TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, RQSEBUG, OREGON, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1939. Kxnansion ot Industry Is Foreseen by Geologist J. E. Morrison. Tho mining industry in Douglas pomity is duu for Ki'vat expansion duriiiK tho next U-w yean, accnid Iiik to J. 10. MoitIhoii, mining fceolo i;lt of th(i (iiantH I'ans office ul Iho. Hiahs depurtiimnt of Beolojiy and iniiK'ifil industries. Mr. Morrlwm lian hm-n HpeinlinK several days in an Inspection of ijoiiulus rounty mining operations. Five active placer operations now nio funetiotiinK in the Olalla. ilis trii:t, he reports. Last, year there were only two Kiuiits and one drau Jim; In operation by I wo nwn in Iho Olalla district, and were tak ing out only coarse Kohl, lut this year I hern are. tun men working lour Kiitiits and one dia line. t'oiiHideralde juiciest is holng phown in the (Jlalta deposits, lie re jiortrt. One enm-crn lias optioned 000 nrreK of land and must start lest, drilling by April II of this year. Gold from I lie Olalla district is very different, from that of other HectioiiH of Oregon, hcini; very Xin. lie reports. Tho la i Kent hydraulic ojieration In the comity Ik directed at Azalea by John Junlzer. The mine 1h a vnry cnmdHteiif prodncer. "Mining In DoiikIub county Is de rldodly on the upgrade," Mr, Mor rison declared. "Not more than If! properties were listed in the 191 (i report, lint now there aiu more than mo. "Any resilient of the state of Oregon, under the present mining law. is entitled to two free assas each .'Ill-day period. Samples should hn went. Id (hi; n:say laboratory of Urn stato department or geology and mineral Industries at (itants Tas." Hly the Assm:iat.e( I'ress) Hide-and-Seek NKW .TtitlTMN', Conn.-Stanley AiidruMnwiez, is. Is Hetviug ten days .ill jail because he hid his nioUiur'H false, teeth and eye- tfhlNSeH. Mrs. Andiukelwicz (old Police Court. Judge Ilagenrty that her son 'ieveuged" hlniHeir upon her after Him removed Ihntuho of a radio which he pui'slsdeil in playing too loudly. Relative Trouble KNOXVIfd.K. Tenn. Kiriy-four-Veni' old John Itnrnell lestll'led In crliiiluiil court he was the "grnnd lutlier" of Ids own two children. Two months after he divorced Iho children's" mother, he married her mother, thus hecomin.n also his former wile's stepfather. Unmet I. was charged wit h as Kiiult. and battery upon his lirsl wife. Ills Heroin) wife was a wit ness for (he daughter. Jlui nelt ViiH inn Icti.'d. Mail Goes Through TIU-AMOOIC. Ore. II was a Ihousaail to one. hut Mrs. W. S. (,'oates got her letter. I ler mot her. in Auslralia, bail put Mrs. ('oaten' street address on t ho envelope, but no city ni:d '"Oregon". The tenor fanned in Portland. A Vorllaud mall clerk visited hero, inel. Min, ('nates. .1 lis memory flicked. Innocent Bystander T,OS Ai;i:iJ-:S llnlpli Stmiiuci', '11!, was the scene ol a dog light, but be wasn't bitten. He only sill ed a broken collarbone and three broken ribs. Walking along the street, he was idrutk front behind and knocked down. A second later a bulldog ami a police ilm: were scrambling ami snarling over him. Ihs in juries were Ironi the tail. The di i -'I' w ho ia- and lull. ..!.. o, -, : m ak mound th' . ai n lone, line oi tr.iiiic. is iji iver w ho t iiiist s nioi in" lui-hap:; in the opinion oi S J-etai "I State K..i ! i-'Ueli. I! tills dri er t n 'is l lial he lian siitl it i'iU .on he usuaih dra u w ell ahead ! the i ar 1m ilii: d he llo re t . niut; liai k lo tie rihi haiei .lane" nit i ii many i ases he i nub lha' epio.o hum itaMt' lt.iv )e,pi (ii h cieaiam e to sin h an i. -. ptnl :iv is lotted o cut in MPiuVuij ODDITIES , i .. .i i. -i . . ,? A. ilif B " reMaurant. -m, L .v.- Jr IJ;, til the n::ht. Ih.' oJtJri ilih . x lhal eeti llnun:h ih. V h;,-) Ih CUTTCn-INMrtJS AT OAHCCS ' 'i11 i liui. ' 1I ria.hlll.: ilih) IliTIl I'. Ml' Mi;iM ili liMlS u! ill- 11 hujM'S ARC t ti qui "I u P Bf ft ; ws . ,,r i-.niiii; iato t!iv .lilili. ,i tnl a in hii nms. !.. u .in I.I in . i ( I - T- In au.iJlion In I'U'li li't mi; i.r;.iliv '"' " U'irj- ih,'v ""' i t t ' 4 . ..n .n.x.-v.. lull-, an.i iMhn r..:nl 1 1 1 1 i n m i rs l.i !. -I.-I.mI.M in- 1: ki'S- "i!,'tr VM'" ls v!;it'' M'1''' ' .Ulti-r . .11 . !!-"IM Ot IM Ml . . ---- ,!,,m h.-p.-mlu,:- on . ,.-.a VLitKAIN 1 l-ACt 1LK u - " ' H1KS IN PORTLAND V" &f&ZZ- SN Sll,'H W---''- l,::it i'tiii . . i " 1 " " : 1 o! ntiii'i ..(! a tn: h ; in i ; :n n! iOyTTt.R-fNNtRS ON HIGVUVAVS n o . ,i I- li ! 1 1-1 ll i'. : o : r I u i - li.i. !v I 1 1 i I' i . M , 1 It. II (M'l !'. AHU ACCIQLNT- NNAkcC j ut(1 , u. !i,nnt '!n. Will 1 " ' ' ' ' ',n I't'ltt-it - I OH.' ol oiiimui .t.'i omi( t'.io li iM t ri 1 1 Kill -oii. loi.m "i.-'oi;-. h!'l h;-li filling ,M - !i j in hit h lo iii.nn-iiMT in ol ;( l-a-t ni 1!'. aii-l l.M. h-'i a' lloo-r , Clllllli-.: in aliciil ol .inotln-;1 cu how-oiil m n!i..; i; a! o 1 1 n in. i U - M'luml, I'oitl.ilil lor P'j mi Mi" lii:Miu... wlmii ;t- a "'i i y.K-m . f.t;- .i. 1 !iiui.i, I lr v.c- li"fi! Itllni'iint l.utor in inoi- I'uui j . ( t .i - ; n i on St.ito i;o::;!:l 111. 'foil Ir.lllH' arilii.'Mf" 1 1 U ! 1 H : 1 llOo! ;t! ; U , ! 1 1. IIi'lU !'."' I-'' j:,.!-. h ,,m 11 ' "u;11 I VVILLAMETTK HEAD ". ! aaeo'i,.,;; v.','; srEAKs on Lincoln ' , :; i OUR BOARDING HOUSE 1 with Major Hoople YOUR USKIL-E BRUNO WAS "" 7f - c3UST ANOTHER TRAMP I ' E3A.P M' DEAR , THOUi3H STSAWER OF1HE HOOPLE ) " I 1 BE ATRNTORTO MV J LIME THAT TlEPUFTO THIS L ': RECORD, AFTER SO ' POCK TO TAKE OKI A, HOLD V I VEARS I MUST CONFESS g ! OF PREE PROVISIONS HlS 1 I AW IW ACCOP.P WITH V' 1 BOW VOYAGE SONG WAS THE ZT7Fl YOU.' HAW, WHEN THE. Yzs, ,V OLP TUWE ABOUT PAVlWG ( OLD BOUNPER TRIED " US BACK SOME TIME--- TO BORROW 50 RIGHT ( UM-AA- WITH A RETURSJ AFTER HE FIWISHEP VISIT.' - l'v ULW yy' ? !iiir-jj nc r- r I. WE'RE RID OF HIAA.' STUPENDOUS TEA DEAL , J "'y'y HE HAD CONSUMMATED L . '7 t V IM BURMA, X SURMISED i ' 1 THAT HE WAS A "FUSTY X ..S- ; L EaQ FROM THE HOOPLE )f )) ( (PmS- ((iiJ I 7 HATCHERY A HAKlNG HANDS ; A jrrr T- , WITH THEMSELVES J i I VfCQPH 8V NEA SFRVICC, INC- T M Rta U 5. PAT. OFF. ) " S I Log Cabin Over Manhattan ' ' ' I : f f " i , ft 'I i . v. -.-' ' .' . mi""fh 4 H1 : r I 8tl I'll px C'M . x bciy bcoiit J l'oci) 2:,. ot Ni'W Viit lt, did tfomo t:il 1 nionccnni! ' when Ihcy built this 7 by 12 foot log c;lbm on tho roof ot a skyscraper. H wns part of ''Boy Scout Week" exercises marking the 29th an niversary of tho organization. Galahad' WedsNew York Heiress mLdB'e ig . Uomnni-e . M - 1 ' ' In real llle 1,1 -W- V cmc to i j -v f it v.! 1 wnjiic i'lt9 Morris. ? k. , J.-s VkJ T broke into k z ' . n :; tt- ,a,4":; "s k w 1 . ; ""- P. i ,, jV-., The bin fc'l i ' wealthy - i 1 ,J " Nfw York v-,.-, 1 lmpoi'tcr. V-4 s ;.a I . iTiemnny . '. ' I iiorrnrnuHl I'. ;iVi.,-.l , 1 1 V -t ( 4 m mi. I'l.'-.i.lml li' ii..' li,.i.- "i il 1 .... '. . , ; ,. ... I sum,-praiMv l,iM. ma M. .ih.mi j !!!'";; J I M. !'.:.(. , IT. Md.ul l;iii i - i.,.:... III! ilir 'iii!l limn !iuli I. llu iiiu ' l'llile.1 Hlali'.-. .mil l!w Ili.ui .1. '.Mi ll in. ii In' m!M. i... I I'. liK.' !.e l.ii 1 alii ;,i ,i;ni'il p.'.-!! mil. "Liu.. 'In ui Mi .'ii lllllll ll. il.!'.". I '.III !i.' w 'n i . v .'..!. ! ' ' v , I I' . ...l, ';; .1! !!. i a. i .: ' ' ih.-i'iilii,: UIK. 110 lolJ Ibtf SVI- Chi vsler-rivmouth Dealer 1035 Doduo HIM IMvmouth Sedan UTNE BROS. Rose Garage JERSEY BANK CLOSES FOR HUGE PAY-OFF .IKKSKV CITY. N. .1.. I-VI. I I. lAI') -Th' New Jersey 'I'itl.' I'.uar aillfc and Trust Co. failed In npin luday and 1 hi hYdornl lapnsit lu siii iinr..' ciM'poral ion aiilinuiu .'d it wonhi pay .claims of approximately J !w lari;eM jM.-iMi ti iitMireil deposits' it has ever made. A statement issm-.l hy t'l H' Chairman l.eo T. Crowley, as a no lice of rhisini; was pasted on the hank's dnors here, said more than ::!,iMHt depositors would he reim httised. Nearly all are tiilly covered h the f..,i"ni maximunt individual in surance coer;ti;e, the statement said. The hank's hoard o! di rue tors voted lat nii;ht to plate the iusti HlHoti m the hands of tlie state 1 ;i uk i n l; coiumiss toner lor liquida tion. Ciouh y said til his slat, nietit : " I In. hank h:t hern woiKini; for si nue time with su pei ; i-oi y an l ho ni Irs to de clop a pu.u i a m that wiml'i ie!ii'e iis tioeii condition, which icMilted fioui the acciiinu iatlou of lari.;e holdings, tf leal es laie .aid other illupud a.-sei. Their . 1 1 oi Is In i e si i m c a 1 1 ax.nalde device ot 1 ill it I it 1 1 v weie in I success till." T!i-' aii !uir ni tin- l"i i l in a day aluto-.t t w ii Uilh's ;is do On- cotuhiih ,1 States is inanv ;nr iiiifs and Thr rausport in lie: uian . Ii.i V. 'Hn-ilands; th.-y iiIm J"i pt r cent mote mail. Mil I at ;n;irn.'i ho!.' woi M a tot.; I of a "uip;n ci! to .1- V3SBT T h mmt hentiti- p , : VN ful cocktnd lounsa '. l in Sin l;rncnvo, jWsi lt' Different." i t'- CARDINAL ' il RICHELIEU s It VinNpii it Gry rri i Function at Green Includes Also Prize Awards for Window Displays. .h a climax to tho Hoy Scout wee,'; activities in the vicinity of Uosehinj-". inuri; than fifty scout land routers re-commlited tlmtn i selves lo the scout oath Und law at (he dose of a court of honor held iast niKht at tin; (Jreen Hchoolhoube, ih. (J recti l'.-T.A.-sponsored scout troop acting as honi. Mr. U A. i)IIIard or the local scout committee acted an judtre ot the court, uiili Y. A. Davis. C. 11. i Claypool, Kred Aee, meinbeiH of I the Creen troop cominitiee, and K. jS. MrClafii. Dr. C. K. Allen and A. I M. Kijudtson. assistiim as cotnmis i stratioiis of the scouts in evidence ! hundred people attended and en j joyed the expositions and liemon jstiations of the fronts fit evidence i of th.dr preparedness for advance ; m.-nt honors hestowed. ! As a special feat uru of the court. Harold llowennaii, representing the ; tor.-st service, announced the wiii i n. is of the window displays ar ranged hy scouts and appearhm in store windows at Kosehuif; duiini; ihe past we.d;. These displays fol lowed the theme, "satety in the lorest." a project sponsored each yi ar hy tile torest service in in oi.eratioif wflt the activities of hov scout week on a patnd hasis. Kii st place, a caniphm trip as miests of the forest service, was awarded to the l-'lyini: V'mkW patrol, of which Alan KniKlison is patrol i-r Second 1 rophy. a )are water canteen, was won hy the Indian patrol, wlui'-e leader is ..Mr iee Camphell. Third prize, a first aid Kit- went to tile I'latnili Arrow patrol- led hy Keith Harrison. These patrols are made up ol scouts I ruin troop I. of which , C-.ire Churchill anil Klwanl Smith 1 are scoutmasters. Displays were , aNo entered hy patrols ot lump 7. i KosidjuiLc. and troop Tii. Creen, who were .onmatulated h Mr. Ilower man. Posters Coming Later Collnwini: I lie court of honor, Mr. M.Clain aiinoiimed that two hoy sroul posters marking the entrance lo ii.ixnhurK on both the north and fiuth will appear within the next .lav or so to indicate community sup port to scoutin?;. Due to circum stances heyond control of the local ciimtnittee. the posters did not ar rive in lime to make their appear ance het'nre scout we'U hut since s.-outin'-i 1s sustained all through the var I hey will he equally apprn- priale durinu me rest oi me nunii Space for the post able bv tlie Knste , miMli' avail anil Kk'isiT A'l- vcriiHiuu agency. Awards were made under diiec limi of Dr. Dillard by U. W. H.nnau. Held scout executive ol alhunel Area council, to the following scouts : Scouts Advanced Laurence Adams. I larold Aiiee. UobeiL Davis, Dill Could, llidierl hedev Theodore Insley. Charlet Law.' llobert Cuter, K. Carletmi I'resloti, all of troop 71. Creen. and IMward Moran, troop -I. Itosehuii;. These scouts were advanced to the rank ol second class scouts. Scouts Melvin A"ee and Lewis Inslev were awarded Hie tank ol First Class scout. Moth are mem hers ot troop 7'''. Cteell. Merit badges were presented to Keitli Harrison, cookim;: Alan Knu.Hson. bird study, both ol troop -I. liosehum. and to Lewis lu slev for music ilairyiui;, hoK and pork production; Hob Insley, ol troop 71. music. Keith Harrison, troop 1. lecetv ...I Hie award tor the rank ol stai scoiii, he haxint: ipialilied lor live ,,,,.,-n l,adi:e:i previously. ; t(. I'resloti. scoutmaster u Cieen. w as commended hy I M Dillard and niembers of tlie court, lor his ser ice to the hoys ot that community. C.oixe Churchill is scoutmaster of troop I. Uosehuiu, and V C I "u iter and 1 'ale t iweti n,,op 7. Kosebui. whose hoop attended llu court of honor en nui.- SCHOOLS WILL SEE pictun's and slides d;il iuu it li Mih.ic is pcrtaininu to inn her conservation, t ire ituhlitii: methods, recreation and like topics, u ill he taken to i oral st hool- ot the counties i!nom:!i lo al lacihtie whii h have been piepaici hy t!:c I'oimla t'ouii'v Forest l'i ot 'tti e a -sin i itieii and the Cmpnna n;i t :ona! loi e.-l set ice. jlw trurk has 1 II fitted up with seiieiuntii: ciplipmeni lo pro rime pou er to ope! at e pi o n ' ion mat dunes. inAiim H possible to show tlie pillules in si liooN which do ti"t Ma c eleet I 't pnw i t I li. p: d 1 Han r ranciico't mail cont'entcnt location in the c n t r of everything Civiw. Center. Newly furnished 1-2-3-room suites for transient anrl permanent guests. Popular price dining room service. Low permanent rates. Transient rates $1.50 up. Townsend Draws FC' H S jy . . Pen-pointing out a pension argument, Dr. Francis Townsend, right, ballyhoos his S200-a-month plan to Representative Ralph Brewster of Maine. Townsend remains in pension foreground as he testi fies before House Ways and Means Committee on proposed changes in social security set-up. Venus, 1939 Mode! KkM - At. & ,-l ll i i Mr 1 i 1-4 r rV r r i New York illustrators who ought to know voted model Nina MacDuupald tlie "Modern Venus." ' aftt r those of the "Show i!oat." travtdliim unit provided by the! slate and nat iotial ton si agencies and which has been visitini; major sciiools of the cotiuty leceinly. 'I'lie local show boat was taken to Ko.-lou today by Hamilton K. Johnson of the county association and lianuer Harold llowt'iinan of the foiest service. o- l'he weekly attendance at Amer ican motion picture theaters is. es timated at iMMtiHi.cno. FIRST SHOULD COME YOUR HEALTH e so plan to spend your vacation at RICHARDSON SPRINGS In the mountains nar Chico, Butttl L County, Northern California J You W !l Find Ery Vacation Attraction; Evtry Comforl and, without extra coit, the Famous Health-Building Mmoral Waters If you have your health, keep it If you've lost it, regain it. These Springs can do wonders for you. Pension Attention Daily Devotions DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS In these days when so many are commending this way and that, it may not always be easy to tell who the false prophets are. Hut Jesus very clearly re minds us titat we are not to be gullible, that we ought to he on the watch, and thai iho respon sibility of judging between the good counsellor and the bad one is clearly up to us. To allow ourselves to he led off into fool ish ways and unwise actions may he almost as disastrous, as if we had more deliberately chosen them. We pray, our heavenly father that we might be made wise unto sal vat ion ; that we might commit, ourselves to the guidance of Thy spirit, which would lead us into I he way of all truth. Help us to understand ; incline our hearts to it now and to do; teach us and we shall go in the way, the truth, and the life. Amen. A watch contains an average of inn distinct, putts, production of which requires ;i70 separate .op erntions. . Ill A ni I 11 W U HIM N U plug,, carb uretor, or tim- ADJUSTMENTS ndv 3 'Caterpillar" made these adjustments and all servicing operations simple so you or your regular operator could perform them quickly and easily there's no temptation lo neglect the few items essential to long, satisfactory per formance. Ask for a Demonstration on Your Own Farm. DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG, OREGON I X mote ay Toiepnone Phone HITLER EXALTS SELF HAMnURG, P'eb. 14. (AP CJeniiany'B fuehrer saw the reich's newest and greatest battleship slide down the ways bearing the name of Hismarck "today and declared the Iron Chancellor's hopes had tri umphed at last through Adolf Hit ler. Ilefore 50.000 helling nazi digni taries and onlookers, Hitler seized the opportunity pf picturing the creator of the German empire as much the same kind of a man as himself destined by providence lo be a lonely figure lighting against a world of obstacles. The spirit of Hismarck, be said, should shine before the eyes of those who man the new . warship which is another advance of nazidom's self-styled "ruad of destiny" for IHIty "in the hours of the most dlflicult performance of duty.' The largest fighting ship ever built by the reich, the new craft is 241 meters (71t0.i8 feet) long and :ttJ meters, (11S.11 feet), wide. It will have accommodations for eight :S centimeter (14.'JG inch) and twelve 1 Ti-cent t meter guns along with anti-aircraft weapons. Hitler said the destruction of the German fleet after the World war "even today grips painfully at our hearts" and shouted national soc ialism "tore the nation out of Us rut and led it to new domestic and foreign successes." FEEL WEAK, TIRED? Stockton, Cal. Mr. Wary Max, 1248 K. WasliitiKtuii St., says : "I didn't care to eat, . oniMii't sleep, bad hi- cine vrty wmk ami utiilerwciidit. 1 r. Pien-r S If Coldcn MrdicaJ Dwcnv-t cry helped inc mute than wtrds can tril. I fi,.on l..u:m In IW1 ItWf r.ittiip, Kainrd weight, my cuinplextiiti w;u clearer, and I frit all rij;lit in every respect." (lot (iul'li-n Medical Di-civery in liquid or Ubltts liuiii Juur drufKUt today. Kor a Limited Time SANITARY TOILETS for home, school or place oC business, are being built, paint ed and installed with Wl'A la bor for only the cost of mate rial. L. W. METZGER CO. Rosebum Rainbow Dairy GRADE A RAW MILK Direct from our farm to you To Start Delivery Phone 14-F-33 'Most any 1 2-ycar-old can make the tlirce simple working adjustments re quired on the "Caterpil lar" Diesel Engine fan s belt tension, valve clear- SlMpLE ancc' waler pump packing A nut. iiu 1UM...B wii.i BWin. 4& ill M Countless women let their telephones take much of the drudgery out of house keepingbuy things for them at the stores run errands quickly. Save time and shop to advantage this modern way. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 71 121 So. Stephens St.