TWO RQSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG,-OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1940. (smyrnrFTTW su.i Calendar 1 Monday, January 22 ' I Jr. Linden it. Leuvltl's speech ami psychology ehiHHes to meet at 7;:iu In evening lit Civic club rjom 01 Hotel Luipiiuu. lie. It. L. Dunn's nnii-denoniiun. lluniil Bible Study class meeting ill 7 : 4.", ii'clcii'k In evening In dining hull or Douglas hotel. Public In Vlted. lOplHonpul Hulld to meet lit V : ill home of Ml. J. -M. Jiulil Willi Mrs. James 10. Judd mill -Mm. Fred uriok t'haliiiiiin. Jr.. hostesses. .Mm. C. Stumbling, il -il-nl . I" I dun go Iti'frimliiiivnta liitnr in eve ning. N. or W. Thimble nun miornuiiu nii'i'tllii: ut homo or Mm. A. II. Pi r rl l cm Harvard avenue . 1IP.WC. - nifetiiiK at clubhouse Willi ilOKclllllg Clllnll I'll" girls I" c humc or pi iiKi'iiui. C oliiinltti-i: Imrnlhv Nortni. lied Cross fli'ltl rc- i'CHi'll'.illlv ot tin- I'aclllr brunch. Anno Curler, to speak nl Gilllil nici ling at J il.l.l homo. Tuesday, January 23 F. S. clllli ulterlioon mcclin:: 111 home or Mm. lOnrl Decker. Inier-Se Siiuly club 1 o'clock tin- llOHt.MH dessert-lunche ill at hotel I ' m .i ni . followed liy roll-call topics at homo ol .Mm. 10. S. Hall on .Mill lary alrcot. Anne Carter. Hid (Unas ropro Bcnliillvo, to speak at Klwiiiila uooi. luncheon at lloliil I'miiiiuu. : J ib's Daughters to liolil regular inci.tliii! at 7:1111 In evening at .Ma sonic temple. I :i,uuliiH county If. K. F.mployeos. Federal Credit I'lilon nnnual meet ing at o'clock at recreational Itiilhlln.' at Veteruua AdinlnlKtra- Hon I'aclllly rollottvd by lianl tllili dance and aocliil. All goveinuielil cnildoyeea Invlled. Viiiiik People'a 1. 1 ague or St. Paul a l.illliirun church to meet al 7::l'l In evening aL home or Mr. mid Mm. It. Kalue at MZ Mill St. ' Wednesday, January 24 HnuglaH Cult or I'ro-Ainei lea to meet nl two o'clock at chamber or coininerco uirlce with .Mra. II. C Waddell, picaldenl, In charge and Mm. It I.- Irving, speaker. M.O.A. club iitlHinii'ili ineellug lit home ol Mm. C. II. Calklna. . SI. Joepli'a Alluf, Kpciely to meet til two o'clock atst'aiiiollc pariah hall on Noiili Kand'-treet with Mra. (ieorgn lliiiniuer a luw Icbb. All ludlea ot the pariah In vited, ' Country eluli ineniliera and gneata Invited In card party at eight o'clock at clllliliouac. I'rl.ea Itllll'et rel'reHbluenta. .Mra. C. 10. Wllnbei'ly, cliiili'lnau. Mra. S. t'. l,iiiliiini. Mm, Arthur II. Mount lord and Mm. W. i IS. .mtf U' clUIIHC. I..T I.. lo meet at 4 : If! at Uap tiat ehurcll. I'rogriiiu. Singing ill ehurge ol Mm. (1. W. laa-per. Mm .-iod 1,. Soiilhwiili and Mlaa Kdlih Stagga III clinrge. I'yHihin Slaters to meet al S o'clock III livening nl It. of I', ball lor Important bualueaa aea Kiiin. . , , W. C.T.l'. meeting at two o clock III arterlioou at home ot Mra. W. M. Cniniihell Willi Mia. C. A. C'hiiiu beillu In charge. Mm. It. A. Her cher, devotlona. Alt'irney I'aul lleddea, Bpeaker. Mm. Kufl Wiley will alug and other mimical mini bcra are being arranged (or Hie occaaloli. , Sew and (Mint club alterlioon lneellnil al hnnie or .Mm. Adrian Howell lit r,ll2 Kliat Washington at reel. Thurrday, January 26 " Ladles ot Hosebiirg C'liintry club lii meet at II : ;ln n in. at clutdiotise lor weekly piny ol' contract bridge liiiirnameut ; potlueli lunciicon ii' 1,-J : :i and i ill lug at . IjiiIv I'.lks to n t ill S o'clock nl ti undo. I'l lrea I ir cool I hlldgf and llw.-humltcd lourna meiit plays. . tleorgt Slariner auxiliary to I nlted War Veterans ails diary to meet al T:M In evening Ut ulinoiy. Saturday. January 27 " Itoacbiirg Woman s club scrii e shoti upen all day upstairs In chili bouse oiuioslte Hunt's Indian theatre. NEW IDEA CLUB IS ENTERTAINLD AT GILE HOME ON WEDNESDAY Mis. It. I., title was a ncist gi.u lous hostess Wednesday ntleriusin. when she entellalncd the New Idea dull at u veiy lovely one o'clock lunch l al her bcaillliul home In Kdcnliower. .la-iuilne I. iliued a pretly decorative uielll tor Hie occasion. Covers were placed lor Mrs. !' II. Appli li'iil. Mrs. C. K. Marlts. Mis It. II Williams. Mis. V. M. Clllils. .Mis. I' 10. llemer. Mis John II. I'litcr. Mis. 10. T. Nelson. Mrs W. I i. Harris. Mrs. .Midi .Moore and the lloslews. Mis. tiile Kollowlllg a sliolt business meet ;ng sewing and visiting were en Inved. The I'eliiuarv Till luncheon lli'i'tlng a:" 1 i diallue it I'olly aiiuil gills will be held at the hnnie at .Mrs. Moore. MRS. RALPH HERMAN ENTERTAINS SEWING CLUB ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. lialpb lleruian verv gin elollalv elilerliilncd the Sew mid Clint clllli at her Inline In I lie Kohl llagen iiparllnelits Wednesday al terunoll. Sewing mid visiting were enljn.v ed until the lea b '. when Mrs. I Herniuu served delicious reiiesn ineiilH to Mrs. lilllonl smith. Mr Hdwln Haidiier. Mra JOrsklue iiml Mrs. I- C. Latham. The club will meet next Wednes ilav iirternnon al the tioine ot M" Adrliin lloweii. Laivt W.islnni.- toil alt eut. By. LOI US KNIGHT POUTER , Charming Program Koseburg Woman Aim. I. II. Kiddle, chairman. Mm. A. J. Hcdiloa, Mm. James 10. Camp liell anil Airs. Ileorge Frew were hostesses to Hie Hunching Wom an's chili at a charming oue-tllllty dosserl-lunchcon ill the club holme Tuesday. Ill'lilltlrill hoiuiuetB ot JiiKinlne anil lull lighted blue lupem graced the long tables. Mm. 1.. A. Wells, proslilenl, HUH III charge or Hie meeting, which wua oieiied will) Hie blessing given by Mrs. Charles A. Kdwards. Senii lor Carney presented mi Inlerit lug five-mllilllu talk on "Inlaulllel Paralysis'; Mm lOdwIn (I. Voiiiik ' ;ave a splendid book review; .Mian lleleu Casey gave a very delight fill talk on Katharine Cornell mill her latent play, "No Time For Comedy," which she enjoyed dur fill: Hie holidayH In Portland, and Mm. Frederick .1. Porter reported on coming attraelluim ut Hunt's In dian theaire. Mrs. Ilolller ' Hrovv accompanied .1. P. Suite, who tiling Itohm's "Ciiliu .'i.i Hie Night" and llurtletl's "A llreani." Mr. Sage so ilellgliled the incnihcTH and gueata with hla ex ceptionally Hue Hinging, that they demanded all encore. Mm. K. II. l.ytle, program chair man, prei-tcntcd ail llllllallally Inter esting and enjoyuhle program on "What la New in the World To day." With Hplciulld leportu being given by Mm. C. H. llulley on tefe vlafon: .Mra. K. A. Iliird, rood; Mra. Karl rilticll, pent luoati mid inuall roouiH and Mltia Marie .Miirlena on "Synthctlca." Mm. I.ylle will coin- plele the aerlea of lalka at the n,.t i tllng or the club. fovem were placed fur .Mra. I. A. Wells. Mm. It. II. Slpprell. Miss Helen Casey, MrH. Kdwlu (I. Young ami her mother, Mrs. I'helps Hum, or Walla Walla. Wash.. Mrs. .1. Ito land I'arker, Mrs. Iloiner tirow.l DR. AND MRS. HOUCK ENTERTAIN AT CHARMING DINNER PARTY THURSDAY lir. and .Mra. Ccorgo 10. Ilinlck en tertained nl a very charming din ner party at their allractlve home oil South SteplieilH Hlreet Thurs day evening to compliment Hie birthday iiuulveraaries of the lat ter'a daughter. .Mra. It. II. Klelda, Jr., of I'ortlaml, and l-.MwIn Itooth. J gurgit'oliH IliiUmi eutwork -loll) flovered Hie table, which wua cen tered with h howl of pink cariia Hons flunked by tiny eryaliil atiir holilem louialnlivt lull blue tupem. Two lioiiullllllly deeorilted blrllidav ciikea were cutv and served with ,the deiisert.tajurm.. 'Cover were placed for Mrs'. It. II. Fields, Jr., Mr. ami Mm. Htl win Month, Miss Helen Casey. Mr. and .Mrs. Ilovd Hales. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chnpinnu. Jr., and the hunt and IkibIchh, llr. mid Mrs. (.leor.'te 10. Ilollck. Lovely girts were presented to Mrs. Fields and Mr. Ilooth and Hie evening hours were pleasantly spent In visiting ami enjoying pic ture sillies shown by Mr. Chap man. OR. AND MRS. MOUNTFORD ENTERTAIN POST CLUB AT CHARMING DINNER Dr. and Mrs. Arthur II. Mount, lord elllerlaliied I he I'ost chili at a very charming six-thirty o'clock hiiflet dinner nl their beauliriil Inline al the V. A. F. posl on Tues day evening. ited cariiatlous and tall lighted red lapcm graced the prettily up. pointed liihle. liucHts of lr." and Mrs. Included Mr. and Mm. Ivan I'lckeiiH and .Miss Mar gurel Johnson nn.l ! nl,,. is p,,.s. were Colonel mid Mrs. 10. F. Tandy. In. and Mrs. Ilinrv Single IT- I Mrs. 10. II. Van Ness. llr. and Mrs. Mark L. I nileiwood. Mr. and Mrs. John M Uaish. Hi. ami Mm- Kei Il W. Kliiiu.v. In. and Mra. 10. II. Stewart, Hr. mid Mrs. lilossmaii and .Mrs. J. It. .Mount lord. Coin i nil bridge was onjnveil liu lK.v Hie pleasant evening hours I with .Miss Johnson ami Mr. .tk 1 ens winning the guest prizes and Mis. Tandy Hi,, chili high score. ' MRS. A. J. ELLISON ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESOAY Mrs. A .1. Kill enlei laiued her Inldge club al a very lovely one thirty o'clmk salad luncheon a I her home on lOasl fuss street We. lues day afternoon. Jasmine and tall luislel-coloreil lapers graced the prettily apiniilileil table. Covers were placed fin Mis Kei- mil Johnson, of Snohomish. Wash., and Mrs. C. M, lliilner. gnesis. and 1 Ion. Mis ('. M. lliilner. Mrs. Wll Mrs. T. H. iiinr, i , i,,t fourl ills Myers and tlio hostess. Mra uey. Mrs. l.eioy lllalt, Mrs. II II 'llellowa. Tinner, .Mrs. A It. Tavlol. Mrs. I' Sewing and vlsUing were vn M. Lee null t lit busies;-. Mrs I'lli-' joved ilurlng Hie allernoull. Tile son. I lalllliliv 111 st ineellug will be held High sioie rnr the allernnon's cuulta.t bridge play was held by Mrs. lliilner lor the guesis and by Mrs, Turner lor club nienil.ers. W.F M R. HAS INTERESTING MEETING AT BAILEY HOME The Woman's Foreign Mission .irv i Hie Melhodlsl church belli a vei V llllelesllnc uieetlng iiuusiluv aliciiioou at tin- home ol llle presfdenl. Mis. J. It It.itlev Ivv ..lit v -I vv .1 nu. miters en 1.0 e.t the Hilereslinc i...o:ia. n In . ha', ve Mrs. II. A Cana.lav. vviio gin c j ,i s). I. lull. I lalk and deinollslrallon ; on si. wardship, loll iwed by .1'ler Iioiii H'e i..l b.,k on Mm i . In ddes. I by Miss .lean ; Presented At sOlub luesday Mm. Churles A. lOdwards. Mm. John Weektt, Airs. Leonard JL Cole lilun. Mm. C. K. Ilannlntf, .Vim. J. C. .McCullislor, Mm. William Hull. Mm. It. It. Willett, Mm. J). II. Clark. Mm. K. I). I.ytle and her mother, .Mm. Adeline Olsen, Mm. C. lO.Lytlo and Mm. Carrie Klder, or fllllHboro. M tan Marie Martens Mm. Karl Cllrlch, Mm. F, A. Hilril Mm. C. If. Hillley. Mm. W. W. Ash null, Mm. I. A. Ilelch, .Mm. John M. finish. Mm. II. II. Carter, Mix. Jennie .lorey, Airs, tl. C. TIhoii Mill. I. II. Kiddle. Mm. It. I,. vVhl: Ide. Mm. Foster lliilner, Mn. A (.:. .Murslers, .Mm. AlTowsntltli,- Portland, Mra. Thoinau Summer MrH. t'arl V. Spauldlng, Mra. Hay 11. Hampton, .Mrs. A. H. j'crrln. Mm. W. M. Campbell, Alrr. I' A KleblH. Mrs. It. I., ('uriu-lili.r, Mrs. J. K. Slattery, ,Mra. K-urmit John sou. or Snohomish, Wash., Mrs. T ti. Watson. Mm. Mi. Null, or M" Cloud. Calir.. Mrs. It. W. Marste.M Mra. I'aul Morgan. Mrs. tieoi'-'e Bindley, .Mra. Hoy Kuigge, Mra. M It. Hiehnrda, Mm. Claude Huk-v Mm. Carl K. Wlliiherly. Mih. L. Kolilhagen. Sr., Mra. Louis .Magin. Mm. W. It. Ilrown, Mra. Moicuiu. Mra. A. J. tleddes. Mra. .laim s 10. Campbell, Mm. tleorgu Krew and Mrs. Frederick J. I'orter. Itetiorls wcire given by Mm. K. W. Marslers. Mra. lliilner and .Mrs. Kublhagen. 1'lana were made for a food Hit Hi to be held today at Me Keau and Haldwlu'a with .Mra. it. L. Carpenter, bake-aale eliairmnn, mid Mra, It. L. U'lllpple, tulualu sale chairman. The next meeting will he Febru- y lilh at a one-thirty deasert-i liinclieou at the cluh house, w-ilh Mrs. Curl K. Spauldlng. eliairmnn, 1 on "The American Home" program, and Mm. 10. L. Kllapp ehalruiau of i Hie hostess committee. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON THURSDAY The Harden Valley Women's club waa very delightfully enter-! tallied by Jlra. Hugh Itltchlu. Jr..' at her attractive home Tliui-Hday aflernoon. A hououet ol ehrysau-l tlii-iiiuins was used to graci) the ' serving table. Following ii Hlinrt business bus., slou, a delightful uuoinl hour wiik enjoyed during which linn, dainty i relroHliuienlB were served by Hie' hostess, Mm. Itltchle, lo Mrs. G. ' C. llulley. Mra. Albert Ilrown, Mrs. 1 II. A. Culhonn, Mrs. Frank Douglas, j Mrs. John Daniels, Mra. Ifurvey. lOweua, Mm. Doiiiui lM.i'Hiisuir) Mm. II. K. tlrahain, Mm. U. H. lliitton,! .Mrs. W. I). Love. Mrs. A. .V.I Schneider, Mra. John Sinclair. Jim J I'eler Sinclair, Mm. C. L. Spray.1 jus. jbki" i unrulier..;, Mrs. William Vaughn, Mra. T. M. Wlnnlionl Mis (Sillier! Wood. Miss I'alrlclu Dollg- Ins. Mrs. Fred Woods mid Mrs. nruce I'arrolt. The neM meeting will ,e held February 1st at an alldav al'lalr with no hoslesa luncheon at noon ! ai nut clubhouse. DRAIN 4-H CLUBS ARE ORGANIZED Dlt.MX. Jan. 20. A number of newly organized I II Hubs are be ing Hlurted on their y 's work with a great deal ut eiilliiislasm and Inlerest coming ri-oiu both leaders and meiubem. Mrs. Jack Italldall is leading a rooking club. Mrs. Ilessle Ijikey Is leading 11 sewing club, ami Hone Lukey Is oiganlziiig a camp cookery club. There Is a possildllty of a wood working, forestry and posslblv a livestock club being organized If leaders call be lotilid for these. A lillliitier ot clubs were formed iiirlier in Hie year anil are being led by teachers. Mrs. Ilrown leads u health club; Mrs. Uikey leads a health club: Mr. Illooiniiuist leads the marketing cllfh: Miss Young and Mrs. I.akey lead the "Merry Lassies" fllrls club and Mr. lllo .uuiuist leads the Hoy's llobliv club MRS. HAROLD BELLOW8 ENTERTAINS SEWING CLUB ON TUESDAY Mrs. Harold llellowa eutertnilled In r sew ing club at a very lovely one-lhltly o'clock salad luncheon al her home on Military street Tuesday iilleruoou. llitlersweel llrnni Keuluckyl and yelUiw Jus mine graced the center ut the la ble. Covers were placed tor Mrs A. II. l av lor. Mrs. llranl Dsbin n. Mis tl Al. Krell. Mis. 10. S. Hall. Mis. Karl Wllev, Mm. K. A. Hill al the A. J. Klllson home on hint Cass street Willi Mrs. C. M. nut net- as linutcSH. NO-HOST DINNER IS ENJOYED AT PARKER HOME TUESDAY NIGHT A ilellghtllll seven o'clock Ho lloa! dinner was cujoved Tuesda evening at the nlliacllve home ol Mr. and .Mis. C V. I'alker oil Soulll Stephens street. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Monroe. Mr. and Mrs I'- J IIIOWH. .vir. alio .viis. ciiiuiv Hrovvn and Mr. and Mrs. I'arker. Five .hundred was enjoyed duiiug 1 he pleasant evening Hours witn Mr. and Mrs. Monroe winulng the high svoie and Mi. and Mrs. 10. .1 I ;'.. u w lulling in.' moiiu n : 14 ii si 01 e. LEGION AUXILIARY TO SPONSOR LARGE BENEFIT CARD PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT lOluboinie plmis are behiR niado by t'ominllleet of the Ainoiiran Legion auxiliary lor a very charm ing anil large brnoflt card party to be held at eight; o'clock next Frldav nlubl. January Ztilli. at the aimory. to which the general pub lic haa been cordially Invited to enjoy. Mrs. J. A. Harding U acting ns general chalrinun of the affair, which protnisoa to be Hie )& and most outstanding benefit of the winter Benson. The proceeds or the parly will go to the swim ming pool ami playground funds. Mm. Harding bus announced the following commiltecH aBBfsting with the affair: ton I met biki, 111 ril and tables: .Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mm. L. B. Mc.Cllntock, Mr. I.. W. JiHse, Mm. (luy Cordon mid Mm. J. M. Judd; pinochle anil five hundred. .Mm. Hoy Campbell; 're ireslinienls, Mm. Ilroadway. Mm; George Caskey, Mm. Clinton Ooy thy, .Mih. I. II. Illegol, Mrs. tJOye Mowery, Mra. Clyde Caratena; eof lee committee. Mrs. Arthur Mid land; iiefornllons, Mrs. Unorge Wharton, Mrs, II. t). Pai'Retdi', Mm. 1.. L. Wimbeiiy. Mm. Mark I,. I'nilerwood, Mis. V. J. .MUelll and .Mm. Carl K. Wlmherly; tic ket coninilltee: Mm. M. IL Itlclc miiH. .Mrs. M. IL Snook. Mib. J. M. Judd. Mis. Rudolph Illtznian and Mm. K. A. Post; cnlllng coni nilltee: Mm. Waller Flaher and Mrs. llov Young: preHa publlclly. Mm. Frederick J. I'orter. Contract bridge, pinochle and five-hundred card players will be gin promptly a! eight o'clock. 1'iizcs will be awarded and re IreshmtntH will be served. ROSEBURG COUNTRY CLUB LADIES ENJOY THURSDAY The ladies of the Reselling Country club enjoyed their week' ly bridge tournament play Thurs day morning at Hie clubhouse Willi Mrs. Arthur II Mounllord winning high store and Mm. II. T. Han sen HKcond high score. Luncheon was served at noon to Mm. It D. Iliidgea. captain, Mrs. K. 11. Van Ness, sacret-irv, ir '.. 10. .McCllnlnck. Mrs. Guy Cordon, .Mra.' J. F. Dillard. Mrs. 1'aui net, des. .Miss .lane Hodman, Miss Helen Casey. VMrs. Jvenl'dh W. Kinney, Jim. W. K. on. Mm. Ar thur II. Mouutlord, .Mrs. . J. It. Molinirord. .Mm. W. M. McKach ern. Mrs. II. T. Hansen, .Mrs. John 10. .Marks. .Mrs. Flank Coen. .Mrs. 11. ('. Stearns. Mrs. M. ('. Ilowker. Mrs. I.. K. lies. Mrs. E. A. Pear son and Mrs. Carl 10. Wimbeiiy. liana were made Tor the large bridge puny to be held at the club house next Wednesday evening. January 21111. at eight o'clock, to which nil members and their Mends are lilviled to enjoy. I'rlxes will be awarded for llle contract bridge play and buffet lefresll uieitls will he served. Dining the afternoon three lillnd holes of golf were played. Next Thursday the ladles will play bridge al 9 -.30 a. 111.. pollock lunch eon al 12::u and enjoy gulrlng at J:;m o'clock. D. OF U. V. INSTALLS . . I NEW OFFICERS AT , -.v MEETING ON FRIDAY v ? Florenco Nightingale tent No. lii. Diiughlera ol' Union Veterans or t lit; Civil War, lUtil-lSlia. held an li,,,.i..ulliii, meetllle Fliiluv eve ning ut Hie armory with Virginia Cyrus lusliilllng the loiiovvins new oliicers: president. lOvelyn Cyrus: u..iil.,i. vio-ln'csiiletll. l.uella Jollll- S'iii; chaplain. Itulh lteese; liens urer, A111111 Peterson; council mem ber No. 2. Until I'lunier; council member No. 3. lOlulne Kaston; sec, relury. Anna Caison; press cor rcspnndf nl. lOlalne Kaston: guide, Itulh I'lunier: guard. Clarice lletie dlck; color bearers. Zelinu Sands. No. 1; lOlalne lOaslon. No. 2: .May me Uiille, No. :l. and Virginia ( inupbell, No. 4. Following the Impressive Instal lation ceremony, lovely refresh ments were served by the retiring president, Mrs. Clarice llenedlck. CIRCLE NO. 3 MEETS AT LONG HOME THURSDAY tinip No. 3 of the lloseburg Huptlsl Women's society enjoyed a uieetlng Thursday alterlioon ul lllo home of Mm. Albert Long. Mrs. C. P. S 4 iilily. president, h id charge ol Hie business session and Mm. C. W. Harris conducted llle devotions using us her text. First John I1.V The social hour was spun in doing While Cross sew ing Al the lea hour Mrs. Lung served lovelv lefresbinenla to .Mrs. C. P. Suoddv. Mrs M. 10. Snoddy. Mrs. S. A. Sanloril. Mia. August Schloe man. Mrs C. W. Harris. Mrs. I.. M Penlnev. Mrs. .1. II. Woltord. Mrs. It. 11. living. Mrs. Ii. W. Fin ley. Mrs. I.. Kolilhagen. Sr. und Mra S. A Uoser. i he next uieetlng will be Fell ruury 22nd. the place of which will be announced laler. MRS. CASEBEER IS HOSTESS TO CLUB TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. lleorge Ctisebeer entertain, ed her club Tuesday afternoon al her home, ut which lime 11 veiy In-j lereslliig niiorl was given by Mrs. Maui Ire Weber on llle book, ".lam iaca lull." Sewing and visiting wore enjoyed until the. ten hour, when Mrs. Caselieer served deli cious 1 ell esliineuls lo Mrs. Vein Sliruiu. Mrs. Juslin F.lfelt. Mrs. Maurice Weber. Mm. Clyde Kestel and daughter, l-nrnue Deanne, Mrs. Date llallield and sou. Patrick Dale, Mrs. Krnest Weber and Mrs. I.lziie lllakely. S.DC. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB HAS MEETING The S.iulli Deer Creek grange iloiue Kcoiiomics eluli held an In teresting tiifcUug Thurs.lav artel mion at llu home of Mrs. William It.illev. Plans were made tor Hie coming ear and sewing was dis tiibuieil to the members. Vlstllng and music wele ami al the tea hour Mrs. t i 1 1 1 served iiclliinus fell eslllnellts. The next meeting ot Hie club will b liebl ..I Die ben I Mis. W llll.un Mellon. February ;'nd. I r Furriers' Magic Tailors SMART PRACTICALITY MARKS EVEN MOST LUXURIOUS ONES Alodern devehipinepts ill the skill or furriers puts clolh-cont sinuruiess into fur coats. Luring January, tin itb or tales, Inxtuy rills as well as Inexpensive and novelty types are uvailable at attractive price. The coat or Alaska sealskin, shown at left, is ill the new- shade, mutant brown. II is cut on lull. Haltering swagger llnou, with wide shoulders, wide cuffs and an Ascot ot matching fur. Characteristically rlch-loo'-iing, but practical la the beuutlful mink coal at right. It haa lull, inmi-lik-. sleeves, and a slaml-up collar with scarf ends. The chic hat matches. -H INFORMAL PARTY IS !' (? ENJOYED AT ELLISON' ' HOME SATURDAY NIGHT" Mrs. A. .1. lOlllson entortaliieil at! a very delightful Informal ''party Saturday evening at Iipi- home on lOast CusH-stl-eet In coiirpllnient till Aim. Hermit .lohnifni, , nee JI0111 Ihy Mursters, who Is here i'roni Snohoiulali, Wash.. . vlsltiDS hei parenls. Judge nnd Alrfl. . H. W." Mursters. Visiting was enjoyed mid later Mrs. lOlllHon served lovely refresh mettle at a table placed before the lighted fireplace. Uuesta invited by Mrs. lOlllson to honor .Mrs. Johnson Included: .Mrs. Dorolhy Chuse lilllll Mrs. (leorge Churchill. Mrs. Vera McCllntock Jones, Airs. lOdvviii Ilooth mill Mrs. K. C. Oile. LAUREL LODGE TO HOLD DISTRICT MEETING HERE ON FEBRUARY 2nd February second has been an- liniiueed ns the date of the district meeting to be held by Laurel Chap - ter No. 13 A. F. and A. Af. six-thirty o'clock dinner at Ihe Alii sonic temple in Hosebiirg. All lodges in the county will partici pate in the districl nieetinj which Is reported lo. be or greul impor tance to members. The fliund Alas-lei- and his officers will he pres ent. METHODIST AID HAS MEETING WEDNESDAY Dlt.UN. Jan. 20 The Metho dist Ladies Aid met at the church Wednesday afternoon. After a brief business session, quilting oc cupied the time, while a missionary lesson on "The Women of China." was given by Airs. Trueblood. Thuse present were as follows: Mesdatlles Delk. Cramer. Morgan suinner, t raig. Iivett. Austen. Ae plegale, tlodfrey, Uowarth and Trueblood. FEDERAL CREDIT UNION TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING FOLLOWED BY SOCIAL IViglas County I'. S. employees, Federal Credit 1'nlon has an nounced its annual meeting tor next i uesilay night, January 2:lrd. at eight o'clock to he held ill the lecreatlonal building ut the Vet erans Adiuluistrnti'in Facility. 10 be followed hy a social hour and hard-time dunce. All government employues are Invited. PRO-AMERICA MEETING TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY An interesting meeting of Doug his unit of Pro-America lias been announced for two o'clock next i Wednesday afternoon at the cham ber of comiuerce office, at which time Mrs. It. L. Irving will be j guest sneaker. 'Mrs. H. C. Waddell, president, will be In charge. Allied at the next uieetlng lo he held members are most cordially invitedlnt l:"'i o'clock. January .".1st at the to lie present. I home or Airs. W. It. Hruwii on I Cobb street with Mrs. Washington TILLER COUPLE ARE I llwhes actlll.t as program leader. MARRIED HERE THURSDAY ' la-rov L. Lowell and Iteglna ' GLENGARY SEWING CLUB Helle K01I1. holh residents or Til- TO MEET JANUARY 31t ler. were nuiellv married nl the Methodist parsonage by Dr. Louis Clencary Sewing cluh has all- Mngin Thnvsdav ufiermmn. Jan- j nouneed the date of lis next meet iiarv IS. at foui ihliiv o'clock. Mrs. ing fur the afternoon of January V J tieddes and Mrs. II. A. Calla 31st to be held at the home or dav acted as witnessve. Mr. anil Mrs. IL I. Lucas al Jul In the Kohl- Mis. Lowell will make tll-ll home Inuen .i..u I incuts. .Ml lucllibeis at Tiller. 'ate cordially invited to be picteul. 1 d6uglas County women to assist in annual infantile paralysis drive Nan Wood Hoiieyinan, state di rector of women's acllvllles In the nail-mat drive for funds to light tnfuntiro' paridyshi. has just- ain nouneed tlia " tiiimoa. , of DougiaB tounty. women to usslat with the activities of Hie women to raise funds in this locality for this na tional project. Mrs. Claude Maker bus been named Douglas culuty director Willi Mrs. John William Hubert sou as cily director assisted by Mrs. J. 1. Molsehenbachol-, Mrs. Hiirrle W. -Ilooth and Mm. Carl Nielsens; Mrs. llerlhn Hllindell. Kiddle; Mrs. Frank Young. S111I1 eilin: Mrs Annie Kriisn. Voncalla: Mrs. C. I). Harvey. Nonpariel Com munity . club. Siitheiiln: Mrs. Thomas l.lllebo. . Ileedsiort : Mrs. John Ferguson. Days Creek; Mm. J. 10. Pickens. Greena; Mrs. C. K Marks. Itlversdale. and .Mrs. T. I). I llnsenbark. Melrose 1 The Inlautile Paralysis Founda tion Is a national roumtatlon. 1 nis year the national organiziuiou is trnuestine that. In addition to the Prcsld.-iit's ball, other benefit at lairs such as bridge parties, teas, etc.. be held during the next two weeks so thai a laruer percentage of the citizens may have an active pan in this program. One half of all luonevs raiseil In the county will be rel.-iliied by the local eom uillte" Pi be used lor loral victim." ot ilil'nntlle paralysiB who might need liniiniial assistance hospital! zallon bracts, etc.. and the other hall' of the money raised will go to the Foundation lor research V. prevention, financial aid in rases ol epidemic, educullons and treatment lor niter effects. Differ ent organizations will be asked to - . ...... ......... Il 1 cnoneruie 111 huh nine ... n success. An appeal Is being made by the cltv committee to nil women in ibis community lo respond to this very vv-irlhy national project. DELPHIAN CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The Delphian club held a very interesting und enjoyable meeting Wednesday aliernoon at the home of the president. Mrs. William Hell, with Mrs. C. K. Panning as topic leader oil Ihe subject. "Why Fug land Won Ihe Itare rot- Kuropean Supremacy." Those present 'were Mrs. William Hell. Mrs. I 10. Manning. Airs. Key Young. Mrs. Hay Parslow, Mrs. .1. C. MrCallister. Mrs. Washington Hughes. Mrs. V. R. Freain. Mrs. C. 10. Manning, Mrs. C. A. Chamber lilt. Mrs. A. .1. Ceildes. Mrs. Ken not Ii Ford. Airs. Carl F. Spaulding and Airs W. 11 Ilrown. The same subject will be cotitmu - I Furs into Cloth-coat Chic ROTARY DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS ENJOY DINNER AT WHARTON HOME The Ito.sebuig Itotary club direc tors and officers were dinner guests at the beautiful home of Mr. and Airs. C. W. Whuiion on Chadvvick street Tuesday evening. Following the enjoyable dinner, served by Airs.. Wharton, the di rectors and officers to, the upstairs living room for a busl , ness meeting. The Becretnry veuve u very en-1 co ', raging report of t ho club's lin auces and membership. Plans lor the tliirty litih year Hillary Ob servance week, February Ix-L'l. were discussed. It was also recouiuii.nde.1 that all lines levied I'or non.atteiidauci. and other inli-actious of club responsi bilities during January and Febru ary be turned over lo the Finnish relief fund. Those enjoying the evening with Mr. Wharton Included llruce A. Mellis. Story lies. Vernon Orr. C. M. Page. C. W. Sinniger. Victor J. Mlcelli and William Adair. ELEANOR KNOWLES IS 1 HONORED AT SUNRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER The women employes of ihe lo cal .Montgomery Word More sur- pnsett t'.leanor Kuuwies on her: birthday anniversary at a delight-j fill nn-hostoss dinner at the Hotel liupiiuu. at which time a handker chief shower was given Airs.' Kllowles. ' j Covers were placed for the guest1 of honor and. Alyce Kest. Until Kershner. Klsie Hudson Violet Cole I Doris llyni. Kv-eij-n Thnmnsun I Sammy Collins and Lucia Iielauey. Following the dinner ihe group ( ............ wuets iiioian tueatre. MRS. REGINALD ERSKINE ENTERTAINS SEWING CLUB ON THURSDAY EVENING Mrs. lleginal.l Krskilie enter llllni'd her sewing club at b,. home Thursday evening. Sowing and visiting wore enjoyed ni:, I'resliinents were served to Mrs 1; M. lies. Mrs. .Marshall P.-nnrn. Mrs Gordon Mennett. Alls, llwen Walk er. Airs. Frod Hargls anil the bus. less. Mrs lOrsi.rit;,.. it! 1 frt'TV-Tp mi m .Mink from Steltr & lllalne. New- ork. MISS ALYCE FEST IS HOSTESS TO M. W. CO., EMPLOYES AT DINNER .Miss Alyce Fest, who was re cently announced as second prize winner lor Montgomery Ward em ployes In this district, entertained the local stoi-e staff at 11 very love ly dinner al tlio Hotel Linpiiua Thursday evening, alter which ihe group ultended Hunt's Indian thoulre. Covers were jilaced lor Violet Cole. F.loanor Knowios, lOlsle Hud son, Doris llyrd, ltiith Kershner. lOvelyn Thotnason, Sammy Collins. Pauline Hobertson. Lucia Delaney. Don Zieter, Jack Funis, Hoy Clark, Nelson Moore, lOurl llyrd, Lee Merchant, Hussell Iimulls, Henry Spieliuan and the hostess, Aliss Fest. MRS. NEWLAND IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY Mrs. .Maurice J.. New-laud verv gia iously entertained her bridge dub 11 11 lovily one-thirty o'clock salad luncheon al her attractive home on West First street Tucs ilav afternoon. tjllilieo ail.l ilisiuitin rn.-me.l pretty decorative motif Tor the 01 'iision. Covers were placed lor Mis. C. Ii. Wade, a guest, mid Mrs. Chi ster Morgan, Alls. E. S. -Mi-I lain. Mrs. llarrle W. Hnoth, Mrs. Paul llelweg. Airs. 10. ti.' Kohiha geii. Mrs. It. 0. coe1 .,,,,1 MrB- t. II. Turner, Score pilzes lor the afternoon's contract bridge piny were won by Mrs. Wade and Airs. AlcClain. VESA McCLINTOCK JONES ENTERTAINS INFORMALLY FOR MRS. K. JOHNSON Mrs. Vein Mi ('Unlock Jones en Iciliiined al a delightful informal Parly Thl-rsdav i-veiilnir nt her home on lOasl Cass street In com pliment to .Mrs. Kormit Johnson, ul Snohomish. Wash. Cards and visiting were enjoyed and later Mrs. Jones served lovely refreshments at a table prettily ai I'oiiil.d with cohni'iil pollery and n by mil yoiinv,- tupers and a 1 oit. d cacti plant. f ivers were placed rnr Mrs. Johnson, guest ot honor, Mrs. H.-oige Churchill. Mm. A. J. Kill son. Mrs. Dorothy chose Hunt and Mis. .link Sul.sdorl. Are Hubby's Shirts a Simcsi Legree? Don't let them wear ycu out, when we can do them expertly at ecsn oirical prices. Hubby's shirts and the whole family wash are our job weie wire 6avcrs: . rDRYClEANINO