TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUG, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1939. FAMILY RIFT HIT MIT'S 11 ' PORTLAND. Feb. 15. (AP) Duo t lug from the scriptiiren to Il lustrate what lie considered au "exhibition of imbrotlierly greed end obstinacy," Federal Judge Mc- Culloch granted John Ludwh? Tim- xnermann, a Umatilla county wheat j-ancher, un opportunity today to eave hliiiuelr and his laud from ''financial iratrfclde." In a written decision involving a forclosiire of a mortem', Kniest. H'lmmerinunn, held on John's land, the judge commented: "It appears affectionate and provident parents toft two broth ers. John Tinitnermauii, the debt or herein, and Krnust Timmor- )nann, a, body of valuable wheat jand, out apparently lilt Jo brother Jy affection was Included in the parental Heritage lor now jonn claims that Ernest linn borrowed $12,000 on the properly which Ernest inherited from the common parents for the sole purposes of acquiring and foreclosing the mort gage of $10,500 which John is uu ubie at tills time to pay off In full on his share of the family estate." "Like Abel, whom Cnln slew fwhen they were In the field," the Judge continued, "Jolm, In this case, has been stricken from a quarter where men normally mny expect support, sympathy und at fectlotmto cooperation, (liven a reasonable opportunity to arrange Ills affairs the debtor can without doubt save himself from the finan cial fratricide with which he is Jiow threatened.' Judgo AlcCulloch adopted n com frfssioner'ti ruport which dismissed nnd halted all other creditors uu 111 further order. DETflOIT, Feb. Ki (AI) Wil liam L. Finley, of Portland, Ore., told members of tho National Wild- Jiie lederatlou hero today dams, Intllt without adequate regard for IWildllle resources, weio threstnn Jug the west const ilshlng ludus- The wlldfirri federation hegnns Hi. bnuual nfeetiing after the adjourn ment yesterday of the fourth North American wlldlll'o conference. - Finley, vice-president or tao fed trillion, assorted "the ' bus In of Yreulth of our country Is in lis re sources In land and water." "Our tUlzoiiH should realize," ho continued, "the gradual and con llnous diminution of the runs ol J'aeitir. Mihnon in the cons In I wat jrrH ol Calllornla, Oregon und Wash Jngton. Hulinon runs In tho Kacra inwilo river, formerly a groat mil inon strnMin, are on the point of ilncil disappearance hnciuiHo of (ho large number ot dams on the tribu taries and the present building of i new fiOO-foot dam that blocks the ppper reaches of this stream. Thls comes from the allotment jht federal funds, and plans of army engineers which do not Include re Search and study of our wildlife resources. A similar project is the construction of (he tirand Coulee itlam on the Columbia river, (he greatest salmon hi ream In the Jivorki, und many oilier proposed projects oil (he western livers. " Finley said proper llshwiiys were lull ll In the Itonnevllle dnm miles drom the mouth of the Columbia bailor a long Unlit" and "(he huh Iuhh of these flshways Is now used lis a nation -wide example dams do pot interfero with I he fish runs." "Very Hide publicity is given to Iho fact salmon runs that puss on above (tonne vtllo are completely blocked by tho concrete blorltudn at Grand Coulee," he said. "It is to '1h r.mi feel high with no thought of buy flshways. Tho salmon runs are trapped half wiiy between Itohne llle and (iraml Coulee, londed in Hunks on trucks and motored up to jWonatcheo and other streiims In iho hope, of eliuimlug the natural linbits of IIu'ku ilsh." WASHINGTON, l-'eb. If.. (AIM Senator Johnson (it,. Caltf.) call ing lor an above-board foreign pol icy, said loday any war "will be loiight by the common people who ;vill have to do Ihe dying" tmd not ijjy (ho president. . .Johnson accused t'resldenl ltooso Velt's adininistraliou of rnndiictim: lorelgn policy "clandestinely" and of resenting efforts of (hose who Irled to ohtiilu facts nboitt recent cules of, military planes to Cnmce. Tho ' veteran Califonilati Hiiid ,'tinme supporlers ot tho administra tion 'foreign policy contended It vus one of "blurting." My bluffing, lie nddeil, theto persons are Iiopo 'JTuI of preventing war. "There should bo no bluffing on tout tors concerning thu lives ot iw people," Johnson declared. "The people of the land have a Hht to know whuther they are being led into war. There Is no Jvay (o excuse this secrecy." The Cnlirornhin said he thoucht Iho senate military committee should make puhlte the full record "of its recent heariUL's on (lie Kreneh jduno purchases. Tho committee recently voted against suvu n course. SERVICE STATION , . OPERATOR ROBBED i , ASTOKIA, Feb. M. f un - A . fnblier bound and guimed l.loyd . 'J.luvilli-. owner of tho Caanoa Jii'Hf'li .limilimi BoiUrtj Million, lui-t fight ml disked Ills lioikels of 'JOHNSON SCORES FQHEIGiM POLICY Drug Wakens His Memory Stnto hospital officials at Jack son, Miss., hoped the combina tion o a hypnotic drug and a brother and sister would restore amnesia-clouded memory of .William H. Lawrence, above, who has been "Mr. X" tor the last eight years. After his iden tity was established by a brother and sister, Lawrence, under in fluence of drug, recounted his llfo from childhood to 1930, but doctors were not certain he would remember his identity when effects of drug wore off. $5(15. Linville, who lives alone at his home uoJninliiK ilm station. anS' weri'd a knock at the roar door T he rohlxM. who cariici a eun. orl ei-fif Mnvlllo on to a bed, pasted ullieslve tape acrosH his mouth ami yes, tied his hand and strapped his loi;n to tho hed post. Mnvllle. unable to remove the tape fell Into u wator-mieu uitcn w 1 o attempt me to omnia phsiki nneti fnmi a nearby Iokroi's cabin IT. SAI.K.M, Ore., Full. 15. January placuiuents reported to the unem plnyaient noaipensatioll commis sion by tho Oregon employment service were 19 pel coat moro mr morons I linn in December, officials announced. A total ot 3233 Jobs were filled. itosehure. envorinir Douglas coun ty, accnuuted Tor 91, or 2.8 per cent of the Htale total. Oidy 3 1 iter cent of plnceaicnts weal, to, women, whllo vetoraas look 12 per cent of jobs filled by aicn. 1'rlvale placements fell (o 'It per cent, public construction ac counting for the 5 per cent swell In jobs paid for out of the public purse. Lumber manufacturing was second fa the stale. Industrially, wlih per cent of those rolurn- eil to payrollH. Personal services accounted lor (t per cent; agricul ture, ( per cent; govcrutncnlul ser vice, fi per cent, und prlvato con structed!, -I per cent. Astoria showed the greatest Im provement In placeineuls. allliouuli Klamath Falln look second place ucmnii rnrllnnd In tho slalo totals. LAFAYETTE LANE DIES IN CALIFORNIA Word has been received hero by ('anil! Dlsna or the death recently In IMsmn, Un lit"., of I,. I (l.alav- etle) Lane, 72, a native of liimo- iiurg. lie was born In this clly. me son ni the lale I,. F. Jim! Amanila l.ane. Ills lallier was one or tin' slate's leading lawyers, and was at one lime a member of con gress. Ills giaiidlallier, (leneral Joseph i.iine of Mexican war fiiuie, was vi cuna h ni si territorial governor I nce u candidate for the vice- presidency. A builder, Monslgiior Arthur Lime, pastor of All Salnls church III I'oillaad. survives. Itohert Ijine and Kvn Lime -nim r Dlxonville, ami 1'ii'd w, llayues of Itoselnirg townsend'counTcil meets saturday Weary Anderson, of Melrose TowiiHend cluh. president or the Uetliuo County council, has an nounced that an adjourned meet ing of the county council will he held In the Justice court room. Itosehurii, Satunliiv afternoon, Feb ruary IS. nt l:;tn oVIock. LckIsIii live nuitleis of pinthular Interest (o uieinliers of Tounsead luls will he dlseussed hy committees appointed to secure dnta, and by other siienkers. All niemheis of ihe council and others hiercicd are urueil to at tend this meeling, according to Mr. .mlei."on. AVASHl(i' , Veh. 1 1. - (AIM ! Mrs. Sutilie Orr nniihar, Portttiud. Ore., whh uiitued on a commlitee lor the national parole conference to he held here April 17-1S. Attor-l ney i.eueral Murphy announced to day. She is president or (he Ked-j eraiiou of Women's cluhs, Nnricii to t item roits In tlie I'etmty '"iirt of Um Shite el Orciinn f.r l(niti.iw I'miiiiv, In Dim tumo-r ef the rj-talu of Ktl v;.eetli W nlKor. d.-. . .is. t. N,.(M e i- In- t.y KiVi n l!::.t th.- 1 m,i!t'i mi: m-i hii i'v iMii.r nf H,.' ul.tne ( 11 U 1 1, a t .ri d'lly mini.- nii'l .-i'.li.l i.r .t.i ii, Ae!nnhtMi:ittr ,if ,..,( M'i"iim d .. ef i:n an 1 Inn luh- iiu.ilift. .1 .u mi, h. AH 1M'1oiim hiivnttf P 1 :i t 111 f iKJiiiiwt said t-st'ii, aie tu'icl'v r lUti'd tti ei, (hf i ,, (1, ,,,,, Hiif". iKUi'il. ill t Vet II tv'd. :i; 1, ,-aUU n:v lit 11 js-i. k. tHUb-l.3 Countr. Oreifrtn. within lx monfhii friini tht first publication of thin notiee. wheh Id thu 2nd Jny of February, 1WJ. . L E. TUTTKR. AdinlnlKtralor of the Kstum ot K1I xubth 'nllied, deceasftO. otici-: or !ir:nip-i-"( aii.n up hi:. i, i'ituii:iiTV Notlep 1 14 horohy Klvn that ly viiuie of nn 'x-rutfon and M'lfr -f Mitte (hmiiiI out nf tli Circuit Court of the KtuKi of Oregon for DoiikIiik Ciiuiity on the til day of l-'cit-iiinry. lif.'i't, iifon und pursiutnt to :i (i.-eree duly Klven und niiidt- Uy flald court on tlifi llth day nf Peh niiiry. Vr.'.'.t, jn mill Tor tli fore lomiif of ii riloila" lieiiditiK t)n:r-iii in uhlcli i.-ileral I'm m MnrlfaK f"ntior;itlnn. a enriorn tti.ii, was plaintiff, mid .7om-ph K. Thorium, u limin-lor: Joseph K. TliotnaM, n executor of the iunt will and tol;tiiitnt of J, XV. Thomas, de comed. Charity l.udwln and -lotin I 'f lAitiwiK, whone true name is I'a nl I-udw iB-. wfo iiml ho lnnd; laJd .1. Tlioma. a widower: Iuii- I'-l I. KcoiiitllC lift . ine esiau- H Uavid il. Thoinuft. de- xed: ('. it. Snrlniri-r iim.I I .),. I. nprnofer. niicnarid and wire unknown heirs of .!. XV. Thmmu (H'( eaHeij, in, l;nkrifwn heirs of I'HV d -f Tlllllti:iH Heeenun.h ,.,! ftlso nil (, Iot persons or p'ai l let . rn i, liiiniiiiK miy nuiii, i i f state. Hen fir interest In (ho ren HI. -I tH (ll-MCt Ull-ll in til A lier.-in. wT def ndft n t s. which .f"iiiion iiilrl nidi-r t.r rn.ln u-nu t me diifct.-d and conimmid.-d me to h.-ii i f if? property Hereinafter de- w rioed to satlHfy eerlaln IleiiH and iiaiKes in suld deeree Kpe.ifled. I Will, on Mimiliiv. (i.rt yflil, .l,.t- '""I1", ITi.lli, l Ute hour of lei o clock In the for. noon of said dm- It the i-niiil un f t iHi-i'iiurit, I'oiiKiriH i:ouniy. oroffon, offer for sale mid sell (iC puldh uet ion. for eimlt, Puhjeet to re- h'UiPt On iim mnvUlt.,1 l.i- 1.. .t. the rlKht, title mirl Interewt of the h feiiditnts In Kniil Null nnd of ntt ..-ifniin ciaiiniiKf ny, turoUKil e under them or any of them sine M ist day of .March. Ml.'H, In or lo e following desirlhed real prop- The Northeast oimrler f the r I heast nuarter t.r i.. ui v rownshln Thirl v. I U..m I. t Three. WeHt itf the. .neiiriinn: iinn mo .SniiUietiHt fjuar- ""! mm in ine ptouin- wet Ollarter of Heetlon Thirty one; the West half of the Koillii WCHt oiiiiiler nod Iho s'.kiII. tho (junrter of Hectloh I hfr y-t wo, Township Thirty-one 'r.,vr: "'est of Un. W lllatni-tto Merdian. loHenier with all water rlifhts Hid rights in .i!t.-h..u i.. i liiterals. mid rlKhts of wi.v ihere- f'lr. lIPPIlrlelltlMl In ui. I.I neA,iu,.D or iiHed in eonncetlon therewith. In 'ludliKf (huL not limited to) the followlnu: IV 1 1 ll flfrlit l i.. ...... Afendow Creek for tirlKatlou ,.f ll u reti of land an evidenced hv State 'eilllll dated AnrM tun- Vim. .. priority of Heplemlmr 7. MiO.'I; ,xi epunr the following: lleif In ui lit' fit ii ..,(.. i trn North of the SoutheiiHt corner of lion T i rlv-itii.. 'I' w i. i i h Thlity-oiio .South. Itnnue Three hi or the Willamette Meridian t ie Heel on lin,. ). I u ,. t Ions Thirty-one and Tli In e-i ... Iience Norlll L'tr. feet. ( heniV U'eKt l.i fee . hence Mmilli !,-. r..... tlleliin HflHt "If. feel I ii t"l.. ..,.1... Of lleillllJlltf. A If o e vi-enl I ni? frnht ( !,. ,.i deHcilhed html the followii'm: timber upon the foreKolnit descriii- i in ltd, wiin full rlKht. Ion vi and een He to (To linn it 1 1.,. .. with all toKKlnjf apparatus and Lo i eitt ami lotf upon said denerllied i land, and to remove, t herefrom anvl ml nil of l ie Nitiil ii ,. oiceilier wllli full rlnht. leave and license to place saw mill or nnv mlll.H upon said land for the pur pose of sawinn said timber into lumber. Kil noted in I iiiinrliLii I Stale of Oregon: (ovetner Wllh the tenements. HereiM lament h" a ml u noni-i, u lili'I'.MIIlli) tiitloillfltlir or in iim-.H.,, " ' IMIIIK. lulled til h lltli dav ..f ary. i iciji. I'Knrv a i-i.ii SlH'llff of IioilKlas CouiHV. Itreirnn O- XOTICI-J OI- SIIIMtll't-S SAI.M III.' iii'Mii pit(M'i''it'rr Not lee l.t bei-elif ttv,.n 1 1... i Utile of ii ti exeetilliot nn.t ..r fine irsneu out o if (' leu t I'f.nil ttie Mai,, of Oregon for Iouk- Coitnly on fhe lltli dav of bruary. ticni, uon and pursuant a deeree dlllv uU-en uml in-.. I., l.i- said court on the loth dav nf l.'eh- !!::!!. In a woo f.-'tl... r is rn or it i.tnt i -.. i: I la ii It nf Kpiiknne. ti coi norallnn niur ne e et';i! phiiutirr. amt wmiam tiiis- il hiiehiilm- I ,.i....i.-f .1,. " " "'I ami iwitalina de Wnnrd. Moi ikkhh Corpm-n I Inn, it corpora -t'"i: I. Knddv and I. ...ill. tdv. Iiushiiml timi tt-ir.. n . Ko.hly tlllll (iiace Uo.tdv. husbnn.t no win1; ami I la K la ml X.-i Monul III Loan A HHMi-in i in ,. lion, were defendants. ' whl. li ev'e- illiott and oilier of sale was to me Irceled and rnintuamteil ine to sell ie pioperl y hereinafter dcseiih- (i io salisrv certain liens and . i , . f".,,M ' spe. tried. I W ill, on ..mine ti. -,.,1. ...... f March. I !ctt. nt ihe hour .,f i k in the forenoon of said mi i in 1 1 in ri iiou se mint donr toHebiirir. DiitiiihiM i'hi.i.i.- l-eiroti, offer for sale and sell m ttblle itiiction. fur cash, siibtert to ill nn ni I nn n j i..-ii,i.i i... i.. ... "le riht. IIM,- and lnler.t' ..f let'eudiimx I n .. i ... II persons clalmlif liv il.i- i. ....... ,,-, , i.nv oi inem Mine e ii ii:i o reluuarv. I!t:l. iM ,r Ihe following il. scribed ival -I'-rty, lo-wll: totS Se'en l'iel I V':.. ... "to.-k KiKht, IMnt "M" of The Sull ' uind and Water Companv. iini? to the dull ..e.i.'i (lap on file In the olTl.e of the "inly Clerk of liounlas Counlv reuen. ' Sttnate.l In limii.i,, State ,.f Oieitoti. ' Jbeieunlo h. loniiin,- t,r In i,ny- "I'i'criaiiiinir. Cjit. d Ihls I Ith day of l-Yl.ninry, I tMiltt.'V A. AVUltlt, noiiKlas Couiily, drcnoii o . M M1ttlN She Iff N'.i t!; In lb.- Circuit Curt of tin- Kim.. ..f I'numv fur 1 'iUKlan Cmtntv it Hide Kit .pat rick. I'laiuttl f. vs. .lemiln IrfitphMi. the unknown liens or Adrian Volnev l..iiulon. de.e.ised; nHo nit other pel'SnllS 'i parties unknown clalinim: :uiv ;bt. Iltte. esdnte. Inn or Intetcs'l m the real estate dcs.-rilt. .1 In the , mtipiaint heieln. defend. int.. 'fo Ihe aboe li.tuud defendants, id cob nnd all of them. f the State if (io- Yi uml r RICHARDSON SPRING ihc;rs (gS) Offn lh Ideal Vacation for vf' Evry Member ot ihe Family. HEALTH. PLEASURE RECREATION Accommodations to Fit ysry Vacation Budget W iti- K,tnKhnt via S. P. Sa. J r Haaar K.ijni to (ha Dw hereby r( aired to appear and an swer ine compia'nt or prilmirr fil ed uKainst you in the above entitl fil court and cause on or before four weeks from the dale of ihe first publication of this Summons, and If you fall, to bo appear and answer, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to Hie court Tor the re lief demanded in imid cmiplatnt, a sm-clne t nt a lenient of wired i ait ioiiowh: j'or a necreft that plain tiff (s the owner In fee sii;iplo and entitled to ihe possession of the loijdwijjH uescrioeu reui property to-wit: J(t Nimiliftrert Nine (H) of Rlock ?iiiiiiit-red Three id) Clmdwick Addition lo the 'lty of Jtoneburg, i'oiikioh t.ouuty, niuie oi ureffoii. and that the above named defend ants and each and ull of thetti be lorever oarreii or any claim, estate. lien, or interest In and to said rem ptuperty. and that plaintiff's title to said property he forevur ouieted. and liiat plaintiff have hih-H other and further relief as to the court may m-em Just and eou table. This Hummons is served upon you by publication thereof in tho burK Ncws-lteview, pursuant to tho ijiiiit or tne iionoratue uari ti. vt iniricriy, judKe of the above en titled court, which said Order Was made and entered on the lt day of l'iruary. l'J2'J, reoul'rlng the same lo be published for four con seiutive weeks, and fixinte the time for you to appear and answer Pintntirr complaint to bo within four weeks from the date of the fht publication hereof, which la r eoruury Jiiu. j -jj'j. COHIKJ.N & KKOIIANR Attorne vs for I'liiintlff P. O. Atldress, KoseburK. Oreon. .NO'NCIJ OP 1'IXAI, SE'rTI.KME.NT In the County Court of tho State of ureoii i or uoiiKias uouniy. In tlie matler of the estule of Wal ter W L'amubelL deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven that the untiersiifiH-o executor oi tne ial will and testament of Walter VV. Campbell, deceased, has filed! In, tho above, entitled court his final account In sett ement of mild es tnte; ami. hv order . of said court duly made and entered of record, Monday the 27th day of February, i-.'.yj, at ten o ciock a. m in tuo county court room in the court house in I Cose bur a-, Douglas Coun ty, UreKon, lias been fixed as the lime and place for ti carina: objec tions. If any there be, to said fi nal account and fur tho settlement thereof. UUY T. CAAUMJUhU xpculor of the last will and testa ment of Walter VV. Campbell, de ceased. . . XOTICIi OF Slli:itlPI",8 SAI.B OF It HAL, I'ltOI'IOIlTY Notice Is hereby irlvcn that hy virtue of an execution and order of salo Issued out of tlie Circuit Court of the State of Ore bo n for UouurhiH Countv on the fit Ii dav of January, 1'jJiJ, upon and pursuant to a decree amy Kiveii and made by said court on tho 19th day of January, JDaii, in a suit for tlie foreclosure of a mortKnge pend ing therein In which The Federal I .a ud 13a nk of Kpokaue, a corpora tion, was nlulntlff. and John !. Cowan and IVarl M. Cowan, hus band and wife: Airs. Vionu Pyrltss llolierts; and Coos Hay National Kami Joan Association, a corpora tion, were defendants, which exe- lltion und order of huIa umih In nin ilitected and cumuuinded me to noil tlie proper t v hereinafter desert hed to satisfy certain liens and charges In said decrso specified. I Will, on Afiimliiv Ihe 7lli .if. v of Jebruary, jy;ilj. at the hour of II O'clock III the fornnonn of unlil day. at the courthouse front door in iioHOiiurtf, IJoiiK as Count v. Oro- Kon. offer fur saly and sell at puh- tii- aiiciiou, i or casa, suujoct lo le IllOt Ion a.i nrnvliloil lie Ine nil (be liBlit. title and Interest of' the lefendaiits in said suit and of ull liersous claiming hv. tlirouirb or under them or aity of them, since the Itli day of April, jyiK. In or to urn followiiiK described real prop erly, to-wit: I. 'Us Thirteen nnd Fourteen In .Section six. Township Twenty-one, I South of limine Ten, West of the Hlanietto Aferldian; Lot Fourteen1 of Section Tliiriy-one. Township Iwenty, Huutli of ItmiKe Ten. West of the Willamette Alerldlan: and l-ot Two of Section One, in Town ship Twenty-one. South of ltantfe Kleveii. West of tho Willamette Meridian, situated in Douglas Cot i my. Stale of Oregon; Timethor 'with the tenements. lieieditaiiieiitH und appurtenances iheieiuito belong or In anywise ap pertaining; and Together with all water and wa ter rightH used upon or appurteu-; ant to Kaid lauds and however evl- I deuced. j lii''ylUd l'lla "UUl dUy f JllllllIir', i u. . . corcy A. WKIHJ, Sheriff of Dullglns County, Oregon. XOTICK to t ni:i)iToits Iii the County Court of the Ktnto Of Ol-eU-i.ii f,,p lt.,,i.r.,u of !!i !' '! ' Notice hereby I,h given, that Ihe iiidersigiied. by order of thu Coun ty touil of the State of Oregon, Tor hoUKina County, has been ap pointed administratrix of the es tate of Harry IJ. HlvIuuIuii, de ceased. All persons having claims against .said estate hcrehv are no t It led to present the name, verified as reoulred by law, to the ontler slgne. at the offices of Hallmark ti V',1!. s,i .'" ,Iu) "glii8 National Hank Hullding, In Itosebuig. Ooug las touuty, Oregon. within six (i'i months from the date of this notice. I 'a ted Januarv 1!). 19::9. . , , tiitACK i:ccij:ston, Administratrix of tlie estate of Harry It. Kceleston. deceased. MANY, NEVER i SUSPECTi CAUSE OF; BACKACHES I 0$ This Old Treatment Often ?9 Brings Happy Relief M quickly, once they discover that tha real ou oMbnr trouble mar b tired kidneyi. OB Mimryiirfl ctture tcntrl y ol taking th eiccea actdi nd waits out of tht bloiyf. AltMt DDlfl DIM about a nlnf H.w - .1 8 pcunda of waate. KrequDt or leant? paMstn with amartinf nd burning howa there may ha Boinathina rong wtta your fcidnfji or bladder. An aicMa o( tclda or nofiona in ymir Mood; when du to functional kidney disorder, may io iu gi aiging Daraaroe, rheumatl paina, Ig pains, loss of pep and energy, get ting upalgbta, awelling. pullioM under th headachea and dlumeei. Pon t waitl Alt your 1mi..t for Poan'i 1Mb, uaed urfullr by miUioiw fr orer 0 earn They giv happy relief and will help th lo tnllea of kidney tube flush out poisoaoua ! from your bWl. Oat Doan' rtnj KOTIL'H OP HAIR OP REAL 1'ilOrttltTr Not Ire Is hereby jtlven that the undersigned administrator Of the fijtaie of James P. Rrnlth, deceas ed, beinjr duly authorized so to do by an order of the County Court of tlie State of Oregon for Douglas County, will from and after the 17th day of February. 1939. offer for sale and proceed to sell for cash in hand all the rixht, title and Interest which James P. Smith, deceased, had at the time of his death in and to the follow ing described real property, to wit: An undivided one-half Interest In und to: Tlie North half of the Northwest flUifUfr, the North half of tlie Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, the Houtu imlf of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, the Nondeast (j uar ter of the Southeast quarter, of Section 24, Township 23 South. Meridian: also. the Northwest nan ee o rt em oi ine w niainetie quarter or trie Northwest quarter of Heetlon 19, Township 23 bouth, Itange 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, all in Douglas Countv. Oregon. Said sale will be subject to con firmation by the County Court of the State of Oregon fur Douirlas County. ah oners ior said property shnll be made in writing and addressed tu the tinders! Kncd administrator at Oakland, Oregon. uaieu January in, lvjy. HOY KISHER. Administrator of the estate of James P. Smith, deceased. XOTICB OP PIN Af SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of tlie estate of David Oreenleaf Clark, deceased, has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, his final uccount as such administrator and said court lias fixed Saturday, the 18th day of February, 1939, at 10:00 A. M., as the time and the court room nf snld court us the place for hearing objections, If any, to said final account and for the settle ment thereof. Dated January i, BARTON IIKIjMWBLT Administrator of the estate of Da vid Ureemear Clark, deceased. XOTICIJ OF gltKHlFF' SALI3 OP HHAIj IMIOl'MllTV In Hie Cirrnlt Court of tho Mate of Oregon for the County of Doug las. I. oris James Pickett and Francis l.eslle Fickett. Plaintiffs. vs. Marirnret Woodroffc. Nathanel Sherritt Wood ruffe. Rxecutor of tlie Hstato . of James Sherritt Woodroffc, deceased, . Nathaniel Sherritt Woodroffo and Jeraldlno Wood ru f f p. h is w I f e, Mit r i e Dd b -byns, formerly Marie Crow, nnd Arthur Dobbyns, her husband. I less! e Gray Hague. formerly lli-Kfdn Orny Woodroffo nnd lloorgo Hague, her husband, Ia-c Crow nnd Bruce Woodroffo, De fendants. Notice is hereby given that, hy irlue of an execution and order of sain Issued out of the above en titled court In tlie above entitled it use on ttie 1st dnv of Fob mar v. 1 :'!!. pursuant to a judgment and decree made nnd entered In the above entitled cause in favor of Ihe plaintiffs and against tho defend ants herein on the 2lst day of I (Miliary. 1 ).'9. command in it mn iih sheriff to sell the hereinafter de scribed real nromo'tv to NiitlKfv ihr sum of $000.00 With Interest there on at the rate of eight per cent per nniium rrom tne Jth day of November. lHUfi. and tho further sum of $J00.0O allowed as a rea sonable attorneys ree and the fur ther sum .of Sliri.Ol) t-o.itK nnd illw. bursenients In said .mit. ami for llio I'osts and PXltenses incurrnd on the sale f tlie real pruperty herein to be mild, nil In accordance with the mi id judgment and de cree, I will on the - 1 ith t day of .March. i!K!!i, nt tho hour or ten 1 o'clock in the forenoon, it the front door of the courthouse In Rone bur ff. Douglas County, Oregon, of fer for sale and sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real property, to-wit: Beginning al the quarter section corner on the south boundary of Section 33. Township 33 South of flange 8 West of the W. M., thence West 16.81 chains; thence North 1.19 chains; thence North 89 de grees East T.tft chains; thence North 76 degree East 2.15 chains: thence North 70 degrees EaBt 3.65 chain: thenee Kant 3. IS chains: then co South 5.60 chains to the pl.'.u-e of beginning and containing 6.9 acres more or les. I,ess and excepting therefrom one-half acre across the East end of said tract. Also beginning at the Northwest corner of the Barton (Jones) tract of land in Section 4, Township 33 out i. uanee e west ot tne w. ai. thence running East 60 rods thence South to the Northeast cor ner of Lot 20 In Hlock 2 of Clara Addition to (.Herniate, Oronon; thence runnlnfr West 00 rods along; the North line of said Block 2. Clara Addition to the Northwest corner of i,ot 1 BlocK 2 of said Clara Addition: thence North point of beginning. In Douglas i.outity, uregon, containing ii ar-res more or less, all being ultunt ed in the North half of the North east iunrtcr of the Northwest quarter of Section i. Township 2.1 South of Ran Re 6 West of W. M All situated in Douglas County Oreffon. Subject to redemption as pro vided by law. and I will apply the proceeds of such sale, first, to the payment of the costs of snld sale and the costs and disbursements or said suit Including attorney's fees; and, second to the payment ot tne amount chip piaintiifH on ine aforesaid judgment With accrued inti'rest. and. third, the overplus, if any. t Will turn over to the clerk of the above entitled court for the benefit of whomsoever n;ay be en titlrd thereto. Dated and first published Feb ruary 9th, 19.'I3v PERCY A. WKim. Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon. 0- -i XOTICK OF Fir A I SETTLEMENT In tho County Court of the Stnte of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of James 1. Hodges, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the uhdcniigncd executor of tho last will und testament of James U Hodges, deceased, has filed in the above entitled court, hia final ac count In settlement of snld estate; and by order of said court duly made and entered of record, Mon day, the 20th dy of February, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. in tho county court room In the court house, in Itoscburg, Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, haa been fixed as the time and place for hearing objec tions If any there be, to said final account and for the settlement thereof. LUTHER M. HODGES, Executor of the last will and teS' tament of James It Hodges de ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Stnto of Oregon for Douglas County. In the mntter of the estate of Em ma Arnold, deceased. Notleo Ih hereby given, that tlie undersigned, has been appointed a"s administrator of the estate of 10m imi Arnold, deceased, by an order of tho County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, duly made and en tered, on the 8th day of February, ll)3!)r. . All persons arc therefore noti fied, to rt resent their claims, duly verified as hv law renitlred. nl tlw office of R. W. Marsters In tlie' Court Ho u so at Roseburg, Doug-1 las County, Oregon, within six i months from date of this notice. ! Dated and first hiibn.uhrwl ihial 9th day ot February,, UCtfl. ! XV. J. At Kit KDITII, I Administrator of the eatate ofl KmnuL Arnold, deceased. American JUST received from the flourishing Manufactory at Hartford, a few Pieces of superfine BROADCLOTHS, of an excellent quality, which may be had in patterns, at reasonable prices, of GILBERT EVERINGI I AM, No. 44, Water Street both London Smoke and Hartford Grey. Shopkeepers and others, who may want by the piece or package, will please to leave orders with NATHANIEL HAZARD, No. 5 1 , Water Street, Jan. I 2. In January, 1 789, George Washington wanted some broadcloth lor "a suit of cloaths." Scan ning the pages oi the New York Advertiser, he found the above advertisement. So he com missioned his friend, Major General Henry Knox, to purchase the broadcloth for him and send it to Mount Vernon. This is just one of the historical facts that show that George Wash ington was a shrewd buyer and a good business man. A close study of the advertisements in your daily newspaper will help you to buy wisely. Read these offerings of your local merchants carefully. They give you clear, straightforward information that will help you to live better. NOT1CH TO Cn EDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglaa County. In the matter of the estate of A. J. Frisch. deceased. . , . Notice is hereby glyen that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of the above named A. J. Frisch, deceaned. by order of the above entitled court duly made and entered. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the law offices of Cordon & Keohane, In Itosehurg. Douglas County. Oregon, within six months irom me uaie oi mw Hon of this notice. Date of first publication Janu ary 26th, 193. DANIEL P. KEOHANE, Administrator, with the will an nexed of the estate of Ai J Frisch, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING tn the County Court of the State of uregon for uougias toumy. In. tho matter of the eatate of Frederick XV. Schaeffer, de ceased. , Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Frederick W. Schaeffer. deceased, has filed in the above entitled court his flna! account of his administration of said estate, and the Court, by order duly made and entered lias fixed aionday. the 27th day of February. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. as the time, and the County court room In the courthouse at Roseburg. in Douglas County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, if any there be, to said final account or the settlement of said estate. Date of first publication Janu ary 26th, 1939. our CORDON, Administrator of the estate of Frederick W. Schaeffer,. de ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Doug Ins. in the matter of the estate of Ruth Ann Harvey, deceased. Notice Is hereby given thut the undersigned, by order of tho Coun ty Court of the Stat" of Cregon, for t)mta-lni Pnmilv tins hnirn dlllv appointed Kxceutor of the estate ol mini Ann iinrvey, aeceasoa. AH ncrsons havhitr claims agulnst said estate are hereby no- ii iieu io present too same, duly verified as by law cquirnd. to the Junior High BASKETBALL ROSEBURG JUNIOR HIGH vs. MEDFORD JUNIOR HIGH Saturday, February 18th 8:00 Junior High School Gym Preliminary game 7:00 o'clock, 8th grade Roseburg Jr. high vs. 8th grade Edenbower Entertainment between halves Admission 25c; Students 10c Woolens undersigned. Executor, at the law office of Ira B. Riddle, Roam 9 Douglas National Bank Building, Roseburg. Oregon. within six months from the date of this no- iCDated and first published Febru ary 9 ih, 1I39. THOMAS S. HAUVEV, Executor of tlie estate of Ruth Ann Harvey, deceased. .NOTICE TO eitEDITOBS Notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas Coun ty executrix of the last will and testament of Frances Jane How ell, deceased. All persons having claims against tlie estate of said decedent are hereby notified tu present the same to me. properly verified, as required by law, at my residence at No. 232 South Jack son Street, In the City of Rose burg, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated Jnn&ary 19. 1939. MARIETTA KOHUfAGEN. Executrix of the lust will and tes tmiient of Frances Jane Howell. deceased. Ask Doctor About This Idea! Way TO LOSE FAT READ EVERY WORD I Moke up your mind how thnt you'li lose some of that ujrly fat and really enjoy life. No one can blame you if you don t want to take harmful drumi, so on starvation diets and do backbreaklng exercises. No sane woman woutdl And for sensible women like yourself Who rally want to reduce yet don't expect miracles overnight who are willing to faithfully follow a most simple, inexpensive and pleasant 23 day plan, wc Eiiggest thin easy method First of all co linht on fatty foods nnd sweets. Eat plentifully of lean meats, frenh frulla and voffctables. And for proper functioning by removal of .accumulated wastes be aura to take a half tens poo nful of Kruschon in hot water every morning. KrUschen is made right here in U. S. A. from famous English formula. And let's set this straight rlrht now about Kruschen. It Is not harmful. It is NOT just one salt as some people may hrnorantly believe. Look on the box I You'll see It la a blend of i active minerals which when dissolved In water - i similar to the famous medicinal Spa waters where wealthy women have gone for years. A jar of Kruschen costs but a few cents nnd Insta 6 weeks. Get a Jar RIGHT AWAY1 At drucxista everywhere. P. M.