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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1939)
SEVEN t mm ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUG. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1939. mm For Your Convenience These DduclM Caantr aterea will lake aal Ada tea (a Siewa-Havtewi CUUIH'I MARKET Satkailla STEARNS CHB.NOWa.Ta Oaklaa STONAKUU UHIH1 CO, Yaaealla MeDUNAUU tTORB Blkton BRBAKO'S OUDK STORE) . GUSa L B. NICHOLS Brackwar BOWELL'S STOIIB) Teamlle B. R. niCUTKR CO. Camaa Valley ELUyU.V HIUSOIT Dlllard REVKOI.D9 ADAH9 Myrtle Crack UHADSTRKUT'S Kiddle HKNNINGER'S ' ' Canroavllle HINNINGiK'S Glendale DATS CHUEK STORE) Dara Creek Toe above atom will aeoept ada and payment for tuem. Juat tell the merchant Hated abovel "1 want to put an ad iu the ftena-ltevleiv" aad he will take care of all the detalla for yon. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First insertion, per wora2o pach subsequent Insertion per Word to One week, per word . One month, per line - Hlnlmum charge . to -1.00 .250 Copy tor this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the day ol publication. The News-IleTlew assumes no responsibility for and In no way guarantees the financial responsl- . billty or Integrity of the advertls ers in the classified columns. Readers are urged to make full in vestigation before sending money ' In response to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. To get In touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Bos so and so, care News-Review," It la necessary to write them. The News-Re view doesn't know who they ere, either. LivMlocfc WANTED Within next two weeks, 200 head of pigs, weigh ing from 40 to 75 pounds. J. A. Rhoads, Says Creek. FOIl SALE One O. I. C. boar, 9 months old. Also 2 young sows, bred. P. P. Sullivan, Umpqua park road. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, freshen soon. Third calf. Mrs, E. Untfhe, Sutheillu. FOR SALE Young Jersey cow. Will freshen soon. W. G. Paul, S. Deer creek. WANTED Fat bogs and feeder pigs. J. A. Rhoads, 406 Beach St, Ashland. - For Sale MiaceHaneous AUCTION MONDAY, February 27, at Engle and Scbricker Auction Market on Highway 99, north ot Roseburg. consisting ot : 15 horses, ranging from S to 12 years, all good workers. These horseB are consigned by Tim Dery. He has sold horses at dif ferent times at Roseburg the past 8 years. All horses guaran teed as represented. There will be 60 to 70 head ot weaner pigs and shoats, brood sows. One ex tra good Duroc Jersey boar. . Cows Rhode island Red chick ens carrots prunes, turnips, potatoes, cabbage, Somo farm machinery and furniture. Bring in what you have to sell. We will have buyers for anything of val ue. Make this your market. If we satisfy you will soil hero ugaln. Sule starts at 11:30. Lunch serv ed at Market. Barnes and Schricker, Auctioneers. DELCO plant, heavy marine bat-1 teries. Excellent condition. Cost S7uu, sacrifice bargain, Jio. L. t: Thompson, Umpqua. Rentals Real Estate WILL give away female fox terrier. House pet. 223 E. Lane, evenings. YOUNG Jersey milk cow and calf for sale. Deer Park Inn. WANTED Dressed hogs and veal. RoBeburg Poultry Co. FOR SALE 8 weaner pigs. M. Morris, Lmiard. L. Cold Storage Lockers. Owen's MkU Help Wanted WANTED salesman with tire ex perience for outside selling. Must have references as to ability anil honesty. Cull 702 for appointment. FOR SALE Olympic wood or coui range, almost new, in first class condition. Extra large fire box. ' Price ' $-15.00. Inquire Alba Spaugh's garage or phone 153-J. GLASS, GLASS If in need of glass for your cur come .in. We cut and grind to the right size at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 523 North Main Street. MOLD your figure in the modern mode. Kathorine-K foundation garments. Mrs. Ellen Gut-nee, phene 747 for appointments. FOR SALE Building lumber, wholesale prices. Also 16-18 inch mill wood, $3.50 a loud. Come and get it. Dlllard Planing Mill. WANTED Experienced electric appliance salesman. Cult In per ' son. Montgomery Ward Co. Automobiles OLDSMOB1LE Good running con ditionfor $60.00, at the Rose burg Garage. MONARCH electric range; boy's bicycle; both slightly used; fine condition. Make offer. 830 So. Main. ICE CREAM Vanilla quart, 25c. Pints (any flavor), 15c. SULLI VAN'S CAFE, Perkins Bldg., 211 West Cass street. ZENITH console radio for sale or trade for cow. 826 Fullarton. USED davenports and chairs. Mon arch ranges, electric ranges, 'di nette set, ' bedroom set, rockers. Josse Furniture Co. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room du ple. 411 East Douglas, l'hone 179-R . JAMESWAY brooder, nearly new. Will take $14.50. A.-E. -Davison, Oakland, Oregon. SHAKES, several M, priced for quick sale. Lyle E. Robertson, Tenmile, Oregon. FOR SALE 12-foot glass show case, or will trade for 6-foot case. Grimm's Grocery. Delicious homemude pios. Sulli van's Cafe. 211 W. Cass street. PORTABLE gas sawmill and tim ber. Box 533, c-o News-Review. Miscellaneous BOSWELL Mineral Springs Hotel, now open under new manage ment Now is the time to take those mineral baths you thave been wanting. Winter rates,' now only fifteen dollars per week for board, room and buth. Minora! baths per week $2.50. Rooms per week $3.00 and up. Mrs. Emily Ward, manager. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered daily. Umpqua Dairy, Phone 38. Roseburg By-Products Co., phone 52-F-12. , Business Opportunities TANNERY and Taxidermy for aalo. Fully equipped and must bo'sold at a sacrifice. Douglas Creditors Association, Roseburg, Ore. Hay and Grain FINE stem, leufy, green second and third cutting alfalfa. A. H. Marsh. Wllhur-Garden Valley road, RoBeburg. SMALL bouse, $12 per mouth. 314 So. Stephens St. Coen Lumber Co. 6-ROOM nouse and furnished apartments. 404 North Jacksou. Kohlhagen Apartments, modern. Phone 550. FEDERAL Land Bank farms. In quire at the National Farm Loan orrice, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. Bldg., Roseburg. WILL sell Ideal camp ground to - cation in Rosebnrg at reasonable price. Answer Box 540, o-o News-Review. Strictly FOR RENT 5-room house with garage. 326 Fullerton. COZY 2-room apartment, furnished. 806 Winchester. FURNISHED 2-room apartment. 112 Utockway. NINE-ROOM house, close In. Phono 661-L. Wanted SADDLE pony for children. State age, weight and price. Must be gentle. Write Box No. 539, co News-Review. GOOD cheap horse, also young Dur ham bull for sale. Box 537, c o News-Review. ' RELIABLE couple wishes to lease summer home ror six months. Box 631, c o Nows-Revlew. YOUNG mil ii wants ride with re sponsible party to Detroit. Will share expenses anil driving. Ref erences, l'hone 175. POULTRY FOR SALE or let on shares to re sponsible party 10 extra fine turkey hens, gobbler. D. U. Boone. FOR high class dairy farms and sheep ranches. See J. S. Barton, Realtor, Coquille, Oregon. Fuel 12", 14", 16". OH) growth fir. Spe cial price this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, Camus Valley. GET your wood at Roseburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-lucb . and 4-foot FOR HALE Clear, old growth fir wood. Inquire Mrs. Buker, Camas Valley. Trade 31 PONT1AC sedan, for hay, grain or cash. J. Dobbelaere, Route 2, Box S I. Chiropractor Scientific equipment, NCM & X-Itay. Dr. Scofleld, Perkins bldg. Dentistry Dr O. W. Marshall, Med. A. Bldg FOR SALE White Leghorn baby cockerels, February 21 and 25. Phono 17F3. Geoigo W. Burt. Work Wanted PAINTINU, imper huLitfUiK. deco rating. Will take livestock ami poultry. E. G. Griffith, Elkton. The second of a sorlee oC county wide livestock meetings hponsored by the 4-H Livestock clubs will bo held in the circuit court room or the courthouse in Kosehurg Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Ac FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Meow By Merrill Blotter Vab riiOKi'T- get "that Job on ACCOUNT" OF irUR REFLEIMG ,To play Jazz AND TOU CANT FEED DANCERS MUSIC M 7 rv music f Sorry, vThis e what plpr!F That stuff doesnt go f maybe so , Bur sue wears r ; SUE , BUT A Tt-IEY .WANT Wfrxl SO A THESE DAYS J TWE FIRST I THE SAME FACE DURING 1UB DAY L X'VE MADE UP) LIFE PEP WHAT THING TOU KNOW, SHE'LL BE V THAT SHE GETS UP WITH IN) T MY MIND ' JZ KNOW WHAT . ? A TEACHING YOU THE MINUET ; V "THE MOWNIN Yl . HUade -wu change! Wx-Lyx she's out-moded; ,1 v . t Bbbi W?"fr j? . -jC '' . T 1 9L I II I ' C- EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Dons 8EE AN EXPERT The firms and Individuals listed below specialize In their work. Sea them for expert aervlcea. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 S. Mulo St. AUTO ELECTRICAL 8ERVICE W. K. Brown, 121 N. Steph. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spaugh's Garage. 234 W. Oak atrcet. Phone 303. Bartley & Faucher, 125 Mo. Boas. 1'u. 438. BLACKSMITH E. E. Woodcock, 51S N. Main.. CAR WASHING Al Newman, 121 N, Stephens St. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIP.INQ Hoaeburg Electric Phone 123. FLUE CLEANING J. C. Bewley. Phone 163. GENERAL SAW FILING . Howard Caaeuuer, 646 Fowler St LOCKSMITH Pacitic Key Ser. 222 W. Oak SL RADIO SERVICING Lund's Radio Service. Phone 132-J. UPHOL8TERING Gomes Upbl. & Matt Shop. Ph. 161. REFRIGERATION 8ERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-1 8HEET METAL WORK Sinnlger'8,,444 N. Jackaon St. TIRE RETREADING Healy'a, 121 N. Stephens. Ph. 104. TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 823 No. Main Bl Phone 682-J. WELDING Esbg. Welding Works, 609 N. Main. WATCH REPAIRING Alvin Knudtaon, 103 N. Jackson St, BEAUTY SALONS Faye'a Salon ot Beauty. Complets beauty service. Ph. 211. 126 W, Cass St. Pearl Rawhouser, Mgr. Allison's Beauty Shop. Phone 384. PAINTING KAL80 MINING Herman Schulze. Phone 2F41. cording to K. A. Rrlttou, club agent, O, R Mlkcsell, county club agent of Linn county,' bus been secured to speak on selection, focdlng and management, prepar ing for show and showing of hogs. He will also answer questions re garding Ills subject. , In addition to Mr, Mlkesell's part of the program, somo good lilms on livestock will be shown. There will be one on Jersey cnt tie, one on Guernsey cattle, and a brand new one on the shearing ot sheep. The sheep shearing film has been prepared by a manu facturer of shearing equipment will show all details. For those who care to remain lute, a Bcenic picture will lie shown at the close of the meeting. u -. . This meeting, as nre all other 4-H meetings, Is upen to all per sons Interested In the production of livestock. Many atlults were present at the meeting last mouth, and It is hoped they will continue to come in. HYR A NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE WHy ARE WE GOIUG KS( LOOK, WUMBSKULL-THE W, TO THE BASEMENT- K LIWEU BOOM HAS NO W AND WHAT WAS rV, WIMOOWS-THE DOOR, fi THAT TALK ABOUT 2 IS LOCKED -THE OWW fi -IS BY THIS LAUNOOy LIFT J NOW DO VOL) GET IT? I'LL JUST CUT THIS CORD. AL MOST BUT NOT ALL THE WAV THROUGH WOW.' A DROP OF IS FEET WOULD ee cjuite an r ACCIDENT r-1 On the Outside k BUT WHAT ABOUT THE KID: AIN'T SHE LIABLE TO By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll PTTffiTaaBlB n v w Him a it I ) ( THAT'S THE REAL RUB, Bf THIS IS THE PLACE ALL RIGHT- I B KID: AIN'T SHE . ' COUUT-LOOKSLIKEWE'LLlI WONDER WHAT'S THE BEST , LIABLE TO I HAVE TD WORK FAST NOW-2J t WAY TO COWTACT MyRA--?' V I , BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES How When Where? By Edgar Martin COT.OOK)'T X ? I , S THf,UV. VOO f 1 66t-THWW VOO, WKiOW UOWAT X'O WfOH DOKt SV VOO HAOMT COME. 6CAtO bTPF VOO OOlKiG SAWE. f WVEVi 00 VOO voo vAP9,ti to v ' 1 VOO Tooid 6V OOT Or1 MV MOOTrt - -y BY MA SERVICE, 2 U. T. I Kit r i X WASH TUBBS The Chance He Was Waiting For By Roy Crane TAKE A tAEMO TO ROWDEM SPLEWDIX. WW DEAR ROVUDEN. I HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO UNDER ST AMD THAT WASH TUBBS kHASBEENPLACED IN VCUR CHARGE... J 3 9 f :J ...WHICH MEAWS THAT YOU RE BOSS, CONFOUND IT, AND NOT WW. yOU'RE TO STOP RUHNIUS HIS ERPAMOS VOO'RE TO STOP HiS IMPERTINENCE. VCUPE TO MAKE HIM WORK AND WOCKUKE BLAIES! SISNED. WITH KINDEST i RESAS0S, 3.RM. I3S n-wavjem HOT TJ06! fl8 - N JUST WHAT ; . I IUB BEEKi I 1 . m'jmm BUT, ROWDV; I BIN HEBE , SINCE TJAWU.' I 60TTA we WITH CAROL TONIGHT. l S0RRV,0LX TOP, BUT THE OLT) MANS RAISING CAIU VOU D BETTER STICK AMOWa AND BURN A LITTLE MID NIGHT OIL T E SLOES EXPENSES WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. (AP) The house amiromiiillons com mittee, which sturtod nn economy drlvo thlH year by whittling down rreHldent Roosevelts relief pro posal, continued the campaign to day by lopping $27,926,138 oft hlB estimates for the treasury - and poBtofilce departments.-' The committee recommended J 1,700. 471,361 to operate both de partments for the yoar starting July 1. Despite the reduction, the total was J197.029.290 greater than tho sum provided for tho current year. Most ot the saving wiis accom plished by cutting 120,000,000 off the 600,000,U()0 requested for tho social security old-age reserve fund. The' committee explained the reduction was attributable to "what wo regard as an excessive estimate of tho nmount of receipts from taxes to be reallied durlpg mo next usual yoar." MORALS CHARGES- FACED 1?Y TWO MEN MEDl'XIRD, Feb. 21. (AP) Two indictments, charging Gor don A. Hare, Central Point dairy man, and Roy F. Jonos, Central Point grocer, with alleged unmen tionable offenses involving Cen tral Point youths, were, returned by the Jackson coiiuty grand Jury lato Thursday. Bonds were fixed at J1000 each. , "TO-DAY'S- rrrrrrirTTTi SDCaA.l 1933 CHEVROLET LWB12T. TRUCK Just till) tliliiK for K'neri, haul lim. llu 12 fuut ruck iwaily tu KO to work. Uuutl tlrus. St-e this lipforo you buy. , COftK Km ay . lurina ipfiOO "SI" DILLARD MOTOI COMPANY J. H. LEONQ 32 Years Experience Yick So Herb Co. Our natural remedies will give you the , satisfaction in case others failed you be fore. Avoid operations by our reme-. dies for stomach, liver, kidneys, blad der, rheumatism, piles, glands, urinary, eczema and ulcer of stomach. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily' Kohlhagen Bldg. 132 North Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon Hold Everything! , - -r .. ..---. - . - .. .. (ema con, w ty wcsmvicc. inc. "Now remember. Philip is a itelieiitc liim c.Nccpt iu sell' child, so you inusn't det'euse,'!. -