Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, January 24, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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Throe humlrnl Pounlas county
residents have been selected by
tlie county court to compose the
circuit court jury (iimel ror tlie
year 19H9. From this list, chosen
from tlie tux records and registra
tion rolls, jurors will lie drawn to
serve for each term of court.
Those selected are as follows:
Geo. M. Adams. KnuHburft. Itt. 1 :
J. L. Aikins, Kiddle; (ieorce Aker.
Myrtle Creek; Herman G. Althaus,
Kosehure: Theodore J. Andrews,
Kcottsburs; Miliar Anplogate, ion
Earl Tlarker. (Hide; Carl Hecker.
lioseburB. .Melrose HI.; Harold C
Bellows. Kni'bur: Frank A
Hernia. lioseburB: T. M. Itenedlct,
lioseburu. Hiar lit.: Win. I. Her-
dine, Hnscbiirjt: Hubert T. lllnko
ly, flllde; Frank .1. Hlatlner, Can-
yonvllle; tleo. A. lioneuraKe, nose
burp, HI. 1: lale Honney, Drew;
J. H. Ilosard. TtosebuiB: Jess How
man. Clendale; Harry lloyle, Cain
us Valley; T. L. Tlrewer, .Myrllc
Creek: Rrinel IIiIkks, Myrtle
Creek; llufus .1. Ilrlscoe. Rose-
buiir. Rt. 2; Wilfred Hrown. (am
as Valley; Carl W. Ilrownson. Oak
. laud;' Thomas (',. . Ilucklo, Hose
bilif,'. Melrose HI.; Fred Ci. Huell
Dillald: John llilsenbark Jr.. Hose
burg, Melrose lit.: Hoy lluller.
Klkion;. Jan. K. Hyit). Hoseburg,
lit. 1. :
Jas. S. Campbell, Hoseliurir:
KIiik N. Carllle. Umpuua; It. I,.
Chamberlain, LooklnRKlass; J.
Frank 'Churchill, Oakland; I. I).
Clare, Azalea; firant 8. Clayton.
Dlllard; Kmerv Cole, HosebuiK;
Joel A. Cole, Oakland; W. O. Con
dray, fitondalo; Hoy Conley, Myr
tle Creek: Herbert 1). Connine.
(Hide; Lloyd Coons, Drain: A, b.
Copeland, Onklaml; Henry A.
Crane, llniiuiua; Percy (troll,
noseburn; J, V. Custer, Oljillu;
Harry Cutlack, Voncalla.
It. A. Dalley, Myrtle Creek; C.
IT. Davidson, ' Onklnnd: (leorne
Dnwson, HnHebuiK. lit. I: Frank
DeCosIa, Oakland: Chas. '' Delk,
; Drain; Hymn lievore, l.eona; J. II.
Devore, Canyolivllle; A. 11. Dner
ner, Hoseliurir, Melrose Rl.: It. IJ.
Duckett, lteedsport, Ash HI.; Win.
S. Duer, Sulherlln.
S. H. Kakln, Clendale; Fred II.
ICIIiott, Canyonville.
John A. Fenn, Canyonville: Reu
licn M. Fei-lier, Oakland; Waller
. 1.. Fisher, Myrtle Creek; Isaac.
Flnnary. Oakland; Merle Frlsble,
Jlnothjj.'Wiii. F. Kraut. Klkton.
n.v'S; llawler, ItosebuiK; J. C.
Oeretv, HoseburK: M. II. (lllder-
illoeve, Oaklaiul: R. C. Clle. Ilnse
' lniric; (!. W. (Illlam, Winchester;
! I,. 10. (Illllam, ItosebuiK. Ht. 1; F.
T. (lilpatrlck. Ilooth: Hilwiml V.
llbtHs; JtoseburK, Melrose Ht.:
' Cnrlton Coff, Oakland; Claude
' (luff, Oakland; 1 K. (looilliourne.
ItosebuiK, Melrose 111.; Ilnunnl
l. (Ireen. Cltnyonvllle: M. II.
fliunll, Hosebilt'K: ' '!. B. OrnsB.
ItosebuiK; T. V. (lurney. (Hide.
Freti Hamilton. RoseburK; Al
' fred Hand. Oakland; Lester J.
' lliirillllK. (llenilale; llelbell ('.
', HarKan, Kllitnn; Alton llclmnl
Viniitliiii; Charlie lli'ilden. Flklon:
1 Win. L.' HedKes. Cardlner: Win. C.
llenderer, Curtln; James II. liens
lee, Hiddle; Lawrence llerehcr,
Dlllard: Chi'lslopher HlKKln. Clen
dale; F. F. HlBKlnbolham. Oak
land; V. T. HlKKlnbolhain, Oak
land: Karl R. Hill, HoseliuiK: It.
W. lllnkley, Wilbur: Nelson Ho
Kan, Reedspnrl;- Joe 'I'ouseolder,
HoseliurK: Charles M. Howard.
LooklnKKlass; Cliarles llursl.
ltoselnil'K, HI. 2.
lieu II. Il'viltK, HoseliurK.
Ralph Johnson, Riddle: W.
V. Johnston, RoseburK. Itt. 1; 11.
(I. Judy, Heeilnpoit, Anti Rt.
W. W. Klnciild. Oakland; Lloyd
Knupi), Reedspoii; Roiluey Knoll.
HoseburK: Aubrey O. Kolibe, Oak
land; Lloyd C. Kruse, RoHeburK.
Star Rt.; Waller I.. Kruse, Hose
bui'K. Melrose HI.
Henry Idiniler, Itoscliui'K. Star
Itt.; John Uuider. HoseburK. Star
Jit.; C. C. Lawrence, ItosebuiK
Star Kt.; Oily Lawson, Cilinas
A'lllley; J. W. Lciitlierwood, Oak
. land; W. W. Leallieinood, Wll
liur; Win. II. Lesh, (llenilale;
Flovd C. Levetis, Heetlspoll; A.
J. Lllliuin. RosebiiiK: H. C. LIvIiik-
Bloll, ItosebuiK. Rl. I; Joseph W.
J.eniiner, HiiscImiik.
I). J. Maillsnn. Oiiklunil: K. VI.
Malllls, RimcburK, Rt. 1: ' A.
Maupln. .(Inklalnl: W. I. McAlioy.
Itl-ocliway: ('. 'I'. McCoy, liose
burn; H. C. Mct'reii, Rei'ilspoil :
Hoy McNabb. Voncalla: liny Med
ley. Oakland; M. M. Melvlli. Ould
iner; Aimer ,lenene. Canyon
vllle: C. II. Meuscll. RoselMllK:
Conrad L. .Miller, I lakliuid ; I Inch
Miller, Oakland: S. A. Mode. Onk
liind: Kilwanl W. Montgomery;
LookiUKKlass; I.. L. Moon1. Rone
burg, Rt. -I Ralph W. .Mo.ile, W ll
bur; Kd Moser, Oakland: c K
Moyer. RosidiiliK; John F. Mus-
to plan to spend your vacation at
In th mountains nfr Chico, Buttl
County, Northern California J
You Wll Find Evary Vacation Attraction
Evary Comfort and, without antra colt,
th Famous Health-Building
Mfnoral Waters
If you htve your health, keep It.
If ytu've lost it, regain it. Theie
Sp.ingi can do wondert (or you.
grove, Sutberlin; V. D. Myers,
Hoseburg; Zach Murray, ('amas
'layton NeRley, JtosebuiK; Krall
Nelson. (ilelldule: J. O. New-
land, ItosebuiK; Jim Nichols,
RoseburK; ('barley Lee Noble,
Hosebutx; Frank Norris, Heeds
port. Thomas K. Ollivant, LookinK
Klass. James K. Parker, Reedsport,
Ash lit.; Charley A. I'erklns, (lurd-inei-;
Howard I'erklns, lteedsport;
Daniel I'erdue, Days Creek; Jas.
K. I'lnkerton, HosebuiK, Rt. 1; L.
D. J'inkston Oakland; Win. Frank
lin Howell, Lmpfiua; Hlchurd
i'reston, RoseburK, Star Ht.; Carl
Hyrltz, (iardlner.
II. I'. Hice, Myrtle Creek; l.-irk-III
M lllce ClliL.- 11 in,.ii.
liionil, (inrdluer; N. K. Hlcbard-
son, kobcduik; iiiikIi Kiti.lHe. Wil
bur: (ieardhard Hoiilev. Iiokiior-
glass; J. C. Hoysp, (Hide; J. f.
Kutlel, Hoseburg, Ht. 2.
Cill-il K.-iiihenl Uctllul
Osmond Kchaerfer, Hoseburg, Rt.
1; Herman Kchull., Itrockway;
John II. Sell, Curtln; Louis Sey
mour. (Iiit'ilinei-- .t 1. Sliiimh-,.iL
Canyonville; Victor Shaw, Can
yonville; Willard Sniltll, (Hide;
Leo Sparks, Oakland; Clarence
Surltmer. Aulen- A .1 stiini
Hoseburg; Floyd Sloble, Cumas
Valley: I'll i I Strader. Ollde- Al.
Tied O. Strickland, lAiokltiKglass;
II. K. Surkamer. RoseburK: Carv
,waii, LookiUKKlass.
! W. L. Tavloi-. iii'iiln- o V TI1I..1
Voncalla; Heriniin : Tliiel Onlv.
land; W. L. Tlson. Drew: Robert
Tjom-sland, Hoseburg. Melrose.
Itt.; Frank Tilnn. Azalea: Arthur
Tuck. Rosebiirg, Ht. 2.
(ieo. W. Viiiii,Iiii c : I l,l.. - fi,i 11'
Vogl, Hoseburg, Rt. 1.
Otto II. Wa!-li- Cinivniivllln-
Albert Wade, Hoseburg; I). K.
Ware. Hoacliurir: Nrn-iinui u'j.niii.
erly, Scottsblli'K; Fred Weuver.
Myrtle Creek; Ralph Weslenhels
er. Heedsnort: W. A . White Kmii.
erlln; K. H. Wiinberly, Rosebuig:
Lee Wlnnirord. will 'rii,iii;id
Wllinlfoid, Wilbur; .1. A. Worth-
Ington, Days Creek; Arthur Wool
ley, Leon a; Finest Woollev.
Drain; Walter F. Wright, Hose
burg, Ht. 2.
Cora Allen, Kiithorlln: Nellie Ap
plewhite. KoHchlll'K.
Minnie Hell, RoseburK; Margret
HetlOWH ItOHCIllll-ir- Cl-J.l.i It
Merry, ItosebuiK; AukusIii llnyd,
Rosebiirg; Ktla Iti'inlHtreel Itiil.
die; Ooldlo llriinn. RosebuiL'
Savannah Catching. Drain; Kula
Carll, Hoseburg, Rt. 1; Mary
'haiuniin. RoHeliui-ir in 1 vFiii
Clark, Comslock; Luella ClliiKen-
peel, HoseliurK; Ornce II. Chmku,
ItosebuiK: Hess ('lough. Canyon
ville; Florence Cole, RoseburK;
.Mni'Kurot Crouch, Camas Vallev.
Katie Deardoiir. Oakland;
Maude Dellpp, HoHcburg.
Catherine. Fenley. Flklon: f.n-
esaa Fletcher. Ilrnckwav: Cailiec-
Ine Fleam. HoseliurK: Iteuenia
'eenian. RoHelnn-L'- clui-ii i,'..u-
'ranees (iei-relHen l!nu,.l
1' liu unuu- li (irove,- Hoseburg.
Killia Hull IT, ,,. 11., .,.,1 i-
Haines. Drain: Florence II:., nil.
ton, HosebuiK: Vivian II111II1
Rosidlliru: Helia 1lurll..v u..n......
Iln, Carol llerclier. HosebuiK:
Crace Hester, lilide; I'rildle III.
dinger, Hoseburg: .Mary A. Hum.
Coinsliick; Akiics lliinler, Rose
burg, Rl. I. .
Anna I .mini lies. HoseliurK.
I'l'llll .Iiiiiiih Iriiuiil. 111 .
.Mabel Johnson. Itimoh ,- 'cino.
I. JollllSOII. ItosiOntri!-
Mvrllo ICenl Irnu,.!, r. I1...1.
Kirk. In-iiiii' a 11,, 1.-.'....
., '. " ...III. l-IIMIIIICItlll.
Ruth Kleanor Lawson, Cainas
Vallev: Midi Limti. ui
1-hllliia It Miiillunii ri..L- 1.
Anna Marks, Hosebllrg,' 111 2- Ada
McKall. I'n,u l'll... , .
Mc.Millen. ,l,,v,l ;,'vk '
llaibiiiu N'miliiv ir,.u.,i. 1 n
Hum Nelson. Roseblliu: Siiliiim
Nelson, (llenilale; Jean Nichols,
Opal Oden, (Hide.
Sula I n rli in mm i;,.u..i........ At....
He II I'tdton. Iti'isnlim ,. a.'i.,' 1
I'evtoil. HiiKeliiii-ii l.v i. ti.. ..1..'
Herlriiile Rimi ii.w,.i, n.,.,..i
It. Rasl. Itiiseliiiig; Luella .M. Rice
HosebuiK; llelene Rlildle. R,..
burg; Mima Itvilell In-iihi- v...,,
II. Rvdell. Hee.rsnti.l
Laura C Klmu- itl,i 1. 11..11..
Short. Tiller: Li'lllnn siniri ivu.
bur; May Itni 1 Smllli, Itiiseliiirg.
Rl. 2; Ma.le Smllli. Rnsnliiii u :
.Mynli. Stiain-h Itttiti.liiiri.- i.'nii.
See California
Plan now to tern
News of Douglas County
MVUTM-; CUKKK, Jan. 21.
.Miwa J-t?lu W'ebei'K, assistant cash
jur al Ihti Citizena ijuuu bank ie-
luint'tl tu her work .Moud.iy mtur a
vlnii to Ijlt Jiome u . .Maupiii, where
Hhe wna called hy tiu; deth of
he r liitner, l. 1. W'l.-lieiK, uliu dieil
ut his hoiiie January 'J. llie luneia)
waH hi'ld Wedntraday.
The tttatu grand mailer of the
OtUi Fellows lodgf, Jok. T. K'jkley,
was a visitor itl the local lodge
last .Saturday night. Mr. he k ley is
l ho youugtMt grund master i;vei
e.ected in (Jregou, being only 4
yeaiH old. Large delegation oi
vlHitlag ineinbera from the neigh
boring lodges, Jtu.seuurg, t'anyoii
ville and KitMIe, made a fine group
lo welcome their distinguished
Thomas Strode, an old pioneer
Heitler here, iH report ed quftu ill
with acute hrouelmiH and uHllima
at the home o( his is hue r, Min.
Lottie Weaver.
Mm. (Jeorge Liidicott of South
Myrtle made u visit to tJauyonviiie
IukI wei;k to nee Ronald Loiter,
who has been in the hospital moat
oi (he time lor connidui aoly over a
year on account of a gunshot
wound received at the opening of
the I'j'tf hunting season. She round
him very much Improved, with bin
leg out or the taut, and ho fa able
lo walk with crutches.
A apecial meeting of the, local
chamber of commerce Una been
called for next Tuesday evening,
January 2, X p. in., to be held at
tin liruco real estate oil Ice. Tlie
purpose or the meeting is to elect
a secretary to succeed the late J.
It. itruco.
News from the (j. W. Cox family
of Los Augelea, hut who lived on
North Myrtle for a while, states
that Mrs. Cox was struck hy un au
tomobile dining the holidays. One
leg was broken and a paiulul gash
ivus cut in her forehead.
Mrs. H. K. Deuu and daughter,
Carmen, went to Grants Pass Mon
day ai'iei-uoou In response to a
message announcing that Airs, j
Dean's brother-in-law, Herman j
Horning, had been hudly burned in
a fire which started in his bed-, I
room, thought lo have been caused!
by defective wiring in tlie ceiling.!
The tire had dropped down on Mr. I
Horning and he was burned al.
most all over before he could ex-1
tricntf) himself from the blazing I
covers. J
It is thought I hut school will;
open again next Monday as so far
no new cases of scarlet fever have
developed ami the Karlss and Dart
children are both better, having
had the fever in very mild form.
The revival meeliiiKS at the
Chrislian church which were post
poned on account of Hie epidemic
of scarlet fever, will begin Sunday,
with meetings each night cxYept
Monday. This announcement is
made by Pastor I Liimsden,
Swarlz, Itnneburg.
m ma Taylor, Hoseburg; Agnes
Telford, Koscburg. Slur Itt.; Mae
Telford. Itoseburg, Star, lit.
Anna U'ickham, ItotudHirg ; Dora
Willis, Itfddlc; Una Williams,
Josephine K. Young, Sulherlln.
and enjoy the "double-rich" Hour
bon (nvoritc of old Kentucky.
PINT 85C QUART '1.55
for not one cent additional rail fare!
(.11 TWICE AS MI CH for uuir trawl dollar by .'nK
1 &t nr rcuirninn I h much C.iliform.i. The nuindtrip tare
ii juM at low thu way us the fare sir.nt;hi East and hack.
Take adwntac of .Southern Iu hit's "free ticket" and
see San l:raiHico,.l.os Ancclcs and the sunny Southwest
at well ai the 1 ait. Stop over, it you nih. l ine, fast train1,
all the way, imiudinp f jniou streamliners,
Roundtript oi C Touritt Sttndtrtt
CH ICAGO .... 6S.0O 74.00 ' S0.30
NEW YORK .. 106.38 115.38- 140.80
T.Mir Ut Pi tin an t-i Chicago. toacH heyond,
iTouiiitantl Standard Pullman berths additional.)
Soufhes'ii Pacific
minister of the church.
Karl Tucker, who lives ou the
old Copeland place two miles east
of town on North M)Ule has pur
chased the Jones scnool house and
plans to move his family into it
noon. It Is located about 20U yards
iioin his preaent dwelling house.
Mis:j Carrie Morgan v. ho began
the year's term of school on '
boomer Hill has resigned and re
turned to her home iu California.
David Adaninon has been employed
to finish up the term.
A. U. Klliott and his father-Inly
v, J. G. Michaels, came up from
Tigard Saturday, and paid a visit
to the iiils on the Michaels farm.
Alias Alarjorie liates, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hates, received
word some time ago from the edi
tor of Who's Who Among the Students-
iu American Universities
ami Colleges, that her name uud
biography had been selected to be
listed In the 'j:S'J edition of that
publication. Miss liates is president
of Kappa Kappa Canuna, U. of (J.,
and last June attended the :&rd bi
ennial convention of that f rater
niiy held at Homestead. Va.
Mrs. C. C. Alarch of .Myrtle Creek
left Kiiilay for Wa Id port to spend
it week visiting vllb her son, Har
old, an instructor in the public
schools there.
SUTHKHLIN, Jan. 24. Word
has been received here of the
deatli of a lormer resident of this
community. Airs. KdMh Calhraeth
passed away at her homo in Mem
phis, Tennessee, Jan. Hit h. She
was the sister oi" Miss Klizabeth
Davenport, who taught at the Non
pareil school about sixteen years
years ago. The family lived on the
place now being occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Wegner. A daugh
ter, Mrs. Arthur Simmons, oi
Klamath Kalis, and two sisters, sur
vive. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mil
ler, of ('amas, Washington, Jan.
Jiilh, a sou, weighting S pounds,
who hag been named Michael Clin
ton, at a Vancouver hospital Mrs.
Miller, the former Miss Gladys
Hunily, is well known here, being
employed for several mouths as
beauty operator at the Sutherliu
Heauty shop.
The piling crew of seven men,
working for Kirk and Whipple,
were busy loading piling near Cot
tage Grove. Two cars wore ship
ped to Tennessee.
Delmar Murphy, oi" Umpnua, is
it home this week suffering with
a badly sprained knee. The acci
dent occurred ut Hoseburg while he
was loading grain.
Clarence Leitzel, of Curtin, for
mer Sutberlin boy, left Sunday for
Albany to resume his studies at
college i here. He is taking a course
iu forestry.
U ill J. Jiayuer, former newspa
per editor of the Sutberlin Sun,
was a business visitor iu fcHtgenc
one day lust week.
Mrs. Kvit Killey, of Voncalla, left
for her home alter spending sev-
ral weeks visiting her daughter
ami family, Mrs. Tom Thronberg,
of Nonpareil.
Aliss Juaulta Alien returned Troni
Portland the last of the week after
spending several days shopping
ind visiting mends there.
Mr and Mrs Mark Jordan and
Rll S. INC.. MAV YORK. N. Y.
daughter, Patricia, returned Friday
irjjm a two weeks vacation trip to
Livermore and San Krancisco
where they have been Visiting
their children.
The MUses Bonnie Alcorn, Paul
ine Trozelle and lletly Harge, at
tended the dame at the armory, at
Cottage Grove, Saturday night,
given by Hob Ramsey and his or
chestra, featuring "Smokey" Whit
field, famous colored entertainer.
Mr. and Airs. John Webber, of
Drain, were Thursday guests at
the home of Air. and lira. W. O.
Mrs. Allan Tuthlll and daughter,
Patricia, were all day guests at
the home of Mr. and Airs. Arthur
Smith on the Richardson place, one
day last week.
A large window Is being Installed
In the living quarters of Airs. Cora
Allen In her home In the rear of
the store. The new window will
open on the sfde near the post of
fice. Dick Hone of Tenmile and Don
Rone of Alyrtle Creek were. Sunday
guests at the home of their mother.
.Mrs. Jack Smith.
Mrs. A. W. Erlcson and daugh
ter, Evelyn, of North Hend, and
La Verne French, of Marshfield,
nere 'week-end guests at the borne
of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Airs. W. O. French.
DRAIN, Jan. 24. Hiram Turner
of Waldport Is here this week
looking after his property Inter
Miss Arlene Roach is In Kugene
with her aunt, Mrs. Win, Wise, who
has been ill with the flu.
Paul Johnson of Albany was vis
iting his aunt, Mrs. K. 11. Christie,
and family.
Air. and Airs. Don Mayfield and
Utile son of Fort Khnnath visit
ed over the week-end ''al the H. L.
Cowl6s homo.
Hill Holloway left Inst Saturday
for Boise, Idaho, where lie is em
ployed as assistant superintendent
f construction on a lurge disposal
Pete Mattoon wh In Drain Sat
urday to attend the funeral of his
sister. Airs, lottie Ford.
Mrs. Stella (juine. county super
intendent of schools, visited the
Drain grade school last week and
exnressed herself as well pleased
with the proirress of the school.
Raymond Alarchloll Ib on crutch
es this week. The front wheel of
his father's truck ran over his leg
badly bruising It.
The Full Gospel revival services
opened at Ihe Douglas Tavern
building Sunday evening. Jan. 22.
Margaret II, Cook, California evan-
goli-st, will be the speaker.
OLLALA, Jan. 21. Airs. Fred
llyron and son, John, went to Air
tie Creek Friday to see Mrs. Dan
Steen, and report her much im
proved Iu health. Mrs. Steen lias
been suffering from blood poison-
JUL 0.", quality! Mn.lcin style in
inellmv uiilnnt I i uih : thaw
ers: I'liUe uiirior:
For Expert
'rr''" -
Resular s-75 Quality!" t K -
IMiMlM g I
Wardoleiim j kfy
Longest-wearing standard j j :::M'
' vjSjrjjffit C'kS; weight enamel surfaced rug H 3, VAi-Y'-pOrlCaf '' jff'i1
y SiJWvMr VFlJV. j madcl Choose from modern, a J vJV3t3l.-S. . '$kfc.'' m ' T-4?V vk
floral, Chinese and texture rl Tg-
f PV, ; Save J6
I"-?'-. ! " 3-Drawer
sJ'i. Dresser
jS. 9.88
ing in her hand.
Jim Ware was a business visitor
In Hoseburg Friday.
.Mr. and Airs. Joe Neavoll are the
proud owners of a new car.
Mrs. Karl Ollivant is able to be
out again after being confined to
her home the past week with a
bad cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Heater en
tertained their pinochle club last
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Willis Britten of Tygh Val
ley, Ore., was railing on friends
iu Olaila this week. Mrs. Britten
spent a winter iu Olalla a few
years ago visiting her sister, .Mrs.
Claud Parkhurst, and will be re
membered as Kula Stark.
Quite a crowd gathered nt the
community halt Friday night, join
ing In a farewell pa r ty f o r the
Heed young folks, Charles, Virgil
and Georgie, who are leaving for
Idaho after a visit here with their
parents. Air. and Airs. Ward Reed
land their sister, Ruth. Virgil and
! Georgie will resume their studies
I there where they are seniors In
high school, and Charles will man
age his father's ranch.
Mrs. .Minnie Ohlsen is visiting
this week at the home -of her sis
ter. Airs. Clarence Prock.
A crowd of young folks went to
the Howell skating rink last Mon
day night for an evening of skat
ing, the evening being In honor
of Bernice OUlvant's birthday.
Airs. Lizzie Roberts of Brock
way entertained the Olalla Busy
Steppers at an all day meeting
last Thursday. AH report a nice
eral services were held on Tuesday
afternoon, Jan. 17. at the loking
slass church for Mrs. Clayton Arn
old who passed away very sudden
ly while shopping in Roseburg on
Saturday. Airs. Arnold had been
a resident of the valley for more
than forty years and leaves id
mourn her loss a large circle of
friends in addition to the husband,
one daughter. Airs. Wesley Alore
dith, and three grandchildren,1
Clcirc, Lila and Chuiies Meredith. ;
Interment was in the Looklnggiasa
cemetery. Hev. C. E. Urittain com- '
ducted the services. j
Air. and Airs. A. B. Niekons, ac
companied by their granddaughter, j
Aliss Marjorie Holmes, left on
Monday for an extended motor trip i
through the southern and mid-west- j
ern states.
Ivor hh'ickson returned to the
valley Thursday following a two!
months trip east visiting friends j
and relatives in Roekford, III. He '
returned via tlie southern route vis-j
Ring the larger cities enroute.
Airs. V. S. Miller, who under
went a major operation at the Sac
red Heart hospital in Kugene re-1
ccntly has returned to her homo'
where she is convalescing and is
making a very satisfactory recov
ery. R. B. Montgomery accompanied
by his daughter-in-law. Airs. John
Alontgomery, went to Eugene last
week to consult an eye specialist I
Both Rug and Rug Cushion!
Tho heavy rus alone com
pnrt'S with JliUtfi nualily!
fVS-' : Thi cushion s.-lls for J 1.77.
VW(lri ln'"' at " o'i'lnulli'i-
i'3??S! tinit- LOW iiiico: N't:w pat-
Small Down Payment,
Carrying Charge.
E-ifS?7 Sale Scoop I
75 chicken and 250i turkey
fcithcrs in an attractive new
ticking! 18x25 Inch si:e!
Radio Repairing See Frank
concerning a serious condition
which is affecting hit) sight
Mrs. Jeff Williams is reported to
be considerably improved tn health
following an extended illness. Mr.
Williams is suffering an attack of
Mrs. W. L. Smith left on Satur
day for an extended visit fa Port-:
land at the home of her son and -daughter-in-law.
Air. and Airs. W.
W. Smith. Before returning to
her home in Lookfngglass, Airs.
Smith plans to visit a niece in :
Phoenix, Arizona, and friends In,
Los Angeles.
Aliss Marion Smith of Halsey
was a guest over the week-end
ut the home of her uncle and aunt.
Air. and Mrs. A. H. Alarsh.
Mrs. Gqodman of Salem, a close
friend of Airs. Clayton Arnold, was
an overnight guest at the home of
ai r. Arnold and in attendance at
the services on Tuesday.
The minstrel show given on j
Thursday evening 'at the gymnaB-1
ium by the group of CCC boys i
was well attended and greatly en-;
Miss Alice Bostick of Roseburg ;
is spending some time at tho home j
of her niece, Mrs. Wesley Mere-
Ali-s. Katherine Cory of Callahan
is spending a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jacoby. ;
Mrs. Jacoby is suffering from an
attack of flu. !
Air. and Airs. J. J. Aletz of Glide'
spent the week-end at the home of
Air. and Mrs. Mark Seeley follow
ing the games on Friday evening
between tho Ulido and Looking-1
glass teams. '
You need no money.. Anything of
value may be used as a down pay
ment on a new or used car at Han
sen Motor Co. Phone 44ti. Adv.
Unless you are buying your gasoline,, tires
and batteries at the ; Farm Bureau Ex
change. 1 :
Investigate our co-operative proposition
and save money. Car heaters, fog lights,
etc.,. also.
"See Us First We Can Save You Money,"
Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch.
i i
sly . h
Wards Save You $5
Durable Stripod Tick
Sisal Insulator Pads
Outstandinelv LOW
and hard wear! The new color-fast woven stripe
cover is TWICE as durable as the average! The
180 innercoils are covered in deep layers of felted
cunon iimersi screened
' 1 Sale of
Al! stool with c-hij.-Hoo brown
ouanu'l finish!
rZ- V
Burr in Our Radio Department
At the end of the fiscal year,
June 30, iy3S, gasoline taxes col
lected by the slate and federal
governments totaled an estimated
S9SO.000.000. a new record high.
Chrysler-Plymouth Deafer
Rose Garage
A Y. G. A. Booster party is to
be held at lilversdale Grange
hall, Saturday, January 28th-at
S p. m. All young people are in
vited to come for asocial eve
ning. Those coming are asked to
bring cake uud"'v sandwiches
enough for their group.
And How
At Mac's Market: . Air .Mall
Coffee, pound 15c; 3 nomtda 3Uc
wire ventilators!
$1.29 Value!
Cathedral style al! ready for you
to stain or paint! Sturdily mad!
Comfortable 18x18 inch seat!
or Phone 95
Standard M