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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1939)
EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUG. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1939. Brings forth new miracles of loveliness in make your selection now at A tweed sport coat-for travel, for utility-it's this year's best buy. A black or navy dress coat for style -new youthful lines tor young or old-Exclusive, fea ture coats only. Ah woman! the world is your if you know how to use it but you must keep your looks which means "dress carefully." This year's Coats have charm as, well as utility that is, if you are wise and get your Spring Coat at Fisher's all have guaran teed taffeta linings; perfect fitting and colors that are unchangeable. $9.95 up to $19.95 and $29.95 Select now from America's predomi nating Department Store Coat lines and save your S. & H. Green Stamps. f t4 if ( vh mm Forest Facilities on Wolf Creek and Little River Will Be Utilized. Roy Scouts of Roseburg will j opon their summer camp ior-iwu ; weeks on Little Kiver and Wolf I creek, UHing the forest facilities as ' the base camp, according to A. M. Knudtson. camping chairman for ! this district, who met with his - committee last night at the Rose bun? chamber of commerce office. , luiles discussed were July 0 to 23 and July 23 to August 6 as the most desirable periods, the later date being tentatively set for the Hoy Scouts in order not to inter fere with the Sea Scout scout at Coos Jtay, beginning July 17. Final determination will not be announc ed until the Camp Fire committee has had an opportunity to consid er their camping needs, Mr. , Knudtson Raid. i Costs of the camp per scout are being worked out hy K. S. Mc Clain and 1J. A. Mellis and will be announced as soon as can bo de termined. Scoutmasters are urged to make a definite check-up in their troops to ascertain how many rcouIk will register for the camp. V. V. Ilarpham and F. L. Crlt : tended were named by Mr. Kmult son as the committee on camp op eration, equipment and supplies. A prompt Hiirvey of equipment on liand and expected needs will be made hy this committee. Proa ram Heads Chosen Leon McClintock and George Churchill will have charge of the earnp program, including instruc tion, water front activities, hikes and safety. Tentative hikos re ouirlng one to four days were out lined to the entire committee last night with the recommenda tion that short hikes be conduct ed during' the first week with a longer hike as a major feature as the climax of the period. Field Executive Hulon Doman emphasized the need for making the camp a reaf livable experience for the boys, filled with practical worthwhile activities with the health and snfety of the being the watchword. A enmn leaders' FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia - COPS. 1 BY NCA SERVICE. WC T. ML KC& U. PAT. Of P.- arno DDDDT d r n . "Walk little slower, Clarice, those awful boys are I wanta be sure whether still followin' us." lioree la to have more concessions thun ever before, and the program is to bo the very essence of mys terious delight. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore., March 2. (AH) BUTTER: Prints, A grade. 2!l!c 11). in narclimcnt wrappers. 30Jc lb. in cartons; B grade, 29ic li. in parchment wrappers, 28c lb. in cartons. 11UTTERFAT Portland deliv ery buying price: A grade, zii-se scouts lb.; Portland delivery; 11 grade lc ill), less: C grade ic lb. less; coun- conferencc Is jtry delivery 2f!c 111. for A grade. bolnu planned the latter part of KGGS: Wholesalers' buying April for all scoutmasters, district prices: Special, 19c doz.; extras. committeemen and troop scooters. This will servo as a training course for summer camp and troop camping, .Mr. Doninn said. BASKETBJILL SERIES I. I'D Inhibition on Sponsoring, i However, Protested by KRNR Manager. 'i Welcome news to basketball fans 6f JioHeburg and vicinity was re ceived here today when the Coos County SchoolmasterH association reported, following a meeting last night, that broadcasts from stallniiH KltNIt at HosebitrR nnd KOOH nt Mnrshfleld of the District 8 bas ketball tournament at Coipillle would be pormltted. The school masters, however. Imposed the re striction that Biicb broadcasts could not be sponsored nnd must he fur nished by the respective stations free of commercial fipunsorship. : ThlH restriction Is being accept ed under proteBt by KKNH, Mar shal) Tengru, tnaunger of the Hose burg station, said today. The matter of broadcasting the tournament games has been a sub ject of heated controversy between the stations and the schoolmasters. The teachers, however, yielded at tlielr meeting last night, after the Koseburg .school board hud sent a message urging that broadcasting be permitted. Ruling Held Unfair "We reel that the ruling or the Coos county schoolmasters Is de cidedly unfair, and It Is only be cause of the Importance or these broadcusts lu our local fans that we prntestlngly submit to the rul ing," Mr. I'engra declared today. "The Kuuget Thrift store at Hose burg has given outstanding service to basketball fans this season by HiHiusnrlng broadcasts of games. These broadcasts Itavu not hurt attendance. On the contrary, at tendance at local games this sea eon has established an all-lime high. At the same time there Is greater Interest than ever before in the district playoif. This keen interest and record attendance Is In a large measure due to the Sun set Thrift store's enterprise in 'sponsoring radio broadcast of games. We feel that the sponsor Is being unfairly treated in being barred from participating In the climax of the season's play. . Stations Share In Expense "If the sponsor was paying tho full cost of the broadcasts plim a profit to the stations, there might bo some measure of Justification for the ruling. The sponsor, how ever, has not paid all of the costs in games so far broadcast, as the stations have carried a part of tho expense. "If It were not for tho fact thai the reuorts of these games mean so much to local fans, KHNK would reject tho condition upon which these broadcasts are to be permit ted," Pengra said. "The actual a mount of money Involved Is not a serious mob I em. but we do feel that the ruling Is tin fair to the or ganization which lias by Its spon sorship created a growing interest In district basketball. The Sun Bet Thrift store inuiiugemeut, how- over, recognizing the great interest of the rans, has graciously agreed to sacrifice the benefits whlcn would result from sponsorship of broadcasts from the tournament, and arrangements are being com pleted today to bring play-byplay enorts of games in wnieu me Hosohurg team participates, as sus taining programs." ated initio Drug of AHhland, 11-1.1 ALBANY, March 2.(AP)-Cnr-vntiis high school, stnte basketball champion three years ago. stopped Lebanon, 2! to IS, here lust night and won the northern division championship of district 7. Corvallis led Kt to 7 at the end of the half. iT DATED BY JOURS lKtr doz.; standards, large, lie do,.; extruH, medium, lGc doz.; ex tras small, 15c doz.; selling price to retailers generally 2c doz. higher. POTATOKS: Yakima Clems, (....) cental; local $1.00; Deschuteti (iems, $1.10-1.25 cental; Klamath Kails No. 1 Gems. $1.15-1.45; Cali fornia sweets, $1.30-1.S0 lb. crate, Florida, S2.H5-2.40 per 60-lb. box. ' Cheese, country moats, live poul try, turkeys, onions, wool, hay. hops, mohair nnd cascura hark steady unchanged. BASKETBALL Games-Gossip PORTLAND. March 2. (AP I'he collegiate division of the Ore gon A.A.U. basketball tournament supplied the first upset of the tournament last night. Ijnwcr Columbia Junior college, a Washington team from l-onuview. which is In the Oregon district, dropped favored Portland univer sity, 47-40. Pacific U beat South ern Oregon Normal, 44-I17. Willam ette had a tussle with Albany hut won out, 1S-4;i. Oregon Normal shaded Mt. Angel college, 42-41. In the Independent division the defending champion Pacific Pnek- ards breezed through their second game, beating Multnomah A. ('., 5S- :n. City Dairy nf Portland ellmln- County Basketball Games Days Creek vs. S. Umpqua CCC DAYS CRKKK, .March 2. In a very rant and exciting basketball game Monday night on the Days Creek court, the South Umpqua Full tenm won over tho local high school team by n score of 20 to IS. The score at the end of the first half Was 10 to 10. Near the last or the game tho South Cmpqua Falls team Rained a two-point lead which they kept for the remainder or the game to win by two points. Wetzel, or the visiting team, and I). I'lnm, of the tiigu school teum, were high point men. WeUcl with a total of 10 points nnd Uhuu with n score, of 0. lu the preliminary volleyball game the local grade school girls defeated the Myrtle Creek grade girls by a score of 51 to 10. The local team took an early lead and maintained It throughout the game. The lineup for the basketball teams Is as follows: Days Creek IS 20 S, V. Kails CCC Howell (21 P 05) Dean 1. Clam t; V (2) Higgins O. Clam (41 C (2) Hell Hondeau (4) (1 p. lUam Hachor (2) G u) Wetzel Substitutes: lays Creek, Hoyd; South Cmpquo Kalis CCC, Uruton. Hefereo: Hilyeu. Big Attendance Indicated for Friday by Advance Ticket Sales. Advance ticket sales Indicate a large attendance at the American Legion boxing card to ho held Fri day utght at the Hoseburg armory under sponsorship of Umpqua post of the American Legion, according to Rudy Ititzmau and Pat Pndel ford, matchmakers. Much interest, it is reported, has been manifest over the northwest middleweight title bout between Champion Huddy Peterson, of Independence. Oregon, and Leo Turner, lU-yeur-old colored Hash from Oakland, California. Turner, who formerly resided lu Seattle, is said to be one of the lament boxers In middleweight cir cles, hut lacks the punching pow- ri nf llin tumid' HHti hrildoiv uhn has risen to the top of (he class in' the Pacific Northwest by means ut an Impressive string of knockouts. Much Interest also Is shown in the seinl-liual bout, to be fought between Joe Corhett, Hoseburg box er and wrestler, and Jack lllbbard. Klamath Falls logger and middle weight veteran. Corbet t holds one decision over lllhlmrd and they have a draw as the result of two previous encounters. The supporting card will offer three four-round bouts between re presentatives of the CCC camps at Hunter and Steamboat. These are the second bouts lu an elimination series between fighters from the CCC camps of Douglas county ami it Is expected that as the series progresses there will be an Increas ing interest in the preliminary fighters who will become belter known to the boxing I'.mib. BUTTE FALLS BEATS DRAIN BASKETEERS Minil'OHl). March 2.--(.l')-Hutte Knlls, Jackson couniy No. :i loam, defeated l'rnlu, liouglns coun ty champions. Thursday mornlim. is (o 2(, In an overtime period, to provide the first upset or the divis ion 14 basketball tournament un der way at Ashland under tho aus pices or the Southern Orosou Nor mal school. Other Thursday mornhiK result!1 were : St. Mary's (Medfordl 5-1; Keeds port 1. Prtnovlllo 15: Powers 11. Merrill S3; Sisters IS. Klliton 17. Hold Hill 4. Lupine 23, Wilbur. 12. The junior Jitney Jnnil)oree, is to he presented by the studentsfof Iho Hosohurg junior high school on Iho evening nf JIarcli 10. The Keneral thomo of Iho fun Tent this year is "Mystery With ' Appro priate Music." The Jamboree fea tures two mystery plays. "White Phantom." characters Include: "Mrs. Drexel Illake." Mary Mar Earet Kllswortli; "Marion Illake," her daughter, Joune Hume; ".Ev elyn Moore." Peggy Smith: "Mrs. Ogden Krazier," Marian- Church; "Curtis Krnzler." Delwin McKay; "Hlhan Sharp," Jimmy Clarke: "Officer Jerry Nolan." Sam Shoe maker; and the "White Phantom" hi ??? The second of these mystery playlets is "Midnight Ohost" anil tho cast of characters includes: "Mrs. Archer," Noanle M. Morri son; "Onil." Kutli Ann Kuhl; "Paula," Kthel Van Voorst; "Steve." Darrel Guy; "Mrs. Vnn 7. a n d t," Patricia JtcClintnck: Dutch," Palo Slater; nnd "Wil bur Van Zandt," Jack Hickli. Anita Young Is the student assistant-director ami has done much toward getting Iho phiys In shape to pres ent. Scott Williams Is tho general chairman of the program. Miss llelene Robinson is lu charge of tho music and Miss Anoka Coatos Is in charge of the many conces sions. l''rom advance reports, tho Jam- O.S.C. QUIET LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., March 2. (AP) (IJ. S. Dept. Agr.) 1IOOS 100 total, nctive, steady with extreme top 15 higher, lfifi-215 lb drivelns' 8.35, few select 8,50, 230 90 lb. 7.25-8G, few light lightB 7.85, iiackiug sows 6.50-75, good choice feeder pigs salable 8.00-25 and above. CATTLE Market active, steady to strong, common-medium steers 7.50-8.75. good 875 II). 9.35, cutter to common heifers 5.25-7.00, me dium heifers above 7.50, mixed Rainbow Dairy GRADE A RAW MILK Direct from our farm to you To Start Delivery Phone 14-F-33 Ily The Associated Pri The northern division. Pncirie Coast conference basketball cam- Hitgn ends tomorrow and Saturday in two plncc'decliiing series Wash- iiigion against Oregon at Seattle for first, nnd Washington State n galnst Oregon State at Pullman for third. The Oregon Staters pulled into n lie with W.S.C.. hist night by edg ing out Idaho at Moscow, 32 to 30, in i tight contest. It put hapless Idaho at the bot tom of the standings with Its sched ule completed ami a record of one victory and 15 defeats. I Oregon's team, arriving today for a secret drill, and Washington's Huskies both are in top condition for the title series. Washington, a game behind, must win both nights to take the title. I Oregon Stale, beating Idaho fori the second consecutive time last night, took nil early lead but found the score tied nt I T-all at the half. In the second the lead switched frequently anil tho score was tied at is, 20 ami 3D. Then with !i) sec onds to play and O.S.C. ahead .11 to 3 Smith. Atkinson nnd Harris all nilsstd free throw chances for Idaho. O.S.C. stalled to hold Its margin, and Koinano added a free toss to gain another point. I High scorer was llelko. Vandal forward, with IS, DANCE BLATTNER'S HALL CANYONVILLE Saturday, March 4th with Dale King and His Band Admission Gentlemen 40c Ladles 10o NOWand save Be m wise bird, and don't delay ordering your full winter's wood supply. You'll save now or you'll pay more later Mil III L UIM I d ULLI T DRY WOOD 18" green $3.00 load 4' green $2.00 cord Mill ends $4.50 load Screened Sawdust $2.50 Delivered In City TELEPHONE 282 ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. steers and heifers 8.55, low cutter ind cutter cows 3.75-4.75, common medium 5.00-6.75, including out standing Holsteins at outside, good beef cows 7.00, bulls 6.90-6.50, common 5.25, medium-good veal era 7.50-10.00, choice quotable 10.50 and above. S11ICKP Few good choice 51-lb. spilllg lamhs steady at 13.00, good choice foil wooled lambs 8.15-40. slaughter ewes (llotulile 4.00-75. WHEAT PORTLAND, Ore., March 2. (AP) Open High Low Close May 68 .68 .68 .fiS February weatbej- was slightly below normal lu temperature and rainfall, according to the monthly meteorological report compiled by J. C. McCallister, In charge of the local office of the U. S. weather bureau. The highest temperature last month was 59 degrees and the low est 25 degrees, while the daily av erage w:ih 1.7 degrees below the normal. The coldest ever recorded in February was 3 degrees and the highest 79 degrees. Precipitation for the month, in cluding 3.3 Inches of snow, totalled 4.34 inches, us compared with a nor mal of 4.49, a shortage of .15 of an inch for the month. This brings the deficiency since September 1, 1938, to 5.61 Inches, and since Jan. 1, 1939, to 2.20 inches. There were two clear days, four partly cloudy. 22 cloudy, and 19 with measurable precipitation. Philippine pythons are able to kill and swallow a good-sized deer without breaking or mutilating the body. ' ACHING COLDS Relieve Their DISTRESS This Easy, Quick Way! To bring speedy relief from the discom fort of chest colds, muscular rheumatic aches and pains due to colds you need more than "just a salve" use a stimu lating "counttr-initant" like good old warming, soothing Musterole. It pene trates tie surface skin breaking up local . congestion and pain resulting from .colds. : Even better than a mustard plaster . Musterole has been used by millions for ' over 80 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. In three strengths: , Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra -, Strong, 404. Approved by Good House keeping Bureau. All druggists. HE Firemen, Save Our Lunch! SPOKANE Cooperation is the secret of the popularity of Spo kane's Tire laddies. They extinguished a rubbish fire in a church basement, then receiv ed complaints about the smoke from upstairs where u church ladles' luncheon was In progress. The firemen set up a huge fan on one of the trucks and pumped iho smoke from the building. The luncheon continued uninteminied BOXING Sponsored by Umpqua Post, American Legion ROSEBURG ARMORY FRIDAY MARCH 3RD 8:30 P. M. ' MAIN EVENT For Northwest Middleweight Championship Ten Three-Minute Rounds ' Buddy Peterson 153 Lbs. vs. Leo Turner 154 Lbs. SEMI-FINAL Logger Jack Hibbard vs. Joe Corbett 157 Lbs. 160 Lbs. Three Good Preliminary Bout's Each Four Two-Minute Rounds i Tickets on sale at the following stores: Pastime Cigar Store, Pull- - man Cigar Store, Hub Cigar Store, Sunset Thrift Store, Valley Hotel, McCown's Cafe, Story lies Confectionery. ADMISSION Ringside $1.00 Main Floor 75c ' Balcony 50c GOOD-LOOKING! NEW! BICYCLE OXFORDS , So flexible and comfortable you'll want to wear them all the time. Laced clear to the too so yon can adjust them to fit perfectly. 1.98,. - II W 1 SSscoMSSse Children's Anklets . Save. Buy enough to last through Summer! , 10c All colors, types and styles. Well made, comfortable, with elastic; top. Sizes 51 - 10J. New Spring Shades! GAYMODE HOSIERY 19& Daytime Chiffons Service Weights Sizes 8 to 10 The chiffons ore of tightly twisted silk thoy won't smug easily! The service weights have mercerized tops nnd feet for longer wear! They're all rinRless, full fashioned, perfect quality! All are grand buys! It's like magic! Just say "Gay niode" and your hosiery prob lem is solved permanently, eco nomically! Gay modes are uni formly, perfect every pair ring less, every pair full fashioned! Ask for GAYMODES today get the most value for your money! Exquisite Silk Hosiery! Gaymodes In New Colors ! 9Sc Genuine crepe chiffons longer wearing service weights. All are full fashioned, ' rlngless, perfect quality! The exciting new shades include Gala, Alamo, Yam, Myth, Oak and Duwn. SILK HOSIERY 59 c Ring less Full Fashioned Perfect Quality Flawless chiffons and service weights for women who want :he most quality for the least uoney! We've the new spring ihades for you now they're lelightful! New Styles, Strioes and Colors for Spring ! 15c Kvery type and color you could ask for, mercerized or rayon plaited! Stripes, patterned cuffs and solid colors with comfort able elastic in cuffs. 5 to 81., Slack Socks 15c For Boys pr. Cotton in blazer stripes, rayon in colorful patterns. Some with "Lastex" tops nnd double soles. Men's Slack Socks 25c, "Lastex" Tops Itayon in plaid patterns or solid colors with smart clocks. Dur able double soles! 91-12. IP EH WE IT'S I. C. PENNEY COMPANY. Incorporated TV -'J