ROBEBUKG REWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1939. Society and Club By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER DORA MAE FLETCHER HONORED ON BIRTHDAY To honor Dora Mae Fletcher on her fifteenth birthday anniversary, a delightful party was given by her mother nt their home in Itroek way Saturday. Various games were played with Mrs. Dale Zeeler, Miss Patricia Nichols and Miss Zona WHshire winning prizes. Beautiful gifts were presented to Miss lora Mae, after, which re freshments were perved by Mrs. Thomas Fletcher, hostess, assisted by Mm. Herman Setmlze and Mrs. William Uoone, to the guest of honor and Virginia Schulze, Mar gie Zeeler, Uuhlnti Wiser, Joy Dale Zeeler, Lucille Roberts, Zona Wll shire, Willa Wilshire, Bonnie May Reed, Alice Leone Reed, Mabel Thompson, Patricia Nichols, Nancy Nichols, Beverly Nichols, Ann Pay or, Kfieen Pratt, Doris Suksriorf, Norma Boone, Lois Blake and Mrs. Dale Zeeler. A. A. A. CLUB HAS FIRST MEETING The "All American Athletic club' for girls, has Just been organized in Jtoseburg and held its first meeting nt the home of Marilyn Harpbani. After discussing various sports and appointing captains for each, the group elected their officers, which were os follows: president, Doro thy Crocker: vice-president, lxis Kurtz; secretary, Velma Crocker; treasurer, Marilyn Harpham ; re porter, Margaret Cordon; corre spondent; Oressa Adams: histo rian, Marcelle French, and advisor, Lenore Adorns. The club has announced it has several games lined up with vari ous surrounding towns' for the near future. Today's Pattern YOUNG NEW SLENDERIZING PATTERN 4038 Choose this youthful bolero style If you're looking for a slim nilnK frock that's smart but not fussy, Bimple but not plain ... a desiitn that's definitely spring-like! It's an "inspired" new creation by Anne Adams. And it's so easy to make, you'll have It stitched up before you can say "Jack Hobin son!" Pattern 4038 Is a grand model to don when you've a day full of important engagements, with no time to change frocks. Just whisk otr the bolero to niter the character of your ensemble from semi tnllored to soft afternoon ef fect. See the pretty yoke may contrast, the sleeves of dress and bolero may be long or short. Con sider too, the thinning lines of the skirt with comfortable panel and graceful, rippling hem-line! Pattern 4038 is available In wo men's sizes 34. 36. 3S, 40, 42. 44 and 46. Size 36, entire ensemble, takes 4J vards 39 Inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (ISc) In coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plalnlv SIZE. NAME, AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Put in vour order for ANNE ADAMS LATEST PATTERN BOOK of Spring Styles today! See smart, fresh fashions and simple patterns that make sewing-at-home a joy! See pictured In color such a COMPLETE array of day, after noon, party and sports wear! Tips for Southland Travelers! Bridal Frocks! Suits and Dress Acces sories! Slimming Creations and Young Generation Outfits! With these appear Lingerie, Homefrocks, and things for your menfolk. Send now! PRICE OF BOOK FIF TEEN CENTS. PRICE OF PAT TERN, FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Send your order to News-Review, Pattern Department, Roseburg, Oregon. S. S. CONVENTION IS HELD TODAY DRAIN, Jan. 24. A Sunday School convention of northern di vision of Douglas county will be held at the Church of Christ, Tues day, January 24th. Song leader, Mrs. Bessie I.akey; pianist, Helen Davis. 10 a. m.. Song Service.. ..Rev. Noble 10:20 a. m., "Jesus Our Example as a Teacher," county presi dent, W. O. make. 10:40, "Adapting Lesson Material to Pupils Capacity of Under standing." 10:50, Special music. 11:00, "A Sunday School Teacher In Daily Lire," Rev. J. R. IJen ham. 11:25, Song. 11:35, "Overcoming Discouraging Conditions," Mrs. Anhur Gard ner. 11:45, Announcements. 12:00, Basket dinner. 1:15 p. m.. Song and Praise Ser vice, Rev. Robert I. Parker. 1:30, Business session, roll call, offering, election of officers. 2:00, Song. 2:10, "Cooperation In 'Sunday School and Church," Mr. Ar thur Waoiley. 2:00, "Methods Used in Awakening Increased Interest In Disinter ested, Irresponsive ami Unruly Children," Rev. A. M. Cromwell. 3:00, Open Forum, "Our Weak nesses in Sunday School Work and How to Overcome Them," Rev. J. J. Ray, 7:00, p. m Song service, Hev. E. J. Helseths 7:40. "The Problem of leading the Pupils to Become Christians," Rev, Carl Crowson. WESTMINSTER CIRCLE HAS FINE MEETING SUTHERUN, Jan. 24. The Westminster circle met at the home of Mrs. Ella Wegner witli Mrs. Oscar Sigismund and Mrs. Wegner as hostesses. Mrs. A. P. Slack, gave the devotionals, Mrs. Vern Ilolgate presented the topic. "Southern Mountaineers," and Mrs. Robert Finley called the roll, which was answered with thoughts of hospitality. Delicious refreshments were served to Sirs. N. K. Eby, Mrs. Slack, Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Hoi gate, Mrs. W. O. French, Mrs. Flench, Sr., Mrs. W. J. I,add, Mrs. Kunkle, Mrs. DeMlith, Mrs. P. A. Comstock, Mrs. Nellie Parker, Mrs. MeGarvey, Mrs, Chas. Hartley, Mrs. Ieslie Chapman, and Mrs. John Webber, of Drain, Mrs. Win. Woods by Mrs, Wegner and Mrs. Sigismund, IRENE MURPHY IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY SUTHERUN, Jan. 21. A birth day dinner, honoring the birthday of Miss Irene Murphy, was enjoyed nt the W, O, French home Sunday afternoon. Places were laid for Miss Murphy, Mrs. A. W. Erlcson and daughter, Evelyri of North Bend, IjiVerne Murphy, of Marsh field. Mrs. Leslie Chapman of Drain. Mrs. Anna Good ami daugh ter. Miss Louise Murphy, of I'mp nun, Mrs. French, Sr., and the host and hostess, Mr. nml Mrs. French. Mr. Chapman arrived in the eve ning to visit and accompany Mrs. Chapman home. POTLUCK DINNER IS ENJOYED SUNDAY DRAIN, Jan. 24. Stanley N. Bond of Monrovia, Calif., former pastor of the Drain Church of Christ, was guest speaker at the last Sunday morning service. A potluck dinner was served in honor of Mr. Bond and a social hour wa3 enjoyed afterward with visiting old friends. He was accompanied by ills brother, Theo. Bond, and wife, and brother-in-law,. -M. Lilly, of Roseburg, where he has been visit ing his mother and other relatives. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES TO MEET THURSDAY The Country club ladies will meet at 8:80 a. m. Thursday at the club house for contract bridge; 12:30 potluck luncheon ami after noon of golfing. All ladies of the club are urged to be present. Those lesirlng transportation have been asked to call either Mrs. J. F. Millard or Airs. H. T. Hansen. LADY ELKS TO ENJOY SOCIAL THURSDAY NIGHT The Lady Elks will meet at S o'clock Thursday evening at the temple with Mrs. Chester Hercher, president, in charge and Mrs. Irvin Brunn aeting as hostess for the so cial hour of contract bridge anil five-hundred. Prizes will be award ed. All Lady Elks nre most cordial ly invited to be present. M. E, AID TO SPONSOR FOOD SALE As the January project of the Methodist Episcopal Ladies Aid society, a cooked food sale has been planned for all-day Saturday, January 2, to be held at McKean and Baldwins furniture store on Cass street. Mrs. J. P. Osborn and Mrs. R. W. Marsters are joint chairmen of tiie sale. W. B. A, TO MEET ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON An important business meeting of the Women's Benefit association has been announced for two o'clock Thursday afternoon to be held at the Maecafcee hall. Every member Is being urged to be pres ent. SUNSHINE CLUB TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Northside Sunshine club will, meet at a delightful potluck luncheon Thursday at the borne of the president, Mrs. T. J. Wriston. AH members are cordially invited to be present. SIDE GLANCES com tw b nc setmcr, me. i. a. sea w. s. pat, arr. f-l "By the time I get them unbundled from recess, it's time to dress them to so home." From "Kentucky" Lorctta Young and Richard Grpene, co-starred In -"Kentucky, all Technicolor hit, wtoleh opens tomorrow at tlie Imlian theatre for a three-day engagement S. S. CLASSES ARE ENTERTAINED AT PARTY. GLKKDAIJ5. Jan. 24, B. C, IIuntinMlon ami Mrs, Win, Wmweh entertained the members of their Sunday school elanses with a skat lug party at Metlford Friday eve ning. Those enjoying the affair were Bertha Nixon, Lorraine Head, Hetty Phillips, Carmen tiulterriez, Gloria Wunsch, Dorothy Olson, (lene Alien, Author Young, Dale McMuMiii, Hob Iewis, Mr. and Mrs. Wunsch, Miss Alberta Thomas, Mr. Huntington and Ira Lewis. MR. AND MRS, WHIPPLE -ENTERTAIN AT DINNER DRAIN, Jan. 24. Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Whipple entertained at din ner on Tuesday evening for the high school teaelmrs. fevers were laid for Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Light, .Mr. and Mrs, Jack Connors, Mr. and Mrs. Stillmaii Wesselea, the Misses Hosteller, Bull and Bureh ard. and the hosts, Mr, and Mrs. Whipple and family. The evening was pleasantly spent playing games. FULLERTON STUDV CLUB TO MEET The Fullerton P.-T.A. Study club will meet at 1:3ft o'clock Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs., II. A. Bender at 1107 Harvard av- eimc to hear the broadcast of Dr. I Kathryn I-aws, to P.-T.A. study groups. All members of the club and par ents interested are invited to at tend the study meeting. ROSE STUDY CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Rose P.-T. A. Study club has announced its next meeting for two o'clock Thursday afternoon in the music room of the Pew school house. All parents of Hose stu dents are being un;ed to attend these interesting study eluh meet ings. PAST PRESIDENTS CLUB MEETS FRIDAY The Past Presidents club of George Starmer auxiliary to ('. S. W . V. met Friday afternoon at the For a Limited Time SANITARY TOILETS for home, school or place of business, are being bwilt, paint ed and installed with WPA la bor for only the cost of mate rial. L. W. METZGEB CO. Roebtira Pause Refresh Slory lies Confectionery 211 N. Jackson Si. 'home of Mrs. W. O. dinger at the Grand hotel. Mrs. H. A. Taylor was admitted to the chili as a new member and Mrs. F. M. Compton, new president of the auxiliary, was a guest. Members enjoying the aft ernoon with Mrs. dinger included Mrs, 1.0HR, Mrs. Paul Dempsey, Mrs, Margaret Rodgers, Mrs. W. C. Prlntz,-Mrs. Percy Webb, Mrs. Sam Starmer and Mrs. Hubert Wright, At the tea hour Mrs. dinger served lovely refreshments. The next meeting of the club will be held Thursday, February 2ndf at the home of Mrs. Hubert Wright in North Roseburg. ELGAROSE TO WNSEND CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY The regular meeting of the Townsend clnb at the Eigarose piayshed will be held at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening, at which time election of officers will be held and a guest speaker will talk. The ladies of the club have been asked to bring refreshments for the supper to follow the meeting. Anyone interested has been Invited to attend. BETTY RUSSELL ELECTED OREGON GIRL OF WEEK Among the interesting activities on the L'nfversity of Oregon cam pus this week was the electing of Miss Betty Russell, of Roseburg, as the Oregon girl of this week. Miss Russell, who Is a student at University of Oregon, is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Rus sell of this city. EVERGREEN H. E. CLUB TO MEET ALL-DAY THURSDAY The Kvergreen Home Kconomlcs club will hold n delightful all-day and noon potluck lunehcnn at the home of Mrs. Vera Rice Thursday, January 2th. All ladh'S of the grange arp most cordially Invited to nn joy the da y . f4 i A L We should like to prove to yon that the Rilling Koolerwave ac tually is cooler, quicker, safer and that It lasts longer because It is c much closer to the head. FOR APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 106 LERAH'S BEAUTY SALON 112 Wert Cass Street Local News Spend Day Here Mr. and Mrs. Thomas OIHvant, of Lookingplass. swnt Monday in this city attend ing to business and visiting. Hers From Oakland Mr. and a few hours hero Monday attend ing to business. Attend to Business Here Mr. and Mrs. V, B, l-ane, or DixonvHie, were business visitors in this city yesterday. Visiting in Portland Miss Doris Jackson, employee at the Rosa 11 drug store, Ivft Sunday for Port land to spend a few days visiting friends. Home From Portland Mrs. Ken neth Michael, have been discharg ed from a Portland hospital and have arrived at their home in ItosebnrK Able to Be Out Mrs. MHIe Plas ter, who recently suffered a frac tured right arm, is able to be out again, following several days of confinement to her home In the Kohihagcn apartments. Home For Few Pays Wood row Hughes, of tlrants Pass, is siiend ing a few days at his home hero visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes, Woodrow recently suffered a fractured leg while ski ing at Crater lake. Pythian Sisters to Meet Py thian Sinters will meet in regular session at S o'clock Wednesday night nt the K. or P. hall, after which they will bo entertained by the Knights at a social hour and refreshments. H, E. Study Club to Meet The Melrose grange home economics club will meet Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs K. A. Britton in West lEosebnrg. The program will be in charge of Mrs. V. S. Woodruff, Young People's League to Meet- The Voting People's league of St. Pant s Lutheran clmreta will meet at T:3m ocloek tonight at the home of Rev. and Mrs, W. A. Sy I wester. 1170 Military street, with Miss Pearl, Miss Vera and Miss June Goets as hostesses. Visit at Caeheiin Heme Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Mclean, of Portland, sjieitt the week-end at nixonville visiting the hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kred A. Caeheiin. Mrs. Mclean, nee Josephine Caeheiin, has been seriously 111 for a number of months, hut Is now reported to ho greatly improved in health. Benefit Party Announced As a benefit to the stale scholarship loan fund, the Junior Woman's club has announced a benefit card party ofr eight o'clock the evening of Febru ary 1st nt the Woman's club house, to which the public is in vited. A door prize will lie given and prices for high scores in the various card plays awarded. Ite freshmcnts will be served. Pro-America Unit to Meet A business meeting of Douglas unit of Pro-Ameriea will be held at a one o'clock no-hostess luncheon at the Hotel Umpqua Wednesday, with .Mrs. FF. C. WaddeH, chairman, in charge. The program speaker, Rev. Linden Leaviu, will he un able to he present, as he is leav ing In the morning for Port la ml on business. He will speak to the unit in the near future. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No, Jackson BUY MODEL KREAM BREAD Made in Roseburg BUY IT FROM YOUR GROCER THE NEW RILLING Koolerwave Permanent The closest wave to the head ever de veloped that's why Koolerwnves last longer, COME IN AND SEE US' At Scott Home Mrs, Walter Hamilton, of Bremerton, Wash., lias arrived hero to convalesce from a reent illness at the home of her parents, Mr, and lira. T, W, Scott. Visit at Orr Home Mr. ami Mrs. Gene lierker and Mm. Xaney Smith ; ami son, John, m Myrue trees, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. John M. Orr at the Camas Moun tain servicft si at ton, Mrs, Deeker and Mrs. miih are mmtm of Mr, Orr. In the morning, Mr. 1 Hn-ker, Mr. Smith and Mr. Orr drove to Myrtle Point for a short visit, re turning to the Orr home later that day. j & ROSEBURG EDITOR ! HEADS PRESS GROUP EUGRS'B, Jan. 2-1. IAP Ore gon newspaper publishers, conclud ing their winter conference here Saturday, elected Harris Ellsworth ditor of the Bosehurg Nws-He- view, president in succession to Hugh Ball, of the llnou Hiver Xews. The publishers listened to n ser ies of addresses hendllned by N. J, U Pieper, of the federal bureau of Investigation at Kan fmnciseo, and 11. C. Bersten, manager of the Pa cific coast advertising bureau of the American Newspaper Publish era association, Pieper suit! records proved Ihnt the growth of public enemies was laid in small towns rather than in big city slums and he attributed this to the impression created among small city boys that crim inals were heroes. Herat en, calling nspnpcr ad vertising the medium by whlrh the merchant could obtuin the highest possible coverage at the lowest unit of expense, described the dully press as having a greater buying influence over people thnu any other type of publication. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE COMPLAINTS WALLACE Elaln Buiitont John W. Wailaee, marriwl Nov. M, Greeley. Colo.; desertion. Stock and Bond Averages Compiled Iry the Associated Press Jan. 24 30 U 15 CO Indls Rir Wm BVks Tuesda y .... i, t 2U 38.1 4X.9 Prev. dav 7M 19.3 36.1 4HM Month ago 22,0 4M MA Year ago ..4. 1JJ 32.7 46.2 MKt.S'-rW hfKh ..7!.5 2X.H ST.S 5-f.7 l!i:iS-:i!l low ....'l!)-2 12.1 2-t.fl W.i.l BONDS 20 10 10 10 RR'n India Ht's Fun. Tiiesdav ..,.ftS.f MSI.2 2.7 6.f Prev, dav ......fdU ,2 92.9 CM .Month ago . SUA 97.9 9M !. Year aso ...JW,2 fl.S 90.4 CB lit:5S-3 high 10.S 95.1 67.0 I93K-39 low ...40.2 93.0 BUM 69.0 Low vield -..111.0 I ; Rainbow Dairy GRADE A RAW MILK It's Delicious" To Start DeOivery Phone 14-F-33 Coming Thursday m0 MM Plus on the Same Program Per Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 25c Eves, 35e KMiKe 10s Ends Today Errol Flyfifi Olivia de Havl land -f Rosalind Russell Rat ric KFiowle4 and "Mr. Wong, Detective" starring BORIS KARLOrF EVELYN BRENT 2 MAJOR FEATURES