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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1940)
K65BUKS WEWS-ttEVIEW, RCiSEBUlfBI, MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1940. Soc ie ty and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER J. J. KESTER IS ' , HONORED ON BIRTHDAY J. J. Kcstor v.ns honored at an pnjoyuble uig party Friday eve . nlng on his birthday annlveraary. when bin duughlerln-law, Mrs. 'lydo KeHter. entertained, (lifts were presented to Mr. Hester from S. W. Van Voorst, Tail Cilbreath, Harry ColliKon, Lenin Parker, Don alii MorbeiR, Ross Lovelace. Ro brt McLauehlln and Clyde Kea ter. Visiting was enjoyed and later . delirious refreshments were served at a prettily decorated pink and yellow tublo centered with a beau tifully decorated birthday cake, which was cut by Mr. Kester. The hostess was assisted In serving; by Mrs. J. J, Kester. MR. AND MRS. COURTNEY HONORED ON' BIRTHDAYS To honor thn birthday anniver saries of Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Courtney, a very lovely 0:30 o'clock polluck dinner was enjoy ; ed Tuesday evening at the cabin of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thornton on the North Umpquu river. Cilfts were presented to Mr, and Mrs. Courtney from Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burr, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Par rott, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ilurr. Cards and Chinese checkers were enjoyed during the pleasant social hours. FRIENDLY CIRCLE ENJOYS MEETING Mrs. C. W. StiewlK was hostess to the Friendly Circle club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Cainos and visiting were enjoyed and the main feature or the after noon consisted of a comic dress contest which caused much merri ment. Mrs. Ram Duncan received the prize for the best costume. Those present Included Mrs. Tt II. C. Wood, Mrs. .Cnllle Mulllns anil MrB. M. Ospald, guests, till the following members: Mrs. Ethel Anilrieff. Mrs. T. O. Illevlns. Mrs. Fred Rowen, Miss Juno Rowen, Today's Pattern I,'-".' , t' 111 u lwJl i V PATTERN 4422 FROCK WITH LONQ-WAISTED LOOK Old-fa ahioned demur en ess i1uh new-fashioned ntyle is the provoca tive combination that ma lies Pat tern 4422 so attractive. In eyelet or rtninty sheer, this frock will be belle of any occasion. Notice how Anne A dama hns designed all the lines In flattering curves. The side bodice sections curve well be low the hips in a new, longer-torso effect, and the back waist-seam Is low and rounded too. Even the oblong-shaped neck finishes In ; small scallops. There's plenty of f young flare to the front-panelled ' skirt, find plenty of softness in bustline gathering. The skirt and front bodice panel may be In strik ing contrast. Wouldn't valentine frills look pretty? Pattern 4422 is available In misses' sUefl 12. 14. 16. IS and 20. Size 16 takes 33 yards 35 Inch tahric. Send PIFTEKX CRNTS U5c) In coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAMK. AD DRESS ami STYLE NUMBER. Send your order to the News-Re view, Pattern Department, Rose- burg. Oregon. FEMALE Mill Why suffer month after month try Lydia C. Pmkhsm'a Vetcuoio Compound TAB LOTS to help re lieve periodic pain with its nenrou moody ipeu. (This is because tbey contain SPECIAL ingredient to rellere female distress.) ptnfcham'a Tablets ALSO help build red blood and tbus promote mors energy to help you combat functional month IT distress. WORTH THY ISO! Mrs. Sam Duncan, MrB. W. O. Pat terson. Mrs. J. A. Lewln, Mrs. II. A. Stone, Mrs. J. E. Ospald and daughter, Janice. Mrs. Ada Rog ers and Hie host 083, Mra. C. W. Sllewlg. At four o'clock refreshments were served. Next meeting to be held May 8 at the home of Mis. Dlevins. MR. AND MRS. ADAMS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS Mr. and Mrs. M. U Adams were pleasantly surprised on their birth day anniversaries, when a group of friends called Saturday evening to celebrate the occasion. Games were played with Mrs. W. O. ding er and Thomas Kent winning the high prizes and consolation prize going to Mr. ('linger. Beautiful gifts were prosented to Mr. and Mrs. Adams from Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Kent, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dempsey, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. dinger, Mr. and Mrs. Craig. Mrs, Orlena Slattery, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Smith and son, Normnn, Miss Lnnoro, MIrs Hazel and Miss Arena Adams and Joe Bailey. Lovely refreshments wore served later in the evening. AH-NEAH-NIKA GROUP HOLDS MEETING The Ah-Neah-Nika Camp Fire group met at the home of Virginia Mack Ihursday and members com pleted requirements for I he Wood Gathers rank. A social hour with out-door games followed and re freshments were enjoyed by Doro thy DaLe Jackson, guardian. Lois Lilly, .Ma ii I oe Yeager, Joan and Shirley Parker. Betty smith, Het ty Lou Crocker. AHeen Slattery. Jean Wiley, Priscilla Wade. Nancy McClintock. Carla Lee Taylor, Pa tricia Sheehy and the hostess, Vir ginia Mack. CLUB HONORS MRS. SMITH AT HOUSEWARMING PARTY The Keenhostess club members surprised Mrs. Victor Smith nt n delightful . houscwarming partv Thursday at her new home at 8H7 Mill Hlreet. Sewing and visillng were enjoyed and two lovely gifts vre nresented to Mrs. Smith. De licious refreshments were enjoyed by Mrs. Smith, guest of hoivr. Mrs. Kred Vedder. Mrs. Clyde Brown, Mrs. Lee Miller. Mrs. Robert Span- cake, Mrs. Donald Reed, Mrs. I. M Dunn, Mrs. Earl Oakley. Mrs. How ard Kluver and Mrs. Wands. LADIES CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING Mrs. W. If. Brown and Mrs, Royce entertained the Ladies club of Dlxonville Thursday nftornoon at the Dlxonville auditorium. Those present were Mrs. Bessie Ingram, Mm. VinlPt TCstelle. Mrs. O. C. Brown. Mrs.' Gus Lindhloom, Mrs. Jake Kurtz, Mrs, Jean Mathis, Mrs. Chares Krogel. Mrs. John fox, Miss Carrie Dixon. Mrs. Joseph Heidenreich. Mrs. O. C. Tison, Mrs. C. L. Bronton and the hostesses, Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mrs. Royce. MRS. RALPH HERMAN ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. Ralph Herman entertained her Sew and Chat club at a lovely one-thirty dessert-luncheon Wed nesday at her home in the ivoni hagen apartments. Covers were placed for Mrs. Clif ford Smith. Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. Reginald Erskine. Mrs. L. C. Lat ham and the hostess. Mrs. Herman. The club will meet Wednesday, April 17th, at a one-thirty dessert luncheon nt the Latham home in the Kohlhagen apartments. POETS CORNER SECOND CHILDHOOD By MA LINDA ODERKIRK Second childhood came a knocking At my door one day. While I knew ft was most shock ing, All conventions to be mocking., 1 just pulled the latch string in. Boastingly he shouted, "Hello, I'll return some day." nut I'll fool this wise old fellow, Fool this one with age grown mellow. There will he no second childhood. For I'll not outgrow my first. TREAT YOURSELF TO A GREYHOUND TRIPI Brilliant wild -Bowers and delicately E erf timed blossoms make Spring tghways a veritable fairyland. Kn joy this splendor from the soft cushioned teat of a luxurious Grey hound Super-Coach, free from all driving cares. Convenient service and money-saving fares everywhere. SIDE GLANCES v. . (: . m COffHtWptVWCAgtBVlCt.lWC. T. W. ICQ. II- M . Off. r "You're the nicesl grandpa don't believe those stories little JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB POSTPONES MEETING The Junior Woman's club dinner which was schpdulcd for this eve ning at 6:3 o'clock at the club house to honor prospective Sub Junior members has been post poned until. April 25 nccording to un announcement made today by committee members. The nflalr will be held at a later unte In order not t) conflict with scheduled high school activities. j There will be no Junior Woman's ciuo meeting ionium. Invited guests who will he able to attend the dinner April 25 arc asked 1o make reservations oy phoning Mrs. Gordon Stewart nt S14-Y or Mrs. C. E. Smith nt 603-R MRS. CLYDE KESTER HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. Clyde Kester entertained her club Thursday afternoon. Beau tiful hourptels of Bluing flowers were used about the rooms, roily anna gifts were exchanged and at the ten hour Mrs. Kester served de licious refreshments t.o Mrs. George Caseheer. Mrs. Justin Elfert, Mib. Ernest Weber. Mrs. Howard Hat field. Mrs. Maurice Weber. Mrs. Dale Hatfield and on, Patrick Dale. Mrs. Jack Merry and daugh ter, Joyce, ami Lorene Deanne. The next meeting will be April 2.r) at the homo of Mrs. Weber. MRS. J. H. HYDE CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. H. Hyde-celebrated her hirthday anniversary last Wednes day afternoon at her home by in viting a group of friends in to tea. Visiting was enjoyed. IOTA SIGMA CLUB CHANGES MEETING The Iota Sigma club has changed its meeting place frpm the Cann day home to the residence of Mrs. C. A. Chamberlin on Court street Friday evening. April 19th, at a seven-thirty o'clock dessert-supper. Faye Ellen Moore, Native of Oakland, Passes KLAMATH FALLS. Faye Ellen Moore, for resident of Klamath April 15. 16 years a Falls, died here Saturday. She was a native of 24 years of Oakland, Ore., and was age. Survivors include er, Maurice Moore, and William G. Bailey, both Falls. . her wldow her father, of Klamath Undergoes Tonsllectomy Betty Jean Mountford, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Mountford, of this city, underwent a tonsllectomy this morning, performed by Dr. A. Serlv. LOW FARES one round wtf Inp Portland ....$ 3.45 $ 6.25 Euqtn 1.45 2.65 S. Francisco 6.65 12.00 Los Angeles 11.55 20.80 DEPOT: HOTEL VALLEY PHONE 586 -1 'Local m News Tft-V V IK ' : 1 loll 4-tr in -all tjic world, and I just you tall about being a bad boy.!" - Copco Included in flan to Segregate Holdings . WASHINGTON, April 15. (AP) -F-standard Gas and Electric com pany, one of the nine In r gent util ity holding companies against which the securities commission bas started integration proceed ings, has announced a plan to dis pose of Its western properties. Leo T. Crowley, chairman of the board of Standard Gag and also chairman of the Federal Depn.dt Insurance corporation, said in a letter to stockholders that the company would offer Becurltles nf San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric company, the California Oregon Power company, nnd Mountain States Power comp'iiiy in cxcimiiKH mr iiuiuh nnu ueneu tures of Standard Gas and Electric. Standard Gas and Electric has assets aggregating $K75, 000,000, and controls companies operating in 19 states. Report on Efforts to A Get Industries Slated Harris Ellsworth, chairman of the industries committee of, the Rosehurg chamber of commerce. Is to be the speaker at the regular foi'ura luncheon at ' the Umpqua hotel Wednesday. Mr. Ellsworth and his committee have been work ing to establish Industries in Rose burg, and It is expected that the report to be submitted will lie of much interest. .. The chamber of commerce nlso issued a request today that any persons who hnve been1 missed by census enumerators report to the chamber of commerce as soon as possible. Go to Los Angeles - Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Cliff Thornton are spending a -'few days In Los Angeles on busificag. TODAY AND TUESDAY PLUS Wi RICHARD Ml FN Iff ANDY DEVIN ?SlVCrr WEDNESDAY PAL NIGHT "Blondie on a Budget" plu 'Marines Fly High" I TrfirTS fltTiWs7T1 i. n-l n-til wmm -mi I vl lUNOIOAM .rZ U .Am ON MUNSON OT Shows I rt M J 2-7-9 J JCH mm Shops and Visits Mrs. Ethel Turner, of Sutberlin, shopped and visited friends hero Saturday. Hero Few Hours T, M. AVlnnl- ford, of Garden Vulley, spent a few hours here Saturday on busi ness. .. . Attend to Business Mr. and Mib. O. C. llrown, of Dlxonville, were business visitors in this city Sat urday. , . Ha" re From Myrtle CreekMr. and Mrs. Bert Weekly, of Myrtle Creek, attended to businoHS hero Saturday. Attorneys Here Attorneys Wll lard Ruch and W, G. Benson, of Reedspnrt, were hero Saturday at tending to business. Medford Visitor Here Jo tm lend ers, of Medford, spent the week end in Roseburg on business and visiting mends. Makes Honor Roll Waltha- Mc Keau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. II. McKean of Rosehurg was one of uft students at Oregon College of Education to make the second honor roll for winter term. The requirements are a grade point av eruge of at least 3.0 for at least 16 credit hours. Back From Vacation Marshall Hunt, proof-reader for the Ncwr Review, returned to his work thlB morning, following a two weeks' vacation in Grants pass visiting his uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wharton. During his ab sence, Miss Betty Shoemaker work ed at the News-Review office. Go to Corvallis Robert McKcnn nnd bin mother, Mrs. Elmer Mc Kenn, and her mother, Mra. Sarah Schloeman. of this city, drove to Corvallis Saturday, where .Robert attended the annual military hall and they spent the week-end as Kiiests of Mr. and Mrs. John Me Kenn. Robert, who has. been at tending Oregon State college the lust two years, Is remaining out this term to assist his father In the store of Mi Kcan nnd Ilaldwln. Eugene Lodgemen Visit A spe cial meeting ot union lincampment No. 0, I. O. O. F., was held Snt urdny evening at the I. O. O. F. hall for the purpose of conferring En cumpment degrees upon n class of candidates. More than thirty mem bers of the order from Eugene ut- tended the meeting, the degree worK being conferred by the Eu gene team. Following the meet ing' refreshments wore served In the timing room. t .,t , . TMSPtRtTOF by JOHN CUNTON I just saw ft movie that you ought to see. Xa The trouble is, I I V don't know how you re going to see it. Some of our engineers made it a while back, and it's a dilly. It tftwt whet hoppantrf to !w matars which itarftcOowt In Ufa wfthaut any urban In thtlr cylin der), Thay war aoch drivan 6000 milas avar tha mm readf. At the nd off that tint, tha anglnaara took tho lldi off tho motor, and what do you think thoy found? Nope, not Scarlett O'Hara. But in the motor that had been driven with one kind of oil there was a lot of carbon. Enough to make the motor ping on tho least excuse. Howovor, In tho roor motor tha ona that hod haon drivan with Triton Motor OH, on my word ot honor. tharo wasn't onough to malco tho laait practical dlfforonca. What IIHlo tharo wai, wat to toft yoo coofcf scratch It with your ffogor flaJ1 . . Triton forms very little carbon itself. The movie showed that. And because it forms so little, it will allow your motor to burn up most of the old carbon formed by other oils and blow it out the exhaust pipe! In others words... Triton changes Ping to Purrt V'V And Mine-,. tyt'y' andyoudon-t " AJ C0X tha mavlo I tow, yoo havo yoor cranltcaia flllod with Triton Motor Oil tnli vary day. Than driva 3 to 3 thousand mllti.asd too for yoor Itlf. Yeti'll navar uta anything tlit, I can promlta yew. UNION OIL COMPANY Attends to Business n. G. Cut lack, nf Yoiicullu, was a business visitor In this city Saturday. Visits Friends Neil Glllons, Lane I'mIII" t!?""t" K'ncpnA spent the week-end In this city vis iting friends . Returns to Eujene Did Hnrflh man returned to his home In Eu gene Saturday, following a short stay hero oa business. N. of W. to Meet Tonight Lilac Circle No. 4!. Neighbors of Wood craft will meet at K o'clock to night at the I. O. O. K. hall. Bouquet Given to Office Mrs. L. A. Norman, of Brockway, pre sented a beautiful bouquet of wild Orchids Mo the News-Review office Saturday, Moves to Eugene Miss Lenore Adams, formerly of this city who lian been residing In Granta PasH, has moved to Eugene to mako her home. Returns to Reedsport Mrs. Mnudo Plylor hu returned to her home In ReedHport, following n few days here attending to business and, visiting. Here From California Mrs. Thomas and son, John Thomas, of Sacramento, Calif., formerly of this city, havo arrived here to visit at the homo of the former's daughter, Mrs. Eugene Palm. The Thomas family formerly resided hero. Pictures to Follow Dinner The Christian Endeavor society of the First Christian church will hold a potluck dinner at 6:30 Tuesday night nt the church parloiB, to be followed at 7:45 by the showing of pictures on Alaska. The public has been invited to see the pic tures. A free-will offering will be taken. AMERICA'S Chesterfield goes to bat with the I ' iLlf "Th Yankaoi." toys JOE McCARTHY. "win thorn- t -v 'm 'L'f piomhipt bacaoio thayra good In tha boa, at bat " m M I Sp"3T--Sf ond ,n th" ,ilo"i ' CHESTERFIELDS win mora I u ( k iv irngkori ovary doy bacouio thty'ro tops for I m I ' -' - tS I' - - J coolar imoklng, bailor loita and rool mlldnoil. I M .94- M M; PWTTuii,i'iiS,VTtfTT fl'-'ilir'' Today's DEFINITELY MILDER, Cooler-Smoking, Coeffitbt IW. t4oun It Mrtu Tomcco Co. Mr. Dewey "HereC. E. Dewey. residout of Azalea, spent Saturday hero on business. Here Over Week-End Harold S. iin..n. n. nnrtirtr.'! "v"!t th? .""'!' end in this city on business and visiting friends. Guild to Meet St. Georgo's Epis copal guild will meet tonight at K o'clock at the parish ball with Mlsa Hess Wlmrton and Mrs. A. M. Knudtsnn, hostesses; Mrs. C. F. Spiiulding, president, .In charge o? business session, and Mrs, U. R. Ilriinil continuing talk on the his tory of tho church. Improving at HoiplUI Accord ing to word received here, Mrs. C. E. Marks, of this city, is reported to bo doing nicely at Good Suma rltau hospital. in Portland, where she underwent a major operation a week ago today. Her daughter, Mrs. Redford Tester, nee Hniel Murks, who is a registered nurso, Is taking caro of her. Daughter le Born Word has been received hero announcing tho birth of n duugliter, Cherle Jnno, weighing seven pounds eight ounces, nt Murshfiold, April 12, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas. Havens, Jr. Mrs. Ilaveus, nee Huby Clnake, is n daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cloake of this city. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Towner and Mrs Frank Meagbor and daughter, Mary Ag nes, ail of Portland; Mis J. O. Koenlg, of Snloin, and Al Ingram, of West Fork, came to Roseburg Saturday o attend the funeral services of Mrs. Anna Snyers. Mrs. T. I). Hurry, sister of Mrs. Sayers, who haH been here several days, left yesterday for her home in West Fork, accompanied by her. niece. Mrs. Meagher. Miss .Meagher end the Townors returned to Portland Saturday evening. BUSIEST h n S qualities that every smoker wants ahd every smoker gets in Chesterfield. That's because Chesterfields are made of the world's best tobaccos, blended in the right combination. You can't buy a better cigarette. hesferfielcl Woman'! Club to Meet The Roseburg 'Woman' club will en tertain the Junior Woman's club at a one-thirty dessert-luncheon to morrow al the clubhouse with Mra. i. u. wuison in cimrgeui tuenuuuy program and Mrs. Harry F. Hat field as hostess chairman. Special music by Marie Milam. TODAY AND TUESDAY STARTS WEDNESDAY i trMT rut tun ncTtea rt mm. n Showt 2-7-9 P. M. Mat. 25o Eves. 3!o Kiddie toe CIGARETTE N I '!..J!U I mm Definitely Mildmr Cooler -Smoking Better-Tasting . these are , the three good w Better - Tasting Cigarette