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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1940)
r FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1940. Uaucd Dnllr B"lt Simdar tht No-Hevlew L Ine. Mtmbrr of The Aaocfa1nl Prrs The Associated rr In exclusive ly entitled to the use fr republica tion of all news (llnpatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and to all tonal nowe publfatiud herein. All rights of re- Kubllcatlon of aperfal dlspatchei ereln are alao reserved, . BARRIH ELLSWOflTH Editor Entered aa aecond clans matter . tfay 17, 1930, at tlie pout office at . Roaeburg, Oregon, under act of . Karen a, o(e, Repreientoa by w York 271 Madison Avo. CM. toco 360 N. Michigan Ave. Km f'rf arlwit HL'O Kilnh Hlreiit Oe Irelt 3084 W. Grand Boulevard Lo, Ansrlra 433 8. SprltiK Street ratll, 603 tilewart 8troet Vori laait 520 8. W. Wxth Ktiaul 81. Vaaltll N. Ton Hi Streat Olltll J$Iitioi ginsrjj BubNcrlpllon Itatea tUally, per year by mall $5.00 Dally, 6 month by mall 2.6 Q Dally, 3 montha by mull 1.26) Dally, by carrier per month i& Dally, by carrier per year 7.80 A tJTOa C08t loHH 1cr I'01""1 1,1,1 11 "sirloin Htoak but for practical use and vuluo two pounds of Htoak, itro bottor than two pouuds of auto no in at tor what ihe cost. Douglas county's only serious erosion p roh loin In tho S. I'.'h kIu ic ing of 10 auruH of top-soil Into ihu liver. The Idea is a good one, for tliQ work Mill prevent future slides and. consequent danger to Hvob and property but Uioy aro working at It too seriously. Tho load ot oil tho rivor Is carrying is tremendous. Reports from ' Itccdnport yesterday declared that the color had unread far Into the ocean and that tho commercial flHhcrmen outsldo wore making n killing of the fish lhal woro lying at tho rlver'a mouth awaiting clear er water. A knock on your front door any day now muy ho mudo by Lho ecu huh taker. Better answer tho questions thero la u penalty for not doing ho. But there may be wags who would tie funny by at tempting an Imitation census qui, over tho tolcphono anuwur no questions until you can nee the whltcB of their eyes, and then bo certain your Interrogator can iden tify himself aa an authorized cen tum taker. , And. speaking of tho census, there Ih no report of a census being taken In Europe thin year. What good would It do? A (tor tho pres ent killing is ended thoy can takj a count of thOHo left alive hut do ing it now would he a wanted ef fort. He iter bo glad you livo in thin country where we aro allvj and ablo to uuawor question. Tho auto driven by tho writer or those lines was very nearly smashed Into by two boy" n bike yesterday. Yes, the ear was u lop ped, wailing Tor lho boy a to set clear - hut they almost didn't inuko It. Will a tragedy havo to occur before Nome of this careless bike riding Is ended? KRNR Mutual Broadctttlng 8ytm 1900 Kilocycle. REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:no- Kultcin l.mvlK. Jr.. MIIH. 4:15 Hnvt'll of Hunt, iMD.S. 4:30 Toa Tlmo lmu'u. 4:40 American Family Itobin- HOIl. 5:00 Townicnd Program, MBS. f. : ir, Sliullci 1'iirlior. MIIS. f, ::io - 1'oHscilf HKclrlii'S. 5:45 Little Orp.ian Annie, tine, MBS. 0:00 Tonight's Toll"- 6:05 Now,, Calil. Pacific Utili ties Co. 6:10 Nowa - Review Newt Flashes, C:l.i .Liiunor InuiiMt. (', .lohll H. IIiikIk-. MIIS. li: tii I'lishlK llin I'asl. MIIS. 7:00 .Moniicul Symphony orch., JIUS. 7:1.1- .Mutual .MituHtroK. ' 7:30 Nod Jonlan, Srcrot Aiiont, MIIS. '. 8:00 I.Hwrunco Wi'lku's Orcli.. MIIS. ir, - i.afr v si"R ciub. m ms. ' 8:45 Twilight Trails, Avalon Cigarettes, MBS, 9:00 Alka Seiner News, MBS. 9:15 Don't Vou Believe It, Old Gold Cigarettes, MB8. SCIio -Kullnil l.oln. Jr., MIIS. . !l:4.' All KhhsoIs Olcll., MUS. 1 0 : 00 S imi nil. Buck Fever. I'llll.ADKI.flllA- Willi Iri'llllil lux IihiiiIh ll luinilll irrMt4 n ri'- volvt'l' iiKHltmt Mr. Mlllll l.mll, ' tvifi- of H ilrUK mIoi-p pioiuli lnr. vlilln a cuuiiuuioii loulcU the cu.-sli rrlHtor. "I Ik1i you wouldn't bu io ncr ' voiip." .MrH. (irnff romnrkcil. "llir'H l.ot a rlKhl lo In-. Iioly." Hiilil tllu tonliilc i nl '. HlulflllK Ilitu hlR porhrli. "Ilt's t'rttln niii-. I'lt'U ui'Xt wt't'k." Tax-Pension BHi Explained Here Proposed Oregon Law Success In Indiana, Hawaii, Monks Tells Large Audience. Declaring that enactment of the old ago pension and public nsais tan Co act, hy tho votera of Oregon would not only provldo much bet tor conditions than the aiato la now ablo to give for Its elderly citizens, but would actually lower tho taxes on real properly, Tom N. Monks of Portland launched into on explana tion of tho measure, which will ap pear on the November ballot, at a meeting hi ion ho red by the Pension forum at the courthouse In Hose burg last Saturday. Mr. Monku was introduced by Clyde Shaw. The meeting waa called lo order by Joe K. Custor, of Olalla, second vice-president of the organization. Practically every Heat in lho court room wafl taken. All sections of Ihu county were represented. Tho inltiatlvo meaauro, Mr. Monks explained, will appear on tho November ballot It provides lor a commission, consisting of tho 'secretary of state, the stale treas urer and a member of tho hoard of county commissioners or county courts to bo sijleeted from among themselves and by themselves. Funds will he raised by a grad uated gross Incomo tax ranging from 4 of I per cent lo two per cent, with liberal exemptions. lio pensions will ho paid to Ihose of 60 and up to Gfi years, who qualify and $10 to those of ti5 and over, no paupers' oath will he required. Only 6 per cent or tho funds rained may bo used for administration purposes. Knurls remaining after administration costs and pensions aro paid will bo allocated lo the general school fund and the fund for reducing the real properly tax; i!5 per cent to lho former and 75 per cent to the latter. Mr. Monks Haid that tho old age pension and public assistance act was a facsimile of tho Indiana law, which has been In operation since 19. IB and lho Hawaiian law, which ho claimed has also successfully operated since 1031. It also has tho same tax base, a gross Incomo tax. as the lHwnoy bill, recently Intro duced in Ihe United States senate, as lho lowiisciid hill. Moth the In diana law and the Hawaiian law aro often referred to by In. Town send and tho national Townscnd organization as the Townscnd plan in successful operation, he ex plained. In bolh Instances, Mr. Monks stated, there was an accu mulation of excess funds. If Ihe law would operate successfully In these slates, ho saw no reason why It also wouldn't In Oregon, ho declared. Tho meeting was aatd to have boon one of the most successful held by the Pension Forum, the cir cuit courtroom was crowded to overflowing with voters and las payers from every section of the county. All county candidates will he In vited lo attend the next meeting of tho Pension Forum, which will be held on the Ural Saturday after noon In May. Anglers Urged To Report Catches Cooperalion of flsluMineu of Ore ((on In reporting catches of fish! from various streams and bikes, to assist in tho scientlllc liberation of fish, Ik sought by the Oregon I Stato liame commission. 'At n I'iti'nnt iiidkI iiiu itf llin L'nim ! commission, a new depart incut, .known as lho scientific liberation , department, was set up. In addi tion to liberations this department will conduct surveys on lakes and j streams. The work of this department can not bo completed times reports aro, obtained or thu catches In the va-' vlous streams mid lakes. To make it easy for tho sportsmen to as sist, a "catch card" has been pre-' Mired and will bo distributed to all spoilsmen s organizations, fishing tac kle dealers and all resorts thai cater to spoi lsmen. The cards aro post paid so in ovpensu Ik imolvcd lo the fisher man, who after his day s outing can tilt out (lie caul and drop it into a mail box or poloiiico. Officials of the game commission are hopeful that, a large percentage of the lishernien w III givo their cooperation and make constant use of Mm "catch cards" so that catches or Milieus species of tish I rum Ihe various waters or Ore gon may be recorded. LOCAL NEWS Rebekah Lodge to Meet The llo.Hi burg UelicKah 1dKo No. 11. will meet tonlKhl at S o'clock ,n the 1. li. O. F. hall lo he lollowed by Practice bv the hiiihtr .leui.-.. stai r. Returns to Salem Mrs. II. C. Coursey has returned to her hotne In Ssiem. following a week's :'tny hern whti her nun In law and daiiKhler, Mr. and Mrs. (. it, sip prell, Mtid their son. Kslph. Jr. Sh whs accompii nied home by Mrs. Slpprell and Italph. Jr., ' lor n week's vi;dt. Mr. Sippr'l look hl.s family ami Mis. Coursey lo Salem and returned brte Suiiday evening. Dance at Facility Tim A inert cmt Legion auxiliary members and friends have been invited to at tend tile April dam Ink puiiv to be sponsored by ihe null Wed tie v day night fiotn 7:;:u to ! :n at the Veterans Utility. The dance. In foniml. wHI he in charge or Mis. ('Union tiorlhv. chainnau; Mrs. 1. II. lliegcl and Mrs V. J. nlm schied Those desiring trantpoiia Hon have bcn asied to he al the Hotel I'nipqna at 7:J5 o'clock. CUT C'JK WAY - ByWHteiM I II , Dunham's Trnnsfcrmen stepped into the lead in the City Howling league last night by taking three straight games from I he Eagles lodge. Willi only three more games to be played in the City league, which closes its schedule April la. the Trausfennun are now in a fa vored spot for the championship. Hoy's Men's Store took three games from the Veterans Facility. Uosehiirg Alleys won two out of three from t'opco No. I and the I'mpqita Cleaners look three games from Lho Elks lodge. Paul Lund rolled high Individual score, and Deb Day made high series score, ij IK. Scores: Kaglea Lodge: Weiss 1S7 LIS L'.tl 17'. Van Valzah Hi't 17s 1 tl v Murphy I to v:,u lr.a i::i Hose 151 115 151 -I hi Campbell I'M LEti 1X1 Hi? Handicap 7S IS 7H I Totals M'.e 781 sos 2 15-' Dunham Transfer: ti. Itarr lti:t 151 yon 517 W. Stephenson Mi? U'i 1 s I 5nl W. Ilaiker Ivf, ls'J n;:s r.llu C. .SIeensou . 17:1 2u: 115 r.'Jl Ceo. I Hack 17s 1m; hi!) UM i Handicap t 2t 'Jti 7s i Totals Mi 5 tin I SS7 'JfiN-'i Henry 1 17 TSA 151 521 Hice 151 111 1 Tit Men-it v:: u:i 17; its Hmicock . 1 50 21 S 1st 555 llauuhman 17! Hi7 lm; 512 Handicap 'A I 'SA X'A 77 Totals .7S7 Mil S?U 2551 Copco No. 1 .1 , Uinabarger . . 121 i::i :t:n Wirz liitj I Hi I5!l (71 Simuions 12s I h III :i52 Palm 121 I5e uu llobeit.son 17 1 127 122 1211 Huudiciip !l !ll !l i2 Totals Slti 7..I 7ti I 2;!2s I'mpqaa Cleaners llcnillKkA 1 7 J 1 Is 111 nil A. Mllli-r . Ill 1.11 11 nn liu.liuaii . Ill :. il'.s i::i II. Millri 1711 1ST I in ,1iMi 'l"ii .:!! ITT '.'li Ills llunilli ,'ip .17 .17 .17 171 Tnl;ils . :i.1:t jot :,1J7 II. I'. I). I-:.. No. lii'liiwi'll i2ii i::.i imi ::tii (lilc ir.'i w in :i7:i Allholl . m ll'G no ::n Wooiliuir in ii.i 10.1 llaskin . . his i::7 117 lii lliimlirap . . :m; !li !ui 2SS Tolal ... SKI 777 M'J 'J,1!i2 Kiirilily: WoiIi-iIki. i:::: 117 im Ho A. I'islii'i l::7 l::o ::i:i; Ciorki'll MS 121 IV2 III Tlllllll'llhl tL'l lis l.'.S 127 CitKiu 1 is iti; ito i:h tlanilir:ii I in I 1:1 1 1:1 1 17 Totals . . .7!Mi S7I sss 2.1.1s Uo'! Mollis Stoic: vlior lii'l ITS 1.11 I s;, lloiil Itil Isn 1.17 ,1'H j Snt'iii'vr . . . ln:i ls:l 11;.; f,is j Imium 12s 1 in 1 1.1 ::.s!i , l.uml .. 21s 1.11 2:'.2 ti"i llHinliiiiii . . . 7ii Tii 71'. 220 I TotulM '.Ml SsT 1127 2729 League-Leading Oaks Lose Two Infieldcrs V., ll..- A.-.i.Hialcl IT,.., Olkhlll't. temporal tly 111 tlir Hi liltr Coai.t li.'.iKW' iliiwi's m-:iI. opi'iM a mimmi Kn'ni' ;.ni"H lii'M Willi Sun lii-mi's i.croiul pl.tre I'll'lru:. 'Ih'' tun liMius, who hii,? h.'i-li Hllmipiliim al tin tup ol thr li'HKip:' .slamhiiKs. mil inn 1 on Ihe rallies' humu iliiiniiMnl. Tllu Daks. Him took sl nl' a .seven Kame.seile.s unit s,in Finn cniio Ih.sI week, will he minus two ul their pinker. Hill Kidney. hIioe t Htop. goei 10 the Tnpi k.i elilb ami t'hillliy Itnte... til rsl li.isemall, to lilulln Kails. San Kralli li o's SeaU. who a illxaMl'oliH sen.sun tins tur. Inke in Seattle, lat year's pen Haul winner, 111 tin' lirsi ot a R AMBLINGS By PAUL JENKINS IUKCKOX most folks, of high or low degree, formal garden lyne or Just common everyday brand of ay brand of onions as most of tin are, like shrubbery. It's the same all the world over, too, don't you suppose? Mr. and Mrs. C. E. M oyer, loca 1 n u rse ry mon, received a letter yesterday from Fal lon Lewis, noted Washington radio political coniuieiitator, ordering an Orcm chinquapin for his farm in southern Maryland. You'll think (or would you? that Mr. Lewis, liviiiK in the midst ol the world's exciting political events and assiduously sludyinn i their causes and el teds as he does, would scarcely find the time or even havo Ihe Inclination to plant and observe trees and shrubs iinii (lowers. Hut evidently he does find the time, and is so inclined- At tbat. the nuts on this chinquapin tree of seven-game K('ries under the lights al. San Francisco. In the other openiiiK games of tho new series Hollywood faces Los Angeles while Portland meets Sacramento In a night game. S. C. Basketeers Triumph Over Hawaii 1IONOLCLC, April II. cidlege -CAP) ( Iregon State defeated I'nhersity id' Hawaii l! to '' 1 their basketball game here lasl nkhl. The tame was fairly even until tin' last lo minutes when the Ore gonians displayed a powerful of fensive, sparked by Center Mandlc and Ciiard Paul Valenti. llatltiiuc COAT OF ARMS HORIZONTAL I Pictured coat of arms of Answer to 7 It has been tho homo of tho for 1CO0 years. 12 Fish eggs. 13 Fertile desert spots. 15 Room recess. 16 Cows' home. 17 Furtive fellow. IB Oxhide strap. 20 Forearm bone. 42 Ringworm. 21 Parts of keels. 46 Forward. d0, 47 Fifth month. :o fair tauui.. 4S Cains. 50 Inward. 51 Noun ending. 52 Indian. 53 To catch in a snare. 57 To apprehend. 59 This land is a 1 governed by a regent. 60 Important river in this kingdom. 25 To add to. 26 Yellow bird. 27 Fatly. 31 Large seaweed. 34 Food fish. 35 Mongrel. 36 Epochs. 37 Provided. 39 Camel's hair cloth. 40 Bubble in glass. I a 4 j (p b'. p 8 I I0 ll "j 3 h ' TL r rT zap 501 sT T a IT js w lib ""3b Ek9 jTHs ""57 Zt "I I H I I I 1 1 H I 1, his probably will provo fully as di verting and entertaining as those he observes and discusses, on Capi tol hill. Incidentally, In his letter to the Moyers, Mr. Lew is stales that It is his Intention to tour Oregon this summer, I suppose to got a whiff of our political atmosphere. White here he will call at tho Moyer nursery looking, I assume, Tor more chinquapins. Well, ir he's like I am (heaven help him If he is) he'll look at all the beautiful and otherwise inter esting specimens there, and be un able lo sleep until he has ordered a carload lor that "My Maryland" farm of his. I've realized for a long time thai 1 can't see a tractor, a picture of Crater lake, a sewing machine, or even a teething ring, without yearning Immediately and with my whole heart and soul, to possess it. Now, conlound it. 1 Hud I'm the same about shrubs' score was 23 to IS In favor of Ore gon State. f Rip Van Winkle. 1t40 HLCFFIKLD. V. Yn. Jack Coinpton went to bed and told his sister not to disturb him. Five days later the 20-year-old railroad worker aroused sufiicienl- Iv at a hospital to take nourish-1 meiit but tailed to recognize Im -s ol his family. 'y.sicii.ns said ihu Ion:; slum-' her apparently resn'tci, from a iddeiital oerdoK- of a sedati.e. W. B. A. to Meet 'i he Woman's Benefit association w 111 meet Thursday al two o'clock at the Maccabee hull. Previous Puulc 11 Foray 14 To look for. 16 This land's capital. 19 Its unit, the pengo. 24 Mythical bird 26 Alleged force. 28 Instrumental duet. 29 Waysido hotel. 30 To depart by boat. 32 Wine cup. 33 To polish. 38 Lucky stone. 40 Meaner. 41 Blithe. 43 Within. 44 Gaseous element 45 And. 47 Bill of fare. 48 Arabian. 52 Mystic , syllabic. 54 North Carolina (abbr t. 55 Road (abbr.) VERTICAL 2 Russian mountain. 3 Dcmigoddcss of fate. 4 Worsted yarns. 5 Exterior ot bark. 6 Inhabitant of U. S. A. . 7 Emaciated. 8 Questions. 9 Strong- scented plant 56 Each (abbr.l. 10 On the lee. 58 To exist. K. 0. CAVALIER BY JERRY BRONDFIELD CAST OF CHARACTERS VAL DOrOLAS alrl snoi-ts writer, shipped on a freighter to find excitement. HI) DIE CAVALIFIt ii n rlxn fighter headed for 'the title, has u score to settle with Val. CAPTAIN STKVK HAVSFV aklpper of olio Northern Belle. DUFFY KfcLSO Cavalier's muuager. YESTERDAY: Eddie becins his 'ruining with a light workout and three rounds with Kelly. Al though he Is supposed to ho spar ing. Cavalier pounds Kellv with out niorcy. Va makes Dufrv stop tho slaughter, calls Cavalier n heel. CHAPTEH VIII Eddie and Mike snarred llirhrlv the last two rounds and when Pop Grimes called a halt Cavalier went over and took both of Mike's haqils in his. 'I'm sorry about that first round. Mike. Honest I am. That lame there. ... I euess. . . . Well. ii hist . . ." Mike nodded." '"Yeah. kid. 1 Mow. That's okay . . . forgot It. Yon didn't hurt me much." Fddle shmped him nn the back d rushed below to lake a sbnwer. Vat Douglas looked after him thoughtfully, "lie might be gen uinely sorry but It'll slill make a good story. I'm filing my first on lO'tHMH ' "Vever "Oid your story.' Keiwo walled. "What about our $5un( forfeit pioitnv"" "I don't know why I should olav Santa rimi. but I might have an idea about that, too." she said- who found f'aptalu Ihinseti In Ills c:bin. Quickly she exolalnnd the "ft nation they had nut Kelso in. "Stevle," he concluded, "I'm .;oiiu o wb ITnele Hank l'o facta n"d have him lend Duffy the money." Captain Ilansn looked at her i long t'me before r n I y i n g. "Honev." he said i'"ntty. "how ihose Ihrr-u men really urn" on hoard will have to he; held from vour I'nde Hank for awhile. Il.-t bad enough he'll be knowing they're on bn.rd Inst as he rrids th' puners. Hut there's something moro important." tie unused for nnoM'er moment. "As much as your Cncle llanli we-u'd want lo do anvlhing iti the "orld for you be wouldn't he ible to scrape nn $5000 hi les than n iiwin th If at all," ho added sig nificantly. "Stevle what do you mean ? Tl""t isn't so much.' "Normally, it wouldn't be. but vmember i told yon we have 'i bit of reconditioning to do? Well. Cncle Hank '"s just about vcrv nr-nny he could get his hands on nl'endy lied on. Thai's whv wi this Hallidav contract to wind tilings up- Then well be houncing right hack up there ag'iln." ' s,l,t nddd. "I didn't think- . . . ' 1!,) r"''1'' IIll"k "'"i king on such a close margin, mem-!',!,t hupnened?' . "uell. inst between you n Die. trying llnn''v' U,!" riviU, .lino is flO"'e U1 out of tho coat tiarle. A u' thev ha ven't been toi par ticular about their methods." "Is lhal what you me'tnt. wIum von m"itioiied Utoe tou'h break- we've Ik"h havin? lately?" lie nodded. "Fire in our freight warehouse once. Two ton of sal mon hi iacked on the road before m could deiivc It to the con signee. Little delays here 'ind there lhal slow down the service. Never had any proof, of course, hut we li-.iv" ideas." "A-'d that machhierv uolng un to Pr ince li 11 pert ? You're wor ried about lhal. loo?" ' Not while It's on hoard, we're "ot. Hut H' handling it at Prince import that'll take a lot of c;m Alt thev got to do Is ileal one lit tle coi:. or somethin". or throw some little lever onia wh-'o-k 'ind th' whole, works w III be held tin imi il t Y part can he sent from Frisco." He 11a t ted her shoulder. "Ilui you worry aboal vour hox fichler and I'll worry about the important things." "Oh. he's Import-nit. she said otilcklv. "In a different i-oit of way. (hat is, M"r all. he's son of our re-iooMKibilMv. And maybrt I can sldl hcln him." she sail ihouchtlullv. "I think 1 can ret. on i- Sail F'ancisro bureau to in tervene with the ImKitii; 'om mis sion. In f;'ct. I'm mre of it. bit iloli'l Id Kelso or ravalier know anything aliont M." Eddie Cavalier stont.ed Imt lusi before eveniior mess. "I hear vou're wrtifMU vour Hrst training stoiy 1o ni',,t," he s;iii abruptly. She nodded and noticed I hat he had a fresh paten ("" his black iack woirid. "So Mike did heU vou pood one," she milt inured. "That's good." 'pled a tlrile. that's jU." he H hrleflv. "It'll he all closed up In a week. Hut what I wanted to you was not to corch me too much for this morning. 1 didn t eal'e Mike wasn't wearing a headuuar't and somehow I col efuy noiion Hiat you bail prodded Mike Into civing me something ! v -isn't looking for. You wore rlcht when vmi crilb-d me a heel then. I'll gti easy on him from IIO'V IMI." "Mike's an old man as lighters to hill lie nn take care of him ielf." si" nborvis. "As for in i,,rv I'll tee to think it over. It'll look awful goo-1 In print, you now 'Eddie CHValier lakes nd antage of washed-up spai-m-'t. " "Okay. ',0 said nnietiy. "Cm-,-ir- me eu're nulling all the strinirs in itiis Heal, anyway And I'm the heel. Thai's a gwd one, NhrM mils the eiow black V "Ah. a brilliant piece of cii elu mi-m Who ni-l fighters duuih? Why. I'll bet you can add COPYRIGHT. 1940. NEA SERVICE. INC two and two and got four for an answer without putting it on paper." "I believe I can," he said, grimly. "I'll havo some other answers once I get you ashore." She raised an eyebrow. "Threat ening me, eh? What arc you go ing to do beat me up?" "If I can't think of anything heller, I will." She found a wiro'from her office when stie sat down at the table. It said: "Creat work. We have scoop of century. Everyone else screaming, (live us first story soonest possible and keep coming. 500 daily." She shoved Hie messages acrosd to Cavalier. "This'll kill you." He read it and Vat fell like chuckling at his expression of dis gust. Duffy Kelso peered suspiciously at the food Wong Lee was Retting on the table and suddenly hurst into a roar. "Ulead . . . potatoes . . . meat pie . . . starch and more starch! Hey. W'uu Lung!" Durfy howled, "(let that stuff away from that fighter. Co easy on thai starchy stuff, get me. He's gonna get hog f'al. He's goita have more fresh greens and less o' this hash you dish out." Wong Lee's eyes never cli'inged their expression. "Mr- Kelso." Val said icily. "We treat everyone around hero with all the respecL due them. If rap tain Hansen were hero now it would go had with you." "Nuts," said Kelso. "What about it? Do wo or don't we get some sort o' training diet around here?" "Don't bother. Dully," Eddie said quietly, "i can goL along on this." "What about1 it Wong Lee?" Vat asked. Wong Lee puttered around the table. looking at no one in par ticular when he spoke. ".Must have more help in gal ley. Make other things chop-chop lor boxing man only If noisy one help." "He men ns that, loo," Val said slowly. "You'll serve your trick in the galley Iron, now on. Mister Kelso. There was snicker from some one at the other end of the table. "I'll die first." Duffy roared. "It'll lie by starvation, then," Val replied sweetly. "Uemciuber no workoo, no eatee- (To he continued) Law Holds Chloe Davis . on Juvenile Ward Status LOS ANCELES. April S. (AIM Chloe Davis, 1 1-yeaif-old school girl, whose mother, brother, and two sisters were killed hi a "fam ily massacre" Thursday, today was made a ward of the juvenile court. This blocked the efforts of Chine's fa I her, F. Hart on I avis, grocery clerk, to obtain her re lease by a habeas corpus action. Superior Judge W. Turney Fox ordered the lilt.le blue-eyed cirl with pigtails held at juvenile hall until a court hearing April 17, at which time she may be released or placed in an institution until she is 11 iiiiiwiri Jr UAJIjL U4O.MHJ Bomb Plot Bared At Sedition Trial r NEW YOKE, April S. (AP) Testimouy that William (ierald Bishop, one of the 17 men on trial charged with seditious conspiracy, thought it would be "fun" to blow up a Times Siiuare theater was sub mit led In federal court today by U government witness. Tho witness, Denis A. Monty, who was "planted" by federal agents at meetings of the defendants, said that llishop threatened to blow up the Cameo theater which was show ing Uusaiuu films and had offered to "biow It up himself," because it would be fun." Mealy testified that members of the defendants' "action committee" brought an assortment of beer cana and gakoliue cans ami a quantity of explore lo his home In make "In timidation bombs, which could ho hung ifti doorknobs, lit with a cig arette aud blow a i:p w hen tho bomber had a .mil-block head start." The witness said that Dishop, according to his informal ion. had about lo.uod rounds of rifle uniinii- j n it inn and professed lo hav e much V more. Healy said that comiuilteo members told him one of lho de fendants procured some of this ammunition from national guard supplies. He testified that llishop also told, his associates including those he- 4 if iff tried on chargea of conspiracy that "when we overthrow lho government we will redistribute all the gold and cancel all internal debts." RENT L V. Merzncr Co. Mo slier and Mill Phone 362 FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS When your wardrobe becomes entangled willi dust, grime, dirt, or grease, call 171'. Wo don't bo long to the League of Nations but will handle all such foreign matters to your complete satis faction. Cleaners 231 NO. MAIN When guests drojj in this gracious hospitality Hosts and hostesses nre remarking about it increius ing numbers of their guests, they find, now prefer wine us their beverage. When friends drop in, it's smart to set out for each just a glass of mel low Port or golden Muscat!. It's nice to serve your wine in small glasses, with cracker;! and cheese or with small cakes. For other wine serving ideas, see your retail dealer. Tlii.t n'lrrrl ixrmrnl i privlol hj the leiw yrouwrx of C'llifiirniii, acting llirmnjh the Wine .lii'i'sor.7 Iinnl,8o Second Strcvt,&tlH 'V111; ci.;ct. ?SR - fTimyrHrta if5 a sander xigr and do SylJl your own j'tiirL ' ' 0 0 r Silr sa n h lip