25; young cows eligible lo S7.75; . sausage hulls mostly $li.5l 7.00; beef bulls J7.25; choice veal ers $10.00-50: coiuuion-modium grades' il.oo-s.50. SIIHKP: Market about steady; good-cholco spring lambs mostly Hn.25? few $1(1.5(1: inoilliim Krailes S!l. 25-50; rommon-mndlum 'tihnrn old crop lambs - $7.00.50: shorn ewes S3, 00-75; commnn gradoK down In 2.00. PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore., April 24. (AP) All Porlland produce prices sieady. unclianged. WHEAT POltTLA.MD. April 24. (API Open High Low t'llMO May dti kli H5J kr.S Sepl M (i Sii Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Compiled by The Associated Press. April 21: .'10 15 ,r( co Ind ia flit's I'l's Sl'ks Wednesday.,.. 72.0 IS. 2 3K.7 I'rev. day .... 72.0 19.0 ils.S .Month ago :.'71.(l IK.9 ils.7 50.0 Year ago .... 112.8 17.0 25.2 44.2 l!(40 high .... 71.2 20.5 40.11 52.2 1U4U low (i'J.U 1k.ll 4'j.2 BONOS 20 10 10 10 Mil's Iml'ls I'fs Fun. Wednesday.... 5S.I loil.2 (17. 0 47.4 Prev. day .... S7.S 103.1 S7.0 47.5 Month ago .. 57.3 102.4 !)l.7 52.1 Year llgo .... 55.11 S8.I !l2.9 Bk.3 HI4II high .... 59.!) iiis.i !)7.5 1040 low f,ti (i Kil.9 jin.l 40 il Accidents Kill 2 Men in Clackamas County Oni-XiON CITY, April 21. (AP) Two men died lu Cluekamux conniy nccldenls yeslerday. Donald Phillips, 24, Mc.Minnvllle, was eleetrncutod. A wire he was si ringing from house to barn con tacted ti flfiuo volt Portland Electric Power company transmission cir cuit. Claude K. Wright, 41, Itex. Ore., inspecting tho Water street viaduct on the Kastsldo Pacific highway for the stale highway department, was crushed to death hy n con struction shovel. The operator said gears slipped, lolling the shov el drop. Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Works Sheet Metal Work Tailored to the Job 527 N. Jackson St. Phone 320 Floor Sanding and Refinishlng CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651 -J Phone 128 Temporary address R. F. D, Oakland, Oregon Hill OB HINDER : aTK tsTB rssTssTs:..;'-tsjp w I. , v x ::-:::' 1,:tii-TiM. IHtlMANUH OIUU1I II SfI tain 4w utie- .we res tern Auto Supply C IAST DAY SATURDAY MAY 4' Electric House Fan i9i in- !I1 lornmmm BE U,IJU f . J gjRSH JUTS'. I Set it on ths table, hang on tne wall. Hubber in sulated cord. . s, Gives lots ol! cireeiei (t-4530) Beg. $1.29 Triangle Grille Guard Rustproof arch. K-lnch solid steel bar, heavily enromea: over copper. Protect9 gnus. (B-3697) Reg. $1.25 leavily 5n Boys' Glove and Ball Horsehide glovs with leather lined palm. Live ly boys sue bail a will stand lots 019 Reg. $1.23 Folding Arm Chal Strona vamiihad hard. wood frame, with arms and slnpod can- - vai back and1 n9. 1.49 ... 1 arms 1 Learn why you ll SAVE MONEY r hen you. buy 11 Dodge Job-Rated Hon truck! rind how little it costs to own, and how economical It is to operate a truck that really FITS YOUR JOB'. Dodge Job-Rated lVHonners aro powered with a great l'j-ton truck engine! The clutch, transmission, rear axle, brakes and springs all are engi ncercd and sized right And whether your hauling requires Dodge Standard-Cab or Cab-Over-Engine models, you get a truck that is built 100 for durable, dependable, money - saving opera tion! That's because any Dodge Job-Rated Uu-ton truck is designed lo fit the job better do the job better and at lower cost! Come in let's discuss your hauling problem get the "low-down" TODAY! SI DULLARD MOTOR CO. Main at Douglas Roseburg, Or. J-J.IU'I.HH-IQN ACimi . . . 11 ANDalO (HAitli AND IO0T MO0US ON PRICED WITH THE LOWEST FOR EVERY CAPACITY Long Handle Shovel 1 at a1sT .BV J . ic . 1 Round point irrigaling iyp Bnovvi, Long nan- ai. 19 gauasAi for hoary 3 Rg. $1.19 1 PEN MOW For Lousiness 838 S. STEPHENS ST. A modern, convenient Drive-In Market .... carrying a complete stock of groceries - fruits - vegetables and dairy products. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK STRAWBERRIES 10c GRAPEFRUIT "ian 15c LEMONS, doisn .. ... IOC COCA COLA, carton of 4 .... 20C FLOUR, Ump. m mm qua Chief, 49 b.XtAS WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE PAUL ABEEL, Owner Twin Horns Long rangs ton.. Twin homs. 15' ins. long, with relay. (B4519) 4B Fog Light Powerful beam. 6t inch amber lens. . . . Chrome plated ) CO with wilch.(E8330) Vanity Mirror 4x6-inch Beveled Glass. Clampe on glare shield. A super J M value. (B5S60) lc Cleaner -Polish 16oi. can each of liquid cleaner and liq uid wax polish. &Afb Both .(X47401 Wrench Set 7-piece set of six 12-point sockets, with "L" shaped handle in aAq holder. (T8110) 1 g! I f 1-1 L rK WMMii ' i ll 1 1 iim " u MM' i m if rim mMyxi CLEAN SWE? CLEARANCE SALE of Radios and Home. Appliances Think of it! . . . 1940 model radios in this gigantic Clearance Salel Washers, refrigerators, bicycles. Lady Dover mixers, and 4pieco Home Appliance sets drastically reduced in price. . . Limited supply of all these items some stores may have none left, so all are subject to stock on hand. A clean sweep at "give-away" prices so low that you simply must come early. "Easy Terms" on most of these articles. HURRY COMC SEE AND SAVE I Many More Specials Besfe?es These! c2UlMSBB Men's Double Bar Bike 100 V. American Made Speedy and strong. Balloon inner MAAAF tube tires. . . Coaster N M 1 1 H J brake (Arotl) iU Girls' Streamlined Model A beauty, latest ) A( 1940 model (AMI) 9113 lasy Budget Terms' ciilD (330 With each WESTERN GIANT DOUBLE DUTY or SILENT GRIP Our finest tires, famous for longer, safer mileage, and a JUMBO Tube to fit at NO EXTRA COST. . . All prices are "with old tire." 4.50-21 DOUBLE DUTY With Jumbo Tub. $8 40 4.7S-19 DOUBLE DUTY Tub. W 5.50-17 rmiiaiB mi tv Tub. I W ASK FOR PRICES ON OTHER SIZES ANO ON WESTERN GIANT SILENT GRIPS I I it 6.00-16 DOUBLE DUTY Tub BLUE RIBBON TUBE at NO EXTRA CHARGE with each WESTERN GIANT TRAVELER TIRE . . ! lust when the touring season is starting, comes this liberal offer. Save at our low tire prices and get tubes to fit at no extra cost . . 1 Prices are "with old Tire" 4.40-21 4.50-21 4.75-19 5.50-17 j 6.00-16 I ask for 5"ta 6te 6te 8"fe 9" 1EN COLUMBIA and OXFORD TIRE CLEARANCE GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS Quality construction. Stock limited, some stores may not have all sizes. Hurry for these sensational savings 1 . . Prices are "with old tire." $4.15 4.40-2) $5.13 4.50-21 $5.13 4.75-19 $5.23 5.00-19 $5.69 5.25-17 $5.89 5.25-18 $6.10 5.50-17 $6.40 6.00-16 $6.98 6.50-16 $8.48 Change NOW to Summer Grade SAVE these low SALE PRICES 35c Per Quart Value Off Penn Supreme 16 2C PER QUART in gallon lots in your can Plus lc for Federal Tax Permit Number 673 Our lineal 100 Pur. Penmylrania Motor C at aarlngs you can't aHord to pass up . . I 5 3 Year Guaranteed WESTERN GIANTS With Flberglas Insulation and Oxi-Vit Plat.s that give doubl. 111. and up to 70". more power, according to S.AZ. t.sts. (Vol). 57-pi.t. IVI510I ..$8.15 '"noia Datterv -Voll. 4S.PIt 1V1520I wirn oia bonny (Volt, 57. Pl.t, IV15J0I J.';.1 $9.65 wirn cio Doner Meny More Specioli Beiidet Thete. We Reserve the Right to Limit Ouontlh 117 South Stephen! St. Telephone 7