Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 25, 1939, Page 4, Image 4

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luued Dally Krept 8tiadr br tfc
New-!!'! Coi lne.
Mrmbrr of The Actird IrM
Tho Aaaoclated Pi-en la exclusive
ly entitled to the ur.e for republica
tion of all new dispatches credited
to It or not otherwise credited In
ibis paper and to all local news
published herein. All rights or re
publication of special dispatches
herein are also reserved,
Entered as second class matter
Way 17. 1920. at the post office at
Roseburff, Oregon, under act of
Meroh 3. 1878.
Represented by.
Drn York 271 Msdlaon Ave.. CM
niro 30 N Michigan Ave. dan 220 Bush Btront lle
troll 319 fltephenaon Itldg.. I.oa
Amcelm IS B. Spring Street. Se
attle 603 Btewart Street. lorfl"nd
620 S. W. BUth Strpat. Vancouver.
B. O 711 Hall Bid., . I. mil.
411 N. Tenth Street, Atlanta van
Orant Building.
PuBiistlfirj Aspi
. SulfMcrmtton lutes
nllv. nnr year By msll ???
Dally. 6 montha ty mull...
Dally. 3 montha by mail....
n-tiu hu KaprlAr nnr month
2. !l
Dally! by carrier oer year 7.80
SHORTLY after the legislature
convened Bomcbuily suggested
levying a tax upon bachelors. The
Idea was evidently not Bcrious.
Nearly all slnglo men had to en
dure a lot of kidding us tho rusuit,
Sonio of them feared tho sugges
tion might bo taken Boriously.
Hut news travels fust. Today in
Germany llio question of taxing
unmarried poople is no Joke. Tho
German Income tax law has boon
revised. That government hence
forth will tako us a tax up to 35
per cent of tho tuxablo Income of
slnglo men AND WOMBN!
Possibly Hitler got tho idea
from Oregon. If he did that means
the .one of influence, of tills state
us un originator of new schemes
has widened. Wo. lnvonled tho gas
tax. Wo lnvonled tho Initiative
and tho roforondum, and Oregon
was one of the first, if not the
first state, to adopt tho direct pri
mary system.
Tiio lumbermen hnvo coined tho
Blogan: "Timber Is a crop the
harvest Is homes." It Is a good
slogan for It Is not only catchy,
but It is true.
Tho tlmo will como whcil most
of tho hurvoHl of homes will come
from tho Pimmim valley area.
This county bus nearly onofirth of
all of thu standing Douglus fir
Umber In tho nation. It Is Doug
las fir that Is (ho construction
lumber of this country.
There nun been comparatively
lllllo lumber manufacturing hero
to dale but thero will bo a lot
of cutting In Ilia forusts of tho
Umpqua within tho coining de
cade This Is u prediction.
Would 11 be out of order at this
time, to uhI: some questions us to
our national policies? Such quus
lions uro doubtless well In order,
but tire both useless uud hope
less. For Inslaneo: What Is our for
eign policy? Apparently the- gen
eral Idea is to mako all nations a
htlli! suspicious uf us and sl'ght
ly Mitugnnlstlu toward us.
What Is tho general oeonnnitc
Volley? Thero bus nuvor been a
clear Blulunient concerning it
J' words. The results are being
generally experienced. Tho Idea
poems tu be to beat nml heckle
business largo ami smull until
there 1b little or no profit; until n
young man Blurting out ill the
world Is definitely discouraged
from attempting to becomu inde
pendent by getting Into a business
lor htnutelf.
What is I ho Ilniiiuinl policy?
Upend all congress will permit.
Horrow until Ihe federal credit is
strained to Ihe breaking point.
Make no altenipt at economy or ul
keeping expense of government
. wtlhln Income. Those seem to bo
lite high lights uf otlr prosent fed
ctal rinsnctal policy.
What Is the poliry concerning
labor It seems to be tho general
idea tu keep labor fighting itsell
iniil to keep all sides lighting em
ployersuntil nil concerned un
exhausted. Too cynical? I'ossllil.v. Hu!
" what are our policies accomplish
ingIn other words, just what Is
(ho present administration en
delivering 1o do? II Is bad enough
to be on the wrong rouil-bul II
is Infinitely worse lint to be on
any road at all.
Editorials on News
(Continued from pago 1.)
or, OK the city.) It hurt him to eat
in n cheap place, but ho didn't
have cash enough to eat unywhere
So lie look II out on the waitress.
He made her take his soup back
and bring him another serving,
ile complained about the entree of
his 29-cent dinner, but finally con
sented to keep it. He was showing
off before himself.
One yearned to pick him up be
tween thumb and forefinger and
drop him into tho gutter. Nothing
Is more disgusting than a cheap
guy Bliowing off.
THREE old ladies, nice and plain
f.iwf Irln.tlv o,.t ... ti,.ntl...i. ...I. I..
and made ft little money go a long
way and smiled pleasantiy at the
girl who brought their food mid
made no bones about the fact that
they didn't want to spend much.
11AS all this typical of Los An
gclcs, you ask?
The answer is yes, and NO. It is
typical of a PART of Loa Angeles.
Los Angeles is tho cheupeut city
in America. Or It Is the most ex
pensive city in America. Or It Is
Just about what you are UHed to
neither cheap nor high-priced.
Los Angeles Is EVERYTHING. It
has some of the direst poverty on
earth, it has some of the greutost
wealth on earth. It has a vast
amount of the comfortable in-be
tween kind.
IF you como to Los Angeles with
only money' enough for the bare
essentials of. living, it has what
you need. If you como moderately
heeled and uble to pay for ordinary
comforts and a few simple luxuries,
Los Angeles will bo ablo to care for
your needs adequately und give you
a bargain for what you have to
If you como with a ROLL, and
ready to sprcud it, Los Angeles
will accommodate you and no
whero In America will a better Job
'of uccommodatlng bo done, not
even In New York.
Los Angeles is little for tho Utile
people, It is moderate for tho mod
urato people, and It Is high-rolling
fur tho high rollers. . '
Los Augoles Is all things to all
kinds of people.
TPIIIS writer, u northerner, ad
V miring Los Angeles for what
it has--tlriiio and to some extent for
what it Is, granting that there is
nothing like It between Ihe Atlantic
and the Pacific und few things like
It In the world, still prefers Sun
Francisco.) ' ,
Mutual Broadcasting System
1500 Kilocycles .
4:II0-Wellics' Orch.
4:16 Itr.yuiond Grain Swing.
4:30 Yar Concert, MIIS.
4:40 American Legion News Bur
rage, MILS.
5:00 Jazz Nocturno, MIIH. ' ;
5:30 KKNR Children's Hour Par
ty. 6:00 Copco Cavalcade,
6:05 Hansen Motor Co. News.
6:10 News-Review News Flashes.
6:15 Dinner Dance.
U:30 Hawaii Galls, MIIS.
7:110 Bully June Roads, All IS.
7:15 Mutual Maestros.
7:30 "B" League Basketball, Sun
set Thrift.
9:00 Alka Soltzer News, MBS.
9:16 "B" LeaQue Basketball, Sun
set Thrift.
.0:01) National Anthem, Sign Off.
:U0 Melon Weslbrook, Organist,
15 Reviewing Stand, MIIS.
::i0 minor Sherry, Blues, MIIS.
;1f, Canary Chorus. MIIS.
:0U Volco of Prophecy Choir,
:15 Dr. Cliua. Courbln, Orgunlsl,
: 80 Tho Lumplichlor, MIIS.
:-lti American Wildlife, MIIS.
:UU Sumner l'rlmllc, Pianist,
:16 Romance of the Hiways,
Greyhound, MBS.
::ill-Sullllu of Ihe Nations. MIIS.
:00 Baptist Church Services.
:uu Poems From the Tower
: 15 l)n A Sunday Afternoon,
: News, MPS.
: 16 Tuny Cubooih, MIIS.
:im Humid' Orch.. MIIS.
:30 Luthoran Laymen's League,
: III) - Sunday Varieties.
Mil Kulilii Miignin. MIIS.
15 Kllnor Kclulrk Win it'll,
Oil-. Help Thy Neighbor, MIIS.
IIP -Show or tho Week, MIIS.
tm Mind Cantata Scries. MIIS.
:30 The Angeltia Hour, Dr. C.
a. fcdwaros.
:( Sunday Hymnal.
:I5 Gull Goipel Church of the
Air, Rev. A. Harold Perelno.
:30 American Forum u( tho Air,
:00 Old Fashioned Revival,
:00 Good Will Hour, Ironlzed
Yeaat, MBS.
Mill Tico Toco Trio, MIIS.
:l;", Waiod Affairs, MIIS.
:Ito tleue Kugluutlcr'a Orch..
:fll.-Nws. MIIS
: 15 --Frank and Archie. MUS.
:30.allonal Anthem, Sign Off.
7 : ml Si ul f and Nonsense.
7:30 News. Review Newscast.
7:4C Hansen Motor Co. News.
7:45 J. M. Judd Says Good
7:50 - Rhapsody in Wax.
K:00 Sous or Ihe Pioneers. MIIS.
8: 15 Haven of Rest. Mils.
8:i5 Theater flub of the Air.
- MBS.
Myrtle Point Defeated i
Rally After Deadlock
in First Half.
Coach Jim Watts' Indian basket
ball team, tied for the leadership
of the district No. 8 hoop race
with North Ilend high school up to
Friday's games, wroto "finis" to
their regular playing season, one of
the most successful In the past few
years, Willi a convincing .io-io-iu
defeat of Myrtle Point on tho Bob
cat floor last night. Tho Indians
have won 6 conference games, as
against 2 losses, and will now pre
uare for the district tournament 111
Coqullle this coming week end, the
winner or wnteti win trett to tne
stute tournament in Salem.
Rosdburg, playing without tho
stellar services of Jack Parrott,
lubber-legged Indian pivot mall,
who suffered a pulled thigh mus
cle in practice three days ago and
in all probability will be out lor
the next three weeks, opened tho
contest with a bang to run up an
8-6 lead at the closo of the first
quarter. The Indians lengthened
the lead to a 7-13 margin, only to
see tile Ilobcats' one only rally
whittle down the advantage to a
deudloclted score, 13-13, at tho rest
Coach Applies Spurs
What Coach Walts said to his
Indian cugcrs down In the dressing
room during that rest period may
never bo known, but It produced
miraculous results. Tho local hoop
artists came back onto the floor
steeped 1" tho determination to
blast the hosts out of the county
and literally did just thut. Taking
quick command, tho Orange and
Illaek ran their lead up to a 23-15
margin at the threo qimrter mark,
then went on to score another 7
points in the final frame while
holding the Ilobcats scoreless.
Hoseburg's 30 points wore dis
tributed among bcvoii of tho eight
players that saw action. Jiign
scorer for the evonlng was Hu
worth, Myrtle Point forward, who
scored !) of Ills team's 15 points.
Georgo Sanders Was high for the
Indians Willi 7, closely followed by
Wlard with 6 and Laurence with 0.
Indian Lineup Altered
Thu Indiana opened their final
gaino with un altered lineup over
Unit usually sturted. "llig Stoop"
Denton opened In Parrolt's spot at
center and Laurancu paired with
Church at tho forward positions
with tho Sanders duo taking over
tho guard duties. Wlard and Finluy
alternated with this crew, along
with Uorgon.
The Indians potted 10 field goals
and connected with 10 out of 17
charity tosses from the loul lino to
take their socono smugm. win ui
the wenk. A Blout defense com
pletely nullilled alinoBt every Hob
cat uprising, holding tho losers to
a scunt four Iroin the field and
iiovun converted free throws out
of IS chances. ', llulo inunctions
worn nvun. with ill personal louts
called on each team. cnuicii
tho nnlv nlavor torced to reuie
early In the game because of too
many fouls.
Jloseburg (311) fg It Pf
Church t 1 U l
Uiurunco, f t J 1
Wlard, t 3 0 0
Denton, c '. 1 ' 1 3
Uorgcn, c 0 0 . U 0
II. Sanders, g 2 J 1 j
V. Suiulers, g - u "
Flnlay K " 3 -
Totals 10 10 13 30
Missed free throws: Denton (21,
0. Sanders (2), V. Sunders
Myrtle Point (15) ig
ft pt tp
1 2 1
3 2 9
0 10
Hillings, 1 o
llaworlh, f 3
Rice, c 0
: no -Knts on thu Keys, MliS.
: 16 Swlllgslel-B, M IIS.
3D Man About Town.
:15 'loronto '1 rlo, MIIS.
: tio Happy (lung. Mils.
: 15 House of Dreams, Copco.
:30 Silhouettes In Blue, MIIS.
;45 Voice of Experience, Pink
ham, MBS.
:00 Nation's School of the Air.
:30 Paulino Alport, Pianist,
: 15 Muse and iMuslc, MIIS.
:(lu Marriage License Ro
mances, MIIS.
: 15 Concert Hall. MUS.
::io Tune Parade.
:35 Parkinson's Information Ex
change. :45 Hansen Motor Co. News.
:50 News-Review of the Air.
:C0 Henninger's Man on the
: 15 Midstream, M US.
::iu-Wayne and Dick. MIIS.
: 15 Hook a celt, MIIS.
:lill-Al Your I'ouilliand.
;llll Three Graces. .MIIS.
; 15 Salvation Army Program,
: 111! l'Olllillllie Fancies. MUS.
::lo - As Veil I.Ike II, MUS.
: 15 -As You I.Ike It. MUS.
: 11(1 Fulton Lewis. MIIS.
: 15 Let's Piny Bridge. MIIS.
:30- 1:311 Clipper, MUS.
:Uil Studies In Contrasts. MIIS.
:3li-KUNIl Children's Hour.
:45 Reviews and Previews from
the State Capitol.
:C0 Copco Cavalcade.
:C5 Hansen Motor Co. News.
:1C News-Review News Flashes.
:15- lien. Shutter Parker. MIIS.
30 WOR Symphony. MUS.
16 The Johnson Family, MUS.
00 American Family liohilison.
15 Dick Slublles Oulicsnu.
30 - Lone Ranger. MUS.
00 Streamline Version of
Sampson and Delilah. .MUS.
30 tioldell Gloves Itoxiug Tour
nament. MHS.
00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS.
15 Frank and Archie. MIIS.
30- Bob Crosby's Orchestra.
.15 Thos. Conrad Sawyer. M US.
:U0 Devil's Scrupbook. MIIS.
30 Aullicui, Sign Ott.
Herman, g 1 1 3 S
Cook, g 0 0 0 0
Sutphln, g 0 0 2 0
Ureur, g 0 0 0 0
liartlett g , 0 2 3 2
Totals 4 7 13 15
Missed free throws: Haworth,
Herman (2), Sutphin (2), liartlett.
WASHINGTON, a C. Feb. 25
New opportunity for development
of the vast hunting and ffstilng re
sources and other outdoor recrea
tional facilities of Oregon was seen
here today by ltepreaentative Ho
mer D. AiiKcll in his appointment
by Speaker Bankhead to the select
committee on conservation of wild
life resources.
This committee, composed of
fifteen mem hers of tho house of re
presentatives from various sec
tions, was created several years
ago by congress to keep that body
Informed on problems affecting
wildlife resources. The object Is
to protect and extend these re
sources to tho greatest possible ex
Reedsport Beats Glendale
1 Point; Oakland Mauls
Championship Flight
Riddle 22, Elkton 17
Yncalla 39, Wilbur 9
Consolation Flight
Oakland 51, Lookingglass 10
Reedsport 24, Glendale 23
Games Today
1 p. m Oakland vs. Reedsport
2 pf m Elkton vs. Wilbur
5:30 p. m., consolation cham
pionship -
7 p. m., championship, Riddle vs.
The second round of the Doug
las county B league volleyball
tournament saw the defendim-
chnlnnlnn Ynncjillii hli-h m-hnnl
continue In top form to advance "oirevis, it usp i
to tlie finals tonight on tho sen-IGorslino, Uraln ..
iur high school court, whilo an- Baling, R'dsp't ....
other favorite, Klkton, runner-up 1 "all, Glendale
to Yoncalla a year ugo, fell out of 'Lockwood, C. V.
Ihe running, upset by Kiddle In u! Mcllor, Riddle ....
closo und well-played game, niak-,!'. Buell, Look'gls
log it ltlddle against Yoncalla in Mathls, Yoliculla
tho big game lor tho trophy em-
oiematic or volleyball supremacy
in this county.
Other games riiu more or less
true to form and earlier nredle-
lions, uukiund power
housed ,
Lookingglass, 61 to lu, to roll up
the largest score of tho tourney !
Iso fur. Reedsport, seeking re-
venge for their l point loss to
Wilbur Thursday, squeezed out a
-,-"... iimuij uei tiieuuaie - to
continue In tho consolation brack
ot. The. defending lllllst; YbiV
calla, had llttlo difficulty wlth-'l
, .-M.ujuuiB wiiuur B cnallengc to its I
! supremacy, winning 3D to 9. ; I
All games to bo played toduV
too oveuiy muicned lor pre-
u.ction. Kcctisort and Oakland
1 opened Hiu activities to bo l'ollof
jed by the Blklon-Wllbiir game to
determine the two finalists in the
I consolation bracket. Just for a
' point to urguo, u good guess s
Miaou versus Iteedsnort In n,n
consolation final, with Elkton
xjuLoj ortAMiKS
Tliroo members of the mnn's
symposium of debaters under the
turn oi I'rolessor Dalilburg of
the University 0r (,.,
Clll U-ni-n 11, n
uest speakers at tlm Hmnhmi-
senior hign school asscmnly heiti
riiiuiy dining mo activity nor od.
1 hoy spolio on the privileges of
political, economic und reilirinim
lite lu Hie United Stales and how
ilicse various existing conditions
lound in all three phases of life
might be cleared up und changed.
These speakers have spoken at
high schools throughout tho south
ern part of the sluto.
The assembly was ouened bv
"Simp" Gllmore's high school or
chestra. Clyde Heard, prilicllial.
was lu charge and introduced the
speakers. Several iinnouiicenicntH
were made concerning tho tourna
ment being held In the high school
W;u TiitiU totaling ?12(M.iiO in
imyiiu'iu ir li.:tt inxoa wcru re
(UMVtMl by SlKiiiff Percy A. Webb
inrlny t loin tho world vur vtMur
aiia statu aid i-oinmiaHlun through
HiMmmnt Nml It. Uoodwin, who in
In chnino of the veterans' tux de
part nifnt. The money representa
tax piiyinentu on Htalc-uwtied pro
perly which has been olU it utter
lontrat'l from refinauoed loans,
(.oodwln explained. Under a uow
hi rant;enient, thu commisHiun, in
writing new contracts, provtdeH
monthly payments to include taxes
and as h result payment of taxes
will be made in full when due, lie
iiiK paid by the voieruns' organiza
Sl TUKliLIX, Feb. Hit. The sml
lor elans of yutherlin hinh nchool
will preseiu the play. "Leave It U
Mother. ' at the Sntherlin Com
imiuiiy hall Friday, March 17. Tho
play was written hy Joyce An
drews, and is a three-act comedy.
Characters have been cast and re
hearsals have been started under
ihe direction of Mr. Fisher, dm
matte coach.
Visits Here This Week M
A ud ley Wilson, formerly of Uis
city, now a resident of Kugene, hat
been 8H'tidin the' past week hvix
weiuufc (jeiuwea aim uieuu-
Riddle Forward Run Total
Points to 32; Three in
Second Place Tie.
Pat Decker, sharpshooting for
ward on Riddle's fighting Irish
quintet, continued to set the pace
in the race for individual scoring
honors after the second day's play
in tbe B league tournament with a
total of 32 ooluts, or an average of
16 digits per contest, amassed from
12 field goals and 8 foul conver
sions. Murray, Camas Valley; Bor-
revlk, Iteedsport, and Gorsline,
Drain, are all deadlocked for second
place with 27 markers, for a game
average of 13 points. I3ecker and
IJorrevik are tied for the greatest
number of points scored In one
game with 17 each.
In number of field goals thrown
through the hoop, Borrevfk leads
the parade with 13, closely pressed
by Becker, Murray, Gorsline, Mel
lor, Riddle and X,ockwood, Camas
Valley, with 12 each. Becker com
Unties to be tiie most consistent
foul shot converter also with 8 good
ones from the free thrown line. Ball
and Normoyle of Glendale are tied
for second with 0 each and Schitve,
Drain has 5.
Murray Top Offender
Peck's Bad Boy" of the league,
to date, is Murray of Camus, who
has 8 rule violations charged
against him. E. Murpbey, Gardiner,
is next with 7 and Sullng, Heeds
port, and Roberts, Yoncalla, have 6
each. Mcllor, Hlddlc, Lockwood and
Hchave have unsullied records in
tho personal foul department In
their first two games. I'elt, Look
ingglass and Belcher, Glendule, and
Mathls, Yoncalla, have only 1 per
sonal foul so fur.
This tourunment haB been pack
ed with high scoring games which
have necessariy resulted in u great
number of brilliant individual per
formances. Unofficially, the best
of theso to date are:
Name School G Fg Ft PfTp
Becker, Riddle ...
..2 12 8 3 32
..2 12 3 8 27
..2 12 8 3 32
..2 12 3 2 27
..2 11 4 6 2G
..2 9 6 5 24
..2 12 0 0 21
..2 10 0 4 20
..2 9 1 G 19
..2 8 3 1 lb
.2 3 6 5 18
..2 6 5 0 17
..2 8 0 8 16
..2 7 1 4 . 15
..2 5 3 1 13
..2 6 14 13
..2 5 3 3 13
..2 6 15 11
-.2 5 10 11
..2 4 2 1 10
Murray, C. V.
Normoylo, (IMule
Schave, Drain .
Brandon, R'dsp't .
Kirk, Druln
Felt, L'glass
Ware, C.
K, Murpney. tldr .
Annloixute. Y'lla ...
Roberts, Yoncalla
Belcher, Olen'dle .
Best Talent of Two CCC
Camps Will Clash Here
on March 3rd.
A good supporting curd Is n'u,"BD1"E or Kindle In tho opening
prospect lor the middleweight title
bout which will headline the fight
program scheduled for March 3.
Matchmaker Rudolph Rltzman an-
.nounced todav.
Continuing the CCC elimination'? "entlng Gardiner rivo, but final
series, started in connection with ly 8W""S their big slcgo guns In
itio last boxing card, three or more to aclio i" 'he final quarter to
fighters from Guntcr camp will be.'"'0 a far-from-iiiipressive win.
mulched against the best Reeds- Drain Now Favorite
port cunip has to offer to mako
up the preliminary bouts, KiUmun
At tho last fight card climina-'
Hons were hold among boxers from
Reedsport cunip, and Ihe best of
those participants will meet Gun-
tor's aspirants. The iutcr-climp
rivalry Is oxpectcd to bring outi
some good lliutchos.
llio seml-finul bout will Centura
oggcr Jack Hibburd. challencori
for the middleweight title, against,
burg boxor and wrostlor.
Illbliurd, rogulurly houdllned on
Pacific coast cards, bus contented
to take n semi-final position on
the understanding thut if he bouts
Corbett he will bo given an oppor
lunlly to fight Buddy Peterson,
northwest champion, for tho lot-
tor's lltlo. Peterson. It is report
ed, has agreed to the arruugemcnt.
In the event he is ablo to beat Leo
Turner, colored middleweight, in
the headline bout here next week.
Altogether, Ritzmun declares,
local fight fans uro assured of
plenty of uclion in tho forthcoming
(JUTLAND. Feb. 2a. (API-
Colleges and universities have a
duty to keep their campi "clean
of those who seek ready-made au
diences of pluslic minds for the
purpose of i;.-tlo Indoctrination"
with foreign Isms, Dr. (ieorgc W.
Peavy. president of Oregon State
college, told Sun members of the
O. s. c. Hud's club last night.
"t. Hanging times create added re
sponsibilities and 10 keenly realise
Ihe challenge which conies tp eur
cherished American democracy
form Ihe wur-iuud dictatorships ov
erseas. We arc aware of cerlsin in
sidious iHirlngs-rruni-wlthiu in this
country," he said.
Political Note
ftilCAUO One might say Mi
chael It. Narvid. ahiermanic can
didate. Is loafing on. ihe job. As
the owner of a bakery he distri
butes loaves of bread on street
His cainpaignlogau: 1
lliht luoueywlth reap dough."'-
Camas Valley, Drain Fives
Survive Opening Battles in
B League Basketball Series
Riddle Quintet Eliminates
Lookuigglats; Glendale
Down Yoncalla.
Championship Flight
Camas Valley 37, Gardiner 22
Drain 41, Reedsport 39
Consolation Flight
Riddle 44, Lookingglass 27
Glendale 29, Yoncalla 24
Games Today
10 a. m., Glendale vs. Riddle
11 . m., Reedsport vs. Gard
I p. m., consolation champion
9:39 p. m., championship, Drain
vs. Camaa Valley
Camas Valley and Drain, sur
vivors of the opening round of
play In the Douglas county B lea
gue basketball tournament, now
in its final round after two days
of hotly contested battles oil the
senior high court In Roseburg,
successfully staved off two stub
bornly resisting opponents In the
seml-flnal games last night, and
will meet this evening in the battle-royal
which will produce the
new U league champion of Doug
Iub county.
Cumas Valley high school over
powered a courageous Ourdluer
quintet in tho opening game, 87 to
a, to win one or the coveted
borths in tonight's big cage event.
Drain, In a torrid contest, eked
out a 41-39 victory over the big
and heavily-favored Reedsport ag
gregation to take another step
nearer the goal af which they
have been aiming the past two
months the remaining finalist
Riddle, Glendale Also Win
In games played earlier in the
day, Lookingglass high school be
came the first casually of the
gruelling pace of tournament play
by dropping their second straight
game, this tlmo to a revitalized
Kiddle crew, 44 to 27, thus end:
ineir sojourn in tne tournament
as an active participant. An hour
Iutor, Yoncalla high school was
tho second victim of the same
tragic fute when they were nosed
out in a closo contest, 29 to 24,
by tilondnlo. The Pirates and the
Irish, both members of the south
ern division, having lost only one
game so far In the tourney, met
early this morning to determine"
which quintet will corral one of
the two places In the consolation
cnnnipionsiiip ltnuls. Reedsport
and Gardiner, also o( the same di
vision, took over tho court imme
diately following tho Glendalo
Rlddle melee, to battle It out for
the remaining placo In tho: con
solation play-offs. -
Taking everything Into con
sideration, the contests or the sec
ond day's play produced no startl
ing results, unless one considers
Drain's victory over Reedsport as
an upset, for, on paper at least,
It can be construed that ull favor
ites advanced to the final rouujl.
The well-coached team from down
on tho lower Dninmia. Reedsnnn
after displaying rciuurkable pow
er ana llnesso
in their'l
,uu"u- ra "" a vurtur In Drain
?"u ""l'Iea a close decision. In other same the elongated
a,llas cagers round the going
tollKb during the first half against
Drain, imnroving with each
game, and from their fino showing
against Reedsport. will likely en-
tor tho chumnmnshin ni u
slight favorite, but to emerge with
a win must continue plaving as
strong a defensive and offensive
game as displayed last night us
well as he uhln in effeeiiveiv mm.
,Ae Murray and Lockwood. Camus
Valley's Big Berthas,
(in ,,nr,.i ,, h,,,,..i, u .m i,
iM.l.llr, .i u.,.,1'1, 11,.
solution finals. Coach Ward's
boys should bo able to take Clard
Inor with all I heir height and ex
perience and Coach Leland Hart
er's Irish will pronably win out
over tllondale If they can continue
tho pace set against Lookingglass.
filendalo, yet to show the flro
and iash that gave them (he top
spot In the southern division un
less they can drop the Irish, will
be the most disappointing team of
the tournament despite Ihelr win
over Yoncalla. Far more was ex
pected of them though they still
have time to swing into action be
fore piny for this season is sus
Iiiddlo and Lookingglass high
schools opened the second day's
rcstivltios with plenty of activity
despite the hard-fought games
played the night before. Iloth
teams wero slow in getting start
ed, but the Irish finally found
their eyes, caging enough shots
to take an early lead which they
m a I ii t a I nod nnd lengthened
throughout the remainder ot ho
("litest to win going away, 44 to
Coach Hurler's cagers were held
In check the opening quarter by
some very effective' guarding by
the Itookingclnss Yellow Jackets,
the period ending 9-6 for ltlddle.
The second canlo saw Kiddle open
up with h hoinlmnlnient of the
basket led by tho sharpshooting
forward. Kugene Mellor. who snar
ed 16 points, nml by a teammate.
Pat Pecker, who potted 15 count
ers, to add to the 17 tallied from
the day before. Riddle was ahead
31-14 at the rest period and 37-20
at the start of the final frame.
Leonard Puell was high for the
losersnvitn 9 points.
Mellor, Becker sud Cornutt turn-
ed In fine games for the Irish and
U Buell, R. Buell and Felt were
outstanding for tbe losers.
Box score:
Riddle (44) (27) Lookingglass
Mellor (16) ....F (6) Ward
Becker (15) ,......, (1) Matthews
Moore (3) C .... Green
Cornutt (6) .G r (5) Felt
Baten G (9) L. Buell
Reserves: Riddle, Hart, Phil
Hps (5), Townsentl and Rigsby;
Lookingglass, Hoffman, Richards,
Meredith and R. Buell (6).
it took Glendale the entire four
quarters of play before they could
batter a stubbornly resisting Yon
calla quintet into submission by
a score of 29-24, the first game
of the tournament in which the
w inning team failed to tally 36 or
more points. The Pirates entered
the fray overwhelming favorites
but could not click consistently on
offense at any time during tbe
game. Their ball handling was rag
ged and their shooting wild; in
fact, the entire team played as if
they were completely fagged out
a Biire sign of staleness or ap
proaching stuleness.
Tho winners managed to atay
outk in front of Yoncalla through
out, 10-7 at the quarter, 15-11 at
the half and 20-18 at the three
quartor mark, almost solely
through the efforts of Normoyle
and Ball, who caged 11 and 9
point respectively. However, both
had to bow to Mathls, Yoncalla
center, who took high-point hon
ors ror the game with 12 count
ers. Despite the closeness of the
score through the four periods,
the game was slow and uninterest
ing for the most part. The only
life shown was by tbe losers who
battled all the way. Leading the
defense for Yoncalla, und spark
ing the team on offense, were two
fine guards, George Roberts ' und
Stanley Ludwig, two of the fast
est men seen in two days of tour
ney jousting. This speedy duo was
coiiBiuntly In the "hair" ot Glen
dale with brilliant interceptions
and effective close cbecklnc.
Normoyle and Ball were outstand
ing for the winners.
Box score:
Glendale (29)
(21) Yoncalla
(1) Appleiate
... (12) Mathis
... (1) Ludwig
Normoyle (11) F...
Ball (9) p..
Pell c..
Belcher (4) CI...
Gardiner (2) ....a...
(7) Roberts
Reserves: Glendale. Lewis (31:
Yoncalla, M. Dodd (2), Main und
J. Dodd (1).
Though Camus Valley Von their
way Into the championship finals
with a 37-22 victory over Gardin
er high school n the opening
semi-linn! game of life evening, a
point differcnoe of 15 countors, no
team probably wiis ever moro glad
to soe a game come to a close
than were the Diggers Inst night.
Toworlng over their tiny oppon
ents, the winners were forced to
travel at high speed by the elu
sive Cardiner cagers who swarm
ed all over and under them for
lour miarters of piny, never onco
slowing down the dizzy pace oven
when they were left hopelessly be
hind. After a close first quarter
which ended 5-3, Cumas, the
height advantage or Couch Hoss
Ilrown's lads slowly began to tell
on the desperately fighting quin
tet from the coast. Halltime score
was 11-8, Camas, and 26-16 at tbe
start of the final frame.
Once again it was the deadly
duo, Murray and Lockwood. which
gradually pushed the losers farth
er and farther behind. This
sharp-shooting pair collected 14
and 12 points respectively, potting
long and lay-in shots with mono
tonous regularity in tho final half.
K. Murphey was the only Onrdlu
erito who could consistently lo
cate the elusive hoop, finally col
lecting a total of 11 points.
Plenty of plaudits should bo
banded this woil-coached, clever
passing (iardlner quintet, ennched
by C. C. Caldwell. For sheer cour
age and determination to win des
pite overwhelming odds, this out
fit of cagers was tops. Outsized
by every quintet met. they never
gave up and tho type of ball play
ed always assured a fast and Inter
esting game. Outstanding for the
winners wero Murray, Lockwood
and Ware. It would be Impossible
to pick out. any one or two out
standing players for the (users
without naming them all.
llox score:
flardlner (
!) (37) Camas Valley
1 F (7) Ware
K. Murphey
Oerbart (2) ,
ftrlggs (1) ...
Harris (3) ..
F (14) Murray
C.. (12) Lockwood
l; Smndly
(2) Johnson
K. Murphey 1
Keservos: Ourrtincr, Paul. Chap
man (1); Camas Valley, Huelmer
I he most exciting and best
played game of the day was the
final engagement of the evening
between two pre-lournament fav
orites. Drain and Reedsport. The
coastal acercgation. by virtue of
that terrific drubbing administer
ed to ltlddle In their opening
game, was considered as tho logi
cal wlnnor of the second seml
rinnl battle, but they failed to
reckon with Drain's accurate
shooting ability and strong defen
sive work. The final score was
I1-.1II, but for the first Ihree quar
ters ami tor most of the final
truine. Drain was out in front by
a comiortaoie margin, and it was
only by-a desperate last minute
rally that Iteedsport was able to
close the gap. which at one time
reacned 12 points, to tbe i polnts
deficit as the game ended.
i 'rain opened tbe game w-iti
three quick baskets to take a lead
BEAT 0, S. C, 48-37
Victors Now Need One Win
Over Huskies to Take
2nd Straight Title.
EUGENE, Oro., Feb. 25. (AP)
Just one more victory, and Ore
gon can walk away with its secoud
straight northern diviBion, Pactfic
coaBt conference basketball title.
The Webfoots put themselves In
that strategic position last night
by toppling Oregon State, 48 to 37,
to make up for O. S. C.'s upset win
over Oregon last week.
Now it's Oregon ugulnst Wash
ington in two games at Seattle
March 3 and 4 to settle tho title
question, and the Huskies have to
take both to win.
Last night's game was exception
ally rough 44 persunal fouls were
called and the crowd booed both
The Beavers, after a slow start,
matched Oregon scoring for 12
minutes until the count was tied
9-9, but from then on the Web
foots stayed out In front. Oregon
led at halftime, 26-14, and at one
time in the second half had a 16
point advantage.
Gale's Chances Cut
While the victory may prove a
llfo-Baver for the Webfoots in
their title bid, it wasn't much help
to their star forward, Laddie Gale,
in his effort to set a new division
scoring mark. Ho was benched
on a fourth foul after scoring nine
points, and now needs 25 more lu
two games to equal tho mark sot
by Wally Palmberg of Oregon
Slim Wlntermuto, Oregon cen
ter, led the scoring with 13.
The only other northern d'vl
slon game this week is between
Washington State and Idaho at
Pullman tonight. It has no title
HILLSHOKO, Ore., Fob. 25.
(API Wlllumntln ti I uanclii,
cinched the northwest college con
ference basketball championship
here last night by defeating Pa-
cine university ot .forest drove,
51 to 29. The tcunis play again to
night at Salem.
Stanford 38, U. C. L. A. 32.
California 42, Southern Cullfor
nia 3!l.
Southorn Oregon Normal 4Q
Chico Stute (Calif.) 39.
Portland U. 59, Linfield collegf
McMlnnville 37, Albany 36.
Salem 31, Oregon City 27.
Modford 24, Ashland 11.
Astoria 23, St. Helens 19.
Grunts Pass 20, Klamath Falls
mm m wh
NEW YOKK, Feb. 25. (AP) It
Is always a pleasure to watch little
Lou Ambers shake the man off his
back, shuffle out and take com
mand of a fight. Ilo did it lust night
In licking the Mexlcau, Baby Ariz
inendl. and now looms so largely In
tho lightweight picture it takes tho
.Mt. Wilson telescope lo find Ham
mering Henry Armstrong.
For in cutting Aiizmendi down in
ten bloody rounds, LuicI from
Herkimer, N. Y., did what tho
Hainmor couldn't do In fivo fights
and 52 rounds. True, Ambers did
n't knock the Baby off his solid
Pins, but once he got going, midway
through the fourth round, he turn
ed In a masterful porformanco.
Ills left hand cut and bruised
Arizmcndl's scrambled features and
by the end pr the ninth, the little
.Mexican was bleeding freely from
cuts around both eyes. As tho bell
rang lor the 11th and Aiizmendi
camo out, temporarily patched up
and ready to go. the referee walk
oil in front of him rilngiug his arms
wide lu the signal that means,
"that's all folks." Officially tho
end came after four seconds of tho
from which Ibey wero never heai
cil, leading 18-10 at the end of the
opening quarter, and 27-15 at half
time. The final period started
with Drain still out In front, 36
to 26, und from the spectator's
viewpoint, it was only a question
of just how large the Drain mar
gin of victory would be.
.lust when it appeared Hint
Iteedsport was about ready to I Old.
something sparked them to activ
ity which saw them stuge it deter
mined Inst minute drive which Ml
just short of overtaking the win
ners, and bad they started a few
nilnules sooner. I here would huvo
probably been one different le nil
playing In tho finals tonight.
Drain's victory was well-deserved.
Their offensive attack was
pared by a tall center, Gorsline,
who bagged 14 points. A lot nt
credit Is due a reserve by the
name of Norman Itydell who ruino
Into tho game lute, but soon en
ough hit four long goals just
when they were needed most. Bur
rcvik. lanky Iteedsport center
was high for bolh fives, with 17
markers. Sullng was runner-up
with Jl.
.Moorman, Schuve and Peer
turned in KOme fine defensive
work against th- eicver passing
ipnniei ami were Insiiu-
meinai in the rinu
Ilex score:
Drain 111)
Drain victory.
(39) Iteedsport
- (11) Sallng
.. (1) Brandon
(171 liorrcvik
(61 Butler
Mom man (3)
Kirk (4)
C.orsllno (14)
Scttttvo (8)
Pee,- (I)
. a
... Hrookhart
Rydell (M:
Iteedsport. Dunn (1), Morene
iiiieiais for all games: Mar
shall Pengra and Howard Turner.