FOUR ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1940 ImuviI Dm My Rxtfitt SuntliiT bjr the .Ntiltcv!vH Co.. Inc. Member of The AniHM-lntrtl I'reM The Associated 1T-sb in exclusive ly entitled to tlio tine for republica tion of all iivws iltHluUclmn crt'diicd to It or not otherwise credited in Uiia paper and to nil loral new .puhllshfd heroin. All rights of it- fullit.Httn of Ppeclal dispatches icrein aro also rcserved. IIAUItIS ELLSWORTH Editor , Kntercd " secnm! rlaxa mutter .Mnv 17. 1920. nt tli'a nont office ut Host-burif, Orogoii, undor act of March 2, 1878. Represented by rw York 271 Mmllsun Ave. Clil- .mo ..til) N. MIclilKiin Avo. unit Kmiu'lu-t-0 Ittibii St rent De troit :ms4 W. Grund . Boulevard tm AiiafHen J:3 S. Spring Street Heal llv 3 Sttswiirt Street I'orl luml 52ft H. W. Sixth Street St. Lou l a 111 N. Tenth Street. PUBllSHleRl440j(lATI0 Su Intertill Ion Itatra Dally, per year liy mail Daily, 6 inonthH by mull Daily. :t months by mall..... Daily, by liirrier -r iimiilh. Daily, by currier per year... N :VS of utiucitk'S brultil kill Iukh and wholesale executions is beginning to be u. part of the regular tlully Kiist of wire news. Thus fai- the stories have dealt with the brutality of Herman and Uussian military people. Our war correspondents are more experienced in modern war technique than they were in the world war. Nv a eYy important purl, of making; war is the propa ganda machine. It will bo noted that the news slory about the exe cution of 1. 5,0(11! Poles printed yes terday, carried complete stale meats or the authority for the re port. (Most of the horrible stories of Ihe previous world war were huer pnni'Mt in n ews papers they were spread by word oi mouth.) Without attempting to y whether the current atrocity stor ies are pure tacts or pure propa ganda, this much can be said for the purposes of spirited fighting and public sympathy there is not nearly enough haling in the cur rent war between (Jermany anil iter-enemies. What hating there is concerns the govern men t lead ers of the bclliporenis. The com mon pen pk: do not seem to hate each ol heryet. They do up in Puitund hul not down where the big war is point; on. I'lil'-ss a terrific offensive devel ops on Hie western front in Eu rope, the political war in this coun try will soon tuko over the top headlines. The nun fifchtiug may even pet crowded olT Hie front pane. With a battle looming in New Deal liemocraifc tanks and uncertainty with numerous candi dates planning the republicans, the presidential nominating conven tions promise genuine excitement. Judging from the flood of early announcements of candidates there will be plenty of interest in the laces for local offices w ith prin cipal interest centering upon the county assessor ami county com missioner positions. . Supreme Court Cliier Justice Hughes expresses the opinion that disputes over the Interprelation of the constitnlion are a healthy sign. He is right. There always has been and there should always be honest differences of opinion on inlet lactation. Su basic harm can come from tiuch arguments o I'Mig as they are always settled With the constitution as the su preme law. The danger to our form or government is the grow ing tendency to treat minority groups who would destroy the con stitution and put their own Iheorics of government In Its place, as though they arc political par ties. The regular parties have their differences as to the sort of government we should have under the corstllution. rne groups such as the communists want a differ ent government. Editorials on News (Continued from page 1.) !-!aws nl their Spartan niatefF. The r.MllzHli.ui or enlightened Alii- iih was built tii-iii a founda tion nf t-lavery. Home rested on the same Inundation. A -Muni; the ancient, war was lU SINKSS. The Individual soldier took cap-1h-.. sold tltrni us slaves and pocketed the money. The Individ uul sn,r lojted and KKPT HIS LOtT. Kings and t oinniandeis looted the treasuries of nations and then levied tribute on the con quered peoples. Even in relatively modern times Napoleon's levies on conquered ll cua BUI ud tliu Lullui U& fitmltCOu of Franco under the Directory. IVTf), would-be conquerors and ' their purposes haven't chang ed In the least in the centuries since history began. Hitler and Genghis Khan are brothers under the skin. But THE WORLD HAS CHANG ED. Hack in those earlier centuries, war could be made profitable. In the modern world, which lives by industry and trade, IT CANT. The world conqueror now merely destroys his markets and kills off his customers. Hitler, sooner or later, will learn that to his sorrow. KRNR Mutual roadentlng SyatMi 1M0 KlloeyelM REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr., MIlS. 4:15 llitrcn of Beat, MUS. 4:45 Tea Timo llntu-e. fi:(li The Bettys K'ntcl'tatll. 5: 15 Sliil'onieUn. MIIS. 5:30 1, em W e Pni-Rot. 5:45 Little Orphan Annie, Oval tine MBS. 6:00 Tonight's Tune. 6:05 Newt Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 6:10 News - Review News Flashes. 6:15 Kiiy Hi inker, True to Lite, MIIS. 6:30 John B. Hughes, Avalon Cigarettes. 6:415- Dinner I inure. 7:00 Kiiyinond (Jnim SwIiik. MIIS. 7:1:1 Mutual Mnestnis. 7:3n Lone Kancer. MIIS. K:nu ilnwily Damn's Orcli., MIIS. 8:13 Man vs. Horse Jumping tolltest, MHS. 8:30 Interlude. 8:35 Curl Huffs Oreh. Mils. 9:00 Alka Seltzer Nw. mrc 9:15 Barbers of Beeville, Wing Cigarettes, MBS. 9:30- Kiwldy Ucrren's Orch., MIIS. 9: 15 I'ulion Lewis Jr. io:o.j siKn Off. SATritOAY, ri;i;. a 7:00 sturr and Noiiwnsr. 7:30 News-Rcvxw of the Air. 7:4C News, Gilmore Corner. -i; itnaiisocty w Wax. H:iHi .Model Airplune t'luh. M US, I Jns Wouderrui .MUS. fi.IHj r. s. Army Hand. .MHS. 9:00 Man About Town. 9:15 Omi Kyk's Orch,, MBH. lic;k O'lfeani. Tenor, .MIIS. :i:1m ihe HitiiHikers, Mliri. iu:uu arifties, ll,-ir. l.-i,-nr..-..l.l ,. grapi MIIS ' 10:30 University I. lie 1IIN 10:45 Songs of Yeiteryear, Cop co. 11:00 fJberlln on the Air. .MIIS. I t - :tO Inn 11 Hurl,,!', I. l IttJ 12:un Johnny Long's Orch'.', M lis! i !-':i. l.unclienn Dance. 12:45 News, Safeway Stores. 12:50 News-Review of the Air. l:ou--Knims Sweethearts Sing. MIIS. 1:15 llileah Park Races, MIIS. 1:4.1 Hobby Dili's Orch., MIIS. 2:00 Sammy Kaye'a Oreh., M US. 3:011- ll'lckcye l-'ollr, MISS. 3:30 At Your Command. 3:4a Charioteers, MIIS. 4:00 Trojan Horses. MIIS. 4 : If, Interlude. 4:20 Cats ami Jammers. Mils. 4:30 Morion liould's Orch.. MIIS. 5:, Kl sterling Young's Orch., MHS. 5:30 Hawaii Calls. MliS. (i:on Tonight's Tune. 6:05 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 6:10 News-Review News Flashes. fi:l." Dinner i'ance. G.-.'IO John II. HiiElies. MIIS. II: 15 Hetty Jane Ithouds. MHS. 7:00 Hollywood Whispers, MIIS. 7:15 Mutual Maestros. 7:30 Imperial Intrigue, MHS. S: 00 Art Kassel's Orch.. MIIS. S : 1 5 Sons of tile Pioneers. MIIS. S:30 Interlude. 8:35 Irving Arronson's Orrh.. M HS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 11:15 Kraliliie .Master's Orcll., M U.S. 9:30 Joe Sanders' Orch., MHS. 10:00 Sign Off. MWDAY. FF.U. I .S:i'i Al Heller Savs. MIIS. 8:15 Clad Tidings of the Air. Rev Ira F. Rankin. 8:30 Voire of Prophecy Choir, MHS. S:I5 Canary Chorus, MIIS. icon I'orolo String Quartet. MHS. 9:15 The Chaplain Speaks, Rev. Perry Smith. i. ?,n Aiui'iicaii Wildlife. MHS. 9:45 March of Health. MIIS. 10:00 Sunnier Prlndle, Pianist, MHS. 10:15 Romance of the Hi-Wayi, Greyhound Lines, MBS. I0:3o Holy Name 1'nion. MUS. 11:00 BaptiM Church Services. 12:00 Meditation und Melody. MIIS. 12:30 Haven of Rest. MHS. 1 :im Nobody's Children. MHS. 1:30 Lutheran Hour, MBS. Sunday Varieties. 2:30 M lodv Matinee. 3110- -Help Thy Neighbor. MUS. 3:30 Show ol the Week. M US. 4:oo. Hacb Cantata Series. Mli. 4:30 The Angelus Hour, Dr. C. A. Edwards. .1:00 American Forum ol the Air. MUS. 6:00 Old Fashioned Revivjl, MBS. 7:00 Good Will Hour, Ironiie l Yeast, MBS. K nit drill Williams' MHS. s:l" lahbi Kdgar Magnln. .M!;S. S .Tt Interlude. v: 5 Ahino Key's Orch.. MI'.S 9:C0 News. Serutan, MBS. :'.5 The Quiet Hcur. ;M5 Sign OIL OUT OUR WAY , 7 : : s .. s- YOU'LL NEVER GET FAR WHY DO V WELL, HE T NO, I THAT WAV, YOUNG FELLEE-- TH BIG AWT MADEl THINK IT'S ; P AYBOYIM' ALL NIGHT, I BOYS SAY HIS FIRST HIS SECOND V THEM LATE FOR. WORK AND ) SUCH MILLION MILLION V POPEY ALL DAY.... NOW IS THINGS? YET--GIVE 1 HE'S AFTER I TH' TIME TO BUILD YOUR. J HE HASN'T THE OL' J NOW -- OR, f J FUTURE SO YOU'LL HAVE J TAKEN A -. MAM ) IS IT HIS MONEY AND LEISURE TO I DAY OFF VTIMEy rS THIRD ? I I IN EM-TOY THE BEST V FEB. YEARSl yrf- I jJ J , T. M lIC U. PAT. CfF. Irrigation Meet Dated in Roseburg Farmers Accorded Chance to Learn of Latest Methods, Types of Equipment. raniifis ii.UM' In IrriRatinn will hiivo an ninniitunily to Itmrn nf the lalpst dovidopint'iits in irri lt:l I ion I'diiininciit and nractlcoH I next Tuesday, i- cbi uury 6, aci:ord- iiiK tu J. Itolund I'arkpr, county iiK'l, who lia.s arrani'd for mi all day iriieaiion meeting ut the I. O. O. V, hall in itoHcIiiiru. iK'KinniiiK at 10 a. in. A greater number of iarniers earh year are b'K-ominK interested in Irrigation slutes .Mr. I'iirker, and the meeting Is fur the purpose nr 1'uniinlihu? inlornuition to anyone who may i) Interested in InKliilllmr an iniiration Kvstfiin W.irId,!ijUrinK the iireKetit year, or who has problems in runneetiun with an irrialion system already in stalled. The program for the day will in clude subjects as advantages nf ' irrigation. trriem inn priiiiiiiiient. metlmds of Irrigation, fitting land .for irrigation und financing irriga- nun syswuns. 1 ne larni secaniy 1111 ministration has been able to fi nance several fanners In Doug las rotinly to Inslali irrigation sys tems and it is believed that this i,K'"".'y asslKl '"'''"' j""' '"' desire irrigation and are without Ihe necessary funds. During the last five years over 53 irrigation syslems have been in stalled, wilh over 700 acres irrigat ed, and capable of irrigating over 2500 acres. In most cases, slates Parker, farmers who have Installed Irrigation systems have Irrigated a small acreage at first and gradu ally expanded their acreage. A majority of the systems in opera tion are either revolving sprinkl er or low pressure sprinkler sys tems, powered either by electric motors or gasoline engines. At NURSERY TALE PRINCESS HORIZONTAL 1,8 Beautiful slumbering princess. 12 Weapon. 13 Uproar. 15 Blood money. 16 To eschew. 18 Writing fluid. 10 Premium for a loan. 21 Spendthrift. 23 To place by itself. 24 Tree fluid. 25 Natural power. 26 Cognizance. 29 3.1416. 30 Away. 32 Eludes. 33 To enlist. .'4 Fiber knots. 35 Right. 36 Self. 37 Sesame 38 Lava. 40 Adjudged. 44 Servitude. Answer to Previous Puzzle IO:Ry!IJLLiEjVViPMICH!TI M ETLITBfA 1 LiSLrTjfel M ereTHpi 1 pEmTjEttrq'N 1 M.&uieH (Mli Bp?if COE'RC E iiimiit TtRHprr ITiFiDil lAlfe SPi 1 TNTErrlHEHFiLT iHlA'RITMAlNlSEIRH AND I MiVlE NiTrt 47 Inlets. 48 Indian. 50 To stab. 51 Courtesy titles. 52 Old womnnish.' 83 To harvest 55 She was or bewitched by a wicked fairy. 56 She slept for 100 . i i is m 1 is ib n 1 FTTH I . i.. 1 ' 1 r 4 Lr-J 1 I MU J: - . ito 17 I8 j 19 2D 3 Z2 "F 1 1 L 'izTrn 40 Ml 4Z YA j 4b 146 55 io THE RAINBOW'S END cow. least one gravity Irrigation sys tem to serve a number of farmers on South Myrtle creek is being constructed this winter and it is expected liy spring that a large number of irrigation systems will be installed. Ex-Kaiser Favors War on Bolshevism M-:W YORK, I'VI). -(AD - Tho man who led (icnntmv Into world war in 1014-Kaiser VVIl-; industry, dropped price schedules ., n,e worhl Tellow h!V le ,.. helm thinks Ceriuuny and the nl- !al 7 a. ill. and Friday at 2 o'clock the w I i lies should declare peace Inline- Cuts varied from four to 15 cents dav or nraver Is 1,1 he h.,.r,..,i dialely, then join Finland to "rid'a barrel Jor crude the company 5 I'nijci Jsjobe obserietl. the world of bolshevlsni." I b.iys at the wells. Several early GLENDALE ASSEMBLY OF GOD The former ruler, now in'exile al j estimates placed the average cut 1 Doom. Holland gave these sontl-: at 10 cents a barrel. Signal Hill 27 Sunday school 10 o'clock Stiudav incuts in u letter mailed Jan. 16 ' gravity crude, a typical oil, drop- morning with M. M. Wulker. sup to Poultney Uigelow his Atncrfcun ! ped to $1.03 from 81.10. I erintendent. Worship service at biographer. Such an average, at last year's " o'clock with a message on "The Higelow, making public the (lor - man's remarks, quoted him as sny lag: "The magnificent stand of the Finns has smashed the minibus oi l $22,000,000 in value of output nt Mr- f- J- Converse will be speak bolshevinn and set people think- the wells. That assumes other illK 11,19 Friday. Services Tues- Ing with the result thut the wish for peace Is gaining ground. "The helliiiereinu uhnnl.l fighting und join llielr forces to hel) the Finns. They should fight in one lino to rid the world and eivllzatlon of bolshevlsni." Willielui, an exile since 1018, celebrated his 81st birthday But unlay. Higelow has arranged to leave tomorrow for Italy lo see Premier Mussolini and, he hopes Wilhellli alto. c 1 - . i ciioil 10 aeep output oown 101 canins vaney Mctnndlat cliurcli: saiem Jury Acquits I what the stale's market territory i Sunday school Hi 11. in. Kvangi lls- PnuUnn Ch... r,.iwi" l,uy "l l"'Ht prices. tic service at 7:30 p. 111. What ruuoun jnooT VOUnry The Standard company's only would lilo, properly, or business. comment, however, In w.-irlh without the church? Are KALKM. Feb, 1. (API A Jury1 ol nine men and three women last night acquitlcd Mark A. Paulson, former Kiigllsh teacher ut Ihe Ore gon Stale training school, of charges of contributing to the fie liii'iuency of a minor inmate at Hie 111st ii ut ion. 16 She was by a prince whom she married. 17 Curtain hangings. 19 Weapon which chlIaki ..rcboun?s'.. zu L.ove 01 sen. iKWn 22 Letter. NIEAjRl 27 Night before. PiHO Al IK Pil nf fahrir ilgEipjSI 30 Native metal. VERTICAL 2 Fluid rock. 3 God of love. 4 Sends forth. 5 Into. 6 Shred of waste silk. 31 Haze. 37 Rubbish. 39 To worship. 41 Ireland. 42 Circular arrangement 43 Do not. 44 Couiagcous. 7 Cotton picker. 45 Region 8 To exist. 46 Trappings. 9 Cold. 49 Cravat. 10 Measure 51 Southeast 11 Tipster. 52 Form of "a.' 54 Postscript 14 Snow glider FT I By Wifflams w .. , - wo smvicc. iwc. Crude Oil Prices In California Drop SAN FKAXCISCO, Feb. 1. (AP) California's biggest business, tho oil Industry, faced lower prices for crude oil today. It also faced changes In policy holding vast sig nificance. Standard Oil compuny of Cali fornia, traditional leader of the giant corporations and frequently adomlnant iiroeraiu-fraiiiei- tor tho . production which the American pctrolouin institute placed at more thnn 224,000.000 barrels, would mean a dron of mnro Ihun buyers rollow the cut, us they have done In the past. Possibly of greater significance, 'P"8101- .. both to the industry, its customers, i m, , ...,,, suppliers and stockholders, and, to. uillaro circuit Mho state's economy, is tho ovolu - lion 01 policy revealed by the Sunday school nt 1o a. m. Worship price cut, '' " '111 a. m. ''Salmon theme. "What No longer Is Standard Oil com- price Spiritual -Revival?" Kpworth jinny going to "hold the umbrella" League at 0:46 p. 111. Watch these over the industry, evidently. It has lines lor the evangelistic preaching for some time been paving high ' mission mow re 1. it, prices for oil as an open reward 10 prooueiion limits agreed upon in Willi Ihe rut was: It was made because of a substantial weaken ing in fuel oil prices." January Weather Here Deficient in Rainfall I lit! wciitlRT, Tor lw moiiih (if jHiutary was flcficli'iit in lalnlall ami iihiivo HvnrjiKo In M!iiiif ratum, ai'connim in the iiionttily mi'tforn loKicH ri'iini t compiled Imlay hy .!. Mc.Ca)list(M nictooroloHist In char of the local Hlulion of tho I;. S. Weuthor iiuioau. iEaiiiiall tntallftl li.Zd liirhcs its fftmiiarfd wliii a noiniul of inches, leaving a dttflcicncy nf inciifs. Tlii' dfliclcniy wince Sept, I. Ilr.'lft, HiiMiuntH t 4.!-:i InclMtK. The a vera m daily temperaluro waH 1.2 (Icyrtvr-H Hhovu nininul. Tin1 liielicKt tcmppralurt! ruenrdfd dur ing (lie niotiih whh F'. dcrcuH iiml the low.-sl was lit dKrt)s. Tin: ten. pel at im t-ver i ncm ileil in Jaiuiary was 71 deem-H and tilt 1 owe Hi G tlcKlfffH IicImw zein. Local Grangers Go to Warehouse Dedication A delegation of IomiI ranwiH left todny for to Httend (lie dtMlic:alion or Uu? Htatr: KiaiiRe'H new witrehnusn. AinoiiR tlioHe Inc Trom DniiKltiH comity wtro Ku-d A. doff, ineintxr nf the Htulfi Kianu; execiitivp C(immiU(e; T. II. IliiKonlmik, niKHter of I'onmna Krantro; hr. C II. Bailey, rditur of thf Oregon ;iHnifc Hnllotin; Mrs. Ilallt-y, F. K. Hullock. KelloKn, and (Juy N, Shore, manager of the local (iraiiKe Supply compuny. The profii-Hin will reatnrn an nd ilroKH liy I'ean William A. Sclioen reid of Oregon State colleen and will Include a conference of ffraiiKC mipply untl wholesale iff It-iulu. tdrare wommanaer win Visit Legion Post Here I Word ttim received here today by oflicern of rnip'iua post of the A merit a n I zion I ha t the Jot'it ( pout tit leu remilar meeting next Tuesday niirlit III enjoy a vlnit from the depart men t commander. Neil Allen, (irantu I'attH uitorney, who lieadK the ntale flf-rrt iih ii I ol Ihe American lei;Ptn. will he ac companied to ItOflfhlllK by It dee cation from tho t'uve city. A htw tiiriMMil of local veieranH for Tiich dii iitht'n meethig Ia dcftiit'd hy the pObt oflflflB. SS? Churches DAILY DEVOTIONS DH. CHAS. A. EDWARDS IlellKion Is not something apart from the dully m fail's of life. It Is not whut you niny think tiliout it or your lormulu tion or it, but It Is tho s dixit of faith and lovo und servlco uu tlve In all you say or do or think. It Is just tho fine art o( living. It is the lire of the whole limn funt'tlnniiig in all his ac tivities. HeliKion deals with life, not dealh. it has to do with llv. ing. not dying. If wo live right, dying will take care of Itself. It is not to got you Into heaven, hut to get hen m n Into you. The word of God is Inclusive, not ex clusive. "Whulever you do." All Is to he done that sood may come or It. Is not the mother an Illustration of this high princi ple? Every duty is u religious mutter. If a thing ought to bo done, then it is religious to do It. It Is as religious to perform the common duties of life, as It is to preach the gospol. Business hnB business with religion, and religion has business with busi ness. Amen. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Edonbower district Itev. J. 1). Kernult pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in. .Mrs. Chas. Hughes superin tendent. Morning devotion 11 . 111. Sermon topic, "Is It Lawful." Young people's service 7 p. 111. Preaching service 7:30 p. 111. Tas ter in charge, como to Sunday school mid hulp us win iho ban ner. SUTHERLIN METHODIST CHURCH Onnal II. Trick, pastor. , Siindnv school at 10 o'clock; .Mrs. P. A. Comsiock. superintendent. At (lie morning worship, the sermon, "The Man on The Mount." will he tin, introduction to the Lenten series of sermons on "The Sermon on the ...... . .. .. . 11 Lord b supper," wilh the coinmun- lon service and opportunity lor missionary giving. rcvangcllstic servico at 7:30 Sunday evening. i"'ys ' K-ver.oi,e welcome. Kutbryn Montgomery, ; Looklngglmfs Methoilist church: pared to enter into it whole-hearl- edly. you giving Hie church a solium lira I'.' Triimile chuicli: Sun day school nt the usual hour. Elec tion of officers Sunday inorniiiK. Keh. Jl, rfl !l:4.". Mo present and cat your vote for (he person you want. If 'mi don't hrlicvo In co operation, jusl observe uluit Uai pens to tlie wacon when nno wheel comes idf. Dillard Melhr.dist church: Sun day school ut lb u. m. Tliis Sun day school lias adopted the "Win Three Pcmi-am" that It may licit in the church school advance pro mam. A livine wae is one thai peniiils l he employer's soul to live. Let iih strive for a living wage. (. K. Drltlain, pastor. CALAPOOIA FREE METHODIST CHURCH K. I. I,ee. pastor. Sunday sclio'jl, lil u. m.; preach hit; ser viro a. m.; 'oun People's mcet Iiir i :',') p. in.; pi-ea citing seivice al 7:'.U t. in. every nlnht to and imluilinK Kehruary II. Itev. Mow ell. evanccilHt. Tlie special meet tiiK sponsored by tlie You nt; I'eo ple. Vou arc welcome lo tonic. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Al 312 K. ImiiKlas litreel. tegu lar siTvices Suudny at 11:U0 a. in. Subject, of IcHhon: "I Jive." Sun day schoril convenes ut !t:-to it. ui. (Mnendiiy evimiuK meet inns which include tc.Hiiuionics ol Ik uI-i ing and remarks on Chrihifuii Sci j i nee are hehl at X:wi o cloclt. I tM' . reading loom at 317 Perkins build-1 tntr is open daily except HunduyHj and holidays from ii:3o a. rn. to; 4:3u ii. ni. Mere the illhle und all aiitlnrl.ed Christian Science liter-! at lire may be read, borrowed or 1 subscribed for. The public is cor! fliully Invited to attend the church I services and to the i cndlu loom. FREE METHODIST CHURCH "World Kvelits in Hi" .vU HlbJi' Prophecy." llliihtrated with j niiirllliik' sen en picltire. is tli' tlienn' ot a series of lectures noA Im-Iiik held nt 11m Imuulas Ixdel, .xpntiKOief by the local church. Itev. Wi fdey ti. Kdwards. ol Los Aimeles. Is the spejiKer. The Sun day nioiniim service til 11. as well ns ihe HundHy hcIhmiI at H:1.ri. will be held in the Douglas hotel I'M I wo Sundiiys itiily. Services will (oiilinue every ni'.'lit until 1-Vhriinry 11. No admlt sifin ll be t hai tfi d to henr llie:;e iliii4tr;ii d It rtuie. Sin ll subjects as: "The lUlUr ol Ai inaaeddou : The Ci'-ai Trflnila tlon; JUe Jews Itytumuib' to Pa leu- line: Sluns and Wondura In the Heavens." und others will be dealt with during the coining week. FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Incited at end of V. Commer rlsl Avo. A. Harold l'ersing, pas tor. Tonight at 7:30 there will-he a service. The text for the ntesuuge is "l'sllent In Tribulation." Services for Sunday: Sunday school at 9:45. We expect a real turnout for this Sunday. Ye havo a class for you. Mrs. John Kl liot tu charge. Morning worship be ginning at 11 a. in. .Message, "Kings and Priests Vnlo tioil." Communion and missionary offer ing. Young People nud Children's church will meet at 6:"0 In their respective places. Evangelistic service at 7:110. Services for the week: Tues day at 7::io, Y.mng People In charge. Krlriny night at 7:30, de votional service and preaching. W e export to begin siec(al meet ings the night of Keb. 11th. Plan on attending. THE ROSEBURG. METHODIST CHURCH Itev. Louis Mnifln. I. P., pastor. Tliu Great KriendHblp and Atteml mice cam pa Ik a opens Sunday morn inn. At 11:00 a. in. the pastor. Dr. Mititin. will speak on "Tho Ieri! or Lukewarmness." Special music by the choir. At 7:30 p. ui, an illuminated cross will bo un veiled nt the altar of the church with special service of dedication. The pastor will preach on the theme "The Crosa or Christ." Lo well Itussell will slim the hymn, "The Old ItusKed Cross." Mrs, Louis MhkIii will lead the sonn servicu ami liynms of tho Cross will be used. Tho hljih school Hp-w-nlh Leacue meets al 6:30 p. in. Topic: "The Lord's Supiier." !ead er, iMtiine Harvey. The Intermed iate Leimue meets ut fl:30 p. tn.. Cent; Wiley. Irader. The Church school meets ut 9:15 a. in., II. A. Cunaduy. K''t'ul superintendent. The mid-week servico Wednesday evL'niiiK at 7:30. A cordial invita tion is Kiven to ovoryouo to wor ship with us. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH r.lble Hfhool at 9:45. Donn Ituda ha iif h is superintendent. Classes for all ages. Church service 10:45. John A. Harney minister. Sermon "Baptism." Young people'H serv ice 6:30 p. m. Church service 7:30 p. in. Tho yomiR people have chal lenged the adults to a six weeks' contest to see which side can have the most present for tlie eve ning service. The losers are to put on an entire evening service. Last Sunday the score was 54 to 36 In favor of the adults. Bible class on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "(live I'a A Nail" Is t lie sermon topic for Sunday iiiornhitr. and tliu f .Mlmliiy eventni; tneasaue will lie on I I'eli 1, entitled. "Life By the dispel." Tlie Children's tneasaKe and Ihe Newsiniper of the ehineh are InlurestiiiK foaluros of the moriiliiK and evening services, re Bperllvely. The Christian Kndea vor aoelelies will meet at li:.'lll. 'I'he preprayer servico for the Senior soiletV will he led liy Tom VVanil anil Corrlnu llariiliant will present tlii' topic The eali'liilar for the week: Holiday: Sunday school II: 45 u. in.: uiornlna worship 11:0(1 u. in.; C. K. soelellc-s li::lll p. in.; evenlllt; servlee 7 : .'10 p. in. Tuesday: Choir practice 7: IIP p. in. Wednesilay: I'ntyer nicelliiu l p. in. Thursiliiy: Missionary society 3:30 p. in.; Illhle study 7:3U p. m. SALVATION ARMY Services are held at Ihe Salva llon Army Thursday. Saturday and Sunday nlt'hts coiiimeticliiK at d:i0 p. in. Sunday ulitlit einlit male sinners Iroui the St. Mark's F-Jpis- ml church in Seattle will furnish Hie music. Kveryone has a Kood time at the Salvation Army and all are welcome. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school will brin al. in .i m. Huinlay ut. 130 K. Jackson Street. Elders l-'airbaiiks and KiIhcIi hnecht will be in charge. Klder -'airli;inks was recently transfer red here from Port Angelrs. U'ush Inmnn. replacing Elder Kennedy Curtis. Everyone is Invited to utlend cliurcli i.ei vifes. Nm colloitions uio In ken. EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. Ccni'Kc's. iloly communion 8 and II a. in. Itadio talk !t:lf a. in. Church h-1iioI !:4." a. in. Serv ice Veterans Facility 1:15 p. in. V. P. E. fi:30 p. in. No service at Kiddle, Sunday, Fell 4 "Thr Br. I.iar Inrmrd fh flri puhltihJ in lantuitr ol th ;htl.tlan Statr "lan full and (-XrwxtllAM IV nt 0 UOUCLHS FUHERRL Home aw w. ieo. ruNimt tnEooa uunho mv attlnoant S. PINl W lANt PHONI 111 BAPTIST CHURCH This coming Sunday will see the beglnltig of the three months Loyalty-Personal Soul Winning campaign at the Baptist church. A roll call, the ordinance of tho Lord's Supper 2nd a short I?e--ns2 on tho church covenant will con. stltute the Sunday morning ser vice. At 7:30 tho pastor, Rev. H. P. Sconce begins a new and entirely different series of sermons on "The Fine Art of Home Building." "Love and Courtship" will be the theme of the first sermon. Whnt kind of love is the lovo that lasts? Is love ut first sight possible? Theso and other questions will bo answered. A young couple recently married will be present to Klve their tes timony 011 what Christ has meant In their courtship and marriage. "Choosing a Wifo," "Choosing a Husband," "How to Got Married and Stay So," "The Romance of Parenthood," and other similar topics will be presented on other Sunday evenings. CHURCH OF CHRIST, OAKLAND Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Sunday services: 10 a. m. -Sunday school, topic "Holding Life Sacred," Heter Adams, euperlntcit lent. 11 a. m., morning worship. Lord's Supper, sermon, "The Christ or Omnipotent Power." Hoard meeting Immediately fol lowing morning service, 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor in both, junior and senior groups. 7:30 p, m.t union services ut the Church, or Christ. Christian Kndenvor la to have charge of the evening serv ices. They will present two little plays. The leaders or Douglas County Christian Endeavor union will be the main speakers, the main speaking done by Mrs. ' Lakey or Drain, Ore., and presldenc of tho union. Community folk are urged to attend, a. IL Tliidall, puh tor. 9c DISHPAN8 A ,-l UllUl'lul 41. n ilaya or Carr'a 9c aalo a 10 quart . deep iliHlipan or 10 quart till pail for only He with any J1.00 pur chase. And other baritalns galore iroin an iioiHirtinoiita or our more (I lit. ItMIMt 1,1,'tm .I.E. rayons towels, lioHlory, etc., only .:. inn nui .save ut tarra uo sale. (Adv.) Delicious Doughnuts Wholesale and Retail at the Dunk-Ur-Donut Shop 324 North Jackson SL PORTLAND'S Most Distinctly Hot1 wit.-: vou ... I'rlritillr Srrvh'f lloittr - I, Ike lliitiiim - Uiimlprrul VnuA C MciiMlblc llntr llrutnluiix r OKt -Mr! In nil Thr r n w.rn tidal H (mJi Idt lnuMrisI or KtMrnh'. W Hrt rti dy right f t yw . . . Wtikfiil In Wtf. Ltniwry, m tn4 . . 4 f no otrt tt! Ht ye Uv llk a king . . r qutt. Juft anetkr rtitwi why ft'i wit i4 to itoo At th ImBtritl Of RoOMvtlt wfitn in ttin4. Jutt block tr two from th conrcr of thing . . . ttiooi, ttortl, bmktt thcjtrti. lOli. Ol'B HELP IN AGES PAST" Re Itaar Wain "O God, ur help In yf ft. ip I or yttr I t Our lihr (rm lh tm U.H, "V AnJ Mir Urnl Uo Watt U lh auihrw ol ihl hymn. pan ol hit trantlattnn nl Palm und Ht "Plm nf IHld Imltilwt In lh Nrw Tnumrnl and Appttrd to tht of Worthlp" In I TI un4r tha Ittlr, God Eirrnal." HOTEL BENSON I 'i'A Whtro You liv liko o King K7 ...bvHhohraUlowl .