3 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBUG, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1939. SEVEN For Your Convenience These Diiueln Canity atom will tnke tVant Ada fur thm CLLVKIi'" MiRKBT Sutherlln PTEARNS A CHU.VOWUTQ Oakland 8TONAKKK lHIi3 CO. Yoncalla McDO.NALI) STOHK Klkfoa BEDAKD'9 Umpqog G LID lil STOHB) GHda L B. NICHOLS Brockmr UOWKLL'S STOItS. Ten mile . II. H. UK HTKfl CO. Cnmai Valley ELL1SUN A KLL1SON DHlnrd UBVXOLDH ADAMS 4 BKADSTRKUT'S HlOOIt . nr.NMXiKirs Canroavllle Glcndale DATS CHEKK 8TOHE1 Daya Creek The above Morea will ncerpt ada and iinrmrnt (of them, .liiat tell the merchant limed ubovet "I mint to put an nd In tlie Ncivit-Itcvleur" and be will take care of all the detnlla for you. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 BATE8 First .Inaortlon, per word- -Jo Each subsequent Insertion per word lo One week, per word 6o One month, per line $1.00 Minimum charge 25o Copy tor this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. ol the day ot publication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility for and In no way guarantees the financial .responsi bility or Integrity of the advertis ers in the classified columns. Readers are urged to make full In vestigation before sending money In response to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS i (Tiffin TH aYs whaT MOW DO YOU . LIKE HVlAT? 11111 11 ' flHAT VAAS A FANCY 1 HOslf THINI OF SON6-STfeALERs y : f WE GET OURSELVES ACCUSED 7Vl DEBUTDU WADE ilN At WYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE I URSA - IT LOOKS AS IF THK i IKIURSE DAME IS GIVING US THE OL.' DOUBLE-CROSS.' .I'M FC7. RUBBING HER. r- I fOUT J y 1 ' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES NOW VA)vtWt OND VOGK's - VOOKbOtW W- WE K-OWCtO WASH TUBBS oh! oh, mv .HE'sf 16HTIN61. the idea'. ) vtsa HEAD! MV WOSE.'NfEELIWS a.UD M.1THER OF THE1A J PERSOWAU I FEEL LIKE I BETTER, iSiu" TELL WHV v-- WMTESlJi, A SACK OF NOW. J- BETWEEUTHAT BPOKEN . BUM AND To get in touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box so and so, care NewsReview," it is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who they are, either, IiVMtOck HOUSES FOR SALE One span ot 6-year-old Percheron mares, broke to work; weight 2SU0 pounds; one span ot 4-year-old Percheroa inures, uubroke, 2600 pounds. It. K. Clark, Oukland, Oregon. FOR SALE, cheap Registered St. Bernard, 16 months. Well mark ed and trained. William P. Phil-, lips. Jr., Riddle, Oregon. WANTED Within next, two weeks, 200 head of pigs, weigh ing from 40 to 75 pounds. J. A. Rhonda, Days Creek. FOR SALE Two young Jersey cows, just fresh. Thomas W. Hat field, Route 1, Box 71, Roseburg. South Deer Creek. FOR SALE One O. I. C. hoar, 9 months old. Also 2 young sows, bred. P. P. Sullivan, Umpqua purk road. FOR SALE Fresn grade Jersey und Guernsey cows and heifers. J. L. Aiklns, Riddle, Oregon. FOR SALE, CHEAP Good saddle horse, saddle and bridle. W. N. Hazen, Azalea, Oregon. FOR SALE Three good . heifers, milking, with nice calves. Arb Stearns, Oakland. . ' WANTED Fat hogs and feeder pigs. J. A. Rhoads, . 4P(i Beach St.. Ashland. FOR SALE Team, with or with out wagoii and harness. Mrs. Harvey, Wilbur.- TEAM for sale. $125.00. D. E. Ware, phone 6SF11. Cold Storage Lockers. Owen's Mkt. FRIENDS DOU'T BETOb'AUK-. KEEP AW EVE ON HfcK Tl LL. WE HEAR ft CDkA 1UC Qlrll I CM , TveK-. ?reo'&Kavy TVS. F-1 WORRY FOR SALE Large Jersey. An un usually good family cow. Fresh en in few days. O. A. Rowe, Wilbur. FOR SALE Team of horses, 1300 pounds each, (150.00. H. O. Krohn, Melrose. " . Hay and Grain FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, first and second cutting, $12.00 and 16.00. Harrison Rice, Rice creek. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay in Myr tle Creek. Remlck Fate. FOR SALE Haled oat straw. Reed Kaiup. Umpqua, Oregon. Fuel 12", 14", 10" OLD growth fir. Spe cial pi-Ice this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Charles Roth, Camas Valley. GET your wood at Roseburg Lum per uo. xjry anu green. , lu-incu and 4-foot. Mitceilaheou. NO HUNTING, trespassing or damaging of anything on our property in Umpqua Park. Mrs. McConnell, Roseburg. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered daily. Umpqua Dairy. Phono 38. Roseburg By-Products Co., phone 52-F-12. Work Wanted WANTED Stenographer with gen eral office experience. Box 535, c-o News-Review. WANTED Work any kind by reliable man. . Nats Thomas, Roseburs. Automobile WANTED Call 49F25. Cheap, light coupe. Left ko - sw.'e vavg, too NOW. SEE HERE.VOU YOUWQ WWPPER-SUAPPEBS, I'LL TOLERATE NO MORE OF IT. THERE S GOT TO Be HARMONY IU THE ORSAW- IZAT10M. VOU LL. EITHER. SHAKE HANDS AND BE FEIENDS, OR HAND IK) -1 I MORMIW: EVEBYBODY-WE'REl IS T ZVJljJ " I'VE , s ALL READ FOR. Mi i-i .i ' UU DECIDED TO TAKE DOLLS' . J ( BIJT.MRSO THi STUDioTHrro fill! MVSELF-VOU STAY HOME f REKAP... I J I I ''II V. TIDY UP THE NURSERY - rV00 MrV .1 L-A V r.--- IT LMJ Rentals 5-ROOM. modern house, furnished, basement, uear Rose . school, $27.00. Phone 48F3. , 5-ROOM house, .3 bedrooms, . di nette, garage, garden space, 1101 S. Mill St. FOR RENT Furnished 5-rooni du plex, 411 East Douglas. Inquire. Sirs. Falhe. FURNISHED trout apartment, bed room, private bath, 112 Brock wuy street. HOUSE for rent 622 Mill. Inquire 1001 Corey avenue. Kohlhageu Apurtments. Strictly modern. Phone 550. 6-ROOM bouse and furnished upartments. 404 North Jackson. Wanted FURNISHED ROOM, steam heat, bath. Bell building, 122 South Jackson, opposite Hunt's Indian ' theatre. RELIABLE couple wishes to lease summer home for six months. Box 534, c-o News-Review. CASH for pencil cedar cord wood, near or delivered Rlddlo. T. M. Benedict, Dillard. TWO tier pitch for kindling. E. A. Woodcock, blacksmith. Help Wanted $35 PER week for hustler with car, handle established route busi ness, start immediately. Write P. O. Box 261, Oakland, California. WANTED Responsible family to take caro of home and board . owner on farm. Phono 218. See Fred A. Goff, 122 South Stephens. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes position. Box 632, c-o News-Review. A la Razzberry in Bad Company Hey, Boots coov.a go ovi vwtt Nobody's Satisfied M THAT CASE, SUH, L.A M (THE AFFAIR'S SETTLED ) V'EMX V r- : . J 1939 BY At'C ' " For Sale Miscellaneous ORANGES, ORANGES, ORANGES, just in, $1.45 case; carrots, 4 lbs. 13c; lemons, 15c dozen; lettuce, 6c head; Arizona grapefruit, 35c dozen; large celery, 19c head; onion sets, 3 lbs. 17c; turnips, 3 bunches, 10c. Highway north. Pop Kennedy. FOR SALE Building material of all descriptions. Bricks, roofing, dimension lumber, all sizes. In terior trim, windows, doors, flooring, etc. Anything you may need for remodeling or construct ing new buildings, brooder houses, etc. Apply old soldiers' home grounds in West Roseburg, GLASS, GLASS If in need of glass for your car come lit. We cut and grind to the right size ut Sartf's Auto Wrecking House, 523 North Main Street, FOR SALE Thie hot water in cubators and one hot air Incuba tor, capacity 250-egg each. 859 Miller Btreet. ICE CREAM Vanilla quart, 26c. Pints (any flavor), 15c. SULLI VAN'S CAFE, Perkins Bldg., 211 West Cass street. TOOLS for the spring clean-up. Make gardening easier with tho proper tools. Parslow Hurdware Co. FOR SALE Slightly used electric refrigerator, 8 cubic feet, cheap. Ford Camp, Cunyonvillo. SEEDS Tested garden nnd flower seeds, many new varieties. Pars- low Hardware Co. SINGLE bed, springs. Princess dresser, occasional chair. Doug las hotel, Room 3. MARTIN TRUMPET, gold, value $185.00 $50.00. 302 W. Washing ton. Delicious homcinndo pics. Sulli van's Cafo. 211 W. Cass streot. FOR SALE or feiit oho Watzlg Hatchery. piano. By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll o -J- BUT ILL EVEU. PAPA YOU JUST A 1 1 s- .,r - ' lit FOR SALE French holly, Bi sexual, 6 and 7 year old trees 5 to 8 feet high. Will bear in 3 years. Will contract all produced, 20 cents a pound. Oregon Holly Company, 509 Miner building, Eugene, Oregon. I AM your Sptrella Corsetiere. 1 shall be glad to give you a Free Preview of your figure ... as ad vertised In Good Housekeeping and other national women's mag azines. Mrs. Fred Schwartz. Phono 2S5-R. GOOD team horses, 1 gelding, 1 mare. Weight 3200 pounds. Wag on harness. Plows, discs, good do mestic gas wood saw, lots inci dentals. E. A. Jordan, Myrtle Creek, Onzley road. TRADE or sale Electric sewing machine. White Rotary, like new, for gentle horse broke to ride and work or for other livestock. Tel. 41F3. 540-EOU electric Incubator. Also 1 wheel trailer. Mrs. Rasmussen, - mile out East Douglns. FOR SALE Used electric and wood1 stove brooders. Watzlg Hatchery. Phone 740-J. PORTABLE gas sawmill nnd tim ber. Box 633, c o News-Review. DAVENPORT, good condition, bar gain. Phone 159-R. APPLES P. E. Beaver, mllo south Eilenbower school. Poultry HATCHING, chicken or turkey eggs hatched. Satisfaction as sured. Reasonable. Call any day but Saturday. Arthur Wallen, highway 99, Box 114, Roseburg. FOR SALE Four Barred Rock breeding cockerels. Watzlg Hatchery. Chiropractor Scientific equipment, NCM & X-Ray. Dr. Scofleld, Perkins bldg. By Merrill Blosser I GUESS IT MEANS TUB SAME? THING IM RADIO THAT IT DOES, IN HIQW SOCIBTY .' YOU GUYS CERTAINLY DID COME? OUT - BUT "THE NEXT MOMENT THE DOOR SLAMS SHUT AMD MVE-, FIMDS HEKSEiF ALONE VvTTH " THE COUNT' By Edgar Martin VAitw ,foa ... www V00'.'Wc OO&WTA VAOW.'c SMSt "XrXW "FVR. 'f- . r-r ... - 'i,M-f -- . - - iqif nv Nr stavict. inc. t. m. rcg. u. s. pat. off. By Roy Crane GET A PAH! THAT SKUNK . 1 TllON'T fiFT HALF WAIT.' I THE BEATING HE PEScRvcD. EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Done SEE AN EXPERT . - The firms and Individuals listed below specialize In their work. See them for expert services. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 S. Main St. AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. II. Brown, 121 N. Steph. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spuugh's Oarage. 234 W. Oak street. Phone 303. Bartley & Fanchor, 126 No. Bobs. Ph. 438. BLACKSMITH B. B. Woodcock, 615 N. Main. CAR WASHING Al Newman, 121 N. Stephens St RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Roseburg Electric Phone 123. FLUE CLEANING J. C. Bewley. Pbone 163. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, C4S Fowler SL LOCKSMITH Pnclllo Key Sor. W. Oak St Real Estata BUY NOW. WHY PAY RUNT? 5-roont bath, wood range and hunter, ulco Iot-fl200. $200 down. -rooin houtfO, lot $1100. $100 down. 6 rooms, bath, woodshed, garage, one lot $GG0 cash, Now B-room house on highway . $2200. 'As cash. 4 rooms nnd hnth, largo lot outsldo city limits $1260. 6 rooms lot 76x100 In city, good locution $1800. $300 down. G roomB, slcoping porch, garugo, lot 11x100 $1800. $250 down. 6 rooms nnd bath, two lots, west side, fino soli $1600. Houses with small ncrcugo, close In $1200 jmd up, one at $500. Lots uud acroago. on Uardcn Vul- ley road Just listed. Soe this now. llarguins In farms, everything In Real Estato and Insurance. Fred A. Goff, 122 South Stephens. Pliono 218. ATTENTION FARMERS I will bo ut the Umpqua hotel, RbsOburg, Oregon, from 8:00 p." m. until 0:00 p. m. Kobruury i8th, for tlie' purposo of discussing farm Bales. Easy terms, very rouson nblo interest rates, liberal con tract. Roy W. Nolson, Field Rep resentative Union Central Life Insurance Co. FOR SALE Real eatnto contract, paying monthly, 6 Intorost. Ex cellent security. Small discount for quick sale. $-160.00 total amount required. 0. W. Young & Son, 205 W. Cass St. Phono 417. FEDERAL Land Rank farms, ln quiro nt the National Farm Loan office, DouhIub Co. Abstract Co. Hldg., Roseburg. ., J. H. LEONG 32 Years Experience Hold Everything! tif 2.16 C,1P BY MB 'ICf . INC. "Life litis liccii Hood lo m . , . once in Pittsburgh I was OU'wcd a job but otilside of Hint I've met with nothing but liiii'Jricss," - - UPHOLSTERING Gomes Uphl. & Matt Shop. Ph. 161. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. 8HEET METAL WORK Sinulger's, 444 N. Jackson St TIRE RETREADING Healy's, 121 N. Stephens. Ph. 101, TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 323 No. Main St Phone 682-J. WELDING Rsbg. Welding Works, G09 N. Mala, WATCH REPAIRING Alvln Kriudlson, 103 N. Jackson St BEAUTY 8ALONS Faye's Salon ot Beauty. Complete beauty service. Ph. 211. 125 W, CasB St Pearl Bawhouser, Mgr. Allison's Beauty Shop. Phone 384. PAINTING KALSOMINING Horman Schulze. Phone 2F41, TIM ITER lands for sale 610 acres, 15 million feet fir, 1170 pieces piling; ',4 mile from coun try road. Splendid show for local mill. Will imiko fine stock farm when timber movod. Located Sec. 80, Twp. 29 S. It. 8 W.;.. 3' miles Bouth of Olalla. Cash price $10.00 per acre. A. Harala, 3955 N. Miss. Ave, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE OR LEASE Tho John Hunter homo, -xorner Mosher and Pine.. A fino oppor tunity for high grndo rooming house or upartments. Large home, half acre ot ground, desirable locntlon, . at a prlcu where you can put In several hoiuoH and hnvo a good lncomu. A fow good houses for rent. Fred A. Goff, 122 South Stephens. Phone 218. FOM high class dairy fnrniB and shoep ranches. See J. S. Barton, Realtor, CuqulUe, Oregon. WANTED Small sheep ranch, Borne tillable. Box 631, c-o News Review. Dentin try Dr O. W. Murshall, Mod. A. Uldg. DRIVER EXAMS IN ROSEBURG DATED Examinations of applicants for Penults nnd licenses to drlvo auto, mobiles will be held TuoBday and mobiles -will be held Tuesday, Feb. 21, at tlie courthouse in Roseburg, it wus uiinouiicoil today from the office of the secretary of stato. The tests will be conducted by Glenn Hown, examiner for the southern Oregon district. Yick So Herb Co, Our nntural remedies will give you tho satisfaction in case others failed you be fore. Avoid operations by our reme dies for stomach, liver, kidneys, blad der, rheumatism, piles, glands, urinary, eczema and ulcer of stomach. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily Kohlhagen Bidg. 132 North Jaokson St., Roseburg, Oregon