FIVE ! . ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1940 vw . .... 111 ' . . , . Real Estate FOR SALE CLOSE BAR GAINS 7-room house, rent $20.00 per month, 5 lotH, on paved street. Room to build 3 houses. ?1, 275.00 cash. 7-rooin house, pliistercd, good plumbing. Simile trees. On paved street. J2.2uO.00, (400.00 cash, balance $20.00 per month. 5-room house, new, basement, 6 lots, chicken house. Just outsid city limits. $1,750.00. Liberal terms. W. A. BOUARD, REAL ESTATE SUBVRIlAft homo and hicome. for half Its- value 6-room plastered house and 4-room plastered hunse. electricity, running water. 8 acres good land, adjoining j town. Only JUtiOU.uu. Terms, u. Walter Groves, 112 Drockway street. RANCH for sale 80 acres. 46 acres tillable. Fair buildings. On county road. Price $2500.00. $350.00 down payment. Balance $120.00 per year. 81 Interest. G. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass. FEDERAL land banlc farms. Sea Bonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available at the National t Farm Loan Office, Perkins Build " V ttg, Roseburg. 6-ROOM ilOl'SE. Beautiful loca tion. Near Drive-In Market, Riv erside. Your trailer house, part payment, G. D. Faris, Route 2, Box 23. . FOR SALE SOO-acre ranch, A-l soil, at a sacrifice. Also a 5 room, modern house. . Box 70S, c-o News-Review. FOR SALE b-room rustic borne on North L'mpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. ALLEY OOP BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES OO TO VOO W WASH TUBES 'l .f SAV, THAT3 A FAIR V CWHATDOVOU 1 f JUD&INO BY THE. SIZE OF 1 f Arw itpX7!3 13 GREAT... "j f WELCOMEP...HlvW,,' VJrT' L-r . V BE THE CAPITAL BELIEVe) SHOULD DO-- BEHINC MJS?WEHAVE f i opfJma (BEING WELCOMED icOME INTO MY Lm I I X'K OF AcAAZOWIA, WE'VE C GO RIGHT UP J -T NO OTHER CHOICE J OPEMING.' K FARLOCISAIDTHE )XXr' JWN POM'T YOU REACHEpStOTHE J V TeaaW"" r SPI PER. TP THE JCJt L ' , . "" jZnc IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Case of Nerves'. wjaar By MerrM Btoster Sil fOli. SMALL ROCKlfl fWATrVNITSVTn f TFSSi ."iMT VBsMSmm WHAT ll DONT BE I M WAD HIT US? I'M II SYLVIA 1 IJ ie,00. W iLW TTS.sJS 2SI lmm$MxA WAS TUAT? W SCARED r J A NOT 6aNS TO STAY Iw THERE'S NO I H EEL A lm. 0CMt M -tl6 WE Re GOINC3 llmimWm Wk ERE ANOTHER PLACET ELSE j if BfTUXTF. MJW Vr? S0 L fl ' HOVO voo ? ) f , V ,.,f .ecu N ft-...: W ue Ducucr, lw "AO nrtUT PtlCU 1A1HKCPO. " TU TWI? tsV.'J. "BJ . ' " ' -JVJ.-i. .7! ! i M .... ."yr.-.. X&--A"tSZ. MVttT- ) W IST6EtOUTO ii DARK i ' 1 r i ! 9 ' Utm VWJ 9 V VOU AWAV ME BETURtt TO T0WM f-i itl 'TTl mVOWE j-rgi KICKS A Jfejgl Q v T 1 . I M I f FROM FOR FEAR 10 TELL , ;3 iMM fSiCV-' VL nrVjC 1 &H0E VV V ' A 'JS -yf 1 V MEREST POUCE VUHERE Jq S j(t' ' I "7" ? ' 1 v ' T S ('SJl' ' THREE ncres, near Roseburg. County road. One acre creek bot tom land. 5-room house. Needs repairs. A good value. Price $1500.00, $300 cash, balance $20 per month. C). W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass. WANTED Have client who wantB farm of 80 acres not over f 3, 000.00. Will pay half cash. Must have fair Improvements and some land suitnhle for berries and alfalfa. W. A. DOUARU, REAL ESTATE. ' BUY THIS HOME LIKE RENT. 4 rooms and' bath. Fireplace. Large corner lot. Double garage. $225.00 cash and balance $20 per month, which Includes Interest. (1. W. Young ft Son, 205 W. Cass Street, Roseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE 51 acres. Modern 7 room house, barn, equipped with electricity, water. J. T. Epperly, Melrose route, a mile W. old soldiers' home. 100 ACRES, timber part cleared, 15 miles from Roseburg. 3& miles off pavement. Buildings old. Price $1185.00. Owner, Box 807, c-o News-Review. FOR SALE Modern remodeled 5 room house, 606 S. i'iue street. Roseburg. Livestock ONE Guernsey and Jersey cow, 8 yoars old, 51 gallons per day, test 1.5, gentle. Inqntro tdleyld Park. AT SERVICE Red Cocker Span iel, registered , A2lil067. Paul C. Trozelle, Sutherlln. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. $2.50 each. W. G. Paul. South Deer Creek. Phone 1IF21. WILL pick up worthless livestock. Pbone 62F12. COCKER Spaniels. Pbone 886-J. f TPvtt (VO'OMSTMsE. Of . UP0 TO WtTviWWb .t v t 11 I. T-)' ' For Sola Miscellaneous NEW llotpolnt electric range at a big saving in price; dinette set, slightly UHed, priced to sell; child's bed; modern floor lamp and other articles at bargain prices. Cump View. I FOR SALE 1 aluminum tub Muy- Itag washer, In good running con dition. May bo had by paying un , paid balance on contract $34.50. Ott's Music Store. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass, trailers and auto parts, go to SARFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 423 N. Main. Phoae 55$. BUTTONS, buckles covered, dressmaking and millinery. Hem stitching Shop, 124 West Cass street. A NEW modem storage locker system at uougias ice ana stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. FOR SALE Woods Brothers . threshing machine, in good con dition. Tony Meis, Oakland, Ore gon. BIG trade-in allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. JackBon street. WATER LILIES, 6 varieties for sale at Brand's on the highway. Charles A. Brand. FOR SALE or tradeModern houso trailer. 112 Rrockwuy. LADIES' hats at the Hemstitching Shop, 121 W. Cass. Help Vanted WANTED Girl for general house work. Go home evenings. Ref erences. Box 804, c-o News-Review. WANTED Middle-aged woman for light housework. Box 808, c-o News-Review. What Awaits Within? Pug Is WOW Aj CAVAKl -0s& TVf ,MX VWtT'W A Light Rentals BELTONIA, modern apartment, furnished, hardwood floors, tile sinks, opposite Umpqua uotol. Reasonable. Phono 12-L. FOR RENT Clean, modern fur nished, 4-room cottage. Phone 222 11. 547 S. Stephens. MODERN stea'n heated apart ments at the Northslde Apart ments. Fhone 3d9-J. FOR KEN T 5-room rurnlsbed house. Phone 179 R. 411 E. Douglas BtreeL ' MODERN 5-room house, furnished. 420 Vista avenue. Mrs, C. H. Da vies, TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, private bath. 112 Rrockwuy. . FOR RENT Modern 4-room house. Furnished. 315 South street. NICELY, furnished, 2 mom apart ment. 6fl5 S. Pine street. Kohlbagen Apartments. Strictly modern. Phone 650. MODERN furnished apartment. Clean. 926 S. Main. FURNISHED apartments. 424 Floed, corner Mill. FURNISHED apartments for rent. Douglas Hotel. FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished. 616 South Pine. 6-ROOM HOUSE in country. 112 Brockway St. . Hoy, Grain, Feed FOU SALE Wheat, $1.00 bushel. Good oat and vetch bay, $10.00. Not Sundays. ArtlHtr Weeks, be tween Dlllard ami Myrtle Creek. Right rAV ScT VOtA. 'BtvAWOt Of CVAV, VOO'U. OOA W IVOOR &T0VO ca?tak vu vitca .wxaK) .:lv I Steeper. Work Wanted REFINED LADY wishes practical nursing or companion. Refer ences. Box 805, c-o News-Review. CABINET WORK made to order 542 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Miscellaneous LEAVING for eastern Montana May 7. Can take four passen gers. Box 800, c-o News-Review. Wonted ROOMERS AND BOARDERS Real Hoine Chicken Dinner Sun- vdays. - Mrs. John Simmons at Fernvale, Glendale, Oregon. WOOL and monair wanted. Ad ? vnnres given. See us. Roseburg , Poultry Co., 920 S. Stephens. HIDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market Lost and Found LOST 1'homas special rod in ' aluminum ' case about 3 miles from Hock Creek on North Ump qua. Howard. Phone McEachern, Telephone Company. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Three-year lease on 17 room hotel and rcBtuurant. 313 W. Lane. Dentistry DR. NKRBAo Gas When Desired Masonic Bldg. Pbone 488, Dr. O. W. Marshall. Med. A. Bldg. Autos FOR SALE 1(136 Pontine, first ( lass mechanical condition. Heni slltching Shop. 121 W, Cass. SOLV.Y ".ISOTTN 00 jagmgmi r 'sov&xkko , ak' oo II rnrn I I J"-e w , H,.A Fuel BURft WOOD OH SAWDUST Safe-Convenient And It costs bo little. AOBEBURG LUMBER CO. Phone 281. CHOICE, easy splitting, old growth fir $2.00 per tier in load lots. South End- Fuel Company, Chiropractor Scientific equipment, NCM feX-Ray Dr. Scofleld. Perkins Bid. RefAibnrsefttent by U. S. for Lands taken Urged EUGENE. April 23. (AP) A resolution asking tlio federal gov ernment to make contributions to counties fir lieu of taxes on large acreages of federally-owned land has been adopted by the Leugue of Oregon Cities. The resolution was presented to the league by the Luno county ag riculture council. "It is unjust and Inequitable thnt tho people of Oregon should be re quired to pay taxoH on tho total cost of local county government and at the same tinio lie denied n reasonable contribution from the government In lieu of taxes," the resolutlun said. The federal government owns ohe-half of Oregon's ucrcage, tho council said. B. P. O, ELKS Regular meeting Thursday eve ning, April 25. Business of Im portance. Initiation. Dutch lunch-. All officers and members urged to attend. Ira B. Riddle, Sec'y. By V. T. Hamlin By Edgar Martin By Roy Crane -Jlfjril'. 1. M. SIC J. 5. PT. On. EXPERT SERVICE Whn There's Something You Want Don BEE AN EXPERT Thj flrmt and Individual listed below apeolaluM In their work. See them for expert aervio. You should profit by their help. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spaugh'a Garage. 128 S. Stophens street. Phone 303. Khlght-I'orler, corner Douglas & Main. Body, render work. Painting. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 443 8. Stephens. Also lurniture repairing. FLUE CLEANING J. V. flew ley. Phone 163. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ber. Phone 848. Youth, Community Work Discussed by Rotbrlaits A Very interesting Rotary con ference at Fori land. April 22 and 23, was reported today by members of the ltosohnrg club who attended the sessions. Tho Roseburg Rotary club was represented by its presi dent, Untco A. Melils, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Hlco and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ceddes. The annnnl convention for llotnry district No. 101, they re port, was attended by 1380 Ro tarlans and Rotnry Anncs. Hopro sentutlves wore presont from clubs in Oregon, Washington, British Co lumbia and northern Idaho. Group discussions on youth serv ice, vocational and community service were particularly interest ing. Principal speakers included Arno-Dosi-b Flcurot, noted war cor respondent recently returned from Kurope, and Tom J. Davis, llutte, Mont., speaker on youth problems. Outstanding entertainment fea tures included the junior sym phony concert und tho annual baiifiuct. Funeral Services Set for Mrs. Linnie J. Bennett Funeral services will bo held at 10 a. m. Friday at the RoHcburg rndortsking company parlors for Mrs. I.innio Jl'earl J.) Bennett, 50, who died Monday at her homo on Short street, in Roseburg, follow ing a short Illness. Rhe was born In Monument, Grant county, Ore gon May 7, 188D. Surviving aro her husband, also throe children, Dorothy.- . William mid Hubert ricnuott, all of Rose, burg. Services will be conducted by Rev. ('. A. Kdwards. Interment will follow In Civil Hend cemetery. CARD OF THANKS Wn wish to extend our heartfelt liianks for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beau tiful floral offerings from our many friends In our ssd bereave ment. We especially thank the veterans' organizations and auxil iaries. Mr. Oliver Kent. Mrs. Oliver Kent. Mr. and Mrs. John McGhcc .. and family. YICK SO HERB CO. HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 8ATURDAY ONLY Chinese herb remedies have alleviated for disorder of goitre, stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, gland, pile, catarrh, asthma, blood pressure, dropsy, rheumatism, eczema, atomach ulcer, and hemorrhage all disappear. Call 6r Write Rostburg, Oregon BRANCH OFFICE MEDFORD, OREGON 132 N. JACKSON ST. J, H. Leong Herballat Hold' Everything!- ftW IM IV Wl HIVICI IMC T M 116 U I. T Qt, ' "Unl uti siitl, 'lluld PAPERHANGINQ A PAINTING Paperh'ng. painting, kslsom'g, furn. refin. Free est Phone 149RX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. RAOIO SERVICING HsrgH. Radio Service. Phone 1M. Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-R, REFRIGERATION SERVICE B. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. SHEET METAL WORK Slnnlger's, 444 N. Jackson at Elba Belle Mayes of Rrddfe Passes On af 77 Ktista Melle Mayes, 77,' widow of Wm. A. J. Mayes, died Tuesday night at her home In Riddle. Horn in Kontucky, July IB, 1862, she had made her home in Douglas county for tho past 47 yoars. Sho was the mother' of Grnco Biasing. Central Point; Kittle Win nlford, Wilbur: Mva Ash, Riddle; Marvin Nowton, Htlvcrton, and Willctta Walker, Lebanon. Funeral services will be held at Riddle at 2 p. in. Saturday, Rev. A. Ktarmor officiating. Interment will follow In the Riddle cemetery. Arrangements aro in charge of the Roseburg Undertaking company. Aatiottalltf CwwinlMt loctVeii CoffM Sliaa-tafM Tnfni DlniSf ami Stnqvit Roonu Famoutly FIN Food Modern Appolntmwta Linuneui OuUkts KMfltf tariff Oppaittt A Wecome Awalft Y6v llir mashed nuliiloiV!"'