EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW," ROSEfeUG. OREGON, SATURDAY; FEBRUARY 18, 1939. Society (Continued from pase 3) Francisco people wojld be inter ested to see it. BADOURA CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL COSTUME PARTY AND DINNER A very eharminK r-ostmno and Valentine party was enjoyed at a Kix-thlrty oVlool; iir-irisLHB dlnner by thu Hudoum club, DuUKbters nl" the Nile Tuesday evening at the attractive home of Mrs, A. J. YouiiE on Hint street. Tho Valentino uiotir was beau llhlliy curried out in tbe decora- lions arid covei-H wore placed tor Mrs. Albert .Mleelll. president, Mrs. O. It. Hales, Mrs. William Jleil, Mrs. Will il. Uerrotsnn. Mrs. Lor inn W. Jordan, Mrs. II. It. Edwards, Mrs. ('ikoi-ku II. Smith, memliers. Mis. .Marllonalil and Mrs. George K. Qiilne, Kilesls, and ttiu hostess, Airs. YounK. A dflbtftil social evenlnc fol lowed tho dinner hour. Tho next im-ellng will be a no-hostess one o'clock luncheon March 14 at tho homo or Mrs. (ieome li. Smith in tbe Hotel Hose. FRIDAY BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED AT OSBORN HOME AT LUNCHEON A bowl of lovely violets graced (he attractively appointed table used yesterday by Mrs. Grant Oh born, when Klin entertained her brldiio club at a uharinins one o'clock luncheon at her homo in Lnin-elwood. Covers wort! placed for Mrs. J. !'. IIIMard, Mrs. K. A. I'ost, Mrs. I.. W. MetZKer, Mrs. 10. II. MelZKcr, Ml'B. W. M. Mcliuehern, Mrs. A. li. Tavlor, Mrs. II. 0. Stearns anil the hoHless, Mrs. Oslmrn. Contract bridKo was the diver sion of tho enjoyable afternoon hours with Mrs. Dlllard winninK hlflh score und Mrs. 10. U. Met.Kcr, sctrond IiIkIi score. MRS. P. M. LEE IS HOSTESS TO CLUB AT CHARMING LUNCHEON Mrs. P. M. Loo entertained her bridge ciuh at a charming one o'clock Mutcbenn nt tbe Hotel l.n:p-ua r'rld ty i.ftcrnco l. Covers v.-ere placed at a prelllly appointed table for Mrs. Ilarley Siiieliis, of I'ortland, Mrs. (,'lalr K. Allen, J?rs. !. li. Wade, Mrs. Ivan PlcUens, Mia. Chester Moikiiii, Mrs. I), li. llubar, Mrs. U 10. McCllntock, Miss Helen Casey and the hostess, Mrs. Lee. ' KollowlUK tbo luncheon tbo group went to the l.eo home on JCiihI IlotiicluH street for contract bridao, HIkIi scoro for the utter- noon's play was won by Shields. Mrs. P.-T. A. ACTIVITIES IN DOUGLAS COUNTY Denson IkuiHon IVP.A. has tinnoinicod an unusually fitio proiirani to cole- hrato FihiihIoi-'b May at 7:110 o'clock next Monday ovt'iihiK, February 20th, at llin HchoolliouKc, lo whicli menibprs, IrlcndB und patrons are connnlly invited to enjoy. ltalph and Karl KarlliiKcr and r. It. .Mliankllu will play accordltta, guitar and violin trio numbers, fol lowed by deinhlful readhiKH. sunns and dance nilinbeiH to be presented by tbn elilldren ol tho ttcnool. Airs. It. H. Mercer, who was a deleato from tbo Itosebui'K 1VT.A.. at the recently held home economics con- inreuce in Corvallls, will he pres ent and kIvo u inlk on tbo confer cuce, SludenlH of IleiiHou Hchool are thn.mntbi-H'i...il .(...) mil lo next Monday evenings meeting, as tbo room having the greatest percent- (ii r.r ... niu .ii nut iii-ni'i'iim win win tbo dollar prize. Kefreshments ' will be served at the close or tbe program. Special Meeting Held A tipeclal nieelfiig of tbo llnnson 1VT.A. was culled hy tbe president, Mrs. Carl 10. ltoselund. Tuesday, at which time Mr.. Hazel hytlo, l'ouglas county school nurse, gave a l ii I R on tiimini7.utlim ami child heiillh. followed by a fine talk by 10. A. Mrttton, l)em;las county 411 club leader, on tbo many projects nvailable In bis work lo boys and girls. Preceding tho meeting tea was nerved to the members and to gucstH. who included tbe moibcrs or next year's first grade pupils. Fullerton Members and friends of Fuller Ion school gathered Wednesday evening lo observe I he forty-second birthday anniversary of tbe national congress of parents and teachers, and also to celebrate (beiV twenty-sixth anniversary. Charter membera present were Judge and Mrs. It. W. Marsters. Mrs. Foster Hulner and Mr. and Mrs, Koblimgeu, Sr. Pasl presi dents, who were guests of honor, wero introduced, each responding with a short talk, alter which they wero presenled wllb a corsage of colorful flowers. Those honored wore Mrs. Foster Mulner. Mrs. L. Kohlbageu, Br., Mrs. I,. A. Wells, Mrs. A. 11. Taylor. Mrs. 10. A. Mill ton and Miri, II. II. Carter, Airs. Clyde Carslens presided over n short business session with Mrs. Ilarrio Mooth as secretary. Iteports were given by committee chairmen. A motion carried for a penny drill for the Mclwiugbliu fund. Tho school operetta was an nounced for March, with tbe fol lowing cominltteo in charge of tbe candy sale: Mrs. Melon Darby, chairman, Mit If. 11. Turner. Mrs. Chrysler-Plymouth Denier 1935 Dodge Sedan 1934 Plymouth Sedan UTNE BROS. ' Rose Garage It's Spoon For President, L. It. IT I I i Its k W $4.' 't'4'ht& I iw 'l4lf if, W. 7JI (Mi r-z jr. -a -. ! "twjotwbbb A Tronsuro Inland souvenir silver spoon direct from the Cali fornia World'tt Fair site, was mailed to President Roosevelt by Tanya Wldrin, who Is pictured affixing the mailing tag. The upturn was sent to the White House by the designer, and there wltt shown to the President's guests. On the spoon is tht Tower of the Sun with the Uiy 'tilJge In the background. And There Were No Parts Left Looks toiiRh enough oven if you weren't blindfolded. Just 49 sec onds after this picture was taken. Cadet John Fonda of Valley Forgo (Pa.) Military Academy had completely assembled the automatic revolver, setting new record. Pnmilri fllbliR. Mrs. U Ashwortb. 'f Ml'",'ial W Klv- " " ' lt; ;' 'i.o . 0 " 1110 1 county ,ll'tn,ll' ""iftwneo In Corvallls. Fho suliieel of her talk was "some of our iu I'Ichh fears." Mrs. Har old Mellows announced the pro gram lor March which would bo particularly for pre school moth ers who are to be guests at tho meeting. The attendance prize was won by Miss Kbreevo's room. Judge It. W. Marsters. guest spetiker. gave an Interesting bis- tnry of Fullerlon V.-T. A., after which a lovely program was pro- Homed by Mrs. Hugh Whipple, con sisting of a piano selection by Mrs. Paul (ieddes and three numbers by tbe Klwauis quartette, accom panied by Mrs. Ceddes. The qimr lelie. Wailer Fisher, Paul tleddes. It. I.. Whipple and Franklyn Vnyt. sang "Long. Long Ago," "Quilting Party." and as an en core. "What's the matter wllb IV T. A." A beautiful caudle lighting cere mony followed wllb Miss limit Swtnuey llgbiiiiK the candles on the targe anniversary cake center ing a beaulirully appointed table. Two large red tapers were Hinted Tor tbe national and state organi zations. A white candle was light ed iu memory of Mrs. Frank SiaT fanson . Tbe cake was cul by Mrs. II. M. Carter with .Mrs. I,. Kohl bageu Sr.. and Mrs. Foster Mot her pouiitiK. A very delightful so cial hour followed. MELROSE H. E. CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY Tbe Melrose grange home econ mules elnb will entertain the Sv. Roseburg Undertaking Co. Etabll,htd 1901 M. E. RfTTER, Managar Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 600 Llcerued Lady Oak and Kane 61a, Embatmer a bur f . t A- ' ' f II 1 moil valley, West Melrose and Kl garoso Comfort clubs at a 12:30 politick luncheon meet Wednes day at tbo ball. Those attending bavo been asked to bring n cover ed dish for the luncheon and their own table service. Tbe var ious clubs attending will take part with one or more numbers of tbe afternoon's program, which will lie in charge of .Mrs. James Conn. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES . ENJOY THURSDAY AT THE CLUB HOUSE Contract bridge was played by tbo ladies of tho Koscburg Country club Thursday morning at tho club bouse wllb Mrs. Arthur H. Mount-; ford winning tbe high score prize and Mrs. J. H. MounLforU winning second high score. ! Potluck luncheon was served at noon to Mrs. Walter Fisher, can- lain, Mrs. Frank Coon, Mrs. 1m K, Fles. Mrs. Krnest Pearson, Mrs. W. 15. Oil, Mrs. Ii. M. Van Noss, Mrs. Kenneth W. Kinney, Mrs. Arthur H. Mou tit ford, Mrs. J. It. Mount ford, Mrs. II. T. Hansen, Mrs. W. M. McKachern, Mrs. 10. J. Rodgers, Mrs. J. 10. Marks, Mrs. M. J. Coram, Mrs. J. F. Dlllard, Mrs. h. TO. Me Cllnlock, Mrs. S. C. L.uphuin, Mrs. J. M. .lurid, Mrs. W. T. Peters, Mrs. M. C. Mowkor. members, and Mrs. Victor Pettersen. a guest. Diirlmr the afternoon the mem bers enjoyed playing golf. Next week tbe contract bridge play will open at 0:30 a. m. Thursday at tbe nitihhmiuo followed bv l-:.m pol lack luncheon and If the weather permits, golfing will be enjoyed m tbe afternoon. UNITED WORKERS CLASS HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING Th United Workers Sunday school class of the First Christ ina church held a most Interesting meeting Friday afternoon at tlw home of Mrs. lOdlth Ackert on Winchester street. Tho president, Mrs. Minnie Noyer, conducted tbe business session. Mrs. Malinda Oderkirk bad charge of the devo tions and tbe program was pre senled by Mrs, Mable Taylor. At tbo tea hour Mrs. Ackert served lovely refreshments to Mrs. Al fred Nell, Mrs. Win. Fisher, Mrs. Mollle Moffltt. Mrs. Paul Mlaskey. Mrs. Anna Carson, Mrs. iOninm Troub, Mrs. F. 1. Perry,. Mrs. Min nie Noyer, Mrs. Annie Abel. Mrs. Kllen Dawson. Mrs. L. ,V. Ingels, Mrs. Lillle Plaster. Mrs. Mable Taylor. Mrs. II. F. Snyder, Mrs. Kllzabetb Itose. Mrs. II. I-. Hud son, and Mrs. Malinda Oderkirk. o MRS. J. A. HART IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB AT LUNCHEON A beautiful lace cloth, centered by a gorgeous pink azalea and tall lighted pink tapers, was used Tuesday, when Mrs. J. A. Hart very graciously entertained her bridge club at a charming 1 :30 o'clock luncheon at her attractive home on South Stephens street. Covers were arranged for Mrs. tllenn Owen and Mrs. L. I. Wim borly, guests, and M rs. M. H. Mnucy, Mrs. Frank Iong. Mrs. Adrian Fisher, Mrs. Phil Harth. Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacber, Mrs. Harold Whlttock and tbe hostess, Mrs. Hart. High score for tbe afternoon's contract bridge play was won by Mrs. Fisher with Mrs. Long win ning second high and Mrs. Harth winning thp traveling prize. LIBRARY BENEFIT TEA TO BE CHARGING AFFAIR AT UMPQUA H.OTEL MONDAY Onn of the 'moHt ' interesting? eventK nf the year will be the American Legion auxiliary bene fit leu fur the JlnsebnrK . Public library at two o'clock next Mon day afternoon In the Civic room of the Hotel Umpqua. ' to which the public has been cordially invited lo attend. The proceeds of the affair will be used to purchase new books on Americanism and citizenship for the unit shelf at tho HosehurB library. Mrs. Walter Fisher, Junior pnst president of the auxiliary, Is Ren eral chalrmun with the past nresl dents as hostesses including Mrs. K. II. Stewart, Mrs. C. K. Wlmber- ly, Mrs. fitly Cordon. Mrs. Clin' ton Cjorthy .Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs. (ieorK'e C'askey, Mrs. J. A. Kulcher, Mrs. H. C. Church, Mrs. Hoy O. Young, iirs. Dora Itltzmun. Mrs. Thomas Parkinson. Miss Pearl Jones, Mrs., ' Ned Dlxoii Mrs. George Wharton and Mrs, Harry '. Hatfield. Mrs. V. J. Ml- relll, president, and Mrs. George Trnpnlls, wife of the commander of the post, will assist. A spring-time motif has been planned by Mrs. George WharUin Mrs. Ned Dixon and .Airs. Ilroail- wuy for the tea table decorations. which will carry out the auxiliary colors of blue and gold. Members of the lihrary board and wives of tlie board members ,hnve been Invited to pour during the tea hoiu'. ui niucn interest is the pro gram, which has been arrange by Mrs. Clair K. Allen, in charge or the music, and Mrs. Roy O. Young and Mrs. George Caskey. The pro gram will include a short talk on Kldac and a delightful one-act comedy "Rosalie," to be present ed by Miss Helen Casey, Mrs. M. It. Itichnrils and Mrs. Harris Ells worth. The comedy is a French pluy written by Max Maurey anil translated by Barrett H, Clark, and promises to he one of the most Interesting and enjoyable comedies to be presented here. Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield nnd Mrs. Thomas Parkinson are joint chairmen of the . refreshment committee. KEYSTONE CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL POTLUCK SUPPER FRIDAY NIGHT The Keystone club members, their husbands and the members of Mrs. S. Haynor Smith's Sun day school class, enjoyed ' u''ilo llglitful 6:30 o'clock potluck sup per Inst evening at the Methodist ICpiscopnl church parlors. Covers were placed for 35. Two benullflllly decorated and lighted birthday enkes were presented to Mrs. S. Haynor Smith nnd Mrs. Dorothy Chase Hunt in honor of their birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. George Churchill had charge of the delightful social evening, which rollowed tho pot luck supper, GLENGARY SEWING CLUD MEETS WEDNESDAY , fllengury Sowing club met nt the home of Mrs. D. C. Mc- Ghohey Wednesday. Sewing und visiting were enjoyed nnd at Inn ten hour delicious refreshments wero served lo Mrs. F. I. Dells. Mrs. Nellie McGinnis, Mrs. M. M. Cooper, Mis. W. M. llerdlne. Mrs. W. Prodi. Mrs. Glasscock and daugliler, Mrs. McDowell. iMrs. A. ('. McGhchey and son. Mrs. :A. G. McGhehey, Miss Myrtle Mc Ghehey, Mrs. Peter Durch, Mrs. llertha Taylor and daughter, Mrs. James Hooten, Mrs. Lucas. .Mrs. C. II. Muiison, Mrs. A. H. Marsh, Mrs. Fred Long, Mrs. John Mc Clure, Mrs. J. A. Vernon nnd the hostess, rs. D. C. McGhehey. VALENTINE DANCE IS CHARMING! AFFAIR OF FRIDAY EVENING A vory charming nffair of the week whs the Valentine dancing parly sponsored by the ladles of the Hosuburg Country club last evening nt tho ulubhouse. A largo numbiu' of members nnd rriends enjoyed the colorful affair. llt'lght rod hearts and red stream ers were used to carry out the Val entine motif In tho ballroom. Mrs. Kenneth Qulno was general chair man of the affair and was assisted hy Mrs. E. S. McClaln, Mis. 1). J. Corum, Mrs. U K. Fles, Mrs. 10. Pearson nnd Mrs. M. C. Howker. MELROSE GRANGE TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The regulnr meeting of Melrose grange will follow the 6:30 o'clock potluck supper at the hall next Tuesday evening, Feb'iary 21, to which ull members are requested to attend. A program in chnrgo of tlie officers will follow tbe business meeting. SWIM DANCE Enjoy your fav orite recreation RICHARDSON SPRINGS BUTTE CO. CAUF. Take Highway 99E to Chif o Ue.- PVd Htflhwiytt) MfflMf Trir tt tuch a variety o( recreational opportunikioa hore thai, no mattor whal you prefer, you can't b disappointed. Accommodation to (it tvory butieta aaJ attract HaatVt4 CetUoa. T)ta Famous Mineral Watort are Free NURSES ASSOCIATION HAS INTERESTING DINNER MEETING AT UMPQUA HOTEL District No. 11, A. N. A., gave a very interesting - seven - thirty' o'clock dinner Wednesday evening at the Hotel Umpqua for members anil friends. Miss Anne McDermoiL presided over the meeting, A color scheme of red and white was effectively carried out with red tapers, bouquet pf red and white carnations und individual favors. ' Dr. Kenneth W. Kinney, member of tho Veterans Administration Fa cility medical staif, gave an infrr- sting and instructive talk on the subject of "History of Mental Nursing." Other entertainment for the af fair consisted of a song, "A lirown Hlrd," by Miss Alice llenneberger; group Blnglng accompanied by .Miss. Evelyn Breckenrldge: vocal numbers, "Without a Song," and "Kollin' Plains," by Millard Mag nus, accompanied by .Miss Dolores Cacy. Covers were placed for Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Marsters, -Mrs. 1. H. Ille gel, Mrs. Mae llenneberger, Mrs. Pearl Chidester, Mrs. A. 11. Cacy, .Mis. J. A. Kulcher, Mrs. N. J. Smith, Mrs. Hugh Hitchle. Jr.. Mrs. K. H. Verrell, Mrs. F. Thiel, Mrs. K. Gnrhart, Mrs. Adeline Powe, Mrs. E. A. Post. Mrs. Hazel Lytle, .Mrs. Marry Barrett, Mrs. A. Coen- enboi-'r, Mrs. D. Lemmon, Mrs. O. F. Luchterhand, Mrs. K. Rose; Mm. V. Keel, Mrs. Dowman, Millard Magnus, Miss Dorcas Chidester, MIsb Edna Hendry, Miss Mildred Johnson, Miss Catherine Faucher; .Miss Larson, Miss Marguerite Fenerstein, Miss Anne AlcDermott, .Miss l-.'Blher Finch, Miss Alice! Henneberger, Miss Evelyn Ilreek- enrlilge. Miss Dolores Cacy, Miss Anne Martinjuk, Miss Janet Mof fat, Miss Ruth Squire, Miss Ger trude Dolan, Miss Karen Laurld- sen and Miss Vera Upright. PHYLLIS BECKLEY AND RAYMOND WOOD ARE MARRIED JANUARY 28 Miss Phyllis Eeekley. daughter of Mrs. P. W. Beckley. of Hose- nurg and Raymond Wood, son of .Mrs. Marion V. Wood, of Eugene, were quietly married at eight o'clock the evening of January 28. at the home of the bride east of Roseburg on the Dixonvllle road. Itev.. Linden G. Leavltt. pastor of the First Christian church of this city, performed the ceremony in tho presence of relatives nnd close friends of .the couple. Preceding the impressive cere mony, Mrs. Hugh Whipple sang, "Because," nccompanled by Mrs. ynn Beckley. Following tlie ser vice, a buffet supper was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Wood left for Portland, where they will make their homo in the Claycrest apartments, The bride wore a lulllour of blue pinstripe with a co"sagp of pastel flowers; ; Those ' attending the wedding Included Mrs. P. W. llecklcy, mother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Deo Beckley, of Mnrshfleld, My. und Mrs. Lynn Beckley, Miss LoIb and Charles Beckley, Mrs. Almn Harness, Mrs. Marlon V. Wood' nnd Miss Evelyn Wood, of Eu gene. - - RIVERSDALE GRANGE HAS MEETING FRIDAY Rlversdale grange held n busi ness meeting at 8:15 o'clock last night at the hall with two vis-. Iters and fifty members present. I The door prize for the attendance contest wns won by M. H. Shook. : Mr. Fenton," of Riissollvllle grange, gnve a fine talk on "The Cooperative Store." nnd Dale'. Illakely was a visitor present from j tbe Glide grange. I Tho program included a talk "Don't Re Discouraged" by the lecturer, Wanda- Ware: skit, "George Washington at the Fair,"! bv M. H. Shook. Melvln Pnlm and Harry Burr; rending, "A Little Boy's Hatchet." by Donald Kriisc; I roading, "Lincoln." by Beverly' Kruse; reading. "The Grave of Washington," by Gertrude Jones. I accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth Cloake; address on Lincoln by Rev. S. Rnynor Smith nnd sliiKing of patriotic songs. I itairesiinmnta wei'ei servitd ,ljy Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burr nnd Thelmn and , Neal Broady. The March 3 meeting will be held nt 8:15 o'clock nt tho hall,1 at which time the following com mittee will serve refreshments: I Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Kwens. .Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Helmboldt, Graham 1 Ewens and Leslie Fogel. I t vv NOW-and save 8 a wise bird, and don't dalay ordaring your full wintere wood aupply. You'll save now or you'll pay mora laterl IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ORY WOOD 16" green S3.00 load 4' green $2.00 cord Mill enda 4.50 load Screened Sawdust $2.50 Delivered In City TELEPHONE 282 ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. TRI-SQUARE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED AT 1 CASKEY HOME THURSDAY The Trl-Square Sewing club of ' tfje First Baptist church was de : lifebtfully entertained by Mrs. GernWe - Caskey at her beautiful home'tyi the North Pacific highway Thursday afternoon. Mrs. , Alba Spaugh, president, conducted the business meting with Mrs. J. H. YVolford conducting the devotions. - The members spent the after noon sewing on articles for the bazaar, which will be sponsored by the club in the near future. -At .the tea hour Mrs. Caskey served lovely refreshments nt beau tiful appointed tables, to Mrs. I. 11. Relgel, Mrs. Churles Harris and Mrs. James Wolford, guests, and Mrs. Alba Spaugh, Mrs. It. D. Knlg- ge, Mrs. J. H. Wolford, Mrs. carl Nlckens, Mrs. T. P. Perry, Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, Mrs. Ed Wright, Mrs. N. M. Nelson, Mrs. Wallace Robertson, Mrs. B. B. Irving, Mrs. Charles Poiret, Mrs. Claude Baker, Mrs. Herbert Groves and Mrs. H. W. Anderson. The next meeting of the club will be the arternoon of March 16th at tbe H. W. Anderson home on South Pine street with Mrs. N. M. Nelson in charge of the devotions and Mrs. George CaBkey nnd Mrs. Ed Wright in charge of the pro gram. JUDGE AND MRS. MARSTERS ENTERTAIN AT LOVELY , DINNER PARTY ON SUNDAY. Judge and Mrs. R. W. Marsters entertained at a very lovely one o'clock dinner party at their home on North Jackson street Sunday. The Valentine motif was carried out in the attractive centerpiece and placecards, while tall red tap ers were used to light tile table. Covers were arranged for -Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gustafson und dnuglr ter, Betty, of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedden, of Elkton, and the' host and hostess, Judge and Mrs. Marsters. Visiting was enjoyed dur ing the pleasant afternoon hours. JUDGE AND MRS. BOWKER ENTERTAIN AT CHARMING DINNER PARTY WEDNESDAY Judge and Mrs. Morris C. Bowker entertained at a charming Bix-tliir-ty o'clock dinner party at their lovely home on Claire street Wed nesday evening. Jonquils-and -tall yellow lighted topers graced the table, while the fa-vor placecards carried out a pretty yellow and green motif. Covers were arranged for Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. Wharton, lr. and Mrs. H. O. Pargeter and'-tbe host and hostess, Judge andMrs. Howker. Cards and visitiniT were enjoyed during the pleasant evening hours. ANNETTE CALKINS CELEBRATES 18th , BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY ' Miss Annette Calkins celebrated her eighteenth birthday by inviting a few of her friends to the-home, of her parents, Air. and Mrs, C. U. Calkins on Culkins road, last Tues day evening. A pleasant evening qf ylsltfug nnd playing gumes was dnjoyed and later Airs. Cutkliisras-J slsleil by her daughter, Effle, serv-' Announces TO THE PEOPLE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY ig ed lovely refreshments to Miss Annette. . guest of honor. Miss Gladys Hart, Miss Clarabelle Berg, .Misses Vera and Vivian Dontenico, Miss Corinne Anne Perry, Misses Jean and Marian Cloake and Miss Effle Calkins. MR. AND MRS. NESS ENTERTAIN BRIDGE CLUB AT LOVELY DINNER Mr. and Mrs.'T. H. Ness enter- j tained their bridge club at a very cnarming seven o clock valentine dinner party . at their beautiful home in Laurelwood Wednesday evening. Tulips and Valentine dec orations graced the table. Covers , were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Finlay, Mr. und Mrs. P. T. Hubar, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ltunyan and the host und hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Ness. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing the pleasanl evening hours with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan winning the high score prizes. THIMBLE CLUB HAS MEETING MONDAY The Thimble club met at the home of - Myrtle Norwood Monday with Mrs. Lydia Hooper as hostess. Mrs. Winnie lawn conducted the business meeting, alter which games were enjoyed. Marie He bard and Myrtle Norwood were guests of the' afternoon and mem bers present, were Grace Owen, Launi Hounshell, Malinda Miller, Mary Myers, Lora Darby, Mamie Hudnell, Winnie Hawn, LUHe Lohr, Irene Hebard and ?,ydla Hooper. THE ROSE THEATRE has us been equipped with the latest and best new modern SOUND SYSTEM Opening Today The New WESTERN ELECTRIC MIRROPHONIC Sound System "THE LAST WORD IN EXCELLENCE" ROSE THEATRE I wish to announce that I am the authorized dealer for Mc-Cormick-Deering Tractors and Farm Equipment & Internation al Motor Trucks. Complete Service and Repairs Call and See Us- FetiG, Dealer 527 North Jackson Roseburg, Oregon At the tea hour the hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Norwood, served de licious refreshments, at which time a comic valentine was presented as favors. The next meeting will be February 27 at the home of Mrs. Hudnell. POTLUCK LUNCHEON IS ENJOYED AT FOLTZ HOME A delightful potluck luncheon was enjoyed at the D. E. FolU home Wednesday afternoon. Cov ers were placed at an attractively appointed tuble for Mrs. J. A. Hart. Mrs. U A. Miles. Mrs. It. M. Church, Mrs. E. J. Schrlmpf, Mrs. Donn liadnbaugh, Mrs. Wal lace Robertson nnd Mrs. Foltz. Sewing and visiting were enjoy ed during the afternoon. Rainbow Dairy GRADE A RAW MILK Direct from our farm to you To Start Delivery Phone 14-F-33 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No. Jackson