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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1939)
SEI lug ordinance. The arrest of 24 CIO pickets at the Delta railroad relocation job yesterday brought to 6S the number of unionists confined in the jail in lieu of $100 ball each, added to the regular roster at tha prison. CIO prisoners yesterday asked Redding health authorities to in spect the jail and complained that only 15 beds were available, that plumbing was faulty and that some men had to sleep in -water from leaking pipes. County authorities said they realized conditions at the jail were poor and that was the reason a new structure Is being completed. The CIO further asked Governor Culbert L. Olson to conduct hear ings here in the situation, and it was reported representatives of la bor's non-partisan league might ar rive here today to investigate the situation. CIO unionists yesterday issued handbills to AFI. workers declaring the United Concrete Pipe corpora tion, contractors on the railroad re location job, "was playing oue union against the other" and that the CIO was not the enemy of mem bers of the AFL. Picketing grew out of a dispute between AFL and CIO after the AFL returned to the Job under agreement with the coniractor. The agreement was challenged by the CIO. was asked by welfare officials to read the reply from Mrs. Roose velt. He refused, saying: "I never re veal the contents of any letter I receive from another man's wife." CAGE HATS complish this end. "Needless to say, experience has proved the wisdom and the prac tical Judgment of the patriots and statesmen who founded our sys tem of free institutions, and I be lieve that most of our people, upon careful examination, will desire to continue unaltered this thoroughly successful system or representative government as thus handed down lo us over a period of 150 years' The proposed amendment was offered in the senate yesterday by 12 senators from four political par ties. In general it followed the lines of a measure introduced in the house last year by Rep. Lud low (H-Ind.. The Ludlow propo sal was beaten. REDUCED 25 FREE TRAVEL CASE WITH EVERY CACE HAT ' THI PICKET BJH TEST Chivalrous Pensioner SUPERIOR, Wis. Chivalry is not dead and an 80-year-old pension er here Is living proof of the state ment. Testifying before a committee In vestigating the county welfnre de partment that he had to appeal to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt before he could get enough old age as sistance to live on, the aged man REDDIXP, Calif., March 2. (AP) The Shasta county jail, de signed to house 22 men, housed 75 prisoners today as the CIO prepar ed to add to Its population by marching another picket line to Delta in a "freezeout game" with county officials over an anti-picket- Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 1935 Dodge Sedan 1934 Plymouth Sedan UTNE BROS. Rose Garage 9 up llmcoahrl ELSIE'S OECG. CAGE AGENCV. Youthful targe bfmd-tlu heads, turtcr 4tb. Flnor AlaVny uiw7njr 114 8. IV, ALDCH bTM fOAXLAND, OB. tablished was best calculated to ac-! IF) Holt Resolution Opposed Because of Threat to Party Solidarity. WASHINGTON, March 1. (AP) Several middle-oMhe-road sena tors were reported authoritatively today to be trying to avoid a con troversy over a third term for president Roosevelt. They were said to have urged Senator Holt (U, W. Va.) to aban don his proposed resolution to put the senate on record uguinst a third term. Holt, however, declared he would introduce it later in the ses sion. Well-informed persons said the group opposing a showdown was headed by Senator Wheeler (D., Mont.), a leader in the successful battle against the Roosevelt court bill two years ago. Wheeler and some other demo crats who have opposed various administration measures were de scribed as believing senate consid eration of an anti-third term reso lution merely would. increase party bitterness and dampen democratic prospects for 19-10. Friends said Vice-President Uarner shared this view. One senator told reporters he had information Mr. Roosevelt was little concerned by the Holt pro posal, and he would not urge his capitol lieutenants to oppose it. Senator Mint on (D., Ind.), an ad ministration supporter, said an anti third term resolution undoubtedly could be defeated, but it would be useless (o consider one. Minton suid be was confident the president does not want a third term. Another administration lieuten ant, Senator Pepper (D., Fla.), said Mr. Roosevelt "has a perfect right to run again if he wants to." But he added: "Nothing could be gained from senate consideration of a resolu tion against a third term. In , the first place, it is not the senate's duty to try to advise the executive on such .matters, and in the sec ond place it would just forge un other link in the chain of demo cratic schisms that has already been forged." WASHINGTON, iMnrcn 1. (AP) Secretary Hull again opposed to- ilav a proposed constitutional mendment which would prevent this Kovernment Irom waging war on foreign soil unless the people approved in a rclcrcndum. Hull, in a statement issued at his press conference, said such !a -re quirement would be an intringe ment on the representative form of government. 'His statement: "There was no question more acutely in the minds and purposes of the founders of this republic than that of keeping the American people out of war. "After the fullest deliberation, they reached the conclusion that the representative form of govern ment by the people which thny es- WASHINGTON, March 1. (AP) The treasury started to day, amid much public head scratching, its banner month of In come tax collections expected to produce slightly more than $425, 000,000. March 15 is the deadline for first installment payments on 1938 income taxes, and although the treasury has been willing to ac cept payments since January 1, Us returns so far have been neglig ible. The payments are expected by officials to show how far 1038 business fell below that of 1937. A year ago March collections, based on 1937 income, set a new record of $723,000,000, but the treasury counted on only $425,000, 000 for this month in making up budget estimates. The basic income tax rales, both for individuals and corpora tions, are virtually unchanged, and the last congress granted relative ly small concessions, from a rev enue standpoint, oft individual capital gains and corporation un distributed pioifts. Annually, Insects cause more than 1,500,000 deaths and do $750,- 000,000 worth of damage in India. Have You no Appetite? MeilrorcJ. Ore. Mra. hi. Klynn. 211 Ah'Andrt'WS H o u i, says: "lr, Pierce's Golden Ahnlleyl IHh rovery 1h h splen did lonlf. My folks used to havo it on liuud p rut) l i fully all tint tiinu and when we ehfldren had no appetite Iho 'Discovery' wus the first thtntf mother thought of. I tun pleased to recommend tliis old reliable iiu-dieine." liny of your druKKist today. Authorized Maytag Sales and Service Ott's Music Store W. Cass & Sheridan. Phone 461 FOR YOUR TAXI Phone 21 (make Ml NE ) (wthOOPSJ vn a r im -- - jj i Old Oscar Pepper (known to its friends as "OOP") is ALL whiskey a combinationofwver selected straight whiskies ... re duced to 90 proof for lightness, , , and combined for velvety smooth tiessj Try this mellow, full-flavored whiskey today ! Frankfort Distil leries, incorporatcd,Louisville and Baltimore. '52(317 regf)!? BRAND A blend of Jtriilhl whiiljci-90 proof. It's the DADDY Of m A t i I I tm km I SAVEI SAVEI SAVE1 Safeway offer the LOWEST PRICES in years on quality Canned Foods I Record Breaking Values that will cut your Living Costs (or weeks to come I Without doubt the greatest money -saving sale of the yearl Stock upl INVEST every .cent you can spare for big DIVIDENDS in Satisfaction! Prices Effective March 3rd to March 6th Inclusive The finest and richest Mayon naise you ever tried. Introduct ory offer. QUART 33c Money back guarantee ToBYjeatoes Pure Lard Josephine Extra Standard, 3 large tins Kettle Rendered, 3 pounds Dry Sugar Cure, mild, pound Fresh Peanut Butter packed in sanitary jars, 2 lbs. '"' 25c Blue Label, 5 lb. cans Crystal White, Laundry, 10 bars 25 23 29 29 PEAS, Co Kist Golden, 303, 3 for.. BEANS, No. mm Pure, Cane and Maple. Perfect ly Blended. 5-lb. Cans 23c 6 for :..45c 12 for ........85c 20c 6 for ....39c 12 for ..75c 25c 6 for 49c 12 for 95c 29c 6 for ..55c 12 for $1.05 19c 6 for 37c 12 for 71c 23c 6 for 43c 12 for 83c 10c 6 for ..' 19c 12 for ........37c 29c 6 for 57c 12 for $1.10 30c 6 for 59c 12 for $1.17 33c 6 for 63c 12 for $1.19 Fruit and Vegetable 1 GRAPEFRUIT Large Texas Pinks, 3 for ...... ORANGES Extra large, very sweet, doz, POTATOES Klamath No. 1, 18 lb CARROTS Bulk, 4 lb. NEW POTATOES 3 pounds NEW PEAS 2 pounds ..: GREEN ONIONS 3 bunches 10c 17c 23c 25c SOc 1.9c 25c DEPARTMENT SMELT -j- . 25c OYSTERS rtttBay ipc BLACK COD WIZZ. 150 SAUSAGE 25c k. a. mm m m a. PURE LARD , , c f iu mmm .ay -mm- ..: :. 23 TOMATO JUICE, Sunny Dawn, 3 for 25c; 6 for 45c BABY FOOD, Stokely's. S for 25c : fi for 45c Shortening SPRY 3 Lb. pau '.. 53c Grapefruit STOKELY'S No. 2 tins, 2 for .... 19c Su-Purb Washing Powder, f a. large package AfV Granulated Soap SCOTCH Large 07 1 Package t V Palmolive ' TOILET SOAP 3 Bars 17C , Lux Flakes Large ' Package APRICOTS, large 2V2 .............100 PEACHES, Stokely Fancy, 2V2, 130 PINEAPPLE, large 212, broken 150 ASPARAGUS, Picnic, 2 for 250 SPINACH, large 22, 2 for - 250 HOT SAUCE, 3 cans .100 DOG FOOD, 6 cans 290 BACON ; Fancy Ushi "nVVI' bacon, lb. . Meat Prices Friday and Saturday Only. Airway Coffee Freshly Ground Guaranteed 3 LB. 35c MARSHMALLOWS, Fluffiest, lb 120 Jell-Well, 6 pkgs. .. ........ ;.........v....250 French Dressing, Pierre, pt. ...,.....-2.30 TEA, Canterbury Black, lb.. ...... -490 TOM COLLINS, 28 oz. bottle .....180 WINES, qt 490 WAX PAPER Large Roll 13c Edwards Coffee Vacuum Packed Wariest Grade Coffee Obtainable r2-! 4-lb. Can ihtot 79c WALNUTS, lb 170 CANDY BARS, all 5c, 3 for... .....100 CHERUB MILK, 4 tall cans 250 PEANUT BUTTER, Beverly, lb. 170 CRISPY CRACKERS, 2 lb . 250 SUGAR, fine gran. 10 lb -530 PANCAKE FLOUR, 9.8 lb..........-350 VANILLA, Westag im., 4 oz 100 SALAD DRESSING, qt. jar :.-250 Large Bar .. Ivory Soap 9c Ivory Snow ; Large . jf Package Harvest Blossom Flour Hardwheat Family Patent 49-lb. Bag 98c BlOJtoM LARGE WHITE BEANS 5 Lb. 19c FLOUR SAVINGS HARVEST BLOSSOM, 49 lb. 980 KITCHEN CRAFT, 49 lb. $1.29 AIRLIGHT, 49 lb 950 UMPQUA CHIEF, 49 lb $1.07 ORBIS, 49 lb ....$1.07 DRIFTED SNOW, 49 lb $1.55 HARVEST BLOSSOM, 9.8 lb 270 FREE DELIVERY COD. SERVICE 85 11.85 A FULL PINT AFUU.QUWU