ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1940. TTVE Real Estate yOH BALL or inula or runt 3S!!1 situs, ilairy or sheet) runj;(.. 25 uures out, ttrass, orchard, D-room liouuo, Imrn, ollior Irailillnn". School bita. Mull route. Junius Culver, Uritlge, Oregon. TWO HOUSES One 4-room, one 0-iooni, two loin GuxlSil. Cheup. 1700.00. tieorKe Iuiiiinprs, Uuaril Huuso, Veleraua Facilities or Viniiqua hotel after 0:00 p. in. FOR SALIC H,4 acres, 8-rootn house, barn, hen house. Equipped with electricity, water. John Kolfe. Melrose route, Jinllc W. old Soldier's Home. FEDERAL land uank farms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available nt the National Farm I-oan Office, Perkins Build ing, Roseburg. . MODKHN 5-KOOM HOUSE, U :' acres of laiul, stnull barn, ber ; ; Ties, creek. On good road, K 'b! guiles out. Box 801, co News- evlev. IHjU SALE 300-acre ranch, A l soil, at a sacrifice. Also H 5-- room. modern house, Ilox - 70S, e-o News-ileview. FOR SALK b-ioom rustle home on North L'mpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. 1. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. FOU SALE 13 acres, modern house, lu miles from Itoschurg, Hil'le Irnnge road. A. F. Morris. FOR SALE .Modern remodeled 5 room house. 606 S. I'lue street. Roseburg. Fuel BURN WOOIJ OK SAWDUST Safe-Convenient And it costs so little. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phone 282. ALLEY OOP having made comtact, WITH AW AMAZON OUTPOST, ALLEY OOP IS HAVING HIMSELF A HIGH OLD TIME ) HECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS That rumble r . . . , 5feAr ISN'f VCKT COMFORTABLE" FOR A GIRL TD RIDE- IN, IS ITf BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES r..... Ywa of rudlo liroadcasts. A nest C9TA4 TO66 AVi' W& MtVi )fl (G'c.'c WW7.1 1 1 60TTA E . f 1 frtO06 "bO ' TWAT CKOCisTRE OKiW Ulft.V 1iw.T no rsiyr vaq UinkT0 way or solving Imr cvur uiescnt Pc,OtOE.. I'.l -M e.OOrn OF A ll CARWOU KiO St fetEVi ) j KffiCSEa CAMt SAC; TO SOW ' VMONOJ pmMem of ,low lo b(! , Inrc than "'" ' ' , ' ' j ' ' WASH TUBBS The Hideout. By Roy Crane Y2 0 Jfl.f'nl 1LffV JITS that pti um V , -ram' fTMWS'ALL"! 'WANTED TO ViWOW. lQJll'Tf f THAT FOOL Of A RODERkSoFV fDill C ""Vt . ?7l ll Xk ,T A. iwSTKBS fcjlfla RODERI60 TUPUED iMTO THE CVPRESS ,T8 : ' J I HERE HE COMES IN BROAD l1. L JO. . . Pr' Livestock FOH SALE 10 head young ewes with lambs. Year's fleece. Any day except Sunday. V. O. lluoll, Dillard. AT SEnvlCIc Hel Cocker Span iel, reeistercd A2tiKJI7. .Paul C. Trozelle, Sutherlin. I 60 HEAD of daudv. big ). 1. C. weaners, $2.50 and $3.00 each. J r rtrii jieiiiiiiu i, iuiicuhu. FOIt SALE 1 good Jersey cow, young, just fresh. Inquire Idle yld Park. WILL pick up worthless livestock. Phone 52F12. COCKER Spaniels. Phone 3R6-J. Work Wanted WANTED WORK Carpenter or poultry and cows. Dependable worker. Box TJ'J, c o Nuws-Ro-view. YOl'NO LADY, liualness college graduate, desires work. Box 707, c-o News-Review. CABINET WORK made to order 512 N. Jackson, Roselmrg. Miscellaneous LEAVINU for eastern .Montana .May 7. Can tako four passen gers. Box son. c-o News-Review. Business Opportunities FOIt SALE Tbiee-yeur lease on - 17-room hotel and restaurant. 313 W. Lane. Dentistry Dll NEHBAS Cue When Desired Masonic Bldg. . Phone 488 Iir. 0. W. Marshall. Med. V Bide WHAT BBOUGHT J?TTrOH, WE THOUGHT f I AM A SOLDlEB...Trrr HIvVmPH.' IN VIEW O ? r WR.bJbiNtss pollfcBL - PUTIN A HITCH T VCOULDKl'T HAVE I Y xr C'DM'r Bur T she's face is mascara , yr its a -w x ihousht ttoli were? SEEM TO WORRY fir WASN'T COVEREO. GETTING RUNS ALL j' fHAME I TO II DIFFETONT, FRECKLES , OUT . YOU WHEN X, WAS RAINING AND I'M ALL OVER HER ft.551?? iV, J- 6UESS X WAS WRONS J For Sale Miscellaneous KOIt SALE Used radio, $1.50, used davenport $14.i)!. new 7 lube radio $LM.9G, slightly dam aged new suitcases 95u, used va cuum cleaner, $7.50, Bissel and Hlgelow cleaners, used automa tic electric wster heators, usual iiolpoint electric range, $17.50, used electric washers and re frigerators. J. M- Judd. TWO garden cultivators, 2 3-pleco harrows, 1 2-plece barrow, 1 12 iuch walking plow, hay rack, endgate seeder, wagon, miscel laneous articles. Mrs. Ethel Tur ner. Sutherlin, ANNOUNCEMENT Our Spring shipment of lawn chairs and Sun Tan cots have arrived. They will sell at unusually low prices. See them. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass, trailers and auto parts, go to SARFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 623 N. Main. Phoae 553. FOR SALE 76,000 cloallod bricks, $10.00 thousand, up. Doors, win dows and window f-ames. P. Hempel, Miller's Addition. A NEW modem storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. BIG trade-in uliowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. WATER LILIES, 5 varieties for sale at Brand's on tho highway. . Charles A. Brand. '"OR SALE Used davenport and 2 matching chahB, $17.50. Mont gomery Ward. FOR SALE Used duvenpurl and chulr, $31.95. Montgomery Ward. FOR HALE or trade Modern house tntllnr. 112 Urockway. Hard to They're y FOH SALE Child's crib and high chulr.- Phono 377. Rentals RE8TAUIIANT for leitso. Kwsy terms to responsible parties. Good going business. Box 7!I6, co News-Review. FOR RENT Well lighted office room, reception hall. UMPQUA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION. FOR RENT 5-room furnished flat. Private entrance and hath. Gas range. Phono 222-U. 647 S. Stephens. FOR RENT Furnished room, mod em. Bell Building, 122 S. Jack son St.. opposite Indian theatre. MODERN steam Heated apart ments at the Northside Apart ments. Phone 369-J. SMALL APARTMENT. Furnished. Fireplace. Modern. Call at- The Strange Shop. FOR R E N T 5-rooui furnished bouse. Phono 179-R. 411 E. Douglus street. MODERN 6-ruom lioiiso, furnished. 420 Vista avenue. Mrs. C. H. Da vies. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, private bath. 112 Brockway. FOR RENT Modern 4-room bouse. . Furnished. 315 South street. ROOM AND GARAGE. Phone 626-H. Gentlemen preferred. NICELY furnished, 2-room apart ment. 605 S. Pine street. Kohlbugen Apartments, modern. Phone 550. Strictly FURNISHED upurliuents for rent. Douglas Motel. 6-ROOM HOUSE in country. 112 Drnekwuy St. Impress All Alike So ! ! ! By Edgar Martin Mrs. KooKovoll Is to bfjtln u so- UELTON1A, modern apartment, furnished, liai'dwood floors, tile , sinks, opposite IJmpnmt hotel. Reasonable. Phono 12-L. FURNISHED apartments. 424 Floed, coinor Mill. GARDEN SPACE and cabin for rent. -Phone 312. MODERN furnished Clean. 926 S. Main. apartment. Financial WE CAN now use a limited amount for lump sum investments. All funds are reinvested In first mortgage loans on Roseburg and -Douglus county property. Your money, In thlB institution, large or small amounts, produco at tractive earnings. Investigate our monthly savings plan. Current earnings Ai, U.MPtjUA SAV INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION. Wonted WOOL and uioliair wanted. Ad vances given. See us. Roseburg Poultry Co., 920 S. Stephens. hlDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. l)ouglus Market. Chiropractor Scientific equipment, NCM & X-Ray Dr. Scofield. Perkins Bldg. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Seed grain, 90duy wheat, gray outs and spelt. A licmpenius, H miles E. of Suth erlin. SUDAN grass seed for sale. Statu tested. Delhert Ollivaul, Look-iiiKglnss. f WANWHILE: aw, I KNEW WE KEEPING Future Farmers To Meet April 25 to 27 Five hundred students and tench ore of Smith-Hughes ugrtculture, from 53 different high Hrhools In Oregon, will attend tho annual FKA convention at Oregon State college April 25 to 27. For some yeat-H the attendance lias been lim ited to this figure, being th maxi mum that can be cared for ade quately on the campus. The executive committee, headed by David IJaum of Union, now a ! freshman at Oregon State, will meet on Wednesday, April 24, to prepare final details and transact business In advance of the general meeting. In add It ton to a score of work contents, the delegates will also hold state finals In puiilamon-. tary procedure, and public speak ing contests, and will take purt in ;!i number of rudlo broadcasts. Held in connection with the FFA convention will be the annual An lair, conducted by students in agrl- j culture at the college. It will I start Friday, April 2U, wllli n par I ade, la be followed In the eve nting with a jamboree in the arm lory, consisting of various races, 'driving contests, Bluff numbers' 'milking contests, ami Hie like. Friday night and Sal unlay each or the 10 departments in the school will operate a booth. Saturday evening the annual "Little Interna tional" will be held to pick winners hi livestock showmanship. Animal Life SEATTLE Tuffs, Mrs. Ste.ta Helard's Pekinese, toppled off the roor while chasing a bird. Mo fell five stories, struck tt light standard, shuttered the globe and bounced unconscious Into the BlJOL't, Now he's out of tho hospital, frisky rh ever. By V. T. Hamlin 1 WONDER. WHAT'S ' JrTt" OOP? roMuuN mi HE'S BEEN GONE 7 "OPE.' C'MON, FOE. HOURS r Lti t fco WIN 5 By Merrill Grosser LOOKS LOOKS 1 THOUGHT TOD WERE FRECKLES. BUT . 1 WAS WRONG ' EXPERT SERVICE Whan There's Something Vou Went Don GEE AN EXPERT The firms and Individuate listed below specialize in their work. See them for expert service. Vou ehould profit by their help. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Epaugh'a Garage. 128 S. Stephens street. Phone 803. Knight-Porter, corner Douglas & main, uouy, lenaer worx. rainung. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 448 8. Stephens. Also furniture Tepalrlg. FLUE CLEANING .1. v. Bew'.ey, Phone 168. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ser. Phone 848. Modesty of Maid Draws Suspension ALHAM Hit A, Calif., April 20. (AP) BocHUe nho refused to Uii dreHfl ami hHtho In community Hhower rooms with other girls, inodoBt 16-yeui'-old Jojui ILawroncc has bon Huxpoiulcd from Murk Koppel hlRh Hchool, Piinciiiu) Luwronce I). White no lifted her nhe had boon nuHpendnd for "eonlliiiUMl willful dlHohcdienco, open and pornhUeiit deriance of teaehera In refiiHliiK to take part In roqulred phyttlcHl educutlou sictl vitlt'H and to tako a Bhowcr uftcr- ward." ThroiiKii hor father, Paul Law once, the Rirl Iuih hucm! the board of education Hcekinff to provont school nuthoritinH fioin compoluiiR hor to umlrenH and Imtlio before tho oycu of other Kill HtudeutH, elHlinliiK it lnfrhiKeri upon hor priv acy. 'ollowlnir a Drlof lu'iirinR ro- eently, the easo was continued uu til July 1 to permit school authori ties to InstuI) tteveral private Hhow er rooms Miss Lawrenro now claims nue still is required to dreas and tin- Iress In front or other RlrlB and haH naked thtit the trial of her suit he resumed. Strong American Defense Force Favored by D.A.R. WAHHINCTON, April 10. (AP) The DauRhtorH of tho American Revolution reiterated their Bland for a strong urmy mid nHvy today, declaring in a ntsolutiou thut "uveutH In llio world today" made national delenae Imperative." Othor 1-eHOHHlonn, adopted In Ihn etoKltiK buslnrsa mmslou of the annual convention: Opposed establishment of u fed- erul departnifiit of education. Approved legislation to require registration of International propa ganda agenta. Affirmed aupport of roslrleteu immigration policies. fWirtminv lirurliiu ufifrvliiir tihnnl next winter's con I shortage, evi dently firm In the belief that Eu rope win huh iiti on uio miip ai that time. Ilrltaln has at last pluced re- di.i.niill.llllu r.. tin. ulHt,. ,.f Hulimarinc ThellK, and can now v 11 ner niuiivMieu aneiiiiou 10 the mailer of 700,UiO tons of mer chant shipping. barbs! PAPERHANGING A PAINTING Papcrh'ng, painting, kalsom'g, turn, refill. Free est. Phone 148RX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric. Phone 128. RADIO SERVICING Hargls Radio Service. Phone 16. Lund Radio Service. Pbone 84. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-B, REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. SHEET METAL WORK Sinnlger's, 444 N. Jackson Ht. one pluoo at the aame time. ; Aflur a look through tho day's newK, there arises the iiictttlou, "Whutevor became oi Huimier Wolloa?" Funny thing, hiinian nature. After letting itcelf be qui wed 'to pieces on radio programs and straw polls for three years, the U. S. public suddenly begins squawking about having to answer a few questions for the census bu reau. There tiro tasks that could bo mo ro futile, but wo can't think of any. Senator Ernest I.undeen heads the "Mako Europe Pay War Debts Committee." Congress now has boforo It the bill to increase the NUUI from throe to five members. It seems there were two relatives, Correcting Mistakes One should watch to know what his errors are; and If this watch ing destroys bis peace In error, should one watch against such a result? lie should not. Mary Da ker Eddy. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors, and 1 sbajl adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. Abraham Mncoln. None are too wise to bo mistak en, but few are so wisely Just as to acknowledge and correct thoir mis takes, and especially tho mistakes of prejudice. Harrow. Ho not discouraged nt broken and spilled resolution; but to It uml to It iigHln! Coleridge. You will find It less easy to up root fuults ihsn to choke them by gaining virtues. Anon. A man should never bo ashamed lo own be has been In the wrong, which , Is . but saying In othet words, that he is wiser today than ho was yesterday, Pope. KINDNESS FOR DOBBIN KANSAS CITY (AP) There's 8 $10,000 trust fund in Kansas that assures "needy horses" of a Iree Christinas dinner of oats. The fund was set up by tiio lain Mrs. Emma W. ltobfnson of Ola I he". Each horse Is allowed one bushel. In ltfo7,"250 bushels of oatH were purchased but only Ifjit needy horses could bo found, tilnco iheti the humane society has been able to dispose of about 200 bushels ouch Christmas. MERCHANT'S LUNCH Saturday, April 27, 1910. Episcopal Parish Hall, served by ladles of the Guild, 11:00 a. m. to l:Si) p. m., 35c. (Adv.) piece. r:., sc-. i?1