EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUC, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1939. L jzj H (Continued from imko 3) JA as genprul chairman of the affair. Airs. Homer Orow, Mrs. Clyde Heard, .Mrs. John WeitthcrfonJ, Mrs. II. li. Nerbas nn.l Miss Vir ginia Wright ar aHMimirifC. Tickets may ho purchaHcil from any mem ber of the aHHorlation. The cum-; inliUte In cliuiKi! Ib arrnnffliiK for patrons ami putt-miesse ami null- ' eiH for Hie nccaHioii. A reeeplion ( will also he kIvmi fur .lla Smith, i iluriiiK her stay in this eliy. MRS. OSCAR OWEN IS HONORED ON 87th BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Mrs. Oscar Owen was couipli meiitfil at n very delightful parly on hep eighty-seventh birthday mi ni vnrnary Wednesiiuy, when .Mrs. K. If, Applehori and Mrs. C. K. Murks Wf'i-e joint hoKtettses at the home of Mrs. Applelwff In Kden hower. (.'urnatloiiH and pussywil lows were attractively arranged about the rooms for the occasion. Ueauliful gifts were presented to Mrs. Owen from Mrs. II. II. Wil liams, Mrs. W. I). Harris, Mrs. A. I). Addison, Mrs Jerome Smith. Mrs. John 11. Porter, Mra. V. It. liut k liighum, Mrs. K. T. Nelson, Mrs. Forrest Jones, Mrs. C. I). Calkins, Mrs. Allen Moore, Mrs. Curtis Cal kins, Mrs. It, ,. Clio, Mrs, S. A. Sanlord, Mrs. K. L. Calkins, Mrs. V. M. Curtl." ind the hostesses, Mrs. Applehoff and Mrs. Murks. Sewing, visiting and gumes were ' fin Joyed, after which the hostesHeH served tea. .Mrs. I. ,. Calkins and Mrs. O. K. Marks1, poured, and Mrs. John II. Porter, Mrs. IS. T. N'elson and Mrs. V. It. Huckingham assist ed. Mrs. Owen, who Ib a resident of Walla. Walla, Wash., resided here for thirty-five years, before moving to Washington. She is spending the winter in Kosehurg visiting niendH. ma MRS. H. C. WADDELL IS HOSTESS AT CHARMING LUNCHEON FOR CLUB Mrs. IF. C, Waddell entertained Iter bridge club at a charming one o'clock luncheon at her attractive home on South Kane street Thurs day pfternoon. Korsythlu formed it ptotty decorative motif for the beautifully appointed luncheon ta ble. ('overs wore pinned for Mrs. K V. Josse, u guest, and Mih. C. V. Wharton, Mis. K. K. Tandy, Mrs. liroadwuy. Mrs. W. P. Chapman, Mrs. Fred Lock wood, Mih. Fred HrhwnrlK and the hostess, Mrs. Waddell. Contract hrldgo was enjoyed dur ing tho artornonn with high scores being hold by Mrs. llroadwuy and Mrs. Tandy. CHARMING OPERETTA ANNOUNCED FOR EVENING OF MARCH 13 "Peep Show Park," a charming fantasy lifts been announced as the operetta to he preHonted by about one-hundred Fullerton school stu dents in costume, for eight o'clock the evening or March Kith, at the new auditorium in the school. Miss Ploy Cooper Is in chargo oT arrangements for the operetta and is. being assisted by MIhs Dorothy pale Jackson with Miss Helen Khreeve In ehnrge of costumes and properties. The operetta promises to be unusually colorful and lovely and a most cordial Invitation 'has hegn extended to the public to en Joy the affair. FINE ARTS DEPT. TO MEET TUESDAY Tho Finn Arts d(mrliuonl group of tho Junior Woman's club will lnlii't it ll 7::l" o'clock nn-hnstPHR iliiMHi'i t -HitptHT iicxi Tucsdny nlvht al tho lluli I 1'iiilKiiKi, nt which Hum pluns will he mmlo lor I lie lumen, nini'tlllKH. Mrs. V. W. Morrison, prouilnenl ItoHchurg iirlist nnd prci-, K e ll ol inn itnseourc iviiiiiiuis Woman's club, will bo KucHt speaker on the sublect of art. All members of the department are requested to bo present. Mrs. .lack Chapnuin and Miss Heverly Winston are joint chairman of tho department. SERIES OF BENEFIT CARD PARTIES TO DEGIN MARCH 6th Klvemlale grange has announced the opening of a series of semi-j sored by the guild to raise money monthly bimellt five-hundred card ' for the church building fund, parties to be held at the grunge Mrs. Leonard Itllev was chair hall, tthe Hrst of which will he at I man or the dance and was assist eight o'clock the evening of March Ml by Mrs. I'iinl .lonklns, Mrs. Mo uth. 1'rlzcs will be awarded and bert Hclliwell. Mrs T c m- refreshtueutH wilt he served. The public has been cordially Invilt-d to he present. At the close of the series, grand prizes w ill 1h a waul ed. o R1VERSOALE GRANGE TO MEET FRIDAY Hlvcrsdalo grange will meet at S: lfi tiVlnrk tiixi 1'riilav evenlni: 11 i I til lilt 1 1 MlHllhlTtt Or(HIlll nol ! later than S:I0 will he eligible for the door prlxe. The program will include n very Interesting talk on "India" by Mrs. S. liaynor Smith. Refreshments will be served by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kwens. Mr. and Mrs. 10. A. Helmboldt, (iiaham and J.enlle Fogel. REBEKAH LODGE TO MEET TUESDAY Itosehurg Uehekah lodue will meet tit 7:30 next Tuesday night at the I.O.O.K. hall with Winnie Hawn In charge. Following the meeting, the degree staff will practice (or initiation. All members are re quested to ho present. Rainbow Dairy GRADE A RAW MILK Direct from our farm to you To Start Delivery Phone 14-F-33 FLAPPER FANNY COPR. 1939 SV NCA SIRV1CC, INC, I 7 BCO LHTE ,fcCJ "Let's sit this one out. I've already ordered an the ham burger won't be fit to eat after we dance' "The Citadel" at A scene from the outstanding for a three-day engagement at the the leading roles are Itobcrt Donat WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY . . . PARTY GIVEN BY MISS HELEN McDONALD Miss Helen McDonald entertain ed at a Washington's birthday imrly at her home lat evening. Spring - flowers lent ' a colorful note to the rooms; - ' . Cards were played during tho evonlng with high prizes golm; to Velda Sanders and Virginia Wal ters with hocoihI score prizes go ing lo Heta Ilouser and Nova Hunch ' mid third score prizes 'o Cntherlno Muhouey and Margaret S(!haerer, l-aler lovely refreshments were served at a tabl-j centered by a picturo of Washington, surround ed by liny hatchets and cherries, currying out a red, white . and blue color scheme. Covers Wero placed for Mar garel. Scbaerer, Nolllo Itast, Vir ginia Walters, Heta llouser, Nova Itoguard, Kdna Ilrnwu, Catherine Miuioney, Veldu Sanders and the Hostess, Helen McDonald. EPISCOPAL GUILD HAS ENJOYABLE DANCING PARTY TUESDAY NIGHT A lurge numb?" of members and friends eujuyed tho St. Ceorge's Kplscopal guild Informal dancftu: party at the Klks temple Tuesday evening. The arfair was the lst of a series of benefit daiues snmi- son, Mrs. Ford Sincleton nml Mi ll. II. Slpprell. INTER-SE STUDY CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY The Intrr-Se Study rlnh will meet at it one-thirty o'clock dessert hiucheon Tuesday nt the home of Mri. l(. K. Ilraud lu Went Itose huig. All members are cordially invltil to bo present. BARGAINS In Started Chicks ALSO DAY OLD WATZIG HATCHERY PHONE 740-J DANCE BLATTNER'S HALL CANYONVILLE Saturday, Fcbrunry 25th with Dale King and His Band Admission Gentlemen 40c Ladles 10o f 'i'h 7 -mK' 'it By Sylvia T. M. MCC. U. . AT. Off. Indian Sunday picture, "Tho Citadel,' which Btarts Indian theatre Sunday. Starring in and Itosallml Hussell. FONDER'S DAY PROGRAM GIVEN AT BENSON SCHOOL The Benson IVT. A. sponsored a very Interesting Founder's day program Monday night nt the school with Mrs. (ieorgo Caskey acting as chairman. The program Included a tap dance by Hetty He- bard and Hetty ilsoii, nccompan i led by Mrs. Robert Kelly; three in strumental numbers, "Down Main Street," "Olow , Worm," and "Moonlight and Hoses," by Kalph and Karl Karllnger and P. It. Shanklln; rending, "Tho Wrong Kid," by Audrey Koselund; song and dance. " Pocket Full of Dreams," by Juanlta nml Donna Severn, and an Interesting talk nu tho home interests conference held a week ago in Corvullts, pre sented by Mrs. It. II. Mercer, niiml dent of Itose IVT. A. , Tho beautifully decorated Founder's day cake was cut and served at the close of the pro gram. The next meeting will be held the arternoon of March 20. Mrs. C. K. Hosohiud, president of llenson I'.-T. A., had charge ol" the business meeting. YOUNG LUTHERANS TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The Young Lutherans league of St. Paul's church will meet at 7::h) o'clock next Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scbllik on McClelliui street. All members and friends are Invited. FRIENDLY BIBLE CLASS TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The Friendly lllhle class mem bers and their fiimilies will meet at a six-thirty o'clock pot luck sup per nexr Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian church. A social eve ning will follow the supper hour. SWIM DANCE Enio) your fav orite recreation RICHARDSON SPRINGS BUTTE CO. CALIF. (g&. Til.HljhwiyvvEtoChico (Q( m Thtr It tuch varttty of rcration1 opportunities hr that, no mattor wkafc you pr(tr. you can't b disappointod. m AccommixJationt to fit ovary budgob Fin MaJer. Held, Hll Stla CHaM ftod attfftCttr HMLe)lM CftHtfM. Tho Famout Mineral Wit an ro Frt C. E. GROUP HAS PARTY TUESDAY Members and friends of the Proa hyterlun Christian Kndeavor en Joyed n party at the church parlors Tuesday evening. Ta ble games were enjoyed and la ter lovely refreshments, earrylug out the Ceorge Washington motif, were served to Mrs. Harold Hel tows, adviser. Corinne Harpham, Dora liaker, Jane Wangeman", lionise and Ruth Itlake, Nancy Ho lund, Alta Golden, Mary Roland, Jean Myers. Marilyn Harpham, An nie Shannon, John Roberts, Lewis Wilson, Clayton Jer"gmsen, Richard Arundel, Leslie Smith, Lowell Rus sell and Carl Ulake.. A BIRTHDAY DINNER GIVEN MRS. MCDONALD ' : ON 8UNDAY EVENING A delightful birthday . dinner was given at five o'clock Sunday at the J. S. McDonald home on South Stephens street In honor or Mrs. McDonald. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Miss NHIIr RaHt, Velda Sanders, Helen .McDonald unci Sandy Mc Donald. F. S. CLUB TO MEET ON TUESDAY The F. S. club will meet at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the attractive home of Mrs. Walter Singleton on Fast Douglas street. All members are urged to be pres ent. ODDITIES By the Associated Press Gone With the Windstorm LONE PINE, Pa. Lone Pine has lost its namesake. A severe windstorm toppled the community's only pine tree. Right Number OKLAHOMA CITY E. C. Berg man telephoned home. A strange man utiswered. "Where's my wife?" demanded Bergman. "She isn't here and the house Is on fire," tho stranger -replied. lie was a fireman. , More than 31,000,000,000 chicken' eggs are produced In the United Stales each year. Stock and Bond Averages Compiled by Tlte AsHoduted Press. Feb. I 30 15 15 (10 liul'ls ltll'8 Ufa St'ks Raliudliy 72.7 21.6 :tS.7 61.2 1'rov. day .... 72.2 21.3 3S.6 50.8 Mimlh UKO .... US.!) Ill.l 45.9 IS.l Year ago (111.4 20.4 32.0 4li.l m:l3 lilBh" 77.0 2,'l.N 38.7 6.1.4 1 93!) low 07.8 1S.9 35.5 47.3 New l!)39 hij.li. BONDS ' 20 10 10 1Q IiR'i lnd'ls Ul'a Fun. Saturday 50.1 !l!).8 0 1.7 01.4 Prev. day .... 50.5 !)!.(! 91. li (11.4 Month ao .... 67.0 98.7 92.0 59.4 Year UKO 05.2 96.8 90.5 65:8 1939 hiKll 61.7 99.8 94.8 62.7 1939 low 57.5 98.7 92.2 59.1 MARKET REPORTS WOOL nORTON, Feb. 25. AP) The Commercial Bulletin today Hays: "Tho demand lor wool has con tinued light again this week, al though prices are generally well maintained. "Foreign markets have ruled Finn through Hie week, although Sydney was a hit soft at tho week end. Kuropoun markets are very firm. "lu tho west compat'atively lit tle has been done, growers inclin ing still to hold their wools above eastern parity. "Manttl'ucturerR are very busy on old contracts but find new busi ness sluggish, ".Mohair is quiet hut steady. Some adult has been sold in Tex as al IlS-oSJ cents. WHEAT rOHTLAN'l), Ore, Feb. 25 (AP) Open IMgli Iw Clnso May lis OS BS 68 NOW-and save Be a wise bird, and don't delay ordering your full winter'e wood supply. You'll save now ar you'll pay more later! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DRY WOOD 16" green $3.00 load 4' green , $2.00 cord Mill ends $4.50 load Screened Sawdust $2.50 Delivered In City TELEPHONE 282 ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. If . Local News Umpqua Visitor Here if. V. He naril, of Umpqua, attended to businen In tills city yesterday. Here Yeterday Mrs. Floyil Mil ler, of Dlllard, Hhoppeil nnd visl'.od friends In this city yesterday. Club to Meet The . Thimble club will meet Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Artnur iluil ncll at 414 North Itose street. Vlsltlna at - Winchester Mrs. William Page and son, Holla, of Salem, are spending the week-end :it Winchester, visiting Mrs. A. H. I'age. , ; Back From Portland noy Tillel! who has been spending the pnst few days in Portland on business, has returned to his home near Iloseburg. Move; Back to Roseburg T)r. and Mrs. (Jeorge L. Nichols have moved back to their home on Winchester street from their ranch on the Dixonville rood. Executive Council to... Meet Tho executive council ' of the Junior Woman's club has called a meeting for eight o'clock Monday evening nt the home of Mrs. Gor don Stewart on Kane street. At BoswelJ Springe Mrs. Emlie Ward, of Lodi, Calif., has taken over the management of the re sort at Boswell springs. She con templates making considerable improvements to the resort. , Glee Club to Practice T h e IlliHineHB and ; ProfesHionul j Wo men's Glee club will practice at 7 o'clock Monday evening at the studio of the director. Mrs. Charles A. Brund, 1n the Masonic buildini;. , ' Improving Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Porter, who wero brought to their home here HI of .influenza last week from their mining claim on North Myrtle, are now reported . to be improving in health. , , Have Luncheon In, . .Salem County Judge and Mrs, ,M. C Howker were luncheon .guests of Senator and Mrs. c. w. Clark In Salem Thursday. The Powkers visited the legislature In, the aft ernoon. Bible Class to Meet I")'. It. L. Dunn's non-denominational Ilihle study class will, begin the studv of .Moses the man, at the 7:45 o'clock meoting Mondav evening at the dining hall in the Douglas hotel. Anyone Interested in IJlble study has been invited, Arrive From Re'edsport Mrs. Cecil nennett and son nnd daugh ter, of Reedsport, are n Koseburg for the H league tournament and to visit friends. Mrs. Bennett's daughter. Charlotte, is a member of the Keedsport, girls' , volleyball team. " Back From Coast Mrs.. Alma Montgomery has returned . from Coquille, where she spent a. .few days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ned Guriiey, and with Mrs. Strom qutst, a former resident of Look lugglnss. Mrs. Montgomery also spent a short time In Myrtle Point visiting her son. Robert, and with n friend. Mrs. Culbertson. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. KMon Jackson have returned lo rtoaebmg following a few weeks vacation In Los Angeles and at the Golden (iate exposition nt San Francisco. While on Treasuro is land, they met Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Taylor, of Hose burg, who are at tending the fair and visiting their son ami daughter-in-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Taylor. The Jacksons iflf. their small son. David, in Itose hurg with his grandmother, Mrs. V. T. Jackson, while away. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No. Jackson (The woman to whom housekeeping is not a tiresome task but a matter of sensible management uses our reliable cleaning service. She knows evenings find her gowns fresh and lovely ready for her so cial engagements! New Service Laundry and Dry Cleaning 324 W. Lane Phone 68 IlilHttl EVailMG incus GETS AID PROMISE The Douglas county chapter of the American Red Cross will ceive financial aid from the nation al headquarters to continue Its pro gram as outlined for the year. It was announced today. The promise of aid was made last night by A. L. Sehafier, head, of the Pacific coast division, who was the principal speaker at a dinner meeting held at the Umpqua hotel last night by directors of the coun ty chapter. ' . - - ' Expressing belief that the wide spread program outlined for the year will arouse sufficient inter est in the general puLlic that next year's roll call will be sufficient to enable the chapter to sustain Its work with Its own finances, Mr. Schaffer pledged assistance for the balance of the current year, assur ing no curtailment' of activities.' The Bpeaker gave Interesting In formation on the work of the Red Cross nationally and particularly on the Pacific coast. The meeting was directed by El len Post, chapter chairman. Re ports were presented by Edna Drown, executive secretary, and E. S. McCJain, treasurer.- ,- Parity Waste mart POINT. NV C.-i-Two-tail ors matle a. pair of trousers so Here From" Reedsport Attorney W. O. Benson, of Reedsport, was here Friduy attending to business. Glendale Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clarke; of Glendale, spent Friday In this qity .on , busi ness. ; 1., $ , Stops Itr Salem A J. 'Hochra del, of this .city, wua a , business visitor at the legislature In Salem this week. , ..rtt J Here Yesterday-M rf 'Al ta Howard, ot .Temhilp, shopped! fchd yislted friends in this city yester day, I Called. Jta .MeeUng-r-C... A.,-Brand, of this city, left Thursday for Port land to attend" a" meeting 'of the stule board pf higher education.. Attends to. Business Elbert. Lenox, of 'Med ford,. ,, ..was,, here Thursday 'attending to business and visiting relatives and: friends. r.nnfft Man i-imm TJ In llTnl t ...k.. iivii, 11. j. it run and W..KV Quizenlierry.-of the Med- ioju opco ouice,.-were here -oji, hliultlftuu voulunlnv W.itlu. ...nu formerly manager of ,the local of- Transient Jailed Lacklug. $10 with which lo way a fine, Carl A. Uomoll, transient, was committed to the city, jail today for. five, days. He pjeaded guilty before Hecorder A: J.' Oeddos , to, charge of drunk enness. . . ,. ,,,, . , ,, ,,..,,,,,,., Co , to Banquet Harold Bowerr man, of the forest service, and Hamilton K. Johnson, nssistunt district warden for noughts Forest Protective association, left Friday for Corvallls to, .attend tho. annual FernJioidierB'., banquet todtiyi , . Leaves For Corvallls Mrs. V T Juckson and daughter. Miss Doro thy IJale, teacher nt Fullerton school, left Friday for Corvallis, where the latter, will, spend the week-end and Mrs. Jackson will be met by her husband, who will take her to Salem for the week-end. BUILDING A REPUTATION OF FAIR BEALIMG FOR 14 YEARS IN ROSEBURG ' NEW OR USED See Us for Your Transportation Problem What Cars and Trucks Do People in Douglas County Buy? Here are the figures: , Passenger Cars Trucks Chevrolet 129 33 For 1938 .ord 48 u Plymouth 29 1 Registration of J" 28 Ddge 24 15 Cars Represented j"0"1"": 27 Hudson Terraplane 10 in Roseburg Na5h Lafayette 12 Chrysler 5 gmc ;;;;;;;;;; .... Your Chevrolet Dealer Hansen Motor Co. OAK AND STEPHENS ST. ROSEBURG, OREGON large that both could get Into them at the same time. They did and had their picture taken in triumph. But the customer wouldn't ac cept the trousers. The CG-Inch waist was too tight DANCE . UNDER MELLOW LIGHTS Saturday Night, February 25 MOOSE BALLROOM Corner Washington and Jackson Streets MUSIC BY- "MOOSE MELODY MIXERS" ADMISSION: GENTLEMEN 40c; LADIES FREE Roseburg Undertaking Co. Etabllhedt191 j . " ' i li. E. RITTER, Manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient ' Service and Courtesy AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 600 Oak and Kane Ste. "To Serve Other As We Would Be Served" Douglas Funeral Home Phone 112 Day or Night AMBULANCE SERVICE Our Service Available to All Regardlessi of Financial -Condition. TIME TO FIGURE! ' Ypu. are careful a,bout, your . chicks v or poults, your brooders, yards, and your feedi, Are you caref.ul about the service that goes' with" your feed and the profits that are made on your feed?. Ut? '..& it'.i. j. . Tyif, J Buy where you can choose your feed and service and you own the profits.; - VSee Us First We Can Save You Money " DOUGLAS COUNTY , Farai Bureau Co-op. Exch. '"' - ' ROSEBURG, OREGON Chry tier-Plymouth Dealer 1935 Dodge Sedan 1934 Plymouth Sedan UTNE BROS. Rose Garage : V. Licensed Lady . ; Embalmer ' Frank W. Long Funeral Director Licensed Lady r Assistant Chapel and Office Located at Corner Pint -.. .and.Lani racKS