ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW,' ROSEBURG, OREGON) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3; I940i FIVE 7F7 I 1 BUT WSWtB Wtf W f MU ' i7l . 'I si. ' 'it II 1 Rental FOR BENT Olio 2-room and one 3-room apartment. Molern, steam heat, electric range, refrigerntor, shower, etc. Itcasonablc. Hotel Valley. Pbone 580. FOR RENT Furnished room. , steam neat, Dam. neii iiuikuhk, 122 S. Jackson street, opposite Indian theatre. FOR RENT Furnished; heated apartment. Call afternoons. 420 N. Jackson, Phono 722-11 eve nings. 4-HOOM' furnished flat, private bath' and- entrance, gas range Phone' 282-H. 647 8: Stephens. MODERN- steam heated apart ments at the Northslde Apart ments. Phone 368-J. . SMALL APARTMENT. Furnished. Fireplace. Modern. Cull at The Strange Shop. i I1A1LEY APARTMENTS, 3 rooms and bath, guruse, adults. 117 b. Kane. j MODERN 5-room honso, furnished. ! 420 Vista avenuo. Mis. C. H. Da vies. : MODERN, clean, well furnished ; house. Inquire Dick linker, 810 f N. Jucksou. FOR KENT 7-roonl house, partial ly furnished. Call 822 W. Jlosh- I Kohlhiigen Apartments. Strictly t modern. Phone 550. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment: ' 112 Ilrockway street. 5-RHOM HOl'SE Hi country. 112 Ilrockway St. MODERN furnished apartment. Clean. 926 S. Main, ... - FL'RNISIIED a p a r t in e u t s . 421 1 Floed. corner Mill. RED RYDER Mfe FEfCWOfN GOLD FROrA CELLAR V0HERE. ME , Hcde rr PRor-A WILLIE-' 50 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS TUeV CCE "TOO MUCH THEY RB APT lO' BECOME IOO SERiOU FOR. 1HEIR own ouou BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES T' A LOOEW u ? kav i CA.XA. VOO WASH TUQBS 6EE, IT'S VNE'RE 60INci'TO HELP THE ) ' SWEUOFVaU V KT 16TOBE5' p- fw1 CAMERA AMD jTVHirt -LVWS ! ?" SMALL, house', 10 miles west. 9t E. L.' Cooper Dunham Transfer. HOUSE (or rent. Inquire 238 10 Commercial. Poultry CHICKS Rocks, R. I. Ri, Now Hamiiehtre, Leghorns, Giants and Anacona. Compare our chicks and prices wtih others and be convinced of superior quality. Sbinn's Hatchery, Melrose road. UKONXK poults. Heavy meat type for Miry delivery, J25.00 per hun dred. Eggs, $10.00. Ilrown's Hatchery, Sutherlin, Oregon. FOR SALE 050 Wblto leghorns, 11 months old, laying 75, George llnrt stock, llrady llros., Agnleu: Oregon; BUFF-COCHIN hantnms, 25c each. Donna' Joy Clough, Canyonvllle. Wanted WANTED 75-horsePowor holler that will carry at least lOU I litntiwt Inn. Mnt-lnn' Mllllnir C'.ri:. Medford, Oregon. WOOL and' mohair wanted. AM vances given. - Sue us. Roseburg Poultry Co., 920 S. Stephens. hIDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market. IF you bavo cauliflower to soil; sec us. Roseburg Poultry. Lost and Found LOST 1010-2 S. P. railroad pass A-1G831. Finder please return to I.. II. Dates, Riddle. LOST Ladies' wrist watch, near Lookingglass school. Finder ' please phone 1KPU. STRAYED 3 bwes with 4 marked hnnhs. (', M. Shihbs. MHrnse. OA IV! d VVMT , . OP EACH OTHER ARE -WB'&TH' -DIGGING) 'JAKE , I GOTTA FAVOR (oH.')! ) RgOCOM U VOAS ROBBED VT-O ASK Tt)0 -SECRET V 0"9 J I , , SLf'T i r w r- " L' b-irot - m m.. n i .sr. s r -i . , i rv rt r- ' i v v jtCz;. v f y - a it. b-isr r. rv Real Estate 10J ACRES; Improved: Near North Umpqlia river. Good county road. School bus by house. Uood school at Glide. A real bargain at $650.00; Some terms. Ily owner. J: W. Suiter, Idleyld Star route, Roseburg. REAL nUYS 20 acres creek bot tom, $1500.00; 65 acres, 20 creek bottom; $3000.00 ; 540 acres, $10.00 pel acre. All good im provements, terms and electri city. O. Walter Groves; 112 Ilrockway street. FEDERAL land bank farms.- Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. ' Lists- available at the National , Form Loan Office, Perkins Build , lng, RoBeburg. MY" HOME and six acres on Garden-Valley road,- near Country club; Modern house, nice lawn and' shrubs. Sum E. Campbell. Phone 703112. 5-ROOM HOUSE, llcuutlful locu tion; Near Drive-In Market,' Riv erside. Yonr trailer house,- part payment. (1. D. Furls, Route 2, Box 23. FOR SALE 11 acres, I miles out, pnved road, fair buildings, some frUit. Price $1500.00. Chas. Kyes, corner highway and Douglas. FOR SALE b-room rustic homo on North' Umpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore- i gon. FOR SALE 13 acres, modern liouse. 1 S miles from Roseburg. Rifle Range road. A. F. Morris. FOR SALE Modern remodeled 5 room honse. 606 S. Pine street. Roseburg. Autos '31 2-DOOR master Chevrolet se d;in. Phone r,Ftl. A Plot's Unpleasant Job BUT WHAT CM WE DO ABOUT IT? WE'RE BOTM AGREED THAT THE KIDS SEEM TO BE MADE FOR EACH OTHER I XT WDLLD 1 I BE A SHAWE i ArMM i The Chaperone I CAK) WiVf A?,OOT CAVTAilKi FOCC ANO Wfb WtVi-l V OO HOPE WWKS 1AQ. Roderigo Understands MICE PEOPLE. IF THEyCE MIXED UP W THE DUtcei-UUOERWOBLD ACTIvmES IT'S A6AIMST THEIR WILL. TO HELP THEM, WE MUST 6ET THE 600DS OVi THE TXXErWHERE THE LETOBES NOT lACTIvELr IHVOLUEP J-" . t For Sale Miscellaneous FOR CLETitAC Cri.wlors, Diesel arid gns, for the best small wheel tractor, Oliver tractors, com bines, disc barrows and machin ery, McCormlck mowers, rakes and separators, poultry and field fence, good hardware see STEARNS & C11ENOWET11, Oakland. 1 HAVE the only disc grinder and bolt threading machine in Doug las county and now Is the time to have your discs sharpenod and bolts made. First class plow work. E. E. Woodcock, 513 N. Main. REDUCED prices on McCorluick Deerlng tractor, tractor plows, disk harrows, feed grinders, ham mer mill, mower, rakes, horse plows, cream separators and milking machines now at Whar ton llros. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass, trailers and auto parts, go to SARFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 623 N. Main. Phone 553. A NEW modem storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates, Cartons for sale. EASTMAN 10 mm. movie camera and projector, $70.00. See It at Wharton Bros. FOR SALE Cream separator, ex cellent condition, very cheap. Farm Ilurcau. U1G trade-in allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. Mccormick - deehino tractor and tractor implements at close out prices at Wharton Bros. FOR SALE Youngberry plunls. Lee Simpson, Tenmllo. TWO guruge doors, tel. Roseburg Ho Cooking THAT wouldn't WORK ANYWAY, MC QOOSEY BUT THEY Could be . Sidetracked i MEAN BY OUTSIDE INTERESTS I t J THAT 'U TO TRY TO I ItEEP THEM i v. MOT VOAE TitAt I AV.VM& A?,OOT TrVE. 1 Ot(K CA"?AW. VO MOCV VJATHW TAVLSi BUT N JUST A HUMCH , FREDDIE. MEET ME HOW J HERE IN AN HOUR... WERE 60K& ? TO CATCH THE DUKE IM THE ACT OP X'K. STEALING OLD LADS' PIPPIUSTON'S ' -JMOKQ MECKLACEy Impounded UNLESS claimed within 4S hours from (Into of notice, the following described dog will be sold or killed as provided in City Ordin ance No. 1014. Large, dark yellow, male Shepherd. Tom Fletcher, City Enforcement Officer. Phono 2F4. April 2, 5:00 p .in. lly authority of the Douglas County Control Commission, the following described dog has been Impounded and If not claimed with in 48 hours from the hour fixed be low will be sold or killed us pro vided by law. Whito and black female Scotlie, licked up near Ilrockway. Tom Fletcher, Enforcement Of ficer. Phone 2FI. April 3, 5:00 p. m. Help Wanted WOMAN for general housework, one who cuii go home nights pre ferred. Two In family. Box 780, c-o News-llevlcw. GENERAL farm hund, cure of chickens and cows. Box 782, c-o News-Review. WANTED Steady girl for light housework. Box1 7811 c-o-News-IleYlew. Dentistry Dll NERBAS Gas When Desired Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Dr. G. W. Marshall, Med. A. Bldg. Work Wanted GOAT AND SHEEP shearing. Plinn W. Cooper. Route 1, Rose burg. Phone 42F2. Foot Correctionist FOOT troubles expertly corrected. P. H. Jurgensep. 420 South Pine. VOE'D s BACK V s : V V'---V VLL HAVE" lb THINK OF V VjtiMWv , SOMETHING i I SUPPOSE, BUT A EQCsM' I SORT OF HATE TO CUP THE- fVrf.- feS Wi FEATHERS ON CUPIDS ARROWS iffjrCL V. V NF SFBVICE.IWC. T. W. RtC. U. 8. MT. Off. ' I C -J J REAXXX . NT 'S THWiVi VOC MO a&TEa 11 ft m. V.?ft hi , copp. two av m birvici. c t. w. eo. u. . P. .4 VOJR PART OF SHADOW THW HOOK-NOSEtJ DONKEV NAMED j EASV. KEEP HIM -t f IS y0? i V W FALL A t vJiaa, . Livestock FOR SALE 2 Perchoron stallions, coming 2 yenrs, from large-boned stock. E. S. Andorson, Kellogg, Star Route, Oakland. FOR SALE 45 head of young high grade Pollcd-Hercford tfows und calves. See Georgo Ward, Hotel Rose, Roseburg. ONE inure, 6 years-old, broke; 1 gelding, 5 years old; unbroko. V. Hounds, 5 miles N. Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE Male Boston terrier puppy. Route 1, Box 105. I FOR SALE Young, fresh, Jersey cow. Phono GF24. WANTED Good Jersey cow. J. Tlllotson, Glide. COCKER Spaniels. Phone 386-J. Hay, Grain. Feed FOR SALE 13 tons of oat hay and 14' tons of cheat bay, $11.00 a ton. 3 miles west of Roseburg. J. O. Nowland, 122 S. Stephens. UNUSUALLY good oat' and vetch bay. Would exchange for- good; young fresh cow. O. A: Howe hlghwny mile north Wilbur. ALFALFA hay for sale, socond and third cutting. Dr. G. J. Bacher, Winston. AI.FALFA seed, Grimm, fow sacks, homo grown. Arb Stearns, Oak land. FOR SALE Second cutting alfal fa, baled. II. Hurley, Edenbowcr. Fuel BURN WOOD OR SAWDUST Safe-Convenient And it costs so little. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phone 281. By- Fred Harmon YS,voH6ZY.' ITS IjiME TO TffOri 5Or0 V01LLl JTO TR.iaL' By Merrill' Blosser By Edgar Martin1 By Roy Crane THE THEFT, BODERISO. IS TO AWAV FROM r THE BAWOUET.SAVWf ohisube: ni THE BAMOUET.SAVW? On SUBS' , - I I TEK tftkc OF EXPERT SERVICE When Thtre't Something Vou Want Done ' SEE AN EXPERT . The flrme and Individual! Mated below apeelallie In their work. 8ee them for expert aerviee. You ahould profit by their help. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Epatigh'a Oarage. 128 8. Hlophens street. Phone 303. Knight-Porter, corner Douglas & Main. Uody, fender work. Painting. GENERAL SAW FILING' Howard Casebeer; 441 S. Stephen!. Also furniture repotrl'lg. FLUB CLEANING J. O. I!ower. Phone 163. LOCKSMITH' Pacific Key Ber. Phone 348. Chiropractor Scientific equipment, NCM A X-Rajr Dr. Scofiein. pomiiis max. Scfence Advises Big Tummy F6lk By IIOWAHI) W. HT.AKBSI.RH AHsoclHtcd I'roBs Scloncfe l'Mltor) CLKVHIjANU. April 1 Mon with bay-window fttotniiebB who arc llncHtoiirrl wltli cornnnry lliroin-1 boHlH, tho heart trnublo Hint kills i hfKh iircHsiire nipnlal workors, run ntnvo off the illscnno by wenrlnff cIhMIc bvlts to hold up their "adl-1 posltlcH." So llkcwtRO can cortaln other , pcrHonn whoao "mldtllo-HKO uprcad"! aronml tho walnt In kdkkIhk ton much bucauHO ut long yeura wltlioul proper exordtte. Theflfr diHCnvcrleH, backed' by i numerous human oukch; wore den-! cribed to tho Ainerlran colIeRi; of phyHk-iaiiR today by Dr. William J. Kerr, of Kan Fmnclneo, pant ureal- dent of the col lege. He save the latent picture of this fatal UIbohho, allowing; that It now can be recognized In early ennuuh 8tanH to take varloua buc- cesKfiil preventive menflures. Coronary death la really auffora tlon of the heart. The "pump" falls to receive enough oxygen from the coronary arteries' which feed Ha UlUHCleH. The belt la UHefttl In early stages. Its proHHiiro ralaea tWo diaphragm. tho Hheot of tniiHelo which divides ehoHt from abdomen, , The dla pbnigni movea up' and down In breathing, helping to empty (be lungK and then to refill thorn with fresh air. In this movement It acts Ilka n valve to draw more oxygen Inlo the lungH ami bo Into the blood. A sagging mldaecllou result a lu a habitual lowering of tho level of the diaphragm. Hh swing up and down Is leaa, with the net result tba the heart gets less oxygon. "Dietary mean! iron and abdomi nal support may add years to the life of an Individual," said Dr. Kerr, "and during this time be may be symptom free If proitcr precau tions are taken." YICK SO HERB CO: HOURS 10 A. M. TO I P. M. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 8ATURDAY ONLY Chinese herb remedies have alleviated for disorder of goitre; stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, gland, pile, catarrh, asthma, blood pressure, dropsy, rheumatism, eczema, stomach ulcer, and hemorrhage all disap pear. ! 1 J. H. Leong Herbalist "Don t rush nwny! I ciin things iilnml the nciylilmrs I PAPERHANNQINQ A PAINTING I'apcih'iis. palnllnir, kalsom'K, furu. refin. Ki-eo est: Phono 149KX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roaebui-fe luctrlc. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING HarBls Radio Service. Phone 1W.. Lund liadio Service. Phone 34. Radio; Doctors. Phone 167-11. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. 0. Jones, Phone 139-L. SHEET METAL WORK Slnnlger's. 444 N, Jackson St. Meningitis Cure Found in New Drug By HOWARD W. ULAKESLKli (Associated Press Science Ktlitor) CLBVULANI), Apr. 3. Evidence that nioiiliifcltls,' the bruin Inflam mation, which liua heon a loiiK-time terror to hnth childhood and later years, 1h ahoitt to join the conquor ed diseases like typhoid foyer, yel low fever, tho plaxne and1 many others whs prescntod to tho Amerl-i can College of Physicians horo to iltty. A' BorleB of clinics at the Cleve land city hospital allowed the re sults of' treatment-of four kinds of meningitis, mostly with the new drug sulfanilamide. One type was Influential menin gitis, rated until a short time ngo ns 1(10 per cent futul. Hospital records showed scvun of Its hist 13 cases were cured. Tho hiodl clnn was both sulfanilamide and sulfupyrlilinc. Another typo la epidemic men ingitls, forinci'ly known us Jail fev or and flea-bite lover. Its death rate once ranged between CO and 00 per cent. In the last three years the hospital has had 30 cases, not one fatal. For this typo tho trcntment wun sulfanilamide und antitoxin, the substance produced when animals are Inociilntod with the poison from the disease. A third typo was tho hemolytic streptococcus meningitis. In 1935 und, 11)36 the hospital had 11 raises, only one living. Hut In 10:17 llni 11138 only two of 11 died. Tho treatment for this typo was sul fanilamide. Vlsltln'o. at' McClunJ' Homo Miss Ituth Jano Willis, nut-Bo In Oakland. Culir., has arrived lioro 10 visit at the homo of her mother, Mrs. Sallin Meriting. LADIES' 8PHING HATS Just In at Cmii-'s another ship ment of- ladles' hats In newest colors ami styles. Into to SI.?!!. Also little girls' dress hats at 30c to 70c, play hats 10c to 20c CAltlt'fcS. (Adv.) Call or Write Rewburg, Oregon BRANCH OFFICE MEOFORO, OREQuN ' 132 N.JACKSON ST. It- II you- lols of iiik'i'cslinn tcnsiis!" -, 11 put in your