FIVE TTTi 1 1. ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 23. 1940. Real Estate SIHURDAN home and Income, for half ita value G-rooui plastered house and 4-rooni flustered house, electricity, running wuter, 8 acres good ' lund, adjoining town. Only J2C50.00. Terms. C. Walter Groves, 112 Urockwuy street. FOH SALE 1 1 V4 acres, S-rooni house, barn, hen house. Equipped with electricity, water. John Hollo. Melrose route, 1-nillo W. old Soldier's Homo. FEDERAL lnna unnk farms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. ! i.lsts availablo at the National Faun Loan Office, Perkins build ing, Roseburg. MODERN C-IIOOM HOUSE, U nci'tis or hind, small hum, ber ries, creek. On good road, 8 miles out. Ilox 8U1. co Nows lte'vluw. FOIt SALE Mil-acre ranch, A-l soli, at a sacrifice. Also n 5 room, modern house, Box 7118, c-o News-Ueview. FOR'SALE b room rustic home on North Umpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. FOR SALE Modern remodeled 5 room house 006 S. Pine street, Roseburg. Dentistry DR. NKKBAS Gas When Desired Masonic Bide. Phone 4S8 Dr. G. W. Marshall, Mod. K. Bldg. Fuel liUUN WOOD OR SAWDUST Safe-Convenient And it costs so little. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phnnn 2R2. ALLEY OOP '7 Bl'll I lilt ,rc motnontKiAPV f NO, THAT'S NOT IT, BECAUSE J CT 'lOOH... DOWkA ( tfl HAVING ABANDOMED V,-r ...riv WE rmLDIJ'T 1VE SEEM SEVERAL ITS AS 7- THERE... A IAAZ.OMlArJ , U Afhrr 0URHEADSSMISF0e-"TUNJE"T0 ) kV I i I W i7rh i'mif- 4-U- Yjn VCOPH. 1940 &htA SERVICE. INC.T. M. RF.fl. U. 8. PAT, Off J - ?f'-, (" "', , , t ---- " -r- - 1 n,-. ; IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Gloomy Outlook By Merrill Blosser r"' JT vAiuAT'e no. T7 T ucad Tuc $ ITS l KNOvV IT if1 " 1 0 AND THE ROAD BEHIND PPI I I FRECK? WWAT M FRONT 7 BUMPER M NOT - "P ' X JUST NO MATTER WHAT IJS IS EVEN WORSE IF M OKAY . AND 15 ARE WE STOPRNQ i . X WANT FA LOOSE i ) WANTED To HAPPENS , DONjT SAY THEY GET SCARED. JUST I YOU WWIStLS W.TV JK- Tut7 rrrc yALA L V ALONE --WE'RE . FRIGHTEN THE GIRLS! KEEP THEIR COURAGE UP Mi TO KEEP UP mJZ!sxfZz&7L 2r rMwm s,"'' g?, mine j BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES That's Telling Him, Boots By Edgar Martin (cEVfcWWHOT TWc. t6MKiVMfa OV A. I tsH VAC- ,-5H MM,yV VOVW OOEl frV'lf WWWNOO lN60.tKSY r MA6ViffCKST ,MV 6Vjef ... im iv Jyexs ov vtcwb awo hs. sot hao k J AvxTwA-ot J f5rk.AKSJl.Sw jCOMCtVE.O .Vi.Wi erA9VX MA6M?ctKT WOMOR ? fl WHW MOT ,iii WVCH RBAV SOMA. OE Jj TO OO VOVH 1 ,,.?2.t itLlSSot m VOO VOO VOO ' ;. 1 s f f I S 1 S Hsmsm iMMssMsffi '"' V-i" P.-1 90 'V WE BEBVICg. 1WC i ''if . 1 -ti WASH TUBBS Easy to the Rescue ''"'vst7" By Roy Crane 1 vfi,,,-! AW, HA! THE DUKES - II tZZZW FIRST, I'LL POUR A LITTLE ) g 9 ..J11 pt' & f & CI II II ill - I WCEOUT!AHDBODEBSO,l If) j ,.i VJATER IN THE MOTOR OF HIS 4 ........ ... kAiimtkAOSOTl M U'Z' I SHHH t! F ' Jl 1 je nrTwir.fc.'l (I . Livestock ONE Guernsey and Jcrsoy cow, 8 years old, 5A gallons iter day, test 4.5, gentlo. Inquire Idleyld Park. AT SERVICE; Rod Cockor Span iel, registered A261U67. Paul C. Troielle, Sutherlln. FOR SALE 120 Angora wether goats, ages 1 to,5 years old. Mrs. J. II. Short, Ilox 70S. FOR SALE Weanur pigs. $2.50 each. YV. G. Paul, South Ueor Creek. Phone MF2L WILL pick up worthless livestock. Phone 52FI2. COCKER Spaniels. Phone 386-J. Financial WE CAN now use a limited amount for lump sum -investments. All funds aru reinvested in first mortgage loans on Roseburg and Douglas county property. Your money, in this institution, large or small amounts, produce at tractive earnings. Investigate our monthly savings plan. Current earnings 41. I'M HO. I! A SAV INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Wheat, $1.00 bushel. Good oat and vetch hay. $10.00. Not Sundays. Arthur Weeks, be tween Dillurd and Myrtle Creek. FOIt SALE Seed grain, 9(1 day wheat, gray oats and spelt. A Hempcnlus, 1) miles E. or Suth crlln. Help Wanted WANT Kl) Girl for nonni house work, (lo home! eveniiiKH. iii'f crui.ccH. liox MM, c-o Nows-He-vlow. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Used radio, 11.30, used davenport $14.95. new 7 lube radio 124.95, slightly dam aged new suitcases 95c, used va cuum cleaner, $7.50, Rlssel and Blgelow cleaners, used automa tic electric water heaters, used llotpolnt electric range, $17.50, used electric washers and ro trlgcrators. J. M- Judd. NEW llotpolnt electric range at- a big saving In price; dinette set, slightly used, priced to Bell; child's bed; modern floor lamp und other url teles at bargain prices. Camp View. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass, traitors nnd autn parts, go to SARFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 523 N. Main. Phone 553. FOR SALE 75,000 cleaned bricks. $10.00 thousand, up. Doors, win dows aud window frames. P. Hempel, Miller's Addition. BUTTONS, buckles covered, dressmaking and millinery. Mem stitching Shop, 124 West Cass street. A NEW modern Btorage locker Bystem nt Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Carton for sale. BIG trade-in ullowanco given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. WATER LILIES, 5 varieties for sale at Brand's on tho highway. Charles A. Brand. KUK SALK house trailer. r trade Modern 112 lirocltway. LADIES' liulK at the Hemstitching Shop. 121 W. Cass. Chiropractor Scientific equipment. NCM 4 X-Hay Dr. Scofield. Perkins DhU. Almost Rentals I1ELTONIA, modern apartment, furnished, hnrdwood floors, tile sinks, opposite Umpqua hotel. Reasonable. Phone 12-1.. - FOR RENT Clean, modern fur nished, 4-room cottage. Phone 222-lt. 547 S. Stephens. MODERN siea'n heated apart ments at the N'orthslde Apart ments. Phone 3H9-J. SMALL APARTMENT. Furnished. Fireplace. Modern. Call at The Strange Shop. FOIt It E N T 5-room ftirulabotl houso. Phono J7D-U. 411 K. pouphiH street, i MOOKItN 5-room hoilso, furnished. 420 ViBta avenue. Mrs. C. H. Da vles. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, private bath. 112 Urockwuy. FOR RENT Modern 4-room houso. Furnished. 315 South Btreet. ROOM 626 It. AND GARAGE. Phone Gentlemen preferred. NICELY furnished, 2-rootn apart ment. 605 8. Pine street. Kohlhagen Apartments. Strictly modern. Phone 550. MOllEUN furnished apartment. Clean. 926 S. Main. FURNISHED apartments. 424 Floed, corner Mill, FURNISHED apartments for rent. Douglas Hotel. FOR RENT till! South 2 rooms furnished. Mne. 5-HOOM HOUSE In country. 112 Brockway St. There Work Wonted WANTED WORK Carponler or poultry and cows. Dependable worker. Box 799, c o Kews-Rc- vlow. REFINED LADY wishes practical nursing or companion. Refer ences. Box 805, c o Nows-Revlew. CABINET WORK made to order 542 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Miscellaneous LEAVING for eastern Montana May 7. Can lako four passen gers. Ilox K00. c-o News-Review. Wanted ROOMERS AND HOARDERS Real Home Chicken Dinner Sun- ' days. Mrs. John Simmons at Fernvalo. Glendule. Oregon. WOOL and monair wanted. Ad vances given. See us. - Roseburg Poultry Co., 020 S. StephetiB, HIDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market. Lost and Found LOST lady's yellow gold wrist watch, Monday or Tuesday. Oc tagnn shaped, black ribbon at tached. Reward. Phoue 438 or 470-L. LOST Thomas special rod in aluminum case about 3 miles from Rock Creek on North Ump qua. Reward. Phono McEacburu, Telephone Company. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Three-year leuso on 17 room hotel and restaurant. W. Lane. Around the County Sutherlin SUTHERLIN. April 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Flory and J. 11. Flory lol't Tuesday for Idaho where thoy expect to make their home. Mr. aud Mrs. Howard Walil have purchased the Ralph Flory prop erty eust of town and moved there last Tuesday and Wednesday. Glen Cooper of Drain was a busi ness visitor in town Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Hoyt drove to Eugeno and returned Thursday. They weru accompanied home by Mr. und Mrs. Merlo England of En- geno, who will visit hero for somo time. Mrs. Hoyt nnd Mrs, England are slHters. Fred Mndlgan returned here Thursday morning from Portland where he has been for the past soveral weeks. Owen Sutherlin of Oakland visit ed aud attended to busiuess In Sutherlin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fisher and small son ot Sucramento, Calif., visited at the Lloyd Cameron home over the week-end. Mr. Fisher is, a former principal of the Suther- lln high school nnd la now touching I iu tho Sacramento Junior college. , Mr. and Mrs. Cal White of Marsh- riehl visited at the Dotal Daubcu- speck homo Thursday en routo to Eugeno. All electric motor and routrifu gal pump nrrtved Monday ror the city to be used in pumping iuto the old reservoir. Water Superin tendent Clydo Holman will Install it in u lew days. Mr. aud Mrs. Murk Jurdun ot the Piggly Wlggly store havo purchas ed u refill! niter display ease from Harold Bender, of Roseburg, who Installed it Thursdny. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Godfrey and By v. I. Hamlin EXPERT SERVICE Whn There's Something You Want Dona SEE AN EXPERT The flrma and Individual Hated below ipeclalute In thtlr work, . So them for expert aervlee. You should profit by their help. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spsugh's Oarage. 128 Stephens stroet. Phone 303. Knight-Porter, corner Douglas & Main. Body, feuder work. Painting. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 443 8. Stephens. Also furniture repairing. FLUB CLEANING .1. O. Bewley. Phone 163. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ber. Phone Ut. son. Vern, Jr.. formerly ot Myrtle Creek anil now of the Hawaiian Islands stopped for a short visit with Mr.' and Mrs. Mark Jordan , .. ,., ,n f" - oungr who rocontly "nffored a nervous breakdown, has recuperated enough so that ho is a"1" bo out tor 11 B,,0, t limu Tho stato highway department Is contemplating oxtensivo repairs In this section for (he coming sum mer nnd are building a stock pile and unloading asphalt III prepara tion for tho work. Boyd Parker, of Roseburg, was visiting friends in town Wednes day. Jack Culver, Sr., left . Frliliiv morning for Portland whoro ho will visit relntivos anil friends for sev eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Snook visited nt tho Dr. H. W. Snook homo for a short time Thursday en routo to their home In Klamath Falls from a husinoss trip to Kugnnc. The Hoyt Lumber company, who conducts a lumber and wood busi ness eust of town, have resumed oporatlons which were suspended because or road conditions to the mill. The mill has been moved to a new site and the road exten sively improved. Klmer Crtitty Is finite ill nt his hoe on First avenue. The concrete approaches to A. Real's new service station have been completed nnd construction started on the station proper. Mr. Real expects the building to be completed in about three weeks. James Robinson surrercd a Taint ing spell last Tuesday whllo shop ping at Culver's market, Mr. Rob inson Is much 'improved' vow -and Is able to bo about again. Mrs. (Jrueo slater left for her homo In Kacramantn. Calif., last week alter visiting with her moth er, Mrs. Charles Talbott, for tho past month. Camas Valley CAMAS VALU5Y, April 23. Mt. and Mrs. Frank Laugu and Mrs. Lange's mother have moved back to IluMan, Lincoln county, uflor spending the past three years hero Mr. Lunge was employed at the larmson-Wakefield Lumber mill during their Ktay here and also did quite u bit of carpenter work. .- Mr. and Mrs. Hiss tirown at tended an educational conference In Roseburg Thursday evening. Mr. Brown also took a lesson in flying and came out over tho val ley. Several ladles from Marshfleld were in the valley Wednosilay ga I thering dllferint kIiiiIh of wild flowers fur study In their garden club. Miss Lulu It'dierls urrlvcd hoinej tho last of the week. She spent, the lust lew months In Ncwbcrg I working. Wesley Clark ot Oak Ridge spent Hie week-end ut the home ot IiIbI "flcniliir want ails nijiiin! i desire Hold Everf tiling! Wl ! IT U UtVICI. IMC T WW V. 1 T W 3-1 PAPERHANGINQ & PAINTING Paperh'ng, painting, kalsom'g, turn, refln. Free est. Phone 149RX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric. Phone 128. RADIO SERVICING Margin Radio Service. Phone 196. Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-R. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. SHEET METAL WORK Stnnlger's, 444 N. Jackson St. sister. Mrs. Beu Buzzard. Miss Pauline Suiter ot Glide came home with Genevieve Moore following "Play day" aud visited at the Moore homo over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ncgles and two children, Betty and Ronald, ot Talent vis ted Friday ant Satur day nt the homos of Mrs. Nogles' futher and sister. unarteB wtiey und Mrs. Dee Coon. Thoy re turned homo late Saturday after noon. The 4-1 1 second year sewing cluli Rlrls enjiyod a hike down the CCC road Jast llrailfnrd stutlou to Iluttle creek Wednesday. .Mrs. 1. W. Hlegel went with them. Mr. and Mrs. . John Hurmsou ;md children spent Sunday nt the coast enjoying a fishing trip. Mrs. M. li. l.lllle of iianunn ami Mrs. Mnhur, who has been taking care ot Mrs. l.lllle, are visiting at tho home ot Mia, R.-ihert Martin dale. Mrs. l.lllle la Mrs. Murtiu dale's mother. Mrs. Ilertba Stlllwoll came home last week from a visit with a daughter In California. Mr. and Mrs. Kills Camohcll and small daughter and Dud Wilson ot Knlem. visited Sunday afternoon nt the home ot Mr. und Mrs. Dee Cnon. Mrs, Campbell und Dud Wil son are dauahtcr and son of Mr. anil Mrs. Dale Wilson, former resi dents or the valley, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Doyle and Margaret Drown wont to Bugeno Monday. Mr. Doyle left there by train for (juincy, Illinois whore he will visit his parents who arc In quite poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Kldon Gllmore anil .lease Klrkcndall returned Friday from a trip to Doise. Idaho, where they visited relatives of Mr. Gil more. ' Ell Thrush and children went to Coos Junction Sunday evening to meet Mrs. Thrush anil Rachel on their return f min Grants Pass where they had been visiting. Mrs. Rnrl Ednion and small sou, Kennel h. of Arago, Coos county, visited a few davs last week at the homus of Mr. und Mrs. Robert Mar tiudate and Mr. and Mrs. Story Mnrtlndalo. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sloble and Mrs. Kll Stlllwoll spent a ten davs last week camping at ' the. Stoble place on llattln creek. Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Claughton am two sous. Mr. und Mrs. Robert Klr kenilall, Mr. and Mrs. Kills Tiber and Mr. and Mrs. F.lilon Ulhnnre of Miirshfleld speut Sundav at the home of Jciise Kirkendall. "Eat Ifarhccuo Sandwiches and Live Forever." C. A. Brand's on - i 'he highway. (Adv.) ' BRAND'S AFTER THE SHOW SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN DANCING brand's on th Highway Open till 1 a. m. Can't you ever toniiicr the for worldly gain," - - J