ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26. 1930. SEVEN For Your Convenience Thrae Dju1ii Cnmity Mores will take Want Ada for the CLLVKIfS MARKET Sutherlin STEARNS Jt C II li.N O WET H Oakland STOXAKKH I)ItI7t? CO. Vonralla McUOKALD ttTOUD Blkton IltZUAHD'S Umuqum GUUU ST O HIE Glide I B. NICHOLS Brockwar nowi;i.i;s htokb Ten mile U. R. Ill CUTER CO. Camai Valley ELUbUK A KLUSOHf Dlllard UiSYN'OLDii St ADAMS Myrtle Creek IIKADVIRKUT'B Riddle : Canyoiiville ( HL:.MNt;i:ii'S (leudale DAYS CHUKIt RTOUQ Dura Creek The above ture will ncfpt adN and pnrnient for tlteni. .hint tll the merchant Unfed nhovei '1 mint to put an ad In the NeiYN-Kevleiv' nnd he will take care of nil the detnlla for yuu. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 , RATES First Insertion, per word -2o Each subsequent insertion per word . One week, per word . One month, per line 6c 1.00 Minimum charge . Z5c Copy for this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. m. of the day of publication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers in the classified columns. Readers are urged to make full in vestigation before sending money : in response to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS MY B ROTHES. . IS WRITIN' A , SONS WITH LARD! LARD IS PUTTIN' "THE WORDS IN, AND FRECK'S PUTTIN' DOWN THE NOTES tf!SSS8ll W WHY Does W Me SAYS Cam no. but he picks our Me says he BOY i IF HE KEEPS HYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE T WHAT'S WRONG J IT'S CERTAINLY WtM$ffl$M DOLLY.' I'M AMAZED IMTRVIWG, DADDY WM I'VE TOLD YOU W WITH DOLLY, MYEA1 STRAU&E.' WHAT IS W&immM 1 THOUGHT WE HAD BOB"- BUT I KNOW WA THAT'S ALL A WM. SHE'S ACTUALLY H IT, HOMEY-CAM'T KW AC3REED TO SHOW 1 THEY'RE GOING -JfM PACK OF NOU- 7M LL THE WORLPASMILE ISE, CHlM As THE PICTURE UNFOLDS, THE AUDIENCE BREAKS IMTO APPLAUSE "PUPPY LOVE" IS A T3ISTIMCT HIT.' ' BUT..... BOOTS AND HER WASH TUBBS EH? THE PKISONEB. tUUA.T' ARE MiARCHlMG THATrumEN NUOOE! WHAT a racket: OH,VMHAT VOli.U To get In touch with advertis ers giving as their address "Box so and so, care News-Review," it is necessary to write them. The News-Review doesn't know who the are, either. Livestock WANTED Weauer and feeder pigs, also springer heifers from good dairy stock. J. A. Khoads, 496 Beach St., Ashland. FOR SALE OR TRADE Jersey cow. Will take wood, straw, tenco posts, shakes. R. L. Her man, Route 2. FOR SALE Trained coyoto and tree dog. Price $1011.00. Gimr auteed. W. A. Blackert, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE Mule team, 10 and 11 years. Weight 1250-1300. Double harness. 1005 West First. HOGS FOR SALE 65 head feed- 'ers, 14 brood sows. Reasonably priced. W. D. Nickfon, Sixes, Oregon. FOR SALE -Milch cows. Will take Angora goats in trade. C. H. Munson, Roseburg. 25 WEANER pigs. f. t. Sulllvau, Umpqua Park road. FOR SALE Young varmint J. M. Ware, Brockway. dog. FEEDER pigs wanted. O. C. John Phone 124. Trade WILL exchange fresh, young cow for young, laying liens. No culls. H. C. Kelley, Box 125, Camas Vulley, Oregon. TRUCK for car. Will take equity Box 517, c-o News-Review. Financial WANTED $2500 loan. First mort gage, 172-acre Douglas county farm. L. S. Johns, Azalea, Ore gon. FRIENDS BUDDIES In TVViUK' TH HE EES WNC! WE THE AMERICA WO TO THE RAKA! BAViS! oh VI ME HAVE TO HE HAS A 'A J: up PLAY TUNES WITH ONE FINGER. I WANTS TO WRITE U UP THAT RACKET. SH WRITE ONE ? SONG IN HIS gfH A PIANO? A AND WRITES DOWN THE NOTES' ( A SONS THAT WILL J) THE NEIQHBORS'LL - HE CAN BUY SOUL AND ITS rV ?X BUT IT AIN'T SWING J - V OUTLIVE HIM A SEE THAT IT DOES ; Y ONE FOR 15 J GOTTA. COME : ?'tff' lV vl ViXA Real Estate FOIl SALE Build a court and be independent for life. Large lot, good location for ten nouses. Price Jl. Oil, part terms. Chan. Ryes. 316 W. Douglas. WANTED Home in or near Rope- burg ill' exchange for Portiund homo, all clear of debt. WOL VERTON, S. E. 5034 97th Ave., Portlaud, Ore. LAND FOR SALE Acre tracts, best river loam, joins city limits, river frontage, suitable bulbs or gardening. Lights and water available. Roy E. Bellows. FEDERAL Lana bank (arms. In quire at the National Farm Loan office, DouglaB Co, Abstract Co Rldg.. Roseburg. FOR QUICK SALE Modern conn try home, close In. Slock If want ed, llox 68, Route 2. Wanted WANTED TO UV Portable saw mill, wide, heavy carriage. Call or write Joe Heutges, Glide. BALED straw. Phone 1F31. Automobiles FOR SALE, cheap, or trade for grain or stock One T Ford truck, slake rack. G. W. Rogers, Riddle, Oregon. Hay and Grain FOR SALE Baled hay, ten dollars ton. Inquire of Ada Elliuger, two miles south Riddle, Oregon. Lost and Found LOST Blue speckled with black spots and docked tail hound, January 16. Please notify Carl Thornton, Stitherlin, Oregon Phone 46F11, Oakland, Oregon. Chiropractor Scientific equipment. NCM A X-Raj rr Bnofleld. Perkins Bldg. , iR yoo wRt cvkv t a ovi Twiib -b cR.t'. f r x , 1 are oobDH auo voo'"ot fc, FH V- OVt. 'WVE VMSc. a ,R.'cC06rTOM, I OOMT OMV.V BtV W XT ?VTE R, &0WE( TWO MEM 6ET THE AMERICAU4 I V, AVJD A 6RL AID IU PEAW OR ALWE! II ,N , v , THE ErAvPP . 1 WTJSXA f, V. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Used vacuum clean ers, electric and wood ranges, davenports, dressers, rugs. All at real bargain prices. JOSSE Fl'RNlTl'UE CO., 106 North Jackson street. FOR SALE OR TRADE Cabins. beds, mattresses, other miscel laneous equipment. TRADE for lumber, labor or gravel. Camp View, one mile north of Rose burg, higuwuy 3d. , AUCTION Saturday Horses, cows, pigs, furillluro, vegetables, Viking pressure pump, 4-lnch irrigation pipe, blower for forge. Come early. Umpqua Valley Auction Co. GLASS, GLASS if m need of glass for your .car come in. we cut and grind to the right size at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 623 North Main Street. FOR SALE 1 Oregon Statu elec tric brooder. 1 Master, 510-egg size incubator. Sherman Smith, Suthcrlln. ICE CREAM Vanilla quart, 25c. Pints (any flavor), 15c. SULLI VAN'S CAFE, Perkins Bldg., 211 West Cuss street. FOR SALE Spray outfit. 200 gal lons, good condition. Fred Neul, Myrtle Creek. Oregon FOR SALE 600-egg Incubator, good condition. W. Common, Curry EBtale, 55F31. FOR SALE Waterproofed tent, or trade for used 600-10 tires. Apart ment 1. 42S E. Cass. .'OR SALE Yew wood posts. Write D. W. Badger. Days Creek. OR SALE Barber cbuir. Box 51S, c-o News-Review. Dentistry v ; r--y. i 1R a W. ItarsluM. Med. A. Bldg Short-Lived Career Lady in Distress Short and Snappy Lot Vo Settle 7 Rentals SMALL apt. tor working girls or couple. See Mrs. Strange at antique shop. APARTMENTS for rent. Steam heat. Hot and cold water. DOUG LAS HOTEL. KOHLHAQEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 660. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. 42. 424 Floed street. Phone 2-ROOM furnished apartment. 112 Brockway. FOR RENT Room, for ladies only. ziu s. Rose. Help Wanted WANTED Experienced union truck salesman or distributor to sell a fast selling lino of cakes, cookies, crackers. Good commis sion. Must furnished truck. Suite experience. Apply Box 519, c-o News-Review. Vl AN 1 ED Married woman to conduct small apartment house and, with her husband, to oc cupy the same. Close in. In quire at 3i)8 North Stephens street, west of junior high school building. POULTRY FOR SALK Din k CnrniKh ;,I.I. I en Lace and Columbiun Wyan dolto pullets u ll d cockerels. Golden and L a d y Amherst Pheasants, Blue Peafowls. B. A. Smith, P. O. Box 10, Hose burg. Aviary at 1226 S. Main . street. FOR SALE OR TRADE for ewes 75 White Leghorn laying hens. JAeorge Cooley, Yoncalla, Oregon. NEW HAMPSHIRE breeding cock erels. Blood tested. R. E. McFall, Camas Valley. FOR SALE Barred Rock breeding roosters. Route 1, Box 48. Corn Collison. By Ray Thompson and Charles Col n UT MVGA NOTICES THAT , THE MAN'S FACE REFLECTS AWYTHIMG BUT THE COMF1- P TJENCE OF HIS WORDS T 1-16 M THERE'S THE BOAT, BUT WHAT 1 Vr MR. -pAWSOW WOMT PERMIT US ABOARD? i- rLIFE AW PEATH, SETTLE WITH DAW- Miscellaneous MILK, grade a pasteurised or raw. Delivered dally. Umpqua Dairy Pome 14. Roseburg By-Products Co., phone 62-F-12. ARUNDEL Piano Inner. Ph. 1SS-L Fuel Foit SALE Oak wood, bone dry. 16" 2 tier, $1.50. 6 tier lots, $10.00. Wanted mule team for feed. Write O. C. Stanwood, Oakland. 12", 14", IS" OLD growta fir. Spe cial price this month. Satlsfao Uon guaranteed. Charles Roth Camas Valley. i3ET your wtod at Roseburg Lum ber Co. Dry and green. 16-lncb and 4-foot SEASONED fir wood, 3 tier $6.00. Rand Wood Yard. Phone 563-Y. Educational SHORTHAND CLASSES for be ginners nnd advanced students, 35c per hour. Day and evening classes, starting February 1. Mrs. Tlbbetts, one block west Wat zlg's Hatchery. KELTY TO RETIRE E PORTLAND, Jan. 2(i. (AP) Paul U. Kelty, (ili, a newspupor inuii lor 42 yearn, announced to day ho would rotiro next Tuesday an editor of the Portland Oregon inn, pioneer morning newspaper. Kelly entered the profession In lSDli as a cub reporter for tho old Portland Telegram, then control' lod by Oregonian Interests. He became telegraph editor, then 'city By, Merrill Blosser THE CHILD IS EXHAUSTED. V;;r- Mtt, WHITE -PERHAPS IF WE STEPPED OUT IK! By Edgar Martin By Roy Crane THIS IS A COME ON. I HAVE WATTER OF S0METHING TO THE LOBBY A I ., , u - ti .'"MSI WHY-OF: "HI . J WOMEV. WE L SON AUVWAV. EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Done 4 SEE AN EXPERT The firms and Individual, listed below specialize in their work. See them for expert services. You should profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill S. Main St. AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. R. Brown, 121 N. Steph. Ph. 104. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spaugu's Garage. 234 V. Oak street. Phone 3Utf. Hartley & Faucher, 126 No. Ilose. Ph. 438. BLACKSMITH E, Woodcock, 615 N. Main. CAR WASHING Al Newman, 121 N. Stephens St. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric. Phone 123, FLUE CLEANING C. Bewley. phono 163. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeor, 645 Fowler St. LOCK6MITH Pacific Key Sor. 222 W. Oak Bt eililor and in 1005 accepted the Lob AiiBeles Examiner's offer to become city editor. He returned to tho Oregouuin in 10U8 us news editor, continuing In that position until 1924 when he and liia son, Eugene S. Kelty, pur chased the Eugene, Ore., Guard. After selling the Guard he was associated for a time with the Eu gene Register but returned to the Oregonlau as editorial writer In 1930. He was advanced to editor August 1. 1931. ' Kelty. a natlvo of Oregon, la a member of tho national republican program committee. His home is Lafayette, about 30 miles south of hero. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE ASTORIA, Jan. 26. (AP) The body of Clark Sovereign, 60, Camp ClatHop Wl'A. worker, was recov ered from tho Columbia river yes terday. He wuh released from tho amp a week uro when tho quota was (Hied. Deuth was duo to drowning. SAMCM, Jan. 20. (AP) Curtis CroHH, 61, preHideiit of the Val y Pnekhur company here, died laBt nlMht. His Kniudfathor, Thom as Cross, came to Oregon by ox team In ISfi2, became Salem s pio neer meat dealer and started tho Irst packing plant hero. lu 1912 Curtis Cross was uaiuod houd of tho business. YACHATS, Jan. 2fi. r(AP) A. school of whales ran in closo to shoro yesterday at Ten Mile creek and disported for several Hours. Obsorvers said they believed the huge mammals were looking for fresh water to get rid of the bar- J. H. LEONG 32 Years Experience Hold Everything! "I know he didu'l leuve like lliul, bul I cun'l draw ( - horses.'! I UPHOLSTERING Gomes Uphl. A Matt Shop. Ph. 161. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. 8HEET METAL WORK Slmilgar's, 444 N. Jackson St TIRE RETREADING Houlj's, 121 N. Stephens. Pu. 104. TOWING Stephens Auto Co. 323 No. Main St. Phone 682-J. WELDING Rsbg. Welding Works, 609 N. Main. WATCH REPAIRING Alvin Knudtson, 103 N. Jackson SL BEAUTY 8ALONS Paye's Salon of Bonuty. Complete beauty service. Ph. 211, 126 W. : Cass St. Pearl liawuouser. Mgr. Allison's Beauty Shop. Phone 384. PAINTING KALSOMINING Herman Schulzo. Phone 2F41. naclca on their bodies. They stay ed near tho mouth of tho creek, u scant quurter mile offBhore. PKINHV1LLE, Jan. 26. (AP) Dewey Montgomery, 39, accident ally discharged Ills rifle whilo climbing through a barbed wire fence Wednesday and was fatnllv shot. NEW STAMPED GOODS Carr's new M39 spring lino of stamped goods Is now on display. Hemstitched pillow cases In beau-' tiful now patterns, Including appli que, cross-Htltch, cutwork, etc. Pep-" perells at 57c pair, Pequots, 75c. Hemstitched scarfs to mutch. 25c. In addition to all the regular num bers, this new line feature a largo assortment of clever. Mexican, Dutch and Calmlero patterns in aprons, lunch cloths and stenciled pillow tops, many uf them to be worked with lick-rack braid and all priced at 25 and 35 cents. If you're looking for "something different" you'll find it at Carr's. Also a com plete Hue of embroidery and crochet threads, yarns, rick-rack braids, etc. Adv. "TO-DAY'S" rrnriTTTTTi SIPJICOAQ. 1934 DeLuxe Dodge 4-Door Sedan Vory nii-.i flnlKh. Tlrps vury gixiil. Motor riH'iiiiilltiiini'i aliort limn Htfu. KiuIiipim1 with ri lllft. .llfl'L-'H IllUtllTI! tl-UIIHIHlrtl lion al a very low $375 IH'll 'SI" DILLARD CI" MOTOR COMPANY Yick So Herb Co. Our natural remedies will give you the satisfaction in case others failed you be fore. Remedies for stomach, liver, kidneys, rheumatism, piles, glands, urinary, eczema, systems of men and women. Kohlhagen Bldg. 132 North Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon ,