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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1940)
THREE Back From Coast Dr. nnd Mrs. C. It, Ilalley have returned to tbelr home on South Deer creek, follow. tng several days at their summer Dlucn at Charleston, Ore.'.. Tropic Crooners SIDE GLANCES a fry Qalbraltk ftOSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ft6SEBUR(5, Oftg66N, TUESbAY, AhRIL 23. 1940. By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER YOUNG LUTHERANS LEAGUE HAS MEETING Tim regular inocilng of llio Young. Lutherans league was hold at llio home of Kov. ami Mm. S;i wester. After the business meeting antl topic study, games were jiluyeil. l.nler delicious refreshments were served to the following:; Itev. ami -Mis. Sylweater, .Mr. and Urn. Ileo erofl, .Mr. an. I Mm. Hoy llelmril, Misses Vent and June Coetz, Miss ,Kchiiefl'er, Miss .Marion Voltz. Miss .Mary Fretwell anil Lewis Wilson, by the refreshment committee, -Hiss Eriku llrust, Miss Krllse .Mor gan and Jack (iorthy. ' MID-WEEK rjBLE CLASS SOCIAL MEETING HELD A most enjoyable meeting of the Jlid-Week llilili! class was held last Thursday at the home of .Mrs. Alary Heoeroft and Mi's. Charles Jieocroft. lairing the business meeting It vas decided to have the annual ehuri'h cleaning day May 2 begin ning at ten o'clock. The Ililile study SKATING Every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Nights Men 25c Ladies 16c RAINBOW RINK Winchester ON SPORT SHOES Formerly $3.98 and $4.98 ox fords. Blacks and tans. This group includes saddle oxfords in alt combinations. $2.98 for the nflornoni. w;ih lmspil on Acta, chapter 17 The ri'tniiinilitr or the afternoon wuh Hu:nl Kocially. I.ovtly rofrisli DHMitH wercf served hy the hos tesses to tho following frlemlH unci iiieiiiheiH: Itev. and Mm. Kyi wes ter. Miss Vera (Jootz, .Mrs. It. Kulne, Mrs. A. Sehllck, Mrs. Vnm, Mis. Voifit, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. 1. Ackloy, Mrs. G. McQueen, Mrs. K. Smith, Mrs. A. Martin. Mrs, K. Hodges, Mrs. Stinehgeii, Mrs. K. Urust, Mis. It. Ilebaril, Mrs. V. An draiel'f and Miss Lena Martin. HAPPY HELPERS CLASS HAS ENJOYABLE PARTY Tho Happy Helpers fi. S. class held a social In the basement of the Christian church Monday after noon, (lames and contests were enjoyed by tho following members: lleulah (Jutes. Doris Reeves, Flora Spencer, Hetty Tillis and Virginia Marker. (.nests Included Christina Tranalis, Morene Moore, Aly Harvie, Joyce Qufne, Joan Moyle.'j Shirley Fenters, and Donna Prim rose. The teacher, MIsh (Jerry Morgan, acted as hostess, assisted hy Miss Alyco Moon. W. B. A. ANNOUNCES MEETING FOR THURSDAY The Woman's Uenefit association has announced an important meet ing for Thursday ut two o'clock at the Maccahee hall. The officers have requested a full attendance as plans for Hummer activities will he announced. NOW OPEN For Business! To the ladies of Roseburg and vicinity, we offer a new beauty shop. Visit us and let us show you the latest in hair styjing. We specialize : in permanent waving ladies or children hair cutting and hair tinting. HOUCKS BEAUTY SHOP 21! Perkins Bldg. PHONE 133 SPRING SHOES Johansen SHOES These Johansen Shoes are new spring shoes. Sold up to $7.75. They come In blue leathers, black patent, tan, alligator, black alligator, black and blue gabardines, $3.98 -$6.98 200 PAIR SHOES At SI. 00 SPRING COATS , DRASTICALLY CUT Tweeds . . . Blues and Blacks All new tpring coats; $14.98 coats are $9.49; $22.98 and $26.98 coats are now $17.49. Come early as these coats won't last long at this price. Fitted coats, semi-fitted and box backs. '''' 1 COPft. 1W0. ..c 8CHVICE. IWC. T. M. MC. U. ; "I'm going to skip lunch it get this veil SUB-JUNIOR GROUP TO BE HONORED AT DINNEB Members of the RoseburR Junior Woman's club will entertain pros pective members of the Sub-Junior group with a dinner at the club house Thursday evening, April 2f, at (1:30 o'clock. Those attending are asked to dress in hill-billy costume. Those attending are asked to j phone Mrs. Gordon Stewurt at SM-Y or Mrs. C. K. Smith at o3-R by Wednesday noon. The fine arts meeting, regularly scheduled for Thursday evening, has been post poned until a later date. BETHEL MEMBERS TO REPORT ON GRAND COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN PORTLAND Mrs. E. A. Brllton, guardian of Roseburg bethel of Job's Daugh ters. Miss Faith Young, honored queen, Miss Carolyn Cordon, junior princess, and Mrs. A. J. Young, past guardian of the local bethel, past grand guardian of Oregon, and supreme fifth messenger, will re port on the grand council meeting held in Portland the last several days, at a meeting of the Roseburg ueiaei at i.ov lunigui. 1 Mis. K. A. UriMon was appoint o r I BLACKS AND BLUES This group consists of high, medium and low heets. Black patents and leathers, blue leather and blue gabardine. These are new spring shoes. We also have a number of Natural Bridge in this group. $2.98 $4.98 200 PAIR SHOES At $1.98 AND S9.49 $17.49 PAT. Off. 4-23 took me a hulf an hour to on right." - second grand messenger of Job's Daughters of Oregon at the council meeting and Mrs. J. It. Wilson, guardian of the Myrtle. Creek bethel, was appointed first mes senger. Mrs. A. J. Young will act as su preme Installing chaplain, Satur day, April 27tli, at Seattle. Wash., when a grand guardian council ot that state Is formed. Mrs. Stella Jensen, supreme grand guardian, San Francisco, who attended the Portland meeting last week, will be present in Seattle for the Insti tuting ot the council there. CATHOLIC BENEFIT CARD PARTY TO BE WEDNESDAY Miss Colc'tln Langenberg Is act ing as general chairman of the third of n series of benefit five hundred and contract bridge parties sponsored by St. Joseph s Altar so ciety, to be held at eight o'clock Wednesday night. April 24th, at the Catholic parish hall on N. Kane street. Mrs. John McClement is refreshment chairman with Mrs, Fayette Langenberg and Mrs. Mary Bryan in charge of decorations. Cash prizes will be awurded for high scores. Reservations for the party may be made by telephoning Mrs. E. h. Dolnn nt. 73:t-T,. Natural Bridge SPECTATORS These Natural Bridge 6pecta tors come in all sizes. Tan and white, blue and white, black and white. Ties or pumps may be selected. $3.98 EVENING SANDALS j$1.98 mm rkowelLs Ne ws Reported III at Home fi. V. Van Voorst, owner of tho Deor Creek dairy, is reported to he ill ut his home on the Dtxonvllle road. Reported III Clydo Carstens, lo-" ca) post oft Ire employeo. Is report ed to he II) at his home In Laurel wood. Spend Sunday at Coast Mr. and Mm I Itirt-lu IJ.ilini-lunti .t iMo city, enjoyed Sunday ut coast poiuiH. , Hre Yesterday Mrs. Miriam C. Hopkins, of Circle II lodo on tho North Uinpqua, fipent yester day here on business and visiting friends., Confined to Home Mrs. O. O. Jennings is reported to be con valescing at her home on S. Mill street, from n fractured left arm recently suffered In a fall. Leaves for Minnesota Mrs. Ed Rorgen, of this city, left Monday for Kensington, Minn., where she was called hy the critical illness of her mother, Mrs. T. Tollerson. who recently underwent a major opera tion. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pickens, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. L. Johnson and Mrs. V. T. Jackson went to Rogue River Sunday to at tend the funeral services of Mr. Scott, lather of Mrs. Alvla Weth erell, of this city. Leaves for Portland Mrs. J. O. lniv turn In ft fur- Ito i- hnino tn Port. land, following several weeks here visiting at the home or her brother-in-law. H. W. Strong. Mr. Strong, who has been very 111 for a number of weeks at his home on South Main street, is now reported to he i much improved ami able to be up a part of every day. Leaves tor Medford William Cnmphill, Jr., of Porllnnil, has left ror Medford to spend the week working, while his wife, formerly Mary Julia Miller, remains here to spend tho week visiting nt the homo of her pnrents ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Campbell, on South Main street. Mr. Campbell, Jr., spent tho weekend hero with his parents and will return hero the latter part of the week. 8TEDFAST BIBLE' CLASS TO MEET AT LUNCHEON 'l-l.a Cln.lfnot lllhlp clflHS Of IllC First Presbyterian church will meet at a twelve o croca uo-uuhiuhh luncheon Thursday at Die home of i,.t din Itnllev at 117 S. Kane ut,.Aat Mentliern mill friends HI'C Invited to attend and are request ed to bring a covered uiso aim sandwlchen. .-v.. . JOB'S DAUGHTERS MEETING TONIGHT This evening at 7:30 Hoseburg bethel No. S of Job's Daughters will hold lis regular business meeting nt tho Masonic temple. Miss Fallh Young, honored queen, will preside at tho meeting. Parents nnd those with proper affiliations are cordially invited to attend. LADY ELKS TO ENJOY SOCIAL MEETING The I-ady Elks will enjoy a so ciul meeting nt K o'clock Thursday evening ut the temple. Mrs. J. Jv Pickens, president, will conduct a short business meeting. Contract bridge and five-hundred will be in play and prizes win be awarded EVERGREEN H. E. C. PLANS ALL-DAY MEETING ! The Evergreen Home Economics club has planned an nil-day meet ing with a noon pollock luncheon for Thursday, April 25th, to he held at the home of Mrs. tieorgo Holm All ladles of the grange have been Invited tn nttend. WEDNESDAY Action and Rochelle Mats. 2So Eves. 35e Kiddies 10c 111111 TODAY "Alexander's Ragtime Band' Judith llarrett, Ding Crosby, Dorothy i.amuar and Dob Hope, conv ins Wednesday to Hunt's, Indian theatre in "Tho Iload to Singapore." Pythian Sisters to Meet Pythian Sisters will meet Wednesday night ut 8 o'clock nt the K. of P. hall to be followed by a Joint socinl hour and refreshments with the Knights. I ' Return From Vancouver Mr. nnd Mrs. M. II. Muncy and daugh ter, Darla. have returned to their home on West Douglas street, fol lowing a few doys In Vancouver, Wash., visiting Mr. MuncVs moth er. Mrs. S. O. Muncy, who is report ed to be quito 111. Attend Dedication City School Superintendent and Mrs. W. M. t'umpbell and Principal and Mrs. It. It. Urnnd, of this city, went to Cottage (nova Friday evening, where Mr. Campbell look purt in tho dedication ceremony of tho new union high school In that city. Moving to Tiller Mr. and Mrs. l-.llllll Jli:inll nun iiiiiiii ..,,t kiwi-. lug this week from Cnnyonvllle tn I Tiller, where Mr. Jackson will op erate a mill. His mother, Mrs. V. T. Jackson, of this city, Is spend ing the week with them assisting in the moving. Dinner Meetlna Planned Laurel lodge No. 13, A. F. and A. M. will meet nt the Masonic temple Wed nesday night nt a B:30 dinner. Work in the Master Masons de gree will bo held. All offices will be filled by past masters. J. J'.. Clark is chairman of the evening's program. ' Arrive From California W. D. Van Horn and son, Millard, of Ibtk ersfleld. Calif., aro visiting at tho home of the former's brother-in-law ami slslor. Air. ami Mrs. Kscoo Johnson, on Smilh Pino slrcet. Mr. Van Horn and son plan to work in the piling business Willi Mr. Johnson nt (Hide. Spend Week-End Here Mr. and M..u IltnBti (If Hlirllll'flelil spent Ihe week end In this cily vis- IIIUK U1H nil iin:i K iiiiiiMim, mi. urn, M,.u k'si-n Inline, tn nn Krmtli Pine -I....., 1,. .,tiunit lull,, la n Till. lug contractor, has been confined to bis home mo. last woes on ac acount of Illness. Did "Diamond Jim" Have Stomach or Ulcer Pains? It Is hardly likely (hat Diamond Jim Brady could have eaten so voraciously and with such keen en joyment If he Buffered nftor-caling pains. Sufferers who havo lo pay the penalty of stomach or ul'.w pains due to excess acid after every meal should make the 25c no risk Udgn test. Cdgtt Tablets, a bal anced formuln, have been praised by thousands. Try n 25c box of L'dga for relief of ulcer and stom ach pains, Indigestion, gus pains, heartburn, burning sensation, bloat and other conditions caused by ex cess ucid. L'dga Tablets are safe to use and must help or your money refunded. At Chapman's Pharmacy and good drug stores everywhere. (Adv.) IS PAL NIGHT Excitement! HUDSON Frieda INESC0RT Plus 8hows 2-7-9 P. M. "Sidewalks of London" Move to Glide Mr. ami Mrs. I.. Mowdy, of Hoseburg, havo tnoV' ed to Clldo to make their homo. Vlsltlna Here Mrs. Mary Saga- herd, of Cardiner, has arrived hero tn visit her mother, Mrs. J. unci's, Pro-America Unit to Meet DougluB unit of Pro-America will meet Wednesday at two o'clock nt tho noseburg Woman's clubhouse with Mrs. H. C. Waddcll, president, In chargo. Visit Over Week-End Mrs. Wal ter Kropp and small daughter, Alice Allison, were out-of-town visitors here over tho week-end at tho home or tho former's aunt, Mrs. R. K, Waltormire, nt 720, South Steph ens street. Benefit Party Planned The Epis copal guild of Itlddlo has Invited (he public lo nttend a heneril bridge anil five-hundred card party Weilnesdny night at R o'clock nt the Uulld hall. I'rlzi'H will bo awarded and refreshments served. L. T. L. to Meet Tho liynl Temperance legion will meet Wed nesday nt t:!f at tho First lluptlst church lo observe "Around the World day" and to hold a special missionary program.- A missionary offering will bo taken. Five ' of Ihn members will take part in n silver medal contest tho following day, Thursday, at a meeting of the Sulhcrlin Missionary society of the Methodist church. STARTS WEDNESDAY Join Us on'the Roac! to Happiness - - m a SOUTH SEAS KfH CROMAHCE.J ffijftl them all J "'"rt on the... TiF TODAY Clark Gable -- Joan Crawford "Strange Cargo" To Elect Officers Looklngglnss P.-T. A. will hold annual election of officers at n meeting Wettnes- ilay nt 8 o'clock nt Iho schoolhousn. A in:;nun anil social hour will follow. Here Over Week-End Thomas Marshall, student at Oregon Slalo college at Corvallls, spent tho week-end hero visiting his parents. Dr. and Mrs. (I. W. Marshall, on Knst Douglas street. liter Dies According to word received here, Mrs. Herman Eden, of Conconully, Wash., youngest sis ter of Mrs, II. 11. Wnltermire, ot this city, died suddenly nt her homn Sunday. Daniel Steen, Pioneer, Passes Away at Dole Daniel Steen, s, n pioneer resl-' dent of Oregon, died nt his homo near Dolo lato Monday after a long period of ill health. Horn In Maine, April 1C, 1857, ho spent the greuter part of his lliu In Oregon. Sur viving is his wife. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the noseburg Undertaking company chape), Itev. C. A. Kdwards officiating. Inter ment will follow In Civil Ilcnd cemetery. New Vndtr-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses, does not irritate skin. 2. Nowaitingtodry.Canbeused rinht sftcr shaving. 3. Instantly stops perspiration forlto3days.Removcsodor from perspiration. 4. Apure.white.greaseless.stain less vanishing cream. 5. Artid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the American Institute of Laundering for being harmless CO fabrics. . 23 MILLION lets ol Anid have been sold. Try a iai today 1 ARRID Al all lorn m)11iic toilet flood ( In .Of n. VJ, 39 114 No. Jackson St. Phone 203