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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1939)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1939. SEVEN For Your Convenience Thme lliUEln Coanty ' aturrs will take Want AiU for I he A'ctVM-ltevletTi CLLVKR'9 MARKET butherlin STKAHSS A CH UNO WOT EI Oakland STONAKKR OKI'. CO. Vonralla llcD0.V4L,U STUKQ Ulkton IIKIlAltU'S Umpqua GL1DK KlUHB Glide it n. Mt:iifL9 nrockmiy ItOWKLtS MTOIIH . Ten mile D. R. 1UCUTKR CO. C'amaa Valley &LL1SU. A HI. LI SON IJlllard UEVffOLDS ADAMS Slrrtle Creek 11 It A I1MTU HUT'S Hldiilo . I NUEIl'j Cntijonvllle JIUftlMNUUlt'S Uleudale DAYS CltldHIt STOUE Dajn Creek The nliove store will accept ads mill lmyiiieut (or them. Just tell the merchant listed ubovet "I wnnt to out' an od la the A'cwM-ltevlew" and lie will lake care of all the details for you. NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads Phone 100 BATES, First insertion, per word 2o Kuch subsequent insertion per word lc One week, per word 6c One month, per line $1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy (or this page will be ac cepted until 11 a. ni. of the day of publication. ; The News-Review assumes no responsibility tor and In no way guarantees tho financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertls- : ers in the classified columns. Readers are urged to make full In vestigation before sending money In response to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. FRECKLES AND HIS ! m3$f 7 " 0" fflBF "Vgk itraBBHfiH i r- n 'v v , mer i havent been -v. r ivt? m so tve. m t jf X... perhaps n-fe , ( i mm SEEINQ MUCH OF YOU . f I'VE BEFM 1 66EN T HEARD i 1 H I NEVER. KNEW f f TiAS BLAC HAIR. ?S 4 Vfc, W LATELV , FRECKLES ) AWFULLY BUSY, I GOIN IW SAW LARD: MUSIC COULD BE,,'. ' s I AND LOtJ3 EYE- fTMAffn A(S Mm. IS THERE ANYTHINS ) JUNE J fOR. MUSIC ) YESTERDAY SO INTERESTING . r ' ( LASHES Mrw'ilM ,i OW. WRONS ? ' IN A BIS ASIO HE W3 THESES SOMETHING ' y V AWvrf 7A. Aw l SBH WAY i TELIINS ME FASClMATINS ABOUIT i -fynff7s&FZ abT '' J j jlj MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE I I ( IT TAKES A TRA&EDy SOME IS AN AWFUL. BLOW TO J SHE'S IK1 HERE. I I I I TttAES, CAPTAIkJ, TO REVEAL OME'S - UT 7'w i 1 w3 iwcuu vw.ll uui- I TRUE EMOTIOM5- WHO WOULTJ EVER I I ) .... I V3R.Y FOND OF LOVIE--I- J SIDE HAVE THOUGHT THE CALLOUSED r ' SAYf WHAT KIMOOP A 5fefcrr major w in love , ' . i hoax is this, r i ,,,.,,t 7,: T7 xSKI I . L with his stab . . xsn AwwAVf'' UMlU ltd Ti nuzik-- t ir'JL , i i . iff i v i " i rA. m r rr i i .uea i. i i cta Lir-it i -j BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ? I MSI I WHO IS k d IT.OPAL? WASH TUBBS , ha: olo cucacacha coesm'tjveh mw thatH m tjea.r, 5C5,V?EAW THAT VOE 'AVE 30IV1E0 DUMiP TW GOLD ' Mffl'5 LCVAL rftlENT3.' MJXF BE8ELSlJ?SrV WLE tW LOADIU" VOUB CHAMCE VJEVER VMEEL I TWO young springer cows, will Rentals To get In touch with advertis- freshen aoout January 25, sec- I Z "L" NetRe'view0" X p' T well .urnished, 4-room! urnit? "lK.i Biundell, R.dd.e, Oregon. house: oil circulator, e.ectrle The Nows-Review doesn't know FOR SALE One fine Jersey" bull, Frlgiilnire, over-siuited who tloy tre, either, 14 years ola. tteasuname. jinnm- .uniuure. inquire Slu N. Jac- ailen, Route 2, box lit, Koae- son. 1 hone Job-l, Livectock bu,s- I MuuKKN, well furnished house . - ' - " v,iii vai i t- ,,n with guruge. Close iu. Paved 2 HEAVY milkers, Durham, 9- OK gootr treta Jeny - ' ln(luil.0 931 w year-old cow and her 3-yea;-old cow, tiu.uo. c. h. noute ",lratatree, ' """"10 SJl W- heifer. Both fresh and very 2, Hex 114. Roseburg. first street. gentle JB5.00 for both. Want .... K ,,mVu fnr oi r .T,.tie. lor 3-ROO:i furnlsneo apartment, a gooa, young, O. 1. 'C. boar Mu-" L"h0ne 34 l-l Li&hl- Uase- 16u- AduUa- service age. Fred Relnhart, " ' " " J " Inquire 620 Stephens. Yoncalla. ' ' . Wmtea furnished room Hot water, WANTED For 4-H club members '" heal. Close In. Hoard it desired, ewes which will lamb soon. WANTED Sixty ..inerlcans to en- 2-5 W. Moslier Street. Phone 323 and tell breed, uum- Hat with tue Roseburg pistol ,,,,. , ,,,, ., her price and lambing time. K. and Kltie C.ub lor tne shooting niXH' n TtonX A. rltton. uutivitiea this year. A cordial In- 1)2q Corey Avenue . , ; : vltntion Is extended to interest- Z ! sh l00 Houn'S Tr: cd 8h00,era to tUe 8"cclal meet' SMALL " ,or W0rkin6 irls or sev cow freshen i hi March "'S' V30 "' m" Mollua'' "'- cuP'e- See Mrs. Strange at S ' J' . ,m . Morcn' aiy K, at i.amson s Uarugo. 136 auUque shop. $40.00. truest Wheeler, Camas Sollth steI)liens street. Tlus cluu -' Vl"ey- ' is affiliated with tne Nntiuuitl ? FURNISHED housekeeping room. WANTED Will buy "eodor or fat W"e association and uses N. R. Lights, water. JU.50. S2S llamil- lambs, also youug breeding ewes. A; rules and regulations. - ton street . f''f P1i AND liJia: honS WANTED Good 'cream separator, FOR RENT 4-room moiVrn apart- zsti-j or leave word at brand 60Q lD capil(,Uy or imge,.. 0)Ve ment, grouiul floor. 644 N. Pine. - "' full particulars. Ruy White, 2-ROO.M apartments. close in.; WANTED Weaner and feeder CU"youv"'e- . Call evenings. 112 W. Douglas. ; pigs, also springer heifers from Bnd Grain IkOULHAUliN APARTMENTB. good dairy stock. J. A. Rhouds, " ' Strictly modern. Phone 560. 496 Beach St., Ashland. : a " - FOR SALE--Clea'n baled alfalfa "OR RENT Furnished apart- WANTED 25 ewes. Good Cow to hay, Sfl3 ton. Ronald Hurst, Myr- ments. 401 North Jackson. sell or trade for ewes. Old tie Creek. ,,,. horses wanted. P. E. Bullock, 'f40 1,00M- 1 uouo Kellogg, Oregon. FOR SALE 50 tons baled grain 42. 424 Hoed street. i i na' u Krogel ranch, Dixonville. hwi.m'uwiuui.m, u . FOR SALE-One team 1500-pound UJ? bP'iHSL, J? 0 u 8 Pog8 horses, or trade for tractor. Financial Lumber & Fuel Co. George Stone, Fox Farm, Glido, . : 2-ROOM furnished apartment 112 Ore. j WANTED $2,000 loan on real Rrockway. r- property, first mortgage. Box iOR SALE Two yearling regis- 5o5. c-o News-Review. HOME in country, electricity. 112 tered Guernsey bulls. J. b. Rrockway Aikins, Riddle, Oregon. Lost and Found : SALE or trade 1 mare with foul. LOST Black and white cameo POULTRY Weight 1150. Phone 1F5. Clifton Monday. u .d. Mrs. WJK . Rock S lalbott, Stitherlin, Oregon.. . roosters. O. O. Matthews. Phone 25 WEANER pigs. P. P. Sullivan, 7 : ll-F-42. Umpqua Park road. UMTOprCtor : . ' 1 ' ' ' : : ' ' ' Dentistry FOR SALE Young varmint dog. Scientific equipment. NCM & X Ray. FRIENDS WHO B SOU ? HOV)'S k- -.(- JO 3? ? ? I SAYS WHCH Y SPELL IT? Just Woman's Intuition Mistaken Identity Suddenly ths p?essw& OPEbJ . Hmmm! HE &AYS ITS CASAMOUA, AW YOU OOESM T SsPELL IT okay! Tell him to paddl& his 60mdola owdei4 my window amd i'll toss hm a fcOSt UASE AMD YOU SWIWS IT a Slight Mistake X'USAY HE VOOVl'T H0E6ET! HAW, JUST VWMT'LL OLD CUCARACHA trunks and vivids that T UC SOT TH' 60LD.'7y V0J J I -ruir QgV-..-4 AVE n For Sale Mtscellaneoua M'CTION Saturday, January 14: Nice lot of small tools, furniture, hardware, pigs, cabbage, pota toes, apples, three good milk cows, miscellaneous articles. Come early. Umpiua Valley Auc tion Co. FOR SALK Good, used daven port and chair, Maytag gasoline washing machine, llolpoinl elec tric washing machine, ,'llotpoiut eiectrU! range, circulating heat er. .ll'DUs FURNITURE STORE. ULASH, GLASS it in need of glass for your .car come lu. We cut and grind to the right size at HHrirs Auto Wrecking House, 623 North Main Street. Foit SALE Rest.tungit equip ment, Including 60 tcet of count el's ami 22 stools. Umpciua Dairy Products Co. Phono 38. FOR SALE Slightly used, heavy, waler tank with fittings. Price ?S.50. See Hurry Stone, Rlver- side. WHITE ROTARY, drop-head sew ing machine. A-l condition. In quire Valley Grocery. l'-OR SALE 500 chick oil brooder, bit men's golf clubs. Phono 421-R. . , . . FOR SALE .Milk or fruit cup board. Can ue seen at 11 1 S. j'acksun. Fuel 12", 14", 10" OL.D growta tlr. Spe cial price this mouth. Satlsluc tion guuranteed. Charles liuiht C qui a a Valley. GET your wiod ui Koeoburg Lum ber Co. Dry aud green. 16-incb And 4 -foot. MUcenaneou !25.(!0 liKWAHI), Informntion, lead ing to conviction of any person Bteuling turkeys from my pliico. K. F. Strong, Oaklund, Oregon. By Ray Thompson and Charles Coll zoom vooe. is flumc AH WOMDAH, KIDDlW AU. COPP. 1919 BY WrA MAW, HAW1. OPENS THEW EAM ' UJC ,,w EETj m i : ' MILK, grade A naaieunxea or raw. Iseuvurea dtuiy. Uiuiiqun Dairy flume Vs. Roseburg By-products Co, phone 62-F-la. ARUNLLL riano tuner. Pn. 18D-L Automobiles ruit i,AL,t. L-J6L l-ord trut'K, long wneeioase. New deluxe lu-piy tires. Tins is just like new. l'ur only Suuu.OO. 19o0 isusti deluxe coupe, cruising gear, 495.0U. Drug saw. This' is almost new, Lnciip. 19o0 Cuevrolet 4-door sedan, runs and luoks good, b0.00. 1937 Uiys pickup. A real bai-guin in a small plcKtip. LlkU new. 19o8 Nasn deluxe sedan. Radio, heater, cruising gear. For a real bargain in good nsed cars or trucKs, see L. R. Cham bers before you buy any car or truck. Phono 3Y0. FOR SALE, cheap, or trado for grain or biock one T Ford truck, stake ruck. G. W. Rogers, Riddle, Oregon. FOR SALE '35 Dodge coupe ami '37 Chevrolet coupe. Phone 707-J. Real Estate ALFALFA ground, 10, 20 and 18 acre tracts, ono With modern btiildingSi electricity nnd water, Hood buy. Kxlra modern hoiuo, fine location, in Hoscburg, at a bargain. Two furnished housca, one unfiirnished remodeled fine duplex, ono large 3-story resi dence for sale or leaso. Will make fine rooming or apartment house of bolter typo. Everything in lteal Estate and Insurance. Fred A. Cioff, 122 South Steph ens. Phone 2J S. FilEltAL Laua Ban it larniB. lr aulre at the National Farm Loan offxe, Douglas Co. Abstract Co. ttldg., Hose burg. 15 ACRES for saie. (nod soil. & mile city limits. $230.00 fnr qntck sale, Bex BOS, c-o News-Hevlow. By Merrill Blosser. I A&REE WITH OU IT'S A TRAGIC EWE CAPTAIW... BUT THAT WOMAW IK1 THERE IS NOT LOVIE LAVERE-SHE'S SANDRA GLARE - LOV.'B ? . By Edgar Martin IF DEY'S j r-Yfc SERVICE. INC. T. M. flEC. U. 3. PAT. C By Roy Crane we ain't savin' AH, WAT A SERVICE WB ANT SAVIN TO PAV1AZUELA! OH,N0TVim FOR PAN r0S2 & A7UELA, STUPID THW-E r BLOOkWN' BOOTY V Sof A.:n5 ) V 6EL0N6S TO Y EXPERT SERVICE Whn Thert'i 8 om thing Yeu Want Don SEE AN EXPERT Th flrmt ftno Individual llUd below pcUHr Ih thlf WoHk. 8e thtm for txpert aarvlcaa. You ahould profit by their help. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. Ill 8. Maid 8t AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE W. R. Brown, 121 N. Btepb. Ph. 104. AUTO HEPAiaiNQ Aiba Bpaugb a Garage, l W. Oak street. Phone 301. Bartloy k. Faaoher, 125 No. Roae Ph. 438. BLACKSMITH fej. E. Woodcock, 515 N. Mam. Al Newman, ill N. Stephana St RADIO HEPAIBINO HADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Electric, phone 123. FLUE CLEANING i. O. Bewloy. Phone 163. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 645 Fowler St LOCKSMITH Pacific Key 8or. 222 W. Oak St card of Thanks Wo wish to express our Blncoro thanks to friends, and the L 0, O. P. Lodt;o for kindness and sympa thy cxtontlud us tlurliig our ber eavement. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. B. K Uoss Sr., and family. Notice 1 will not bo responsible for (in y and nil bills contracted by my Wile Mrs. May Eimnttl, after jnnuary 12, 1030. (Adv.) Forest E. Emmitt. III tho County i'tiurt of llio Stiito of Oivkuii for tlio County ot toig UiH. In tho mutter of tho nutate of Har riot MuCullorh. ducoiiHCd. Notlfo In heroljy Kivnti tlmt tlio the untlorsinriHHi. executrix of Lhu estftto of iiiirrli't McCullouii. do- coiiHcd, Iiuh fllod Ih tho nbovo un- IKlt'd court una e nil so a flrtul uc- eount of hoi- udnUniHtratlon ui suid ostiito unil t no lion. Huron W. CIouk'i. JuiIko of tho nhuvo fiit I Il ea conn. tuiH by order duly mnuo mid outori'd of rcuord. flxod Aiou- duy tint v.ivii day of January, JUau, at tho hour of ton o'clock iu tlio forenoon of hilIcV dtiy rh tho tlnit, and tho county court room in-, tho; ooUrt iimiMo In J'toHitlun jr. Oi OKuh. ah tho plnco for lioariim: Bald final account and all objections thuioio, if iinv thiTO ho. nnd for .tiiu llnal ftottlcmcnl of Hind cniato. All dimmoiih intorimtoil In said oiHalo tiro hereby uuUUcd to niu Utoir obj.-clloiiH. if any, to fuul. fi nal accuuiit at or butoro thu lluio mit for final lieuriiiK- initen and rina oubiiHtied Ub- cumliur i!Und, 1 sKJH. IIKTTIR KANtJIITfill, Executrix of thu oHtuto of Harriot McCullooh. di-L'cuaod. In llio Circuit Court of t'ic Statu of Oitkoii for UotiKliiH County. Tin- ! edcral Umd liunk ol Hpo K ii in-, a curiioint Ion. I'm! nil it, vh. William (illniiup a bachelor; Jjccndort do Wnmrt and Kalallna do Wuu id, lniMband and wife; I-cd rill J-ii rni MortKHKU Corpora tion, a coriioniiioii; l. I'. Itodity a nd lidclliu J toddy, husband ami wite; 1J. I'. Itodily and Urnco Jtoddy. hunbiind and wife; anil Oakland Nalional l-'uiin Loan Am-hoi-iiitlun, a corpoi a l ion, Dufoiid n nln. 'to: U. I-'. Uuddy and Lucille lioddy, above niiiiicd dcfondiintH'. In the mum- of tint Hlato nf Ure- Km: l u and ciu-h of you are hereby rcoulri-d to uiiobiir and u- iwor the coinpliilut ot plallitilf ft I - en MKHlliHl you 111 tne alMAf- cillltl eil Mint on or Iti-rore tlie Hth day of February. l'J'.l'J, Huld dato b-iii tho IhkI . duv of four wi-ckn IHnni the flint dalo of publication of un.- mi iii mo ii h. nun Hit id ocrioil of four wcekH hchiK the Hum prcHorlh- ii lor puoiicuiiuu Itcrcot; and lr tu tail to ko ilppeiir and aliHWer Maul iKimdaliit, plaintiff, for want iiiercor, win apply lo tne ccuirl for toe relief ileiiiaudeu III tx I'Oiii- plaint, a micclni'l utatuineuL of wlitt h 1ft "hn follows: naid Milt In hroiiKht for the pur-; ol He'-uiinif a judKineiit for the uiiiuilil halnure of a n-ltaili Mole In the nilni-lOiil hiiiii of ll.Mio. daied the lut day of l-V-brunry, i i, iiiiiim', ffxei.'uiou anu aeii ver t tl by I be ilcf.'iidiint Will bun UIIh inili (o piahiiirr. with iiilen-Ht, d va ncen. at loriMWH feirs and cdhIm. and to forcloHo limt certain UMuli'aM"e hIvimi lo flei'uro Kuid nolo, wiileh inoilHaKe Ih of re'id In V oliimo IH of tin; Alol'tKHIfc llee oi dH of DoilJrliifJ Coiinl'. Oregon, n I paKe t2 1 llufeof and cove ih (he followiriK dcHcillied real liHiate, to wn: . UHh 7, and !l In Itlo'k S. l'lnt "M" t,T 'Hie Kullicillii l.iind and Wft ( er 'itinoaov. ilecurili nu trr I be duly leeoid.d map on file in tin- nunc oi me COiinty CIciK or Hoiik las ( 'oiinl v, Ji euoM : nil oiiN-d lu l MfimliiH ( (Hinl v. Htiito of ()m-koii; "Ki'llliT Wll h I lie I e ii on-n I m. h-r-dl laments mid apioirtciia iuch tlH'icuiilo heloiiKliiK or in uriywlHe mot riaiiiltiK; anil for a decree bariinn lie de reildnntK. and v, b .if them, from all iikIiI, IHIe, Ibn or Intercut in Hn Id I en 1 hi diN-fl y, and for micli riirilii-r relief as pi ayi d f"r a ml Mu d uroiicr liv Die i-oiirl. nil of whi-h ttiort- fullv iippi-ar." 1 inn the 'rifUd complaint on file here in. TtllH XlltUIIH'tifl Ih imblixhed Ill- old. - f the Jl.-n. Tart I-:. Wliiibor- ly. .IiiiIk- of the ahoic ciititb-d oiin. made and entered In Mild ourt and t-noto- mi (be niit duv nf li un rv. Ili;i;t. prer..rlbinn tlmt this MiimniDiiH lif Hi-ived upon vm by Itublli ;it htli I hereof o aril i'K for fntir loo i cNcin- weekn In l he iJoseburK .Ni-Wf-lie view. a lievpH)ie- ptlldlHbell a ml lulled a I neimt K. I nilKI:e 1 mi ui y ire. Kim. 'the t.f th- fiit puhli- ii I ion of tin sitinnioiiM in .latin rv I.'. i:i:::i. ami the dMle i,t the iitt pobih-iitbm ia l-'ibruary 1, i l:ici; tiiici.TT, Cost offj.e Addreto: liopeblil ffm UreKoll. k. c, j'i:i;sTitYi;. TtMt Offj.o Address: ! Main Avenue, Khokailtf. Wiieli, Attoiiu-ya for I'luiiitlff, UPHOLSTERING Gomes Uphl. ft Matt Buop. Ph. 161. REFHlUbHAllUM tttHvilit K. 0. JontNi, Pnone lSH SHE IT METAL WORK dlnniger'a, 444 N. lack sod 8L TIRE RETREADING dewy t. li ti. bteynttna. Ph. Iua TOWINO Stephoni Ante Co. 321 Nov Mala Bt. Phone 682-J. WELDING Welding Works. 608 N. Mala WATCH REPAIRING Alvin Knuatson, 103 N. Jackson Bt BEAUTY SALONS Fayo's Salon ol Beauty. Complete beauty service. Ph. 211. 126 W, Caaa QU Pearl Rawhouser, Mgr. PAINTING KALSOMINING Herman Schulze. Phorie 2F41. ' SL'JlMO..n tn Mm Circuit Court of tho State of Orofcoh tor DoiiKlan County. fcYdottU l-'iirm MortKttBo Cornorn tloii, a corporation. Plalntiffi vs. Jottcph li. ThoinnH, a Imchclor; .loHcph K. Thomas, bh iVxeutr of the IiihI will and tcHtamont itt J. W. Thoinaa. decmim-d; Charity laulwltc uud John Doe Ludwig, vfe and huBhnnd; Davht t:J. TlioiiuiM, a widower; Daniel I1. Keobune, ,nfl udmlnlstralor o tho t'Htalo .of' David M. ThvlilllS. de ceai'd: C. H. HprlnKt'r 'and Lulali Spii oner, lidttband anil ,wlfo; The Unknown lielrs of J, w. Thomas. " doceiiKiid; The qliKiiOWn heirs of David M. Thoina), deceased: and AIho all olhur perKolis or partiea unknown .i claiming any right, title, estate, lien or intoreat., Ju tho real 'bniate doactlhed In'-: tho rniuoliiint heroin. 1 efondants. i. To: Joseph K. Tiiunmsi Ji6opU K. Thomas, itfl executor ,ofi, tfiQ''lat will and teHtiiment of y XV. Thorn- ah. deceased; David.'. J'., 'Thomas; Tho unknown helra if .1. V. Thorn as, doceiised; Tho unknown heh'i of David M. ThoinUH, ducoaHod; Al so all othur pei-HotiH or parltoa un known claiming any 'right, title, estato. Men or Interest iu the real estato de.icrlhod III the complaint herein. Defcndanta. .In tho rtnino, of tho State of Ore gon: Vou imd each of you lira hereby rmiuircd to appear and an swer tho complaint filed ugalnnt you In tho above entitled suit on or before the tth day of Kehruary, 11;ID, said date being the last day of four weeks from tho first data (if publication of -thin - Huinnious, and Mi Id period of four weeks be ing the time prescribed for publi cation heroof ; and if you fail to so appear and answer said com plaint, plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court or the re lief demanded In Its compliilnl. a succinct statement of which 1b as follows: Ha Id suit Is brought for the pur pose of securing a judgment lor tho unpaid balance of a cert i in nolo In the principal sutn of jROO, dated the 1st day of March, Unit, liotdn, executed and delivered by J. W, Thomas nnd Anna H. Thom as, husband and wife, to tlto Land Hank Commissioner, an nfMelnl of I he United States, for uul on be half of the plaintiff heroin, yith Interest, advances, attorncya' feca ami cosls. and to rnreclnso Hint certain mortgage given to secure said nolo, which tnorfKHKo H f record hi Volume 4 of tho Mortg age Itecordft of DoukIus County, Oregon, at nnge :T thereof, and cov ers tho following described real estato to-wit: , The Nni-thRiisl iiuart'-r of tho Norl beast o,ui ter of Heel Ion li. Township :2 South. Hangi- .1. Wopt of the Wlllnmutia Merldhin: nnd the Hon then st ipmrler and tho Kast Iii I r of l ho Hon th west omir ler of Section 3 tho West half nf Ibo Moiilhwesl imarter nnd the South half of the Northwest utinr ter of Section Township .11 South, Knnire .1. West of the Will amette Mci'hltan, Together with all water right", ami riKhts In flitches, canals nnd laterals, and rights nf way there for, appiiitcnnnt to. preiulacs or used lu connection therewith, In ehidlnw fbut not limited to) the following: Willi right to ucn water of Mcnd ow Creek for Irrlgal Ion of 'JO iicvos of land us evhleneed by Stale Permit dated April UL 1932. with u priority of September 7. 10.1. Kxcept lug thu following: beginning at n point ftr.f) feet crilt of i ho Southeast corner 'f Section . ::i-. Township III PoUth. Itinme 3. West of Die Willamette Meridian, on the Section line be IW'eeti Sections 31 and ft1?, them o North 11 : feet, them-o West )." feet, thence Souih a I i feel, thence Knsl air. feet to thu pol of hegln nl u V. Also excepting from tho above deserllnul land the following: All niercliiniinhle fir nnd pine timber upon the foregoing describ eil hind, with full light, leave end license to g" upon the pnpri v with till louging apparatus and to cut and lug upon said dem-rihed Intnl. nnrt to remove therefrom any ami' nil of the en Id limber thereon, together with foil right, b-uve and license to phieo sawmill or VHivmlllN npmt Mild land tor the purt-ose of sawing wild limber In to lumber. .4, united In Douglas Cuunty, Stale of IlieKriii; Together with the tenement a, hereditament and import emi nces thereunto belonging or in anvwisu anpetialnltig: ii ad for a decree hm ring the de fendmits, and each of tliern. rrom all right, title, lieu or ini-rest in said i ea property; and for such further ichef ns prayed r.r and d-emed proper bv the i t.nrt. all nf Mhhh more fully appear from the Verified lOltiphiint lib- h-reln. Tl-ls summons In . published bv order of the Hon. fjlrl II. Witllber-1:-, .liidwe of tin- ao.-ve entitled curt, iiiade find entered lu said ourt and cause or. the i;tl tav f .laintat y. I'.i:fj. ; rc-a llblng Hint thin silltlMKiUK be set" led Up"" ntl by iMibli. ..thin thereof unci" i,-h. Week for font Ui1ertlv Weeks in tin- Iti.chiirg .ews-lti fi h, neW-paper published llllll lh-l(., j, t Lnsibiiig. Douglas foniitv, ur... won. The ,ti,i,. ,f the ihst vutdl calton of ilHs summons In .litnuarv T ' '"id the date nf tb,. hist pillillciiUiiii is I'ehniaiy !l I 'i.Ti , . , ,th'-' OKCL'TT. I'ost Offbe Address: l: tehiii k. ureuon . K. c. IMtKSTUVI-; 'o-t Office A.ldless Wall,. Ml"" Av',,uV-. l'okaue, Alturuuya tur Plaintiff,