TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBUG, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1939. SCtXtDEW Social Calendar Monday. January 30 B.RW. Clue club to pnutire ut 7 o'clock in evening ut otudio of director. Mrs. Charles A. Uraiid, hi Masonic building. l)r H K iJunn's non - denomina - lional Bible atudy claim meeting t 7:15 o'clock at dinlnK hall of DouKlas hotel. Public invited. L,uuret Chanter No. Royal Arch Masons Mix-thirty o'clock din ner and special meeting lor work in Past Masters degree at Masonic temple. President's Birthday ball, to raise funds for fight against In faiilfle jmralysls, to be held at it oclotk in evening at armory. I'uu Be Invited. L..TX. to meet after school at First Christian church. Junior Woman's club Iblrthday party at the clubhouse with Mar garet Dunn, Mildred Chapman and Carmel Newland, club cuaner members, as hostesses, Tuesday, January 31 U.K.O. club 1:30 o'clock luncheon nt home of Mrs. I.. Hounshell on Mill street. .- Cireen P.-T.A. Study "h'h after noon meeting at home of Mrs. Hugh "1 1 on sen.- "Wednesday, February 1 Young Peonle's l-eainio of Kt. Paul's hulhoran church to enjoy "ftkatinc imrtv at Winohestoi' 2riiose desiring transportation are utsked to be at c mrcli bitiidlng ai fl o'clock. I " New Idea club 1 o'clock lunch- ton at home of Mrs. It. L. (Jilo, HN-Junior Woman's club invites pub 41c to attend benefit curd party at -8 o'clock at clubhouse. Prizes tor Till card games, door prize and re .IreshmeiilH. Proceeds to go to rfclcholarship Ion ti fund. Art and lOmhroidory club after Uoon nieellng at home of Air. -Klliyl Andralelf. 11 Bellview club afternoon nieetriig t borne of Mrs. Mary Lee hum Tfters. . M.O.A. club afternoon meeting at -home of Mrs. .1. K. Marks. " O.S.C. 'Mothers club I o'clock )0-1iosghb luncheon and social . .hour at Hotel Hose. Mrs. W. It Jlrownthnd Mrs. W. F. 'Harris. Joint rhuiruian ol I lie meeling. All mo .(hers of O.S.C. sludents urged to on present. Thursday, February 2 ' Ladles of Itosehurg Country club thrldge ii'lto a. m. at clubhouse; 12: ,H) potluck luncbeDU and after noon of golfing. Tboso desiring 'trimsportation. call either Mrs. J 'V, Dlllard or Mrs. M. T. Hansen. . Must orn Star meeting at. 8 o'clock ut Masonic temple.' Mem- Ticrs and visiting members Invited. . Lady Lions 7:'io o'clock no-lion- tess dessert-supper meeting at Carl's Tavern. Cards In charge '.of Mrs. J. I MotHchenhacher and -WiH. Kverett Wimer. Carden Valley Women's club I wo 'o'clock meeting at clubhouse with JUrs. II, K. Graham, hostoss. Merry-(!o-Itound club one-thirty 'o'clock , dessert-luncheon at Itay "Iti'oHl ami Mrs. G. J. llacher & .Joint hostesses. Past Presldfiils club uliernnon meeting at home of Mrs. . Klsle .Wrlghl. . Christian church Ladiott Aid -meeting at 2 o'clock In church liar 'Inm with Mrs. Church ns hostess; !llrs. Ingels lu charge of devotions: and VefreshiueutH lu charge of Mrs. F. I. Perry, Mm. Vere Pony, Mrs. lraguo and Airs. Stroll. St. Paul's Lutheran Mid-Week "Ulble s,tudy class meeting1 at U .o'clock at home of Mrs. V. Ami iaieff Itt -KMS Military street. Ifrlday, February 3 - Ilivorsdale grange lonlng mem bership team to entertain winning Hide at six-lhlrly o'clock potluck .linnet at hall, to he Tollowed by Jeguhn gnuige meeting. Door prize Tor attendance. Members naked to jbrlug their baby pictures. iysione club of Alelhodial Kpls 'copal church to ho eulertalnnd Fil dav nfteruoou ' by Airs. Dorothy lllint and. Mrs. F. (1. Purr at the 'former's home. dray Unites to ineel at 7:110 In fcvenlng at .1. C. McCalllBter home m Kast Lane Hlreet with Mrs. 10. ;'. Tandy. Mrs. Arthur II. Mount !ford and Mrs. K. A. Post, hostesses. Green P.-T.A. to sponsor he ne lit supper and eniei lalnment by South '"Ciupqua Falls CC.C group ut school lioiise to raise funds to send two 'Htudents to 4-11 summer school at "Corvullis. The CCC group will pre nont a minstrel show. The enter tniiiment will be nl S o'clock. Choral club to piuctli e at W o'clock a. ni. at rlubhnusc under the dlrecllon of Mrs. Homer Grow. ) Saturday, Febninry 4 Knsebuig Wiunan's rluh st-rvice shop open from nine to four o'clock ' upstairs lu Woman's clubhouse. ! February 1 1 , Annual llesrrve Officers military Imll at !t o'clock lu evenlni; at avm ' or) . Public Invited. ' PINOCHLE CLUB HAS ! PARTY WEDNESDAY ! OAKLAND. J a u. r ft Charles Kncle I'literlaim d the members of the pinochle club ut u 3 o'clock salad Iiuu heuii at her I homo Wednesday ulternoon. i Those'' enjoying the dellghtltil occasion were Mrs. Heston Gross and Miss Anne Bryant, guests, and Aliss Klolse Hand, Mis, A I ired Hmul. Alls, (ienrge Jenniims. TVIrs. Hciinaii Meyers, Airs. Ken neth Copclainl. Airs. Charles Me .Million, Mis. S. AI. Adams. Mis Cburles Mahle. Mrs. U. AI. Fer hvr. Airs. Haiold Peterson, Mrs. iscar B ider and the hostess, .Mrs. ! lie In. ' A(r. Peterson I he hW;i cnre ior the Hllernoon's play with Mis. Mi-Mnlion ibii-ivjui: the tun- iolnt .iu jirize. By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER B. P. W. C. HAS INTERESTING MEETING ON MONDAY EVENING Thp IJtiHlneH8 and J'l'ofcuaioiial I mie- iuB m u uuu (.MonUiiy evening. The loowa were eflcciively decomlud with bou- : 'I113 of shrubbery, yellow Jasmine janrl pussy willows. The bwsli.unii seHHlun was in ehaiKe of the president, Miss Ku- idle Lenox, who called on ' Miss Nelmu Say lor, chairman of the program committee to, present her program on Health. "Two lovely piano solos, "Soiru rle Vicnni" by Schubert Liszt, aiKi 'Policheuelle" by Kachmunjnoff, were played by Mrs. Clyde Beard. Miss Baylor presented Miss Janet Moffat, senior uursu of the Doug las county health unit, and mem ber of the committee, Introduced Hie guest speaker of the evening, Miss Alleeu Dyer, of Portland, Held consultant for the crippled children's division. Alias Dyer gave a most instructive and Interesting talk on the crippled children's pro gram for the slate of Oregon and Its relation to the county health unit and the part played in this program by the county health nurses. A clever skit, entitled "At the Dentist," under the direction of Miss Alice 'eland wus presented. The cast included Dr. Tooth, play ed by Corlnne-Anne Perry; Judy, played by Helen WhlteL and the toothache woman, played by Mar- jorie Green. Pianist, Aliss Virginia on it g. The committee In charge iuclud ed Miss Nelmu Suylor, Miss Janet Moffat and Aliss Murjorle Wilson Dainty refreshments and visiting followed the program. Guests present were Miss Alice Couloguo, Airs. Hoy Phillips, Mrs, Clyde Heard, Airs. Clifford Thorn ton, Mrs. Hazel Lytel, Airs. Alary Ann Barrett, Airs. Key Byrd, Mrs. Annie Kobinsun, of Cot nil hi. Aliss Virginia Yumig, Aliss Coriiine-Aone Perry, Aliss Helen While and Aliss Muxine Crecii. .Members present were Airs. William Bell, Airs. ,1. A. Caraway, Mi's, Nuuce - Fltzsliuinons, Mrs, Kllzuheth (iarretl. .Mrs. . FrauccH p.intotl, Mrs. C. W. :Sinniger, Airs. 11. It- Nerhas, Mrs. L. L. Spencer. Zylda Lambert, Alisr. Janet Aloffat. Aliss fcsther llevan. Miss Vera I redrickson. Miss Do ma Globe, Miss Gladys Haskiti, Miss llu lau- hacir. Aliss Luclle Lenox. Aliss Dorothy , Norton. Mian Mnrgret Oderkfrk, AIIsh Nuiilne PlnUertoit, Miss Nelmu Sayior, Miss Florence Snednker; Aliss Alice Uelund, Miss Bess Whiirtdn, Aliss Alarjorie Wil son and Aliss Margaret Johnson. BETA SIGMA PHI MEETS AT JACKSON HOME ON WEDNESDAY Beta Sigma Phi held Its regular busfness meeting Wednesday, eve ning at the home of Aliss Dorothy I'ule .luckson. Following the ses sion, Miss Tbelma Smilji, ilirector, uued to the group on personality and costumes. Those present were liss Thelnm Sipllh, Aliss Kvelyu Willis, Alisa Carmel Newluiul, Aliss Janet Ficlv- iischer, Aliss Beryl Brunner. Aliss Frances Metzger, Miss - Dura Braughtou, Aliss Betty Leedy, Aliss Helen Sbreevo, Miss Klla Corhetl. Mrs. Hoy Peterson, Mrs. Morris llowkor and the hostess, Aliss Jackson. MR. AND MRS. WIMBERLY ENTERTAIN POTLUCK SUPPER BRIDGE CLUB Mr. and AIih. L. L. Wlmherly en- Birtained their 41 : HO o'clock pot luck supper bridge club ut I heir attractive home "Pine ltidce." Thursday evening. Yellow jas mine formed n bcuutllul center piece for the table. Covers were arraniied for Air and Airs. T. B. Burr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burr, Air. and Airs. Ward Cummings and (he host mid hos tess, Air. and Airs. Wlmherly. i iHiiruci urhlee uiiM rn ov.ol hiring the evciiluc with in'.. Ing to Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Burr antl Mr. and Airs. Cmumiiiga, ; O.S.C. MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY Kvery mother of an On ollege stuilent Is beint: urii.i in attend the no-hostess tin. ii'.-i.ii.i. Iiiiii lii'on (if (he O.S.C. Miiilir.!- . hii, (" In' hclil next W'piIiicsiIiiv, Folirt-I "IV 1st. ul the llnliM (.. f JHK. I.. .. Wt'lls. I'll:,ili:, AI I III' rlllli. will llri'alill' oii'l- Hi,. Inwl. iii.-i-ium iiiiii .mis. ii. ii. lliow.ii mill Mm. w. I'. llarrlH will mi ns Jiillil rliiilimi'ii nl i he smliil hour or 1'iirils mill vIkII Iiib. , CHRISTIAN LADIES AID TO MEET Till' Cluisllau i'lniivli l.u.lii's A I Micli'ly will nn'i'i in (wo oVImk tii-M Thiirsilai in thr I'lmrrh I'ai llirs Willi Mis. i. chinrli us IiosIi'hs. Tin. ilrvolions Mill W loiiiliirlccl by Mis. inm.K Ki'lri'sliiiii'ius will li,. gi'ni',1 a I I In- Ira hour by Mrs. l- I. IVn v. Mrs. X'i'iv IVrry, .Mrs. Siimikuu ami Mrs.Stn'li. DOUGLAS STUDENTS LISTED ON COLLEGE HOOP SQUAD XI.ll.XNY COI.I.KCK. I' .Ian. '.'s. (-.pi', ial.l - Two l'oui;las .oiinly hoys nr.. isli, on Hi" vai siiy luifki'lball siiuail nt .Xlb.inj inlliui'. Tin-;- in,- Hi nry I'. lt-. jimior. a'.nl li'iini inplain ami Moilln Moroy. sophomoi i. tuanl. IV'lo is from Glembili i.Moiev hiuh s, hool, ';:ii. whtlr ;i irj.liiau- of lll'I'Mc high Uiliool. lWli i'B viluyutiuu iu.ij,'i). MR. AND MRS. KRUSE HONORED AT HOUSEWARMING PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT At a very lovely liou.lewarmlng parly. .Mr. anil Airs. 11. li. Kruse were happily surprisei! by a large group of rrieiuls who culled at their beautiful new home in Riv- ersilnle Saturday evening.. A lovely chair anil hassock was presented to Mr. ami Mm. Kruse from Mr. anil Mrs. C. J. Hjerg, Mr. anil Mrs. J. XX'. Smith, Jr Mr. iilul Mrs. XX. Common, Mr. anil Mrs. T. H. Iturr, Mr. anil Mrs Harry Hurr, Mr. and Mrs. H. A lltterback, Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Selby. Mr. nnil Mm. It. I.. Hur mon. Mr. anil Mrs. XX'. K. Ott, Mr anil Mrs. Dale CJulley. Mr. and Mrs. (lien Cox. Mr. am) Mm. John Iturkhart. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Kruse. Mr. anil Mrs. Art Crews. Mr. nut! Mrs. Claudesnu, Mr. and Mrs. I.eNoir Kruse, Mr. and Mrs Walter Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry oi'lker, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, Mr and Mrs. Bromps. .Mr. and Mm. XX'. Wriuht, , Mr. and Mrs. Max I'eilllie. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Or Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hurkhart, Mr. mid Mrs. Homer Case, Mr. and Mrs. XX-. A. Hurr. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Kinmerson. Mr. and Mrs. XX'. II. Slrtiwn, Mr. and Mrs. Jo soph Marstcrs, Mrs. Andrews, .Xli's. Stelnliauer, Mrs. Ilunnali Hammond, Mm. Viola Thurstrm, II. R Chllson, Mr. Hurst, Miss Helen Meach, Hrnest and Kldred Trussel, lwls Cottrell, John Tin-lines. Harding Knapp. Mr KenniMly, Mrs. Charles and Mr. Hjorkmon. Tho evening was ileasaully spent In visiting and playing Chi nese checkers. Later, delicious rel rcshinenls were servod. EPISCOPAL GUILD IS ENTERTAINED ON MONDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. R. n. nrand (mil Mrs. II. 11. Turner were joint hostesses at a very interesting meeting of the I'.piscopal guild Monday atleriinon at the lovely home ot I he former ill rest Hoseburg. Greenery fiucf lierry shrub siirays were attrnni lively used ns a decorative molir. Mrs. J. C. Hume, vice-presldi'iuj t'ouducte.d, Die nieeting and Inter, Mrs. J. M. Juild. president, clos ed the session. Mrs. Will If. Cpi'- relscn Is Hie new treasurer of the guild. Mrs. K. T. Nelson, secretary nnil Mrs It. It. nruiltl, publicity chairman. 'I'lie guild lias been divided into two groups lor a membership drive with Mrs. !,. A. Dlllard and Mrs. J. C. Hume ns membership chairmen. Rev. Perry Smith, rec tor of St. Cleorge s Kplsropiil church, gave a very flue talk, fol lowed by a social hour. Mrs. Hrand mid Mrs. Turner served lovely refreshments later in the afternoon to the twenty-five pres ent. The I''nbruilry IS meeling will bo held at S o'clock lu the evening nl Iho Dr. II. C. Church homo In uillrelwood with Mrs. t.liureh nnd Mr.s Leonard lilley as joint hos tesses. INTER-SE STUDY CLUB MEETS AT BOWERMAN HOME ON TUESDAY Mrs. Harold Howcrmau enter tained the Inter-So Study club at a very lovely 1:110 o'clock desseri lunclieon Tuesday alternoon at her home. Covers were plnced for Mrs. R S. Hall, Mrs. Fred Astiin. Mrs. Itobert llawley. Mrs. W. M. Campliell. Mrs. Karl tllrlcb, Mrs. I'ntil Ceddes. Mrs. V. V. llarpliam. Mrs. It. It. Hrand. Mrs. Charles Doerner, Mrs. fleorge Churchill and the hoiteas, Mrs. Ilowermatl. Mrs. Asam gave the luterestini; report for the ufternoou nnd de Hulitful rotl-cnll topics were pre senieil, Tba Kehruary 1Mb meet ing l bo held ut the home of Mrs. (ienrge Churchill on South Kane street, with Mrs. ltraud pre senting tho report. MRS. ERSKINE IS HOSTESS TO H. E. O, CLUB ON TUESDAY At. a very lovely 1:!!0 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Martha Krsklne very graciously entertained the II. K. O. club at her home Tuesday nfleriioou. Covers were placed at a prettily appointed table for Mrs. Matlle Mcllll. Mrs. Clarence lllshinan. Mrs. Hurry l.obr. Mrs. Percy My ers. Mrs. C. XX". Owen. Mrs. Laura Hounshell, Mrs. Klsie McCotuas. Mrs. Myrtle Norwood. Mrs. CHIton Hooper and Hie hostess, Mrs. Krs kin,'. Five liuudreil wan In play dur um the afternoon witil Mrs. Hoop er winning high score and Mrs. Norwood winning second high score. The January ",1 meeting will be held at at the llouusliell home on Mill street. ROSE P. T. A. STUDY CLUB MEETS THURSDAY The liose l'.-T, : A. Sllltly club met . Tlmrs, lay iiftortio6ii' ' lu ' the music room of the school building with Mrs. .1, Kolatid Parker, chair man, in charge. Mrs Harry llui-r gave a very in teresting leporl on the subiei-l. "The Mov ami (he tJang." follow ,-,l by a line talk by Mis Karl Wiley on "The I'Miu alioual Value of the lilble. ' Following the in, 'cling Mis. K II. Mercer ami Mrs. .1. Holaml I'arker served tea. The next meet tug will be Febiunry 'J;t at the home id Mrs. .1. 1'. Motschcnbacli er ut .Ml (jnutli Main street. FORTIETH DOUGLAS COUNTY CHRISTIAN CHURCH CONVENTION The fortieth Douglas county Christian church convention has beep uunounced for an all-day af fair of February 6 to be held lu Hoseburg. The convention theme will be "The Fourfold Develop ment of the Church.". Charles G. Stanton Is acting as convention chairman; Beqsie La key, song leader; Mrs. Charles Stanton, pianist, and Mrs. Martin Clark, leader of the youth's ses sion. The text for the convention Is Luke 2:51; Kph. 2:10-22. The program for the day in eludes: 10:00, Praise se'rviee led by Bessie La key. 10:15, special mus:c, flllde church of Christ. Announcements. 10:20, address, "The Intellectual Development of the Church," (teaching) "Jesus Advanced In Wisdom," by Wayne Jensen. 10:50, hymn, congregation stand ing. 10:55, appointment of committees. 11:00, forum, "Evidences of Our Individual Development," Mr. Daly. 11:30. address. "Spiritual Develop ment" (worship program "Jesus Advanced lu Favor With Cod," Kph. 2:21, by Martin Clark, of Oakland. Benediction, Rev. 13. J. llelseth, of Drain. A basket dinner and fellowship nieeting will be enjoyed at noon Willi the church reports being presented; 1:30, praise service led by Bessie La key. 1:45, business session and offer ing. 2:15, special music by Drain Church of Christ. 2:30. address, The Social Devel opulent of the Church," (fellow ship) "Jesus Advanced In Favor Willi Men." Kph. 2:18 by Harry Heard of lilide. 2:50, hymn, congregation stand ln. 2:55. forum. "The Problems .in the Church Which Hinder Proper Development," by Rev. Linden li. Leavitt. 3:55, benediction by Walter Barnes, of Klkton. A recreation hour will follow with a supper and fellowship nieellng. 0:15, youth's session led by Mrs, Martin Clark. 7:15. special inuslc by ladies trio from Hoseburg. 7:20. closing business session and offering. 7:40. hymn, congregation stand- in B- 7:45, message, "The Physical De velopment of the Church (ovungellsllc) by F. W. I.uilis- den. of Myrtle Creek. . Benediction, Key. Linden 0. Leuv- Hi. DELIGHTFUL DAY IS ENJOYED BY COUNTRY CLUB LADIES THURSDAY Tho ladies nf Ilin Tinselon-ir Country club enjoyed Thursday morning at mo clubhouse playing contract hrlilire Willi m-lveu ,r,il,,r 10 il rs. J. ai. Jill it. II rs I . otitl Airs. S. C. Lnplinm, second. Airs. Waller Fisher, rnntnin con ducted the business nieeting. ut which lime it was announced a Valentino ilnneo ll-nill,! be nufnvn,! the date of which will bo publish ed later. Mrs. Kenneth (Julno will be ciialrman of the affair. All-R. W. T Pnlnva aiwl lln... rls C. Tlowkcr were welcomed Into the club as new members. ,t llOOIl tlOt lick luncheon tvna on. joyed by Airs. Walter Fisher. Airs. r.. winiiicriy. Mrs. l. b. AIc Cllntock. Mrs. J. F. Dilliird, Airs. II. C. Stearns, Mrs. Arthur II. Alounlford. Airs. J. R. Aloimtrord. Airs. C. 11. Van Ness. Airs. K. Pear son. Airs. I,. K. Fies, Airs. W. AI. McLJachern. Airs. K. .T nrwlm,-Q Airs. Kennel It, Qiiine, Airs. Morris C. Bowknr, Airs. S. C. Lnphuiu, Mrs. w. v.. mi, airs. K. i). Hiidges, Airs. II T. Hansen, Airs. Paul Cloddes. Mrs. W T. Peloi-s 1m,u i m Judd mid Airs. .T. E. 'Marks.' Mrs. J. F. Dl nrd nf th fnn,.n. nient committee, has nniiounced Airs. It. 1). Bridges winner of first prize and Airs. W. M. AIcEnclicrn winner of second prize Tor tho af ternoon's golf on low putts. Next week the Indies of tho club will meet at 9:30 for contract bridge; 12:30 potluck luncheon and afternoon of golfing. LADY LIONS SURPRISE LIONS AT DINNER MEETING WEDNESDAY The T.n,K- I Inno i...i ,i... members ' of Hie l.ixnu ,.li, - i. iiesday .evening by attending the ,.,,,' p resi.i ikjii o clock llllt- nei1 meeting of the latter club at tho Tuvijiu. Covers were iiln,-,,,! r- i,.;.,t pal C. IT. Bearil. guest speaker of the evonlng. Air. aud Airs. J. P Alotscheiibacher. Air. ami Airs. W. F. Downer. Air. and Mrs n !' I'oltz. Mr. mid Mrs. E. (I. Wimer. Mr. and Airs. Albert Micelll. Mr. ami .mis. .1 A. Hart. Dr. and Mrs. !.. A. Wells. Air. and Airs. John Wlllnm Robertson, Air. unit Mrs. II. II. Slpprell, Dr. and Alls. James E. Campbell. Air. and Mrs. AI. H. Almii'v. Air, and Airs. Ken neth llelllwell. Air. nnd Mrs li. H. Franks. Mr. and Mrs. L. Carpen ter. Mrs. Nance Fitzsimmons, Miss Esther llevan. Tommy At kins. Hill lloodwin. Clean Owen. C. A. Hartel. I). .1. Fi'lilkanip. Mr. nnd Mis. C. .1. Alowrev, Air. and Mrs. I'lill Haiti! urn! Air. und Mrs. A. .1. Ellison. MISS MARJORIE CHESTER ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB TUESDAY NIGHT Miss Marjorie Chester was a most gracious hostess lo her bridge club Tuesday evening al the home of Mr. mid Mrs. J. E. Uuilran on South Jackson street Following the contract bridge play Miss Chester served lovely refreshments to Airs. Leonard Kl ley. All's. Karl Connor, Mrs. R. .!. Church. Mrs. U'rov Illatt. Mrs bi -oil XX llltains. Airs. Robert !v;ily uud A)iss Ltiug, FABRICS Crup white (aille with currant-red check design fashions this charming evening gown for. the six-leen-year old. It is a creation of "Heim Jeunes Fillc". PATRIOTIC BOOKS SUGGESTED FOR FEBRUARY READING Hook lovers of Itoseburg will be interested In the patriotic books listed below, as suggested by the Hoseburg City Library librarian, Hilda Iteizenstctii, for lebruary rending. Paternity of Abraham Lincoln XX'illiam E. Barton. Abraham Lincoln Albert J. Bev erage. 2 vol. Abraham Lincoln by Lord Llnu'iv wood. Reminiscences of Abraham Lin coin by distinguished men of his time. , Lite of Lincoln Win. II. Hern don. Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln J. Henry Lea & J. R. Hutchinson. Abraham Lincoln, a North Canr linian J. C. Coggius. Abraham Lincoln, Ills Path to Presidency Albert Shaw. 2 vol, ., Life ol Lincoln Ida Al. Tarbell, Life on the circuit with Lincoln Henry C. Whitney. Abraham Lincoln edited by Ar thur Brooks Lapsley. S vol. Speeches and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln J. II. Barrett. Lineolu, mi account ot his per sonal lite Nathan Wright Steplicn- tl. .Myths After Lincoln Lloyd Lewis. Abraham Lincoln II. Ketchuin. In the Footsteps of (he Lincolns Ida Al. Tarbell. Abraham Lincoln John G. Nlco- luy. ' lie and limes of Washington Scliroeder and Lossing. 4 vol. Washington, tile Soldier Henry B. Carrington. Letters and Recollections oi Ueorge Washington with diary of Washington s last days, by Jos eph Delaway Sawyer. tieorgc xvasliingioti, mo iiuagu ot Hie mini W. K. Woodwaril. Cleorge Washington by XXoodrow Wilson. Cleorge Washington by Horace Sciuliler. tlreutest of .Men, Washington by pitied W. AlcCaiin. PRO-AMERICA UNIT MEETS AT LUNCHEON AT HOTEL UMPQUA r,.... 11..U ,r l,.rt. A mei li'i, met ' UlHlhlHD li. u. i ;(t u delightful one o'clock uo-hos- less luuclieon at ine noiei i ini',,m Wednesday with Airs. II. C. Wad doll, president, ill charge. A beau tiful bouquet ol deep Piuk ciirna tiuns. In a black bowl, graced the able. . Covers were placed for Airs, xsuil a , .... Mn,-,,o r nwl;e,-. who iii'o, .oi.--. - was welcomed us a new member. Miss Ala.le (). XX amor, .mss wine Walker, Mrs. II. u. i-argeiur. Irs. I. H. Riddle, Airs. J. F. Bark r Mrs L. E. Coodbourn. Airs. O. ' Brown. Mrs. A. A. Wilder. Mrs. Hroadway. Airs. A. E. Kent and is. Frederick J. Porter. t,i....l,, nf urograms for fu ture meetings was held and a short usinoss session followed me eu ivable luncheon hour The next looting of the Unit will lie Febril rv 22ml, at a one o'clock uo-hos-ss luncheon ul the Hotel . ,.!..,, ,i. llev Linden C. Lea- vitt will be the guest speaker. a CLIFFORD JENKINS HONORED Al Bimnui, LUNCHEON AT lAVtsn . of K-lniontb Falls resi- ,.,,i,i ltmne from the 4-11 ,1,-llia, ' .. club conference held In Corvallls this week, held a ilellgnuui noon liirtlldav luncheon lit Carl's Tavern Thursday to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Clifford Jenkins. Klamath county 4-H club acent. - A beautifully decorated birthday cake graced the attractively ap poillted table. Covers were placed for Air. Jenkins, guest of honor. Ilex High. Joe Fotberingham, Far rell lliilvard. Jessie Drew, Joe Sullivan. .Mrs. Bill Rogers. Airs. Noma Cohort, Airs. I tort hea Alack. Mrs. Esther Hover. Mm. Mildred Scliultz and Mrs. Inn Christy. Following the luncheon the group ol l it leaders returned to their nouiea iu Klauiatu Falls, THAT BLOOM IN THE SPRING MR. AND MRS. MAX MYERS HONORED AT SURPRISE HOUSEWARMING PARTY At a charming liousewarming party, Mr. and Airs. Alax Alyers were delightfully surprised Satur day evening, when about fifty friends called at their beautiful new home on the Alelrose road. All attractive mirror was presented to Air. and Airs. Alyers by the group with liev. S. Riiynor Smith making the presentation. Cootie was the diversion of the pleasant evening hours with the high score prizes going to All', aud Airs. L. L. Wlmherly. Later in the evening lovely re freshments, served buffet style to Air. and Mrs. Alax Alyers, guests of honor. Air. and Airs. L. L. Willi berly. Air. and Airs. Alfred Cloako. Mr. and Airs. E. C. Cloake, Air. and Mrs. C. T. Tipton, Air. and Airs. E. A. Helmbnldt, Air. and Airs. E. A. Brittou, Rev. nnd Airs. S. Kaynor Smith, Air. and Airs. C. B. Calkins, Air. and Mrs. C. W. Cook, Air and .Mrs. XV. AI. Chalmers. Air.. and Airs. C. W. Lundeen. Air. and Mrs. C. E. Alurks, Air. and Airs. E. O. Rlckll, Mr. and Airs. Harlan Moore, Airs. Edith Alyers. Airs. Kenneth Cloake, Mrs. Li Connelly. Airs. Lucy Jen nings. Aliss Pearl Jones. Aliss Ella .May Cloake, Aliss Jean Cloake, Aliss Betty Helmholdt. Aliss An nette Calkins, Aliss Kt'fie Calkins, Aliss Marian Cloake, Aliss Juanita Redding, Aliss Alice Alyers, Nevltt Smith. Jim Brltton. Jack Cnlklns, Jack Rickli, Bob Alyqrs and Dick Holniboldt. - MRS. GEO. WHARTON HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY At a very delightful one tbirtv o'clock dessert-luncheon Airs. George Wharton very charmingly entertained her bridge ciuo ut nor attractive, home on Claire stroot Thursday afternoon. Almond blos soms and jonquils were attractive ly arranged ns a decorative motif for the occasion. Covers were placed at one largo table for Mrs. L. W. Josse and Airs. .1. R. Wharton, members, and Mrs. E. (). Rickli, Airs. S. J. Shoe maker, Airs. Cl. V. Wlmherly, Airs. W. F. Harris. Airs. Fred Hamilton, Airs. G. C. Finliiy, Mrs. Homer Grow. Airs. It. L. Whipple. Mrs. H. S. Black and Airs. A. J. Hochrodel. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing the pleasuut afternoon hours with Airs. Hamilton winning tho prize for high score. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY IS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR WEDNESDAY Airs. V. T. Jackson and Airs. Al via Wetherall were delightfully surprised on their birthday anni versary Wednesday evening, when a group of friends called at the for mer's home on South Alain street to celebrate the occasion. Handkerchiefs and cards . were iMven to Airs. Jackson and Airs. Wetherall from .Mr. and Airs. 1). II. I.enox. Air. and Airs. O. L. John son. Air. and Airs. Alba Spaugh. Air. mil Airs. J. E. Pickens. Airs. Med Goff. Airs Alabel Wilson, Aliss Ag nes Pltchford and .Miss Doioiny Dale Jackson. Pinochle and Chinese checkers were enioved during the evening, afier which lovely refreshments were served at small tables. MR. AND MRS. ELLEDGE ENTERTAIN AT PARTY OAKLAND. Jan. 28. Air. ami Mrs. Elledge entertained tt group of- friends ;at their home ' Satur day evening with a lovely party. Cards were the diversion of the evening. Hich score was won by .Mr. and Alls. R Al, Fetber and consolation by Airs. Hebcrly and Herman A!eers. Delicious refreshments were served to Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth Copeland, Air. and Mrs. Harold Peterson. Air. and Mrs. Alfred Hand. .Mr. mid Airs. R. M. Ferber. Air. and Mrs. Cleorge Jennings. Air. and .Mrs, Herman Aleyers. Mr. and Mrs. Hi-belly and the host aud hostess, Air. and Airs. Elledge. 'LARGE ENROLLMENT REPORTEO BY LEGION AUXILIARY The largest advance enrollment in its history was on the member ship books of the American Legion Auxiliary as the organization en tered the now year. Airs. AI. R. Richards, membership chairman of Umpqua Unit of the Auxiliary, has announced. Approximately 350,000 members had been enrolled lor 1939 in advance of January 1, an ill- crease ot 30.000 above last year's nign record. Total membership for 1938 was approximately 405.000. a gain of more than 20,000 over 1937. A total membership of nearly 500,000 was indicated for 1939. First national membership prizes for 1930 were won by the depart ments ot XX'isconsin, Oklahoma and Panama. XX isconsin, with S3. 90 per cent of its 1939 quota enrolled, wus first among departments of more than 15,000 , menthol's; Oklahoma, with Sli.91 per cunt, , led depart ments of between 5.000 and 15.000 members, whilo Panama enrolled U3.25 per cent of its quota to lead the departments of less than 5,000 members. PORTLAND VISITOR COMPLIMENTED AT CHARMING LUNCHEON Airs. Chester Hercher entertain ed at a very charming one-thirty o clock two-course luncheon at her home Friday afternoon to compli ment her sister-in-law, Airs. C. W es- ley AX'illiains, who is here visiting troni Portland. Jasmine and pale pink carna tions arranged with fern were used lo carry out an attractive decora tive motif for the occasion. Covers were placed for Airs. C. Wesley XX'll lianis. guest of honor. Airs. Guy Cordon, Airs. C. E. W Imberly, Airs. XXaller Hercher, Airs. E. C. Patter son, Mrs. Edwin Booth, Airs. Boyd Bales and Airs, t'rcderick J. Porter. Contract bridge was the diversion of the pleasant afternoon hours with prizes going to Airs. XX'illiuins and Airs. Cordon. JUDGE AND MRS. BOWKER ENTERTAIN AT DINNERS DURING THE WEEK - Judge and Mrs. Morris C. Bowkci entertained us dinner guests nt their beautiful home on Cluire street last Friday evening. Air. Jackson of Aledford and Mr.- Mur phy of Placcrville, Calif. On Thursday evening Judge and Airs, llowkor had ns dinner guests, Mr. and Airs. George Wharton. Aliss Jane Wharton and Aliss Agnes Pltchford. An attractive yellow and black decorative motif wus car ried out on the table by the use ot early llowenng Jusinlno and tall yellow tapers in bluck holders. turds were enjoyed during the pleasant evening hours. ROSEBURG REBEKAH LODGE HAS MEETING TUESDAY EVENING Roseburg Itebekah lodge No. 41 met Tuesday evening at the I n O.F. hall with Winnie Hawn, noble grand, presiding. Forty-two mem bers and two guests were uresent The visiting committee appointed ,, ii.iii ,m ,iuiums. .uauei Wil son' and Kate Farnsworth. Myrtle Spaugh Was appointed as press cor respondent. Following the business session the degree team practiced for Ini tiation to be held February 14lh. CECEILE PORTER AND KERMIT FESSLER MARRY IN RENO, NEVADA . . Surprising their many friends In Hoseburg and Green. Miss Cecelle Porter, daughter of .Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Porter, of Roseburg. and Kermlt Fessler. son of Airs. Etta Fessler. of Philyssburg, Montana, were quietly married in Reno. Ne vada. January ltith. Air. and Airs. Fessler spent their honeymoon in Oakland. San Fran cisco and Grass Valley and are visiting relative's nt Green, before wing to I'liilyssburg to make their home. PUBLIC INVITED TO PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY BALL MONDAY EVENING ' One of the most colorful ' arid charming of formal affairs for the winter season will be the presi dent's ball to be spousored by the 20-30 club next Monday evening at nine o'clock at the armory, to which the public has been most cordially Invited to attend. Harry Lehrbach is acting as general chairman of the interest ing affair and is being assisted by Gordon Bennett and Bernard Saar. The tickets are in charge of Ro bert Helllwell and Byron Wood ruff and the publicity Is in charge ot Clyde Adair. The. armory will be decorated Sunday by Dale Cal houu aud Jim Loomis. The pa triotic motif will be carried out and a large picture of the presi dent will be placed above the or chestra pit. Music for the bull will be play ed by the University ot Oregon Swingsters, which is a six-piece orchestra. Three of the musicians in the orchestra are Roseburg boys. . A delightful program has been arranged for 9:30 o'clock. Proceeds of the ball will g0 to the national aud local fund to fight infantile paralysis. Bl CHAPTEH OBSERVES SEVENTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF SISTERHOOD OF P.E.O. Chapter BI of the P.E.O. Sister- -- , ... ummuu wuii chan ters throughout the U. S. and Can ada, celebrated the 70th anniver sary of Founders' day with a spec ial program on Friday, January Airs. Gilbert Sprague of Myrtle Creek, In charge of the program, spoke of the long nnd honorable history of P.E.O., its huge educa tional loan fund, the Aleniqrial Li brary or Iowu Wesleyan campus, built and paid for by P.E.O.'s Cot tey College, a Junior college for women given to the P.E.O. Sister hood in 1927. and the Welfare and Trust fund. Airs. Sprague concluded her program with a sol emn candle lighting ceremony. Airs. W. AI. Campbell entertained the group at tin old-liishioned high noon dinner served In the style of the 1860's in heirlooms gathered for the occasion. Tho atmosphere of other days was preserved through out the afternoon by the lovely old costumes -worn by chapter members, and by antique furnish ings used about the rooms. Kotablo were an ancient clock, .a largo fam ily Bible on a center table, antique chairs, old lamps, uud Currier and Ives prints. MRS. DANIEL KEOHANE ENTERTAINS AT ; ' ' CHARMING PRTY ''At-a' very charming one-thlrly o'clock dessert-bridge luncheon. Airs. Daniel Kcohauo very gracious ly entertained at three tables at her attractive home of Vista avenue Thursday afternoon. Airs. Kcohnno was assisted by her mother, Airs. A. XX". Coleman, and by Airs. J. D. AlcLennan. Covers were placed at prettily un pointed small tables for Mrs. Gor ;donBenuett, Mrs. J. D. 'McLennan. Mrs. W. H. Chrlsler, Airs. Guy Cor don, Airs. L. L. Wlmherly, Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Airs. 11. W. Porter, ' Airs. A. D. Parr, Airs. li. R. Jacobs, Airs E. L. Knapp, Airs. Frank Coen, Airs. R. D. Coen and Airs. Frederick J. Porter. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing the pleasant afternoon hours with Airs. L. L. Wlmherly winning the high score prize; Airs. Bennett, second, high score prize and Mrs. Knapp, the traveling prize. MRS. FRANK COEN HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB TUESDAY NIGHT Airs. Frank Coea very gracious ly entertained her bridge club at her lovely home on South Stephens street Tuesday evening. Mrs. Dan iel Keohane was a guest of the evo nlng and members enjoying tho oc casion with Airs. Coim were Mrs. .Marshall Pengra, Airs. E. R. Ja cobs, Airs. J. D. AlcLennan, Airs. W. R. Chrlsler. Airs. A. D. Parr and Airs. Roger Bailey. . High score for the evening's bridge play was held by Airs. Parr with Airs. Ali'Ixnuail receiving the traveling prize. Later Mrs. Coca served delicious refreshments. MRS. H. F. HATFIELD ENTERTAINS CLUB ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON ' Airs. H. F. Hatfield was a most gracious hostess to the Commo X'ous Platte club Tuesday afternoon at her home in North Roseburg. (Continued on page 3.) ON OLD LINE Linos thul "lut t,- ,li." old story to the woman who thinks she must do her ow n washing to save tiiotiov Send your wash to us this week. i-ei us prove mat you 11 f.el better and look better when you don't have to contend with washday worries, that our service is eco nomical, that we do superior work. New Service Laundry, and Dry Cleaning 324 W. Lane Phone 83