TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEDUG, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1939 ffff" Churches . ELKTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Walter A. Darned, pastor. Bible school 10. Preaching servicu 11. Sermon to.iic: "Steiia of Pro gress." Basket dinner following the preaching service. At 2:30 a special "Steps ol 1'rogreHs serv ice will be held to commemorate the progress the church baa made UurliiK the pant year. Walter -My ers, stale secretary of Christian Kndeavnrers: Kmil Helseth, part- tor of Drain Church of Christ; and -Mrs. Bessie Lakey, Douglas county president of Christian Ku deavorers will be guest H.ieakers for the service. Others to give short speeches will be -Mrs. Mack Smith, Mrs. Guy Cutlip, Kloyd .Mc .Michael, Newton Heuderer, David Nixon, and Mary belle Henderer, who will represent various depart ments of the church. The Drain church will present a musical number for the occasion. The eve ning service at 7:3U will feature Walter Myers as speciul speaker. Mr. .Myers served as a student preacher for Klktou Church of Christ aoout twunly years ago. SUTHERLIN METHODIST CHURCH . Onuul B. Trluk, pastor. Humluy Hchool at 1U o'clock; Stewart Lecdy, uuperinteudotit. "Christ ian Kxperlence" 1h to ho the ser mon topic lor the morning wor ship ut II o'clock. The Kpworth , Jeugue will meet at 7:30 o'clock, villi .MIsh Mary Jane Austin as louder. '' GLENDALE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Wo are 'resuming our regular nerviccs this "week, with Bible study on Tuesday evening at 7:1(0, a deeper life message on Friday evonlug ut 7:30. Sunday services lire:' Sunday school at 10: Morn Iiik worship at 11; children's serv ice at 1; and evangelistic service at 7:30. A hearty welcome awufts you at each of these services. Kathryn Montgomery, Drenuon ;Shortrtdge, pastors. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN . CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Corey and Military street, West Itoseburg. The, service of Sun day, March 12, begins at 730 p. in. The pastor will continue1 the ' Jieries of Lenten sermons entitled "Seven Pictures of Jesus, the Suf fering Savior of Sinners." The sfirmou topic is "Jpsuh Before, 11 Jile." -At the beginning of the tierylco a reproduction of Claori's Iiiiitiiru, "Kcco tlomo," will bu giv en to all present. During the KHirso of the sermon references Floor Sanding and Refinishing CHAS. KEEVER Roseburg, Oregon Phone 651-J R. R. 2, Box 22C Daily Devotions hlL CILVilLES A. KD WARDS "There be many that say, who will shew us any good?" It does sometimes seem us If the pessi mist were in the majority, and that a defeatial policy had set tled down upon the world like a pall. But that has happened in the world many times before this and there probably was as Utile really to justify it In other days as there is in our own. tied is not dead, and the world is not headed toward destruc tion, neither is the situation so hopeless as some discouraged people seem to sue it. The best days are before us, and not be hind us. We would ask Thee, Our Cod, to put gludnesH and joy Into our Uvea and faith and confidence into our souls, that we might go out to do the work that is ours to do with the hype and assurance that by Thy grace much good may come of it, and the Kingdom of Thy Son come a little nearer to it becoming a reality here upon the earth, for Jesus' sake. Amen. FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia -coM.tmtvMAuavice.MC. t h. nc& u. pat orr- lire niadu to the picture. The pic tureH limy be kept. Special imixic Uy the (luitltettu. The Sunday school moiils at U: 15 a. la. We moHt cordially Invite all to attend mil' service and Sunday school. The Vouiik LlllhenuiB' league incuts Tuemluy evening at the liaatoi'a home. The Mid week Hi bio cIiihh meets Thui-Hilay after noon. The choir meets Wednesday evening. The Lutheran Hour will he broadciiHt over K K.N 11 Sunditv at l::!u p. m. Tune in; write In. W. A. Sylwestor, J17U Military street, piistor. SUTHERLIN LUTHERAN CHURCH .MetlHifllHt rhitrf-h IhiILi Mr A. Syluexler, Koaeburg, pastor. The service of Sunday, March 12. heifiiiH ut. y-:m n in wiio .. the Hermou la, "Jesus Before Pi mm, ino text la taken from the Passion Story of ChriHt." At the llfUillllitlir Of Ihn Kiirvli-u 11 by Clsi-il ami entitled, "Ecco Homo," will be Riven to all pres ent. References will be made to the picture during the course of tho sermon. The picture may be kent. The Hmiiliiv mnAi alter tin, service. The Lutheran Hour will be broadcast over iwinil Mlinday at 1:30 p. in. Tune in; write In. c most cordially invito all Miohii linn I,....., .... church home of their own to in tend our aervicB and Sunday school. We preach, "A ChaiiKe- " i in 1st lor a Changing WuiWI." t i "Lcmme knowwhen you get tired an' I'll drive the car for a while." EAT WEBER'S Delicious Bread On Silo at All Grocery Store, WE ARE NOW BAKING HOT CROSS BUNS Buy Them From Your Grocer MODEL BAKERY FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Located at West pml r r, Illerclal Ave. A. Ilnmlil iwulnir paslor. Sunday services: Sunday sciiooi at dmii. Mr. Violet Web er superintendent or cIiisbch. feme I'm- a profitable time. Morning worship beginning at 11 a in llloadcasl at r : I r bv way of KItNlt. Children's church at'(i::lll. l''loyd lljorklund In charge. Evan gelistic at 7:311. The pastor will lie speaking. Services lor the week. Tuemluy night at 7-311 Young people In charge. Miss (truce Montgomery, president Thursday morning at 8:15 Tune in ror tho Klill (lospel church ol ho Air." Krlduy night at 7:30 Wo mo dealing with the funda mentals of the most wonderful book In (he world. Are you Inter ested? Come. DILLARO M. E. CHURCH Sunday school In a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. lOpworth League U: In P. m. Ui to church next Suiiduv. It will give you a gooil start for "the new week. Tho church does not try to bring Christ down to men's level but to raise men up to the level ol Christ. LOOK I NGG LASS M. E. CHURCH Sunday school to a. in. ICpwoith League (l:lfi p. m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Church utleudance Is necessarv to Christina growth. N'nlhing can taliu its place. It reiiulres sacri fice. No one who lives a lllo of ease is seldom remembered long by oilier-H. FRUIT GROWERS See Us For Your Spray , Requirements Now Liquid Lime-Sulphur Dow Dry Lime-Sulphur Dormant Oils Bordeaux Basic Cooker Sulphate Douijlas County Distributor: O. Middlcton. Douslas Sales Agency, Sunllinrl Sulphur Co., Dow Chcmicnl Co. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 312 East Oouglus street. Regu lar services Sunday at 1 1. Subject of lesson: "Substance." Sunday school convenes at (IMS a. in. Wed nesday evening meetings which Include testimonies of heullng and remarks oil Christian Science, are held at 8 o'clock. The rending room in front or the church edifice is open dally except Sundays and holidays from 2 to 4 p. in. Here Hie Bible mid all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or subscribed for. The public is cordlallv Invil. eil to attend the church services and to visit the reading room. CAMAS VALLEY M. E. CHURCH Minuny school III a. in. Make good your Intentions by being pres ent at Sunday school next Sunday. i ue roan 10 too laud of disappoint ment is paved with good Intentions which were never fulfilled. Faith Is more apt to remove mountains if it Is the marl: of a dynamic life. Ailend Sunday school. TENMILE M. E. CHURCH Atlend Sunday school next Sun day by bringing the children. Your family needs dally food lor their physical bodies. They need the nourishment of religious training for their spiritual lllo. There Is no grander sight than that of 'the whole family attending Sunday school mid church services together. Need." County Home service at 4:00. Young People's service at li:30 with always a welcome luvita tion to visitors. Evangelistic ser vice at 7:45 "Tho Crucified Life." An invitation is extended to the general public, to uttend revival services commencing Monday eve ning. March 13, at 7:30. Itev. Uer trund V. Peterson, from Eugene, Oregon, is to be the special speak er, anil evangelist. There will be services each night Those having beard itev. Peterson previously will welcome the return of this an nointed preacher. I-eonard C. John sou, paslor. THE SALVATION ARMY Captain Henry Kocrner, who has been working in the city for the past few days will be the speaker at the Army hall, 407 Cass street on Saturday night. Those of you who have heard the cap tain before will know that the Bi ble truths that he brings to us are a great blessing to one nnd all. A cordial welcome is extend ed to one nnd all to coma, find hear Ibis speaker. The captain will bring tiie message on Sunday morning at the Methodist church where itev. S. Itaynor Smith is the pastor ami in the ! evening the message will be brought from the pulpit of the Presbyterinu church "where Rev. Hunch is the paetor. You are welcome to all these aerv Ict ' .,., METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH Corner Main and East Lane. N. D. Wood, minister. Sunday, March 12. 9:45 a. m, Sunday school. 11 a. m., sermon by the pastor. 6:30 p. m., Epworth lea gue service. 7:30 p. in., evangelis tic service led by the pastor. Wed nesday evening, March 15, 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer serv ice. A cordial welcome is ex tended to all who may wish, to worship with us. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school, 9:45 a. m Alvin Tipton, Supt. Worship services 10:55 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. both un der the leadership of Dr. T. H. Ha, gen of Portland. The morning serv ice is broadcast over radio station KKNR of this city.. Duet by Mrs. Ilarllett and Miss Anderson. Young people's meetings for both juniors and seniors 6:30 p. m. Prayer and praise service each Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH S. Itaynor Smith, minister. Morn ing worship at 11 o'clock. The ser mon will be by Captain Henry H. Koerner of Portland on the sub ject, "Time to Be Quiet." The choir will sing, "Come, My Soul," di rected by Miss Helene Itobinson Willi Mrs. Puui Ucdiles at the or gan. Evening worship at 7:30 with the usual inspiring music and the sermon by the pastor on the "Great words of the Uible." Sunday school at 9:45. Epworth league at 0:30. Mid-week service Wednesday eve- nlng at 7 o'clock. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST AteetR nvmv'u .I,.,. 1.. i.-i.i enbower schoolhouse. Illble study at 9:45. Sermon and communion 11 o'clock. Evening services for children begin at 7 o'clock. Ser mon at v:jo. "Come and lot us reason together " Unmr m,...i minister. BETHEL MISSION 125 North Sheridan, where love reigns and Christ Is real. Serv ices: Sunday 2:30 p. m., fellow ship meeting. You ministers who have a burden for lost souls are Invited to attend and bring a message to a dying world of the love or Christ. .Mid-week service Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Sanders iu charge of mission. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Captain Henry H. Koerner of (he Salvation Ai-tnv u'ln i.n n. guest preacher at the Sunday eve ning service. The public Is most cordially invited to come and hear his message at 7:30 p. m. At the .iivii.iiiik norsuip service the pas tor Will Cive thf r.niii-1.. ago on the Lord's Prayer. "Lead in imh imp Temptation" Is the sermon topic. Does God lead us Into temptation? You will want this question answered sometime: sc why not Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The Ladies Aid will ho'ul Its tegular meeting; Thursday at 1:30 p. in. Monday night at 7:30 p. ui., tbe session and the trus tees of me cnurch will hold a joint meeting. The calendar for the week: Sunday, Sunday schoil' 9:45 a, m., morning worship 11 a. in., young people's societies 6:30 p. in., evening service 7:30 p. m.: Wednesday, prayer meeting 7:3o p. in., choir practice 8:30 p. in.; Thursday, Ladies Aid 1:30 p. m. CHURCH OF GOD Church of God services In the new church building on Garden Valley road in Edenbower. Sunday school each Sunday 10 a. m. Morn ing services 11 a. m. Young Peo ple's meeting 7 p. m. Evening ser vices 7:30 p. m. Everyone welcome to these ser vices come and bring your friends. J. Curnett, pastor. ASKS BAN ON BANK INTEREST PAYMENT PORTLAND, March 10. (AP) The Oregon federal district court wan asked yesterday for an order enjoining C. C. Bryant, receiver of the First Nutional bank at Salem, from paying some ftiu.OOO in inter est to C. V. Paulus, cashier of the bank when it failed In 1983. The four plaintiffs, J. C. Perry, George Putnam, A. A. Ciueffroy and W, I. Stuley, charged Paulus took "'advantage of his superior know ledge regarding- the remaining as sets of the buJik" and acquired de positors' claims against the bank of an original value of $420,000. All buildings in Istanbul are to be painted the same shade of grey aa the city's otreets, as a protection against air raids. A chip bearing reverse mark ings from a witness tree inscribed in 1853, marking tbe quarter sec tion corner of section 1, township 28 south, range 6 west, was re covered yesterday by Ben Irving, local engineer, while engaged in making a . survey , at the William Kchlhagen place at Shady Point. Tho inscription was taken from the tnag of a black oak tree. The tree. d(ad for several years, meas ured 48 inches in circumference. Field rotes of the survey showed that the tree was 23 inches in cir confereuce when tbe record was inscribed. The corner was loc-attd in Juno, ISftf, by Robert Elder and Henry S. Glle, under federal on tract No. 31, according to the field notes. The original blaze had been completely covered by new wood and bark, but a surface scar made it possible to locate the inscrip tion, which was removed and pre served by Mr. Irving. A iive tree nearby was marked by Mr. Irving to be used as a fu ture witness ln"t. Authorized Maytag Sales and Service We repair all makes of washera and wringers. Ott's Music Store VV. Cass A Sheridan. Phone 461 You Are As Old As Your Feet Why have tired out feeling pains in feet, ankle knee, legs cases caused by some form of foot troubles Dr. J. M. IngsHs REGISTERED FOOT DOCTOR who makes regular visits every other Saturday to your city, is licensed by the state of Oregon is a CHIROPODIST - PODIA TRIST He gives complete foot service. Weak or flat feet, corns, calouses, ingrowing nails, treat ed without pain and with little cost and trouble to you. Call for appointment or come In. Next visit Saturday, March 11th 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Umpqua Hotel, Roseburg Knight-Porter Auto Repairing, Painting, Body and Fender Work At Robertson's Shell Station Cornor Jackson & Douglas SU. FEMININE HYGIENE MadeEasy, Simple WHY botherwith solutions and clumsy apparatus when one dainty supposi tory has the same special function? lioro-Phcno-Fonn has been used by millions for past 47 years. Many users report S to 20 years of satisfaction. Can't injure no odor . . soothing. Gee tacts in FREK Book let, Thc Answer" now on our counter. CHAPMAN'S DRUG STORE At (Wla y Phone Your I eiiPCTMT"? '-" , j MORGAN'S GROCERY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY POTATOES Klamath BANANAS Fancy gol No. l's, 25-lb. bag ....39 den ripe, per lb 5 RADISHES AND GREEN ORANGES Sunkist qual- ONIONS Good sized ity, a fine orange for juice, bunches, 3 bunches ....10 2 dozen 19 MARSHMALLOWS A real buy, in a full pound TUNA FISH White Star package, per pkg 10ft Brand in quarter size tins, per can .. 10 SUCHINI SQUASH 2 lbs 25 GREEN PEAS Large FRESH ASPARAGUS well filled pods, 2 lbs. 2S Lb. : 23c CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE tine hloek ellHl of tile court house nil IJntiKlus street. Sunday school ut !I:I5 with Supt. Myrtle Norred in uhiu'Ke. l't'cut-hiiiK Hervlce at 11 with the pastor lirinxlni; the nies sage -"The Kind ol' Hcvlval W'e Save Your Tire Have the Broken Fabric repair ed by Welding. O. K. Tire Weld Co. Hancock Station Mosher and Stephens St. DELICIOUS COFFEE EASY TO MAKE WITH M J B's RICHER ROAST Ttat'i coffee M JB, I'll bttt' Guaranteed to give you delicious coffee always, at any strength you like. M.tdcmilJ, medium or strong, M J B is sure to give you full, satisfying Haver every time. The world's finest coffee arc selected for M J B, then double blended first blended green, then blended again after GUARANTEE M-J-B Coffee is guaranteed to mike the best cortec you ever tasted or your money will be refunded. months of ageing. Thus a per fect fusion of all flavor factors is developed in the roasting'.' Result isa richerroMtotcot fee so much finer in flavor that everyone will like it berter. Try M J B today and see. "THIS STORE IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE MAN BEHIND THE COUNTER." This simple statement means a lot to you, It means that the owner of a Red & White Food Store is your neighbor and mine. He sends his children to the public schools, supports the churches, lodges and public parks with his taxes. He spends his money for wages, rent, light and heat right in your own neighborhood. To commemorate this public spirited citizen we are staging "Home Town Week" THIS WEEK to enable you to get better acquainted. Specials for Saturday and Monday, Mar. 11-13 SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING Quar,s 35c RED & WHITE MAYONNAISE Pints25c RED A WHITE. HOMESTYLE OR SLICED PINEAPPLE No. 22 -,. ..Tins CAKE FLOUR GRAPEFRUIT Red & White Jji Red & White. No. 2 tm m Laroe Pkg tins, 2 for ZC MARSHMALLOWS PEARS Tfb LT" 18C "ed & White. FanC)4 - -- 1-b-ba9S WV Bartletts,2Jtins,2for35C Martbran0FFEE-- OYSTERS Mb. bag . . Z5C Blue & White. No. 1 y m cans tall, 2 for A3 V RiWWe SALMON 'lb- 9 Or 3-b' fiCr Red & whl- 1lb- A Tn tin Ar tins tall cans, 2 for if b SUN SHINE ASSORTMENT MATCHES NOBILITY CAKES : 33c .....wc. Measuring Scoop Free with each package RED . WHITE ,1Bk WAX PAPER PANCAKE FLOUR iffe sa 17c rAMc b UADICCVDIID GRANULATED SOAP CANE & MAPLE SYRUP 37c .syja 19c RED & WHITE WHEATCEREAL j9c PILETSAp 19c Baked Beans or Brown Bread & 29c - TSUE 23c DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 West Onk Street Telephone 1 28 QIHKMARKRT AFJEflBPS THt COFFI! WITH