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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1940)
iSSftuffeJ fiEWS-KEVTEW, KOSCTOffBr ORgDN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1940. I aiu V l U IO By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER RELATIVES OF LOCAL RESIDENT MOVE TO HONG KONG, CHINA A very IntprpythiK lottor hns lii'fn rwplvpd Iiitp hy Mrs. Carl F. Sj:iiiI(1Ihk from Mrs. Kilwanl I'. I'.iwlny, who in a niKt.'i inlaw cif the lormpi-'s sim. .Mrs. Puwley and throe cms and n nauantcr and a maid sailid re mntly from San I-'ramisco for China to join hnr husband, who Is employed hy a large airplane cor poration with headquarters in Hon Konu. She reports oxeeptionally 1'iunll seas in rronslnK tile Punne to Hawaii and Japan ani dese.rihes YMUnK tlie many Internstlni; plai'iis In Japan, hefure ointr to How Konu, where she idaeed her four children In a missionary educa tional school. Khe reported that so far they hail not heen worried hy Die prcHcnt war conditions 111 tiiat country and that her family were Ki'i'UllJt enJnyliiK the livtim ennditions of tlielr surroundings. MERRY-GO-ROUND CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE LUNCHEON Tho Winston Morry-fio-Jiound club was entertained at a very f charming luncheon Klven by Mrs. 1). II. Morgan and Mrs. M. 11. Green at the former's beautiful home last Wednesday. Kplrea and tulips lormed an attractive motif for the table and rooms. Covrrs werp placed for Mrs. Kate Don-den and Mrs. J. K. Mars ters. pilosis, and Mrs. J. It. Wil son, president, Mrs. J. Harold Nic hols. Mrs. (!. J. llacher, Mrs. Hay Ilrosi, Mrs. Karl Smith. Mrs. Clay Smith. Mrs. II. 1. Kleist. Mrs. How ard Carnes, Mrs. J. E. Pickens. Mrs. 11. A. Winston. Mrs. W. C. Winston and the hostesses, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Green. A very lovely memorial service honoring the lute Mrs. L. 11. Skin per, charter member of Die club, wns given by Mrs. W. H. Carter. Tho next, meeting will be a one thirty dessert-luncheon at the homo of 'Mrs. Kleist, May 1st. FULLERTON P.-T.A. TO SPONSOR FOOD SALE The I'ullerton P.-T.A. has an nounced a cooued food sale for Saturday. April 2nth, to be held at McKean and Baldwins to raise funds for purchasing .dark blinds for tho school auditorium so that motion pictures may be shown in connection with the school work. Those assisting with the sale .have been requested to have theli foods at the sto.-e by nine in the morning. Mrs. Bert Matthews Is genual chairman of the sale and Is being assisted by Mrs. W. H. Carter and Mrs. Homer Strickling. H. E. C. PLANS BINGO PARTY FOR EVENING OF APRIL 26 The PJvemlale grange Home Economics club was entertained at a lovely one o'clock luncheon at .the hull Friday with Mrs. E. A., Mrs. C. T. Tipton Mrs. Kldon Ogle and Mrs. Bert Patter son us hostesses. Covers were placed for Mrs. Ital ian Moore. Mrs. K. O. Cloake. Mrs Bllsro. Mrs. C. W. Cook. Mrs. IMr lev Ware and son. Donald. Mrs. w . i:' Ott, Mrs. 11. L. Harmon. Mrs. Glenn Cox. Mrs. P.. A. Calhoun. Mrs. W. I). Love, Mrs. llaryej Ewens. Mrs. It. B. Hampton. Mrs. i ii Mrs. John Marks. Jr.. Mi. Palmer. Mrs. C. T. Tipton. Mrs. E. Patterson and Mrs. Eldon Ogle. Plans were made for a bingo party to be held at the grange hall. Kridav evening, April 2tilll. at eiglil o'clock. Prizes will be awarded. The public has been cordially in vited to attend. m m m (COMMUNITY CLUB HAS FINE MEETING YONCAI.I.A, April 1(5 Mrs. Sherman Chapman and Mrs. Har old Phillips were hostesses to hc regular meeting of the Hayhiirst community etub, in the club rooms,. Thursday afternoon. During .he business session It was decided io hire n Janitor for the h-ill. t;iy Morln was given the position. 1 lur ing the social hour, Mrs, Ituy Mor In - was given a shower by her friends. A dessert lunch lunch was served to the following niembers, Mrs. John Weber, Mrs. Ithoda ?ty chard, Mrs. Aliuie Lovelace, Mrs. diet Miller, Mrs. PokI, Mrs. Kinin-i Miller, Mrs. Leslie Miller, Mrs. Web Hunllngton, Mrs. Kd Swanson. Mrs. led Williams, Mrs. Hank Mnr in and the following guests. Mrs. Orvnl I.oiib, Mrs. Jet Morin. Mrs. Kcums, . , SKATING PARTY ENJOYED BY GROUP (il.H.VDAI.E, April 15. Members of tho seventh grade und their ad viser. Miss Elcy Walker, enjoyed a skating party at the Medford arm ory I-'rlday evening. Emmett Bel cher with the school bus provided transportation for the group. All was made at the (.rants Pass purk.lun, mlr(,pSSV ycnl. ,, ,,, llyise making the trip were 1(.l0,.s t,XI11.0S!(0(, inlt. ,)e,.80ai Anna Leo Avde otto Beth Meiss- ,,,,,, , , n.-loUrut Ion held iieiV r it) n iu 1 1 ii. r i iinruH ui nil,; i,.,i Hoko Anna ti ruff. Kayo I'lucc Mar Joiio House. G(?no St. Clair, Klwin I'nttprnon, Junior Conk. Stanley .Mitchell and Tommy IlaWw. C. E. PARTY IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR ,. 'iMmboldt. Mrs. llert Parkinson's "Food For Sale" PRODUCE BANANAS g0 ORANGES AC0 large. 2 doien -t J SPINACH 4A Local. 2 lb X J RADISHES. GREEN A Aa ONIONS 3 bunchesXV FLOUR Flag- 4 Q staff. 49 lb 3AA" MILK Oregon -Ct Brand, 4 tall fins .... Aj GUM AND CANDY At BARS 3 for iw CANDY Jumbo Qtf Black Gums, lb 7 MACARONI or SPAGHETTI Curve cur, 4 Ci 4 lb XJ LARD Swift's Sil- ? A t vorleaf, 4-lb. Pkg..... 31 CRACKERS lAt Krispy. 2-lb. box WHEATIES 4AA 2 Pkg 19C (Toy Plan ft While thty lost.) COFFEE Bulk mm Supremo, lb Z9 HedD:i: 19c SIDE GLANCES by Gtlbralth J t. m. mo. 0. . fat. orr." . , S C0FA.1M0BTNEA.CRVICr.INC. A'lV COFW. 1 W BT NtA SERVICt. I United Workers Class to Meet Tho t'nlted Workers class of the First Christian church will meet Frkliiy at two o'clock at Die houie of Miu Paul Hlaschko. SOU Win chester street. Members have been asked to bring their needles ami Diliiililes. XOVM'H 111-- slli:ill.'."M KI,K 111' hi:i. l'iioi'i:n 1 ) But I tell you Mother would rather pick out her own neckpiece in a store!" Monday. Novel Recruiting Party Dates Sound Movies Here Ilnsebui'K civic clubs, schools nnd other ei-iintiu will ic:ir Kniwikfi-M lOMAl.l.A, April lb. Hiss ilin, ,.njy so,,,,,! motion pictures Christina Jensen was in cbaiKe of April 2'. I :lo. wlien a iravel- tho social proKiam for the nnminl aval recruiiiiiB parly will Christian Kndeavor party, held 111 visit Itoseburi! und make bead the Chrisllan church Friday even- nunrlers at Die chamber of coin Iuk. Canies were played .111,1 re- merce orfice. Tho party Hill ron fresh nts served to tho follow- sist of three men. An officer wns inn: Mr. mid Mrs. Arne njork. Mr. -In ItosebuiR today arranKbiK for anil Mrs. A. II. Marsh, Misses Kve their appearance before local lyn Potter. Leta nnd Lois llranr, ' groups. Ruth Patrlch. Christine Jensen. I Nancy nnd Mndden, Ear", Shi- . ery. Jimmie Madden. Wilfre I Vian.1 ""nl to Business A c- Zara I'otlor. Leonard Iientz. Ver- ' "-'i'". jihiuo tan n. niiimi), non I'atrich, anil Hob nml Dickie Attorney Pan! lleddes and I' gmjth( 1 Jenkins made a business trip to m 1 iv'-cdsjHii i euiicstiay iiiiei iiuuii. EPISCOPAL DANCING PARTY TO BE SATURDAY Kt. George's KoiKcojal Guild wii ponm-or n (rharmins informal danc iiiK party for rll chinch niembers BORN and frlowHi to be held at nine: noXNKY 'lo Mr. nnd Mrs. liar- o'elock -Katurdnv evenin? at Dm roll Honnev. 01 liosebuiK. at Mercy narlsli hall on Kast Cass street hospilal, tndav. April IS. a rlatiKh The dancint: pnrtv will ije one of a t"-; weiul-t seven pounds, fourteen series of del In fill benerit affairs and onc foili Di ounces. to be sponsored by the tlui'd. I Punch will ho sewed dlllillK the DIVORCE COMPLAINTS evening by the committee includ-l SKIPTON Mary iiKainst Hoy Ini?: Mrs. Leonard Hilev. seneral M. Sklpton; married Aumist 31, chrlrman. Mrs. Paul Jenkins. Mrs. (i37, at Medford. Oregon; cruelty. C. V. SlnniKer :uid Mrs. T. ti. Wat- Plaintiff seeks return of maiden s-)tl. VITAL STATISTICS 0 name. Mary Cook, V.F.W. AUXILIARY TO SPONSOR FORMAL DANCE AT .FACILITY FRIDAY Mrmbors nnd frfemls of tho Vrt- . ? i-H us of Fotnicn Wars auxiliary i L iiip Invited to pnjoy n rnnnal d;mr-j iiiK party at 7:.1i nVInrk Krid iy -vouinp at the VPtPiaiiB I-acuity. Those di'siiini ti.'iiiHportatlon are rerniPstcd to he at the Hotel I'mp fua at 7:1 5 o'clock. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PO RT I .A Nil. April 1 8. t AP) COUNT It Y AIKATS Helliirg price to rctaiUis: country killed ho.ns, best hutchers Ia-IM) Ilia., 7J-Sc; vealei-H. fancy. Hie lb.; llslit thin n-1 lie ; heavy 1 0-1 U: lb-; lambs, fpriiiK. 2ttc; yearliiiKtt, Ulc lb.; ewes 1-Sc ih.; pood cutter cov !-U)c lb.; canner cows S-!Kt lh.; lntll 10-llc ID. The second anniversary of Till TUUKKYS Dressed, selllnf' chapter of the P.R.O. Sisterhood j price: hena, No. 1, i:M7i: 11).; will he observed t a mnutiiiK an-. toms ( ). pounced for one-forty-five o'clock nkV POTATOES raHfornin I'ridiiy. April. PMh, to he held at, - - . . the homo of Mrs O, V. Whnhcrlv i ... on Glenn street. whites Sl.2r.-1.40 ack. Other produco prices Btcady, unchanged. LIVESTOCK POUTIvANO, April IS. (AP) (U. H". Dept. Ari'.) HO(iS: Active Kl-irur hlnher; Mood-choice l(jr-21f lb. diiveliiH Sli.UOOri; lew i!.2i)-2fi; 2:to-sri ih. "; lit-iit. liKhu Sr.(H-r0 ; slaUKliler pips $4.r(0; p::ckhiK 80WH f4.(MKri(; lew feeder pi's $l.7r(. . CATTLK: Calves, active, steady ; led sieeiH 10-1 -'k; and morn above .Yiomlay ; iuedliiin-iO(id fed sleeis ss.rin-n.r.u; few plain light Blockers S7.r.O; common-medium heifers .SIU)i 1-7.50; Kf Kid fed heifers quota ble .K.r0 and above; cutter-common cows f4.7r-COO; cauners S4.00; fat dnfry typo cows Hi. 25-7.00; pood beef cows $7.50; sausage liulls St;; cuttery hulls $5.25; veal ers steady; ;od-c:hoice $!,50 10. no; strictly choice duotahle JlO riii; ennunon SC.OO. S1IICKP: Active, steady; nood choice iiS-71 lb. sprint; lambs $10.5 iii); few rued in in -sood shorn old nop h'inbs $S00; wonted kinds S.50; few yeiirlinss Sfi.OO; shorn ewes SXUU-4.00. Ill pursimiic. of a .'cr'o nf futo 'b'Niir,. ji ml uid. r of xnlr nml- hiI eitlen-i in 1 1 Cir.uit '.iiil i.f Hie .siai.- ..r tiM-K.m. for t hIum (. iin iy. l;it.l Apnl . l'Mti. in the miiL f M'.iikIum ItuihliiiK und Loan A-.s..-iilu,ii. ii i ui iKiriitinii. i.L.iiilifr. v. I hoiuiiH U ItiiKst ll iiikI K.lim Uiimh.-H. hiisliand iitnl w if,', .l. f, im! untH fur tli.- f tlx- mud of ij;'j.(i:j with intf n-st tln-rcui) lit fi'i p.-r Illllllllll II xiifil il;U. the furili. r niini i.f JKid.mi, us attor ney fri-s nml phUmiff H ohih iiihI llKliuii.iii,'rnn in iho xii in of $11. J5. Ullll Of llll HM'llltioll Uli) ;liI llc- '''' duly iKstinl out of Hiiid cnurt oil llu. 17th hiy f April. I!M. I will -xp..sM for nab' ami well ut )ul. Ifc a art inn us the law ilin-i'in, .'it tilt' t-OUI'llMIIISO Oniir of haiil roiin IV, In tht- City of Itiwhui'K-. MiiiiK lart "'iMintv. (in-iftu). on atiinlav. lite iMh il..v or Miiv linn, at ii:iiil .,'t-lii.-L V l ii i . i. llll ti-ij in 1 hi' frill n I V of I iiiiiuhiy. Stall- of orison, and ilefi-H Imi) in .said il.H-rve mnl onl.-r of hiiIo a folb.WH. to-wll: l-iis iniinh,Tfi on- (I) mill ,-iftUt (St of I thick nniiihi-i'i-ii ui ( i in tlio Town of Ihain. In fahl .oiiniv ami mail- im Imwii ly tin- record il map oi- plat th,.ici.r. Sahl Nah will Im- iiinh for i'iihIi in ha ml and will h mihl.Tl to mu rirmaiioii liy s.'.l.l i-ouri. Ia(-l a ItnMi-hillK. Ori'Krin, April 17, 1!H. PKItcY A. WKI1I1. Sheriff of llniiKlaH CniinlV, Or.-Kon. XOTK'H tiF SIIi:itll l 'S SAI.K Not Ire In lM-r-hy Klvn. on TlK-lay. I ho U'lsl dav of Mav. 1 !l III. at tin- hour or li-it o'clock A. M. at tin froul iloor of the c,ui'lhii in Itimchurjf, HoiikIiim Ciiiiiiiv, (n-K"ti. I Will io-II at pnhlic miction lo Hi. hlKhct hidh-r for i-a.h. mihjc. l to ri-ih-iiiitiou uk hv law provide I, 1;ie fol lowing desci ihed l eal pi ip.-i-r V lonittHi in IioukIiim (.'ounty. ui, to-wit : Iteiftnnini? t ti point from Wihli the Southwest corin-r of tlm uriiH Wright l)niatkin Iaiul ctaitn Ntnnher Knrtv-flvi i IM In Towti Hhlp Iwentv-nine Smnh. JtaiiKe flVi- C West of Willamette Meri dian heaiM North l weiu v-one 1 deKicea nnd thirty Clu) ininud'H Weft twenty-five (J!i) clialiiH, t lietice ruiHillitf North sevetit v-h(x ( 7 Ii I deKi e.-M West H.-Velll een (171 rlmi mm; t hence Sunt Ii thirl y-Kcven (17) di-Ki m Went two ami nlneiv- HeVeil me-lillltdieiltli .!7) ' haltiK; 1 hence South Hi'Venty-six (7Hi le-MXi-eH Kuh seventeen ami Hi otle hiindrcdlliM ( 17-iMi) chains: tin-nee North two ami nin.-t y-foiir on--hundreiltliH (li.lill i-liahiN to Hic lllace of ln-tri itl nir. cmi I a i o i n ,r ilv.. (' neren. more or P-hw. in Section J twenty-flight (-'SI in naiit Township, t'oiim v. i i.'K'-n. , Sn.l -.ih- U iiiimI,. tmd.M .y,.- (ton iHsui'd out of the flri'iilt Onurt f llu- Stute of lHeK"H fur tin- Coun ty of imuxlaw, to me directed. In the caxe of the Statu of UreKnn. rep ruNentcd and nctliiK hy the .World slon, p'luiiilTi'f. vh. Kliivd lliiiwn, as AdinlniKlrator of tin- Kutale of Wil liam I'', hver, Hoiuelluictt known a- W. Myer. dc-.-iised, Ih'Mler Ki-iik-i-r, lluuh J-'niKiT, Klun r 1-3. I lyer, Hiiilntia it ver, Surah M. liohiMfou. Jam.-M M Dver, Netllo Dyer, Itelle l Uc kmtin. llcm y I leckmaii. Knlli eiino I dunks, .1 a in e h trooki. Charles It. Iyer, none 1 1 men known n It. Iver. Zena II. Dyer, Vil Hani W. Pjvr, ami .Mary -M. Dyer, ib-feiidantK. Kalcl mot first puhllshoil HiIh iMll day of April. I!HH. I'KltCV A. WKItlt. Sheriff of Iloue.las Ctamiy, tirion. ONE OF THE BST PICTURES OF ANY SEASON! pROONEYp ! . Li J, FAY BAINTIR j. CEORGE BANCROFT k . J"! VIRGINIA WEID1ER j I I EUGENE FAUETTE I I I j TODAY I I LJ Till Saturday ' i I To Teac.-t at Hllliboro Miss Aunabolle Ktsher, dauKtitr of Mr. and .Mm. Fred FlKhttr, of Honeburg, who haa been home economics In airilcuir in liie itniaeyt Ore., jiiku Hchont tlie laat two yeara, haa ten Iprcd hr ri'iilKnatlon to lioonme a member of the Illllaboro high achool faculty. Mlas Klaher la well known here, having been graduat ed from the local high school be- luie KuinN iu Cluauii Uvutw COilCS?, , where she completed the homo nciinomli'H four-year course. Saves uou 5 "Z 29.19 A JoHon '" ordinary , can enjoy,." ,ier h"" , ride, .7"w..;ltStuaci'--- w1 " mv ounaiy"--rtrt dvct I .4.;roonyir.,.lU i exv'... a vsr-e-t 2rE Chacon pjlceca" '" p. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Your Studtbaktr Dtalor for Douglas County 443 N. Jackson Vernon Kl, Prop. Phono 12S i . WHEAT pnrm,ANi. oro.. Mr is IAI') flpen llltrll Low Clnso .Mav H I J S5 X I J K", Sent K&) HSJ ttlij 8& Bl CHAPTER OF P.E.O. TO CELEBRATE SECOND ANNIVERSARY FRIDAY MANY NtVhK SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Mnny fuiffrrera rtlievn nntcKinc bnr-karlio quickly, our ility diBi-ovcr tlmt the real causa of their trouble innv Iw tirml kidney. Ttie kuliieys nre Nature "i cliirt viuy of taking (tie eir9 orjilii nnd wuxte nut of tlie Idinnl. Tlicy help must twuiile paw about 'A pints ailay. When diHonlcr ut kidliry fuiution pern, its poifloimiiB nmttir to remain in yur Idoml, it may cause nancing hackache, rliciiniatif painn, Itg pains, luu ul pep nml eueriry. ei-itiiiit up iiitfhta, Bwcllinit, u(ltlifiui Uittler the eyes, hcail acliea uiifl tliixiiitwji, Frciuent or bruniy imn anges with amartinR nml burning uoiiietiinc ilion-a there is sotiiothiiig wrung with your kitlneyii or bladder. Don't Matt! Ak your drujiit for Dnnn Pills, uhmI Mirrcwlully by tnilliuiis fur over -HJ yniirH. 'Ihey ive linppy reliol and will help the. 15 niiltn of Kidney lulicn (imh oit poiiioiiouH wule from your blood. (Jot boati'i Villi- 7 iS Mjt(Kfmm7S ALT' m I . if-i I Chairman of Fish Derby Given Appreciation Vote A votp of npprocinlion for the work done hy Dick M;hMox, chair man of the committee in charge of the second annual fish derby, wns announced today by the directors of the liosebuiK chamber of com merce, throtmh W. Hnidinn. pec retitry. Mr. Maddox headed the fish derby organizution for the r;cc- New Under-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Docs not rot dresses, does nor irritate skin. 2. Nowaitingtodry.CanbeuscdJ rijtht after shaving. 3. Instantly stops ptrspirarion for I to ) days. Removes odur from perspiration. 4. Apure(hite,greaseless,srain less vanishing cream. S Arrtd has been swarded the A pproval Sea I of the American Institute of Laundering for being harmless to fabrics. 23 MILLION jars of Arrtd have been sold. Try jai today I ARRID tf4 At all larea 1llm tnllrt romb jVt a far ,( (B ln, ,,i .,, , STARTS TODAY - 3 DAYS! A Fine Action Program! RufdHray&ri Victor Jory in ZANE GREV'S famous story th Jean Parker V 1 PLUS 2ND B'G FEATURE ALICE FAYE WARNER BAXTER "Barricade" war mmw Jf . . . VJ ill I . Mats. 2'jc Eves. 35c Kiddies 10c - jr f m 'v. y.'s "I learned about a grand fresh coffee that saves money, too." It's Airway ... the fastest selling cofltc in every store where it's sold. And one steaming cupful tells you why! Airway's choice mellow-rich coffee beans come from famous plantations. They are superbly blended, roasted fresh every day, instantly packaged in a handy lock-top bag. Your grocer's orders are filled right at the roasting ovens . . . delivered straight to his store. No in-between delays! No need for fancy containers! No high price even for an aristocrat like Airway. Order a pound today! Unless you're thoroughly convinced that Airway is a bargain . . . for flavor, whole-bean freshness, and economy ... it costs you nothing! Hvery pound carries a money-hack guarantee! Say, talk about speed!" one grocer was saying to another. "That Airway we ordered from the roasting plant is here already. I'd better build up this counter : stack again. Never saw coffee go so fast. Airway's out selling every otlirr brand in the store. What's the secret of its success. Mr. Carter?" .7 i ryy "N. secret, Tom. Airway's a real value . . . and women know it. These rich full-flavored beans are roasted fresh every day, quickly packaged, hurried straight to the grocer. That's why Airway can safely use a thrifty bag instead of costlier containers. And that's where Airway gets its low price!" if Ltinf FEATURED BY SAFEWAY 'Another important fact. We grind Airway right here at the counter exactly as our customers want it. Consequently, we can promise a fresh zesty brew in any type of coffee maker. In fact, many who used to pay high prices for coffee have now switched to freshly roasted, freshly ground Airwayl" Coprrlflit 1940, Dwl,ht Etfeiriti Companr mi D.n.r DilUi Wiihmfton. D. C. a BISTOV ODIFFEU Shows 2-7-9 P. M. 323 W. Cass Phono 24 1