FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, "APRIL 24, 1940. lMB4 Dallf Kvadar b U Nefia-IUvtow Vmm la. The Associated FruM ti cicluplve It entitled to the uae for republica tion of all newi dispatches credited to It or not otheiwlne credited In thin puper and to all local news published herein. All rights of re publication of special dispatches ere In are also reserved. HARRIS ELLSWORTH Editor Entered as second class matter fay 17, 1920, at the pout office at Rosebure. Oregon, under act of Uarch 2, 1871. Represented by vr Ynrte -37l Madison Ave. Cat- save 360 N. UlclilKau Ave. srraacUcf 220 Hush Street He- trelt 3084 W. Grand Boulevard Va Ansivieef s a, spring Hireei cat l! 803 Htewart Btretit Fort U F!0 8. W. Sixth Street tit. Louis 411 w. Tenth mrt 0 R F Git PUIMSMEI Snbfltlm Rate Ually, per rear toy mail $6.00 Pally, 6 months by mall Z.bfj pally, t months by mall 1.26 Daily, by carrier Der month 6b Dally, bi carrier iter year 7.80 Every state, county and Hty official or board that bundles public motioy should publish fit I'otfular Intervals an itucmintltiHT of It, showing where and how ouch dollar In up wit. Thin Ik a fundamental principle uf dutno creliu ffuvoriimcnt. UST think of 11, If wo wore living under conditions of 150 years . ago we would Just about now be finding out that a war wait waging in Europe. There would have been no "blitzkrieg" becauao 1D0 years ago an army could not blitz. The occupation of Norway and Den mark (which, uf course, could no'. have been accomplished In those days) would become news to uh out here on the Pacific coast along about the Fourth of July. In about the year 1800 Britain, then an now, bad the most pow erful navy and her Frigates and Ships of the Line were busy clear ing the seven sons of all craft that bo much as hinted a challenge to the might of Britain. Along with our ability to throw the human voice around the world In un Instant our cunning In limit ing mechanical things has perform ed some miracles In the way I producing fighting ships. Consider this: The smallest ami meanest of Our modern navy gunboats could, without losing u man or running the slightest risk, sink the entire ItrltlHh navy of tho year 1800 in about 10 days. No Huch unbalanced sluto of af fairs tan ever exist, however. Ah rapidly as better weapons of of fense arc developed details of them become known around the world. The anus of all nations are sim ilar and nothing In the current con flict, has as yet revealed any hg cret Biiper-weapon. Nor Iiiih thorn been any apparent advantage to either side seen ns n result, of bet ter equipment. They aland about even In that respect, thanks to very clever spying on one an other. As rapidly as new weapons of of. fenso are developed, or existing ones Improved, defense weapons nro also developed and Improved. Military men state that no offense equipment has been developed that cannot be chocked by defense de vices or plans created at about the suiue time, (iohl and tied it, especially credit in this country, arc two weapons of offense that until very recently were all powerful. Vnlll recently no effective defense against them had been worked out, Illller'i: method of matching the gold rttid credit Hlrength of Britain and France Is lo swoop dnwu ou llirirty neutral count i lea, take the gold which they have at-ru inula ted so carefully and. In lieu or credit wllh which lo buy such thing, take food ami other supplies so badly needed by the relcb. To dale this method of defense has been extemety effective and, In Ih? final analysis this bold and ruth less scheme may bo the one means of Hitler's coming out of the mens with a peace compromise equiva lent to a nazl victory. Editorials on New (OoiHnusd from ptc 1.) villi auy HKKurKiii'O of ociinmy. Jim II Hvvitm irnKolmlil)- n'rlulti Unit n lot of tiktililuKevry (Involv ing hriln-ry on urn- pi'lc nml Iron Mii un the ulln-rl iirucci'ili'il t lie. r Imil mllllniy iiimo nnltiKt Nor w ity. War limy have Uvm liiinur.ibli' oiii i' Hiiy about I lie I line of KHifi Arthur ami hlit lloiinil Tnlile.) .Now It Is anvi iiim; TO WIN. Visiting in Murshfield Mrs. Al fred toiike Iiiih left for Mnrshneld lit viwil al the home uf her mhi In biw mid daUKlilor, Mr. and Mii 'J houias HinriiH, Jr. Miss Hessemer lo sing at Concert Miss Eleanor Hossemer, music Instructor in Knscburg high school, will bo the guest soloist with the Itoseburg Meii's fileo club at the spring concert lo be held May 1 at Hunt's Indian theatre, Union Church, director, nnnouneed today. "Miss llcsscmer. Mr. Church re ports, "is a soprano of exceptional abillly, and has been prominent In Douglas county music circles for Hie past few years." Tlor to accepting a position In the itoseburg school, Miss Ho iso mer taught music at Oakland. She will sing two groups of solos between glee club members. The concert to be held at Hie Indian theater will Inst for about r0 minutes and follow a full length feature picture program, starting at 7:30 o'clock. The concert will begin at about 9 o'clock, giving persons with other engagements earlier In the evening an oppor tunity to attend. The screen pro gram will be repealed following the, uppenrance of I he glee club, j Tickets are now on sale bv nil giee ciui) members and ut Coot- tel's Variety store. The usual theater prices will prevail. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Syrttm 1500 Kllocyoles RKMAININQ HOURS TODAY 4:00 Fulton lwls. Jr.. MIIS. 4: IS llavon of Kent, MBS. 4: B0 Tea Tlmu Danne. B:(I0 I.nzy ItbaiiaiKly, MHH. fi : IE Rhaflor Parker, MHH. B:30 Varlftlna. 6:45 Little Orphan Annie, Oval tine, MBS. (i:Mi Tonlglil'a Tuiip. 6:05 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties. 6:10 Newi . Review N e w Flashes. 6:1R llinnor Dmirrt. 6:30 John B. Hughes, Avalon Cigarettes, MBS. 8:45 ItoRln the 1'ant. MUM. 7:00 Raymond (Irani HwlnK, MIIS. 7: lfi Mutual Mar-Ktrofi. 7: SO l.ono lluncnr, MUS. S:00 Danco Orchestra. 8:15 Orlff Vlllimnn' Onili.. MIIS. Sinn Mimic by Kuitli. MUS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. : IS KvcniiiK Varieties. 0:311 Fulton Lewis, Jr., MHH. 0:4n Jlllllllin (lller'a Orcll., MIIS. 10:00 SlKll Off. THURSDAY. APRIL 20 7:00 Stuff and NouseiiHO. .7:30 News-Review of the Air. 7:40 News, Hancock Oil Co. 7:ir Rluisoily 111 Wax. 8:00 Breakfast Club, MIIS. 8: jr. Tlila anil That In Melody. 8:15 llurkeye Four, M IIS. !i:00 Symphony 9:15 1-. H. Navy llnnd. MIIS. 9:30 Ma Perkins, Proctor and Gamble, MBS. 9:45 Carters of Elm Street, Oval tine, MBS. 10:00 Adventures of Uncle Jim- my, Copco. 10: in-Happy (inliK. MIIS. 10:30 Francis. Crulg'H Orchestra, MIIS. 10:45 Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. 11:00 Our Friendly Neighbors, Alka Seltzer, MBS. II: lfi John Duffy. Organist. MIIS. 12:30 Si hool of Hie Air, MIIS. J2:00 Luncheon Dance. 12:15 Sport News, Dunham Trans- fer and Healy Tire Co. 12:80- National Folk Festival, MIIS 12::io-Khythiu at Random. I2:1.ri News, St ii t n ami Local. 12:60 News-Review of the Air. 1:00 Hminger's Man on the Street. 1:iriDnii Lee School or the Air. MIIS. 1:30 The Quiet Hour. 2:011 Al Your ('otiiuiuml. 2:30 Johnson Family. MIIS. 2:15 American Legion News liar- rage. MIIS. 11:00 Ted Flo Kilo's Orchestra, MIIS. :i::io- Vagabond's Trail, MIIS. 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr., MIIS. 4: Id Haven of Resl, MIIS, 1:30 Tci 'l ime Dance. 4:T Alllerlciin Flllllllv Robinson. 5:llil Varieties. 5 in-Sluifler Pinker. MIIS. 5:45 Little Orphan Annie, Oval tine, MBS. ll:O0-Tiinlglil's Tune. 6:05 News. Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. . 6:10 News-Review News Flashes. 6:15-Dinner Dance. e::in John II. Hughes, MPS, R: 15-Paging Hie Past. Mils. 7:00- Riiymoml ilniin Swing, MIIS 7: 15- Mill mil Maeslros. 7:30 Henry Weliera Colnelt Revue, MIIS. K:im- Miirliiii Cnuld'a Orcheslrn. MIIS. 8:311 Ray Pearls (lichcslra. .MIIS. 8:45 Twilight Trails, Avalon Cig arettes, MBS. 8:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 9:15 Don't You Believe It, Old Gold Cigarettes, MBS. H:30 Fulloli Lewis, Jr., MIIS. : I.V Kvenlns Melodies. 1 o : nit Kieu-inr. A ureal amateur Inli-nt ..:ii clif Is heltiR romlucted over s."i tdatiuns of he coast (o-coat netwin k or the Mutual ltn.-l. aslltik system Ibis uiiHith bv " I he ("nrlers of Kim Street." impulse tlrnmntic serial Inanl ivt-r Ihe network Mondiivs tllroimb 1'ii.lays finm !i:4.', to o a. tn. Two women, one be) ween the afie. of ),, nuil ;!' years, the other rnno a moup ol women oer will he t hiiMen bv hnlueH In Chlcaco irom winners In the mn rontests tbiO"Clloit the li:illnn I'lie Mitltici'S will be Riven lo week contnicu with ,. mHhiv ol $112 each week, plus linvidllui ex penses, lo Chicno and Iivhik e- pcnscn lor the period. Speeinl p.nis will be written inlo the ('.triers of Kim Slreei" shim to in ihe iu-iint: Hbllliy I peraonality tr the win ners. I'ersons in UoM-hun; aul I lunulas county lutenxed in i ihci .; llIK the coillesl are reineHtel In ' uiake reL.ti.tilou at Kudio i-tdtieu' KUNn, OUT OUR WAY yWDam ( 1 I J $ IllHlli WHV , IT'S NOT RAININ6 A.9 1 I I f l; I I I HARD AS X THOUGHT J ,1 L 4 . JV i k WONDER WHAT THOSE . -y ; $ lllliIJlilr'REEj i I 1 If dk HA-HA? THAT BOY DIDN'T " &Wtii ) V v mv m& 'fcpn , Mi1 ffl ViiMIII Oaks Down Padres In 13-Frame Game (Ity the A.Hsociutcd I'rcss) Johnny Verge., third baseman and manager ol Oak In ml, bus demoiiHlDiled how lo win a hull game in 13 not ho easy innings. Verges; uccoiiiiUmI lor every run as the Oaks outlasted the Man IHouo 1'ndrcs, 4 to 'A, l.-tsl ninlH in their 'aciiic coast league oveiliihe game. He hud liillled in the loiirlh, sev enlh and ninth iuniiiK.s. With the contest tied al three apiece Koins into I lie last half of !e thirteenth, Verez drew a walk and reached third oti two InTield outs. Ihmn, tlrst baseman, mi in she'd a ImiK ilrivo lo the b'lt field fence, and Vertex came lmme with the win nltm' run. In the only other coast game yes lenluy, Hacrainento nosed out Hollywood 5 to I. ,ludd, Hacnimen tit Koulhaw. Issued only five bits. Osborne, Hollywood hurlcr, gave no Id. The contest was not de cided until (lie ninih. when IHb W illiatns. S.-icrnmeulo hccoikI base ninn, sinuled to bifiiK in Murshull. tleli fielder. Kafn cniiseil post onement of bulb Kaines in the northwest last ninht. San Kranclsco meets Seal tie In a double-bender tonight 'and l.os Annides opens a series with Tori land, Coast .Team League Standings. W. U Pet. .tii7 .ss .r.r. .r.L i .ir.s .mil Oakland Kan IHeKo Seattle Los Auceles ... I lolly wood SntTnmeiilo .. .. I'orlbuid .San Kriiiicisi-o Hi K l:t lo 12 10 1 1 lo 1 1 i:t II i:i !i i:i s Snow Held Ample For Water Needs Allliough the snowfall on Ihe lower elevations of the I'mptpia national forest was very light dur ing the past winter, there is still much snow above r,nno iei eleva tion, V. V. I larpham, supervisor, reports. Mr. Harpham believes that there is sufficient snow on the higher peaks tn 'assure a" good smnnier flow of water In stream hemline in the Cascades. The loud to liig Camas ranker Pillion, by wuy of 1'nion creek and IMamond lake, was opened Ktiday. Ihe earliest ou recoirl. he reports. Il was necessary to eleni the road through dtilts as high as four ieet between I'hunond lake ami (in junction Willi Ihe road to k Camas, Mr. Hnrpham reports. Al Ihe south end of Diamotid lake there remains from two to tlnee feet of snow, but along Ihe usi shore ami at the lodge on the north end of Ihe lake ihe mound in clear. Plans have been made to open the CCC camp about May 1. with ;, crew from South t iiipqna tails, tin nperisor slices. Ait li.-elii;.in. loresi service ion m m. nml in e men are now engaged in pn paring the camp lor net upum v. Employment Stimulation Urged by Gov. Sprague SALKM. Ore . April i Al'i Industrial, labor, fraternal ;tn 1 church croups were urged by dm ei nor Sprague lot lay to unite in an eilott to stimulate employ inent. In a prepared statement ealhng attention In national employmt-ni week beginning May I. the goei mr al'le. tlmr persons over 1' years ol age deserve particular at tention. "Ill spile of imin o ilti; economic cntidll Ion, Unemployment persists; find cofiiimif-d aitack on this most impoi i.uil pioblein ot our day .nusi In- made. I inn asking the i;it,' eiiipln) nn nl to tpiicken p. etliuls lo (male juim lei men and women ni this season w hen out door w oik is once moii' getting under way." he wrote, Candidates bidden to Rally at Canyonville The Kuiilh riiip,ii;i Knit and Cllll i lull In.l.iy iituieunc'c'i fur .1 South I' tally, to be DAILY DEVOTIONS DU. CHAS. A. EDWARDS "At the last supper." For Ihe first time the disciples' nro the Kuests of Jesus. Due to the circumstances the duties of both host ami servant fell upon the masler. I have an Idea, that upon enlerliiK the room with Ilia group of guests He paused a moment to see if some one of them would not sense the sit uation, and volunteer to assist his Master by assuming the duties of the servant. Certain ly such would have been the considerate and courteous thing for any disciple to have done. Hut each one seated himself at the table. Perhaps the .Master hud arranged everything before their arrival. After the meal was ended the Master no longer content lo see the ordinary de mands of courtesy unheeded, took upon Himself the role of a slave, and washed His guests' feet, even those of Judas. The disciples learned their lesson; humility and greatness go hand-to-hand, linuuhtincss, snobbery and false pride are e ha met eris tics of small minds, or all kinds of pride, snobbery i the most foolish, t gets one nowhere. Take national pride, It ruined (ireece, it was tlm breakdown of Koine, and Judea. We heed to lenr.n the value of humility and kindness and courtesy, that coriies through our relatloiiHhip w it h t ho Lord Jesus Ch rlst. Amen. . hehl at the Cauyouville community hall al 8 n. m.. Wednesday, llav 8. The club Is Inviting nil eHndi- flales seeking election or nouiina lion at the primary May 17, to ap pear at the rally, where they will lie given tin opportunity to apeak lor a limited time. The club has i placed arrangements for the meet-1 mg In the hands of T. u Weaver, FRENCH HORIZONTAL 1 French queen. 14 Constellation. 15 Rowing tool. 16 Genus of sedges. 17 College. IB Gully. 20 Lasso. "I Deing. 22 She was a princes from 24 Twitching. 25 Egyptian god. 26 Moccasins. 27 Low tide. 29 Dutch (abbr.). 30 Boundary. 32 lndi.-.n nurse. 14 Race track tipster. 35 She was the Answer (o 45 Carpet. 47 Energy, 411 Modern. 50 Any flat fish. 52 Wages. 53 Legal rule. 55 Spurious, 57 Hackneyed. 59 Knock. 61 She was known as an - or wasteful spender. VERTICAL 1 Temperance. wife of XVI. 18 Front of n skirt. 39 To scatter. 41 Becoming. 42 Cot. 43 Either. -JJ;QjiNL-WIHII TiTtl EiRI. QQP 1AG ABLE AI1V I A I 12 13 (4 15 I 0 18 9 it) H ITi3 A Hb a rpr Tr" is rp nrr- tHm TF fcyrF Chubby Dean Holds Yankees Scoreless lly JtJDSON HAII.EV Associated Press Sports Writer t'lllllihv llenn fir Dm lli llmlnli.lili. Athletics ornved Ills Inn. ImihtL. triumph over the world champion I """fr.v. meet Hob Monroe of the New York Yankees in last week's , mt ""'I I l"ve n slight lilt Inaugural was no fluke by coming "f business to tnlk over wllh you back with a four-hit shuioiit yes- j where no one will see us," he tordny. 3 0. Hadley of the Yanks added. matched his four hits, but was I ""'fy frowned. "Sure . . . sure, wild. 1 1 know where there's a little place. Mlckev Harris, a recruit the Hos- wllit brings you guys here?" ton Ited Sox brought up from 'A ''"'"e by (he name of Val Scranlon, gave the Washington i Douglas, (o put it mildly." Kenny Senators a seven-hit diet in hisl1"'1'1- "f'nme on, let's go." first major league start and the Tlly dropped into an obscure slugging Sox rewarded hlln with a ,mip tnvern on a side street. 7 2 victory. i"l)lay." said Duffy. "Unload. I'm Paul Waner went Into yoslei- of curoslty." day's game with the Chicago Cubs I Tho Express boxing writer In the ninth Inning, the Ilrullls grinned. "Unify, to begin with, Mending M and the bases loaded "'ve got to stow us away on wllh Pirates. Then he singled and J""'r "hil tonight, or some time the game was over. Score I'itts- lielnre you sail in tho morning." ' burgh 3. Chicago 2. "; ahead. Kenny. Nothing . Floodwuters kept Hie Cincinnati rirlp nie any more. In fact. I Heds and St. Louis Cardinals Idle know what happens from then on. yesterday, but the Dodgers, who You start n mutiny, seize the ship share first place in the National ""d r"n off (o hunt purple polar with tbein, exploded a batch of bears." , homo runs to liquidate the Doslon Uradley reached out und took ; Heea 8-3. Duffy's glass away from liltn. j The New York (Hants Hnully ."You golta quit drinking that I won their first game of the sen- "luff. Duffy." he said gravely. ;son 1-0 at the expense of the Phil-1 "Now listen to me. lies with Humbert pitching four-! "dr papers chipped in to ebar Ihlt ball. Itigbe, who hnil stuffed K'r a plane and get us up here In I a Ihree-hllter down Ihe (Hauls op- Hum lo sail bark w ith that outfit. I enlng day, allowed five this time ,'l'hat Douglas dame has scooped but gave eight passes and forced the only, run of the game across w"" In the seventh, Leave for Seattle Mr. and Mrs. James Quick, of Los Angeles, have left for Keatlle, following a few days' stop over in Itoseburg to visit Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Itndgers and family al the Hit) Crest auto court. QUEEN Previous Pottle 13 She was or beheaded, 18 Pertaining to a duke. 19 Regions. 22 Headgear. 23 Sweet potato. 26 To become exhausted. 28 Side of a book leaf. 30 Cur. 31 Destruction. 33 Mortar tray. 38 Preposition. 37 Neuter pronoun. 40 Old garment, 42 Lad. 44 To unbend 46 To chatter. 47 Aeriform fuel. 49 Need. 51 Northeast wind. 52 Stage in insect's life. 54 Strife. 56 Choking bit. 57 To exist. 58 Musical note, 60 Preposition. LffilD 2 Amphitheater center. 3 Long inlets. 4 Electrified particle. 5 Half an em. 6 Middays. 7 Strong taste. 8 Wind instrument. North Carolina (abbr.). 10 Spike of corn. 11 To jog. 12 Lukewarm. SERIAL STORY K. O.CAVALIER BV JERRY CAST OF CHARACTERS VAL, DOUGLAS Kir 1 snorls wilier. Klllnneil on a freieliter to una excitement. KDDIK CAVALIKIl-B nrlm iiKiiior neaaen tor tne title, has a nevre 10 Heme Wlin VIII. CAPTAIN HTKVK HANSEN- Hklpper of the Northern Hello. I) u F F Y KELSO Cavalier's manager. YESTKItDAY: AlthoUEh In. wardly raging at Eddie, Val Is nwoet, explains his failure to help her change tho tire. Lain In the afternoon a. neanlano landH. it brings two sports writer, deter mined to get even with Val Doug las. CHAPTER XXt "ITon't see many of those things up this way." ho observed. , Eddie, squinting at the ship closely. Baw It slant down toward (lie bay. "Hey, It's a seaplane mid It's setting right down there in the harbor." "Nothln' to get excited about, I don't suppose." "Seaplanes don't set down at Prince Itupcrt every day, you know." "Meblie he lost his way." It was Duffy Kelso, wanderlnc off Inlo town bv hluiself. who dis covered that Ihe occupants of the plane hadn't loBt their way. Duffy was addressing a picture postcard in the botol lobby when someone shipped him on the back. "HI, Duffy!" It wns a robust, enthusiastic sort of slap and Duffy almost caved. He whirled around. His eyes popped. "Kenny Jtradley! Hey who what th' . . ." Ken flradley. boxing writer for Hie San Francisco Express, grinned widely as he Introduced the man . With him, i everyone. Mies given nor synni- caie some newsoeais inai il lie used lo shame us men for years to come." "You got a right to talk about beat hi ks," Huffy mumbled. "You ain'l heard nothing." "1 can guess, from that story she did when you were seasick." "it's n lie!" Huffy roared, but ; Uradley ignored him. j "Anyway," be continued. "Mon roe and I have to get ou board that ship and make the trip back with you. We've just got to get in on a couple of those stories. ll"ly mackerel. Huffy, do you realize this is Ihe first time any fighter ever trained for such nil Important scrap aboard a ship? "You're tellln me," Kelso moaned. "Yeah." Monroe cut In. "And we don't daru try to buy passage back. Douglas has too much of an in with (his Captain Hansen. She'd put the skids under ns." "That's why we need your help. Huffy." Uradley said eagerly. "We've got to be well out lo sen before they discover us. It'll be loo late to do anything about it then." Huffy closed his eyes and n be atific smile slole over his face. "Hoys." be said, "this is wonder ful. This gives me new life. This is . . . nautili, but that dame will throw h fitl" Uradley grinned. "A I t a b o y. Huffy. I knew you wouldn't lei us down." Huffy frowned. "II ain't gonna be easy. It might take a little dough." "Whatever you need, Huffy, we've got." Huffy Kelso was bubbling over o that he could hardly talk when he returned lo the ship and collared T'op (jrlmcs. Ho explain ed everything. "lint we can't even tell Kddie." he warned. . "I ain't so sure he'd be on our side." MANY DESIRABLE FEATURES Combines the super-sof tniss "of fluffy cotton with a moisture proof back perfect comfort and complete protection. Sold by drug gists, grocers and dp4rtmnt stores in the M. D. unittrv box. 12 for IS cents. IT! M6 VilrlUf tA NIA KRVICC INC. And so it was that when tho Northern Ilelle nosed back out In to ('halt ban sound and into the straits the next morning Ken I) ra d I ey and Bob Monroe we re among those present. It had taken ticklish work and two 50 bills to convince a couple of good-natured seamen thtjt it was a gag. Val was In the chart room With Captain Hanson when Harney Macdregor entered. Harney sat down heavily "We've got two stowaways," he announced flatly. "We got what!" Hansen bel lowed. ".Stowaways," Barney repeated wearily as though it might have been something he bad been ex pecting all along. "And what do you think they are reporter. They walk outa number four hold. Just like that. If you don't mind, and say to announce them." "Ileporters? who are they?" Val asked quickly. "Names nro Uradley nnd Mon roe. Know them?" "Where are they?" she naked. "I know 'em all right." "Down talking to your young box-fighter. Well, what do we do with em?" Val didn't wait to henr Han sen s answer. She flew down the companionway to the lower deck. They were seated on a hatch cover with Cavalier. "fientlemen of the press," she (jooed. "So you pulled a swlftle, hey?" "Well, U It isn't the blond blunder," Uradley grinned, ex tending his hand. "Mind If wo cut in on your party?" "Don't talk to these eggs, Kddie." she said. "They aren't nice people.' "I find 'em rather charming." Kddie grinned. "The boys are old friends of mine." "Let's get down to cases, Val," Monroe said quietly. "You know why we're here." Val sat down and clasped her knees. "Sure, but wouldn't It be lough If we denied you the use of the radio room?" she murmured. Bradley stiffened. "Don't worry, boys," Kddie broke In swiftly. "She won't." "And why wouldn't I. Mister Cavalier? I'm sllll running this show." ' Because I won't let you," be said quietly. Ills gray eyes looneii square into hers, nml it was her gaze thai faltered. She smiled. "That was a swell piece of work, I'd like to know how you mugs swung it?" Then it'a okay? Bob asked eagerly. Of course." she said quietly. "Captain Hansen can make Koine sort of financial arrangement with your respective offices. And we won t rob you. either, she prom ised. "See you lnler," "Suy," Uradley said curiously. "Have you got something on that dame? She could have wplkod everything If she wanted to." ant to waten Tne work on the hag?" Kddie evaded. 'Corky Brlggs Is in town." Mon roe volunteered us Kddie whaled away at the bag. "Yeah?"- Kddie replied without. looking at them. Yeah. Looks sweet, too. lies a. tough boy, Kddie. And he can do himself a lot of good by belting you out." Kddie stopped and came over to them. "If you give me your word of honor you won't print this, I'll tell you something." They nodded. "I'M knock him out in eight rounds." They wbNtled softly as SOFT r tender skins fo Nothing could be more gentle with ten der skins than M. D. Tissue.. .free from all irritating fibres... sler Hired a dozen times ...hygienic. .protect ive... SAFE! be went back to the bag. A few hours later Sparks catted to Eddie as be passed the radio room. "These reporter guys ha?o me swamped," he said. "Will you take Uiis message to Mlsa Douglas for me?" v 'Sure." he Bald. Ho meant to give it no more than n casual glance but something made hint look closer. Kddie didn't mean to be nosey, btit somebody nuined Rodney said he would bo waiting for Val in San Francisco, and he had signed it with "love." (To be continued) International Relations Topic of Talk by Editor Harris Kllsworth, editor of the Rosoburg News-Review, was the speaker at the regular Tuesday luncheon meeting of the Itoseburg Kiwanls club. Mr. Kllsworth spoke , on the International relations of ' the United StateB with Canada and Mexico. A short talk also was made on the subject of business improvements by Walter Fisher. Two new members, lieorge Smith, manager of the Rone hotel, nnd Roy Bellows, of Roy's Men's store, were Introduced as new members of the club at yoBlcrdny'B meeting. . COPCO NET PROFIT UPPED SAN FRANCISCO. April 2L ( A P ) Ca I i f orn in Oregon Power company reports $il21, 175 net pro fit for the year ended February 29, a slight gain over the $904,740 o the preceding year. Spend Day In Eugene Mrs. K. C. Patterson, Mrs. H. II. Turner, Mrs. Maurice J. Newland and Mrs. I ' M. Lee, of this city, and the lat ter's mother-in-law, Mrs. J. M. Lee, ot Red Bluff. Calif., spent Monday in Kugene visiting friends. mm