ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUG, OREGON, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1939. i I For Your Convenience Ibvse Dautit County mturm will Inke Want Ad for the Aens-ltvvlt-n-t but her I In BTGAUNS & lllK.MHIETa Ouklanc) stoxakhu intra co. Ysncalla McDO.NALU Vi'OUB Klktoa IlKlJAHlt'S I'muqiia GL1DK STOIIIS UlltU I. B. NIC HOLS Brock nay nowiais nt on a TcmuJIe U. R. HIUUTKK CO. L'n in a Valley ELUiO. A i:i,l,lMJX Dlllard KU:X)l.lh J ADAMS Myrtle t rct-k IIUADSTHHUT'S Kiddle IIE.VMM.KH'S L'nnj-onvlllc UK.MGIJUS Ulendale DAYS CltUUIv STOHB Duym Creek The nbovo ntorev will nrcrpt U and iHtyuivnt for (linn. ,1ut ltll iiie merchant lUtt-d uboei "1 nnut to put an ad In (he ewn-llevlew" ami lie will lake en re ol nil the detail tor you. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 RATES First Insertion, per word 2c p;ich subsequent insertion per word ... i One week, per word flc One month, per line . .1.00 Minimum charge . 2oc f!nn fll tltln rtmm nrtll K - n cepted until H a. in. of the day of publication. The News-Iicvlow assumes no responsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers in the classified columns. Readers are urged to make full In vestigation before sending money In response to advertisements. The Nows-Revlew reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS i-rSIPl W L EtCTV You follow k, The secret of success j vA?i TiTn-ST PrfalA, 7 OH, r GEE .' WHEN A NETWORK YtfP-Z ( IS TO eo THOU AND DO . YOU ABOUT YOU A REAL PEOPLE I. BOY 1 J DO WE SO J PROGRAM AT FIVE f.iJ T DO IT LIKE WISE 3UYS ' ,S WI. 'N E RADIO IN SHADY- V 'J ON, MR. TOMOlSoW ' YOU WW? Wtf V" L ' jT BROADCAST J Yl SONG ! HOME? lf)(f L 'V? VV WCT UW "i V; I ' lsS-f lii jiilg ii'we." t. m. reg, u 5- PAT.orr. " Ii.. V WYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE YOU'SE COMMA BE )' e-fO?.'JTN ti-MSI If LOOKOUT, jfoWdOl oe lr IJ ' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES no HAVJt ettvo 0Rt O WASH TUBBS WELL, WELL. VOL) FIME VOUKJS WEU ARE TO 30IM WcWEE IMDUSTRIES! UOVO LET ME6EE WW AT IS THE BEST WAV FOR VOU TO GET OFP TO A FLY- A IDS 6TART? To get In touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box bo and so, care News-Review," it Is necessary to write thein. The News-Review doesn't know who they are, either, Livestock FOR SALE Oil TRADE Five good young horses, broke to work. Floyd and Virgil Smith, two miles southwest of Wilbur. FOR SALE Two young Jersey cows, just fresh. Thoniiis W. Hat field, Route J, liox 71, Rosebuig. South iJeer Creek. FOR SALE Fresh grade Jersey and Guernsey cows and heifers. J. L. Aikins, Riddle, Oregon. FOR SALE One good O. I. C. boar. Uusenbark iiros., Melrose Route. Phone tiFlIi. FOR SALE Three good heifers, milking, with nk-e calves. Arb Stearns, Oakland. WANTED Fat nogs and feeder pigs. J. A. Rhoads, -Uii lieuch St., Asblund. WANTKI 12011-iiomnl horse thai will work or ride. M. II. Bunnell, I'nipqua. UOOIl Holstein cow. nilw milking. See Win. Strode or call SOS Myr tle Creek. it lll'.SKY pigs, eight weeks old. a I fH.fn each. Norman Kills. Mel rose. WANTED Fat or calmer cattle. Address Uox r,;it, e-o News-lie-' view. HA II1IIT3 lor sale. V. J. Van Ilriesen, Wilbur. 25 WEANER pigs. V. P. Sullivan, Unipqua Park road. FOR SALE Young varmint dog. J. M. Ware, Brockway. ALL kinds ol" rabbits. 1'red Itus sell. Wilbur. FRIENDS Or,WVN'E.-eM Tt -V'& AA MOTTLtO P&LS dKX. WV.V bfttt 60BS VaVill ( AH'1 HAVE "! SEN0 F0R WASTER ROWDEM. HE'Sl fHEy, DIZZY ! THE OLD 26,17, OKAV, SUGAe..MwE'S WAITIWS f AlCV I6REAT SCOTT S.. 1 i-A ALWAVS BFFVJ liru A Anmncn no I Uko wiMT5. jrs I . loo. Ir'CTlCcnnilKT IUTU -rnnac i-"-" ."-"TK YnSiml rrrrrri TUB--- WELL BE tEU6HTD TO SHOW i-r-r -p-- y FIWUSH S0AE STATISTICS. AWO A CAPTAlMy S fl6 HERt- LISTED rn vou Boys the ropes. ' ' Y, p-T-ir easy. hohev, tell the guvnor r r3 S."v -TL ' V V JV'TX V vjA'FULLVS0REy-JUST ' ' '.V mil x giiiAtina' WteMQBaaWta . :. r. .itit, :v.t.-XuJ v " ft v t HORSES FOR SALE One span of 5-year-old Pereheron mares, broke to work, weight 3S00 pounds; one spun of 4-year-old Pereheron mares, unbroke, ;ti"0 pounds. K. R. Clark, Oakland, Oregon. FOR SALE Good young Jersey heifer calf. T. M. W iuniford, Garden Valley. Cold Storage Lockers. Owen's Mkt. Hay and Grain FOR SALE Extra good, first and second cutting ulfaUa. S13.0U, $15.l0 per ton. II. M. Knapp, Gar den Valley, P. O. Wilbur. FoR SALE Haled alfalfa hay, first and second cutting, ?12.UU and $lti.00. Harrison Rice, Rice creek. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, baled, first or second cutting, 12 and ?15. Henry Futo, Hays Creek. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay in Myr tle Creek. Remick Fate. Fuel FOR SALE Shed dry second growth fir wood, round or split, ?2.25 per tier, 3-lier lots. Prompt delivery. li. 11. Penman, Ui'ock way. 12", 14", 18" olAj growtn fir. Spe cial price this month. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Churles Roth, Camas Valley. OUT your mod at lloscburg Lum ber Co. Dry and gieen. 16-Lncb and 4-foot. Help Wanted WANTKI) Klderly man on farm, ilox C(i7, c-o News-llevicw. LAIV lo lielp wilh liousewurk on small farm. Phone liTli. Work Wanted WANTED Work any kind by reliable mun. Nato Thomas, Roseburg. OtP-Ki VOWY V -M'LOOW OJtR TrttRE TO TH' .W ?ORPOtb Rovdy n 3 - ' For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE lluilding luuterial of al) descriptions. Rricks, roofing, dimension lumber, all sizes, in terior trim, windows, doors, flooring, etc. Anything you may need tor remodeling or construct ing new buildings, brooder houses, etc. Apply old soldiers' home grounds in West Rosebuig. ANOTHER truck load of southern California's finest citrus fruit located at city limits on north highway il!). PRODUCE TRI CK has sweet oranges $1.50 PER 1JOX, SUu A HALF. Lemons, lc each. LARGE GRAPEFRUIT, 30c dozen. GLASS, GLASS it In need of glass lor your .car come in. We cut and grind to the right size at Sard's Auto Wrecking House, 623 North Main Street. TO W ATKINS CUSTOMEUS On account of ill health 1 will not call. You may obtain Watkins products at '2& Umpqua avenue the same as usual. FOR SALE Zenith console radio, Moutag circulating heater and White electric cabinet sewing machine. 3L'(i FuMerton street. ICE CREAM Vanilla quart, 25c. Pints (any flavor), 15c. SULLI VAN'S CAFE, Perkins Rldg., 211 West Cass street. FOR SALE Car tractor, good con dition, see Mrs. George Winston, near Evergreen grange hall. FOR SALE 7 weaner 'pigs, milk cow, spring tooth harrow. Ump qua Valley Auction Co. MAIiTIN TRUMPET, wild, value lS5,on S-jO.OU. 302 W. Washing ton. Delicious homemade pies. Sulli van's Cafe. 211 W. Cuss street. Personal ELlZAliETH ALLEN: Contact your relatives in Astoria at In the Clouds Rough Stuff Boys, .' WHAT I AW, I JUST WAMTED TO GRAB A PEEK AT TH' MOVIE KID-AND ODES tl HERE THIS PHONy V WIM&ED WE, Nice Going vpwov a)at: MA.V.'rlNiWK). J I . J lllMWlllJIHIIJHlUI'JUWI.IIJ.ILmJlil- Seems Worked Up Rental 'ROOM modern house, near the Rose school. Also 3-room cabin on Inxonville road. Phone '.KVl'Z. FOR RENT Furnished 5-rooin du plex, -ill East Douglas. Inquire Mrs. Falbe. FURNISHED front apartment, bed room, private bath. 112 Rrock way street. GROUND floor apt. for couple. See Mrs. Strange at antique shop. Kuhlhagen Apartments. Strictly modern. Phone 550. STEAM HEATED bedrooms for rent. Phone 771. FOR KENT Two apartments, '2 and 3 rooms, furnished, tilti Pine. HOARD and room. 133 N. Flint. Miscellaneoufc PUP.LIC curd party by auxiliary, V . F. W. Th u rsday night, S o'clock, February HI. Refresh ments, Prizes. M1.LK, graue a pasteurized or raw. Delivered dally. Umpqua Dai 17 Phone 28. Roseburg Dy-Producu Co., phone 52-F-12. ARUNDEL Piano timer. Ph. 1X9-1 Lost and Found LOST Monday morning, new olive dra b short raincnal , bet ween E. First Ave. and Onk street bridge. Finder please return to 313 E. First Ave., north. LUST Saturday, package contain ing rose knit suit skirt and pair Scholls arches. Finder return to 420 Smith Stephens. Reward. .(1ST I keys on ring. Phone 72S-K. Dentistry UK. O. TV. MnrshML Med. A Rld IS By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll I'D A DOME IT RISHT,TOO,1F IT HADM'T CXJUfJT BEEM FOR THAT LIKE NURSE SPOIL in My aim: 7v LTAXrrRH VtAV'. VO"-V , CV', SA.Y , BooT - M aucCANEER I 'i- & OF PVCt AK.O Wt'Rt VOO'R hOVi V TVN"; A.SiO Real Estate ATTENTION FARMERS I will be at the Unipqua hotel, Roseburg, Oregon, from 3:00 p. in. until 9:0u p. in. February ISth, for the1 purpose' of discussing farm sales. Easy terms, very reason able interest rates, liberal con tract. Hoy W. Nelson, Field Rep resentative, Union Central Life insurance Co. FOR SALE GO acres. AX acres finest of river loam, 25 acres al falfa, peaches, berries, electric ity, small house and barn, joins river, good fishing. Price $10,000. Terms. Chas. Kyes, corner Steph ens and Douglas. WANTED to lease, with option lo buy diversified ranch, about 100 A. Part good bottom land. Near high Heboid. Good improvements, good road. Give price for cash. Will buy stock and equipment. Ilox 529, c-o News-Review. FOR SALE 30 acres, beautifully located on South Umpqua river, I'it miles south of Roseburg. For particulars, write Fred Renner, P. O. Ilox 32, Sausalito, Calif. FEDERAL Laaa Dante farms. In quire at the National Farm Loan office, Douglas Co, Abstract Co. Bldg., Roseburg. FOR SALE 25u-acits ranch. Hig sacrifice. Ilox 52S, c-o News-Re- POULTRY HATCIIINll. ihlekeli or turkey egK hatched. Satisfaction as sured. Reasonable. Call any day but Saturday. Aiihur Wnllen, highway !t!l, Ion 111, Itnschuru:. NEW IIAMI'SIIIUE hahy chicks, day old and week old. Shinu's llalehery. WANTIOD While Leghorn hens. Hosebui'K Poultry Co. By Merrill Blosser. The secret of success TO eo THOU AMD DO LIKE WISE GUYS ; POM'T WORRy ABOUT calliws A TX3CTOR, MRS. REKAF - I'VE PATCHED UP MANY A SCRATCH THl- By Edgar Martin By Roy Crane EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Dons SEE AN EXPERT The firms and individuals listed below specialize in their work. See them for expert services. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUES Tho -SIimiiko Shop. 100 S. Main St. AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. IL Urown, 121 N. Stoph. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba SpuiiKh's (iuruyu. 234 Y Oak street. 1'liono Buiiloy & Fancbov, 125 No. Hose, l'h. 438. BLACKSMITH li. K. Woodcock, 61 i N. Main. CAR WASHING Al NoMiuau, 121 N. Stephens 6L RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Iiooburg Electric. Phono 123. FLUE CLEANING J. C. lluwley. Phono 163, GENERAL SAW, FILING Howard Cusebecr, 6-15 Fowler St. L0CK6MITH Pacific Key Sor. 222 W. Oak SL Automobiles FUK SAI.M l;il Chevrolet pick up, ;;inii.0U. Shorty's Auto Wreck ing, north of city. Wanted YOU need the cusli wo need used farm machinery of all kinds. See us. Farm Machinery Kxchuilge, 711 South StophchH street. ' Chiropractor Scientific uuuipiuent. MUM It i-liuj. Dr. Soofleld, Perkins Uld(. LODGE DIRECTORY F, O. E. Aerie 1497, meets Macca bee hall on Pine street ever) Tuesday eventug at II o'clock Visiting Brothers always wl come. ISAM, McCOY, Pres. 11. B. BCUF1EL.U. Hec. Neighoors of Woodcraft, Lllal Circle, No. 49 Meets on first and third Monday evouings, if I. u. (). F. hall, visiting nolBh boi-s invited to atleud. LYDIA HOOl'KIt, O. N. CYNTHIA UI2RMOND, Clerk. Union tncampment No. U, I. O. O. F, MeetH in Odd Fellows Touipli on 2nd and 4th Wednesday ol each month. Visiting Patrlarchi alwayB welcome. CAUL W. OUMAN, 0. P. A. J. GBDDKS, H. P. RALPH HUSHICLU Scribe. Job's Daughters, imu. ft niiots first aud fourth TuesdayB at 7:30 n in., Musouie Temple. Mastor Ma sons and O. E. S. members al ways welcome. DKLOIIES CASEY, Hon. tjueeu. MARILYN llAltl'HA.M, Hoc. Recorder. J. H. LEONG 32 Years Experience Hold Everything! COP. 1rBT Nit M HVICI. INC, "My rales uic reiisonnlilr, 1 have no education, and 1 .'.uuH.vouut.i)cyuud vcu." " UPHOLSTERING Oomes Uphl. & Matt. Shop. Ph. 161, REFRIGERATION SERVICE li C. Jones. Phone 139-L. SHEET METAL WORK Slnulger's, 444 N. Jackson SL TIRE RETREADING Healj's, 121 N. Stephens. PU. 104. TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 323 No. Main St. Phone 682-J. WELDING Itsbg. Welding Works, 609 N. Main, WATCH REPAIRING Alviu Knudtsou, 103 N. Jackson St, BEAUTY SALONS Faye's Salon of Beauty. Complete) beauty service Ph. 211. 125 W, Cass St. Pearl Bawhouser, Mgr. Allison's Beauty Shop. Phone 38-L PAINTING K ALSO MINING Herman Scuulzo. Phone 2F41. 0. E. 8., Roseburg Chapter No. 8-i Holds Btnted communications o the first and tnlrd Thursdays li eaoh month. All Bojourning Droit) era aud BisterB are.-cordially lr lted to attend. MRS. FRANCES LINTOTT, i W. M. ETHEL WEBB. Sec. Ladles' -Auxiliary to Eagles, Roso burg Aerie, No. 1197 Moets i Muccaboe hall on Lusb street, o second and fourth Tuesday eve nlngs of each mouth, at ti o clock Vlsltir.g sisters in good stondln always welcome. PURL MEREDITH, M. Tros. i ANNA TUOZELU M. Sou. ; DeMolay. 'Chapter Itego lar mooting every aeo oiid and fourth Thurs days at the Masoulg Temple. SCRIBE. W. a. A., Hoseourg neview, No. 11 Holds regular meeungs on see ond and fourth Thursdays al 7:30 p. m. Visiting sisters Invite! to attend reviews. Maccabet ball, Pine and Cass streets. BELLE 8TEPHBNHON, Pres. ' MRS. JESSIE! VINSON, F. Sea MAUD POWERS. Sen TO-DAY'S 1936 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN ThlH riir iiiiH ii Uix inn Jorlty uf lh lriiUir;H t n Iked of uti PJ:t9 inuil.'l vurt. Myitniiii- hrultuH, Hlt-rl luidy, cnii HprliiKs hikI inn ii y otlnTM l hat y. tu make linn imu of iht- lictlcr iim- C7C (Ml i-ill'H I.. cl(MIHti tvom ..P'J "SI" DILLARD MOTOR COMPANY Yick So Herb Co. Our natural remedies will give you the satisfaction in case others failed you be fore. Remedies for stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, rheumatism, piles, glands, urinary, eczema, ulcer of stom uch to avoid operation. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily Kohlhagen Bldg. 132 North Jackson St., Ro6cburg, Oregon