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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1939)
1 "HOSEBUUtt NLWH-RLVlkW. RUbLBUU UKLLJN. 1HURSUAV. MAKLH L iM. For Your Convenience These Dtusliui Cuunty at or r a will take tVaut Ada for lae aiewa-ltavlvwi CL'LVKIl'S M1RKBT antaerlla STEARNS A CllUOWKTB Oakland STONAKEH DKHa CO. YaneaJla McDONALll STOItB Blktoa HKBAHO'S VaiMaa GLIDK 8TOBB Ullda 1 B. NICHOLS Brockwar BOWELLS HTOBB I TeaaUla U. n. RICUTUR CO. Camaa Vallejr ELLUU.V at EI.USOX Dlllard RKVNOI.US A ADAMS Myrtle Creek BllADSTRUttT'a Riddle BESM.MilSR'l Canroavllle BB.XSlNOBll'S Clendala DAYS CHEEK STOIIB IJaya Creek The above atarea will accept ada and payment for them. Juat tell the uierebaot Hated abovet 'I want to put an ad lu the News-Review" and he will take care of all the detalla tor you. NEWS-REVIEW. Classified Ads Phone 100 ' RATES First Insertion, per wordJo Each subsequent Insertion per word . ... lo One week, per word . One month, per line -Minimum charge . do -11.00 25o Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the day of publication. The News-llovlew assumes no responsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertis ers In the classified columns. Headers are urged to make full In vestigation before sending money J n response to advertisements. right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS tf -TOem bebpre V N 1 fT TUATi3 F GOOD---- . WET HAD IT COPYRIGHTED. IT I WHAT ffl x I J3 ' A A OUR SONG WAS J WAS A S- W TURNED GLAD YOU EM- STOLEN' A SHAME AWAY I BRACE THE fVJ---7:3RAND WHAT A, FRONA S CLASSICS THIS vitT SONS .TOO J SHAME POPULAR. THIN YOU CALL &:h P$ VT 'A 7 ss ' r MUSIC JAZZ AND SWING HYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE WELL, SHERLOCK, I ( HEY fJUIT PAWIKJQ THAT T 6j I GET IT.' M3U NOT "MIGHT ANV LUCK? r-jr OUTSIDE SHEET OR VOU'LL 1 F1GGER THERE I THERE ARE.' MWffll : ' A .1 BE SPOILIMG WHAT LITTLE A WIGHT BE RM-i OWLV THEV tSSl; BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ROKi DOWKl AWO SET 60At. MORE 1 OOr WOW WASH TUBBS ( II130! WHAT OU UABTH HAS HAPPENED TO WA-SH? I'LL JUST CALL HIS OFFICE AND TELL HlkA HOT TO COME. lew.' - l 1 . i rn nxr - m f fj HtfTSl (oh.wotta jam! listewA sube.pal. just." ...i.-i ,, i . - ; . , - . To get In touch with advertis ers giving as their, address "Box so and so, care News-Review," It la necessary to write them. The News-Bevlew doesn't know who they are, either. Livestock FOR SALE Team geldings 7 and 8 years, broke, weight 16uo pounds each. Several youug horses. Six heifers, 1 and 2 years. N. L. Conn, Melrose route, Roseburg. Phone 6F15. FOR SALE Seven forty-pound pigs, a bred gelt, fine Duroc boar proven sire. Selby, R. F. D. No. 2, Garden Valley road. lust fresh. Easy milker. Also setlNEW 1939 Johnson Sea Horse mo ot good harness. Kenneth Conn' tols, now on display. Several 1938 Phone 6F11. - 1 moaels at discount. See them to- FRESH COWS Young horse and harness. Use some hay, grain, hogs, poultry. Joe Graff, Glen dale, Oregon. FOR SALE one O. I. C. boar, 9 months old. Also 2 young sows, bred. P. P. Sullivan, Umpqua park road. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, freshen soon. Third calf. Mrs. E. Lindhe, Sutherlln. - WANTED Fat Bogs and feeder pigs. J. A. Rhoads, 486 Beach St., Ashland. GOOD Jersey bull for sale, 11 years old. C. B. Calkins, route two. Cold Storage Lockers. Owen's Mkt MisceflaneoiiK LEAVING for Hot Springs, Arkan sas, Sunday. Will take two or three all or part way to share ex penses. Phone 539. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered daily, umpqua Dairy. Phone 38. Koseburg By-Products Co., phone Delicious homemade pies. Sulli-52-F-12. ' van's Cafe. 211 W. Cass Btreet. FRIENDS KViOW TO tAV VT, OUT" " -TT J1 A1 'M . KfT HOURS A60,MA'M ,; V',. 0! X K71 k P. AIM. 5 '.VJ e - - Hlril .feo u-NjBia- privr ', vrr xm "711111 For Sale Miscellaneous LISTEN! We have several large motors suitable for heavy power, such as Studebaker 8, Hudson 6, Buick, Master, Steams-Knight 8. Come in and see them at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 523 N. Main street. FOR SALE Studio couch, electric radio, magasiue rack, dresser, pressure cooker, wash tubs, fruit jars, canned fruit. Ironing board, typewriter. Rev. Lloyd S. Cox, Baptist parsonage. Glide, Oregon. FOR SALE building lumber, wholesale prices. Also 16-18 inch mill wood, J3.60 a load. Come and get it. Dlllard Planing Mill. uity hi ruwm s nuiuwiiie. FOR SALE OR TRADE One 8 tube 6-volt radio, 12 horse Mont gomery Ward air cooled engine. V. T. Bentley, Glide. ONE 18-36 Harrt-Parr tractor, A-l. One team black geldings, 6 and 7. One 14" gang plow. P. G. Athey, Sutherlin. ICE CREAM VttUllltt .juurt, 26c. Pints (any flavor), 16o. SULLI VAN'S CAFE, Perkins Bldg., 211 West Cass street. USED cedar posts 700 roil codar posts, 16 fcot long and 1G0 13 feet long, for sale, cheap. Write P. O. Box 829. WHILE they last Vigorous Rock hill everbearing strawberry plants, $2.00 per hundred. E. A, Hester, Glide. i FOR SALE 12-foot glnBs show case, or will trado for 6-foot case. Grimm's Grocery. ONE McClunuhun, 260-egg incuba tor" at 509 North Jackson street, Roseburg. A YOO VOOOVTJVi'T TtW PSiVOKt HtWE VOW.O V A KiOT TW.A.T .... OT iOMtOsyc MVGrV1! ...VOEVL-" ijvr:: - FOR SALE Used 6-Inch wood pipe, I good for gravity irrigation, 5 1 cents foot. City of Riddle. ;ONE CENT each. Magazines. Fie I tfon Library. Hay and Grain FINE stem, leafy, green second and third cutting alfalfa. A. II. Marsh, Wilbur-Uurden Valley road, Roseburg. GOOD oats and vetch, also grass and peavine baled bay. Rowo, highway, mile north Wilbur, FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, first and' second cutting. Harrison Rice, Dillard (Rice Creek road). FOR SALE Baled first cutting al falfa bay. T. E. Duncan, Rose burg. Phone 14 F2. Fuel 12", 14", 1G" OLD growth fir. Spe cial price this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, Camas Valley. GET your wood at Roseburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-inch and 4-foot. Impounded UNLESS claimed within 48 hours from date of notice, the following described (log will bo sold or kill ed as provided in City Ordinance No. 1014. Whito and black fcumlo, torrlcr type. Tom Fletcher, City Enforcement Officer. Phono 2F4. March 1, 5:00 p. m. Chiropractor Scientific equipment, NCM & X-Ruy. Dr. Scofleld, Perkins bldg. Wanted PILING peelers. J. M. Ware, Olnlla. Dentistry Dr G. W. Marshall, Med. A. Bldg, Coming Events Tonight X GIVE MY RECITAL AND "TOU WILL. BE MY GUESTS f YOU WILL HEAR. THE SOUL OF MUSIC NOT THE BODY I Jack Has Hopes C&EAUWHII.E, 1HS. COUNT SEJOWS MRS. RZKA.F N . THE DAOUfJ UBRAQV THAT MUR5E AIN'T SO dumb - sodums-she TRIED TH' LIFT FIRST WITH SOME DIRTV CLOTHESJ Question of Time KX)Va5 W T'AAT iV4T OfeT UV4E TrVE SOY '. VVb ,KlO 9lOIORt EV3TiTS,y VOWTiRE. VOO 1OOW.tO lAT FAV -AN0 VVc DOtSV4'T TO TE.VL. rrYOK0E Sure He'll Explain Rentals FOR RENT Burnished 5-1 oom du plex. 411 East Douglas. Phone FOR RENT Cabin with cook , stove, suitable for men. 120 W. ' Lane. 5-ROOM house, newly remodeled, J18.00. 1035 W. First street. Kcblhagen Apartments, modern. Phone 550. Strictly COZY 2-room apartment, furnished. 806 Winchester. FURNISHED 2-room apartment. 112 Brockwny. ROOMS and board. Close in. South Jackson. FOR RENT Gavasn- 246 South Rose street. NINE-ROOM house, close in. Phone 6U1-L. POULTRY CUSTOM hutching. Satisfaction. Also 20 R. 1. Red pullets, about to lay. Baby chicks, 400 White . Leghorn, Hansen strain and 200 Now Hampshire breed, out March 8. Order now. (Cull any time but Saturday.) Arthur YV'nl len, Highway 99, Roseburg. DAY old and started New Hamp shire and Rhode Island chicks. Al so buby roosters. Shluu's Hatch ery. LEGHORN roosters for broilers. Wednesdays and Thursdays. Wat ' zig Hatchery. DAY old and started chicks at Wat zlg Hatchery. 740-J. Trade ELECTRIC radio and appliances for good f resit cow. Box 545, c-o News-Kevlew. HE'S WONDERFUL, TC ( FRECK .' IF YOU PAY ATTENTION j I TO HIM, AND PRACTICE , SOWs MAY BE? L DAY TKaS a finisheo ANYWAY- ' MUSICIAN "J"HE 51 f NEIGHBORS VV '( z S . i ARE ALREADY , VC ' n 1J BY NEA SERVICE, INC. T. M, RTC, U. S. PatTCFF.I f ?2. By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll f HEBE'S HOPE VOL) THE REST UH, WELL -FORGET 11 I V THE REST OF THAT 'FAMILY IT- SHE'S SArE aaa v- n LINEN".' J 1 up there r-rtiUm lj-- 1. WOKiOW 1 M ' '" V.S'i' JaXBL'MIWI'i r I "COPR. 1939 BY NEA Real Estate TWO IMPROVED TRACTS Suit able for noultrv and fruit. 10 miles from town. Good water sup- j ply. Fair buildings. Owner asks immediate sale. Terms, it desired. See Roy Young of O. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass St Phone 417. FOR SALE Choice building lots. North Jackson street. Not on paved street. Sacrifice price for quick sale. See Roy Young, of U. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass St. Phone 417. FOR SALE Two ranches, Look ingglass valley. Good buildings. Orchards. Suitable chicken rais ing. Sacrifice. Write P. O. Box 413, Roseburg. EXCHANGE Medford residence for Roseburg. Want a home on west side or close In. Will trade clour for cleor. Would like to ex change at once. Soe Roy Young of a. W. Young & Son, 205 W. ' Cnsa St. Phone 417. FEDERAL Land Bank farms. In quire at the National Farm Loan office, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg.. Roseburg, FOR high class dairy farms and sheep ranches. See J. S. Barton, Roaltor, Coqullle, Oregon, FOR SALE Six-room house, base ment, furnace, close lu, Priced to sell. Call 120 Cass. Work Wanted WANTED Paper hanging, paint ing, kalsominlng. Very reason able. Work guaranteed. E. Bloan. Phone 165. PAINTING, paper- hanging, deco rating. Will take livestock and poultry. E. G. Griffith, Elkton. Phono 9-X. HEMSTITCHING Buttons, bucklos covered dressmaking. Mrs. Moore, 230 N. Stephens. By Merrill Blosser WHERE i HOP OfF PAL- 1 I WU IHftNTO KKIHt BHtbT- HAVE FUW WASHIWG OF THAT FAMILY , LINEN".' By Edgar Martin WOVJ V.OM6 ST e0? HtH? Y SERVICE. INC. T. M. REG. V. S. PAT. OFF By Roy Crane fiii' - ii t i -v- afrrv i EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Done BEE AN EXPERT The firms and Individual listed below specialize in their work. See them for expert services. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 3. Main St. AUTO ELECTRICAL 8ERV1CE W. E. Brown, 121 N. Stepb. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spuugh's Garags. 231 W. Oak street. Piione SOU. Bartley & Fancher, 125 No. Boss. Ph. 438. BLACKSMITH 9. E. Woodcock, 615 N. Main. CAR WASHING Al Newman, 121 N. Stephens St. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING; Roseburg Electric. Fhona 123. FLUE CLEANING J. 0. Bewley. Phone 163. GENERAL 8AW FILING Howard Caeebeer, 545 Fowler SL LOCKSMITH PuciUo Koy Ser. 222 W. Oak St RADIO SERVICING Umri's llndlu Sorvk-o. Phono 132-J TEAM work. AIbo plowing ami har rowing done. 62.1 North Jackson. U EN Hit A L housework. Writo Mrs. Uoorge Fltcli, Wilbur, Financial WANTED Private monoy for real estate loans. Fii-Rl mortgages, well socurod. Can use sums to $2600.00. Some good loans In Bmull amounts. G. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cuhs St. Phono 417. CLIENT wnnts loan ot $2000.00 on oxcollent farm. First mortgago. Will pay 6 Intorost. G. W. Young & Son, 205 W.. Cass St. Phono 117. WANTED To borrow J1200 from privuto party. Will glvo real os tuto as security. Writo Box 543, c-o News-ltoviow. Lost and Found LOST Checkorod brown and yel low unibrollii, yellow bundle. Re ward for return. iVIib. J.,?, "Bar ker. Phono Vi-x, LOST Mule terrier (log, reddish hair, collar and license UU.-.JJH,. lloone. IMPOUNDED Uy uutliority ot tho IJouglna County Control Commission, tho following described dog hus Udod mnoundod and If not clulmod with in 48 hours from tho hour fixed bo low will ho sold or killed us pro vided by law: Largo dark miilo police, ubout nno your old, picked up near Edeiir bowor. TOM FLETCHRIt, Enforcement Officer, March 1, 5:00 p. m. (Adv.) J. H. LEONQ 32 Years Experience km Hold Everything! ' -. ora. iyi ov ink &invw I. INC a- "I'm llic new lire wiirdcn condemn UPHOLSTERING Gomes Uphl. & Matt Shop. Ph. 161, REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-1 8HEET METAL WORK Slnnlger'a, 444 N. Jackson SL TIRE RETREADING Uealy's, 121 N. Stephens. Ph. 104, TOWING Stephens Auto Co. S23 No. Mala 8u Phone 682-J. WELDING Rsbg. Welding Works, 609 N. Main, WATCH REPAIRING Alvln Knudtson, 103 N. Jaekson St, BEAUTY 8AL0NS Faye's Salon ot Beauty. Complete beauty service. Ph. 211. 125 W, Cass St. Pearl Hawhousor, Mgr. Allison's Beauty Shop. Phone 384. PAINTING KAL80 MINING Herman Scliulzo. - Phone 2F41. FAREWELL SET FOR GLIDE PASTOR, WIFE An informal gathering mid dinner will bo held nt the Glide Baptist church at 6:30 p. m. Friday, March 3, in the nature of a turewell to Itev. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox, who are leaving Glldo March 6, to join Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Underhlll.' I'll Texas lu evangellstlu service. Ref. Mr. Cox will deliver hlB farewell sermona nt the Glide church, Sun day, March 5. . t -, . -Being regarded 'ermln, rab blta aro not ulloVed to exist lu Denmark. Their extermination has been ordered lu Bulglum, Germany, and Sweden, also. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to take tills opportun ity to express our slncoro thanks to our many friends for tiie kind ness, sympathy and boautlful floral offerings during our recent be reavement. ' . D. E. Carr. . . V Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Hheldon.1 "TO-DAY'S" CIS 1929 "A" FORD , 4-DOOR SEDAN : Till 8 fit r Ih otto of Ihn ttlri'ttt in DoukIhh futility. Itittmlil new by ii wi-ll Uiutwn f'tdrtulturg' i'il ilunt. Very low inHcuKo. Tlitfl car Iuih to lio uon to bti ftMC upprocluttid VltO "SI" DILLARD MOTOR COMPANY YickSo Herb Co. Our natural remedies will give you the satisfaction in case others (ailed you be fore. Avoid operations by our reme dies for stomach, liver, kidneys, blad der, rheumntism, piles, glands, urinary, eczema and ulcer of stomach, . Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily Kohlhagen Bldg. 132 North Jackson 8t., Roseburg, Oregon yu heller this llue before I Ibis lire Uup!" - - a.