TWO E Czechoslovakia's Collapse Also Poses Question of ; Who'll Pay U. S. WASHINGTON, March 15 AP) A state department official ex pressed the opinion today Hie L'nit td States would buve to ttcrap Its reciprocal truUe areejueul with .Czochouluvakia. This, hu said, aaemt-d certain even it the Czech portion ot the collapsed republic retained inde pendent or Beiui-iiidependenl Hiatus under German protection. German absorption ot CzccIiohIo vakla, politically or economically, would mean, he asueried, Czech products coming to Uie Cnited titates would have to pay the old W moot-Haw ley tariff rates because Germany under exist, in proced ure, Is not entitled to the trade ttKi'eement red uct ions grunted otlt er nations. The official said the elimination . vt the agreement might have the unusual effect, however, of In ceasing shipments of shoes from .Czechoslovakia. Investors' Losses Cut Loss to private American inves tors Is greatly diminished, one fitate department ofMclal pointed out, by the fact Czechs themselves bud previously bought buck about 70 per cent of their bonded in debtedness. The dollar bonds outstanding by ihu Czech government total $17, JI8,30U and the city of J'liigue bonds $5,101,00", making a tola) ot $:'2,8iy,30U. This Is tt part from the debt owed by the Czech government to I he Amerlcuu government. It Is esti mated that only about 18,000,000 ot C.ech and Prague bonds are still bold by American Investors. Another direct question posed by 1 lie fall of the post-war republic jvub to whom. If anybody, (ran the ,1'ufted States look for the fliiij, 1120,270 owed this nation by Czecho slovakia1.; On cujdlol hill, Senator Sblpstead L.,7 Minn.) bailed the new de velopments abroad as a readJiiHt jnent, of the Versailles treaty "by j)eacc." "II,'' appears to me," Khipslead paid, "they are making their ad- j jusUnents peacefully. If those who , wroio tlio treaty of peace In I!i!J -Jmi bad any sense they would not Jiavd writ lull such a treaty, J'eacc Jul iidjustnient may cost some thing but It won't cost as much as var." T ' I'oIIowIiik Is ii list or I ho cliilnm nilillti'd mill nrdi-red imlil ill llm reKulnr Kelmmry term or counly ton rt: Circuit Mint: WohI 1'iiIiIIhIi Ihk Co., Sfi.uo, t'MH.HI: II H M Co., $4.00. $2,151): f'nliiKlinll It Co.. 97. Gil; ituMcrort Willi nr-y l'o.. ST.Iill; lnlllff' toiiH. Sfiii.liu; kniiiiI Jury fees, fir, trlul Jury fi'i-n. SnilH.80 : xvltm-nsi-H - growl jury. HIIUO; wIiiiimhch - Irhil Jury SR.R": Jury iiiohIb. Slfi.fio. I'niinly court: MorrlH C. lliiu--!knp, truvpl txii-iiKn. jixiin, 17.7r,: AnHOciiitloii Ori'Koo CountleH. ki.7I. .luxtlre court: Hun l'rlutluK Co.. fK-a: jusiicch' rcpB. $nc.:ir: CouhIiiIiIch fi-t'H, $S.!)r, ; juror fi'i'H, !t.(H) ; wltncHB fi-iw, SII3.-I0; Jury : lm, jri.iio. .Invciiiln courl: orrlccrH Iritvcl i-xH-1ihi. S2U.2:i: AhhoHuIi-iI Oil Co.. 7.ll: shell on Co.. Jiii.iu: Union on Co. si r, i. sihimI n ril oil Co., Jl.fil: cur, J'.'; S. I. A. Comm., $:t.S2: .luvi-nllt- llny.i Jiuil ClrlH Ah, srin.00. IHnlrlct. iillorncy: lltincrori Wliltnev Co.. 510.00; IIokcIiuik Hook Slore. $.25. AHHcmnr: lloliorl llHIIwrll. ' llnrtmi lli-lllwi-ll. Inivil . I'xnoiiKo. SLOT: sia Couiui . $i :u;. Clerk: Sun I'rintluK Co.. $2.2.",'. TlimilmrK Hook Store. .VIM: Lec tor 1,. Whulierly, I'. M., sas.wi; StevetlH-KeHH l.nw IMlli. Co.. S2..r,n: lliim-hlll'ir Honk Stole. $1.1(1; SIA 4'omin.. $1.1::. Clil-Ollet-: IT. C. Sleiil'UH. $.r,!l (M; l'r. n. Ii. Stmcmuker, $;in.ilil ; lir II. c. Kiixllnml. $.1.1)0. Kherltr fli-Kiil llenll: 1. Diiinni. $r,.2r.; i:. m. nyi-r. si to; Oeoiue l-:ilt-M. $11. 20: C). W. Mint Nhoru, $1.01): Kivil Kinm-I, ?22il; A. .MllUUillK. S2II0; M. M. Mr Cllhe. $21.11). $17 IM; I.chIci- 1. "iinin-iiy, l M.. $iir-l: cnif -Ihornton. SS.Illl; Pnslnl T.-li-cninli ' o.. 5,1. ii; Weslern I'm Hu ''(- lhiimi-n Jlotor Co.. $::12S: siunil mil oil co. s:iii:ir.: iiichii,-i,i on Coil)., S"..:i7: K A Sclmro Ciii'iiEe $:l:ill: C.-ny Cmll. $1.7S; (icin-Kc Kilea, $.1.r,ii: Kri-il Kinsel. $2.:n; Ceo. OHtiKliouse. $1.0)1; I'en y A. Welili. $r,.S0: SIA Comm . JISBil. Shcrlrr (tax Di-pl): 1'iielrle Miillouerv l'rliillnu' ( 7:is: Aim loll .Miller. S2.r. ".II; lioyle, $::ii.ui); X'lntet .Mnic.iiet I Inllier. ', $27ln; $27.01': Aturlnn Ormiei'i Don A;ce, $;iiHM); SIA $111. Cumin.. Shciirr flV-r. ln-l. lux Cull r H C. Durhy. Iruvi-I anil cur, $.'.,cr.: SIA i 'oinni., s:!.r,!i. School xuncrlntcuilcnt ; linse InilK Hook Slorc. $::.llu; WV-.ilcrn rnlnn, $.nn; SIA Comm., $.2S: (nr. $2".s::. Surveyor- IT. T.. K-ili-ln, $110.50. $!i:i.ll(l; A. Iloyer. $2.". do; N. K. Kli'lumlsmi. $ir.lil; llurve. Klipslcin. $r,.mi, SloilO: 'I'cd Shell. nluil'Ki-r, $12.50. $2 50; SIA Coullli , J.I 12. Treaiiiirer: IiiiM-nuic Hook -lore. ..;;: si Ci-mui . $27. i I .-nil Ii null: l.cMt-r I.. 'inil-er-, V. .y., Sl'.i.ou; nCw Service OUR BOARDING HOUSE U "v J?X.- srW? awav. sn h f "-WHKT RIOHTFULL.V ) J-i Wfe VA ) BELOMSED TO ME-" T f N sA A - L AMD THEM TAKJMG 5 tv. , u J m r - " ? "E CREDIT -toitettt - Ijiumlry, $.IS; -SIA Comm., $1.14; cur- $fiV.UV. HoiiilmuBtor: Shell Oil Co., $1.2!); SIA Comm., $2.22. County Home: I)uIuh County Flour MIIIk, $16.0U; 1'aclric Fruit & I'rocluco Cp., $10.8ti, $11.60; Itoneburg I'lidcriakiiiK Co., $8.50, $143.00; KoHi-bui'g I'hnniiacy, $ A. Ailuum, $8.00; l.cHU-r I,. Wlinborly, 1. M $2.00; DouKia Mai hel, Jlili.OO; l.ullile Itllcliie. $12,24, $5.40; A. C. Socly, M. 0.. $11.00; .Iohho Furnltiiro Co., $1.00; 10. S. I'(:wt-ll, $2.45; Klovo Cooper, $2.08; Dolliert Lciilhi-rwood, $11: Cluni ' Laoilreth. $15.00; Hetty Klfc'Hby, $45.00; Kriu-Ht Fox. $45.00; Kilulii SauilH. $15.00; Alia Mac Fuulknor, $21.00; HoimlnirK Hook Store, $.25; Kula Carll, $i;.l)0; IH-er Creek Dulry, $li.:i2; North Side Market, $1,110; II. V. Marahall, deutlHt, $; llom'ImiK Cildi.-rluk- iiiK Co.. $85.01); 1'arnlow 1-iirnilure Co., $I.(MI; Ciillf. Oit-KOn Power Co., $o.:ill; MonlKomery U'unl Co.. $8.71: HlBhwiiy Service Co.. $14.lll; Churchill Hardware Co., $2.52: DoiiifhiH Co. Cruumery, $2U.15; DoukIiih Co. Flour Mlllx, Slll.oo; Kaxlon (iroci-ry, $30.13; Fiillerlon Candy Co., $U17; C. J. (irhiilil. $31. 20; ItOHchurf; Model lllikery, $:!3.1(l; Saleway Stores, $24.77; A. J. , Yoiinis, $li.5o; Mar-h'Uii-h IliiiK Co., $1.25; I'liyxlclan lIOHiillal Sui)ly Co., $11.74; I'loneer Unit! store, $18.71; (loet lel'H Variety Sloro, $31.55; lliwo hni'K i'liiinhiiiK mid JleatiiiK Co., f!l.45: .1. C. Penney Co., Inc., $12.12; Farm Hiiil-iiii KxchmiKe, $8.55; I,. 10. .Ioiich, $5.00; Union (!arai;e, $17.00; SIA (' o in in.. $17.(17; credit 528 iiiouIh lor nrl- HOUOI'H, $132.00. Cniinly Jail: Clirr Thornton. $2.40; C. W. Clmk Studio. $1.!I0; Coen Lumber Co.. $25.35: I'ercy A. Webb. $2.00; Calif. Oreirnn Pow er Co., $3.40; New Service l.allll ilrlea, $2.1li; Churchill Hardware Co., $1.35; I'loneer Diuk Slore, $1.75. Coilllly relief: Hlllld. $117.72; do tiendenl children, $80.07; old hkc. $3,111.15. Sailorti mid hoIiIIith: F. M. CoiuiiIou. ?y .Von; 10. A. llrltlon. $501.50. Scalp bouutlex: 10. O. W'orley, $2.00; .liiuicx Coinbx. $3.00: .1. II. I'urry. $2. oil; Chax. II. lorwln, $2; Max Sllinxoli, $2.00; Clarence .1, illusion, $lii.lio; Km I I). Dulican. $11.01); Ori-Kon State lliinie Coiniulxxlou, $1000.(10: the lollowlni,' received $10.00 tor coy ote hountv: T. C. Fi'eaiiinan. V. A lllackerl. .1. 10. 'I'hlele. John llarlle. .tmiii-B Uiillivllle, lOniery Thrush, Ceoi'Ke Moore. O. O. Selb er. C. A. Mauiln. .1. S. Huxsell. 10 Clay. Howard U. Wealberly: the lollowiiiK received $1.00 for catx: .lumen CinuliH. .lexxe 10. Mltla. Don ald Kuliltle, Ivan Sbepilld. O. )0. l.clKhton. Norrlx W'ealheiiy, Hom er llalliex. 0. A. Maupill. I'eler Heilner. .Ias(ier l'alouxe. T. C. l-'i'i-adluau. (JceiKe llaldwln, tiel lierl D.ivIk. .1. I). I.offcr. .1. 10. Nlch olx. II. .1 llauxoller. Donald II. KunMe. Tlioilmx C. Doyle. .Icxxie 10. Mills; ('hosier Howard, fill. 00. llrlilKi- lillid: Arthur Hover $l.2n; l)e))li (lerrelxen Co.. Inc.. $ Creeu Mountain Lumber Co. $25,110; .1. 10. llaseltlue Co., fliiiil2: I. V. Mel.Bcr Co.. $75; .Molilmunery Ward Co. $3 15; KuM-huri; Lumber Co.. SI. (hi. $317.71. S22.i;v $ir,:i3S!). $2l'.r..ll. $121 53: lloiuer C.illoii. S I .'iii.iii): W. II Ibillolt. $112 Ml: Huxsell lldle. :.,llii; D. S. Clemens. $110: Win T. I'uith-'s. $!)2il0; C.eome Mi HiikIII $si!,iiii; M. N. Ilumph 1'i'n, $:iiinii; 11,-n W. Tavlnr, $51 NT: Kbi'ii Tkloilc. $22,110; Win. Hoed. $21 mi: Hurry Hull ,1. $22; Oliver .liihiisim. Sl'2ii': Ceo. Cren shaw. $22 0": Chiiiilull Hardware Co . $1 I"; 10 S l-iiw.-ll, $1-1!) Ill; SIA c.iinin . $sp T,ii:il amouiil expended fur In i. Ice funds for I'ebrintiy SI.O'.'l lis. ('unit limise: Cailiane Dispnsnl Co.. $:; mi; oiis Klevai-ir Co . S2I: lienn tiei r.-is, a Co. in,-.. $:;2.i;5: .1. S. M I HiliVil. S2S2: lioxelinrK l.lllllh-i' Cm. sis mi; W'cslclll l-'oillldiv. '.' Inn; Oiiine ,V Co. $511 50; I., w. MelzKcr Co . $11. '.ill; (.. w . loniti; nii., nn-rellll Ahslla, ( l'n er Scolt Co , $1.". 75'. I'ower Co. Sin;-. -.1; Hlll'dwiire Co . $1 11 ; poxu! Co. $'.' O't; U aid Co.. $ (io; .1. s $2.13; SIA IVjjui., : 5!l 5n; Cinn $.'.'.151': Hack Calif. Ulrfll :: Churchill Carbace DIs-Vl-tljlKomer ;. McDonald. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBUG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1939. lr4FERNAL-DRTTEDr C I Dairy-herd fiixpector: Dr. Geo. L. Nichols, $24.15. Forest land, county owned: I'ercy A. Webb, sheriff, $(13.13, re forest tux. Ccnerul supplies: Sun PrlnltiiK Co., $71.80; Hosehurg Hook Slore, $3.15; j (Soettel'H Variety Store, $4.50; Storey lies, $8.32; Lestor L. Wlinborly, I'. M $10.00; Hosoburg Hook Slore, $27.00. MIscellaneoiiK accounts: Salva tion Army, $25.00; A. 11. Houser, $2.50; Tom Neul. $2.50. Properly classification: Ben H. Irving. $20.00; C. K. Murks, $103.00; N. 10. Hichardson. $50.00; West Coast Printing & Hdg. Co., $22.26; (Ira. .1. Wenderoth, $06.00; Henry Tyiuer Co., $16.00; SIA Comm., $2.85. Publishing ii n d advertising: Uoxeburg Chieftain, $20.70. Sealer of weighlx mid measures: DepurtmeiiL of Agricultllru, $111.82. Tax foreclosure: It o s e b li r g Chieftain, $212.57. Vital stullsth-H: Ii. L. Itlcbler, $.75; I,, c. Applegale, $2.00; Mrs. F.lsle Melxxner, $1.25; Mrs. Mamie D. Wilson. $1.00; (!. 10. Aiklnx. $1.00; J. L. dibbons, $1.75; II. C. SLem-lls, $1.25. Dog license rnnd: Tom Fiddl er, $70.00, $711,110; Leo. Sparks, $2.(10, $s.oo; L. L. Hell, $15.0(1; W. II. Hrowii, $7.50, $3.00; llort Hill, .!.(ll); Oscar Lniigdon. $11.00; Frrd McCoruilck. $1.5o; H. M. Starr, -"'. 3ii.un: A. I-. sienrns, $1.50; Purl Meredllb, $21.00; W. J. .Mere dith, $!l.3o; Victor Phlpps. $s.0); C. S. Henry, $o.oo; Honiie Howard, $11.00; Mrs. IT. K. Jones, $3.00; L. H. Parker, $13.00; Al. . I'uyne, $3.00; K. A. Seyerns, $(i.OO; 1'. . Weaver, $12.00; SIA Comm.. $2.74. Total warrantx $32!l.ll. Crediled dog llceiixe.s, $335.50. (lenerul road fund: The follow lug warriiuts were drawn for fore men and crews: Hoy Fisher, $78.00; Franklin llalnes, $(; Lynn Moore. $15.0(1; .;. io. Leas $10.00; (illberl Hinder, $27.50; a'. H. Hardesly, $11.25; Arlbiir .Much, $11.25; I0d Jonex, $2.50; Kennelll Madison. $7 60; Indian! .Middle Ion. $7.60; Henry llalrd, $1.00; Honiie Howard, $77.12; Percy ' mlon. $8.75: A. F. Join i, $7.50; W. 10. Hniilford. $12.50; (leorge Langdon, $ll.0!l; Cniy ilc flee. $50.00; Haynioiid Spore. SSD: Bill Hachor. $7.60; (ieorge Shar for. $5.00; Dlirward Owens, $114.50; Dnrrul Parker, ?I3.13; I,. V. Smith, HAPPV RELIEF FROM PAINFUL BACKACHE Mnv ot iKom ufhig, nKKlii, painful blmuf tiu coltii tir Xmini buf knoll n upoula bp rjdiF'r-fti wlifit iifMif i ilif right v. I'M kitliifyi tP NaturcS ohirt v nf inkinf J (t.' ast mil if tlio ItHxl. MvH pp.. iilc ),,. ntHjtit 3 jnutji r d- ut txiut 3 pound) of wkM. Krfuuent r iH-aril.v imBnar with nniHritiiK itnl buriitiif rIiowk Ihvrr ilmv hp uiiPt)iiiiK Truii Willi .vnr liiilnrvK or Ulinlifr, If lite milpc nf tiilupy li))rn kikI lljtpn don't w.irt wpll. itoiiiii.iu waMp iimtiff (n the lilooil. 'I'lirnr (miUoii innv Hurt imaging licLchpii, rhpunmnc jmint, ho f i,ft utnl fnr'IV. grttutf n ii ihcIiIh, rmHIiiik, luitlinraj Uii lfr Itir rtro, lifMln')ira mi'l iluilnnu. Don't wn: A'k ur ilruuKiHi fr lonn' IMIii, iisl s pslu)l.v liy tijliiiin f..r over 40 vprn. I'hpy ivf Iik.jiv rplif au.I will hrl lli lit ioiIm til luliipy 1uIm lluvli out iiiyi)t'Uj uto from ilte tlnl. Uti loNtt'a 1'ilL. Rpseburg Dairy Graa'o A Piteurlied and Raw Milk 'DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH" PHflNF 1 fi For Pleasing Spring Menus Serve HORN'S SUPER CREAMED ICE CREAM 328 No. Jackson St. Phone 370 Authorized Maytag Sales and Service We repair all makes of washer and wringers. Ott's Music Store W. Cess A Sherlrian. Phone 401 IS I Major Hoople KE'LU GET WORE USE OUT THE. BEMCH&S AUYOWE ELSB- $108.00; Geo. Weseiitun, $83.20; Walter Lealherwood. $57.5(1; Tom Hand, $57.50; Todd (iilbreath. $55.oo; Kd Rand, $4.80; Lloyd Qiilmby, $45.00; Jess Kussell, $55; Carl Sperling, $52.50; Amy Pepiol. $22.50; Itay Pepiot, $17.50; Rodney Lealherwood, $27.50; W. Hutchin son, $108.00; Fred Elliott, $83.20; F.niuiett Moyer. $05.on; Cuy Jle- Cee, $S.0o; J. M. Deardorff. $104; Hoy Tlmpy. $83.20; Troy Wallace. $7.50; I). 11. Deardorff, 55.25: Dale Hatfield, $108.00; F. L. Merry, $83.20; Ray Blood, $36.85; John Nelson, $2.50; Lyiiiau Stiles, $12.50; Olto King. $12 50; Hob Fitzsimmous. $7.50; D. Al. Shep urd, $5.00; R. H. Ureedlove, $5.00; I I). Strohecker, $6.40; W. A. Swell, $12.n; Hurry Colllson, $5.00; Lurkin Itice. $4.00; II. Mntlhews, $126.00; Max Myers, $123.50; Clyde Rydell. $135.00 Dick Rlggs, $88.80; Don May, $30.88: Sain Wooxley. $42.50; K. L. Chaffln. $2.50; Fred Allirphy, $1.25; Kenneth Murphy, $1.25; Hoy While. $1.25; Karl Allirphy, $3.75; Therniond I'allll, $1.25; John Wroe, $2.50; Albert Wroe, 82.50; Keith Shepherd, $12.80; It. J. Spuuldlng, 5;.00; Darrel Bark er. $S0.4i); W. K. Coons, $14.00; Oscar iMattoon, $7.50; Wiley ( lifimberlaln, $8.75; Hay Ilixbop, $15.70; W. AI. Angel, $0.25) flurry --:-mi '"tit 1 NOW YOURS, for as little as I5A THIS YEAR'S "TOPS IN TIRES" Htres what it offf$: Improvtd cnltr-trocilon . , . Dot trtod . woway com prcuioit to glvt you longer trtaflt-war. smoother and quUUr riding new officitney and now btauty. Pick IHij ytar'i "tops Intlrts" and PAY AS YOU RIDE. Laugh off tire worrits! fnd Iht cvntfont tfartqtr t running n worn. imMlh, unioft tires. Our liberal I A ST PAY strvlc brings you brand new Ceadyrari-right now) Ins tout credit, Nt- red tope. Terms to tuit. . . . Remember tires, batteries, radios- whatever fir ynont vftfn yev want Itt Jo at the Sin of tJit Goodyear O-owond GOODYEAR j SERVICE STORES '101 South Jackson St, Phong 220 mm HH r i - tOW COST.ThICH VALUE i Keeny, 13.75; Geo. Kestersoo, f8.7S John Van Cleve, $8.75; Lee Remington. $8.75; Itoscoe Van Clove 112.50; Tom Langenby. JS.75; Gene Hichardson, S22.50; Ted Shellabarger, SH.OO; Art Boy er, S17.5u; Oliver Johnson, SlO.uu; Jane Wharton, $30.00; G. W. Crout-her, $65.00; V. V. McAboy. (8.75; M. Postplstl, $3.75; Leu ton Ijiurance, $3.75; Fred Strickland. $2.50; 1.. Ilaslem. $2.50; Ed Busn uell, $5.00; B. K. Leas. $130.00; J. M. .Spancake, $86.40; Ed Johnson, 6.4(i; John Ix)rek, $108.00; C. B. Hlgnby. $25.00; L. D. Strohecker, $117.20; E. R. Weber. $86.40; E. O. Hand. $17.60: E. L. Oonnnr, $8.00; Wm. Hoelt, $64.00; Harry Baird, $20.00; E. L. Cooper. $6.00: D. A. McCord. $104.00; Claude Selleck. $76 55; C. W. Perry, $50.00; Claude Church,- $16.00; Charles Ice, $6.25; O. O. Matthews, $99.00; Albert Green, $84.80; Grover Cratt, $17.50; Ed Rand SS0.80; Carl lackland, $2.50; Alfred Cloake. $8.00; Roy Buell, $2.00; Ed Glass. $3.75; SIA Comm., $250.20. To la! warrantB ond general roads. $4,562.27. Road district No. 1 : R. R. and Hazel Y. Clarke, $1500.00; Ernest- Allen, $15.00; Arthur's Service Station. $5.25; R. A. Baub Hard ware Co., $1(1.00; W. Ii. Brown, $50; Churchill Hardware Co., $3.33; Coen Lumber Co., $6.50: Denn-Gerretsen Co., Inc.. $6.96; Si Dillard Motor Co., $26.27; Bud El lison, $81.52; Eugene Concrete Pipe Co.. $244.8(1; Goodyear Serv- Ice. $23.30; Hansen Motor Co. $207.69: Roy Hufham. $1.00; I,ap- ham .Motors. $28.07: Logger's and Contractor's Machine Co., $18.55, . S230.00; Marslers's Drug Co.. 12.05; U W. Metzger Co., $44.50; Myrtle Creek Carage, $2.48; Nord llng Parts Co., $39.12; Pacific Highway Garage, $16.05; Orchard Auto Parts, $212.97; R. F. Randall Service Station, $1.50; Reedsport Carage, $3.80; Reedsport Machine H Holler Works, S1.05; Roberts Motor Co.. $9.35; Roseburg News Review, $18.00; Rouud Mill and Lumber Co.. $10.00; Sarff Wreck ing Yard. $1.00; Shell Oil Co., $13.21: Signal Oil Co.. $65.84; Standard Oil Co.. $121.11; Taylor Ilattery Service, $5.40; Thiel Bros. Mill, $189.05; Trombly Truck Kniliiiment Co., $13.11; Union Oar age, $47.53; Western Auto Supply Co., S5.66; Wharton Bros., $6.50; Woodbury Co., $2.52; Consolidat ed Freight Lines, $15.03; Dunham Transfer Co., $31.61: City of Drain. $1.10; Gross Hstate, R. L. Couglnr, $5.00; Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co.. $3.50; Roseburg Book Store, S.70: L. M. Dlibell, $4.25; K. A. Fanner, $2.50: A. K. Hodges. $2.75; Delbert Poole, $7.38; Ed llusch, $12.75; I. II. Nichols, $.50: Harry Pearce, $0.00: Pierce Auto Freight Lines. $72.21; H. It. Rich icr & Co.. $1.51; Siunlger's Sheet Metal .Works. S4. 75; The Texas DOOBILY0UR1OMEY.MC "Thanki for tailing ma about Parhay ... it joitfi io good on bfai w'v tritd It many Othtr ways loo. "I know ... that's lust who) happened Io us. Now ssaion our volobUt with it ond I us it for baking." SEAL r APPROVAL Porkoy It a 3-valtM food containingt 1. 8000 USP udlh of Vita min A 1. S000 USTunlh of Vita min D 3. And loll of food .ntrgy Co., Cottage Grove, $69.31: The Texas Co., Marshfleld, $33 37; The Texas Co., Roseburg, $728.85; Un ion Oil Co., $671.88; V. B. McKean. $10.00; H. L. Bossen. $8.77; W. A. Cochran, $.55; Columbia Equip. Co.. $10.13; W. P. Fuller & Co., $23.40; J. K. Haseltlne & Co.. $71.28, $10.39; C. V. Lundeen Ma chine Shop. $21.00: Oregon Cul vert & Mfg. Co.. $16.65: Albert Pyritz. $1.25; Roberts Motor Co.. $5.63; Leonard Swift. $1.00: Wood bury & Co., $37.73; A. E. Davison. $ ; Secretary of State, $2.00; E. M. Matthews, $13.00; Arthur Boyer, $2.00; Churchill Hardware Co.. $1.76; H. C. Iarby, $3.50; Feenaughty Machine Co., $19.75; General Tool Co., $24.45; Good year Service. $22.02: Thor Jensen. $75: Lapham Motors. $24.78; Montgomery Ward. $13.26: Pacific Hy Garage, $7.90: Howard Perk Ins. $7.50; C. Richmond. $18.20; Roberts Motor Co., $2,450.94; Rose burg Lumber Co., $.77; The Cali fornia Oregon Power Co., $34.76: Pac. rel. & Tel. Co.. $1.10: II. 1 opaimng, $18.00; L. L. Bell, $1.00; i. uuueii, j.i.&ij, 17.50; Mrs. D. C. Ingram. $3.90; Delbert Poole, $3.48; Leonard Swift. $1.20- J J Blrman, $58.00. Total warrants' on road dist No. 1, $7,894.22 WILL ALTER LABOR STANDARDS LAW WASHINGTON, March 15. (AP) Chairman Norton (D-x. J.) of the house lahor committee predicted after a conference toclav with El mer P Anili-a.,.., tU hi,lnlairuin, " . . . lauui KiciiiUiirnH act would be amended at this ses- sion of congress. -Mrs. Norton told reporters the committee had discussed with Andrews several proposed amend ments, among, them one which would exempt from the law all "white collar workers." Including newspaper men, above a certain wage level. The chairman declined to dis close Anclrows' recommendations and said the committee had reach ed no conclusion concerning any of the- proposals. TWO MEN DIE IN LOGGING ACCIDENT j CATIILAMET. Wash.. March 15.! (AP) A rigging accident in the Crown-Willamette logging opera tions near here claimed the lives of two men this morning. Those killed were Emanuel Robinson, 2li. Oak Point, and Joe Marks, 10, I.ongview. : 0 . More than 700 species of mush room have been proved edible and many others doubtless will be found fit lor food, according to au thorities. -A, .. .SA- "t've found it's grand for pan frying tool . . . and it's so whoUsOmn and oovmhina'" u "My food dealer first recommended Pork ay torn. Thoi'ihowldii cowered its delicious) tast,'! if, SHANGHAI, March 15. (AP) Reports from the Yangtze river citv of Ichans today said the American church mission (Episco pal) school there was destroyed during raids by Japanese bombers Monday. The mission property was badly damaged by Japanese attacks March 8 and the United States nrnlaalorf in .Iflniltiese authorities. United States consular officials in Hbnkow were said to have been told by the Japanese that an in vestigation had been started Into the earlier raid. A British gunboat at Ichung re ported Japanese planes had re newed devastatinc attacks ou that Yangtze river port nearly 1,000 miles upriver from Shanghai. These advices said nine Japan ese bombing planes dropped 50 bombs within Ichiing's walls yes SPRING OPENING ISSUE Roseburg News - Will be published Iv ua Monday, March 20th 2d S SPRING STYLES nKj, jr SPRING MENUS OV If? FARM AND GARDEN JR 1 (jpS, AUTOMOTIVE NEWS jSlj if For advertising !iF yOVDOMtr THiNK mRK made bylKR AFT tastes better than any other Margarine yov've ever fred This is the first time in history, to our knowl edge, that any manufacturer of a margarine has backed the taste of his product with a "Double Your Money Back" guarantee, Kroft makes this amazing offer to get you to try Parkay, their delicious new margarine. ... A quality product made from carefully selected quality ingredients ... in Kraft's own brand new, air-conditioned plant ; ; , spic and span as a model kitchen. Buy a pound of PARKAY TT if you don't like its taste better than the taste of any other mar- ganne you ve ever Mail us the empty letter stating why you don t prefer it and giving the name ond address of the dealer who sold you Parkay and how much he charged you for it. We will send you double your money back . . ; twice the price you paid for one pound of Parkoy margarine, providing the envelope containing your letter and the empty Parkay carton is post marked on or before midnight Cnraranr.. llmHtd to on. bs0l pod p cuttomw. ' ,1. Distributed by KRAFT ASSOCIATED DISTRIBUTORS. INC. TUNE IN THt MAfT MUSIC HAIL HMG CUOSIY, (OS UNS AM0 FAMOUS OUtSI SIAKS, tHUISDAY NIGHTS, N. L C terday, killing or wounding 250 persons. The Chinese reported a major victory in behlnd-Uie-llnes fighting. They said 400 Japanese were kill- ed near weinaiwei. nonneastern Shantung province, when guerrillas attacked a garrison. AT NIGHT? A diuretic stimulant such u Dr. Pierce'o A-curic , often indicated and usual ly it is sufficient to relieve minor kidney irreguUr iliei. Mrs. Jane Rose of 2221 Union Ave, Kla math Falls, Ore., said : "I was obliged to arise man; times at night, but after luuig iTi rierce s a -nunc I didn't have to get up at night and the accretions didn't hum in pasting." Buy A-nuric at any drug atom Price 65c FOR YOUR TAXI Phone 21 Review AY tried, do this: 'J carton, together with a UP OFTEN 2