FOUR ftOSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1940. tuned Pntlr P.wt ludny by ih Itcua-llrvlew la Membrr of The Am-liifrd lrMa The AciiociRted Vu-ttu Is uxoliiaiv y entitled to the une for republica tion of all Utiwa dlHpHtchofl crodltea to it or not otherwise credited in tlilH paper and to nil local new puhllxhfri herein. All rlghta of rt- Eubl It at ion of special dlufmtchei ereln bisj alu rcnrvud. BARHIH J-;M8WOKTH Kdltor Kntert.-d ui nocund cian mmtor May 17, 1'jan, ni tlio pout office at Hotchurg, Ot.itiun, umlur act of March 2, 1S7H. Represented by mr tork -271 AlttdlHon Ave. t'M ftiKM mill N. Mn:lilKiiU Ave. Sun FrniH'lm-i 120 Hunli Hi rot; t -II-Irmt :MtH4 W. Or.tiiri Uouluvdnl Aimi'lra 4:i.'l ? HTiti Htreei Mt ntllr rJUil MluWHl I Sll unl Port land 0-'O 8. W. hUlh Htieul . t,uiila 4 N. Tenili iSlroM PBBHShlet ftulWrlpiioa Hate tfnlljr.por yvnr uy man,..,. Dally, 6 munuia try rmi'l uiiuy, a iii'.ni um by nun) .... Dally. Iy uarrlor piT monh. Dully, by currier per ycir. . , . ,ts 1 10 i 7.f(Q A NY person who Intends to be- come a ciir.dfdn,to in tho pri- inary elections which will he held May 17, munb; hhvrj filed a poll ; lion or declaration' of etindidary with tho proper officer (enmity clerk or Hocreiury of stale) before tho clone of the busine.nn day Mon day, April 1. The law nays thiil nil candidacies muHt bo duly filed nol later than tho 4GMi day bufuro Llie primary election. Monday la tho 45th day. However, there hcchih to ho no lack of candidate. Tho News Review has already published tho announcements and pictures of u largo number of those who havo filed to date. DoublloHB other will announeij before tho end of Mon- iliiy. Wo plnn to print plrtuicH mill ' bi lor lilograiilili'H or all ciinilliliito to ucualnt IK-ug. pUliplU Wltll tllOHO WllOHO tlllllK will bo fount! un the primary bill lot. Homo people, bellpvlu them nelvos Tillly iiiullllci) to vole, may present themselves at the polls on election day ami he denied a bal- lot. Only Ihosu duly mid iPKally noss and 1'iolPKSiomil W'oinrn'a Plilstorod to vol., may past a ual- ' ! ' '"'. ror .r.tllc , . , ,. , Mom ay pvpiiIiik at aovon oVIock lot. ministration M.oks aro now,,,, ,,,, Uw , , V-,",,,-. V , upon 111 thu county clerk's olllpp In ciiai'ms' A. Urand. , tho poiinly couiihousu. Tho ipiikoii I t a low iipiinlo. who think Ihev am' ....., .. .... ........... ..... uuaiiiieu mil win nu iieiiit-'u mo . . . . 1 i huve rpiiioved lliolr iiluco of rosl- ilence. from olio nroclllol to anotli- nr limien urn not renlslered lo ' volo In tlm iiiecliicl In which thoy ml 1 , resldo. Tboso who Imvo inovuil rhuuld check up on Uiulr roKlslra- tlon. Quito a number of young pcoplo last previous elecllon. They can I and should volt, tills tllnu hul they, 1 also, must bo Only reulsterod. Tho counly clerk la reiiuireil to ' ' , , , eloee tlio roBlstration books J days lielore tlm primary uleclion, no thq lateat ihito anyone can rug Ister will bo April Hi. Those not , , , , , ,, , , , reslstweil on or before that data will nol bo licnnillod to cast a bill- lot 111 the lioinlnatlliff elerllons. Tho early cninpaljmlni; by lead- ing prenldenlial cundldaloH. ew eiully tlin renubiicaiiH, !k inlereMt- itig and in eunti'llm'iiifi about tho only political excitement at pros ent but probably will have little bearing upon the aetual remit. The nominee Ih not elected by popular volo but n chosen by party nom ination; delegates In convention as sembled. Couaequeniy the iioniinritkr.i will bo iu.ido as t.Uo leeult of the free vote of doleRatea and the innn- . ., liu-e need not meanly I)U llio currently popular eunbdate. The lepubliean conve',ii.-n will be held in rhiladelplii;: Jn-ie S-(- less than !n day front no .v. The democrats, (rue to tradition, will hold their convention lit'erln Clilrutio July 15. Editorials on Newt (Continued from pag 1.) nil hut the idd tuners. His widow tsod, nut thl timet, martied New Yoik .Mull i .Mil Mooahe Hanker luYk, later divou log him. Sho then iiuinlrd lialiati rucHibf riermontv, whom i.he ul:o divorced. I I Kit timl.i liuonlul record was a part or .Madeline l-'on e Aslor Pink Fttiniiniile'H lulvale lite, ol coin se. and as t neb It w as bet private buslni'ss. Hut Kiieh private lives and sueh private business on tho part or the very wealthy havp done much lo bring Inherited fan conn listed (- canted) grout wealth into the dis repute It nuw illseiiJoyH. Thiii Ih Pomethlng for the very wen 1 1 by to think About. Local News Mr. Miller Quite III S, C. Miller, f Dillurd, Is reported to bo quite 111 uL IiIb home. Reported 11111. W. Strong Ik re ported to be ill at his homo on South Main street. Reported III Mm. P. T. Ituhar Ih reported to bo quite ill at ber home on Haul Lane btreot. Reston Visitor Hero Klmer ltushuell, of Ronton, spent yester day in thia city on business. Attends to Business Harold Mitchell, of Tiller, wan a business visitor in this city yesterday. Attends to Buaines V,'. C. Pel hnin, of Canyonvillc, was a busi ness visitor In tliiK city Friday. Mr, Hall In Town Genro Ilfitl. of Oakland, spent n few hours in Rnsebun: yosloidnv attend In to business. Mere From Winchester Mr. and Iikc G. W. Gilluiu, of Winches ter, were in Ronob;irg attending to business yesterday. .. .... . Leave For Hams-MrK. Mii-ul Ad- anw um George, left Friday for their home In Rerkeley, Calif., fo'Iowlng viBlt at the Krvin Rice homo near Ouklaud, Oregon. Leaves For Portland Dr. Cnlh erine McNeil, or Huh eity, left Fri day for f'ni'lland to spend Keveral dnyH attendiiiK t" ImsincHH. Kite will bn back in her office here next Ttie.sdiiy. Leaves For Salem Minn Kldura lii.Mtiu .I'lii.miii n,.i. u'....-..,i...u f.... Hip .smrl:illin (,r Cunui Kli-u CJIl-lH. hji lll ror Kalciii. lullnwllig It twoHuy hc-Ikm.I f IllHti union r,. (.'iiliip Vlru workrn ami girlH in tlllH 4'ily ' i Hero for Week. End lloli lllsli- mini. HtiKl. nt m I.H.IIH.I :uiii..i. ni .MrMinnvtllo. Ik Bpi'iiilhi),' tin. i'i.(- nml hero vlnlllne Ills puri'iilH, Mr. "' Will Visit In Eugene Mr. nml ! Mm. W. W. (looilwln nml Mr. nml I Mrs. Paul Moikiiii nml ilauulih'r. of tills city, plan to spoiid tho wppk-piiil In KlIKonn vislllliB ri'lll- livps mill fi li'tiils. Gle Club to Practice The fl'iKl- Leaves for Meclford .lamps T. ' (lood)iian. of I'orllaiul. forniprlv of , , . this ritv. left this niornlllK for .Meillord. lolloulllK a two-day May hprp atlendiiiK to husiupss ami vis-' Itlnu lulathes nml fiiemls. .. Wil, f Reedoport-.Mr and .Mrs. It. II. Wilson ami sons, liiui- ,,, u, Af.-,i , M,. Wil- ( sifn's mollmr. Mrs. Oia Hanker, jl'iisldenls of riniiitun, plan to an to Hoodsport Sunday, wheie they will anil Mrs. IJalley. P.-T. A. to Elect Officers An Iinporlani meeilmt of KiiUci inn I'.- ' A.I7,,,:7''',V''"',',C';,!11'''' V"", day at .l:.!li lo be held al the school wu fr 11mm ,.,.,.jn of mil cers. Mrs. Harold Heuder, safety halrman. will present a promain. "'!. pnslilent. will h" In oharfte and has rcmiesled a full atlemlaneo of liiombe' s. i 1 Son In Born ActoiiIIiik to wind received hero, a son, Merlvn, weishlUB seven and three .fourth linuuds, whs born !it linker, th'euon. Mni. li -7th. to Mr. and Mrs. 7'nri Milei. of LaCiiinde. Mr. Mil WiiB formerly onipluyeil here .it the i Tavern and at the li.nrv Much. and is tuw a ebef at th (Irren ; I'uiTolt shop jit l.aiJrr.iiile. ' Dihle Cl.iss to Meet Monct.iv !":. It. L. I Minn's nun emunin;ittnu ' :il llihl study elasit will meet Mmi jtlfiy nU'ht at 7: li n'ebn-k in the din- I in hall of the I'milus hotel to Uke up the study of "a resljiieitnt ' oi ,n' hnmidarlei. f th, moat j'Hbubiiton; provlwo. pmpherv. j tli-mes ot the end 'tnio in luofess- : ,IIK ,.hui, h :ltu MMlll. llbj Mons fnn.i!M-,ii." The woekly ttass nieetnurs are on lo tltr p-iMi llelltian citizens were le(iicstcd by field Marshal Herman (iueiim: lo make Adolf Hitler a Kill of old lllclal on his ItlMllday. Apn! :'n. 'I'he tcmptalnm to deliver hoi lead may he nii w helliiiiii;. .Ine Slallli Is Kolni: to ft Anicil. I call rolalllcs f I , Mil IlK bonk. Tli.H's lik''l to he a inuchy mailer lor Hitler, who enuldnt iiMlecl. A man wanted In termer a $J I h" hail paid ill I i I J lor an lliwlully lyiiiK the wheels on Ills ice waunn while i:onm dinui a sleep Kiade. He lulllcd he hud taken eiiouuh time to think Hie matter nut lalrh . Tile I nited Slalcs is coiim to lanilsh ea. i Alaska l.iniillps Willi two reiud Saula Clans should he able tn pick U(i plellly of i'ail t ) help lieu Christmas. I The llrllish den t like to hava neiilrals telliim tliem not to In-1 trade. It's LliKland'n war. but file's willing 10 idiaio It. I BARBS' - i OUT OUR WAY By Wiiiiams f ' THIMK. OF THE MILLIONS THAT'S FIME.' ( HE CAkl'T HE V:.- TAKEM OUT OF THIS DAMK, ) SJOW TURW U DOM'T THIK1K TH' 7$2A HOLE.' THIMK OF I AEOUWD AM' $AME AS US.' ffPiy THE JCN, THE SPLEMDOB., GIVE US A LIKE THE TWO GUYS LUKURV' social position), little talu: omthe moumtaim, EASE, TEAVEL, AMP- J I C4 THEM J OME 3EZ-,THIS IS f A GRANDEUR THAT A r SHAWTIES THE CLOSEST I EVER. y HOLE LIKE THIS ) XOWW ff BEEM TO HEAVEWf V CAM CREATE.' J THERE.' AW' THE SECOWP5EZ, V,, ' "THIS IS THE FURTHEST Y - V P S I'VE EVER. BEEVJ I , THE THIMKER.3 V i COP.. 1WO OY UFA StHVICg, WC. T. M. MC. U. . PAT. Off. ? J I Ail umiMiitl story nt llto d((Vi'toi liHMil (d iiiiihh: li-oin prlinNivo lyin'S tO llll' JIIOHl MIOlluni l)f illHll'lUIH'lllS opfnitcd Uy ci'ctrlr;il vlhralUins, '"' f''"11"" " '" I'"'- sn"10'1 Mmiiliiy. ApHI 1. .It t in HoschiliK Jiliilol- IiIkIi srln.ol. I III' l""K'"'" l ' I"1 " " "V 'H'l'")!'! AKSIfllllilM'H. Kpi)ll' sori'il loraljy hy tliu junior liiuli nlu- ,,MI . , 'I'ho Moinlny meht lvi" li"t Mrs. Ai l Wi'lls uii.l l"'1.'"., I'n"'''1,,l,'';s; ZT ;cnil I'lHliunientrt liii'lil.Iiug t,lnJ, lit-i-f tuln . an Inslriiin.-iil rut -ntly , il'Vflnp..ii My .lerlrl,rl si hmiic' Tl"' iKsiriiuicnt Is pluypil by piifs; '' Inmls nvpr niitPiina niniinl " 1 " ln1 1,n" "'' lollinipis Irontrnlloil lv thp tlist.'oli'P of l'" ' hnmls froin tlp fnslrumpiit, which oppipips "i a principle of plrc.tilial vlhrntions. J'''"' '';'"'ly atHaption l Plnllnpil lo have apnealm! Iipfmi' n.llllm.H of pp.,l.. ami i tnnru counlrlps of tlm wmld limn jui v oihpr ki'oiiii of piiipitaiiic: s. A rppunl trip Included vislls to ill viiRlii Islands llawail. Han'Min ,.. ......... i , '";' Ailstrall New '.on 'aim aim ri.n iKi.uici. ',H'H' proiirani will he pre- s11 1 martini: al s p. ni. nml a I small adluissinii will tie cliareil to' heli pay the expense ol hriimie; the artists lo Hnsctmrr;. Plumbing Industry of Cleveland Indicted CI.KVKI.ANIl, LVI, (Al'l A feileiul mand jury today ill ilicted n persons, cnnipanles anil assoi ialiniis in the plinttliiim in dlisliy lor violation of the a lit i-ll' laws. .' mm those! were the Kohli-r Co., Crane Co.. Kraiis- w ick lllake-Collamlcr Co.. and tlm .anonal .issi.ciallnu ol Master I'lliiahers of the I'nilpil Sl.iles. The indl.-lmonta. latest !, a series nlTectlm: a rcore of comraiiles in huihlln,- I'nhi. trv named three trade a:isiria:inlls. 1L niallilfaciur ("!.. M johlicrs. mix jobbers' aso eiiiiions, sevc n mn der pluinbei's' tissue iat ion . an international la btir n!on. nine niniinted union In ( i iiis ana fndivtdH:!. ;i!::ed as co-eonspirators were ' ")? nrniulaettirers. I 1 Johbers. I I'tirliteetl johhei s' assieiatiins, J! I mailer imnnliers' assorintloim, six luenl unions ami ,;even individuals. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1500. Kilocycles REMAINING HOURS TODAY .1 -an Trojan Horses, MHS. I I'. Cats NMammers. MHS, l.:tu 1'ralPM of Youth. MHS. i.n-. sierhni; Yonim's tircl.estra, MIIS. S-?- Hawaii Calls, MHS. I' - 'renicht's T -ne. 6:03 New., Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 6:10 New.. Review News Flashes. t : I 1 Mnner I lance, t: : ::n .lohli 11. llllehes. MHS. t:t.". Command I'orfonnance. MHS. 7:1a -Mulual Maestro. 7 :.ln Movie by Moolilicllt, MIIS. 7:1.'. Hollywood Whispers. MIIS. s on - Imperial liitrlcue. MHS. S::lo Ahino Key's I 'u lici.Ua, MHS. 9 CO News,, MBS. :!.' -Cverelt lleaKlands niches- tia, MHS. !i:.'lo-nrzie Nelson'a Orchestra, MHS. l':liu Sinn off. r.r:;n,Y. M;:rii ::i ; t S.00 liaj-olii Tuiner. Pianist, ! C:I5 C.'i.l Tldipgs ef the Air, Rev. ira c. Rankin. 1 S:i'0 'olc of l-ropaecv Clleli.l MHS. S C. - Canar' t hoi'.is. MHS. u ii.i- pernio StrluK yuailel. Mils. 9:15 The Cianlaln Soeaks. Rev. Perry Smith, ' !l::lll -Aniprk'Hll Wildlife. MHS. !l:tr. Mairh of Upalth. MHS. IMMi.i Hiimner I'rlndlp. M MS. 10:45 Romance of the Hi-Ways, Greyhound Lines, MBS. I0::ill Miizart Concerto, MIIS. 11:03 Baptist Church Services. 1-:IU) (in A Sunday Afternoon MIIS. 1 12::ifl Huron of Host. MIIS. 1 :iiii Nohiidy'a Children. MIIS. 1:30 Lutheran Hour. MBS. t: mi Sunday Varieties. Melody Matlneo. :i:iio Klflh How Center. MIIS. : :SI- Slyiw of the Week. 1'eatur illK Silrp I'lehls. MHS. 4:00-liu.h Camilla Series, MHS. 4:30 The Angelus Hour, Or. C. A. Edwards. filOO American Koruiu or tin Air. MHS. 6:00 Old Fashioned Revival MBS. 7:00 Good Will Hour, lronized.lj.iv,,,. lul(1 ,jeS Hn,l on YeaEt, MBS. 8:(l(l llain-p Orch. Silf,-Itablil I'Mcar Mamiill, MHS. S::io Will Osh.une's Urch., MHS. 8:45 Favorite Songs of Your's and Mine, Hansen Motor Co. 9:00 News, Serutan, MBS. 9:15 The Quiet Hour. 'J: 15 SIru Off. MONDAY. Al'ltll. I 7:110 Stul'l ami Nonsense. f 7:.10 Newr-Review of the Air. 7 News, Gilmore Corner. 7: J5 J. M. Judd Says "Good Morning." 7: '.e llhaptody In Wax. S:ii" - llreakfast Clilh. MIIS. !l: I This and That in Khylhin S: If, - Huckevo Knur. MHS. l 'I be Hallodeer. MHS. !l: la S inphonv. 9 : 30 Ma Perkins, Proctor & Gamble. MBS. 9:45 Carters of Elm Street, Oval tine, MBS. 10:00 Home Service, Copco. Hi: ir, -.(leoritla Crackers. MHS. Hl::lii--Hill Lewis, llarllone, MHS. ln- lo-. IntrodilciiiK Hie Cast of Ilaclie'.irs Children. M IIS. 10:45 Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. 11:00 Our Friendly Neighbors, Alka Seltzer, MBS. M:ir-Chas. (ipentli's llawaiians. M IIS. 1 :;10 Klboit l.ascbelle. Organist. MHS. 1":l'e I.-Miclieon liance. IMS - Uhvthin at. Haiuloni. 12:35 Parkinson's Information Ex change. -p: ir Nevis, Safeway Stores. 1P:Gr News-Review of the Air. 1:C0 Henninger's Man on The , Street. I 1 : 1.", -lien School of the Air. MHS. 1:30 The Quiet Hour. "mi At Your Command. 2 'J:l" Joanson l-'amily. MHS. Muse and Music. MHS. .terrv l.lviui;stoirs orch.. MHS. 3::!' K Kdna O'lictl and l'ilino. MHS. Marriaue License Unllialie-e-, MIIS. Kiillon lawis. Jr., MIIS. Hav .I Hesl. MHS. T-a Time liani e, i w I li.niiomrs ( Mch.. MIIS shatter I' MHS. Cnclc Sam Callinu. Little Orphan Annie, Oval tine. MBS. rnmi;hl's Tune 3' la-l-nr- I 1 .--I 111 5: 15 L li.iia 0:05 News. Calif. Pacific Utlll lice Co. C:ir- i!:t.. 6:30- News-Review News Flashes. Iiiniier Ounce. John B. Hcghcs, Avaton CI qaettes. MBS. I'atlni! I ho I'ust, MIIS. Hai-ie.'iiul tlram Swine MHS. Mutual Maestros. lone lianuer, ts. Oalo e Hi. h. I'he Ml Fa! land Tw ill' Un h MHS 7 K. ,s ;ai :00 A Alka Settzer News. MBS. 9:15 Brrberf ot Bceville, Wing Cigarettes. MBS. :i ::,-,. N. ison s inch. Mils. II I". I'allon Lewis, Jr.. M HS. in en si'n nil. Native Atritans in lialiomev. a Kicii. Ii colony. Lml their imt-i Knuckles until they piack. upon creetliiK a .Head. 1 An M"' o re Kaiileu he Iub develoin-.l iipiii' I'hoenls. Arlj., (will in- the onli one of lis kimi in Hip world, houslui! several thou 1 exclusively desert plants. Charge of Murder Faced by Bouchard HOKTLAM), ()ro., March 29. (Al') Dol.ecUve fupliiln .1. .1. Kne uan said today Kdward Louis Hou ehard, 47, had beon booked for first deiree murder in connection with tlio slay inn of twi Ciilifornia men. TIm. fHiUMfn wild itm.iiUr.i h.o) waived extradition ami would "re-1 turn frwlv" to Everett Wash. ! with Ktiithmiiisli f -mi nt v Hh.-rin Hay Il.vjin tomorrow. So forma!) m commission authorized a cbarye will he fih-d in Oregon. sub couimittee to work with Mult IJ'jiiehard s statement lo captain "omah county oriicials in iucreas. Keenan: j ing the food stamp revolving luuu "I met Allison and Abies at a' from $rr,,oou to SSTri.ijun ()r fN5,iHHi bop nincU near Salem last Seplom- to overcome "freeJug of receipts ber. I-Yom there we went to Mood during transmission to the slate about Oriober ii we arrived at Tule-I The food stamp plan a).uo may lake. Calif., to work in the potato he inaugurated in four more coun tb'lds. On October I we were! ties, with the following revolving paid off. I got .$S0. Allison got $fi.j J funds Clackamas SUfi.nui): Marion and Abies, whom 1 knew as Peters. ; s.jfi.noO; Lium $2o.on and Linn received $15. . . $7"on. Tlm count v couris will have "From Tulelake wo went to Seat-1 to approve the plan before it be lle, arriving nit October 27. We CQmes elective. loniieu tor woi k ami Vinson anux, Abies weri! interested in pulp-wood cutting. 1 ton': them lo a wooded -irea near Arlington and theiHJ,'o mined lo Seattle." l He explained that AIHhoii por-' niitted him to take bis automobile for ten days to nay for a $;n Irian. I Bnuchard said he drove to Port-' Hand and. una Me to find einplny- mem. sirippeo ine ear ajni soiri uic acr-essnries to a junk company. The' machine was later sent to a gar age for repairs. A. C. Marsters to Speak at Livestock MeetinQ i ORKGON STATK COLLKGK. Corvallis, March ::i.--Thn Western Oregon Livestock associalion. which will hold its annual meeting here Wednesday' and Thursday. April ; ami I. is breaking it record of some sort hy announcing a two- day program almost completely de void of speeches. Organized on Ihe basis of coi.nnillee study and reports, tin- con v en Mon will hear only one sel address, aside from I he- customary welcome by Presi-. lent George W. Peavy ami the re- sponso by A. C. Marwtors of Rose- ourg. Ihe one atblrrjss wlil be by Mac' Hoke of Penilleton. newlv inmoinl- ed member of tho state board of higher educution and president oi l the Oregon Wool Growers associa- Spokane Area Flooded, Woman Dies of Shock SPOKANL, Man-h 20. - (Apt Ontf woman d!ed of heart disease and several homes were I looded today when un earthiin dam in the out Imast section of Spokane khvim"" wwt nwusiny way. dumping a small lake owr the Lincoln hemhts residence section, Mi'H. .!. . M'Miie. till, suffere-l the heart atiaf k and died shortly i unci- heing taken to a hospital. tier pusicians. nr. I.. (.tipat- rick, said Hie death was "undoubt dlv" due In the exejtuncnl ol see ing her home Hooded. Assistant Corpora tiim Paul ShfifniM' was Investigating a re:ort the dam hud been broken bv an unidentified workman, who lafmcd to have permission from the city in remove it." William F. Kaiser of Melrose Passes at 88 William I'reder i.k Kaiser. VS. of MelroMi died al his houie Krida afternoon, inlinuina a long illness. Porn in Germany Dec. 2:!. lvl, h came to the ' niled Slates at the atr of seven years. Sin v i ing are flw- sutia and daughters, John and Charles Kai ser. Melrose; William Kaiser. .Med font; Mrs, Minnie Unit, Rofchtug; .Mrs. Annie Lust. Idaho City. Idaho. Kuueral services will ! held ' 2 p. m. Monday at the linsi hnrg Undertaking company parlor. Rev. C. A. Kd wards ntftcinliiifi. Inter incut will take place in the Mel rose cemetery. The new law extending the In come lux to public employes estimated to affect 2.3dn,iitio per oii9 ln?retouie exempt. icant Chance For Peace, F.R. States WASHINGTON. March 29. (AP) President Itooaevelt Baid in a formal Htatement today that there was scant Immediate pros pect for a stable peace in Kurope hut that information gathered abroad by Sumner Welles would ho valuable when the time came for establishing peace. i The chief exeeutive read the statement at his first press con ference in a week and u hall, and following hiti second conference with Welles since the undersecre tary of state returned from visiting European capitals. t "He has not received, nor has he brought back to me. any peace proposals from any source," the chief executive declared. ; fie added that "even though there may bo scant Immediate prospects for tho establishment of any Just, stable and lasting peace In Europe, the Information made available to this government as a result of Mr. Welles mission will undoubtedly bo of the greatest value when the time comes for the establishment of such a peace." lepurting from the text of his statement, the president said his words meant Just what they said that there was scant, immediate prospect for any end of the war. Welfare Board Offers Job Policy PORTLAND, March 2-.fAP) The state public welfare commis sion voted submission of a modi fied personnel administration plan to the social security board today one differing from the board's "canned" prcgram. Principal modifications urn a one-year residence clause applied to all job applicants and exemp tions for five major department heads. Chairman Jack Lulhn said other employes had been given no in lormauon on now 10 prepare lor examinations to be presented by 1,10 !l sccuniy noaru next i;e comber. tlpasuror's officii and hack. ODDITIES ... ,, . . , , . "ly he Associated Press) AHV Jld TOtl III TOrm j . PKNSACOLA, I'la. Prime Mor is, a negro mortician, opened the idoor of his ambujance, but slain-, tnefl it hard after one quirk look. I lie beat a path lo police head-1 Upnirters and bn-athlessly explain-, i i lit' lino sriio mi' iiiiiii in ii inn- ''orMm iM l,is !ll"buhinre stretchcr (hat shiiuld have been empty. Investigating officers Inn ml a slightly tipsy gent who explained: "It looked like a pretty good place to get out of the rain." Wedding Bells KANSAS CITY Two hours af ter a chiirrh ceremony before 2nu guests. Carl S. Cleveland and his wile, ihe tonner Mildred Allison, told their parents thry had been married a ear. Cleveland and Miss Allison, his high school sweetheart, were mar- ried while bn was a junior ut Ne- hraska university, Lincoln. "I thought my folks would object ' tn one nuu-riairi' un Innir ns I wmh in school," Cleveland explained. Kitten Static I.AWRKXCK. Mass. Firemen nt central station were annoyed at the iinmeioiiioiis racket Oeing emitled hy their radio loudspeakers, Investigation disclosed thai "Nig- g'T." Ih1 stationhouse cat. hid just 'L.iVnn hinh in h liitci- (.r in ,h(. c-sililiifi. u. III )STON--Mamiet T. Atnlie con- tnw-ted In lniild a ?t;.min house for Vl,.. Mnd Mrs .lnhn .1 1:.i?:iirM i.t Uroi-kton. Wln-n he got through with Ihe house the MaLiilres didn't like it and refused to pay Yesterday the supremo court rul ed that Andre had departed from the original (-otiimct and a wan led the house to the Maguhes on pay ment of but 52 Iii. The People First SALKM. Ore. Tho spelling al most obscured the good intentions of the lecislaiive candidate w ho filed this slogun with the secretary of slater "1 will eurneiv do all I can for the best Inters or the tnarity of the sitf;;niH." Pedigree TULSA HcHtlirr V. Churchill Is listed in the city directory with his occupation shown correctly ns a. "guard'' but fi x n hit ntnlmi nix inu to (ieome W. Churchill. Heather K. I Tor Kaiicy t Is a Si utch in ier. Owner Guorgp W. li it the docs name down on a city llrei-tory Idank to tease his w ife ' ami hy some utTident it was muiled States Divide Honors FALLS CITY. Neb. The stork cttisseil state Hues on this one: DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDH Tho greatest fact of life is my relation to God. I am a sep arate, distinct personality, (iod deals with each soul separately. How terrible, but beautiful. Life has many wonderful relations; easy to err, to put these rela tions first. Joy. sorrow, health, sickness, wealth, poverty, are sometimes a snare to faith. Hut these relations are all tem poral. God never allows (he seeming good and temporal to observe or minify the better and eternal. Present-day relations are preparatory only for tho great future. For all life is one. Circumstances change, but per sonality persists, anil God never surrenders His right to deal separately with each personal ity. Death is not the end of life. It is a great event, an experi ence of life, the entrance into the "better country." (iod knows where that "country" is, and there He cun continue tho development of our personality. Here we must fight the battle and win or lose. The soul must find, must trust God. God must bo everything, or nothing. If we lose God, life is merciless and chaotic. Put If ue have God, life is still Tnll of great eternal purpose. "May we per fectly love Thee, and worthily magnify Thy holy name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ituy Alhin, with the first born at tlm Albin home near Kails City. Wlien the mother became 111. she was moved to a Sabetha, Khdh., hospital where the second. baby was born, aeven hours after the first. Mother und babies arc doing nicely. Around the County Camas Valley CAMAS VALLKV. March 3- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reynolds have j moved to It.-iseburg and are living at .south 31 a in street. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers aie st:iin at the hrnne ol Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Keiley anil holding religinus ser - vires in nomes in an parts ol the valley. They are from tho Church of God seventh day worshipers. The Kiwanis program Tuesday night was enjoyed by n large audi Kleven dollars was realized program. Mrs. It. L. Uiehter returned ho the last of the week from the home of her dauuhter. Mrs. Cllllord W il- bert, at Concrete. tt'nshingirm. Mrs. Wolbert anil small son, Lar - , iu lioiu fiumg mceiy. , itui iikiii vfiin lium iron apu VII - gin ia C'kmi to 'Roseburgv - Wyetlmts - - day night to hear the young Ore-" gonlaus' program. Their two cou- sins. Pill and .Mildred Lvnn, were members of the Portland group. Itabu Howard of Tenmile, eoyot ! hunter, al tended to business mat - iters in the valley Thursday. Thp ... ....... lu.,,.ll, ,i;.v' hils iiKilU hiltl tft b(. postponed. The st hool rooms will be open lor inspection and Ihe 1 11 Hub exhib - (,s reH,V ,n(. nV(.fna 0f April :t. : IjVet yUOiiy Is HllteO to alluild the meeting that cvuniiig. Mr. ami Mrs. Ross Urown 11 Miss Louies Anderson left Friday ; .t.u night. I'tr Ashland lo spend Master Namn of rompmiv. pinfir. rito iTiour at their Jinnies. Miss Bvron au! swnrfT"i; nf Vmi.. , ' r.asiei . Lnslie (Whiskers! lltilfHd and' a grandson limn (;iih ailed Thursftay tit tlm home of Mr. and Mrs. V R. Iliown. Mr. Ilailiehls children and Mrs. Brown wen old schpdmaies during their grade sehool days. Mr. and .Mrs. T. G. Lawson have nearly six hundred Hampshire Red chicks well started. llud ('non of Klamath Kails came to the valley I- riday afternoon to take his mother. Mrs. G. L. Cnon. l.-mo. They left Sunday morniug tor Klamath I' alls. The lasl meeting Of lh? second year -i-ti sewing ciuo was neui at , the hme of the leader. Mrs. Or j men Standley. The girls had pre .ltPl for u picnic and wiener roast at the Standley home and all had a very pleasant time together. J. R. Moore went to Kiigenu Sat urday evening after he was through W3tK iii rMcamnoai in; camp and moc durine thf? vr... aso ooo oi brought his small daughter, Phoebe Amount of mi otiior -Ann. home to spend Kaster. oroVi'"(og7"oo' 'i Pally Iielin was hoine from! turl'x f Ifigcr afi9.. Sn.97; si school in Mediord lo spend Ihel ToU1 pilMtt,ir , Tll 5:7 T7 Kaster vacaiion wilh ber parents. I apmittkh asskts Mr. anil -Mrs. r.ernard t'enn. The Hoy Scout coinmtMee met last week P decide on n scout b-uder. Ross Ittown was chosen to when some one else will be ap-1 l,51Brkt V!, pointed. i czw. Miss K.sther Rrown. teacher at , pr.e!",,,mi ,n ur nfr-ni-Medrord. spent the Kaster vaca- ZTwl" tiou at the home of her mother, : Int-rou and rami due ami Mrs. Ktliel Brown. :run John Moore, who has been gone 0tlier n9t for nearly eighteen monhs. re turned the bust of the week. Mrs. C. W. Perry was called to Washington last week by Hm death of an uncle. Mr. and Mrs. .If dm Shcrtz. Jr., of Crcv nacres visited over the week-eed at ih" home of (lie for merV pHient, Mr. aii! Mis. John SrherU. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones spent Kaster Sunday wtili Paul's mother. Mrs. Sa'uh .1. Jones, in ttoscburg. Mr. and .Mrs. Ituy Kinney and raml'v ot iioseiiurg Msitiii Kaster f Sunday at tin- htnne -f Mr. Kin nry's sisier. Mrs. pert Gnlirert. Sevinl of the ladles have or pa tiiied a ulep cluh w hich piac 'b ed Saturday night at the home of , Mr. ii ii. Mrs. T. W. S'iel William ( ox ol Uamlon was a business visitor hi Ihe Valley Tues day nRernoon. Mis. Ada J. f'enn sold a (cunt of !V)W'8 to Hanev of Idle yld Park, Tutaday. ii r u.ti TD..., U.J. hail, iv vuj Ladd & Bush Bank PORTLAND, March 20. (APt Paul S. Dick. United States Na tin i al hank president, announced today negotiations for the pur chase ot Ih'; Pioneer Ladd & Hush bank of Salem probably would be completed Monday. The filial transfer must he ap proved by both federal and stale bank authorities. SALKM, March L'!l AT) Tho Capital Journal said today the 71-year-old Ladd & Hush bank of Salem would be sold to the United States National hank of Portland. The bank, capitalized at $r.(MUi0i, will become the 2.",th unit of tho United States National's chain, and will leave Salem without an inde pendent bank. The chain also has another bHiik here, which the news paper said wm Id be closed. Th.i newspaper said oflicials of the Portland bank havo bpen hero several weeks conferring wllh Ladd Iluh officials, and that the deal would be closed as soon as minor details are worked out wffh federal officials. . It (ptoled an auth.iritulive sourco who said the slock of A. N. Push and other members of (ho Hush family, would he transferred. The price involved in the deal is not known. Deposits or tho United States National chain total SUiS.ttOO.Ouu, and the Uidd & Push aniulsitlon ' will add SI 1.220.1 10. I Doors of tho bank wore opened March 20, lXHIt. SVNOPSJS Ol-' ASVI'AI, KTVPOIKNT Ot tin P.trlflc Klr tnntirfujo r.ltl,-I-imv ut Sew Vip!(. In ilin Smt- ..f New Virl, -n Mm thirty-firm ihiv tif IP(."iiibr, ipr.5. tnn.te to ilti Intirittc i Com in li'loimt of (lie Sin to of OrcK"". liumunnt to Isw: 'A PITA I. Amount of ranltfil slock "I II. 000. 000 O'l IM'DJIH Net premium" rccelve-l .lur- liiif l hit cnr S 1,13: "97 .11 Iiitfi-ftjtr. 'llvlilfn-ls n ml trntn rf-vcl 1 ill-inn the 6?, .15(1.11 Incoiim from othor koiiccpr recoiled .luring tint ji.vir. 5!.4')tH Totttl Inrom H.eoT.SCO.jS insnmsKMKNTs N"t tnn ti.iiil tlmhiK tlf ynr hi?luihiiff n.ljtutnieitt fxt"ii-f- 11.911 SRr.31 C'iiitnlF.ifi'n nml KHlari'A U"tt 'luiififf thf vo:ir 1.C12 76 S4 Tnxft-. tlffiit-e .iii.l fefB mi'l liini'if th vwr ... 193, Ml 7 Divi.-n.l n ,t,iia sUM'lt .luring year. . . . Itfi.ODJ.OO or mi otit"r ripwii I ,ll,,,rc ri3.?3fl1 j Totnl ni inii"i si J.HO.tS A riMITTKli A-iWi n Yn I un of roul tito iiivne-l r market viiln) ( Cl.lSn.fii Lontu n:i tiurtgaiM nml 'ollnteial, ftir 4.73ft 00 nliio t f o n i o' no.l famorlinf!'!) f,0 . Vain.) of ilir tied r mli In hjnKs nwi on l-nn-l l,;.6a I Prf'tnltiimi In roirr" of ml. li"-lo-i wr'ttcti Kinco .Seii. inorf-u an.i rem uiii "nn.'i ""Tumi J7i2 i tl,er os"u tnt ' 1 Tuiat ariminr.i a,.oto (s.2;.7.i:l'.u i'i ii i in i i ks ' Pll .. i iDitanoo AM'unt. ,ot tinenrtfti " 'J" 0,1 a11 ":""","",,t , ,s-.n. Duo for ' 'conimiMioii' ' Viui 'C30 -" 03 iiroit urn j. n.T'mnn ( A" oll,er ,iablliti To I I llaliilltlcii, xcfiu ' r.uV? J : .' ' V.' --os.ou.s i surpi-., nvtr a1i ' ' ";"lllti i.i.15m Surpin, rd. Poiicy- hfldr Ii.o:i.umi ; Trtffl) ; , 1 iintnp' in' tnn tor' iiiVypo;" V. t"""1""" rec-iv,i during T'tf venr . r ... -. Xt Insn. pni.1 fliirlim th-'j-pilr 'siM4.1t ... ..n.miT.1 riurmfi uio a.J ! . '-""-r-tary. a. H. Mini,,. 8,InrfrlM' "n'.'orn.y 'for Mrvice. fvxorsi? nr t. stT!;mi;t van. n. I'll Uio I'm ' y.f'.i t l f-Mittnr. Iim-I" ft Tlifi I'xmtilinloll"! Die Slilfl liirsiinnt lo taw: CAP! I ,. ' , 'it of rapit-ii l'.lll up . .$ l.inrf.O'.f. oo l.L.'n.Ml-: (Jeinnlt pfemfuiim wnilrn xt i-omiun received .iur- ' 18 -e,ir :.H5fJl97( r.-nti ri:if.i imin-. n,' yr rcccivsj during lhi er Tolal tr.come $ r.ri.:u 17 iisncn-i':.M i:ij Net toscs paid riunoj I'm y a r Inclu-llnf Ailjunt- mnt DTpiiifc $ 3l.l(l :9 CnmttilMiona nnil arMti pint rliirms Hit) yL'nr .. Hf:.33 9t Tnei 1ienei ul (tr pnltl di)rln tli ynr. .. l.Sl.n?9l ,,M' OI n' 'wnj Lvm on bnn.lit . a :.sti.:i 1 'i 1.6H75S.:i Total alm:ttd !.,: no too t:o.5f Grout e;aima for roatet . ""I"' I Ifl.ltl.l An.r.nt of unrarn jrl pr- inMir,, on all rwitstan-t-Irnt ri'tt : 5::.:5i.f h V C3n,mltl",n nn't All i-.'nr It ariil'tt !.'!'. Ammnt r-1altn b' hy n. on T'i1 -Pli liability, paj'd 'tCpf I :.::. :mt Su-pi'ta o.-r all JubUHift ... e i7t. 1n f-ir''ia tvKjrd po-v. 1"l'ler . t 7.17M.lff ''' io, J7 nnlfi n oMn f(,P ,!, YHtrt .-s P'Te-jmi rt-.fMfI durjne t , y.r HT.179.H Nt loud pi, OunnB Mi W : fl Ioiom InrurrM durnr lha ' It if. -s r Crtnpr. Tlf Atl'ii. I'tricp iMtfiv of Pl.i.('t!i: ' " P-rt.dt j P r. of Sf.ra.t-v. C K