TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1940. SCJDCLDU: Social Calendar Monday, March ?5 Legion auxiliary to sponsor an mini Kaster Monday bull nt '.) o'clock hi armory. N. of W. Thlmhlt club nfler noun meeting hI homo or Mrs. CcrtMKlC AlllCUl!. Dr. Linden 0. Lenvltrs speech and psychology class meeting at 7 : 1 T in evening at dining tin II of DoukIiih hotel. Public Invited. LefiUm and auxiliary members and friends to hold 7:80 no hosl dinner nt Hotel I'nipqiiu Civic club room. Reservations reuttested by MondHy noon. Notify Mm. II. C. Church, Mm. Hoy Young or Mm. J. M. Judd. National gunrd auxiliary to meet at 7:1(0 In evening at homo of Mm. Karl Long, 1K North Parrott street. It. P. W. (ileo -iu h practice at 7 in evening at studio of director. Mm. Charles A. I Hand. Tuesday, March 28 Gardening friends of Unschuig Public library 1o sponsor plant .mil hIii lib sale In connection with u ailveu lea at G. V. Wlmberly home on (ilenn street. Hale opens at VS noon. Silver ten I'roin It to 5:3(1. Proceeds to purchasu books for gardening seclion of library., . , Past Noble Grands club to Hpoi( nor benefit bridge, five hundred, pinochle and ChlneHo checkers party at H o'clock at I. O. (). K. ball ror Tlietu libo club. Itcservn lions, call 433-1.. Prizes and re freshments. V. H. Cluh arternoon meeting al home of Mm. It. V. Melssner at 112 North Parrott slreel. Job'a Daughters to meet at 7:3 In evenhiK at MhkuiiIc temple. Ini tiation. Inlcr-Se Study club one, o'clock luncheon meeting at home of Mm. Hrnce MelliH. Mm. H. It. Shoe maker, rucst speaker, on subjeel of Mexico. Itnscbura Rebekab lodge No. II meeting at 7:3b sharp al I. O. . V. hall. Wednesday, March 27 ' Douglas unit of I'm-America to meet from two to three at Wo ipan'it clubhouse. : Sew and Chut chili I::iu dessert Uincheon meeting at homo of Mm. Clifford Smith. (nmp Fire school of Instruction at two in afternoon at chamber of commerce office, followed by fi:;iu polluek dinner ul Woman's club house, ror Camp Fire Girls. Ihelr guardians und sponsors, i Thursday, March 28 Lady Kilts lo meet at H o'clock jn evening at lemple for bridge and five hundred toiirnnnieut piny. Prizes. Refreshments lo bo served by retiring officers. Woman's llencl'K association to honor members hating lilrllidays In last Tour months at two o'clock meeting at Mnccahee halt. Muni liens meeting to open at three o'clock. - Iloseburg Mtm's Glee club prac tice at 7:3u at Methodist church under direction of It. M. Church. . 7 Dr. Morris II. Itonch's "Through the. Itlble Heading Course" class to meet from 7:;ib to X:!ln in pastor's study of Klml Presbyterian church. Camp Klre school of lustruciinn in charge of Kldoru DcMotu, national field secretary at H:;(u a. m. al chamber id' coninTerce (if I Ice. Ladies of Hosebwrg Country club 0 meet at li:3u a. in. at clubhouse, Contracl bridge play. I2:3o pot luck luncheon and golfing at I; ill). Friday, March 29 Melrose grange to sponsor com edy "Here Comes Charley," at R o'clock at ftiversilale grange hull. Public invited. It. P. W. C. weekly nolmslcss 12 o'clock luncheon for net acquainted meeting and panel discussions, place to be announced Inter. Special meeting honoring state nlftcor to be lield by Florence Mghttngnlc Tent No. U, Duugh. ters ul Pniou Veterans of Civil War ul S o'clock at armory. Saturday, March 30 - O. S. C. Mothers cluh stu dents of college to sponsor silver fen nt Hotel Hose. Fashion review and musical program Proceeds to An lo purchase o. S. C. paper and ilnuual for Kosebm g library. Hunching Woman's club service shop open all-day upstairs In club Online, opposite Hunt's lnliau theatre. April 5 " Allium I Cray ladles benetlt card party at : o'clock in afternoou ul Civic room ot Hotel Cinpiiua. 6. P. W. MEMBERS t NJOY NO-HOSTESS LUNCHEON FRIDAY A delightful no-hostess lunch run was enjoyed by a group of the Itiislucps mill ' Prnlcsstnunl Wo men's club members Friday at the Hotel I'mppta. Covers were plac ed for Mrs. Hell, chair imiiir Mrs. C. W. Slnuiger. Mrs. Story1 Ilex, Mrs. Kdlh Gtlnioui. Mrs. KlUitheih Garrett. Mm. Thiun lis Parkinson. Siv Lucille Lenox y nd MIhs liladys tlaskin. 'J' he group w 111 meel a I a 1 J cltM-k no hostess lunchetoi attain 1iet Kl IiIh.v. the place of w bich ) ill be announced later. POST, UNIT AND FRIENDS ' INVITED TO DINNER AT OTEL UMPQUA MONDAY . Ptoceding Hie l-latei M inula liall, March -lli. the un rnlieif of VmptMi post and Ciupipia unit ol Hie American U'Ulnu ami auxillaiy nnd their frleinls v. ill hold a seven thirty no bo;t dinner at the llolel I ' iti MiiH. Kcitervatinn- for the din iier are nfiiiesttil not later iban Monday noon. Those phmniug to .it 1eip ie n-lvd to rail Mi II r ( bnicli. Mm. Jioy . "un or J. M. JiKld. By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MRS. W. M. CHALMERS IS RE-ELECTEO PRESIDENT OF PRESBYTERIAN LADIES AIO Mm. W. M. Chalmers, who has been the very stieeesHful president of the I'resbylerlan Ladies Aid so ciety the Itixt year, was re-elected president for the coming year at the. one-thirty o'clock dessert-. luncheon meeting held ut ths church pat lot s Thursday after-. noon. Mrs. Mark L. I'nderwood was elected treasurer and Mm. J. 1. j Mfitschenbacher was re-elected sec-i retary. j Mrs. A. A. Wilder, chairman,! Mrs. Hioaduuy, Mm. A. A. Mellows and .Mrs. Karl t'llrk-h were hos-: t esses for the delightful one-thirty dessert -luncheon, which was serv-' ed at long tablet beautifully deco-' ruled in the Kaster mollf und cen-i tered with lighted yellow tapers and boiHpietH of forsylhiu, daffo dils and iiHrcfssl. ('overs w ere placet) for Mrs. W. M. Chalmers, Dr. and Mm. Morris II. Roach. Miss Verla Mclaughlin. ; Mrs, C'laru fJreg, Mrs. W. A. White, of WashoiLgal, Wash.. Mm.' Iluldah Thomson, Mrs. J. Holund i Parker, Mm. .1. A. Perry, Mm. Ida J Hailey, Mrs. l. L. Hodle. Mrs. Hld del, Mrs. Kd Patterson. Miss Kinma Ilristol, Mm. W. 1.. Scott, Mm. W M. Campbell, Mis. Oenrge C'amp lielt, Mrs. It. H. (irlnsted, Miss Margaret Clapp, Mm. Kntnm Lenox, Mrs. II. S. Nirhols, Mrs. George Sewell, Mm. (leorge Kohllmgeii and daughter, Mm. II. L. McIIeiiry. of Poiilaud. Mrs. Clair K. Allen, M rs. Mark I . Underwood, M rs. K. H. Koblhagen ami Mrs. Kred-erli-k J. Porter. A lovely girt wiih presented to Mrs. Chalmers by Mm. Clair K. Allen on behalf of the aid Hoc.fetv. Mm. W. (I. Blake nnd Mm. R. L. Hiissell were appointed on tho church decorallng coiuniitteu lor Kaster Sundiiy. Tho Kaster Inspira tional devotions were In charge of Mrs. W. M, Campbell with Mm. Morris H. Itoncli playing lor the group sinking of Kimter hymns. HepoitH were given by Mrs. Karl I'llrlcb, Mm. J. P. Motscheitlmeber, und Mrs. K. H. Hall. The April vlsiilng committee Includes, Mrs. Hoai b. Mm. Hellows and Miss Clnpp. CHARMING BRIDGE-TEA FRIDAY, APRIL 5TH Tho Cray Ladies have set their annual bridge-lea dale for Kriday. April filh. at one-thirty o'clock at the civic club room of the Hotel I'niprpia. Contract bridge players will piv ot at thefr respective tables and the. live-hundred players will play pro gressive cards. I'i-Ikcm will lie awarded as follows: first and sec and prizes lor bridge, rlrst and sec ond prizes for rive-hundred and a door prize. Reservations for the party may be made by telephoning either Mm. l'-)iiard It. Coleman or Mm. L. W. .losse. Mm. H. C. Waddell. Mm. H. K. Tandy and Mrs. Broadway are in (barge of ili'coralliiK Ibe leu ta ble; Mrs. J. ('. McCalllster. Mrs. Claude Maker. Mm. Itov (I. Young and Mrs. Leonard It. Coleman have I charge of the cards nnd initios; M rs. I Iroad way, M rs. A rt bur II . Mouutford and Mrs. L. W. Joswe are In charge of (ho tallies, napkins und prizes; receiving, Mrs. K. V. Tandy, Mrs. Thomas Parkinson and Mrs. (ieorge Wharton; refresh ments. Mrs. Itoy II. Young and Mm. .1. C. McCalllster; serviiiL'. Mrs. John M. Kn1h. Mm. Leonard Coleman. Mrs. A. I. Ketch and Miss Marie Marten, and pourinc. Mm. L. W. .losse. Mm. K. K. Tandy, Mrs. Arthur II. Mounllord and Mrs. J. C Met 'a Ulster. RlVERSDALE GRANGE HAS DELIGHTFUL POTLUCK SUPPER FRIDAY EVENING Itlversilale grange meinbers hav ing btrthdins In January, February ami March were guests of honor ul Ihtf., six rorly live o'clock pollack supper Kriday evening at the hall, at which time covers were placed for fitly members and three visit ors from Hie Ktkhend mange. Mrs. Kldoil Ogle, lecturer, pre sented a very fine Kaster program and reported the conference held at Curvullls the preceding two days. It was nnnouueed that Melrose grange would present its comedy. 'Here Conies Charley." at the Ktv ersdale grange hall at eight o'clock Kriday evening. March J!Mh. to which the public has been Invited to attend. The net benerh card parly of the grunge will he held at o'clock the evening ot April 1st al tho ball. Pri7.cs will lie awarded for high scores in live-hundred and refresh ments will be served. The nei regular meeting of tltr urunge will be held at the hall the evening nt April tb with Mr. and Mis H. M. Hiimptou. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. hihI Mr. and Mm. W. D Hess in chaige of tefiesh lueuis. BETTV BEE PETERSON rFt.pnn4TS SECOND BIRTHDAY AT PARTY Helty Mee Peterson, small itntlgh ter ol Mr. and Mrs. It. O. peter son, celehuited ber second birth day unolversary at a delightful parly at her home on Uiupipia ave nue v etinesiiiiv afternoon. Games were placed and at four o'clock the many lovely gilts were opt d bv it..ii.- ii t ii .. .1 1 " " H'l'IVIIUl IICC'.Mll- ed birthday cuke whs ut ami serv ed with refifsliment? to the guests. C'iM'is eie Mined lor Metty life. CUe It nt IllMtdl. M.lllKl U tld Ml a iliunui-, Yiifciniii Angliti, Kvelyu .Meyers, Jeannle and Shar on Fern Long, Hruce Hodges, Mary Peterson, Mm. (i. W. Thomas, Mrs. Karl long, Mrs. J. A. Peterson, M rs. i lenu M eyers, Mrs. S, C. Dunn and Mrs. 11. O. Peterson. Mm. Peterson, hostess, was as sisted during the afternoou by Mrs. Dunn and Miss Mary Peterson. MRS. LOUIS FULLERTON ENTERTAINS AT CHARMING BRIDGE-LUNCHEON Mrs. Louis Fullertou very gra ciously entertained at a charming one-thl ly o'clock brittge-luncheon at her attractive home Wednesday afternoon. The table, covered by, an Ivory satin damask cloth was centered with a flat container hold-i fug beautiful white magnolia blos soms, daffodils and tiny blue flow ers, flanked by tall yellow tapers, and pretty Kaster favor placecards. The cry lal-ware was of a lovely shade of pastel blue. Daffodil and fomythla bouquets were beautifully arranged about the rooms. Covers were placed for Mi's. J. A. Hart. Mrs. L. L. Wlmberly, Mrs. Adrian Fisher, Mrs. Clyde Fuller ton, Mm. William Moore. Mm. John M. RhIhIi, Mm. A. I. Reich and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter, The hos-j toss was assisted in serving by her sister-in-law, Mrs, Adrian Fisher. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing tho afternoon with score prizes going to Mrs. Wlmberly and Mrs. Hh1.mIi. DELPHIAN CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Tho Delphian club met at one- llilllv itVlru'k U'olimv,luv nfL.tnnoii at the home of Mrs. J. C. McCullls. ! ler u lih ha vim..m iinii tti-nui. I ... .. ... ...... ........... . .. ,. neni. in cnarge 01 the inirouuctory and Mm. C. A. Chamber- summary II,. .mK,. m o., .he ul. jeel, "Growth or Democratic Ideals In Mrltafn." Those present were Mrs. William Hell. Mm. C. It. Fream. Mrs. C. A. Chaml)erlln, Mrs. Ray Pamlnw, Mrs. A. J. Geddes, Mm. Carl F. Spauldiug. Mrs. W. It. Iltown. Mrs. A. J. Young. Mm. L. K. Garwood, who has been transferred from the KiiKciie chapter to the local chap ter, and the hostess, Mrs. McCal lister. Tho next meetliiK will he April old al the home of Mrs. Chamber tin at 52ii Court street with Mrs. A. J. Young as program leader. O MRS. ROGER BAILEY ENTERTAINS CLUB AND '1 GUESTS ON MONDAY Mrs. Roger Hailey entertained dry. Miss Kliznheth Sheridan, 1 Stato Commander Dr. K. M. Stow her bridge club and several friends Miss Kathleen Turnhull, Miss Dora art and past slate president, Mrs. at a very charming Kaster dessert j Sllnson, Miss Rose Hlnella, Miss K. I). Stewart; Past Statu Commau bridgu luncheon at one-thlrty f Geraldlne Kberle. Miss Florence der Judge Carl K. Wlmberly and o'clock Monday afternoon at her j Kerver, Miss Olga Win liter. Miss Past Unit President Mrs. Carl K. attractive home in Laurel wood, i Catherine Faueher, Miss Janet Wlmberly; Past State Commander lleautiful bouiptets of colorful Moffat. Miss Mildred Johnson, Miss Attorney Guy Cordon, nnd Past spring flowers were used about Ihel Dorcas Chldester, Miss Marguerite. i Unit President Mrs. Guy Cordon, rooms, while the Luster motif was carried out in the refreshments . ridsen. and table decorations. I Covers were placed Tor Mrs. Fred,MR. AND MRS. VVIMBERLY Uickwood. Mrs. Marshall Penyrn. ENTERTAIN POTLUCK Mrs. T. G. Watson. Mrs. W. T. Pe-' BRIDGE-SUPPER CLUB ters. Mrs. J. K, Watts, him! Mrs. W It. Chrlsler, guests, and Mm. Fred erick Chapman, Jr., Mrs. Ktlwin h'ra'nk Coen. Mrs. 'scot t ( i Mrs. Frederick ,. I llooih, Mrs. I Williams and Poller, members. hers. Contract liihlne was enjoyed with Mrs. Watts w inning the guest's high score and traveling prizes and Mrs. Porter winning Ihu club prize. HOUSEWARMING PARTY IS GIVEN MR. AND MRS. SAUNDERS WEDNESDAY The choir members of the First Christian church surprised Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Saunders with a house- warm In c al their new home at tu.M Winchester sheet, following choir practice Wednesday evening. Games, singing and visiting were enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served by the committee to Mr, and Mrs. John Harney, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Siuinders, Mr. and Mrs. Donn HiuluhauKh, .Mr. ami Mrs. Don Foltz, Mr. ami Mrs. Harold Hou cock. Mr. and Mrs. Diilc Gtitlcy, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parrott. Mrs. Ralph Church. Mrs. Frances Lliitolt. Mrs. II. C. Parslow. Mm. W. C. Keller. Mrs. Wampote. Lena Porter and Kl sic Hudson. BENEFIT CARD PARTY IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OF MONDAY EVENING Rlversdale grange sponsored a delightful slv rorty flve o'clock din ner and heucllt live-hundred card party Monday evening ut Ibe hall Ten tables were In play dining the venlusi with Mm. Fred Goff nnd L. W. Meir.ger winning the high score prizes and Homer Grow win ning l be slam prize. The next benefit rivi--hundred parly to be sponsored by the grunge wtll be held at eight o'clock the evening or April 1st nt the hall. Prizes will be awarded mid re freshments will lie served. The public has been cordially invited to attend. MRS. C. G. VAN VALZAH ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON FRIDAY Mm. C. G. Van Valzah crnclously cnteriaincii her lrtd"o club Friday al'ternoon at her home nt a lovely one-thirty o'clock dessert -luncheon. Covers were placed for Mrs. T. G. Watson and Mm. Catherine Kelly, guests, and Mm. L. M. Lilly. Mrs. M. R. Hh hard. Mrs. II. T. Hansen. Mm. N. C. Peterson. Mrs. P. H. JumciiMMi ami Mrs. Paul Mm tun. Contract brldue vim enjoyed ilur llig the nltevotii itb -.core prlies i;otim lo Mrs. Watson and tts. Kell. PA8T NOBLE GRAND CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON FRIDAY liiu i'ani i'oi'm uianu ciub uit at the J. R. Ha Hey homo Friday evening with Mm. flailey, Mia. O. L. Johnson, Mm. V. T. Jackson and Mir. V. V. Hn rib a in as hostesses. The rooms were beautifully deco rated uiib bouquets of daffodils, splreu nnd violets. The business meeting w as conducted by the president, Mm. ftna Williams. Mm. Maggio Dent und Mm. Klvia Car inicbuel w ere Initiated as new members of tho club. The past noblo gland's pin was presented by the president to Mm. Ruth Plumer. Final plans were made for the benefit card party to be held at the I. (, O, F. hull next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. March 26Ui. to which the public has been invited to attend. Mm. Mayme Pickens. Mm. Ktliel Ilalley and Mm. Knima Taylor were appointed chairmen of the affair. Proceeds of the party will go to the Theta Rho Girls' club. j A very enjoyable program In charge of Mrs. Gertrude Hatfield followed the business meeting, aft er which the hostesses served de licious refreshments at tables at tractively appointed In the St. Pat rick's motir. Guests of the evening Included Miss Ina Farusworth, noble grand, Mrs. Ijom Darby, vice-grand; Miss Hallle Wlllttl, Miss Agnes Pitch-, ford and Mm. Mabel ilnnn. Meinbers present were Mm. EI-'. via Carmicbael, Mrs. Maggie Dent, Mrs. Ethel Miilley, Mm. Carmen Clark. Mm. Alice Goff, Mrs. Ger trude Hatfield, Mrs. Susie Jackson, Mrs. Tilllo Johnson, Mm. Lillian Tt'clson, Mrs. May Patrick, Mrs. Mayme Pickens, Mrs. Ruth Plumer, Mm. Lydia itondman, Mrs. Ruth Reese, Miss Klsle Reese, Mrs. Kf fie Schwarz, Mrs. Kmnm THylor, Mrs. Alvta Wetlierell, Mrs. Louise Young. Mm. Mayme Kelt, Mrs. Mary VanDyne. Mm. Winnie It awn and Mrs. Kmma Lenox. NURSES ASSOCIATION HOLDS NO-HOSTESS DINNER MEETING FRIDAY A no-hostess dinner was held hy. District No. 11 of the (). S. N. A.' honoring Mm. Llniile Laird, oxecu- ii vo secrciary, ami miss r-uii A -.... aat,rttlurv nf -; " " l ', r v.m . Wn "ta'e honrtl exarni- ' I . R . ;"" "f.?1"""." f"""; aie nurses, r no ay e enins m uiu Hotel Cmnuiia. I Mm. Laird assisted In outlining Mrs. George Wharton, Mm. Mroad plans lor the state convention to way, Mrs. 1. L. Wlmberly and Mm. be held In Roseburg next Septem- M. O. Parguter, with Mrs. Clyde ber und Miss Templin gave an In-, Camtens and Mrs. Roy Campbell In teresting talk on her work over charge of the music, the state. Twenty one members J An Kaster bonnet w ill be given and four guests were present. The as a ladles' door prize and a door tables were beautifully decorated prize will also be given to the men. with bouquets of spring flowers The hat box is In charge of Mrs. L. and tall lighted tapers. ) W. Josse and Mm. George Wharton Covers were placed for Mrs,' ami the purchasing of the Kaster Llniile Laird. MIsh Kthel Templin, j bonnet Is In charge of Mrs. J. A. Mm. Gil Osborne and Mrs. K. A.' Harding nnd Mrs. Walter Fisher. Post, guests, and the following Miss Pearl Jones Is chairman of members, Miss Anne MeDermott,' the door committee and tickets arc Mm. J. A. Fulcher. Mrs. A. It. being sold by Mm. M. H. Shook. Cacy. Mrs. Adeline Robertson. Mrs.1. Mrs. .1. M. .ludd. Mm. Arthur Mid- Ksther M. Cnrtur, Mrs. Lee LowelL Mrs. Adeline Powe, Miss Kdna Hen- Feversteln and Miss Karen Lau- Mr, and Mrs. L. L. Wimbertv en tertained their six-thirty o'clock f;;j:!TftI!!'1,Mn n-. . A . ?,1 11. even. me MIOUI mm Zi..T,h: ,.M. .n.T Z " ' ! Covers were placed for Mrs. R. W. Chflsnn nnd daughter. Rose Marie, of AVeslvood, Calif., Mr. and Mm. Ward Cummiugs, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leslie C. Cummincs, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Patterson and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Wlm berly. Contract bridge was "enjoyed i during the evening w ith Mrs. Les II.. C. r,..,...,lnK. ,,nd Mis. l',.llo,-.lIL .. . i i, .. men's high score. PRE-SCHOOL STUDY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING AT HEINZ HOME THURSDAY Mrs. Herbert Heinz entertained the Pre-School Study club at an interesting meeting Thursday aft ernoen at ber home. The sluoy topic was "Cooking for Yonnn Children." At (lie lea hour Mm. Heinz serv ed Imely refreshments to Mrs. Clifford Smith and children. Paula and Ronnie, Mm. Karl Lone and children, Jeannle and Shar on. Mrs. Don Johnson. Mrs. Fletch er Gardener. Mrs. Glenn Meyers and daughter. Kvelyn, and Georinua Heinz. BEAUTIFUL EASTER CANTATA TO BE GIVEN AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A beautiful Faster cantata will be presented Sunday evening at the First Presbyterian church nt 7:-'ti o'clock under the direction of Mrs. Homer Grow. Miss Claire Ti son. Miss Mary Hellowa. Miss Mari lyn Harphnm and Lowell Russell will sine the solo parts of the can tata. Mrs Max Pennle. pianist, and Mm. Homer Grow . orennist, will accompHiiy the numbers. Twenty will sing In the choir Vfe entfng the cantata. EASTERN STAR CHAPTER HAS INTERESTING MEETING THURSDAY NtGHT Roseburg Chapter of Kastern tar held an Interesting meeting nt the Masonic temple Thursday eve ning with Mrs. A. M. Taylor, wor thy matron. In charge. A number nf visiting members were present for the meeting. Plans were made to entertain the Rnseburx Hcthel No. N o'iren Cloak Jobs Ivoiuhiers at the April meeting ot the Kastern Star. FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia 1 jiCgWrTT3 TiTirTnron T "Oh, Easter still desn't mean have a lot of hard-boiled eggs Easter Monday Ball Affair at Armory on Vmpqua unit of the American Ja glon auxiliary will sponsor its an uual Kaster Monday ball at nine o'clock next Monday evening, March 2Mh, at the armory. Tickets rnr thn ntfuir are on Rule and the committees report that the ball nromises to he the most outslaiul- hljg eve,. heW here Alia. v.. r. lanuy is general chairman of the affair and with her cniiitnlllAnii him Hrmni'nil .i,.,.!,ullv bnulirul fon..l l.all, Decorations will be In charge ot land and Mrs. M. It. Klchards. Guests of honor Include Past and the following past commanders of Cnipqua post and past presidents of Cmpqua unit: L. K. Mct'ltu tock, Itudolph Rilzntan. Adam BAPTIST CIRCLES ENJOY MEETINGS THURSDAY AFTERNOON Circle No. 1 of the Roseburg Hap- tint Women's society met at n de- ,,n.,MWv ,lnB.rl.l...wlu...n I hu.sdny , .he of Mrs. 11. 1 title In Ldon bower. Covers weft; placed for Mrs. C. 11. Wlckham, chairman, Mrs. Charles Polret, sec retary, Mrs. R. L. (iile, treasurer. Mrs. Clarence Hatcher, Mrs. Kiln 11. Harris. Mrs. G. K. Woodrutf. Mrs. Arnold Jurgens, Mrs. II. I. Lu cas. Miss Amanda J. Anderson, Mrs. George Flnlay, Mrs. John At- i terbury. Mrs. 1. L. Thompson. Mrs. Anrsnlli clmil; ! ker n,l .Mrs. ThoniHs Kcol. Mrs. Wickham conducted the business meeting and the devotions using a her text. John 11:2 and John Hi: lb. "The Father's House." Following the meeting, Miss Aman da Anderson gave a fine talk on her recent trip to Kurope. The next meeting will be April 1Mb al the homo of Mis. Flnlay. Circle No. 11 met at the home of Its chairman. Mm. C. P. Suoddy Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. Mm. Suoddy conducted a short business session ami Mrs. L. M. Pentney presented a very beautiful Faster devotional service. At the tea hour Mm. Snoddy, assisted by her daughter. Miss Ruth, served delicious refreshments to Mrs. W. J. Clark and Miss 1 Hi rot by Mould cn. guests, and Mrs. C. W. Mohr. Mrs. G. W. Klnley, Mrs. A. Schloe man. Mm. M. II. Irving, Mrs. Albert Long, Mrs. S. A. Roser. Mrs. L. M. Pentney. Mrs. Irene Williams. Mrs. N. M. Nelson and Mm. J. H. Wol ford. SYLMON VALLEY CLUB ENTERTAINED AT HOUSER HOME THURSDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. Oscar Houser vnry grn- ctously entertained the Sylinnn Valley club at her home Thursday aftcrnwn. at which time beautiful birthday gifts were presented to Mrs. Houser and to Mrs. Warren Cloak e. Sewing and vlsitlnc were enjoy ed until the lea hour, when Mis. Houser, assisted by Mrs. Clarice Chart ier ami Mrs. Kruesl Sharp, served delicious refreshments. Mrs. Ilolltorf, who is a visitor from Florida, wa a cueft of the al term ton and members enjoying the occasion with Mrs. Houser in cluded Mrs. Max Myers. Mrs. Clar ence Miller. Mrs. Kinest Sharp. Mrs. Clarence t'hurtier. Mrs. War Mrs. L K. 'loodb'Mime. tjM' - s. I nti JleniMi. fcgtv and Mrs. Hugh I and ihl la.-l ear has becu teach ing at the Winchester gcbool. much to her she'd rather than a new spring outfit." to Be Brilliant March 25th Flurry, F. L. Cilttenden, Will II. Gerretsen, K, A. Post, Dr. L. A. Dillard, George Trapalis, Mrs. Ru dolph Rltzmnu, Mrs. J. A. Fulcher, Mrs. Clair K. Allen. Mrs. If. C. Church, Mm. George Caskey, Miss Pearl Jones, Mrs. Clinton Gorthy. Mrs. Itoy O. Young, Mrs. Thomas Parkinson, Mm. Ned Dixon, Mm. Harrv F. Hal field. Mm. Walter Fisher and Mrs. V. J. Mlcelli. Patrons and patronesses for the ball Include: Mayor anil Mm. A. J. Young, Senator and Mrs. C. W. Clark. Dr. and Mrs. K. J. Wainscott, Dr. and Mrs. George K. Houck, Dr. and .Mrs. H. R. Shoemaker, Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Haynes, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Marshall, Dr. und Mrs. L. A. Wells, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur II. Mountford, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hallmark. Mr. nnd Mm. G. V. Wlm berly, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wharton. Mr. and Mm. C. W. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Long, Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Krell, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Me- Clain, Dr. and Mm. G. C. Flnlay, Mr. ami Mrs. A. A. Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mellows, Judge and Mrs. R. W. Marsters. Mr. and Mrs. Y. Y. Hnrpham, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Herg, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard It. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Goodwin. Mr. ami .Mrs. J. L. Yarnall, Captain and Mrs. It. L. Irving. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Rice. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Riddle, Mr and Mrs. T. II. Ness. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Sinnger. Thom as Hartflel. Miss Anne McDermott and Miss Verla McLaughlin. The grand march w ill be held at ten o'clock and will be led by commander of the post, Vincent Malone, and president of the unit. Mm. M. R. Richards. JOB'S DAUGHTERS SPONSOR LEAP YEAR DANCING PARTY Wednesday evening members of both el, No. N, of Job's Daughters and guests enjoyed a charming formal leap year dance nt tho Ori ental Gardens. Dancing began at i) o'clock. Music lor the evening was furnished by Ralph Oilman's or chestra. Honored guests of the evening were the members of the Young Oregonlan troupe. Patrons and patronesses nttend inc were. Mrs. K. A. Mritton. A. M. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Church and Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Cacy. Members of the dance romnitt tee included: Metty Mae Whipple, chairman: Faith Young. Vivian Rsrtley, Carolyn Cordon and Mae byn Walrod. ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB ENTERTAINED AT HOME OF MRS. DEWITT Mrs. Argle DeWltt entertained the Roseburg Art and Kmbroidery club at her home Wednesday afte!' nmvi. Sewing and visiting were en joyed and at the tea hour Mrs. De Wltt served delicious refreshments to Mrs. Audraleff. Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Campbell. Mm. Hawn, Mm. I n eels. M rs. Mill er, M rs. Va I in. Mrs. Cornell. Mrs. Rhoads, Mrs. Polrot, members, and Mm. W. C. Prints, a gue.t. Meantirul bounuots of spring daffodils and hyacinths were used about the rooms. The hostess was assisted in serving by Mm. Cornell. l lie nexi meeting win ne 3 at the home of Mm. J. G. Stepn ! enson. at which time I-vllyanna j gills will he exchanged. ! MR. AND MRS. HESS HONORED AT DINNER WFnNFtnAV EVENING WEDNESDAY EVENING About seventy-five residents o Garden valley enjoyed a delight ful potluck dinner Wednesday ev enfnc at the Woman's clubhouse in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, who were recently married. Following the dinner a fine set of pyrex ware was present ed by the group lt) Mr- antl 1! Hess. Ciame and visiting were enjoy ed during the pleasant social even lugs. Mr. and Mrs. Hess are build ing a new residence In Carden valley to make their home. Mrs. Hess, nee Arna tlcer. formerly taught In the Garden valley school ANNUAL SPRING TA 19' ' " ENJOYED BY WOMAN'S CLUB ON TUE80AY AFTERNOON ' A vi d.nrni'r. j npr'r.o " 2 Mi Joyed hytho noHOburg Womfu.'ii club meinhnra anil their fjuoHtu Tuesday afternoon al twolbirly o'clock at the club house, liorce ous bouquet ot torsylbla and wild current were used about the rooms. .Mra. Homer tirow and Mrs. M. H. Richards were Joint chairmen of the program, which Included the following numbers nnnounced by Mi-b. Grow: piano aolos by Mrs. I'1 (!. Burr; vocal solos by .Miss Claire TIrou, accompanied by Mrs. tirow; violin solos by Mrs. Morris H. Roach, accompanied by Mrs. Crow; dance by Arlene Watson, accom panied by Vera McCllntock Jones; vocal solos by Vera McCllntock Jones, .accompanied by Mra. Fran ce:. Union, and readings by Mrs. George Dacher. The guests and members were re ceived by Mrs. I.. Koiilhitgen. Sr., and Mrs. W. M. Campbell, both past presidents of the club. Those en joying the affair Included: Mrs. W. W. Ashcraft, .Mrs. A. J. (ieddes, Mrs. Frank Urown, Mrs. C. K. Jones, Mrs. W. K. Olt, Mrs. L. A. Wells, Mrs. V. It Brown. Mrs. I. II. Riddle. Mrs. tl. V. Wlmberly. Mrs. I). ('.. Clark, Miss Gertrude Curtis, Mrs. J. Rotund I'arker, .Mrs. Mark I.. L'nderwood, Mrs. (ieorge Flnlay, Mrs. H. II. Carter, Ml-s. Morris H. Itoacb. Miss Jennie Jorey, Mrs. Ho mer Grow. Mrs. II. A. Kirkpatrlck, Mrs. G. C. Tlson and daughter, Miss Claire, Mrs. Vera McCllntock Jones. Mrs. George K. Quine. Mrs. V. G. Iiurr, Mrs. H. A, Canada)', Miss Marie Martens, Mrs. Foster Rutner, Mrs. J. il. Slatiery, Mrs. Claude Hake.'. Mrs. John William Robertson, Mrs. H. L. McHenry, of Portland, .Mrs. K. G., Mrs. T. G. Watson nnd daughter, Arlene, Mrs. U Kohllingen, Sr., and Mrs. (ieorge Hacher. Decorations were In cl.Hrge of Mrs. W. It. Ilrown, will. Mrs. K. G. Knhlhagen nn.i Mrs. T. G. Watson joint chairmen of the tea. The ta ble, covered by a beautiful lace cloth, was centered with a minia wild-flower garden and tiny j flowers. Tall pastel-colored tapers ! were used to light the table. Mrs. G. V. Wlmberly and Mra. I.. A. Wells, president of the club, pour ed. The next regular meeting will be April 2nd at a l:'!u desscrt-lunch- 1 eon at the club bouse, nt whirl. time tho meinbers of tho llellview club will he entertained as honored guests. MRS. E. B. VAN NESS ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY Mrs. K. 11. Van Xess entertain ed her bridge club at a charming one o'clock .tesHert.lunrbeon at j her beautiful home at the Post Tuesday afternoon. Lovely spring flowers carried out a pretty dec owtive motif fur the occasion. Covers were placed for Mrs. Paul (ieddes and Mrs. Frank Long, guests, and Mrs. K. A. f Pearson. Mrs. M. C. : liowker. Mitt. .-Fred Lockwood.'M.-s. W. T. Petvr?JiSXfi. Maurice L. Hallmark and Mrs. I.. K. Flea. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing the afternoon with Mrs. Lock wood and Mrs. Peters winning the score prizes. ' MRS. A. B. TAYLOR IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. A. I(. Taylor was a most gracious hostess Wednesday after noon, when she entertained her bridge club al a lovely l:"to dessert-luncheon at her attractive home in Lnurolwood. The Faster motif was beautifully carried out on the table. Covers were placed for Mrs. I.e roy lllutt, Mrs. II. II. Turner, Mrs. P. M. Lee, Mrs. Hert Courtney, Mrs. tl. M. Krell, Mrs. K. C. Pat terson. Mrs. A. .1. Kllison, Mrs. T. It. Burr, and the hostess, Mrs. Taylor. High score for the afternoon's contract bridge play was held by Mrs. Hlatt. BETTYJANE DIXON IS HONORED AT FAMILY REUNION THURSDAY A family reunion was enjoyed Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hhambrook in Canyon vllle in honor of Miss Uettyjane Dixon, who is home from Oregon State college for tlte spring vaca tion. Those attending the reunion honoring Miss Uettyjane Included Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Kent, Mrs. M. Hazel llixon. Miss Carrie, William and Jomes Dixon and the host nnd hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Sham brook. EPISCOPAL GUILD HAS FINE MEETING MONDAY EVENING St. George s (episcopal guild h.-l-I a very Interesting meeting Mon day ovo.iiim at the parish hall with Mrs. Carl S;)aul.ling, Sr.. presidenfc conducting a short business seW slon. and Mrs. It. It. Hrand giving a splendid talk on the history of the church. Those present were Mrs. Carl Sna.ildlng. Mrs t. R. Mn.nd'. Mrs. fi7 NEW SERVICE LAUNDRY 324 West William Tien," 'Mrs.' Leslie C. Cum mings, Mra. H. C. Church, Mrs. Will- H. Gerretsen, Mrs. P. "W. Henry, Mrs. J. M. Judd. Mrs. M. Y. Mra! C."(.Kusseli,'Mrs; Pare and' Hess Wharton. The next meethiB will be held 'in two weeks nt noon politick luncheon at the parish ball. . a v COUNTRY CLUB LADIES ENJOY BRIDGE, LUNCHEON AND GOLFING THURSDAY The ladies of the Roseburg Conn try club enjoyed their weekly win tertournament contract brl.lgo play Thursday morning at. the club house with Mrs. I.. IC. McCllntock winning high score und Mrs. Ken neth tjuii.e, second high score. Potluck luncheon was enjoyed ut noon by Mrs. K. It. Van Ness, Mrs. L. K. Flea. Mrs. Frank Coen, Mrs. W. K. Olt. Mrs. W. M. McF.ncher.t, Miss Jane Hoffman, Mrs. Kenneth W. Kinney. -Mrs. Paul Geddes, Mrs. H. T. Hansen, Mrs. 'Guy Cordon, Mrs. J. M. Judd. Mrs.- Kenneth Qulne. Mrs. J. F. Dillard, Mrs. L. E. McCllntock and Miss Charlotte Dillard. Golfing was enjoyed during tho afternoon. ' EVERGREEN H, E. C. HAS ENJOYABLE ALL-DAY MEETING . The Evergreen grange bon.o eco nomics club held an Interest!!-.--; all day meeting Thursday at the hall with a potluck luncheon being serv. ed at noon to Susie Winston, Ada Nichols, Nellie lender. Jean Ha. ve... Laura Robertson, Grace Fish er, Olive Lander, Stella tkd.ine, K. McNury. Jessie Thomas and son, George Bernle, members, and Mablo Castle, a guest. The next meeting will bo March 2Mb with Nellie Lander and Jean Hayun as Joint hostesses. All grange ladles are cordially Invited. American Legion Auxiliary Activities lly MRS. GF.ORG E OGLE American Legion ami uuxiilary observed Its 21st birthday on March 1.", with a party at the K. P. hall. The banquet rooms were beautifully decorated with early spring flowers. Ted Post, general chairman, pro. sonted a lovely program by call Ing on all Die past commanders to presenl the auxiliary president, who was preslileut during their term of office. Mrs. Victor Mlcelli read the history of the auxiliary pointing out the highlights of tho years' work. Mrp. Mlcelli atated after her year's work was over she went to the hospital and Comma... der Malone hadn't lasted the year out. Mrs. M. R. Richards gave a reading which was well received. Mr. Snyder gave two bone -solos, after which dancing was enjoyed 1 until 11 o'clock when birthday cakes and rerrcKhrnenls were Serv ed in the bnuqucl room to about i in' ymm!j n an i,i'i;i)it Jiuxmary - mri niHSdity fvfTimK,- niarcn-i;" . Mrs. .Waller 1-Msher . announced (hat the essav c'ontestvas a huco -'in mm UIMI nil- JI l.l'fl VUUIU be nwanleil am formally present ed al the schools after Kaster. Mrs. Tandy (s general chairman for tho Kaster Monday ball, which Is being planned as a very delight ful formal hall to be held at the armory on Monday, March 25. An Kaster bonnet will he given for .1 door prize for the Indies and there will be a door prize for the men this year. All committees are working hard lo make the Kaster Monday bull a huge success. The American Legion members and auxiliary members and friends are Invited to enjoy the 7::W no-host dinner to be hold at the Civic room nt Hip Hotel ('mpqiin. Mis. H. Church, Mrs. Hoy Young or Mrs. 1. M. Judd nre in charge of reser vations. Please call them before noon on Monday. Mrs. Itoy Young, community service chairman reported on tlx? playground at the Hose school and said thai trees are being planted. The auxiliary wrote Mayor Yonn lo have streets set aside for tho purpose of playgrounds. The Wednesday, March 27, card party at the facility rrom 7:30 to 9::m. promises to be a delightful affair as the prizes are to be nicer than usual nnd the main thing is every one cotne as bridge, five hundred or what you like to play will be in progress. So come und have a grand evening with us. Then the month's birthdays will be observed on l-Yiday, March 2ti. nt the facility. Now is your chance to make happy some one on their birthday. The public Is invited to the child welfare program the first meeting in April. Tuesday I ho second, of the Legion and auxiliary. Legion lo have a speaker from Portland. There will be other short talks to inform the public aboot child wel fare work of (he American Le gin. The auxiliary; sung happy mem ories lo you 'Pearl Jones ami Dorothy Corlhy as they presented Ihein with (heir twenty-year serv ice pins. Peg Tinting -was also pre sented with her fifteen yeiiK ser ico cttnH Weighed Down By Wash Days? Don't act round ihnulrlornrj fgover a tub and board! Let us do your laundry while you keep your figure, TELEPHONE 88 Lone Street