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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1940)
jiA. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 7,-1940. FIVE Neglected Motor Vehicles Targets of Sweeping Probe As America's Serious Traffic Accidents Mount into Thousands "Look Out for John Law," Cry of Warning to Owners of Unsafe Cars; Checkup at Least Twice Yearly Urged. Car Suspected; Driver Gets Ticket lie cause more thun 50.000 serious itcciiloiits are caused annually in America by neglecting curs until they become defective highway of ficers In many sUitea, cities and counties are now stopping motorists and inquiring into the condition of cars that appear to be a menace lo J lire nnd limb. So. now It's n case of "Look out lor John Law!" He may catch up With you and Issue a warning or dilation if the car you are driving Bns been allowed to become an un Ufa ami treacherous meuns of transportation. Officers are not stopping cars for inspection every day, perhaps, hut periodically they tprcad the net during safety drives 4 m which neglectful motorists may V caught. Laws Demand Safety. -in fact," a local officer stated recently, "laws of several of our western stales now provide that no person shall operate n motor vehicle unless the vehicle he in such sale mechanical condition as lo not endanger the driver or any person on the highway. "Hecause of this official move for safely, the plan of Mobilgas station experts to critically Inspect many vital car parts twice u year in life spring and fall is welcom ed by traffic officialdom as a move in the right direction, u move that helps motorists, pedes trians and officers alike. Every car owner should have his machine thoroughly checked at least twice a year, especially after a long win ter of hard usage, before the rig -4 nrs of suiuinor begin lo take their toll." Accidents Due to Faults. Referring lo the 5fi,(MJ0 serious mishaps caused in one year be cause some parts of cars hud been neglected to the point of becoming u n Hate, the speaker said: "Cluring or defective headlights caused 13.420 or these mishaps; de fective brakes were responsible for !.":( of them; blowouts caused lN.r00; skidding resulted in 4.SS0 Mnashe; and various defects in car equipment caused K.Ttiu other acci dents. "One in every 20 of these acci dents resulted in one or more deaths." To discover automobile defects before thev result in failure (to pre vent sm-1 accidents before they happen) is cited as one of the inline objects of the checkup ser vice now rendered in Mohilgas sta tions, in connection with the spe cial summer-proof offer. Driving nit antiquated nmchine that might.prove to be u menace, l)i rector Ted iteed of I'aramount's "Thoso Wero tile Days" picture, learns to his amazement that any uninspected car may be classed by "John Law" as a threat to III "e and limb. And so, he gets a ticket from Gales- burg Traffic Officer Oscar McCollough for impelling and threatening the traffic flow. baby, from Brlstow, Okla., were overnight guests Tuesday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tanner. They went on to Spring field Wednesday morning where they will visit more relatives. Mr. Westott Is a brother of Mrs. Tan ner, anil Mrs. Westott Is a sister of Mr. Tanner. The Secret's Out WEDII. Iowa School Superin tendent M. H. Taulbeo Invited the boys to attend a six weeks' course devoted to sewing and cooking. He was surprised by the large turnout until it developed that they wanted to leant to patch over alls. "Whenever they toro their over alls, tbelr mothers would bawl them out for putting the extra work on her." Taulbee suiil. Timely Spending Saves Car Money Avoid Preventable Damage to Your Car Through Offer of Local Mobilgas Dealers. Canyonville (WNYOXVIU.K, April 1C Mr. and Mrs. Joel Huskies moved this week to their new home which is located north of town oh the prop erty known as the Kiler place. Mrs. tieorue Iong spent Friday at Tiller where Mr. Long is em ployed. John Ilamilu and Hoy Paulson made a business trip to Kiddle Friday. Mrs. S. A. Miller or Kan Diego. Cul If., is occupyine the cottage owned by (Jrace Kohertson. Mr. Miller is employed on the new Tiller highway and will build a cabin after which Mrs. Miller will join him. Mrs. Harriet puckett, who is em ployed as a teacher at Tiller, re lumed home Friday to spend the wenk-end with her mother ami son. Ortrn the motorist saves money by spending money. Itinlit now be saves a lot by spending very little, due to the special offer announced by local Mobilgas dealers. Suppose he tries to save by NOT spending. Let's see what happens: Let us suppose he uses tho oil l.uOu Instead of l.OlMi miles between drains. He saves (?) about 54.10 In Hi, inn miles, but a repair bill re sulting from improper or inade quate lubrication of the motor will cost several times this sum. Flushing Avoids Repairs Suppose he tries to use the same transmission and differential lubri cant throughout the year, without flushing and changing to the rec ommended grades for Winter and Summer. He saves (?) $1.95 to 52.00 (coft of one refill) but the overhauling and repair of a rear end or transmission (a serious threat under audi hazardous prac tice) will cost from ?:i0 to 75. Suppose he neglects to have the air filter cleaned every a.Uill). miles at a cost of fine each time. He saves (?) ?2.r.O In 10,000 miles (an average year's driving) but engin eers declare that dirty air cleaners cause the liss of at least one mile to every gallon of gasoline. Loss of this extra mile would cost the driver $t.5o to ?5 In . the 10.00U miles. - Suppose he uses spark plugs two years tnsl cad of one. lie saves (?) $:i.fii on plug!, but technicians tell us he lises one to two miles per gallon alter the first year, cost ing him I imn 34.50 In $10. Bearing? Cost Money Suppose he fails to have wheel hcarincs lubricated anil inspected every .Y'Mtn miles, which manufac turers declare as essential. He saves only one dollar in 10.000 miles, tint om b-arfm.r burn-out will cost him $4.30 to $12.50, be sides loss of lime and discomfort. Saving (?) money by putting off the purchase of new tiros, or a new battery or other essentials to safety and performance has caused many a wreck, ami heavy expenses due lo procrastination. So, we conclude tho wuy to save money on a car is to spend money at the times changes ami replace ments should be made. Motorists may make sure about tho safe and economical operation of their ma chines by using the Summer-proof checkup service, now featured in the special offer of Mobilgas deal ers. Azalea AZALKA. April 16 Mr. and Mrs. George Snfranek and son, Roland, who have lived here for the past several months, left the first of the week for Folsom, Calif., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clare, from Sacramento, Calif., arrived here Wednesday afternoon and will at tend to business for several days at the Clare Lumber company. Among those shopping In Rose- burg Friday from this vicinity were Hob Head. Mr. and Mrs. John Feldmiller, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fisher, Otto Stevenson, and Mrs. Henry Gaedecko. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dellarport und family from Seattle, Wash., arc visiting at the home of Mrs. He Harport's parents, Mr. und Mrs. Guy Hickman. E. L. Johns made a business trip to Medford Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William and sons, flillin und Jackie, were in Grants Pass Thursday afternoon on business. Mrs. Kffle Enkeu is" visiting at Riddle with her daughter, Mrs. Acker. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clare were in Kugenc on business Friday and Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Curtis and son, Robert, and Miss Evelyn Paul son shopped and attended to busi ness in Grants Pass Friday. Mr. und Mrs. K. O.- Westott and find Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hillings, and SEN MAN Motor Co. Distributor For U. S. ML II LUXE TIRES Aviation Briefs A family airplane of the future, as envisioned bjf a leading de signer, would have 300 horsepower, cruising speed of. 200 miles an hour, live-person capacity, and gasoline consumption of about 12 miles to the gallon. During the pitBt five years American aircraft, engine and pro peller manufacturers have spent 144.000,0110 on - research and de velopment. Airplane factories of the I'nlted States are currently producing about 100 planes a month for civil use. The U. S. army is currently ex perimenting with a 75 mm. artil lery piece mounted In a twin-engined 11-18A bombing plane. The Hell "Alracuda," an Ameri can plane, is called by some avia tion experts the first true battle ship of the sky. The plane has two pusher 1000 h. p. engines, en abling it to travel 350 miles per hour. Armament Includes two rapid-fire cannon and four ma chine guns. A military plane, powered with an engine in the 1000 horsepower ciaas, is cupuum uf luiims c!&ui Drowning ,303'a wllb 600 rounds of ammunition for each gun, or a total of COO pounds. Two types of military combat planes used by tho Trench air corps have a plate of quarter-inch steel armor behlud tho pilot's back and beneath him. The armor will stop rifle-caliber machine gun bul lets. Due to Increased use of three bladed propellers, modem plane umnufncturoi'8 are abandoning the gun firing between tho propeller blades. The use of the three- bladed propellers cut down tho rate of hre. A new helicopter, especially de signed by Igor Sikorsky, is power ed with a 65 h. p. engine, which drives a tbree-bladed propellor above the pilot's head. The dis tinguishing feature of the plane is a small singlo-bladed propeller mounted on an outrigger In the rear of the ship. On a single Saturday night, California highway iiatrol officers halted 50,000 motorists In a cam paign against reckless driving and traffic violations. The pneumatic tire was invent, ed In 1S40. The Public Demands SERVICE--SAVING-.SECURITY See ut at once for Information on New Lower Rates on Public Liability and Property Damage. Drive other car and trailer privilege. These special features result from selec tion of careful risks. Phone Representative Today FRED GOFF Phone 218 Farmers Automobile Inter INSURANCE Eichanae 122 8. Stephen YOUR CAR has taken a lot of punishment in Winter driving. You want it to be safe for hot weather driv ing .safe from avoidablewear safe from unnecessary repairs safe from sluggish performance ready and fit for carefree summer driving and the happy trips ahead. It's time now for a springtime checkover and for the necessary change to the correct grades of summer lubricants. Play safe! Take advantage of this big Summer. proof Special. Have your car Summer -proofed today! ...ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THE SUIMMER-PROOl tvr. Wfm LUBRICATION JOB AND THESE ESSENTIAL SERVICES! 1. BATTERY! Test with hydrometer. Inspect Cables. Clean terminals. Add distilled water if necessary. 2. COOLING SYSTEM) Inspect for scale and leaks. Inspect hose and clamps. 3. FAN BELTS: Inspect for wear and defects. 4. CRANKCASE OIL: Inspect level and condi tion of oil. 5. OIL FILTER: Inspect for need of replacement. 6. AIR CLEANER: Inspect for need of service. 7. SPARK PLUGS: Inspect. Clean, test and re - space electrodes. 8. WINDSHIELD WIPER UNIT: Inspect wiper blade and arm. 9. LIGHTS: Inspect for any burned out lamps. 10. TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL: Inspect , . level and condition of lubricant. 11. CHASSIS AND SPRINGS: Inspect for need of lubrication. 12. TIRES AND VALVES: Inspect and remove all foreign material. 13. FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS: Inspect condition of lubricant. 14. Vacuum or clean interior empty ash trays. 15. Clean all glass. 16. Polish chromium trim clean dash panel. 17. Solvent clean steering wheel. 18. Dust body of car with a clean dust cloth. ft Ml A V'SefV'I Mi . J I . V". THESt SERVICES are systematically rendered and carefully checked ... an enormous dollar's worth of important services . . J promptly . i. courteously... cheerfully. . .and carefully given. Any materials which may be needed will be supplied only upon your authorization. SEE VOUR MOBILGAS DEALER TODAV i