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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1940)
FIVE vbmjt hhi m i i -4 i itm ii ii r i 11 v if i m 11 m im i ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1940, Rentals FOU RKNT Ono 2-room nnd one 3-rooui miarliiit'iit. Moilcru, stcnin licut, clectrie range, refrigerator, shower, etc. Iteuaonnble. Hotel Valley. Phono GSU. Ki'liNlSHKD house. 5 rooms and bath, full biiaement, double Kar- j ace. Inquire lirlve-Iu Murket, just north city limits. FOIl KENT Furnished room, steam heat. bath. Hell Uuildiuir, 122' S. Jackson uti'uet, opposite Indian theatre. MOIiKltN steam heated apart ments at the Norlbside Apart ments. Phone 3U9-J. SMALL AI'AHT.MKNT. Furnished. Fireplace. Modern. Call at The Strange Shop. BAILEY APARTMENTS. 3 rooms and bath, garage, adults. 117 S. Kane. MODERN !j-rooin Iiouse, furnished. 4-U viaui aveuuu. iurs. u. it. ua- AIOHEIKC, clean, wull furnished houe. Inquire Dick Itaker, 810 N. Jucksnu. CLEAN sleeping ronniR and bath. ll(ll) Harrison, West lloseburg. Kohllmgen A partnionls. Strictly modern. Phone 050. 5-itoOM lKM'RH In country. 112 Urorkwaj St. MOHEHN furnished apartment. Clean. 020 S. Main. KlRNISllKlJ u pa r t m e n la. 421 Kloed, corner Mill. FOR RKNT 2-room furnished apiirlmeiit. Adults, fill! S. I'ine. Kl" If N IS! I K 1 house at 111 IS. Douglas fit reel. Call 17U-H. I'L'KXIHIIKIJ apartments. 401 N. .lark von. RED RYDER (TRcwAftO MOTiCE, Tfe r 1 rGrnifcL&UF& UCE 'EES f fHREEFiMSER I'VE (But AMVWA-Y, YOU WOtT tOU ARE NOT I V-WEE7.Y?VJHY UrSI iuMT AT J HEARD OF HIM AM. AuL- BE rJEpiM'j rAE l'n 1 VslOKKI ABOUT I mjjlQar iZaiL WW HO'S YJANyfED fj AROUND BAD MAM Wli, I ' irvj ira ouoc 1 1 "K ' i"" v THAT, UNLESS-- ( 1 TjSirv W BE HEADlftflS V OtlT--- "Ku, liarhocue Sadw,ehes and )Vp JR " ' V"' " SH,HOANp Uvo Fnrevora A. Brand's on FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS G7een-Eyed Monster v&w BISSCr Jjim t 7fmWiJ OH, COME ON IM O II f THAT VWAS TAKEM 1 if '''fM 1 vli- -k sr-' "&IL Ak ?S l J f? It's ppetty, 1 iu. have bertha Gee, this owe H the day l was I!l If, JW)v- CVkxl itlsA fluA. JmlMW; IVL r tO ' g BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ?? " . , ' , ' ' J "1,. to meet my boyfriend-he", a woman hater." '1 CAKiT &xC l THE MtWOTE 1 1 1 CAM HAWOVY tTOrt ,QOVt C. " ' W Uf S-jSSJ OvHZ Irtt EAOY VOO WEPfEO WAVT TO HtAW ! SVMPJt I AM THc )j ' !, .' I HP.9PY fMJW MMs . aw cparm of r-J r w ooora, fta asoo; wooraioww wivwt maw f-z-j.-rm I 1 ' ') I jli ! V, , EV? 1 Ell- SOOS. HOME VECS "Vit . AWO AMO HY WOSW ts ' 3;,', I -1 W t Ilill'illL. , 9 r n r 9 vm J 6AAt WAY J HOW VOO J YAW '.TrVcSt'S MO , l ( ! ! '. l (f Y ffeJ B'l & I '''" tv" 1, r r' S : " I MtcnANiut . Y jj WASH TUB8S Stand By. Freddie By Soy Crane I I jJSfcucr : kng iv HAD TO DITCH BODERkSO J VOO 6ET BEUTED THE ) T jsI fi TO DO IS STEP IT g-4iL I ATE! OtD UADV PIPPIN6T0U STILL I II I I ' ; - ' f VWERE THE NmT' JU 1 T ;rl E TICKETS ) BRIDAL SUITE ffZ 1J 1 I 10 THE NEXT ' mY llP" HAS HEB DIAMOMDS. (SET VOUR I 'Pi ' ' ' ' ' i. HECK VOU BEEM,fSWZvJ.fg: f TO THE h-r-J Pt "MV 'if ir" "TtT7 CAMERA READV JvZ", I X '.. J J ' ' G-ROO.M house. Son E. Washiniiton street, iihono S4F13 between 7 mill ! ). 111. private bath. 112 ISroikuny. Poultry CHICKS Hocks, 11. I. It., New Hampshire, Leg-horns, (Slants and Anacona. Compare our chicks and prices will, others und be convinced of superior quality. Shinn's Hatchery, Melrose road. I'RONZE poults. Heavy meat type for May delivery. $2.r.00 per hun dred. Eggs, l(i.oo. Urown's Hatchery, Sullierlin, Oregon. FOR SALE 650 While Leghorns; 11 months old. laying 75. (leorge Hurl stock. Hraily IJros., Azalea, Oregon. WANTED- Colored hens No. 1. Im pound; very fat. He pound. Call ut gray Orange truck. CALL 1IFI2 for live or dressed fryers. Mrs. Chas. Watson. Wanted WANTKI) 25 heud uwes with liimhtt, -10 heud Angora gnntH. fi head yomiK beef rattle, Blinder for lHarli)K combs and cuttero. Harolit Powell, I niptpia. WOOL anil inormlr wanted. Ad vnticoH Kivuu. Sue m. ltosi'burj; l'oullry Co.. 020 S. Klephens. Ill DICS. I Unbent nasi) prices. Leave enra on. Douglng Markot. IF you hnvo cauliflower to sell, eee lis. lloHebuiK Poultry. Hay, Grain, Feed UNTSUAMA good out and vetch hay. Would exchanse lor pood, youns fresh cow. (). A. ltowc, highway niiJp north Wllhur. Real Estate For Sale Miscellaneous FEDERAI land hauls farms. Rou- FOR SAI.K Heautlful Mohawk souable prices; convenient terms. Uxl2 Wilton rug, reKulur 9125 00, Lists available at the National special $72.50; tlx 12 Mosul uh Or- Farm Loan Office, Perkins build- iental rug. special ,$26,1-5; 9x12 ing, Rose burg. Italian Oriental rug, gpocial - J2295; 7x9 Italian Oriental rug. TH RKK-ACRK chicken ranch, 200 J17.05; 9x12 Mohawk axinlust- White Leghorns, cow, fruit, ers, $23.95; throw rugs, $1.95; buildings at Melrose. Inquire overstuffed davenport, $11.95. store. Cory. Jitdd's Furniture Store. FOR SALE b room rustic home ou North Umpquu. Fireplace, elec- BKimiNO plant neason Is here. trlclly. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore- The Fein tireenliouses have a gon. complete line of window box and '. bedding stock. Also vegetHhlo FOR SALE i;t acres, modern plants. Come to the Greenhouse house, 14 miles from Roselmrg. for the best selection available. Hille Range road. A. F. Morris. Five miles south of Roseburg. : Visitors always welcome. TRADK 10 acres east of Sutherliu for lots In Roseburg. Charles y0n SALE OR TRADE A bar- Keever. Oaklaml. Oregon. gajn Stock anu" f'xtl'pB of K0(l ... ... . , . , 7TZ . ...ji'iV dress shop nnd dry gooils store, r V7 nT 1" downtown Crams Iass tils- room house. MS S. i'ine street. uojng SO0(, bl,6llu,s!1. Au. Itosenurg. dreM U.aham,Bi qiu H street. LWeStOCk Grants 1'ass. Oregon. I HAVE the only disc grinder and FOR SALE Cows, weaner pigs, 2- bolt threading machine in Doug- uult milking imu-him-s. Charles las county and now Is tlie time Doerncr, Melrose Route. to have your discs sharponed and , bolts made. First class plow FDR bALr.-L'-yc.-ir-old llcrelord wok E K Woodcock, 613 N. hull. 1 E. Cooper, R. F. 1). No. Main. 1, Roselmrg. , FDR SALE-Weaner pigs. 2.50. tiorilon Ware, llox 2nl, Route 2. WILL pick lip'-porthlcss livestock. J'hono COCKER Spaniels, l'hono 38C-J. Help Wanted WANTKD Womun for light housework and care nf baby. No cooking. Room, board and small wage. Inquire Soldiers Home Cale. W A N T lO I ICxliei-ienced farm hand, llox ?vr,. r-n Nws-Iteview. A Job to FOR SALI: lOlectrie refrigerator, :i!l.!ir,; electric waslirr, J2'J. !).",; electric range, $17,113; wood raugu, $12.!i.'i; eleclrle railio, 51,90. Juild's Furniture Store. FOR UUARAMTF.KD MUFFLERS, (Class, trailers and auto parts, go lo SARFF'S AUTO WRECKINO HOUSE, 623 N. Main. Phone 653. A NEW modem storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. Dll! trade-in allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward. 3ir, N. .lacktion street. Be Done DON'T buy an electric shaver un til you have tried the Nl'KRA WHISKER. It really does the trick. Sold at Depot Itarber Shop, d'J W. Cass street. FOR SALE Car radio, in excel lent condition, with brand new car battery, flS.OO. A. J. L'urwiu, 327 W. Douglas street. WATER LILIES, 5 varieties for sale at llrand's on the highway. Charles A. Uralld. DRIED, sweet prunes, excellent pig feed, for sale or trade, l'hone 55FH. TWO garage doors. Roseburg Ho tel. Dentistry mi NEIWAS Gas When Desired Masonic Diets- l'hone 4SS Dr. G. W. Marshall, Med. V lildg. Work Wanted FOR CI'STOM tractor plow ing sec ISill Person, Coos Junction. CAIII.NET WORK made to order 612 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Fuel BURN WOOD OH SAWDUST Safo-Conveniput And ft costs so little. JiOSKBURO LUMIJIiR CO. Phono !K2. Chiropractor Scientific equipment, NCM & X-IUy Dr. Sco field. Peiltins Bldx. PORTLAND. April S. (API Flames from a slovo inn i led 7 'ar old Uitmona Johnson s dross, stM - totisly htunlnp Iho child heforo sho coulil pluitKi' into a halt -I U 1H hulh tul) yi!Kt('rdii. Snow Not Heavy At Diamond Lake Depth About Half That Usual for Present Time of Yar, Survey Party Reports. Only about one-half as much snow as Is usually to bo found at this tlmo of year now exists ut Dlu tn ond lako, V. V. Harpham. supur vlsor of the Umpiiua National for est, was informed today by a loeal survey party which spent the week end ut tho lako. The party In cluded Kay II amp ton und Art Radl gun of tho local forest service headquarters; Lee Garwood, who has been employed as district ranker at Dlumond Inke, succeed 1iik Harold Bo worm nn, recently transferred to the Siskiyou forest; George Churchill, of the Roseburg office, and R A. Ilrlttou. county 411 club leader. The parly found tho I'nion Creek Diamond lake road blocked at the summit, about three miles from the Iske. Garwood, Ilrlttou und Chur chill travelled overland on skis to the lake, while Hampton and Radi-, gun drove through Fort Klamath 1 and reached (ho lake by way of the east entrance, which, they re Krted, Is in ialr condition for tra vel. Snow Melting Rapidly They found about three feet of well-parked snow ut tho Silent creek CCC camp site, about two feel of snow at 8hort creek and slightly more than one frnt at the guard station. Tho snow, they re ported, is melting rapidly, and it Is believed It will be possible to send nil advance crew to Uie CCC camp In about in days, If weather conditions remain favorable. It t will be the earliest date on record ' that tho lorest service has been nblo to occupy accomodations at the lake. It is planned to maintain a crew of from W to 40 men as a By Fred Harman EXPERT SERVICE When There' Something Vou Want Done SEE AN EXPERT The tlrme and Individual lilted below ipeclallle In their work. See them for expert aervice. Vou ahould profit by their help. AUTO REPAIRING PAPERHANGINQ A PAINTING Alba Bpaugh's Oarage. 128 S. ,'I,e'l'ns, painting, kalaom'a, furu. Stephens street. Phone 803. refin. Free est. Phone 149RX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Knight-Porter, corner Douglas & Z T TT. 1 Main. Hody. fender work. Painting. Koeburg Electric, Phone 123. GENERAL SAW FILING , RADIO SERVICING ' Margie Radio Sorvlce. Phone 196. Howard Casebeer, 443 B. Stephens. Luud Radio Service. Phone 34. Also furniture repairing. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-R, FLUE CLEANING Prro,CP.-,,., ..g .. REFRIGERATION SERVICE J. C. Bew'ey. Phone 16S. E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. LOCKSMITH SHEET METAL WORK . Pacific Key Ser. Phone 348. M'iko eamp from South Vmiiqun Kails ronipany st llanioud lake durini; the summer season, Mr. Ilarphain reports. Melvln MeCord, employed during the summer us ndmliilxtrutlro guard at Diamond laKe, anil Clay tierniolld. improvement mail, will leave tilldo tomorrow morning, Mr. Harpham states, wlih n string or paelt horses and mules to he used durinir the enming . months in the Diamond lake urea.. They will make their lieaddUttrterH at Mlg Camas and will engage in tele phone mid trail repair work and as soon uh pollute will open the mail between Big Camas und Dia mond lake ranger stations. Pinch Hitter NHOSIIO. Mn. A doetor met Census Takor John I.. Ollvor at the door of the Roy Weeklin home. lie rushed Oliver inside and put him to work boiling water in pre paration for delivery of a baby. Wccklln's son arrived safely but Oliver won't get puld for listing him. Only births before April 1 are recorded. 8lnnlget's. 444 N. Jackson Bt. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE PORTLAND. April 8. (Al) -A Med ford layman, Frank le Buuza, ca I fed tho Catholic church a fort ress against the hordes of tho "K linns, Attilas, Statins ami Hit lers" yesterday before tho regional conference of tho confraternity of Christian doctrine here. Tho church, ho said, battled an "enemy thai recognises no human right, shows no quarter and dis dains every known rule of warfare. Murder Is his vocation, pillago his habit, loot his desire." SALEM. April 8. (AP) Gov. (Miarlen A. Spraguo called on the state hoard of forestry today to meet hero April 12 lo dlscusH setec tion of a permanent state forester. Ca Davis, Marshfield, became acting forester Inst Jan. 1 succeed ing J. V. Ferguson, with tho Tin derstaudlng a permanent forester would be named to rolievo hlin. Leaves For Bandon Ralph TI. SIpproll. of this city, left today for Uandon to spend a couplo of days attending to business. . the wall for flshllng!"