ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940. FIVE Finland Abandons Plan to Stage Olympic Games HELSINKI, Finland, April 3. (Al') Atll Kukkoni'u, milliliter of education proungiindn, said toilny It would bo ImpouHlblo for I 'In In ml to oi-jttiiiize the Olympic games this year "because of the abnormal sit uation prevailing between the grout powers." I I VES! THERE'S A ) J IjCSLsff DIFFERENCE Jty IN CANNED Stokely's finer flavor starts with soil and seed Certain sections of the country have the best soil for growing tomatoes. Oilier sections produce the finest peas, the best grapefruit or the tenderest corn. Therefore, we have our A canneries scattered throughout the country and we put up only those crops best suited to the soil and climate of each section. Look for the Srokcly label it is your guar antee of highest quality always. All ofSlokth't finest Fooift bear tbii ital of approval Us iltmt intlufing ; tegttablet frm'h catsup tbili mutt tomato June grapefruit jmtt Forum Hears Talk A r. j c: uii nuau i maiiua Factors Dealing With Money Distribution Explained by County Judge Bowker. Factors KOVci'iiiiiR the expendi ture of cou my road funds were in terestliiRly presented by County Judge MoiTia liowker, who was tho principal Bpuaker at the regit liii Wednesday rorum luncheon pieftin of the chiimher of com inricc-. Tlio meeting was ar.un ed to provide a general discussion or road and highway matters, and t'le prvgnmi included short talk by several members of the large Kiflip present. County Judge Uowker discussed principally the various factors taken Into consideration hi the I 1st ribu t ion of road In uds. In btji-f, hits information was present ed as follows: "The Porfglus county road fund averages $175,000 a year, or which $12,(mio is raised by property tax, and $r.O,uoo is received from he county's share of the slate motor vehicle fund. "Of the county road runtl ap proximately $135,000 represents a fixed annual expenditure. SI't.OOt hcinfj required for the repair and consliuction of bridges. $1)0,000 iov imuiitenuiice of the existing vends and r),u(io for supervision and miser liuneous costs. "This leaves approximately $:.". nno which the court can expend for l.utlennent or new construc tion. "One of the principle and moat (tlTieiill problems of the court is tt determine the . typo of work 'lU-li should be doiu with this :ri.(K'0. It can be expended unJcr Ihreff general clasHiitcallons. "1. Increased maintenance for ihtt purpose of puttini; the existing mic'.a 1 1 a better condition of irav el Mirh as cutting brush, improve ment oi ditches, or blading uu.l scraping "2. it can be used for iteller.r.eiit work fill existing roans such a- oil itifr. v ideniug of the r ind bed, eirn-m-itioii of .sharp curves, and gen erally bettering the standard of the load within the existing vr'M n: -'ay. ' A certain amount of this type f.f wuk is done from year to year and is Leing demn.idei' due to tiie .rhanee in type jiiid speed of travel ;nid tho desire of "ocul re.t'de.ns and the desire of local residents dition as the state highway. "u. The fund might be ex pen r led for new road construction. The initial cost of grading and Krnvel tmr new county roads Is approve "HERE'S THE 73) SUNSHINE YO0 NEED IN A'L Flsi'e'u riglit, as usual! For milk evaporated by Borden's is then irradiated. Us content of Vilumin D, the sunshine vitamin i6 increased! Truly fine, digestible milk accepted in 1930 by the Council on Foods of the American Medical Association. Identified by Borden' Kith the familiar blue and white label. How's your supply? if it's 'TSordmi ITS GOT TO BE GOOD A Pforthtccst Product mately $3500 ft mllo and with this fund the county could build on a average of about 10 miles of road per year. "There are a large number oi sections within the county which are not now adequately served by county roads. Numerous small com munities containing from three to ten families still live on property which Is not adjacent to a county road. Some of these communities do not pay sufficient taxes to Jus tify great expenditure, but their general attitude Is that the coun-1 ty should provide a road to their , home. I "Some of the urban arons pro proposing roads for the avo'voj purpose of bringing trade into the towns from communities which now trade with other centers out side the county. I "Many of the residents of snot urban areas near the cities are requesting that dedicated streets be taken over and maintained hy the county. Some of these streets serve from 20 to 25 families wli.i must maintain their own outlets to the main county roads." Among suggestions made by oth er speakers was the proposul that the chamber of commerce spont-or caravans to various parts of t-'ie county. The program, as usual, included a short radio broadcast and Intro duction of guests. Pension Bill to Be Explained at Forum Tom N. Monks of Portland, will explain In detail the old age pen sion and public assistance act to what is expected to be a capacity audience at the pension forum meeting next Snlurday afternoon April 6, at the court house In Hose burg. The meeting will be called at 1:30, Henry Anderson of Mel rose, president of the organization, announces. Mr. Monks drafted the bill, which will appear on the No vemeber ballot as an Initiative measure, if sufficient signatures are secured. The proposed bill was endorsed by a slate-wide meeting of pension minded groups at Sa lem last fall. The measure, Mr. Monks says, is a facsimile of the Indiana law, which is said to have been In suc cessful operation for the past sev eral years. It is a gross income tax measure, similar to the Ha waiian law and also very similar to the last national bill introduc ed in the United States senate by Senator Downey of California. Ftoth the Indiana law and the Ha waiian law have often received the endorsement of tho national Town send organization, it Is claimed. Increased attendance at tho monthly meetings of the pension forum, and a rupidly Increasing membership In the organization Is reported by the officers. Approxi mately 250 persons from all sec tions of the county were present at the last meeting held March 2. Pension minded persons as veil is local taxpayers have discovered that through this organization, all may keep fully informed on what , is going on throughout tho at'ito : and nution, in a pension way, tho i members declaro. An open forum is conducted at , the close of each business session of the pension forum, in which any person present may speak for a limited time on any subject of in est. All meetings are free to the public. There are no dues or as sessments. Such funds as are re quired are donated voluntarily. Return to Westfir Mrs. Douglas Uririge and son and daughter. I,e roy, and Velum Carolyn, have re turned to their home in Westfir, following two weeks visit Imj Mrs. Itridge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. T. Huyer, at Dlllard, and In .Mel rose visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hone bi'k. nnd family. M'J'B WHY? "It got me a $10 tip..." Believe me, folks, a waiter on the streamliner has to hump to keep everybody happy like on our last trip. We had a roly-poly Dutchman from Java and I took special care of him because he seemed kind of 6nicky, especially about coffee. "Only Java knows anything about good coffee," he said. 2 He ordered a cup, anyway. "I've heard about your remarkable coffee," I said, serving him, "but I think you'll find this quite good." He picked up the cup and tasted it. "Hmmm," he said. "It is really delicious. It is, in fact, superb. What kind, may I ask?" "It's M-J-B, sir," I explained. M-JBs RICHER ROAST gives you RICHER FLAVOR Drip or Regular Grinds Fr drip 9r gtait ieffee maktn 4 Jk I continued; "Our ptssengtn come from U over the world so their tutes in coffee viry. We use M J B beciuse its Richer Rout gives rich coffee flavor at any strength we nuke it" The gentleman from Jtva was impressed." Waiter," he said, "accept this little token of appreciation from one connoisseur of good coffee to another." It was a J 10 bill! Corr. imbr MJ BO. 'w I OUTSTANDING VALUES A every department made pes- modern, low-cost distributing i service. 1 SHilU. oF-TJK j :asiiyjmrn, low-cost . w r V t ' Un '. 46... No. 1 Rosoburq Stores: No. 143, Phont rnon jui. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, APRIL 5 AND SATURDAY, APRIL 6 eanutlButteri Mayonnaise ullc, ib PIEDMONT, finest quality, quart jar iugar Tuna Fish Karo Fine Granulated, 10-lb. bag . . . . . syrup rSA Su-Purb White pTOjSfOv Washing Magic xlUXB' Powder Bleach Regular Me Vi A He yESr size I gallon X Grade A Large; Fresh Ranch, 2 dozen . . . White Star fancy, large can ...... Blue Label, 5-1 b. tin 19c 29c 43c 25c 15c 33c MILK 4 taTs 25C WHEAT PUFFS ? 25C OATSI.:...: ....33C YANILLA Imitation, 8-oz. ...14C SHREDDED WHEATS.!:. IOC COCA COLA 6 battles ... 25C FLOUR SAVINGS KITCHEN CRAFT, 49 Ib $1.55 HARVEST BLOSSOM, 49 Ib $1.33 DRIFTED SNOW, 49 Ib S1.99 UMPOUA CHIEF, 49 Ib $1.39 Bulk, gallon . 89C SUNBRITE CLEANSER 2 cans 9C GRAHAM , Honey Maid, 2 Ib. , 29C OYSTERS s. oz. tin Josephine, 2i tin ..... Paper, 2 Pkgs. IOC IOC ISC Airway COFFEE b.35c EDWARDS COFFEE, 2 lb . . NOB HILL COFFEE, 21b. . . 39c 35c CORN STARCH, Kingsford's, pkg 90 HERSHEY'S BAKING CHOCOLATE, half Ib 12tf KERSHEY'S COCOA, pound 150 TEA, Canterbury orange pekoe, half Ib 270 SYRUP, Sleepy Hollow, 26 oz 290 PEANUT BUTTER, real roast, Ib. jar 150 SANDWICH SPREAD, lunch box, qt 350 JELL-WELL, 4 pkgs. 190 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. Town House No. 2, 3 for 250 PEAS, Sugar Belle, fancy quality, 2 cans 250 To you we make this offer: "Get a steak or roast at your Safeway any time, any day. Eat it. If you don't find it tender, juicy, delicious, come get all your money back!" Cenpack Sugar Cured, by the Piece, Ib 13' l2 BEEF ROAST Cuts of young heifers, Ib 14C PORK ROAST Picn'c cuts, from choice A Al porMb 10'2C VEAL STEAK Fancy milk fed, Ib LOIN STEAKS Tender and juicy, Ib 19C MINCED HAM Bologna, Liver Sausage, 1 M m Head Cheese, Ib 1 PICNICS Mild cure lightweight, lb 1) C DILL PICKLES Firm and crisp, Ce quart FRESH CRABS Coos Bay, 1 P r 2 for 4JtC BANANAS F,f fc ........ 5c POTATOES 39c KLAMATH ...49 ONIONS 9C RHUBARB Xfl IOC APPLES ,o'b"!:: .19C GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 13C LEMONS Sunkist, 6 for IOC ORANGES Sunkist navels, dozen 19C J.V5i MIT A-bAXV :.ipiia. BREAD Julia Lee Wright's large 20VoV:. 25C KRAFT CHEESE American or brick, C rt 2-lb. loaf 55 V BROWN DERBY BEER 3 cans 29c Caso of 24 cans $2.1? spry m 3-lb. can 49C Lux Toilet Soap 3 bars 17C VAN CAMPS Pork and Beans Tall cans, -2 for 19C WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP Large IQd package a7 C 7-3 P&GSOAP WHITE NAPTHA 10 bars 28C 1 '-M',"MMM"MM'MMI'M",'"''''"''" 11 '-- - wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmimmmaammmmuBmammmwBwmnmmemmamtommmmmmmmmm pitil