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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1939)
TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1939. f'fe .jmnsi Mil a APPELLATE COURT'S OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoople SAN FRANCISCO, March 2. (AP) The circuit court of up pea In denied tlie nHtional labor relation board's petition yesteniay lor Btay or Hie recent circuit rourt ord er which reversed an NLKH deels Jon nffectlns the A! & M Wood vorkijiK company of Portland. The court reversed the labor Imard's order voiding an AKL closed shop contract. The NMtH had awked lor a Htay until May 17 for time to auk the supreme court lor a writ of review The circuit court held that chars cs of discrimination by the com pany against the CIO local 102, In ternatlonal Woodworkers of Amer Jca, was not supported by evidence. The court held that withdrawal of 450 members of A Ft. local 2531 United Urotherhood of Curpentera and Joiners, find their affiliation with the CIO union Hept. 12, 1!:I7, waa not sufficient rennon to void the AFL contract with the coni- luny. ACCUSED OFFICIAL SUES FLAX ASSN, EUOICNK, .March 1. (AI')-L M. Webb, . superiutendeiit of iv HpriiiRfiold plant of the Orcffon Fi ber Flax asHOciation, who wan ar; rested a few dayH uko on a uhnrxv of larceny by bailee, ban filed suit uiialnst the association for the up jiointment of ft referee to examine the booKH of the assoc iauon. After a hearhiK. lie nks tbat a decree be entered KniuuiiK liim a judgment for all sums duo liim to date, lesB a reaHonaoie reniai vaiue for tHe use of the association' equipment in cleaning flux seed which belonged to hhn. Webb claimed after bis arrest that the flax seed ulleged to have been sold by liim and the proceeds Kept by Dim was seed., that ne nan bought on his own account and sold. Around the County i : f OLALLA (i,AU,A, Mnvcli 1. Mid. Thed ilore'Tonkoniley reciilvpd vonl liml wonk'of tliei soi ioiiH IliiuiHH of .lior moilier In .oh AiikiiIgh niiil oxiieols toiiimvo booh for tlio soullioru clly t oiiHHiHt in licr euro. 'Mr. mill Mrs. John M. Orr worn HhniipliiK nml t in nun cl in k liiislnosH in HoHobiirir SiUilrdpy. Mr. anil Mm. Frank Ailmnok ami ilmiRlitcr, MiHKoMiilln unlloil on Wr, nml Mrs. Kio'd Uyron mid fam ily Friday. : s. Mike Iriilmid 1ihh retiirnoil from Drain whoro lm ivont limt wunk on biiHlncRH. . i! i it .Jim Morgan nail uoon liaulliiK .V'ood to HnHi'bui-K.' l.oo Ilariis, ortliomdmrir, van n luncheon Kiii'Ht -rfip Mr. and Mm luiy Ciirliall on .Monday. Conrad Arnold oanio nn from Port Orford Kaliirday to call on IiIh family and old nionils and altond llio community. iluli diinco at llio Olntla community null. Mm. Ivan A. Slnijwim left llio imt of Ihoi'wook for, San DIpro where alio oxiioota lo nini't nor liiiabanil on IiIh rolnrn from llono- lulu. Mi-h. SiniiiHoi AviiH formerly TUIuo TM...I llT.IAu 1 Mm. Jim llomolliu, Sr., npont llio iifternoim at tlm .loma of Mr. and Mm. Itoy .1. Cainall. Monday. Mm. llomolka will .li'iivo about March 15 for lior now lionio ntiiir Canby. 3llr. Hcimolkti and Hon, Joe. left ant week nml pru lilllliHliK nurornl rlilckeu hoiiseit on the jilare rei'etit )y pilrc-luiKiMl there preparatoi-y to Julsinp OHO Willie- I.eKliorna. I.eo IlarnpH. o? ItoHehurK. Hiiiier intelldpnt of the Went IIoiikIiis Co oiiorallvo Klectrle i-oriorattou vim working llirouuli , llio valley the first of the wvelc . HepiirliiK eime 311011IB of rlKht of way lor the pow ir lino which will booh b.i huili. 1'ho conlract will lm let March I I mid work la oxpectpd to alart lin inpillatuly. Ah llio projecl will hp lllHlied a taut an piwslhln, maiiy Iioiihps are all ready helm; wired llnd tnado ready lo use the elec illelly as soon an avallnble. Three liiiudred mid fltleen nienihera have nliendy iiald theli-.ineuibemlilp Ice mid more an expelled lo du bo liefolo .March l.V PRW ITWOAANkl "FORGET IT. YOU SAY-- FORGET IT WHEW YOUR OWN BLOOP KELATIOU, WITH THE WEALTH OF MAJViiMOk), POSES AS A NOBODY 3UST TO "TEST - YOU OUT, THE WAY UMCLE BRUMO PID?--w Eafr.C, BUT TOR MY STALWART AAEMTAUTY X WOULD BE GALLOPIWa AROUND IW A KJAPOLEOW HAT. ... WAVING A. SWORD ANYOME WITH A MEAAORY AS BAD AS YOURS, SAYING "THAT HE CAN'T FORGET HAAF i F YOU WERE IN CHURCH YOU COULDN'T REMEMBER TO PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR HAT, WITHOUT TAKINGj A MEMORY COURSE ' ELEPHANT V COPR. BY NEA SERVICE. INC. r.M. REG. U. 9. PAT. OFF. Treasure Isle Vista ) 1 J a 'i- . CAMAS. VALLEY CAMAS VAI.I.KV. March I.-Tin. IokkIiik cruw i Jin koiie hack in Htandley camp to work aa Hie aimw s nearly nll,Konc now. JMck llaiij;a is workine al Hock Creek Tor I.1111I1 and larrows. Inilhl ini; a loKKiim loail lor loKlim opcr I1II0118 a Utile Inter 111 the spline JMcK 13 HiivliiK a -cat." Mr. and Jim. Haiic.i are living at (lit. heiix M I tie latlei a father, li. W. lii,k. Jvlillo here. Hetty Parrotl Is worklim al the lloil Ton cafe ill Itnttc Imii-k. Hetty Jinil a rilend. Hetty McNeill, spenl ine ueek cml at the I'linoti In. in. louiriniiK 10 work Monday 1110111 in It. J lurry I'ar oil. who h.i l rpendlim' thj piihI two wecka In )ihlr. ('liny c it-, came home ."W'odiic.iilcy. 1'lek .Marlinilale Blieill Thllisday Jn ('oqiiiile vinltiiiK and iiiiciiiUiik ao liualiii'HH inallers. Mr. Mid Mrs. Wilfred lliown uot llireo hundred New Hampshire Jted baby chicks at the Wulziu liatchery In l'Meiibinver lust week. J'ii chicks were hatched from cccs Jrem their own flock of ltcds. Hill llenhani of l'iMiiille is visit Iiib at the homes ot Mr. an. I .Mrs. Jtobeil .Marliudale and Mr. and Jim. Wayne Mai tilnlale. l-. l Mchols of Itoschllli; spent Fun. lay at the home of Mr. and JViis. Jack I'arrolt. Jnirry lloylo canie home from Ku pene Kriilay. liavlns bwu laid oft fin a while. Tucday Mr. and .Mi.-, ov'e, .Vis, liote Kin man und Kd 1 r r ji ei 4 Looking down the Court of the Seven Sens t the California Worlds 1'uir, mlllioiiH of visitor will eo this heautifnl view, , vltli tlm Juuiiiimit Ku-foot hiiiiuo of t'ticMica liir uown the court. The picture whs tiikcn from the base of the Tower of the Sun I Irmly wont to Miioiie iitul I'rm- wi'll to atU'iifl to hUHiiusn untlterH. Mr, Koyio hrouKht a younjr Ctiiuru- Hiy bull homo from ('renvtll. Mih. liilllnn Colo I'nino lnunc rioni Mercy lioupitul last week. She had lieeti homo hefore for a lew luyH hut her condition not helnu ho kooiI wiiH taltcn hack to the. hos pital lor another week. Shu in much heller thin time. .Mrs. Charles lleyuohin went to Portland 1-Yiday lor mudieiil alien lion. Dee t'nnn und win, lnn. went lo Min-Hhfield Sunday with u lo:id of luiuhcr. . -0- DRAIN llllAIN. March 1. Milton liar. Iholoiny. who .Is . nltcnilinu M.i. inoiith iionuiil. Is at home lor the spilni; vacalioli. Miss 1'iyslal Traylor si.cnl (he wik enil nt ,,,,,u. nf .,. ,. tiler 111 t'ottime drove. I'llnclpal . K. Hloiimipilsl and wile spent tin. week-end In Hose bnrir. atteinliiiK the baskelhall Kllllles. Lawrence Tlajlor and laniilv lime moved Into the Took house ill smith hraili. Mrs. Ilertha Williams and Mis. .Mario- O'Connor of KiireLa. Calif., wcr,. mn.sis of ihcir mini. Mis. I.. I'. Iicvoie. this week They wore en rollle linllic limn Washington. Uinner miesls rci-eiili at the home of Mis. (icilnnlo Wilder wore Mrs. lliililiiinl und w,lis, IMa and Ariel, Mr. ;itid Mis. I'ast-v riitll clall of Klamalll I'nlls. Mr. ami Mrs. Hoy Sweai hmen id Florence, Norman t'oiiipton ami Madeline Hi a re. , In. It. T,. llevme veport:! the1 mitli of a ihumlner, Keh. Isl. .Mr. llllil .ills, lev W inns 1 nee lleuilier I'rlles.i at their hopie near l.eona, Since the reiciit slore rohlierles In lllalii. Ciiy .Marshal Sawers has he,,n.lisl'.:ue, n, nisln i-v, ,olll 10 i. 111. to li a. 111. (line Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs (Iran returned with them to their home to remain for a few weeks visit. Mrs. Mollle Wealherly and Mm. llowaiid Wealherly, of Kcotlsbinc, were miosis ol Mrs. W. U. TI101111; sou Thursday. Mrs. ,'raiil( rarlter ami Miss Kay Codly went to I'orlland Tliurs- ilav lo spend the week-end with the loi-niers sonln-law- and daiiKhtur Mr. and .Mrs. .1. Alan Wlckhniu. I.lltle llerhie Hussell. who has been quite sick, is slowly Improv- iiik. Mrs. tleorne (!off and tluuuhler, .loo, left Sunday lor Marshlield to Join Mr. tlolf, who has a position there in a sawmill, Mrs. W. A. t'.alhraitli, from Al bany. rclurnluK homo from a trip 10 acramenio, until., stopped over Wednesday for a few ilavs visit with Mr. ami Mrs. .less llumplirys. A crew of men Is here loailini; cars wlih piling lor tlio railroad company. Mrs. N'arclsse l.aliaul, of Salem, Is here vlsilhm her sou ami ilauh-terin-law. Air. and Mrs. Vernon I.iiHaul. She allendeil the funeral of Mrs. .. I Dlmiiiick Wednesday afternoon. ODDITIES (Uy llio Associated Press) Fearful SCH ANTON", Pa Elllll Klefer feared a packaKo he received in the mail infMlit be a bomh and sum moned pollire. Two officers promptly sllbmerg 1 d the suspicious box lu water. I hey let It soak thoroughly, then opened It cautiously. Inside was a cake, no' longer edible. It had been sent by Kief- er's sister. Investment HAI.TIMOnK Paul Safcliuck paid a dollar for some oysters-f und profited n thousand fold. in 0110 oyster he found a oearl which ho said a Jeweler told liim was worth more than ?1,U00. Excuse It, Please , t s. SALT :i.ArrR iirrvJpi,..,.1ul flock .'of wi-olie .niiiitlioi-s rliliitt. around Utah. , . The state tax comniission issued several unmatched sets o license- lltl ICS. , . . The error 'ncroi'i-nil uf 11, n .,.!,...- facturlni; plum, but the employes i sponsible are In no daiiRer of be illi; fired thi.v'i-n It,. ......... i ,i.n stale peiiltontiury. -o- NOTICE To veterans of the t'iiil War, Mexican War ami Indian Wars, and widows reiniiluinr; unmarried there of; veterans of the Spanish-American War and World War who are disabled lo the extent of to per cent or more, and w idows reinaio- luu unmarried thereof; notice Is hereby ylven that alt claims for lax cxciniifiou should be filed in this '"I olllce by April 1. l!i;ll. lAdv.) HAKTON II KI.I.IW KI.I.. County Assessor. WILBUR Mrs. iiuil l.lll'lt. Manli 5.-Mr. Ilou Wilson, ui I'iMValli cuests 01 Mi. anil Mrs. T. I- COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar Its No. Jackjon TALKING Moving Pictures 'THE Callcf the Cross' Thursday, March 2 8 P. M. St. Paul's Lutheran Church Coixy and Military Streets Evidence of Need I'Oim.ANn n a t...i.... policeman arrested a laborer ves lerday on a ehaiKo of snitehliiK a couple of nrili-s or Llnannu r..n... .... ' ci"."a ..will lm open showcase. I guess be needed them," runs;1 ell Dm i-l.,'lr ii.iR.. .. iiiuii i see ine cop stimulus outsido watching." Eyesight O. K. l'()llTf,A.f), Ore. Xurse Jessie l-.lvers thoucbt she had u touch of double vision when sho picked up llio hospital report board and saw: "John llaxler. 42, ;i stitches In leu band lor wound suffered while choppiiifr waad" and j John Ilaxter, S3, ,1 stitches in lelt hand lor wound aufrured while cboppluK wood" and iiut nobody was kiddini; lior. in a dressiiiK room she found both John lluxters. each getting his left hand bandaged. " o I RULERS OF JAPAN GREET 7TH CHILD TOKYO, March 2. (API lliilh of a ilaimbter to Kinpross .Nagano yesterday was announced to a waiting nation today hv the Imperial household. She Is the seventh child born to the wile of Kmpcror Hirohltn sh- of the children are still alhe. The scconit. riincess lllsa. died when siie was one year old in .IMS. J o - j Itnth evaporated and condensed milk are products In which Hie water has been removed from the i milk. In the lorincr. the milk is! sterilized in the can after the water! removal; in the latter, granulated ; sugar Is added to preserve Iresll- ucss. WASH1.NGTON. Feb. 28. MP) Senator Wagner (D N. V.) In troduced 111 the senate today leg islation lo tarry out the broad na tional health program asked by rresioenc nooseveu. The New Yorker offered a series of amendments to the social se curity act which, he said, "would bring tlie Delictus of modern medi cal science, both preventive and curative, within the reach of all groups of the population, especial ly iu rural areas and areas suffer, ing from economic distress." Wagner, in a statement, said the proposals would provide grants to states "for the purpose of estab lishing, expanding und improving Btates programs for (1) child and maternal care; (2) general public nemo services anu investigations: construction of needed hospi tals and health centers: (4) gen eral programs of medical care: and (5) insurance against the loss of wages during periods of tempo rary disability." Federal administration of the funds would be based iu existing agencies, the children's bureau. the public health service and the social security board, Wagner as serted. , The senator said It "should be clearly understood the bill does not establish a system of health insur ance, or require the states to do so." States, he continued, 'will be free to develop plans of their own choosing, subject to necessary ba sis standards." The program calls for federal ap propriations of 80,000,0u0 the first year, with gradual increases over a 10-year period. u. S. RECOGNITION OF SPAIN IS URGED WASHINGTON, March 1. (AP) -On the senate flnnr tmlnv Konu. tor Chavez (D.. N. M.I nrert the administration "take Immediate steps" to recognize General Fran co's nationalist government In Spain. Chavez. In bis senate soeech. as serted "today Spain Is dedicating her blood, shedding It on her own soil, as a willing sacrifice to that greatest menace to civilization communism." Noting Great Britain and France already have recognized Franco's government, Chavez asserted re ports from Soain "tell nf the nnlpr and peace which exist there." frlces nave remained at nreu-nr levels," he said. "Their currency Is accepted throughout the of the world at no discount." Roseburg Dairy Grade A Pasteurized and Raw Milk -'DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH PHONE 186 GOOD HOUSE PAINT $1.59 Gallon Manufactured and guaranteed by one of the coast's I largest paint firms. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GARDEN TOOLS Pacific Hide, Wool & Metal Co. 222 West Oak St. mm 4i VISIT The moit b.aati ful cocktail loung. in San Francisco. "If. Dlff.r.nt" CARDINAL RICHELIEU ROOM VanNaM at Gary San Franchco'i moat conocnimnt location in thm cmntmr of. everything Civim CmnUr, BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys If U.-Vurhe n. pains r mnLing yro ..- m-it-, i jii-i mmmsin fcO'l tlo tl.'ttllnj mUnit thm, Nnttir nmv Iw warning (u lhl your Liihirv ntwi (twihr.ti. Tim ki.inn re ."tinVi oriW v ol Inking tr !,! nt ..'i.u,.i,i iuitt out th Nmi.1. Mt-wt p. nUml 3 pints m tiny or fttNllt 3 phim.l Of UMlF. Kriurm or p.-niy with mtitlir ind luttuiog howi ibtr taw lw lomethiru WtfnB with your ki.iirn or Wa.Mi'r. 1( xhn , rtnW ct .nlix'v tutf-t itml filtn don t irk tll. tioionoun !? nititr 4isvt in thf M.h-I Tfir- pnnffjf i.-si t.ri ng(iiv bfk;rh(M, fhninuili ' pmn, lc nttft l.w oj p'P ami mrrv. tHu. up nnifn, anfliinc. IMU, uti in.-vfiilli VMH li I"' ti:V. fx. o i An ji iron tb blood. Get Lo4o i pill. hpi ' rtnlliont for over 40 "II hlp (ha And Mac's Market is ready for the new month . . . the new season. "It's the saving on every item that counts." THIS month save the Mac's Market way . . . the way to better foods for less! Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, , March 3, 4, 6 FRESH STRAWBERRIES 2B Florida BRUSSEL SPROUTS Fresh clean Lbs. 29c 19c LETTUCE Firm crisp heads CALAVOS Long size, each Heads 13c I:.::::..:.:. 5c ONIONS r. A I II ICI OXACD Local no. 1, wswmii aa w ii TOMATOES Firm ripe large heads, each ....... 2 Heavy, 125-ft. roll Shaker Salt Iodized or Plain. Full m 2-pound cartons, 2 for Jv Wax Paper 13c Jell-Well Assorted Flavors, g 3 packages 1UC Shortening Swift's Pearl, 4-pound carton . JOV Cake Flour SWANSDOWN Package .. . 19c Corn Flakes 3 packages 14c CRISCO OYSTERS 3 pound can 49c Stew, 3 cans 27c BACON SOAP SAVINGS WHITE KING K."Xr,r BORENE POWDER Giant package . IVORY SOAP LMefldiumrbar SUPER SUDS Giant Redpace CAMAY TOILET SOAP 3 29c 53c 9c - 5 c 17c 17c SPAGHETTI Franco-American SPINACH N01tlns SAUER KRAUT 2Ji size ... . . -wv Exlra Slandard IjpCCC 5-oz. glasses, 2 3 3 3 or !2-pound packages ... KdKlNA PnArCD calumet, Pound tin Pint can WESSON OIL RED OR WHITE BEANS COPPPP Manni"g's, Yellow Bag. lb. ... 'Utm Blue Bag, lb SANKA OR KAFFEE HAG , t.h . 35c 15c 25c 25c 25c 14c 19c 21c 19c Lbs. --25 c 29c Swift's sliced, extra lean, pound KSmtBtJ Snow Flake Crackers, 2 pound box 240 Wheat Hearts, large package 210 Dina Mite Cereal, regular package 200 Wheatena Cereal, package 220 Bisquick, new whole wheat, package 190 Sperry's Pancake Flour, 3 pound pkg. 290 Ovaltine, large can 550 Napkins, assorted colors, 2 packages 150 Scott Tissue, 3 rolls 230 Pard Dog Food, 3 cans 230 Vita Food Dog Food, can . -50 12 cans 55 Peaches, sliced or halves, 2 size, 2 cans 250 Apricots, 2 1 -size, 2 cans 250 Spinach, 2Vz size, 2 cans 250 Prunes, Douglas stewed, 2 cans 230 FLOUR SAVINGS Kitchen Maid, guaranteed in every -- way, 49 pounds $1.29 Golden Maid, guaranteed hard wheat, 49 pounds $1.09 Drifted Snow, 49 pounds $1.55 Sugar, fine granulated, 10 lb. bag 530 100 pounds $1.19 Coffee, Air Mail, 3 pounds 39 Mineral Oil Heavy, gallon Scaled Tin $139 114 North Stephens St. Phone 39 Newly furnished 1-2-3-roorr) suites for transient and permanent guests. Popular price dining room service. Low permanent rates. Transient rates $1.50 up. FORWARD MARCH! Vitamin-Filled, Deliriously Fresh Fruits and Vegetables BANANAS Firm ripe 3 Lbs. 14c For a special treat try Fresh Strawberry and Banana shortcake. SWEET POTATOES sToh"? 4 ls 19c ' 4 A Lb- Mesh t & rs I Baa - lfC 10c 25c E9H 15