Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 25, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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Social Calendar
Monday, February 27
Dr. It. L. Dunn's non-denomina-tlonal
Bible study class meeting ut
7:15 o'clock lit dining hull of Doug
las hotel to begin study of Aloses
the jiiMjj. Public Invltoil.
Executive council of Junior Wom
an's dub to meet at 8:00 o'clock
ut home of Airs. Cordon Stewart.
N. of V. Thimble club afternoon
meeting at home of jlrn. Arthur
Huducil ut 414 North itoHu Btreet.
B.P.W. Glee club to inuctlce at
7 o'clock in evening ut studio of
director, Mm. Charles A. Brand, in
Masonic building.
B.P.W.C. meeting at 8 o'clock In
evening at clubhouse witli Ina
Fnrnsworth, BesBic iluKcn, Ix)ia
jiuncan ami Kdyth Otlmoiir in
charge or topic on "My Savings und
Yours." Dramatic club to present
Tuesday, February 28
lllter-Se Study club 1:80 dessert
luncheon meeting ut home of Mrs.
It. It. Brand.
F. S. club afternoon meeting at
homo of Mrs. Walter Singleton on
I.ust DougluH street.
' Hebokull lodge No. 41 to meet
Hi 7:30 In evening ut l.O.O.F. hall
with Winnie l'awn in charge. De
gree staff to 'practice for lnitiat'ori
ut close of ineolllig.
Young Lutherans leagllo of Si.
Paul's Lutheran church to meet at
7:30 In evening at home or Air. and
Mrs. Andrew Schllck on McClel
au slre.;l.
Friendly Bible class nioiiibers
nnrl families of Presbyterian church
invited to 11:81) polluck supper and
uocia! at church. ;
Fine Arts department group of
Junior Woman's club to meet at
7:30 desserl-iio-hostesH, supper at
lintel lliiiiiiiiia Tonic on nit win"' "" -"""- iioine in mo Men
Mrs. F. W. Morrison as speaker.
Plans 'for next meeting.
Job's Daughters to meet .at 7:30
in evening at Musonic temple.
,, Wednesday, March 1
(llongni'y Rowing club lo meet lit
liortio of Mrs. C. II. niunson lor
corered dish luncheon. Bring cov
ered dish! and own table service.
; Al.O.A. club afternoon meeting at
liome. of Mrs. Kldun Ogle
O.S.C. Mothers elltb no-hoBlesB
nno o'clock luncheon at Hotel limp
una with Mrs. II. II. Lutrd und Airs
L. A. Dlllard, co'cliainiicii of the
social hour.
Thursday, March. 2,
Reselling ehaiiter of blaster!! Slal'
to meet at H o clock in evening at
- chapter rooms In Alasnnio tomple.
Members and visiting memoers in
Ladles of Reselling Country club
lo meet at 9:30 a. in. at clubhouse
for contract bridge; 12:30 pollock
luncheon anil golfing 111 afternoon
If the wcalher permits. .. ,.,
Sylmon Valley afternoon meeting
:it two oclock at homo ol Airs. L.
K. Goodburn.
Ludv Lions to meet at 7: an no-
lioatess dessert-supper at Carl's
Tnvorn-wlth Mrs. Brewer Mills and
Mrs. K. H. Wnlton, Joint hoslesses
lor the social hour of contract
bridge and pinochle. Prizes
Garden Valley Women's club Jo
meet ut two o'clock in attcrnoou ut
clubhouse with Mrs. Hugh Ritchie,
Jr., in charge. .
Busy Steppers club lo 'meet at
!liomo or Mrs. Cyril Nichols ' al
Brock way.
Christian eliuri'h Ijldlea Aid lo
meet at two o'clock In afternoon
ut. chinch parlors Willi Mrs. Johns
ini hostess and Airs. Todd In charge
of devotions. ItefreHhineiits in
charge of Mrs. 10. F. Selii'lmpf, Mrs.
Iiutner, Mrs. Gardner and -Mrs.
A lalklng Mm entitled "The Call
df Hie Cross." to bo shown at k
o'clock In evening at St. Paul's Lu
theran church at Corey and Alill
1ary. Public Invited, Free will of
fering. Film depicts early history
of Lutheran pilgrims in America a
century ago.
Friday, March 3
'"Gray Ladles lo meet at 7:30 in
evening ill George Wharton home
nil Claire street with Airs. Whar
ton and Mrs. 1.. W. Josse, joint
.Methodist Episcopal Keystone
cluli alternoon meeting at Kenneth
l-'ord home with Mrs. Ford ami
Jlrs. It. L. Irving. Joint hoslesses.
Rivei'sdalo grange meeting al
8:15 o'clock at hall. Ilclreshniculs
In charge of Mr. und Airs, Iliirvcy
Kwcns, Air. and .Mrs. K. A. Helm
liohll, Graham Kvvens mid Leslie
j.'ogel. Program. Mi's. S. ltaynor
ttintl h. Door ivl.
Choral club lo meet ul 1(1 a. in.
tit Roseburg Woiuiill s clubhouse
under direction or Airs. Homer
A inei'h'iin Home group of Junior
Vu.::MI S Clllh lO tlleet lit S O'clock
lu t. .'iiiiiw ut homo of Airs. Con-
Jiio LiUliam
; March 9
Public Invited to bcllolll c I'll
nfliiir nt eight o'clock at .Methodist
JOpiscopal church to lie sponsored
liv Douglas County .Music Touchers
nssoclailon for heiielli of Hosoburg
1'iihlle , library. Miss Klholvne
rhiiltli, riimous soprano, will bo pre
routed in tonecrt.
March It
"0-3(1 elult to sponsor barn dance
nt armory. Public Invited. .Music by
Hob Itnmscv S I niverslty r-wlug
s-tors from F.ugeno foatlll'ilig Sniok-
iy "Vliltfiehl.
Junior Woman's club Invites pub
lic to ovster supper at clubhouse.
JMi'S Verla, MeLaiiglilln, chalrmiin.
March 21
' 'lliocoinl annual spring fashion
Mhow am! dance In lie sponsored by
di. P.W.C. at N h i lock In c cuing at
jiiuwry. l'ublic iuvltud.
Rev. Linden Q. 1-eavitt, pastor of
the First Christian church of this
city, gave a very Inspiring ami in
teresting talk on "George Washing
ton and comparisons to Die fires
ent day," at an enjoyable one
o'clock no-hostess luncheon of
Iiouglus unit of Pro-America at the
Hotel Cmpqiiu Wednesday. He v.
.Mr. Leavitt's talk waa especially
interesting und members of the
unit expressed their desire for a
return talk by .Mr. Lcavitt later
thia spring.
The table was centered with a
bowl of white and red carnations
atid ferns. Covers were placed for
Hey. Mr. Leavitt, Mrs. II. C. Wad
dell, president, Mrs. L. K. Good
bourn, Miss Gertrude Curtis, Mrs.
Hose Clayton, Mrs. D. G. Clark
Mrs. C. K. Ihinulng, Miss Olive am?
Miss Alazlu Walker, Mrs. A. C.
Alurstors. Mrs. F. M. Conipton and
her daughter, Mlsa Harriet Conip
ton of Portland, Mrs. K. Itydell,
Mrs. A. K. Kent. Mrs. I,. A. Wells,
Mrs. I. II. Hlddle, Mrs. Broadway,
Airs. A. A. Wilder and Mrs. Fred
erick J. Porter.
Mrs. Wuddell conducted the
short business meelirtg und Airs. C.
E. Hannlng, secretary, rend the
minutes. The treasurer's report
was presented by Airs. Wilder. The
next meeting of the unit will bo a
no-hostess one o'clock luncheon at
the Hotel Umpqiiu March 22nd.
The I). A. II. meiubera wero en
tertained at a most enjoyable
seven o'clock 'dessert-supper given
by Airs. William lleli and Airs.
;,,,.' """my evening
aiiartmcnts on South Jackson
Htreut. .
' Tlie patriotic motif was prettily
carried out In tho decorations.
Mrs. Bell and Alia. Brown were as
sisted in serving by tho' hitter's
daughter, Mlsa Klaino Brown. Cov
ers were placed' Tor Miss Adeline
Klewart, legem, Airs. L. fC.' Good
llonili, Airs'. Hay S. I'elreqiiln, Mrs.
F. II. Churchill,' Airs. Bovd Bales.
Mrs: H. II. Grlnsted. Airs. C. P.
CuyJor and Airs. I). ,N..Buscnbark.
The program was In charge of
Mrn, Pelreiiuln who presented ox
Cerpls from "The Itamparla We
Watch," Tho Alarch meeting, the
iluto of .ivhlch AvlM be aniiounced
liller, will bo 1 hcbl ' at the Boyd
Bales homo on Uo North Pacific
nignwny, . , ,
Allss Alhalle Taylor enlerlalned
the All-Neah-Nlkn Camp Flro group
at it delightful .uii-ihirty o'clock
dinner parly at the nt tractive
home of her parents. Mr. and Airs.
A. II. Taylor In Liiurehvond Wed
nesday evening.
A large bowl or violets graced
t no prettily nppoiuted table, where
covers were placed for Alls. Leslie
Cuinnilngs, guardian, Allss Florence
Hamilton, Allss Carolyn Allen, Allss
Bette Owen, Allss Fallli Young.
iviisb i-iiyillH Nelson, Miss Dorothy
Criiininelt, Miss Carolyn Cordon
anil llio hostess, Miss Athalle Tai
lor. A short business' meeting was
1 lonowing tile dinner, after
which a social hour was enjoyed.
nil Inst Tuesday evening. Gladys
n. i runic presenleil a uroini ol
students In a plaun recilal at her
Inline oil South Alain street. A liil.
men group of elemciilarv ami nlso
U'lVIIUI Bill, . Mis unveil Thnlr
Illnylllg showed artistic standards
ol worn wilh good tone inmlily and
good rhythm. The program was
enjoyed by unite a largo group of
File following Wove tireMtil...l
Patricia lloliuouisl. I'rlscilla Wad..
Shirley Fanclier. Yvonne lllmi
Patricia llurr. Jean Fredrlckson.
Mary Kllcll McKav. I.on I
Slrilllge. Joanne Itnuie. Belly .Mins
ters. Lucia Brltlon. Florence I liimil.
ton, llette Owen, Faith Young. Vir
ginia ) oung.
To compliment Mrs. D. H. Muc
Killop. one Paulino Buhar. who Is
here visiting from ,ng Bench.
Calif., a lovely Informal parte was
given by Mrs. A. ,. F.Son Thurs
day evening at her homo on lOusl
t'ics street.
A pleasant social evening was en
Joyed, inter which Mis. Klllson
served delicious refreshments nt
a heaulllully nppoinled table, cen
tered In- a btuvl of jonquils, trees
las and violets. Covers were placed
lor Alls. .MacKillop, isllcal of honor.'
Mrs. lioiolhv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Mis. It. .1. Mey
ers. Mis. F.hvllu Booth. Mis. Vera
McCllntock Jones. Mrs. II. c. die.
Miss Virgin!,, Wright and the hos
tess. .Mrs. F.lllsou.
Airs. Krnesl llolime elilerlilineil
her Truth Seekers Sunday school
class lit a ilclUhllul parte at her
Home at Green Wednesdav evening.
Gaines were plaved and refresh-!
meets were sewed by .Mrs. Ilohme
to Kva Fay Fnsslor. Cecil Fesslrr.
Lois lllako, Miriam Clayponl. Wll-
ma Porter. Genevieve Bolnne. Uoli
eit lnley, ltubcit Poller and Al-
Jlu DluKc.
To compliment Mrs. Knaffle
Pickens, of Salem, one of the most
charming social affairs of the year
was given, when Mrs. G. V. Winr
berly, Mrs. Ivan Pickens and Mrs.
Brewer .Mills entertained at a very
lovely tea from two to five oclock
al tiie beautiful Wlniberly home on
Glenn street Wednesday afternoon.
Graceful sprays of Japanese
quince, arranged In attractive
bowls,, and ualeas were used in
the living room, while the tea ta
ble was lovely with an exuulsite
lace cloth anil centered by a bowl
ol darrodila, which was flanked by
smaller boiliuets or daffodils cir
cled by pale orchid blossoms.
About one hundred guests called
during the tea hours and were
greeted by little l-ola Dale Byrd,
small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Byrd. who was charming in n pas
tel pink silk frock and wore pale
Pink sweetpens In her hair.
The hostesses. Mrs. Wimberly,
Airs. Mills and Mrs. Pickens, and
Hie guest of honor. Airs. Knaffle
Pickens, wore attractive floor
length afternoon gowns and cor
sages of gardenias. Tho ladles as
sisting about the rooms wore col
orful floor-length ufteruooii gowns
Alternating at the tea and coffee
urns ut the beaullfully unpointed
table were Airs. Dexter Hlce, Airs.
L. Kohlhagen, Sr., Airs. A. C. Mara
ters, .Mrs. G. C. Finlay, Airs. O. Al.
Berrle and Airs. Guy Cordon.
Assisting about the rooms and
in serving were Mrs. J. R. Pickens,
Mrs. J. It. Wharton. Airs. C. II.
Wade, .Mrs. II. C. Church, .Mrs. C.
K. Wlmlierly, Mrs. C. W. Wharton,
Airs. I). W. llelllwell. Mrs. L. L.
Wlniberly, Mrs. Frank Long, Mrs.
Ira Byrd, Mrs. George Wharton,
Airs. L. A. Dlllard. Miss Jane Whar
ton and Airs. II. o. Pargeler.
Airs. Pickens and her husband
huve been spending the past week
nere vislllng molr son- n-uw and
daughter, Air. and Mrs. Brewer
9 a
The winter handicap golf cup
was presenleil by the ladies at the
Itosebiirg Country club to the win
ner. Mrs. II. J. Comm. nl Thursday's
ineellng at tho clubhouse. A lovelv
gift was also presenleil to Mrs. Cor-
urn liy Airs. .1. F. Dlllard. on liehalf
of the club, as a farewell present.
Mrs, Cornni is moving wilh her
husband and three sons. John. Don
and Peter, lo Portland next week
to reside.
. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur
ing the morning with Airs. Walter.
Fisher winning high score and .Mrs.
A. II. Aloumford winning second
high Hcore.
Politick luncheon was served al
noon lo Mrs. Fisher, caplaln, Mrs.
C. K. Wllulioi'ly, Allss Helen Casev.
Alia. J. K. Murks. Alls. W. K. Oil,
Airs. W. AL AlclOaclicrn. .Mrs. II. C.
Stearns, Aliss Naomi Scott. Airs. Al.
L. Underwood, Mrs. J, Al. Jiidd,
Vlrs. II. J, Comm. Airs. It. I). Brid
ges. Airs. J. F. Dlllard, Mrs. II. T.
Hansen, Alia. Paul Gcddcs. Airs. L.
Iv. Fles. Airs. C. II. Vail Ness. Mrs.
A. II. Aloimiroril. Airs. J. It. .Mount
ford. Airs. W. T. Peters. Airs. Ken-
Ii Unlne, Mrs. K. S. AlcCluIn and
Mrs. l rank Coen.
During the uflernoon two blind
holes of golf were played with
Airs. li. J. Corillll winning Hie prize
Next week Hie ladles will play
bridge at a::lti at the clubhouse
wilh politick luncheon at J2.::it)
and coll Inn In the afternoon If tho
weather penults.
Air. and .Mrs. .1. K. Pickens en
terlahicil at a most enjoyable
bridge party at their home on
South Main slreet Saturday even
ing. Lovely botlollels of carnations
were used as a decorative motif for
tile occasion.
Those enjoying the evening with
.Mr. and Airs. Pickens were Air. and
Mrs. W. It. Harris, Air. and Airs. K.
M. Melzger. Air. und Airs. L. W.
Molzgor, Air. ami .Mrs. A. K. Kent
and Air. and Mrs. 11. C. Darby.
High scores for the evening's con
tract bridge play were held by Air.
and Airs. K. It. Alelger.
Later lu the evening Mrs. Pick
ns served delicious refreshments.
Airs. Fail I'llrlch eiilerlained a
group of friends at u charming
afternoon parly at her home on
t'oiumerclal avenue '1 luirsdiiy lo
compliment. Airs. It. W, Mursters
on her birthday iinniversary.
Lovely gilts were presented to
Mrs. Al.'irsiers from Airs. Hugh
Itllclile, Jr., Mrs. Clyde Board.
Mrs. F. A. llurd. Alls. V. 11. Bailev,
Mrs. 1 1. II. Clark. .Mrs. W. Al.
Campbell. Miss Gertrude Curtis
and Mrs. I'llrlch.
M the lea hour Mrs. CUrich
served delicious refreshments nt
a beautifully appointed table cen
tered with a bowl of carnations.
Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Parr enter-
talneil at a charming tl:Uo o'clock
bullet supper at their attractive
home on Kii! Lane srr'eet. having
as tbetr guests. Attorney and Airs.
Daniel Keobiiue. Air. and Airs. II,
W. Porter and .Mr. and Alls, Frank
Following (he enjoyable supper
hour, contract blidne was played
with Mi.-. Poller "liming ilic
high score.
One of the most outstanding
meetings ever held by the Hone-
burg Woman s club wus the one-
thirty o'clock dessert-luucbeon
Tuesday at the clubhouse with
Ioufse Palmer Weber, famous m-
dio speaker, Portland, us the guest
speaker. Mrs. Weber is a cousin or
Paul W Internal!, famous orchestra.
Mrs. Weber, who chose as her
subject "Women and the World,'
gave one or the most churniing. en
tertaining und Instructive tulks to
be heard ut the club in many years.
Airs. Weber is u nationally known
speaker and her coming to ltose-
burg was greatly appreciated and
enjoyed by the members or the
Woman's club and by the Garden
Valley Women's club members.
who were entertained us special
guests or me day.
-Mrs. William Bell, chairman,
Airs. K. D. Lytle, Airs. F. A. Html
und Mrs. Carl W. Klaeuhamnier
wero hostesses for the charming
one-inirty o clock dessert-luncheon.
which was served at long tables
ilecoruteil In the patriotic motif.
Covers were pluced for Louise
Palmer Weber, guest speaker. Airs,
I.. Spray, Mrs. Hugh liitchle.
jr., Airs. I1 rank Douglas. Mrs. A
Mduy, Airs. Fred Parrott. Mrs.
l-.arl Alccoy, Airs. A. N. Schneider.
Alia. rcd Woods, .Mrs. Harvey
civ-ens, Mm. w. D. Love, mid Airs,
iilbcrt Wood, members of the
iiirden Valley Women's club, and
the following guests: Mrs. Ray
mond Harris, Airs. W. Godsey, of
Wilbur, Airs. II. C. Waildell. Airs.
H. J. Coruin, .Mrs. W. T. Petel's,
Alls. Lyle Alarsters. Mrs. J. L.
Vhrund, Mrs. William Bailev. Mrs.
J. itolund Parker, Alls. .Minnie St.
Clair Brine, pr Spokane, und Airs.
u.. i,. curpcuicr, u new member or
I bo club.
Aleinbers present were Airs. V.
W. .Morrison, president, Airs. C. II.
Bailey. Airs. J. C. McCalllster, MlB.
llelene II. Anderson, Aliss Helen
Casey, Aliss Naomi Scott, Airs. Carl
W. Klaeiibamiuer, Airs. W. E. Olt,
Airs. 1,. Kohlhagen, Sr., Airs. Al. C.
Uowker, Airs. C. K. Huberts, Airs.
A. C. Alarsters, AIib. It. W. Aim-stern,
AIib. W. It. Chrisler, Mrs. Ho
mer Grow, Airs. T. G. Wutson, Mrs.
Claude Baker, Airs. W. Al. Camp
bell, .Mrs. W. W. Aslicraft, Mrs.
Charles A. Kdwards, Mrs. K. J.
Brown, Airs. 1). (!. Clurk, Airs. Fos
ter Iiutner, Aliss Gertrude Curtis,
Airs. Carl Spauldlng, Airs. Karl Ull
rich, .Mrs. L. A. Wells, Airs. I. II.
Kiddle, Airs. Gurry F. Hatfield,
-Mrs. Iloger Bailey, Airs. Arthur
Crews, Airs. Georgo Findley, Airs.
-M. It. Richards, Airs. K. G. Kohl
hagen, Alia. Scolt Williams, Airs.
W. H. Brown, Alia. .1. P. Williams,
Airs. George Summers, Airs. Thom
as Summers, Airs. L. K. Goodiioiirn,
Airs. II. 11. Carter, Airs. Hose Clay
ton, Airs. Harry Wolfe, Mrs. Gayle
llarllo, Airs. S. ltaynor Smith, Airs.
C. K. .Marks, Mrs. A. G. Sutherland,
Airs. George K. liuiue. Airs. It.
italph Clark. Airs. George Waro,
Mrs. George Al. Brown, Mrs. Wil
liam Bell, Airs. Thomas Parkinson,
.Mrs. F. A. llurd, Airs. K. D. Lyllo
and Airs. Frederick J. Porter.
Airs. C. P. Spray, president of the
Garden Valley Women's club, in
troduced her members present und
.Mrs. F. . .Morrison, Woman's club
president. Introduced Airs. C. K.
Itoberls, who gave a very fine talk
on Inleruallomil relations, followed
by a charming roll-call talk by
Mru T ii .....i i
fill piano solos, "Brahms' Waltz tJ
Hat" and Chopin's "Noctunif
G .Minor," played by Mrs. ItajTnohd
Harris, who was introduced by the
music. chairman, Airs. liomur
A cooked food and tanialo sale
was announced for Snliirday, Feb
ruary 25111, to be held at AlcKeall
and Baldwin's. Airs. 11. W. Alarsters
and Airs. Foster limner are joint
chairmen of the sale and are being
assisled by Mrs. L. Kuhliiugen, Sr.,
Mrs. li. L. Whipple und Mrs. L. A.
The March "111 meeting of tile
chili will be a "Just For Fun" affair
and will follow a 1:30 desserl
liinclicon in charge of Airs. It.
Halph Clark, chairman. Airs. T. G.
Watson. Airs. F. A. Fields, Mrs. C.
li. Alarks, Airs, ltoscoe Alarsters,
Airs. (. H. WaUlg. and Airs. George
K. Qullie. A special speaker from
liie state health department. Air.
Grimes, will be present and will be
introduced by Allss Janet Alnffall.
Itoll call topics will be preseiiled
and tile music committee will ar
range special music for the oc
The Lady Lions enjoyed a dc
llghtlnl 7:30 o'clock no-hostess
dessert-supper Moudav evening at
Carl's Tavern with Airs. It. II.
Franks, president, in ohuvge of Hie
business session und Airs. Ken
neth llelllwell und Airs. Clyde Ful
lerlon. Joint hostesses for the so
Covers were placed for Airs.
Franks, .Mrs. I). W. llellivvell, Mrs
Phil lliirlh, Airs. J. A. Hart. Airs.
1. K. Foil. Mrs. K. It. Walton.
Mrs. W. Downer. Airs. Marshall
Pengra. Airs. A. D. parr. Airs.
Litlnun. Airs. L. Carpenter. Airs.
Glenn Owen. Mrs. O. J. Felilkamii.
.Mrs. Kverett Winier. Mrs. A. J
Klllson. Airs. M. H. Miincy. Mrs.
Frank Long and the hostesses.
Airs. Kenneth llelllwell and Mrs
Clyde Fullerton.
High score lor the evening In
bridge was won by Airs. Walion
with Mrs. Foliz winning tho pi
nochle prize. The next meeting
will be .March 2, at n 7:;!il dessert
supper in the Tavern. Hostesses
lor Hie social hour will be Mrs
Brewer Alills and Airs. K. It. Wal
ton. A lovely farewell gift Mas pre
sented fiom tlie club to Mr-.. Al.
11. Allincy, who is moving lo Port
land next week. Plans were made
at the business meeting lor tlie
lnuiuul spring benefit card party.
Mrs. J. P. Motschenhucher is act
ing as general tlmiiuiuu ul the affair.
f", p4J-x fiJ
l Vi l-mmassmi
I . ,rf
lr. i-, u" r..-
Air. and Mrs. J. D. Vedder. of
Hosehurg, who were married Feb-
uary 13, 1889, in Dement, Illinois,
celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary at a charming family
affair and dinner given nt the home
of their son-in-law and daughter,
Air. and Mrs. Vernon Rathhun, in
Alyrtle Creek.
A beuutiful tiered wedding cuke
graced tile attractively appointed
table, where covers were placed
for Air. and Mi's. Vedder, guests of
honor. Air. and Mrs. John Vedder
tnd ramlly, of Aurora, Oregon; Mr.
md Airs. Malker Johnson and fam-
ly, of Woodburu; Airs. Carl
Zeohle and family, uf Alinneapolis,
-Minn.; Mr. and Airs. Fred Vedder
ind son. Freddie, or Roseburg;
Mrs. t.hl. Pickens, Mrs, , Alba
Spaugh, Airs. T. B. Biisenbark and
Airs. Fred A. Goff, chairman, acted
as hostesses to the P. N. G. club
Friday evening at the former's
homo on South Alain street.
Airs. N. Al. Nelson, president, con
ducted Hie business session, which
was followed by a very pleasant
social hour of Chinese checkers
imd other games. The evening's
club prize was won by Airs. Rulh
Later the hostesses served de
licious refreshments ut tables beau
tifully appointed in the George
Washington patriotic motif. Cov
ers were placed for Mrs. J. E.
Dent, Mrs. A. D. Ilnvvn and Mrs.
Alainle Felt, guests, and the follow
ing club members. Airs. W. W. Ash
craft. Airs. J. B. Bailey, Mrs. T. U.
Biisenbark. Mrs. Fred A. Goff, Airs.
Harry F. Hatfield, Airs. R. V.
Hoover, Airs. V. T. Jackson, Mrs.
O. L. Johnson, Mrs. Edythe Flor
ence Kelley, Airs. D. II. Lenox, Allss
Ha Lauhucb. Airs. N. Al. Nelson.
Airs. Jess Patrick, Airs. J. 10. Pick
ens, Airs. H. B. Itoadman, Airs.
Iluth Reese, Aliss Elsie Iteeco, Airs."
I'lffie Scbvvarz, Airs. Alba Spaugh.
Airs. Harry A. Taylor. Airs. Lee
Williams. Airs. Alvla Wctherall and
Airs. James II. Young.
Tlie next meeting will be the
evening of Alarch 17th, the place of
which will be announced later.
Hostesses for the meeting include
Airs. V. V. llarpham, Mrs. Harry F.
Hatfield, Airs. V. T. Jackson and
Mrs. Alvla Wctherall.
The Stedfast Bible class of the
First Presbyterian church held an
enjoyable potluck luncheon at the
home of Airs. Leonard Wilson on
Kane street Thursday afternoon.
The patriotic motif was carried
out in the decorations and pro
gram for tiie occasion.
Covers were placed for "Mrs. A.
J . Bellows, Airs. George Al. Brow n.
Airs. W. W. Ashcralt. Airs. L. L.
Bodie. Airs. Jack Bailey. Mrs. c.
r. Caylor. Airs. R. H. Grlnsted.
Airs. Hardeck. Mrs. 1. 1L Aleyer,
Mrs. 11. S. Nichols. Mrs. G. W.
Young. Allss Margaret . Baldwin
anil the hostess, Airs. I -consul
Wilson. Gaines and sewing were
enjoyed during the social hour.
Mrs. George K. llouck very gra
ciously entertained the Klwanis
program committee members at a
delightful dinner at her home on
South Stephens street Thursday
evening. Airs. Itouck was assist
ed by .Mrs. C. Al. Krell and Mrs.
Thomas Parkinson.
Covers were placed nt a beauti
fully decorated tahle for G. At.
Krell. Thomas Parkinson, chair
man. Dr. K. . Walnscott, Chester
Morgan. Paul Gcddcs. R. L. Whip
ple. Walter Fisher. Dr. H. C.
Chinch. J. K. Wharton and L'r.
George K. llouck.
, i . J, , - -
J. D. VEDDEli ..
Harry Ituthbnii, of Alyrtle Creek,
and the host and hostess, Mr, and
Mrs. Vernon Itathbun und family.
Gifts were presented to Mr. and
Mrs. Vedder und the' aiternoon
hours were.enjoyably spent in play:
ing cards and visiting. ,'
Mr. and Mrs. Vedder, have . been
Douglas county, residents for the
past fifteen years und the former
operated n reul estute office for a
number, of , years. For .the past
couple of years, he has been retired
and with Mrs. Vedder resides at
1158 Umpqua nveniie. Air, und Mrs.
Vedder lire the ,pitrents.' 'of five
children: John, of Aurora, .Oregon,
Ada Rathbun, of Myrtle, Creek;.
Lena Zeohle. -of , ; Minjieanolis,
Aiinu.; Fred, of Roseburg, and Ha-
zel Johnson, or Woodburu..
!:Jrr. and Mrs. GluroA: Led en
tertained at a very charming six
o'clock dinner -party at their
home in Salem Sunday evening to
compliment Senator and Mrs. 'C.
W. Clark, of Roseburg. .i-
Covers were placed at a beauti
fully appointed' tuhlo for Senator
and Airs. Clark, guests of honor,
O. I). Adnnis, director for tlie state
vocational education, and Airs. Ad
ama, E. A. Taylor. . deputy state
file marshal, and Mrs. Taylor; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McElhinny, for
mer Roseburg residents: Dr.
Bruce Titus, assistant health doc
tor of Alarion county, and Afrs. Ti
tus, and the host and hostess, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee.
Airs. Lee Is well known in Rose
burg. She was formerly Miss
Phyllis Tisdale.
The Nortbside Sunshine club
was very pleasantly entertained
by Mrs. Dewey Kruse at the beau
tiful home of Mrs. Bert Krnsc
Thursday afternoon.
At the tea hour lovely refresh
ments were served to Afrs. T. J.
Wriston. Airs. B. F. Chllson. Airs.
William Fisher, Mrs. Nicholas An
drnleff. Mrs. I,. W. Ingels, Mrs. E.
P. Bullou. Airs. Glenn Cox. Mrs.
Alary Prlncen, Mrs. nilrland. Mrs.
Bert Kruse. Vrs. George Mur
sters and Airs. Alargaret Pender
grass. The next meeting will be held
Alarch !) at the N. R. Fisher home
at Kelley's Korner. with Airs. E.
P. Ballon as hostess. Aleinbers
have been asked to bring their
bingo prizes to the meeting.
Mrs. P. T. BulW was a most
gracious hostess Friday aricrnoon,
when she entertained her bridge
club at a charming one o'clock
luncheon at her beautiful home on
East Lane street. Carnations and
narcissi formed a pretty motif for
the table.
Covers were placed for Mrs. W.
.T. Olmscheid. a guest, and Mrs.
T. II. Ness. Airs. C. W. Wright
Airs. S. c. I.apham. Airs. S. J
Shoemaker. Airs. I). IL Morgan
Airs. H. s. Black and the hostess.
Airs. Bubar.
Contract bridge was enjoved
during the nfternoon with Mrs.
Olmscheid receiving the guest
prize and Airs. Wright the high
score club prize.
Airs. Karl Wisner very gracious
ly entertained her knitting club
at her home Thursday evening
Following the social hour Airs.
Wisner served delicious refresh
ments to Mrs. Ferrotl lies, guest
and Mrs. O. M. lies. Mrs. Owen
Walker. Airs. Marshall Pengra.
Mrs. Harry Sandqulst. Airs. Gor
don Bennett, and Mrs. Ficil Har-Sis.
One of the most outstanding soc
ial events of the year was the
American Legion auxiliary annual
benefit tea for the Roseburg Public
library held at two o clock Monday
alternoon in the Civic room of
the Hotel Umpqua. The affair
proved to be the most successful
financially ever held by the Unit
and was one of the most charming
and delightful social events of the
Mrs, Walter Fisher, junior past
president of the auxiliary, is being
highly complimented for her unus
ually fine management of the par
ly as general chairman. She was
assisted on the general commit,
tee as hostesses by the past presi
dents of Umpnua Unit Including
Mrs. E. B. Stewart, Mrs, C. E. Wim
berly, Mrs. Guy Cordon, Mrs. Clin
ton Uortny. Mrs. Clair K. Allen
Mrs. George Caskey, Mrs. J. A.
Fulcher, Airs. H. C. cnurcn, -Mrs.
Rov Young. Mrs. Dora Ritzman,
Mrs. Thomas Parkinson, Miss Pearl
Jones, Mrs. Ned Nixon, Mrs.
George Wharton and Mrs. Harry .
Mrs. Victor J. Mlcelll. president
of the Unit, and Mrs. tleorge Ura-
palls, wife of the Commander or tne
ost, assisted tne past presiueino
as hostesses.
The nrogram was on of the most
enjoyable ever presented in Rose
burg and was l'n charge of Mrs.
George Caskey and Mrs. Roy O.
Young with Mrs, Clair li. Alien ao
music chairman.
rhnrai rloh trio numbers were
sung by Mrs. Paul Geddes. Mrs.
Hugh Whinnle and Mis. -riai-rie
Booth with Mrs. Clyde Carstens as
acehmoaniKt. Mrs. W. J. uiuih-
chled eave a very Interesting talk
on Eidac, rollowed- by tho charm
ing French comedy may. Kosane,
by Max Mauey and transiaiea or
Rm-rett H. Clark, which was pre
sented by Miss Helen Cnseyi ns the
maid: Airs. Harris Eiiswonu m
Mrs. Bol, and Mrs. M. R. Richards
as Mr. Bol. The play, presented
hv three of Roseburg s most out
standing entertainers, was greatly
enjoyed and received long applause
from the deiignteu auoieuce.
Mr. Ilarrv F. Hatrteiu ano rars
Thomas Parkinson were chairmen
of the refreshments and the tea
table ' was in charge of Mrs. George
Wharton, Mrs. Ned Dixon and Mrs.
ni-nnriwftv. Din-inn the tea hour,
Mrs. Clyde Beard played beautiful
piano' selections. '
The tea table, carrying out the
blue and gold auxiliary colors, wus
exquisitely arranged for the occas
ion, with a gold ceuopnane ciovu
over a yellow foundation: Gorg-
emis daffodils and bright blue can
dies graced the center' of the table,
while white pottery flower circles
of violets were placed, at the tahle
corners. Airs. G. V. Wimberly and
Mas. C. E. Roberts, library board
members, and Mrs. W. P. Harris
and Mrs Harris Ellsworth, wives of
board members, alternated in pour
ing ! . :,;
An Interesting visitor at the tea
was Louise Palmer Weber, famous
radio speaker from Portland, wno
nntoved v sltlnci with former KOe
hunt tr ends.. Mrs: weoen was in
Roseburg! for the, purpose bt being
guest speaker the following day at
the Koseourg woman s ciuu, :
The Shell Oil company employees
and the r v ves entertatnea at a
very delightful six-thirty o'clock no-
host supper ana reception m um
ira Knann home in Laurelwood
Alonday evening to honor Mr. and
Mi's. Pete Newbill, new Shell man
ager and his wife. ,
Lovelv bbhniieW ' of carnations
were attractively arranged for the
occasion and covers were placed
lor Mr. and Mrs. Newbill, guests oi
honor, Air. and Airs. u. A. Mariei,
Air. and Airs. John weatnerioro,
Mi- and Mrs. Lvnn Beckley. Air.
and Airs. George Wilcox, Mr. and
Mrs. William Lltell. Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Stearns and Mr. and Mis.
Ira Knapp.
A nleasant . social evening oi
games rollowed the supper hour.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bewley en
tertained at a very enjoyable one
thirty o'clock dinner at their home
Sunday to honor the miter's father,
S. S. Bolsinger, on nis seveniy
lourth birthday anniversary.
A beautiful cake, lighten oy sev
enty-four candles, centered the ta
ble, which was prettily oecoraiea
in tho George Washington motif.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. Bolsinger, Air. and Airs.
Dale Bolsinger and son and daugh
ter. Air. and Mrs. L. Kohlhagen, Sr.,
and Air. and Airs. James Bewley
and son and daughter.
Gifts wero presented to Air. tioi-
slnirer and in the afternoon
friends called to congratulate him
and visiting was enjoyed.
B. F. Shields was honored ut a
ielightful two o'clock dinner at his
home Sunday, the occasion mark
ing his birthday anniversary. A
lovely birthday cake graced tho ta
ble, which was centered by a bowl
of heather and Chinese lilies.
Covers were placed for Air. and
Airs. B. F. Shields. , Air. and Airs.
Henrv Worlhlngton and Franklyn
Wlckham. . Visiting was enjoyed
during the arternoon.'
The Knights or Pythias and the
Pythian Sisters enjoyed a delight
ful six-thirty o'clock potluck sup
per w edncsday evening nt the hall
with Mr. and Airs. C. T. Tipton
as chairman.
Following the slipper rive tables
ol cards and Chinese checkers were
in play. Airs. D. N. BusenliarR won
the ladies high score card prize
and George Jones winning the
men's prize and Miss Pearl Jones
winning the traveling prize.
The next meeting will be held
tlie evening of Mano Stli.
Late books just received this
past week at the Roseburg Public
Library include the following:
Man Tvho Killed Lincoln by Phil
ip Van Doren. The story of Lin
coln's death contains all the ele
ments of drama and the men en
volved in it were as strange a group
of characters as were ever assem
bled in history's stage. The story
of the chief conspirator. John
Wilkes Booth, is a tale' of a night
of terror during which a whole na
tion was paralyzed; of the greatest
man hunt in history. And it is a
story as exciting as any adventure
yarn and as blood curdling as any
murder mystery.
Vagabond Voyaging by Larrjr
Nixon Is one of the most tantalizing
travel books ever written. It not
only makes you want to start off
for the other side of the world, but
makes it look as if there were no
reason why you shouldn't.
Inside Red China by Nym wales.
For over four months, from May to
September, 1937, Nym Wales lived
in Yen an. tho Soviet capital. There
she came to know personally nearly
all the leaders of the Chinese revol
ution. She lived as the Chinese
communists themselves lived; she
shared their shelter, their food,
their lives. Written with a weaitn
of humor and incident, this is a
great story, and an amazing piece
of journalism.
Rats in the Lamer uy joacnim
Joesten. Exploding the popular
conception of a Utopian Scandina
via. The author shows how the
Nazis have already attained eco
nomic and military dominance in
peaceful little Denmark.
An Atlas 01 current Allans,
1939 edition, by J. K. Horrabin con
tains thirty-three new maps and
has been completely revised to ac
count for all recent developments
In Czechoslovakia. Austria, Spain,
the Mediterranean, Palestine, South
America and elsewhere.
The Phillimlnes Our problem or
Forty Years by Major William H.
Anderson. The Philippines havo
received full Independence, to take
place lu 1946; now the fear of Ju
lian has caused tlie Filipinos to
abandon their old cry for immediate
independence. Propaganda is be
ing turned on congress and the ad
ministration, pleading for a real
istic leaxnnilnutlon of the independ
ence question and begging tne
American government to continue.
Its costly rule. The Philippines and
the Far East are truly a live topic
Consultation Room uy rretieric
Loomis. M. D. contains his person
al memories and experiences und
onllv has something new and dif
ferent for readers who enjoy medi-
u gynccotogis and obstetrician. Ob
cal autobiographies. Dr. Loomis is
vlouslv bv a man with., his spec
ialty must have had some remark
able -and dramatic experiences. Dr.
LooihisMias had more than his
share, and bo withholds nothing in
the telling of his story.
Grudge Mountain by Albert pay-
son Terhune. Again Mr. Terhuno
has proved himself a muster or ro
muntic adventure, und has painted,
a portrait of a dog which stands
with his best. ' , .
Next to My Heart by Helen Tup
ping Miller. This is the story ot
Kathle OHara and the live men
In her life, rour who foil desperate
ly in love with her. -.
The Other Brother by Clarissa
Falrchild Cushinun. A1rs. Gush
man is at her best in describing
life in a college town. Warm under
standing brings this story of young
romance into the realm ol real
Unforgottoii ! Years by l-iogan
Pearsall Smith. .The memoirs ot
an expatriate who left his American
Quaker background for Oxford and
other places in England. His leis
urely life has been preoccupied
with literature, and one of his pur
suits is the unearthing of rare
manuscripts in English country
houses. Polished writing, mellow
and cultured in tone, with pleusaut
eminlscences of literary figures.
and a defense of expatriates.
The James by Blair Nlles. One
of the Rivers of America series.
The narrative begins with tho ar-
ival of three small vessels sail
ing up tlie "Old Muddy Joems,"
and lundlng a group of ventures
on Jamestown island. There tho
drama of Pocahontas and Captain
John Smith was played, and plan
tations wero early established a-
long the river banks.
Do you ever read showmen's re
views which say of a new film.
'Previewod at the John Doe theu-
ter to an audience which mani
fested great enthusiasm"? At lust
some Roseburg dramatists have
caught the idea ot letting ua, who
live in n "suburb," preview a play
destined to entertain town people.
Friday uight we saw ."Rosalie," and
wo are happy to root lor Aliss
Helen Casey. Airs. AL R. Richards
und Mrs. Harris Ellsworth, who
presented the amnsing skit very
ably tor our pleasure. As a prelude
we heurd a young man w ith a big.
broad, well modulated voice, sing
familiar ballads, and a young wom
an, who touched every one of tho
Pianos eignty-eignt keys, play
more charmingly than many radio
artists who hroadenst their accom
plishments. Tho dance numbers by
some very young, and very win
sonic, pupils of the Jenklns-Uiissell
studio delighted everyone by their
delicacy and grace.
Alonday evening our nlctiirc
how was "Service Deluxe." a com
edy which demonstrated that un ef-
itcient. and apparently independ
ent, successful business woman
may at heart long for a stronger
ooiiioer on wntcn to lean.
Tuesday evening broimbt us an
other bingo party sponsored by the
insaliled American Veterans of the
World War. and their auxiliary.
This organization is always gen
erous lu spending Its funds for our
entertainment, and we imfeignedly
enjoy every date of their company.
The auxiliary to the Veterans ot
(Continued on page 3.).