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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1939)
fUUK txCocouiMs ivLWj-ftLncw, nUJCbuo, uir.Cioii, iHCKJUAl, MAPvLn t., Isned Unity Kcp Hundnr bj- tbe AfWII'KIIVIIIW CUm IRC Urwkcr of I'll Auveltitd I'rCH Thi Associated Press Is exclusive ly entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwlee credited In Uils paper and to all local new published herein. All rights of re- Eubllcatlon of special dispatches ere In are alio reserved. HARRIS ELIJtWORTH Editor JCnteiwd as second class matter Way 17, 1820. at the poet office at Koaebura. Oregon, under act nf Mnreh . Represented by Nw York 271 Madison Ave.. Chi cao :i6(J N Michigan Ave. Nan Krancisce 220 Bush Street le troll a 19 Stephenson Bldg., L i.K-lr- 433 8. HprlnR (street. Br ittle ttU3 Stewart Street. J'urtlnnd 620 S. W. Sixth Street, Vancouver, B. Oy 7U Hall Bldtf.. 6. Louis 411 N. Tenth Street. AtlantaMo Qrant Building. Ore P AP l R Funis Hit SOIATION (tubHcnptlun itales Dally, per year oy mall IS. Ob Dally, tt mouths by mail 2,&U Daily, 3 months by mail........ Lib Daily, by currier pur month tft Dully, by carrlur per year 7,&u yESTKHDAV there wuh a discus- slon in this column of thu sub ject of peeler logs." A peeler log, for the benefit of these who came in lute Is it log thai is suitable for tho lmmufucture of thin Hheets or wood culled veneer. Veneer Is not sawed from u log hut tho sheeU are peclod off, on a rotury peeling; lathe. Yesterday ufterupon, u timber cruiser, who heudfiiiurtorH jit I'ort luud but who dues eontjidemblu work In this urea, called on ibis editor with u copy of the Nows-lto view In his hand. He had just read the comment on peeler logs. "You have told uiily a part of tbe -story," tho cruiser said. "Tho fact lH. snrluKlIng of HUgur pine In tho UdtiKbiH county forum sweetens up the pVducrty and helps to sell the fir. When -llio fine Bugir pine trees are taken out of u tract of timber the remainder of the timber In not worth nearly so much, and tho tract will bo much harder to sell later on." Nor was that tho only complaint the timber cruiser had of tbe cur rent activities In this area. Ho de clared that he had visited the scene of tho peeler-log logging operation and that only ono or two short logH are taken from each of the giant sugar pluo trees, the remainder of tho tree, much of It excellent tim ber, Is being loft on the ground. Some Hpecics can be salvaged for muv-Iokh after being considerable time on the ground, but not sugar pine. The piuo logs stain and arc worthless after only a row weeks. "Wo may talk all wo plcaac about sustained yield' tho cruiser suld, "but thorp can bo no mntuinod yield in sugar plno it takes UuO years lo grow one of those trees tiud the majestic star pine Is the aristocrat of western forests. It la tbe finest, highest priced soft-wood in our country." It Is not, of course, the purpose of tbis discussion to object to any person selling his properly In any way that he sees fit. If a man owns some laud that bus Home sugar pine trees on It, it Is his business how and to whom be Hells either tho land or the trees, or both. Hut from tint facts hero net forth, and from tbls discussion, we can draw the conclusion that there Is a vast and valuable resource in (his county, limber, that. Khouhl be converted Into us much work for as many peoplo as possible. It Is not at present bring developed in the best way. There Is wnnte and de ntnicliott In methods now being em ployed. With attention culled to those things, pniinlhly I lici t; can be aroused enough Intel est In tho en tire subject so that some Improve incut ran bo brought about. Editorials on News (Continued from page 1.) Ian are doing a ftaginrnl frnm "The Mngniliccnt Fraud." It involves only u Bcutcmo or ho u( ilialutue on the part of each, and a brief :lose-np of Nolan. In tbe cloKe-up, Tumindf KiK-uks hlit i out of range ot the laniera, so that ntily his olee Is hi-anl. He cotnimtmlM brandy lor Nnlun. The story roiiuires only ihe expiesshni of Nolan's lace, vj rest of his body being out of Hhuh. His luinds reach for the bnimly, and li Is ACTl'AL brandy not an empty gl-'is or even colored water. Ami it Is In a brandy gla.vs. The reason It Is actual brandy is for psych-domical effect upon the actor, whosr personal illusion must ptTfect it the story to bo Wh by his acting is to be perfect. No slightest faulty detail must! bo permi1! to mar tUo perfection I that la striven for. AGAIN tho first performance fulls Khnrt nf tho standard doniand- ed by the director. So does the second. Likewise the third. So it is done over and ovor and over until a performance is turned out that satisfies the artistic sense of the director. Nerve-racking? WellT put your self In the place of the actors. Then ask yourBelf if you might not be permitted a little flush of tempera ment now and then. No flashes of temperament, how ever, are apparent toduy. There is only patient, earliest striving for artlstlc excellence. ANOTHIill interesting revelation tn llilu UTftoi Who iietriru' voices are low, almost inaudible a dozen feet away no need to risk delicate tone shadings by striving Tor carrying power. The micro phone, under the gifted fingors of the sound mixer and his assistant, takes care of all that. State Press Comment MUST BE REBUILT (I'Jugeno Iteglster-Guard) When the l'acilie highway twoeii Koseburg and (J mills 1 is rebuilt and it must be rebuilt without delay the number of curves will bo reduced from Ml on the present grade to not more than 121) by a recent reconnalHauco sur vey. The degreo of curvaturo will be reduced from a maximum of 7(1 to not more than 10 degrees on any curve. Crudes will bo reduced from 15 In Hpois to not more than 5. In total distance 11 iniloH will be cut off. Tbe job Is estimated lo coat around $7,0110,000, hut it will bo worth It. Of the military importance of this highway we have said much in re cent weeks. Tho figures on curva turo tell the story. Plans for mot orized defense of the Pacific Const will bo meaningless unless this ob solete stretch of road is replaced. Consider tho problem, in TJ miles of road there are 1101 curves, many of them almost rlght-anglu curves on steep grades. A single regiment of artillery with all its heavy guns and equip ment would probably tlu up all traf fic on this section. The movement of a complete army division or an army corps through this bottleneck under wartime conditions would bo almost an Impossibility. It Is easy to Bay that the danger of war Is remote. Wo hope it is. Hut the key lo any defense plan for Ihls Coast is SWIKT movement of large bodies of troops between California and tho Northwest. Neg lect of this ploco of highway could bo a fatal weakness In the whole defense Plan, Tlmrn iiiii nthiT nieees of hl way which, are necesuary to an This school consists of two class udequalu defense plan. A tleup rooms, a lunch room and ba.iumeuL, anywhere along tho lino could frus- null was erected at a cost to the tru'to the best of defense plans. Wo choo! district of ?t:tOU, represent use tho ltoseburg-Uranls i'asH pro- (ng &f of tho total, the rest be blcm lo Illustrate how neglect of iK unsullied by the government highways could dofeat motorized ll( handled through the W'PA. The dele use. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1500 Kilocycles (REMAINING HOURS TODAY) 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr., MMS. 4: 15 Lot's Hay Hrldge, MIIS. 4: u 1:30 Clipper, MHfci. B;(j0 Kvenlng Uuuco Melodies. 5:15 Johnny Murray, MUS. 5:0 KUNIt Cbildrens' Hour. 5:46 Reviewo and Previews from the State Capitol. 6:00 Copco Cavalcade. 6:05 News, Calif. Utilities Co. 6:10 News-Review News Flashes. ti:lG (Jen. Hhaftor Parker, M Hs, 6:30 Tho In Hetweens, MHS. 6:4G Tho Johnson Family, MltH. 7:00 The Plmutom Pilot, MliS. 7:15 Mutual Mucstros. 7:30 Tho (iroen Hornet, MltS. K;0U (Jhuck KoHtor Orchestra, MILS. 8:15 Don't You Believe It, Sensa tion Cigarettes, MBS. 8:ihf Jan tiarbor Orchestra. 8 : t " Tho Playboys, MHS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. U: ir(;ien (Iray w Orcheslra, MltS. 0:30 Huh Crosby's Orchestra, MUS. 9: 15 Kktnnny Kuulu' Orchestra, MUS. 10:00- Sign Off. Flim.W. makch :i 7:'Ht -Stuff ii nd Nonsense. 7:30 News-Review Newscast. 7:40 State Wide and Local News. 7:45 J. M. Judd Says "Good Morning.." 7:"i0- Hhapsudy in Wax. S:tm Sons ot ibe Phmeers. -MILS. S:t,V- Unveil or, M its, N : Woman's Pime, MHS. !t:i0-Nnvak Oreh. SvlnMters, MPS. 9:30 Man About Town. 0: tiWtullodeor, MHS. 10:00 The Happy (lung. M US. 10: 15 Frontier Fighters, Copco. lu:;to-silhouoi(es in nine. MPS. 10:45 Voice of Experience. MBS. 1 1 : un Nation's School of the Air. MHS. 11:30-- Pauline Alport, Pianist, MHS. 11: -til .Muse and Music. MHS. U:00 Murrlnue t. Roman ces. MliS. 11': 15- Kmory heutseh Oreh. IL:3 Tune Parade. 12:35 Parkinson's Information Ex change. 12:45 State and Local News, Safe way. 12:5C News-Review of the Air. 1:00 Henninger's Man On The Street. 1: i:.-H.t Mitchell. Organist. MHS. I : ;;o w no and I Uk, Songs. MHS. 1: 15--Hook a Week. MHS. 2:ttn- At Your Command i;30 Jess Kiikpati'k'k, MUS. OUT OUR WAV RAMBLINGS by Paul Jenkins THIO emergency expenditure of federal money In an attempt to woo the return of prosperity has done much for the country much good, much had, according to tho typo of proj ect, and the point of view. At any rate, a great deal of building has been done in va rious lines. For one thing, the country has been dotted over with new uchoolhouses. The oppor tunity provided the school districts for Kccuring federal aid was ono none, needing a new building, could afford to turn down. The most recently constructed grade school in this urea is the ono in Kdenbower, opened for class room work last Monday. It replaces jan old Blructuro In use for oner 'half a century. iirchilecls were Tourlellotte Ac Phillips, of Portland, and the con tractor, John Itiinyun of Koseburg. Fifty-six children are enrolled as students, their instructors being Mr. ami Mrs. M. Miller. Members of the board of directors are Mrs. Tom Lamm, chairman ; Cordon Ware and H. 1). Iless. C. W. Cook Is clerk. Mrs. Paul Heaver is presi dent of the Community club, a school organization ot parents. The old school building, and a play shed, adjoin the now school. Plans now nro in preparation for lite razing and removal of the for mer, and for proper grading mid arrangement of the grounds and amusement features chair and and ring swings, and teeter-totter, 1 noticed, were ready for placement. Tbe school, as of course yon probably know, is located near the junction of (he Calkins rond with the (hirde.ii Valley highway, just beyond tbe Veloraus Facility.- " I )o you mean to tell me t hat man I:; a minister, yet fought iu tho World war?" exclaimed Charley Kyes in some surprise, as he sat by my desk yesterday morning. "I wouldn't think (hat a minister," he continued, "would want to shoot anybody." Charley, Charley, of course be wouldn't. That is. 1 reckon be wouldn't want to. Anyhow, not all ministers would. At any rate, they wouldn't feel that way all tho time. 1 sincerely believe we may rest as sured of this much at least, Charley. NOTICE ODD FELLOWS All members urucd to be present Thursday evening. Seven i audi-' ilates for first degree work. (Adv.) Philetarian Lodge No. S, l.n.O.F. 2:45--Rudio Campus. MHS. no Feminine Fancies, MHS. :i::tu l'r. Van Wyck, MHS. 45 Utile Review, MHS. 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr.. MHS. 4:15 Let's Play llrhige, MHS. 4:30 .Morton Oouid s Oreh.. MHS. 5:00- Juvenile Trio. 6: 15 Evening Dunce Melodies. ::tn KRNR Children's Hour. 5:45 Reviews and Previews From The State Capitol. 6:00 Copco Cavalcade. 6:05 State and Local News. Cali fornia Utilities Co. 6:10 News-Review News Flashes. il: l.V-Gen, Shafivr Parker. .MISS. t::to Mutod Music, MRS. ti: 45 -The, Johnson Family, M US. 7 run American Family Robinson. 7: 15 Mutual Maestros. 7:30 Iuie Kaimer, MHS. S:0i'-Let's Oo Holly wood, MUS. N::h Nation's Plavhouse. MHS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. !t: LV- Hancock Ensemble, MRS. 1: 1 5 Titos. Conrad Sawyers, MRd. 10:po StfiU Oit. ffiK I I U m BE A GOOD FRIENC W THEN TO MY HOUSE gi EpsiP M Wm BBAN'COME OVER V TOO, BIB .... IP TMEV VHP IfpKHd g&'-Z&A TO MV HOUSE AN' SAV THINK I BEEM WITH fgfP tPijla I js&apl GOOD NIGHT TO ME YOU ALL PAY THEY Ifeip If M AT OUR POOR, SO WON'T BE NOTHIN" tP i2ll iJgfiX SHE'LL THINK I'VE SAIP OR DID ABOUT Hi lT gS;: ftk. BEEN WITH VOU A BE IN' OUT SO LATE J8i mA . iSfev ALL PAY jjftJ" 1 If ' mmmSKm ass I cof . ii vicr 'caooiL i -ruioVw jci k i-cT enftu . I VlllT.M tin, OfF. ' 1 llrs ' llJ w V-WINI J J I Daily Devotions IITR A HflRkS hP. W Daily Devotions DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS Ono cannot read tho story of the life of St. Paul without being impressed with the fact of how constantly he was able to keep his eyes fixed on tho bright sido of things and his spirit buoy ant and hopeful, oven when life was going anything hut com fortably with him. To many of us, who find it so easy to yield to a mood of pessimism and dis couragement ami fear, his per sistent hopefulness ought to bring Its rebuke, and as well, Its own heartening message. As be reminds us, there is no justi fication if we would only look far onough and deep for a little of the pessimism that wo often indulge ourselves In. We pray Then at this time, our God, for wisdom to see life wholesomely and with no lingo of bitterness or cynicism or fear. Thy prom ises are with us, and Thy grace is for our asking, do Thou help us to Hud strong faith in Thee as an anchor to the soul. Amen. SUIT ASKS $6,000,000 FROM FORD AUTO CO. NEW YORK, March 1. (AP) Paul Kohloft, who said he was in ventor of a device for connecting spark plugs with colls or distribu tors by a metal bar process, Hied suit for UOO.OOO, Including treble damages, against tho Ford Motor company in federal court today. U. S. Seeks Youths To Fill Warplanes and Laboratories Hy PRESTON GROVER WASHINGTON More than ever before in peace time- the govern meut is going after bright young men from tho colleges to fitl Us lighting planes and laboratories. The governmnnt Is expanding its pursuit of the arts of war side hy side with its pursuit of tho arts of peace. To man the 3.000 new planes tho air corps expects to buy during the next two years will require not only 25,000 extra unlisted men from outside the colleges, but 8,000 more oltlcors, most ot thorn col lege men. At the satno time the department of agriculture Is reaching out for LlUt) bright young college men. It wants to get that many probably within the next year lo begin hunt ing in lour new laboratories for new uses to which surplus cotton, corn, wheat or potatoes can bo put. They aiso will seek uses for crops which can replace those of which we now have too much. The selection plan has not been worked out but It probably will be something akin to the system which the big technical industries, such as Genernl Electric, General Motors and Chrysler motors use iu search ing out expert help. These compan ies take selected students fresh from tho campus and give them jobs iu the company plants to learn the business. t Fliers A Problem More complicated is the method of selecting army fliers. The army couldn't absorb 2.noo new fliers all at once even if it could train thorn. It would but a disastrous "bump" in the promotion system to take1 in so many all at once. Many would serve for years without a promo tion, as would all those coming in after them. Instead tho Immediate require ments will be filled by hriniitng in Horn private air schools reservo of ficers, (lying cadets and newly trained tilers who w!H serve only three to seven years. Each year for the next 10 years 20 to :00 will bo selected horn this list for perman ent commissions in tbe air force. Hut the immediate prospect is for ;i.oeo air corps reserve ot fleers to be offered active duty Tor three to seven ears, an increase from l.:'.5it such jobs during recent years. If at the end or three years-" they are not chosen for permanent com missions, they may retire, trained tilers, with a $5no bonus. Of course If war comes, they'll be on the spot. Each of us breathes out enough carbon every hour, Hie form of carbouic acid gas. to make a dia mond ot ul least loo caiau. By William. mini. uniiLU nuiu LOS ANGELES, March 2. (AP) A mysterious acid capable of damaging the metal hulls of battle ships figured sensationally today in tho federal trial of two men and a woman accused of peuce-time espionage. The acid, sold U. S. Attorney Hon Harrison, was obtained from a Ger man freighter by a Japanese fish ing bout in J937, and stored under tho guard of an Italian at the Mex ican port of Eusenada. 70 miles I south of tho California border. Tho storehouse, Harrison said, burned down In a fire of undeter mined origin the day before an I American immigratiou officer was ishot while trying to stop two men from crossing into the United States. All this information, the prosecu tor asserted, was contained in one of the 69 secret reports of tho naval intelligence service which H. Sa i(ch, former operative, is accused of selling to Mikhail Gorin, mana ger of a soviet travel bureau, and his wife, Natasha. Harrison, amid deionse objec tions, read to the jury from the re port which 'listed the fishing boat, Flying Cloud, registered to Mala suka Tsuida. of San Diego, as the importer of two cargoes of the acid, obtained from the German freighter, Edna. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE PORTLAND, March 2. (AP) Mrs. H . Earl left here yesterday to audit the Lebanon general hos pital books but ended up in a hos pital bed there. Driving with her husband near Jefferson her car got out of control and wont into a ditch. She suffered a wrist frac ture. PORTLAND, March 2 (API Federal Judge James Foe yesterday entered an order providing for li quidation of the Willamette vaiiey railroad. The line suspended op erations last fall, claiming luck of revenue. LAKEVHCW. March 2. (AP) A coroner's jury decided yester day Georgo I. Modrcll, (JO, froze to death on a remote forest road after becoming ill while en route to a logging camp. The body was found Tuesday at the end of a trail which indicated he had crawled half a mile on his hands ond knees heforo succumb ins to the sub zero weather. mitki: of fiai. si;tti.i;mi;vi In Uif Colintv r.mrt of tln State of h f"r I ouglus tVuntV. Ill tin liiattt-r uT thr estate "f Allct Kli.ahclh Clmko, ileeoase' Nulice Is horeliv glvt-n Unit tlui uiiil.-rsiKiu-d udml lit strut or of the cMate nf AlL'i- 1 Ilis-.ul-rl It Clarke doren.vetl. lots fil;l hi I lit nlHtvu fli tltlftl eoiirl his final jo-cuunt in sttllci!ii'iit of salt! cMntc; and. hy or ilr r nf mi id court thily ma do ami uitrt'd of retold, Monday. Ihe 3rd dav nf April. I'X','. at tu o'clock a. in.. it the comity court room iu tho court house Iu knm hurtf. iMniKln.H County, llrewron, lia.n t n fixed us the time and phu'n for hi-arluw objection, if any there he, to said final account and for tho settlement i hereof. w. .r. ct,.t:Kt:. Administrator f tie ectiitu of Alice Elisabeth Clarke, le CeUM d. MITK K TO t ItKDl l OltS tu the County Coon of the State of Oregon for Dotmlus County, lo the mutter of tho estate of Em ilia Arnold, tleeeuscd. N.di.e is hereby kivcii. that tile uiMlertipned. has hern appointed a ad tain i.t i utur of the estate of Km ii m Arnold, deceit unl. hy uu order of the County Court of ltunlan County, Ore son. only made and en tered, on the Mh day uf February, All persons are therefore noti fied, to present their claim, duly verified km bv Jaw required, at the office n f K. W. Ma raters in tho Court 1 louse at Ktehur-;. Uouk lu.t County, UrrKuii. within fix mon"i.t from date of this notlee. Dated and firm published this 9th day of Ft lr nary, 113!. W. J. MF.KKU1TH. Aduilnintrator of the estate of Uuitpa .Vincld, deceased. St'UHOBiS In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for Do UK Ian County. Genevieve Marie Smothers, Plain tiff, va. Floyd tiinothtirii, Vvtvti danL To Floyd Hmothers, the above named Defendant, In the nuiiie of the Stata of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of in) niainuii, niea aguuiat you in thtt above entitled court und.cautte, on or before the 30th day of March. IHZ'J, being thti date prescribed by the court In the order of Publica tion of said Summon, for you to appear anu anawer uaiu complaint, and If you fall to appear and an swer said complaint, on or .before nam uuie, toe piuintin win appiy to ihe court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, a succinct uta lumen. tt of which In uh follows: For a decree of (he court dia solvinir the marriaKu contract now t:lMtinK between the plaintiff and defendant, and for tho return ot plaintiff's maidcA name of Gone vlevo Marie Junoitky, and for hei coma and dUuuraeiuenU of thia suit. This Summons Iu published in the lioaeburif News-He view, by order of tin; Honorable Carl Wimberly, JuHko of the above entitled court, made on the 27th day of February, 1931', and the firat publication thereof is of date the -nd day of March, 11)39. and the lam publica tion thereof will be on Tliurnday, the 30th day uf March, 1U3:, mak InK u full period of four cunnucu nye weeks. R W. MAJtSTERy, Attorney for plaintiff. PuHloffico addroHH, Koseburg, Qre , tfoll. .NOTIti; UF FINAL IKAItI.(J In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the mutter of the estate of James it. Urucker, deceased. Notice, in hereby Klvon that the undersluued administrator of -the above entitled estato did, on the fifteenth dav of February. JJ;t9. file In the above entitled court and cautio his final account i' nd that tho court on said date ttiadt- and entered an order fixing Friday, i no iwcuiy-iuurin tiuy oi Aiarcn. IWJ. at tun o'clock lit the forenoon of said day us the time, and the County Court room in the - court house in ILuHcburg, Douglas Coun ty, OrcKon, as the place for heur ln object loiia to said account. Therefore, all perautiH Interested in said estate uro hereby notified and required to tile any ami an onlec tlons to said Final -Account iu tho above entitled Court and Cause nrlor to said date and that anv and all such objections will be heard and determined at said time and place:. uaieu anu urst Duuitsueu i-euru- ary 23, lit 111). T. J. HIJOWN, "Administrator of the estalo of Junius It. Urucker, deceased. 0 .OTICi; OF FIKAf, SIOTTI.BMISNT III the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the mailer ot tht) estutu of rail l h Deyarmond. deceased. Notice, is hereby given that thu tho undersigned administrator uf estate of 1-ahth Dcynriuoiid. cased, has filed in toe above titled court Iiih final account in sctllcmeut ot said estate.; and, by order of said court duly made and 'iilered of record, Monday, the -(in tiny oi Aiiiicii, I'jou, iu ten o'clock a. in., in tho county court room in the courthouse iu Uuse liurg, Douglas County, Oregon, has been fixed us the time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to said final account mid Jul tho settlement thereof. A. N. OIICUTT. Administrator of thu estate of Edith Deyarmond, deceased. NOTICE TO CHI0D1TOHS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Dougius County. In thu mat tor of the estate of Eli zabeth Walkor, deceased. Notice is Imrcby given that the undersigned has jv oidur of the above untitled cotn't duly made- and tntiiud of rudfid been appointed tainimstrator of tne eaiulu of jaii zahulh Walker. ci,.'.',i..l J. and has duty qualified aa such. All persons having c 1 a 1 m a against said esl'it- ure hereby ru- imreu to presctir me same to tn-j no - igued. di. i v.-Mlicd. :i: his r---idi l.:.e in Kose!'!i u. Donchm County. Oregon, within six months irom mo tlrnt publication of this tlOllce. Which U thtt L'ml fl:i v ii f February, i'J3D. Al. hj. lllTTlSK, Administrator of tho Estate of Eli zabeth Walked, decoused. AOTICIS F MIIF.HIFF'N S.VI.H OF JlliAl, I'HOI'lOItTY Ntttlct; is hereby given that hy. virtue of an execution ami miter of sale Issued out of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County on tho 11th day of Feb ruary, i:.iu, upon aim pursuant to a decree dnlv iriven and ttniMi- liv said court on the 11th day of Feb ruary. l:i, tu a suit Tor the fore closure of a mortgage pending therein in which Federul Farm Mortgage Corporation, a corpora tion, was plaintiff, and Joseph K. Thomas, a bachelor: Joseph E. Thomas, as executor of the last will and testament of J. W. Thomas, de- eeasou, unaruy i-uuwig untl John Dto: Dudwig, whoso true name is Faul l.udwig. wife and hushiind; David J. Thomas, a widower; Dan iel I. Keohiine. im iidmi ntsl rn 1 in- nf tlie estate of David M. Thomas, de- ceaseo; c. it. springer anil Duiali Springer, husband and wife; the unknown heirs of .1. W. Tliniims. deceitsed: The Unknown heirs of David m. - Jioiiias. deceuscd: nnd also all other persons or parlies unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In tho real estate described in the complaint iie i em, were oe i en nan in, wnicu execution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell lite property hereinafter de scribed to satisfy certain liens and charge in said decree spm-lf led. I will, on Monday, the -0th day if March. l!t.H. at the hour of ten p'clock in the forenoon of said dav. at t he court house front tloor in Koseliurg. 1 'oughts ( tu nty. Oregon, offer fur sale and sell at puldic auction, fur eush, subject to re demption as provided by law, all the right, title and interest of the defenda uts in mi id suit untl of nil person claiming hy. through or under them or anv of them place the 1st day of March. l!Ktl. in or to the following described real Prop erty, to-wit: I tie .Northeast quarter of the Northeast uuarier of Section Six. Township Thirty-two South, ltange Tliree. est of the V lamelle Meridian : and t he Southeast juar- ter uuo mi' cast, nan or ine Moiitn west quarter of Section Thlrtv one: the West half of tho South west quarter and the South half of the- Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-two. Township Thlrtv-one South. Kange Three, West of the lllumette Alerdian. Together with all water rights, and rights iu ditches, canals and laterals, and rights of wav t liere- for. iiPPurteiuint to said n remises or used In connection then-with, in- ludiiig (but not limited tot the following: with rtKlil lo use water of Meadow l 'reek for 1 rngat ion of "jm acres of land as evidenced 1- State I'.-iniil dated April "a. 1931". with priority of x-pteinber 7. 1S03; r.xeepting ttie following: ltegi nning at n point 350 feet North of the Southeast corner of Se tluii Thirty-one. T o w n.hi o Thirty-one South. Itang- Three. West of the Willamette Meridian, on the y.etlon line between Sec tions Thirty-one and Thirty-two, th.'iiee North IMS feet, thence West ' feet, the nee South 215 fee thence Kuit 1' li feet to tlui Oniui of beginning. also excepting from the above .1 escribed land the followinir: I "Alt merchantable fir and uinal timber u"uu thu forvgtjiiig dvsuriti- STAR HORIZONTAL 1,8 Pictured skater. 5 Flatfish. 13 dive shrub. 14 Helmet shaped part 16 Pertaining to air. IT Insane. 18 Greaser. 19 Blood money. 20 Exhibitions. 22 Pipes tor drawing off liquids. ,25 Musical note. 26 To long. 30 Resounded. 34 Genus of apple trees. Answer to 49 Fish eggs. 50 Recipient. 52 Rowing tool. 53 She is the most famous 35 Covered with tile. 38 Life principle. 37 Small pool. 38 Railroad. 19 Aromatic oil of coffee. 15 Insects, order Coleoptera. . skater. 55 Her native land. 58 Civet. 59 Pig pen. 60 Company. VERTICAL 1 Therefore. 2 Salamanders. 5f3 CI 1ST 1 land, with full right, lt'ave and cenae to cu. upon tho nroncrtv with all logging apparatus and to and log upon said described land, and to remove therefrom anv untl all of the said limber thereon, together with lull right, leave and licenao lo place saw mill or saw mills upon said laud for the pur pose tit' sawing said timber into lumber." Situated in Douglas County, State of Oregon; Together Willi tbe tenements, hereditaments and nppurle nances thereuulo belonging or la anywise appertaining. suico inis ii iu uuy 'a reuru- ary. 1139. IM'ilU'Y A. VVI'JHU, Sheriff of Douglas County. Oregon. otici'J to cniniiTOits In tho County Court of the State of Oregon lor me county oi Doug las. In the matter of the estate cf Iiuth Ann llarvev. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that - tho undersigned, by order of tho Coun ty Codrt of the Htat of Oregon. for Douglas County husboen. duly appointed Kxecutor of tire, estate ol Uuth Ann Harvey, deceased. All persons having claims against said est ale are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified as hy law required, to the tinucrsignen, ixecutor, at me law office of Ira It. Kiddle, Itoom 2 Douglas National Bank Building, Koseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated and first published l-'ebru-ary nth. iy:ta. THOMAS S. HAUVEV. Kxecutor of tho estate of Kulli Ann Harvey, deceased. xoticu oi sinnnri-s salu ot HIOAI. l'UOI'KKTY Notice Is liereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of tho Circuit Court or the Mate or Oregon for Douir lus County on fho 11th day of February. l!t:tfi, upon anil pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said court on the KHh day nf Feb ruary, i!t:t!, in ix suit for the fore closure, of a mortgage pending inerein in which rne i-euerni i.atm Bank of Spokane, n corporation, was plaintiff, and William Olls trup. a bachelor: Leentlort de mini nnd Katanna de uaanl, husband and wife: Federal Farm Mortgage Corporal ion, a corpora tion : D. 1 1 toddy and Due i lie lioddy, husband and wife; IT. J Koddy ami (trace I toddy, husband and -wife; and Oakland National Kn rni Loup Assoctiition, a corpora -tion. were defendants, which exe cution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded mc to sell the property hereinafter describ ed to satisfy certain liens and charges in said decree specified. 1 will, on .Monday, the 20th day of Miirch. lSfl. at tho hour of ten o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, at the courthouse front door in iioseimrg, uoiigias County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law. all the right, title and interest of i no iicrenuanis in sa mi sun and or all persons claiming hy, through or Under tbeni or anv of them since the 1st d:iy of February, lit:: l, in or to the following described real property, to-wit; Iots Heven. Kfght nnd Nine in Work 13ight. Phil "M" of The Snth etlin Land and Water Company, according to the duly reeord'Ml map on file hi the office of the County Clerk of Doiiu'lus Cminte. Oregon. Situated in Douglas County. Stale of Oregon, Toccthor with ttio tenements, hereditaments and uppnrienances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining. Mated this Uth day of Fenrunry. . VKItCY A. WKBH. Sheriff of Douglas County. Oregon. SIMMONS - No. 8 1 .IS tn the Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon for Douglas t'ountv. Oertrudo FlUpulrick, I'htintirf, vs. Jennie Ituidon, tho unknown heirs of Adrian Yolnrv London defeased; also nil other persons or i-iirtiex n;:kiiiiuii ii 1...1 ,, .- right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate describe.! in the complaint herein, def.-ud.tntft. and each and all of them, in the name of the State of Ore-llnn- Vim 1111,1 ,.f hereby rquired to appear "and an swer the complaint of pWintiff r 1 1 - il against you In the above emitl- four weeks from the dale of ihe first publication of ihis Summons and if you fail to ho appear and answer, plaintifr for wain thej-eof will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint, a suevJnvt statement uf whVh Is lls lollowj.: For a decree that piaui- tut is the u writer in e tmxU mid I 2 3 k I I 25 " M:a SKATER Previous Puzzle 20 She was an skating champion. 21 Unsound. 23 She is now a star. 24 Grieves. 27 Organ of hearing. 28 Wing. 29 To hie. 31 Secreted. 32 Ancient. 33 Snaky fish. 37 To primp. 40 Opera melody. 41 Hazes. 42 Feudal fees. 43 Poem. 44 Behold. 45 To exist. 46 A bull. 47 Legal rules. 48 Epochs. 51 Almond. 53 French. 54 Musical note, 56 Opus. 57 You. 3 Tidy. 4 Green stone. 5 Platform. 6 Every. 7 Honey gatherers. 9 All, , dlstributively. 10 Roman emperor. 1 1 To press. 12 East India. 14 Obtained. 15 To ascend. T9I0 II IZ 15 i9 ' zzzu 51 32 ii 3T entitled lo tho possession of llio following described real property, to-wit: Lot Numbered Nino (it) of Block Numbered Three (:i) Chadwick'a Addition to the City of Koseburg, Douglas County. Slate of Oregon, and that the above named deleud aiila and each and all of them be forever barred ot any claim, estate. Hen, or interest in and to said real properly, and that plaintiff's title to said property he forever quieted, and that plaintiff have Hiich other and further relief us to the court may seem Just and equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Kose burg News-Review, pursuant to tho Order of the Honorable Carl K Wimborly. Judgu of the nbovo en titled court, which said Order was made and entered on tho 1st tbiy of February, 9V3, requiring tho same to be published for four con secutive weeks, and fixing tho time for you to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint to bo within four weeks from the date of the first publication hereof, which in Febiuury 2nd. 1039. COKDON & KKOHANK. Attorneys for Fluintiff, P. O. Address, Koseburg, Ortgyn. MIT UK P SHIIItlll-'S tt ALU OF It K AL l'HOlU-JH'i'Y Iii the Circuit Court of the EMatc of Oregon for the County of Doug las. Loria .lames Pickett nnd Francis Lrf'Sllo, Plaintiffs, vs. Margaret Woodrof To, Nathaniel Hherrilt Woodrof fo. Kxecutor of the Kstate of .lames Sherrltt Woodrof fe, deceased. Nathaniel SherUU Woodroffe and Jeraldino Wnodroffe, his wife, Marie Dob byna, formerly Muric Crow, and Arthur Dobbyns, her husband. I'-esmo oniy juikno, luiioeiiy Bessie Cray Woodrof fo untl (leorge Hague, her husband, ('row and Bruce Woodroffe, De- fel(ant!J. Notice Is hereby given that, by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the above en titled court in the above entitled cause on the 1st day of February. l!Ki!t, pursuant to a judgment and decree made and enteied In the above entitled cause in favor of tho plaintiffs and against the defeml u nts herein on the HI st day of January, llKtii. commanding me uh sheriff to sell the hereinafter de scribed real property to satisfy the sum 01 juuu.uu with interest mere 011 at the rate of eight per er cent day i k further- per annum irom tno 4 'it 11 iNovemiier, Ki.ta, and the sum of JL'OO.OU allowed as a rea sonable attorney's fee and the fur ther .sum of $t;5.9U costs unit dis bursements In said suit, and for the costs and expenses incurred on the sale of the real property herein to he Hold, all In accordance with the said judgment and de cree. I will on the Uth day of March. 1 !;::), ot the hour of leu o'clock iu the forenoon, at the 'front door of the courthouse iu Kose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, of fer for sale untl sell at public auc- lion to the highest bidder for cush In hand, the fu Mowing described real property, 10-wit: Beginning at the quarter section corner on tho soul h boundary of Section Township ::J South of Itango fi West of the W. M., Ihetico West IS.fiL chains; thenco North 1.19 chains; thenco North (19 de grees Must 7. to chains; thenco Vort li 7 ii degrees Mast it. 1.1 chai ns; t in' nee North 71) degrees Fast chains; thenco Hast 3. IS chains; thenco Soul li ."l.tia chains to the phoe of beginning ami containing ;.!': acres more or less. I .ess and excepting therefrom one-half a- re across (he KaM end of said tract. Alu beginning at tin Northwest corner of the Barton (Jones) lra t of land In Section 4, Township South. Itange t West t.f the W. M.ft thence running1 Kast 0 rods; thcine South to the Northeast cor ner of Lot in Block 2 of Clara Addition lo (ileudule, Oregon; tlo-nce running WcsL Co rods along the North line of said Block 1'. Clara Addition to the North Weft coiner or Lot 1 Block 2 of said Cfai-;i Addition ; thence North to point of hcMinnJng, In Doughis t "ii nt y. Oregon. containing 11 acres more or less, all being situat ed in the North half of the North e.ijit quarter of the Northue't quarter .f Section i. Township South of KaiiKo 8 Weft of W. -M. All situated in Douglas County. Oregon. Subject to redemption us pro vld.d by hiw, and I will applv the proceeds of midi Hale, first, to tho payment of the costs of said siile and the costs ami disbursement of said suit Including attoin-" fees: arid, second to the pavment of th. amount due plaintiffs on the aforesaid judgment with accrued interest, and, third, the overplus, if any. 1 will turn over to the clerk of the above entitled court for tho nenerii of whomyeVer may be en titled thereto. Iated and first published Feb ruary :uli. 1939. 1'i-nev a wfim Slic-iff of Dyuabij County, OretfvH