ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1939. THREE ' Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER REGULAR MEETING OF LADIES AID HELD I.OOKINCSOI,ARS, Feb. 6 The rKuIar monthly business meeting or the Iat!it'g Aiii society was held on Wednesday afternoon in the up per room at the church. Through the courtesy of Mrs. La Verne , Wit Hams, two lovely hand-pieced com lorier lops and bats', were made available for the society to finish, after which Ihey will he Blven to Dr. Kydney Hall for distribution to pastoi-s In the outlyiuK districts. The finishing of the uilts ami the business session filled the time. Mrs. Alcock. Mrs. Hclna Williams and Mrs. Jennie Andrus were nam ed on a committee to take care of clothing and other supplies which are heinp contributed for a needy family. Mrs. Arthur Marsh presid ed at the business session in the absence of the president. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. W. W. Zmnwnlt. At the close of the meet liiK nn attractive luncheon was ser ved by the hostesses for the day, Mrs. Jennie Andrus and Mrs. V. Alcock. The ineeiliiR on March 1 will he held at the home of Mrs. Tloy Huell, who will be assisted by Mrs. Tlios. Buckle. Among those in attendance at the meeting were: llev. and Mrs. C. K. HrlUaln. Mrs. A. M. Robinson. Mrs. Peterson. Airs. Howard, Miss Maprll Howard, Mrs. W. W. y.umwalt, Mrs. Corvin Heard. Mrs. liny Huell. Mrs. Krn est Voorhies and Miss Jo Ann Voorhles. Mrs. Hdna Williams, Mrs. Arthur Marsh, Mrs. V. Alcock and Mrs. Jennie Andrus. INDUSTRIAL CLUB MEETS ON THURSDAY SUTIIKm.lN. Feb. (1. The Fair Oaks Industrial club met Thurs day at the club rooms with Mrs. Ar thur Austin and Mrs. J. F. Hrown as hostesses. Dinner was served at noon on the long tables and the business meeting conducted by the new president, Mrs. Austin, held during the afternoon. I'lans -were made to have the Interior of the building redecorated some time next month. A new cupboard and work table hail been set In place hv Mr. ant Mrs. Jnke Francis. Hos tesses for the next meeting wilt he Mrs. Day Hrown and Mrs. C. T. Chamberlain at the club bouse. Those enjoying the affair were: Mrs. Royal Aheene, Mrs. Peter Adams, Mrs. Hay Hrown, Mrs. C. T. Chamberlain, Mrs. Minnie David- eon, Mrs. C. K. Flory, Mrs. Jake Francis, Mrs. Alva Manning. Mrs. J. G. Miller, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. Noah Hose, Jr.. Mrs. Hugh Wahl, Mrs. Morrell Weber, Mrs. Sidney Wegner, Mrs. 11. C. Wilmot. Miss Stella l.arsen; Mrs. Ralph Flory, a guest, and the hostesses, Airs. Austin and Mrs. Ilrown. MRS. HOLGATE HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB , SIITIIHRLIN. February li. Mrs. Vern Holgato entertained the mem bers of the Stitberlin Bridge club at her home ..Wednesday evening. Members enjoying Ihe evening were Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Stearns ol Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. llriltain Slack. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jordan unci Mr. and Mrs. Ilolgate. High score was won by Mrs. Slack and Mr. Robertson while the combined score prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Jordan. Dainty refreshments were served from a table having a beau tiful auiaryllis cenlerplece. UMPQUA CHOIR SINGS AT FACILITY ' UMPQUA, February 0. The Umixpiu choir sang at the Veter an's Facillly Sunday afternoon be tween one and two o'clock. Ser vices were conducted by Rev. Per - ry Smith and part was taken in tlleiu by the veterans. Those com ing from Umpqua were: The Mis ses Jean Winniford. Hetty Ollivnnt, Mildred Ileburd, Marcella Mohr. Mildred Ollivnnt and June Mtinson; Conrad Iliggins. F.dwln Ruckle. Slnnlev Lone. Robert Reidenger. Donald Munson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leonard, Mrs. Ruder, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Munson. Accompanying the choir ns pianist was Miss Jean Winniford. P.-T. A. STUDY CLUB ANNOUNCES MEETING LOO KINGG LASS, Feb. 6. The . P.-T. A. study club will meet nl the home of Mrs. Ray Petrequin on Tuesday afternoon. Feb. 14. Au in teresting program Is being arrang ed by Mrs. Don Ollivnnt and a cor dial invitation to attend is ex tended to all. The regular monthly meeting or the P.-T. A. will be held at the school house on Wednesday evening. Feb. 15. The program chairman. Mrs. Inmost Voorhies. ntinuuuces that the program for the evening will include nn out side guest speaker in addition to other matters of interest and n good attendance is desired. ESTHER BEIGHT AND ROBERT CAMPBELL MARRY YONCALLA, Feb. C Word has been received from Kelso, Wash., of the marriage of Miss F.sther Height of Albany and Robert Camp bell, sou of Mrs. Rebecca Camp bell of Yoncalln. The wedding took place, Dec. 27th. The bride is a high school teacher in the Days Creek school. The groom is a graduate of Yoncalln high school class of '34. He served three years with the I'. S. Marines. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will make their home on the Campbell ranch three miles south of Yoncalln. CLUB HAS MEETING AT LOVELY LUNCHEON SUTHERLIX. Feb. 6 The Post Noble Grand club enjoyed a one o'clock luncheon at their regular meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Harriet Stearns In Oakland. Following the business meeting a social hour followed and three Chamberlain ate games were played being won by testes, , Mrs. Slack and Mrs. Hartshorn. Those enjoying the affair from Stitberlin were Mrs. Helle Cool: Mrs. Maude Culver, Mrs. Bertha Harge. Mrs. Alma Anderson. Mrs. Serepta Saucerman, Mrs. Leomt Slack, Mrs. Ella Wegner, Mrs. Min nie Hartshorn, Mrs. Mabel Ross, Mrs. Charlotte Parker. Mrs. Anna Hankerson, Mrs. June Shatuti. Tho Oakland members Included Mrs. Ma Pinkston, Mrs. Margaret .Medley, Mrs. Pearl Hand. Mrs. Su sie llurnett. Sirs. Pearl Mubie; the guests Miss Ethel -Manning and .miks Norma Hundy, and the hostess,- Mrs. Stearns. UMPQUA COMMUNITY CLUB HAS MEETING SATURDAY UMPQUA. Feb. 6. Tim I'mnmm Community club met Saturday ev ening at tne hall. The new offi cers installed January Kl as fol lows were in chargo of the meet ing: Presdient. G. W. Munson: vice-president, Mrs. H. Hurst: sec retary. Mrs. L. O. Higgles: refresh. ments, .Mis. E. Thompson; enter- iiiiuiuent, miss June M inson. The The club tool: as an issue the c,.,i. dition of the farm pastures in the vicinity and need to control rim moss that is tultins them pointed out. Any one having ideas on the smijecr. were Invited to come and present them. These meetings are twice a month, the second and fourth Fridays, the next meeting t be held February HI. Following the business meeting games, and numK were enjoyed under the di rection of Miss Lois Ed-.vards PUPILS ENTERTAINED AT DELIGHTFUL PARTY YONCALLA. Feb. Il.-Misses Ma rian l-des and Doreen Cocknran entertained a group of high school PUplls at the Edes home S! av evening. Games were enjovod, af ter which a delicious lunch was served in the rollon-lnc: Misses Doris Itllekenstarr, Hetty !i Kruse Vmiola .Marsh, Delnris i , i Jwnian ja n, f.lein Phillips, George Tavlor Marm'u Edes."0''''"' C"' '""'"i NEW 4-H S WING CLUB IS ORGANIZED AT UMPQUA UMPQUA, February G.-A new III sewing club was organized at tile .Millwood school house Satin-- . inn. 2i, under the leadershii: ' .iiunson. Officers elected " rioience uurney, president; ....u.i i.eniinrii, vice president; Mar cella Mohr. seei-et.-n-v oers include Hilda Giiinev M..II..I i.ennarii, rcva Wandell, Roberta -iciiuney am Dors McKlminv The mime chosen for the clnh u-.m i ne woodland -1-11 club." LOUISE MURPHY IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY UMT'QITA, Feb. (1,A lovely ninnimy dinner Honor n? ihe ioi illHIMlly 01 Miss Louise Mui-nhv was enjoyed Wednesday evening it. i nr iiuino ni ner innllier, Mrs. -Wlllil UIII1N 111 I 1 11 (lllll ' .'I, -lie ,1-ol-r. nun inr miss Murphy. .Mrs. Good, .m (,enevieve Lansing. Miss Irene Murphy. LaV erne Iiii-ti1iv- ,wiiiiuiii ..1 e r. urn li. li,..,. i.... Phy. SILVER TEA TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 7th SUTHERLIX. Fehniiirv nThn Wilbur Ladies Aid societv lias in vited the women of Siitherlin to at tend a Fellowship Silver Tea to he held at the Wilbur school on luesimy, l-'ebrunry 7. at L::tn u chick, i ins ten is to be one or a series of teas which Is helnir held Unit day throughout Ihe world. Mrs. S. Itaynor Smith, of llosebllrg, who nns ueen a missionary in India, is to speak. o a LADIES AID SOCIETY SPONSORS PROGRAM SUTHERLIN. Feb. d The ladies aid society sponsored a very successful program at the social rooms of the Methodist church on Wednesday evening. 'I he main fea ture of the program was the clever play, "Box and Cox." Pians are be ing made to present this plav at Wilbur on Friday evening, Febru ary 10. BENEFIT CARD PARTY TO BE FEBRUARY 13th SUTIIERLIN, February 6. The Past Noble Grands club has an nounced an Interesting benefit card party for February l.'iib to be held at the I.O.O.F. ball. The public bus been cordially Invited to intend. K AND R CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The K and U club will meet at the Alvin Wetherell home Wed nesday urieiiioon with Mrs. Mabel Wilson acting ns hostess. All members are most cordially invit ed to be present. a MR. AND MRS. BARGE ENTERTAIN AT DINNER SUTIIERLIN. February 8. Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Culver, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. George Stacey were din ner guests at tiie home of Mrs. Henry Harge Sunday evening. MR. AND MRS. COOK ENTERTAIN AT DINNER SUTIIERLIN, Feb. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yeoman, of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cook and Miss Norma Hundy were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook. LADIES AID TO MEET ON FRIDAY SUTIIERLIN, Feb. 6. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the Arts building Thursday after noon. February 10. at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Lloyd Cameron and Mrs. C. T. be the lios- SIDE GLANCES B-g Geoff CXatfi COPR, 1 9 BY UFA SEavtCE, IKC. T. M. BCC. U. 3 PT. OFF. 3 -fa "If you're going lo spend Unit much to go see your folks, I'll want the same amount to visit Aunl Marthucveu if I can't slant! her.". Local News H. E. O. Club to Meet The H. K. O. club will mtwt at a 1:30 o'clock ilcssiM-t-luuchcou at the homo ot Mrs. Virginia Campbell Tuesday. To Attend Funeral Members of Uosebui'K ttehekah lode, No. 41, nave linen asked to meet at the I. O. O. F. hull nt 1:30 o'clock Tuesday to intend the funeral ot Lois Hammond. Visit in Eugene Mrs. Leslie CiniiininRs, Miss Antics Fredrick son and Miss Kdna Hrown. of tliiu city, drove to Hunene Sunday to visit Miss Helen Fullie, at Kaered Heart hospital. Music Teachers to Meet The Ioimlas County Mush; Teachers association will meet at S o'clocl; Tuesday ninht at the home of Mrs. Clyde Heard on Washington street. Mrs. Charles A. Ilrand will haw charge ()f (he program. Chemical "War" Defense Program Takes Shape Here; Public Participation Asked Dance at Facility! Tuesday The auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold a daucliiK iiarty for members and guests at the Vet erans Administration Facility Tues day nifiht. February 7, from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock. Here Over Week-End 11111 Whar ton, student at Ori'Kon State col- lege at Corvallis, spent the week end here visiting his pm-cnts, Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Wharton, who cele brated their twenty-fifth -weddins anniversary yesterday at their homo on Fast Houglm; street. Members of the Roseburtr stale police force and a "Maiden from Mars," above,' are interested observers in the gas mask drill being explained by local reserve officers in preparation for the "Defense Against Chemical Attack" conlact camp scheduled for Roseburg February I I and 12. More than 100 reserve offi cers are expected to attend the two-dav camn. Left to rieht are Capt. H. C. Church, chemical warfare officer; Sergeant Paul, rarsons, Urayce Kasche, stenograpner for the state highway de partment; Patrolmen S. M. Bullis and Clyde I. Fisk, and Lt. Vlaynard Bell, president Umpqua chapter, R. O. A. Final plans for the "defense against chemical attack" contact camp for reserve officers and at tached personnel of the 3S2nd in fantry regiment, scheduled for KosehurK next Saturday and Sun day, are rapidly crystallizing, and advance reports indicate that more than 100 officers will be in attend ance, Major C. S. Pettee, unit In structor of KtiKtine, in charge of the two-day camp, announced to day. Intense interest in this unusual camp is manifested by the large number of officers wlio hn ve in dicated they will be fn Hose'ouig for the two-day period. This is the first camp of its type ever plan ned at which the public has been invited to participate In the var ious phases of graining. Every person in Koscburg ami I (oughts county, if he or she so de sires, will be given the opportun ity to don the latest in gas pro tective masks and try them out in real gas and smoke of various kinds under the supervisitm of t rained gas officers from t be re gular army and especially trained reserve officers. More than I'tO masks of various types are being; brought here for the demonstra tions. The experience, absolutely harmless though possibly a bit dis comforting for a moment or two. will be unique to say the least. Conference Included A conference on "Debunking Chemical Warfare" to be conduct ed by Captain John F. Cramer in Improving Mrs. Kon Kelly is re purled to he much improved in health at her home on 1'ilzet street, following a severe illness from Influenza. Her daughter, -Mrs. Perry Wiggons, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. liee Kelly, have been Hiking care of her. Return From San Francisco Mrs. J. M. Judd ami her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James K. Judd. of this city, and the former's brother, K. Plan, who is visiting here from Wisconsin, re turned to liosehurg Sunday, follow ing a week's stay In San Francisco on business. Mrs. James K. Judd is oftice attendant to Ir. James K. Campbell and Dr. U. O. Van Zalzah. Melrose Grange to Meet Mel rose grange will meet at S o'clock Tuesday night at the hall with Margaret Reese, lecturer, in charge of a program on Oregon. Members have been asked to prepare to an swer roll-call with facts regarding Oregon Refreshments will he serv ed by Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Husen bark, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hone brake and Vac Muislk. Guild to Meet St. George's Epis copal guild will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the Dr. II. C. Church hofte in Laurelwood, with Mrs. Church und Mrs. Leonard Hi ley, joint hostesses. Leaves For Eugene Miss Gene vieve Ness Left last night for her woik In Kugene. following the week-end here visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Ness, in Uiurelwood. Past Matrons Club to Meet The Past Matrons club will meet at a 7:3t o'clock dessert-supper tonight at the C. (1. Ferrier home on West First street, with Mrs. Ferrier and Mrs. A. E. Elliott, joint hostesses. Back From Portland Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Pargeter have returned to their home on Claire street, fol lowing a few days stay in Port laud visiting friends ami attending to business. Bible Class to Meet Instead of the regular meeting tonight, the non-denominational Hi bio study class, taught by Dr. R. L. Dunn. will hold its session at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday night at the dining ball of (be Douglas hotel. Visits Daughter Mrs. J. K. Falbe has returned here, following a short visit In Eugene with her laughter. Miss Helen Falbe, who is a patient at Sacred Heart hospi tal convalescing from au appendectomy. Sewing Club t Meet Mrs. G. M. Krell will entertain her sew ing club at a one o'edock luncheon Tuesday, Fohruary 7th. Hero Today L. Stearns, of Marshfleld. Bpeit today in this city attending to bisiness, - 111 at Home Mrs. L. E. Mc'Un- tock and daughter, Miss Nancy, are reported tu be ill ut their home on Hamilton tivenue. Rose P.-T. A. To Meet Rose school P.-T. A. will meet at seven- UUrty tonight at the school house! lo honor the Dads at a special program, A treat will be given the room having the largest number uf Dads present. Improving Mrs. II. R. Mndflnx and small daughter, Mollie Jeanne, w ho have bee.Q ill at their home the past two woks, are now report ed to be considerably improved. Degree Team to Meet Tho do- gree teams of Fi oseburg Rebekah lodge. No. 41, VDill meet at 7::!0 o'clock tonight ret tho I. O. O. F, ball for a business Hcsslon, preced ing classes for Initiation, Back From East Mrs. Ed Ror gen has returned to hor homo In this city, following a trip to Ken sington, .Minn., vrV.'e she was call ed by the fatal tllness of her sis ter. Miss Alice Tollefson. State Inspector to Visit Miss Fredericka Dntton, of Portland, state inspector for Daughters of Union Veterans of tho Civil war, will make her official inspection of Floreneo Nightingale tent. No. f, at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening, ac cording to an announcement made this morning by the president, Mrs. Earl Henediek. Members of tho tout will hold drill practice to night at 7:30 o'clock in tho chapter rooms at the armory. Back From California Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Morrison and Mrs. Rog er I la (ley have leturned to their homes in this city, following n stay of several days In California. The Morrisons attended to business In San Francisco ani Mrs. llalley visited her parents in Modesto. Executive Luncheon Tuesday The Roseburg Woman's club will hold Its monthly 12 o'clock execu tive luncheon Tuesday at Ihe Hotel Rose, alter which the group will intend tho 1 :3() o'clock dessert- luncheon meeting of llin club at the club house, at which time Hugh Rossen, of Salem, will he guest speaker on traffic safety. Legion and Auxiliary to Meet The American Legion and auxil iary wilt bold their respective meetings at K o'clock Tuesday night at the armory, after which a joint meeting will be held with the post furnishing the program on Americanism and National De fense," and the auxiliary furnishing refreshments. The refreshment committee includes Mrs. (iaye Mowery, chairman; Mrs. 11. T. j Hansen, Mrs. Hoy llufham, Mrs. rnu jiann, Mrs. ueorgo k, houck, Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mrs. II. D. Mc Kay, Mrs. Nobel (ioettel and Mrs. Thomas Webb. Today and Tuesday A GAY FUN FESTIVAL! 1 Bum fttuyv RtO$ THBU PARCEt' C BENNYBrjNEn 1H Starts Wednesday SUBMARINE V(rj PATROL rtw Rfcha" GREENE 83 Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 25c Eves. 35c Kiddles 10c MILITARY FUNERAL ACCORPED STEIWER WASHINGTON, Feb. fi. (AP) Frederick SPiwer, Oregon's for mer soldier-aerator, was burled to day with full military honors in Arlington natanal cemetery. Hundreds o persons, many of them national figures, crowded a, flower-banked chapel at Fort My er military reervation for simplo services condicted by Reverend Harney Philips, chaplain of tho somite whero Stelwer served U years prior to January 31, 1938. Stclwer's bdy was taken Into tho cemetery, adjoining the cha pel, on a lag-draped caisson drawn by six white borsen from fort Myer's fmous white horse troop. ed number will be given individual, instruction in the use of gas masks. The scheduled exercise at the airport at 10 o'clock Sunday morn ing, February 12, should also bo of interest to the local citizenry. A smoke exercise is being planned for that hour which will be rath er spectacular. If possible, an op portunity will be provided for any one so desiring to find out what a mild concentration of tear gas feels like. Members of Umpqua chapter, II. O. A., host organization to the vis iting officers, are scheduling their annual military ball at the armory , Saturday evening, February 1 1. I and it will be open to the genoril j public. An interesting gas decon- taiufnntion demonstration under di- j rection of Capt. II. C. Church. CW- Res., is being planned as one of the highlights of the evening. Those desiring tickets lo the hall may secure same by contacting members of the chapter. Ar rangements for the dance are nn-1 der the supervision of Capt. John Irving, assisted by Capt. O. It. Hess, Lt. James K. Watts, Lt. Ed ward Jacobs and Lt. Carl Con nors. Arrangements Tor tho city-wide blackout corning at an hour to be designated by signal Is also sche duled for sometime early Satur day evening, the exact minute will be known only by the signal, prob ably the city's fire siren, are rap idly being formulated. Uhickouts Returns Home Fred A. Knight has returned to his home in this city, following a few days in Sa lem visiting his son. Attorney William W. Knight, who accom panied him home for the week-end. The latter and his wife returned to Salem last, evening. Mrs. Knight has been here visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hatfield. Their small son, Philip, remained here at the Hatfield home. Leave Sundav Mrs. f A noil left Sunday for her home in Port land, following a week's visit here with her brother and sister-in-law, I i II (I M i-M K (in n i.l li W li i ii n at tho Veterans Administration Fa cility post. She was accompanied norm uy ner oaugtiter, miss Kdna IOMimi Poll Hi 111 (in I nl VVIl,i,H university at Salem, and by Miss .lane Hoffman, student at. Oregon Stale college at Corvallis. Miss Hoffm?ni ( the daughter of Mrs. Kenneth W. Kinney. Allison's Residential Beauty Shop Special Until Feb. 11th Oil Pcrmanents $1.50 PHONE 384 446 N. Rose St. the armory at 3:15 p. m. Saturday, of cities are defensive measures February 11, should be of groat in-'against possible air raids and the terest to the general public and J one being planned will be a deni al! will be welcome at that time. I onstiation of its use In a siniilat Foliowing the conference a limit- ed attack by air. RIVERSIDE H. H. CLUB TO MEET Tliverrdale Happy Hour club will meet at two o'clock Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Joseph Marsters. All members are cordi ally invited to be present. SAN SOUCI CLUB TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY The San Som l birthday club will meet r.t a 1 :30 o'clock sessert- lunr beon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Art Albeitus. All members are most cordially invited to be pre-ent. SYLMON VALLEY CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY j The Sylmon Vailey club will ; meet at two o'cloek Wednesday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Max : Myers. All members are cordially j invited to be pret-enl. i LAUREL LODGE TO MEET WEDNESDAY EVENING Crand Master Franklyn O. Howell will pay bis official visit at a district meeting to be held with laurel lodge, No. 13. A. F. and A. M. at 7:30 o'clock Wednes day evening at the Masonic tem ple. Lodges in this district will attend the meeting. 2 MAJOI FEATURES mm Today aid Tuesday I a.n - They start a &ii ' "Rush',' Season iiiP TjK - -s 1 Mats. 25c fflKVsircS Kiddies 10c Plus on thtSan.e Program KEiiCTJQmijm.u gran rvinmwnnsmm The Wayside Shop MEMORIAL DRIVE Requests continued patron age of our customers. Phone 25F2 Roseburg Dairy Grade A Pasteurized and Raw Milk DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH" PHONE 186 H. C. STEARNS FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Assistant Oakland, Ore. PHONE 472 Any Distance, Any Time K BUY MODEL KREAM BREAD Made in Roseburg BUY IT FROM YOUR GROCER Every hour of dnj ycM'H Ie thankful for HOT WAFER f in The limit of the house says . . , - "All this for 4 sons! A bath tempered oil the minute, lather for' shavins without having to wait! Why didn't I lisen to my neishbors and have that Heater put iri long ago!" Tho woman of the house says 'ashing dishes is no chore anymore! No filling aettle and j pan or two besides and then-Vaiting for them to (at on the stove! Hot water ready (or washing. and rinsing, tie minute the meal is over!'.' J The snaid of the house says ."I'm gjtd this ismify show good sense and have a Water Heater. Takes about half as long to get my work dne when there's hot water on tap at the faucet. Makes it eaier on my strength, tio!" Easy 011 the Kiulgot . . . When Strength is saved, and Time is saved, arid Disjosition is saved, there's a good deal saved isn't there? Witl Rates so low, how can any house-holder fail to benefit by.ths modern automatic convenience! Economical! Healthful! Convenierit! QrMjFniJjj C O P c o (THt CALIFORNIA O'EGON POWER COMPANY)