ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUG, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1939. SEVEN tm 1 For Your Convenience ThtM Drfajf-ia Ctfaalr atarea will take tnt Ada fat tac tk awa-ICcvlew t gutaerlla STEARNS A CHKJiOWKTB Oakland STONAKKK 1)1117(3 CO. Yaaealla HeDONA-B HTOIIB Blktoa BKBARD'l GLIDH STORB OllSa I. B. NICHOLS Brock -ar R0WL1,'S BT0I1B Tcna&Jla B. It. BICHTBIl CO. Camaa Valler EUISOU A KIXUOII Dinar REYNOLDS A ADAMS Hrrlle Creek BRAUSTHEET'S i Riddle I BBNNINGBkVS t Canroa llle IlNM.N(ilt'S Oleadale DAYS CHliUlt HTOIIB Dare Creek The abova atorea will neoept ada and payment for them. Juat tell the merchant Hated above! "I want to put an ad lu the Newa-Hevlew" and he will tnke care of all the dctalla for you. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES Irat Insertion, per word- Jo Eaoh subsequent Insertion pr word One week, per word . 3ne month, per line - -11.00 lUlnlmum charge . 25o Copy tor thlB page will be ao- epted until 11 a. m. ol the day ot ubucation. The News-Review assumes no esponsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis irs In the classified columns. KBeaders are urged to make full In- fjvestlgation before Bending money U iDoyuuoa iu puimuniuiiiuMi The News-Kenew reserves ine right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS I . j9i 1 "v' "Tawwwnam f ; s weVe got to do something 111 ir We USED, TO SPEMD -X ,nr--uf,B , oto5rV Mifek-7. j""M R ' - NOW HE'S SOME IN FOR. ' V IS 1 RAN" .M'S W. BBAUTIPUU, i -t CZjrZiTf MU8C. StWNSK, JJ CERTDS aS) j HAD A , 1 1 or .1 v W7ro i i r -swt v - v r a ta i uiNicKwtAK . r-Kte k. . 11 uc rr 1; . m HYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Hocked IKJ THE top FLOOR. -LINEN i CDOM, MyaA TRIES TOTHIWK OF SOME P1AK1 OF ESCAPE n"S BE6IMMIM6 TO LOOK AS IP THAT LAUMDBV LIFT OFFERS THE OMLV POSSIBLE CWAMCE 1 1 inm i j . i BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Mfc A 60S. WtWC o" yoo WASH TUBBS fOF ALLTHlUGS! WASH CALLED AND BkOKc OUE uAl c, HC n 'S He HA TO 5 V VOOKK. T ' ft'r-llwS ft VfV L,, To get In touch with advertis ers giving aa their address "Box so and bo, care News-Review," It is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who they are, either. Livestock WANTED Within next two weeks, 200 head of pigs, weigh' ing from 40 to 75 pounds. J. A. Hboads, Days Creek. FOR SALE One O. I. C. boar, 9 months old. Also 2 young sows, bred. P. P. Sullivan, Umpqua park road. FOR SALE flood Jersey cow, freshen soon. Third calf. Mrs. E. Lindhe, Sutherlin. FOR SALE Young Jersey cow. Will freshen soon. W. G. Paul, S. Deer creek. WANTED Fat hogs and feeder pigs. J. A. Rhoads, 18C Beach St., Ashland. WILL give away female fox terrier. House pet. 223 E. Lane, evenings. YOUNG Jersey milk cow and calf for sale. Deer Park Inn. WANTED Dressed hogs aud veal. RoBeburg Poultry Co. FOR SALE 8 woaner pigs. M. Norris, Dillard. Cold Storage Lockers. Owen's Mkt. Help Wanted WANTED stilesman with tiro ex perience for outside selling. Must huve references as to ubiltty ami honesty. Call 79a for ap pointment. 535 PER week for hustler with car. handle established route busi ness, start immediately. Write P. Oj Box 261, Oakland, California. WANTED Experienced electric appliance salesman. Call in per son. Montgomery Ward Co. FRIENDS AMD X WOWD&H." LOOK A. V - VKyv 7? V? j j! wM Fsim ) - Y 't! ' 'Stuff- . -'took up , r- ii' , ?OViSWr-'E. fKTC 00- ; OOOR J OV ,M ,W WcVOWt Voo HUIAPH ! aouui TlkAC I llSA ROFHCK...- IH0U6HTMAVBE V.U'D UH JA For Sale MuceHaneout AUCTION MONDAY. February 27. at Kugle and Schricker Auction Market on Highway 99, north of Koseburg, consisting of 15 horses, ranging from 6 to 12 years, all good workers. These horses are consigned by Tim Dery. He has sold horses at dif ferent times at Roseburg the past 8 years. All horses guaran teed aa represented. There will bo 60 to 70 head of weanur pigs and shouts, brood bows. One ex tra good Duroo Jersey boar. Cows Rhode Island Red chick ens currots prunes, turnips, potatoes, cabbage. Some farm machinery and furniture. Bring In what you have to sell. We will have buyers for anything of val ue. Make this your market. If we satisfy you will sell here again. Sale starts at 11:30. Lunch serv ed at Market. Barnes and Schricker, Auctioneers. FOR SALE Olympio wood or coal range, almost new, in first class condition. Extra large fire box. Price $45.00. Inquire Alba Spaugh's garage or phone 1G3-J. GLASS, GLASS If in need of glass for your car come in. We cut and grind to the right size at Sarff'a Auto Wrecking House, 523 North Main Street. MOLD your figure In the modern mode. Katherine-K foundation garments. Mrs. Ellen Gurnee, phone 717 for appointments ,f FOR SALE Building lumber, wholesale prices. Also 16-18 inch mill wood, $3.50 a load. Come and got it. Dillard Planing Mill. ICE CREAM V untlla quart, 25c. Pints (any flavor), 15c. SULLI VAN'S CAFE, Perkins Bldg.. 211 West Cass street. FOR SALE 12-foot . glass show case, or will trade for G-foot case. Grimm's Grocery. Delicious homemade pies. Sulli van's Cafe. 211 W. Cuss street. ITS JUST LARGE EMOU&H TO M YET URSA COULDM'T BE. THAT FOSSIBILIT.' - u .fXKi'O P0xi6.V DELCO plant, heavy marine bat 4 teries. Excellent condition. Cost $700, sacrifice bargain, 7.. h. E. Thompson, Umpqua. USED davenports and chairs. Mon arch ranges, electric ranges, di- 1 nette set, bedroom set, rockers. Josse Furniture Co. NEW trailer house, complete with built-ins, two beds, electricity, stove. 437 No. Rose. JAMESWAY brooder, nearly new. Will take $14.50. A. E. Davison, Oakland,' Oregon. SHAKES, several M, priced for quick sale. Lyle E. Robertson, Ten mile, Oregon. Miscellanoou IN M Y remodeled convalescence home, on a beautiful spot near the Coast highway in Reedsport, Oregon, I will have room for 4 aged, bedridden lady patients aft er March 12. Best of care. Refer ences. $50.00 per month. Please write Mrs. G. Miller, Reedsport, Oregon. BOS WELL Mineral Springs Hotel, now open under new manage ment. Now is the time to take those mineral baths you have been wanting. Winter rates, now only fifteen dollars per week for board, room and bath. Mineral baths per week $2.50. Rooms per week $3.00 and up. Mrs. Emily Ward, manager. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered duily. Umpqua Dairy. Phone 3S. Roseburg By-Products Co., phono Wanted SADDLE pony for children. State age, weight and price. Must be gentle. Write Box No. 539, c-o News-Review. Dentistry Dr G. W. Marshall, Med. A. Bldg, The Band Is Worried Now, what4 I I THEK1 I R HA.' HERE ARE SOME BAX1- I Catching Up on News TftVU WOOIK T,OT 1!'VvA, iOIS OME L .Jffll - . TK sv w heavies, aie. t. m. sea No, He's Not Rental MRS. ALMA MONTGOMERY is opening the John Hunter home for a first class boarding bouse. Pleasant surrouudings. Good home-cooked meats. Mouls only if desired. 3l!9 W. Mosber. 3-ROOM furnished house aud 3 , room furnished apartment. Un furnished houses and cabins. Call at 320 W. Cass. FURNISHED bungalow 3 rooms, batii and garage. Near soldiers' home. Wayside Shop. NICELY furnished 5-room house. Close to Rose school. Phone 4SF2. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room du plex. 411 East Douglas., Phone 179-R . SMALL house, $12 per mouth. 314 So. Stephens St. Coen Lumber Co. Kohlhagen Apartments, modern. Phone 550. Strictly 5-ROOM house, newly remodeled. $18.00. 1035 W. First St. COZY 2-room apartment, furnished. 806 Winchester. FURNISHED 2-room apartment. 112 Brock way. NINE-KOO.M house, closo In. 661-L. 'hono POULTRY FOR SALE or let on shares to re sponsible parly 10 extra fine turkey hens, gobbler. D. B. Boone. FOR SALE White Leghorn baby cockerels, February 21 and 25. Phono 17F3. Gcorgo W. BuiL BARRED Rock breeding cockerels. Phone Watzig Hatchery. 710-J. VERY old and started chicks at Watzig Hatchery. 710-J. By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll 1 UVsrcM'T ettr cvoo ll! Real Eitate FOR SALE Two ranches, Look ingglass valley. Good buildings. Orchards. Suitable chicken rais ing. Sacrifice. Write P. O. Box 413, Roseburg. FEDERAL Land Bank farms. In quire at the National Farm Loan office, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg., Roseburg. WILL sell Ideal camp ground lo cution In Roseburg at reasonable price. Answor Box 540, c-o News Review. FOR high class dairy farms and sheep ranches. See J. S. Barton, Realtor, Coquille, Oregon. Fuel 12", 14", 10", OLD growth fir. Spc . clul prlco this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, Camas Valley. GET your wood at Roseburg Lum ber Co. Dry and greon, 16-lncb and 4-foot. FOR SALE Cloar, old growth fir wood. Inquire Airs. Bukcr, Camas Valley. . - i Automobiles OLDSMOniLIC Good running cou- III Ion for at tho Rose burg Ganigo. 1 Hay and Grain FINK stem, leafy; green! . second! and third cutting alfoilfa. . A. H. Marsh, Wilbur-Garden Valley . road, Rosoburg. GOOD oatB and vetch, also grass and peavine .bnled hay. Rowe, highway, mile north Wilbur. . Business Opportunities TANNERY" and Taxidermy for sale. Fully equipped. ami mast bo s;dd ut a sacrifice; -Douglas Creditors Association, Roseburg, Ore. , By Merrill Blosser LlSTfelsl , GANrf-.- I.eOTAM IDSAA BEAUTIFUL IDEA IT&. SO BEAUTIPUli, . IF IT HAD LEGS IT COULD POSE FOB. STOCKINS ADS ' H6P.B IT IS MEAMWHILE.OUTSlOe 7MB CHRUH ESTATB, JACK SPIES A 1RUCH ABOUT TOTURM IN TO 7HB SE&VICE EWTOAHCE.... . (L(5a just a I?! l1J-iJ-4- h: , A A By Edgar Martin OR. HENOD u. s, pt. or. ' By Roy Crane i , . i i EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Done . . SEE AN EXPERT The firms and Individuals listed below specialize In their work. See them for expert services. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 S. Main St. AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. R. Brown, 121 N. Stepb. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spaugh's Garage. 234 W. Oak street Phone 303. - Bartley & Fancher, 125 No. Rose. Ph. 438. BLACKSMITH E. E. Woodcock, S15 N. Main. CAR WASHING Al Ne-4-man, 121 N. Stiyfhens St. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric. ., Fhone 123. FLUE CLEANING J. C. Bewley. Phone 163. GENERAL SAW PILING Howard Casebeor, 646 Fowler St. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ser. 222- W. Oak St RADIO SERVICING Lund's Radio Service. Phone 132-J. Work Wanted GENERAL office work. Kfflclent girl, accurate typist. Locnt refer " eiiceB. Box 511. c-o News-Review. PAINTING, paper hanging,, deco . rating. Will .take livestock , and poultry. E. Q. Grlffitl), Elkton. Trade '31 PONTIAC Kediin, for hayi grain oi' cash. J. Dobholaore, Route 2, Box 84.-..; . , ..... . v .... -r- Gnropractor Sclontifio equipment, NCM & X-Ray. Pn Scofleld, Porklus bldg. Hnslclonls or ' llosolniiK" amt i vi cinity will have un oportunily riMii-sduv ii mill to sen 'the travo. logllo riliil wliirh: the statu of Ore gon will iiho In its picture-display at the Golden Gate exposition at San Francisco, It was announced today by W. C. Harding, socrotury of the Rnscburg -chamber of com merce. Responding to Mr. Ilnrd- Ing'H lnvilatlou-to show the picture in this city, Hnrold II. Say,- head of till) state highway department's bureau of travel Information, said In. a mossngo received this morn lug. that ho . will spend Thursday night In UiiH city. Arrangements have been made for a snowing oi the picture at tho Uiiipqua hotel J. H. LEONQ 32 Years Experlenco Ja-M-r - -i-r--nn Hold Everything! 1 1 a?Sj t-21 cor wrt by HtA -icgvi.t. riC, ' ' ;v 'i)oi;,t;Avoi'ry, biitldy--your' vifc tiiiuksf yuu'rc hoiner- UPHOLSTERING domes Uphl. & Matt. Shop. Ph. 161, REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Fhone 139-L. SHEET METAL WORK Slnnlger's, 444 N. Jackson St TIRE RETREADING Hcaly'a, 121 N. Stephens. Ph. 104, TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 823 Mo. Mala St Fhone 682-J. WELDING Rsbg. Welding Works, 609 N. Main, WATCH REPAIRING Alvin Knudtson, 103 N. Jackson St BEAliTY SALONS Faye's Salon of Beauty.- Complete beauty service. Ph. 211. 125 W, Cass St. Pearl Rawhouser, Mgr. Allison's Beauty Shop. Phone 384. PAINTING KALSOMINING Herman Schulze. Phone 2F41. Daily Devotions . DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS There Is no fact of science made more suro than the facts and -rcalKles upon which - tho Christian fixes his faith. The fact of Jesus Christ, not only as He was here in the days of His flesh, :but as Ho has been In human history and experience eyor since. Jesdtf, Christ "Tias" boen too vital a fnrco In tho world all through the years, for any doubt tohe cast -upbii 'the reality of the things wo bellevo about Him as ills intelligent and "sincere followers. f He has achieved . things in human his-; tory- that -no- ono could have achieved who was not fully worthy of tho noblest Christian faith. Our confidence and hope are In Thee, our God, and in Tliy Son who camo to reveal Thee unto us, and to nssure us ot Thy goodness nnd Thy grace and love. May our,, faith abide In Thuo amidst all life's per plexities and fears and - grow more and more as the days go by, for Jesus Bake. .Aincn. civic room at, .7:30 p. i. , Tho state of Oregon exhibit at the exposition; Includes a theatel In which there la a continuotn showing of pictures - doallug Willi industry. ' recreation, ugriculturu and like subjects. , Tho pictures glvo a most cotnpro. hensivo sumary of Oregon's re Bources. The highway department's lilm deals with roads, industries, ngi-lcultm-o.'-rocrelitlon, and various eat to the general publlc.- The local showing of this film will bo opon to the gunerul public wllhout chargi). Yick So Herb Co. Our nntural remedies will give you the satisfaction in case others (ailed you be fore. Avoid operations by our reme dies for stomach, liver, kidneys, blad der, rheumatism, piles, glands, urinary, ' eczema and ulcer of stomach. Hours 9 a. m, to 6 p. m, daily Kohlhagen Bldg. 132 North Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon